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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 650x638, 1538167762217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12270717 No.12270717 [Reply] [Original]

Hello and welcome to the voting for the 2018 Top 100. The voting will start today (December 22) and will end on December 28 (Friday).
General guidelines:
>You will be allowed to vote for up to 10 books.
>Do not vote for anthologies (e.g. do not vote for "The Complete Works of Shakespeare", vote for individual works).
>You can vote at the link below.
>Only vote once.
>Don't spam bullshit and le memes (e.g. "The Fat Rabbit", "Poo poo", and similar crap).
Vote here:
Don't be faggots. Let's keep this civil and honest. The results will be posted after December 28 and before the year ends.

>> No.12270723

>10 books
reduce it to 5

>> No.12270732

>frogpost OP

Into the trash

>> No.12270742

don't bully apu

>> No.12270747
File: 260 KB, 1280x1792, applbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any novel that I'd like more than some of the philosophy books I like.
They just don't affect me in any substantial way, I'd read them only for the perspective and philosophical content, and so reading direct thoughts is more to the point. I never got good at knowing what good prose really means.

>> No.12270753

The Fat Rabbit will win

>> No.12270756


>> No.12270760

Is mayonnaise a book?

>> No.12270765

that's a nectarine

>> No.12270766

Then vote for those.


>> No.12270773

10 is too much and it has always been 5

>> No.12270789

Okay. Done.

>> No.12270801

and why do you have it so that you can vote multiple times?

>> No.12270816

half the people on this board haven't read 10 books

>> No.12270826

voted. Where’s the sheet?

>> No.12270828

I think you have to login with your Google accound in order to vote, if you limit the survey to 1 answer.

>> No.12270830

Since when do we have to read books before voting for them

>> No.12270856

What kind of a nonce doesn't have a Google account though?

>> No.12270859

oh true

>> No.12270860

post the sheet

>> No.12270924
File: 21 KB, 759x295, answers001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answers so far

>> No.12270934

Look at that pseud listing the authors

>> No.12270988
File: 47 KB, 621x502, 1510417959141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh haha yeah what a fuckin retard

>> No.12270989

Yea I dont think we will have a top 100 this year or ever

>> No.12270993

it's pretty easy to weed out the meme replies

>> No.12271061

wtf you can vote multiple times on this?

>> No.12271125

Fixed. Is it working?

>> No.12271134
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>> No.12271313
File: 111 KB, 1143x585, answers002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answers, some lelmemer voted for movies, ffs.

>> No.12271322

>Rings of Saturn

Patrician answerer right there

>> No.12271328

>A Tbousand Plateaus
>Process and Reality

>> No.12271419

The Bible is an anthology but in previous years has been in the top ten. So can I vote for the Bible or not

>> No.12271478

If GR gets no. 1 this year I'd be very happy.

Not OP but vote for the Bible.

>> No.12271484
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, lit top 100 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be better if we do the list once every 5 years

>> No.12271508


>> No.12271533

I don't understand how anyone can think Gravity's Rainbow is superior to Don Quixote, The Brothers Karamazov, Shakespeare, Homer, Virgil, Dante, the Holy Bible...etc. GR is magnificent writing, don't get me wrong. But it's not in the same league as those I've listed. Is it just for wanting to flex your 99th percentile in reading comprehension that you would put GR as #1?

>> No.12271535
File: 73 KB, 838x1255, the-varieties-of-religious-experience-by-william-james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12271549

Not only that but he has also has very boring taste in movies :/

>> No.12271554

Who chose all those shitty covers?

>> No.12272250


>> No.12272273

I contributed

>> No.12272302

>answers, some lelmemer voted for movies, ffs
made me cry

>> No.12272327

>requires an open google account
Fuck off. Best book of '18 is Killing Commendatore though.

>> No.12272337

vote now, anon, I removed the limitation, but remember this about the best books of all time not just 2018

thanks, anon.

>> No.12272504


>> No.12272903

>remember this about the best books of all time not just 2018

It's a shame /lit/ doesn't have such a list though, although there are probably like half a dozen people on the entire board that have read multiple books released this year

>> No.12273479

>there are probably like half a dozen people on the entire board that have read multiple books released this year
It feels too risky imo. I would rather read books with a long tradition and a good reputation attached to them, at least until I feel that I have a sufficient background to write my own work and more meaningfully engage with other contemporary writers.

>> No.12273593

if you want contemporary discussion, this place isn't for it. all other literature discussion is dedicated to pulp crap, and /lit/ shouldn't be that way

>> No.12273660

I've probably not read more than 5 books released this decade

>> No.12273796

>Invisible Cities and Cosmicomics

My nigga

>> No.12273886

I guess that makes at least 3 votes for Invisible Cities.

>> No.12274110

voted, the one book that universally sticks up there as number one is 100 years of Solitude. Don't know why though.

>> No.12274130

>why don't you have a botnet record, silly goyim

>> No.12274151

1) Boethius Consolation of Philosophy
2) Augustine City of God
3) Plato's Republic
4) Kierkegaard Fear and Trembling
5) Kierkegaard The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.12274161

I voted but forgot to vote for No longer human. Lit bros i didn't see it on the answers vote for it

>> No.12274167

>all time
>not favorite books

>> No.12274190

Not on this board

>> No.12274196

>No longer human
>best of all time

my best of all time list and my favorites list dont have much intersection. I know Hamlet and The Book of Job have far more merit but that doesnt mean I'm gonna read it all comfy like Warlock or something.

>> No.12274230

2001 a space odyssey is a book too tho

>> No.12274359

Based and Christian pilled

>> No.12274387

post the sheet

>> No.12274397

Can OP tell if you vote more than once? Asking for a friend

>> No.12274416

If you use a proxy and incognito, no, but, please, consider the categorical imperative.

>> No.12275496


>> No.12275579

I'm a bit of a technology illiterate. Wouldn't sharing the link grant you editing privileges?

>> No.12275629


>> No.12275804

Sheet link


>> No.12275879

Man, what are you going to do with all that Hamlet spam?

>> No.12275896

lots of memes

>> No.12275908

Well, since everyone has the right to vote, I'll be counting his first vote only. All his other votes will be dismissed, since it's obviously one person.

>> No.12275945

Based wise OP

>> No.12276034

>infinite jest
>the holy bibble
>The fat rabbit
>gravitys rainbow
>some michael hollaback book idk

>> No.12276048

>Romeo and Juliet
Underage pleb

>> No.12276228

Maybe the mods can pin this post? We needn't let this thread stick to page 4.

>> No.12276270

>tfw you’re the only one who voted for ‘The Stranger’


>> No.12276289

I'm sure if it was Camus' best book it'd get more votes

>> No.12276351

>the loser
based bernhardbro

>> No.12276383


>> No.12276540

I’m not familiar with his other works, and I’m rather new to literature, so for me as of now, it’s his best work.

>> No.12276667


>> No.12276869

The new mods are loathesome troll creatures who delete threads for no discernable reason. They'll probably delete this thread just to spite us

>> No.12277024 [DELETED] 

They deleted my thread which requested books recommendations for critiques of the female perception of power and then banned me. Bunch of COCKSUCKERS.

>> No.12277058

Based votes. Why didn't you vote for the Bible?

>> No.12277060

Also a screenplay. If Shakespeare plays is included so should all screenplays. It's the same thing

>> No.12277071

You seldom can get them in book form, though. The creators see them as a mere guide for their movie, not as actual literature.

>> No.12277074

ban this cunt please

>> No.12277076

>Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.12277084

Fair enough, if it's not a book it's not a book, good point. Also, who gives fuck what the creators think about their work.

>> No.12277087

I was already banned you tard.

>> No.12277600


>> No.12277746

The Dunwich Horror

>> No.12278778

Blood Meridian

>> No.12278814
File: 147 KB, 876x960, fanged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw the Bible will win the contest

>> No.12278815

Why do we do this every year? To accommodate newfag opinions?

The canon is pretty much set in stone.

>> No.12278880

Its just Christcuccs trying to put the Bible on the top >:^)

>> No.12279130

This thread is dead

>> No.12279193

Not true, I also voted for it, like yesterday

>> No.12279209

Thanks for doing this, but you will regret being the one to take action.
This will not be fun. I will help you out with finishing the graph if you want.

>> No.12279223
File: 1.99 MB, 480x271, G5z4VN8-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service

>> No.12279874

mods are fags

>> No.12279925

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.12279944

>that Hamletposter
Otherwise some of you niggers have great taste. Already see a lot of patterns and a few sure winners. No surprise the voting block looks like the catalog.
Reminder this is a Dostoevsky board. Tolstoycels can go home.
There's like 5000 votes for it, shut up.

>> No.12279953

Since when do we have over 200 posters on /lit/?

>> No.12279958

I already voted a month ago ?

>> No.12279996

Voted for
Pale Fire, House of Leaves, Savage Detectives, Catch 22, and for the no1 spot eugene onegin.

>> No.12280000

every board has some lurkers.

>> No.12280047

Since when did we only have 200 active users?

>> No.12280128
File: 20 KB, 237x237, 1492952593513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does nobody else like Gulliver's Travels?

>> No.12280267

recommend me a good book RIGHT NOW

>> No.12280489

Odon von Horvath, Youth without God

>> No.12280731

OP here, thanks a lot! I actually have no idea how to the graph.

>> No.12280766

Treasure Island

>> No.12280935

nigga, there are 250+ votes in there right now

>> No.12280946
File: 66 KB, 638x960, 45434266_174777563471874_359241531472740352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make me

>> No.12281043

Are you seriously claiming that's 250 people?
>that one Correction, Book of Disquiet, Beckett Trilogy, The Tunnel, Kokoro, Third Policeman, Gay Science spammer
>the usual christian spammers

>> No.12281178

great to see some kesey finally

>> No.12281845

Stop voting for that shitty book

>> No.12282186
File: 13 KB, 480x360, throw me some numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resuscitating this thread.
Come on laddies

>> No.12282195

t. letpypolster whomst wanteth to push DAS KAPITAL back on track

>> No.12282219

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12282230

so how's this going to work, a #1 position is 5 points and a #5 is 1 point?

>> No.12282238

Personally, I think each should be worth 1 point.

>> No.12282280

All worth 1 point would seem better

>> No.12283243
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These conditions make Shakespeare criminally underrepresented. The true greatest works:
>Shakespeare's Complete. Best prose, drama second only to Dante, powerful and actionable philosophical ideas, and is superior to all religious texts because it is the closest thing to the literal word of God, since Shakespeare IS God.
>Divine Comedy
>Montaigne's Essays. Criminally underrated.
Failure of these true rankings to be reflected in the top 3 of the Top 100 completely discredits the list.

>> No.12283316

I think he already got enough responses to make a decent chart. It'll happen.

>> No.12283968


>> No.12283973

So you can filter out the memes as they rise and fall in popularity

>> No.12284021
File: 808 KB, 2048x1830, 68520CF2-3C46-444A-B0DE-7967566C43AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Holy Bible (even though I’m an atheist: the Bible is the literature canon and truly the greatest fiction ever created)
2. La Divina Commedia
3. Epic of Gilgamesh
4. The Demons
5. Les Misérables

>> No.12284069

I’d lick those hands all over

>> No.12284114

GR is definitely better than The Brothers Karamazov

t. has read both books in the original

>> No.12284118


>> No.12284122


>> No.12284146

How though? TBK continuously forces tremors into your soul. GR flashes and dazzles the mind with it's complexity and psychedelic prose, but it rarely if ever reached into the cynosure of my soul. TBK is undeniably life altering for many, and I don't see that same effect with GR.

>> No.12284347

is this pasta?

>> No.12284405

i'm not signin into a google account to vote but heres my entry
1 seinfeld
2 married with children
3 the one with tim allen
4 everybody loves raymond
5 two and a half men

>> No.12284410

You're a real wit

>> No.12284413

4channel's shitposting is truly sublime

>> No.12284425

I really hope Yukio Mishima gets on this year, but I'm expecting disappointment.

>> No.12284494
File: 872 KB, 3358x2799, Hamlet_1996_00316480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to vote for the highest art ever created: Hamlet

>> No.12284517

>Respuestas de formulario
>Marca temporal

OP pls don't be spic

>> No.12284673


>> No.12285221

I think there is enough responses for a top 100 now

>> No.12285296

based g poster

>> No.12286503

>not liking our Hispanic brothers

>> No.12286837


>> No.12287002

I'm surprised that there are so many answers, even if 10% are pure memery/spam

>> No.12287154

there were no limits

>> No.12287243

1. The Old Poo and the Pee
2. Hairy Pooper
3. Eat, Poo, Braap
4. The Gapes of Wrath
5. Gone With the “Wind”

>> No.12287270
File: 295 KB, 771x1271, IMG_2646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see Montaigne getting some action

>> No.12287389 [DELETED] 

Good luck with this OP. I'm the guy who tried to poll in November and gave up.

>> No.12287394

Good luck with this OP. I'm the guy who tried to poll in November and gave up.

>> No.12288747


>> No.12289799
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>> No.12289810
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It can be.

>> No.12289892

i voted sincerely

>> No.12289903

I voted insincerely and no one will ever know LMAO this prank is going down in history and im going to LMAO real hard when someone posts the chart and I see one extra vote on a title I didn't like

>> No.12289913

>Ulysses By james Joyce
>Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
>Dubliners by James Joyce
>Holes by Louis Sachar
>In Cold Blood by Capote

wtf who did this

>> No.12290221

Pretty much everybody

>> No.12290664

Why did you give up?

>> No.12290777

i was going to "lol" (laugh out loud) a little when i thought about writing "nigger" on all fields but then i realized you need to have an account to post your top 10 of books to the /lit/ top 100 (2018) so i created an account and i posted a prank there: all my "top" 10s are actually fake and they do not represent my honest opinion about literature. i don't actually like james joyce or cormac mccarthy. let out a little nose breath (and a stomach contraction) when typing out the list.

>> No.12290784

You memed us all. What a master. Give this man a prize.

>> No.12290816

give us an update so far op

>> No.12291017

Because of the fat rabbit spam and because I wasn't going to make a chart.

>> No.12291263


>> No.12291797


>> No.12291839

>he knows what 777 is

>> No.12292501

Epic, simply epic.

>> No.12292800

Are you guys talking about the christian God?
Why have i not seen anons ever recommend Les Misérables i read the first book today and it seems quit good; Anons let us vote for it.

>> No.12293384

>Results will be posted after December 28 and before the year ends

Will this be a final spreadsheet or a chart?

>> No.12294079

ure lying its not 10 votes but 5 faggot ass discordnigger redditor

>> No.12294098

have you seen how the previous years were like?

>> No.12294359

Should I read Moby Dick, /lit/

>> No.12294471

infinite jest
Infinite jest
infinite Jest
Infinite Jest

>> No.12294952

No, poopyheads like you are not allowed to read it.

>> No.12294983


>> No.12295019

I have, but just wanted to check.

>> No.12295211

Is this list coming out tomorrow?

>> No.12295333


>> No.12295347

Somebody else vote for Roadside Picnic

>> No.12295631

it better be

>> No.12295980

>answers can't be copied
smells fishy

>> No.12296093

Then I doubt it would be any different

>> No.12296121


>> No.12297330

bump for bringing more aware

>> No.12297364

easy to edit the doc or just close access when copies can't be made

>> No.12297442

imagine still complaining about frogposts in the current year

>> No.12297491

I want to vote again. How do I do that?

>> No.12297656

I bought and read these this year. Pretty interesting reads considering his backstory.

>> No.12297674
File: 365 KB, 651x1024, 011A2BE2-DBAD-4938-BA48-295BD7561F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey leafposters, this is a great book and it would be nice to see it up in the ranks.

>> No.12297730

OP here, I've been busy at work, as you know, tomorrow is the last day of voting, so I will close the survey tomorrow and will begin counting the votes, I'll upload the results on Saturday or maybe Sunday. I hope >>12279209 can help us out with the graph, as I do not possess such fancy design skills, otherwise the actual graph will take some more time past this weekend. Cheers.

>> No.12298616

>"omg gotta put iliad as the best book of 2018 or /lit/ won't accept me"

>> No.12299270

Voted. I'll write this again as I did for the previous anon who tried: this is a work of good you do. I read a lot of things based on the 2016 chart, and I was never disappointed: behind all the toxicity this is a place where you can actually get good reading suggestions.
Let us know how it goes, OP!

>> No.12300092

where are the results? REEEEE

>> No.12300506
File: 858 KB, 1080x1074, 1523291112984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes very good read

>> No.12300904

Agreed, this is worthwhile because (despite board similarity) there are some very good reccs on the lists

>> No.12302079

i want the results now!! i need anons to tell me what to read. if you dont post the results now how will i manage to know what to read in the next year? fuck!!!

>> No.12302313

Voting will be closed in 2 hours.

>> No.12302812

Fuck this fag, I better not even see Hamlet on the list.

>> No.12302826
File: 155 KB, 500x492, 1539575607907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the best of 2018 you newfag moron, it's the annual best-of-all-time list.
>using quotation marks inside of greentext

>> No.12302955

>doesnt mean I'm gonna read it all comfy like Warlock
lol what a fag

>> No.12303070

Top so far:
>Moby Dick, 75
>Bible, 59
>Crime and Punishment, 65
>Brothers Karamazov, 57
>Lolita, 40
>Hamlet, Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Odyssey, Don Quixote, The Stranger, Blood Meridian, all around the low/mid 30s

>> No.12303156

>top 3 isn't Ulysses/Infinite Jest/Moby Dick in some order
This hasn't happened since 2014. Where is Ulysses anyway?

>> No.12303199

Ulysses has 50 votes. Probably top 5 or top 10, so far.

>> No.12303214

It seems like this board is finally tiring of the meme trilogy. Infinite Jest is for the most part disliked, Ulysses isn't discussed as often, and I'd say about half of Pynchon readers don't consider GR to be his greatest work.

>> No.12303223

>including the Bible

>> No.12303271

>Infinite Jest is for the most part disliked
It has a lot of vocal detractors but so does ITAOTS and NGE and I'd say they're still generally liked by their boards. When I see people ask for unironic opinions on IJ and people are actively asked to give their opinion it's still liked. It is definitely the most polarising book on the board though.

>> No.12303307

i love infinite jest.

>> No.12303363

Brothers Karamazov has 60 votes. Someone submitted "karamzov" and there's some other variations.

>> No.12303394

>people constantly shit on dostoyevsky
>it still pulled like 3 books in the top spots
so is it just one anon who always shits on him?

>> No.12303417


>> No.12303626

I have a feeling this is finally tender is the nights year

>> No.12303741

Question: is "Amazon One" a real book or did this guy vote twice?

>> No.12303742

This is exciting!

>> No.12303773
File: 45 KB, 455x563, takeshikitano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bible ballot stuffing was visibly halted for over a day around the time op added authentification requirements

>> No.12303800

The Bible has always been on the top 25, though.

>> No.12303909

Six people voted for Becket's Trilogy ffs. What am I supposed to do with this?

>> No.12303924
File: 20 KB, 316x474, 41Tel-2S6DL.SX316.SY316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has been on the chart before

>> No.12303934

Beckett's "trilogy" is how Molloy, Malone, the Unnameable are often grouped together
Obvious multiple votes were pointed out for it last year too, dunno about the previous ones

>> No.12303957

Okay, I'll group them together. There's 7 votes.

>> No.12303996

when's it going to be ready?

>> No.12304274

Do you guys seriously want to include Mein Kampf?

Tomorrow morning, most likely.

>> No.12304311

no please don't

>> No.12304329

I feel like the list is meant to be books /lit/ actually like, not edgy memes (well, not JUST edgy memes).

>> No.12304358

What about Marx's Das Kapital?

>> No.12304368

that is fine that is an actually serious book

>> No.12304369

What about my Twisted World?

>> No.12304381

That has 1 vote. It's not even in the top 185.

>> No.12304390
File: 123 KB, 627x877, 66124_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this one made it.

>> No.12304453

OP here. I already finished counting the votes. All the books from #92 to #122 have 4 votes each, what should I do about this?

>> No.12304457

Have a 122 book long list.

>> No.12304461

How are you sorting the other tied numbers?

I'd probably say add the books that haven't been in previous lists. It's nice to have variety between years.

>>12304457 is also a good idea.

>> No.12304467

Have a round of tie breaker voting.

>> No.12304472

just pick your favorites lol

>> No.12304496

choose any of them which seem good to you

>> No.12304525

No way that fantasy B.S. is most voted. Russian bots most likely interfering. The rags actually so obscure, let me explain what I mean. Atheism is like most of the intellectuals in the world of all time like Harold Bloom & Frued... Its influence on culture is merely illusion. Only KKonas and Uncle Tom read the dang raggity toiletpaper. Its fantasy genre fic through and through and belongs on /SFFG/-only.

>> No.12304894

make a random number generator and select whatever numbers you get, or do a whole survey dedicated to just those books.

>> No.12305150

well said

>> No.12305200

we'll get there one day

>> No.12305482

strawpoll with 8 votes

>> No.12305489

4 votes seems way too few to earn a place on the list

>> No.12305524

base their ranking on last year's chart

>> No.12305626

Search their names on the archives and see which are mentioned the most
Then pick those and ignore the unmentioned trash, fuck your niche reads

>> No.12305645

Jesus Christ. Why? I get that it's a good book, but come on, it's good on a level like the stranger, like Werther, like the trial. It's not on the level of Lolita, Karamazov or Moby Dick. Does the whole "A-a-am I special?" really resonate this hard with people on here?

>> No.12305702

It is basically a book popularity contest

>> No.12305742

Not entirely. Many people might vote for C&P because they really wanted to vote for something canonical and well, everyone's read it (it's a mandatory reading in 3/4 of Europe), but there are also lots of christfags and conservatives, so it's an obvious vote from them.

>> No.12305890

where can i see the results

>> No.12305900

ctrl f spreadsheet

>> No.12306004


Why can't I copy?

>> No.12306024

It’s an all around great book. Just because it’s on the easier side doesn’t make it less profound

>> No.12306028

C&P made me conservative

>> No.12306068

Personally, I think it's Dostoevsky's best work, though I can understand why some people prefer TBK or The Idiot, which in many respects feel like bigger, more ambitious works. They all deal with similar though somewhat divergent themes, but C&P can at times feel a bit more like a Russian existentialist Catcher in the Rye than a grand, sweeping epic. This can understandably make it feel somehow smaller. But this book has a strong, personal connection to certain readers, particularly those who read it during their late teens or early twenties and were going through a rough patch, as cliche as that sounds.

>Does the whole "A-a-am I special?" really resonate this hard with people on here?

Short answer: yes.

>> No.12306078

>there are also lots of christfags and conservatives, so it's an obvious vote from them.

I don't see why this would apply more to Crime & Punishment than any of Dostoevsky's other works.

>> No.12306082

but post your results sheet with total votes first so you can be told about any errors that affect it

>> No.12306106

Being on the easier side certainly doesn't have to make it less profound, but C&P literally is less profound than the other words I listed. It's a thought many high schoolers have, literally, investigated literarily. Yes, if the exploration is done right it's still more profound than anything I could write; no, it cannot keep up with a well executed exploration of inherently profound themes.

>> No.12306274

I suppose OP blocked external editing, which includes copying.

>> No.12306581

When will the chart be posted?

>> No.12306610

>It's a thought many high schoolers have, literally, investigated literarily

What do you mean by this?

>> No.12306614

check the catalog, the list is out but someone's working on the actual chart

>> No.12307050

His thoughts were becoming multi-dimensional anon, he has ascended

>> No.12307087

I wanted to vote :(

>> No.12307106

voted lasted all week, m8.

>> No.12307111

I haven't been here in at least 2 months

>> No.12307259

you snooze you loose my man