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12268352 No.12268352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to get rid of obsessive hatred towards women, /lit/? It is really being an obstruction to my life.

>> No.12268369


If you're not completely hideous just throw yourself out there and meet a girl to date.

Also realize that men are arguably worse than women. Better writers yes but we're also the main offenders when it comes to rape, war, slavery, murder, etc. Women create life and carry life for 9 months, men like to destroy it.

>> No.12268387

read poetry

>> No.12268395


>> No.12268402

embrace 2d and there will be no need for 3d. no need for 3d means no reason to care. no reason to care means no reason to hate.

>> No.12268403

if the hatred were unjustified then it would eventually subside itself, otherwise you'll have to learn to live with it

>> No.12268415

Understanding is the key. Read more books written by women that show their perspectives.

>> No.12268435

i'd suggest taking a break from this site because it's undeniably a source and/or propellant for your hatred. the more time you spend interacting with people in real life (and not just a group of people, but many types of people, from different places with different experiences), the more you will realize that people tend to exaggerate, aka lie on the internet, because there are people that enjoy being angry and victimized

>> No.12268444



>> No.12268449

you're understating though.

>> No.12268461

all hate is unjustified

>> No.12268475


>Be mother
>Log onto facebook one day
>Find a bunch of Muslims sending you pictures and videos of your gangraped beheaded daughter in the middle of some Morroccan camping site
>Grow a seething hatred towards Muslims, specifically, Muslim extremists

Seems pretty justified to me but hey maybe we see the world differently

>> No.12268482

But not just this site, any social media network where both genders are connected displays things that works against liking them.

>> No.12268484
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dont do that

>> No.12268492

that'd be unjustified too because all muslims aren't responsible for one single rape. it'd make more sense to grow a seething hatred for the CIA who funds and trains them :^)

>> No.12268516

>Women create life and carry life for 9 months
Modern women don't want to do that though

>> No.12268522


It's females in general you /pol/tier cuck

>> No.12268525

Just ignore them and live your life the way you want to? Or is your life so empty that hating women is all that gives you purpose?

>> No.12268526

>males in general rape, do war, haves slaves and kill people

>> No.12268529
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boys are good girls are bad remember this anon

>> No.12268531

Meeting more women.

There are lots of women that aren't like the image you get from the internet and 4chan. No doubt there are bitches, whores, sluts, but nobody likes them, not even other women.

You need to meet more women and realize they are not like what you see online. They're just people, and don't have a view of life particularly different than men.

>> No.12268542

Is that why single fathers are MUCH better parents than single "mothers"?

>> No.12268547

>It's all men
>But not all women
like pottery.

>> No.12268552

No, rather, carrying around a lump of unjustified hatred on your chest makes whatever purpose you have worthless. Because it makes you smaller as a human being.

>> No.12268554


Doesn't discount everything else.


Where did I say ALL men?

>> No.12268556

>specifically, Muslim extremists
I hate, without concessions, smug assholes with no reading comprehension skills.

>> No.12268559

In English referring to a subject without an article ("the", for example) implies generalization.

>> No.12268560

My problem isn't with the 'bitches'. My annoyance is more towards the narcissistic attitude that is common to almost all women.

>> No.12268561
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Women are universally awful. Only non-white men are awful. White men are civilization itself. Get lost eurotrash roastie.

>> No.12268570
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Yes truly the pinnacle of civilization and genetic superiority

>> No.12268576


Stop being entitled and angry because you're an incel. Be gone.

>> No.12268590


I said men are

>the main offenders when it comes to rape, war, slavery, murder, etc.

Unless you have stats showing females commit these things more, you're objectively wrong.

>> No.12268603

well that's common to all people in general

>> No.12268604

Doesn't help with my problem tho

>> No.12268608
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>> No.12268616
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>> No.12268622


t. incel

Truly the mental gymnastics and futile attempts to justify why females repel them is shocking.

>> No.12268623
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>> No.12268634
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Funny how a whores first "argument" is always, "you'll never get laid", or "you're just an incel", or a GF or wife would say "I won't have sex with you". Imagine being so pathetic that you think this makes you smart, let alone correct in any meaning. I know how much of a loser I would be if the only meaning I had in life was my holes that people want less and less the longer I live.

>> No.12268644

Fair enough. Women do one up men in one kind of crime I am pretty sure of; baby murder. Mothers are more likely to kill their children than men are, and that's without taking abortions into account, which I really don't.
Even then, the way men and women act tends to be quite different, and that applies to the kind of evil they can perpetrate.
If men commit more violent crimes it is because their physiology allows it; they are stronger by nature an thus their crimes tend to be more oriented towards violence. Women can be just as devious as men are, and it'd be foolish to say that women throughout history or even nowadays haven't owned slaves, tortured, or killed for pleasure.
It is my understanding that one of the most prolific serial killers and torturers was a woman, Báthory Erzsébet, who bathed in the blood of her victims to regain her youth.
A most notorious serial killer, torturer and slave owner was Delphine Lalaurie, just to name another example. Hell, just look up the case of Sylvia Likens if you want to see another illustrative example of how far a woman's sadism can go.

>> No.12268649


Imagine being so enraged because no females love you that everyone who challenges your warped views is a whore. I'm a regular dude, not an incel, who dates attractive women. Probably why I don't hate them.

But all that aside, what is your favorite meal to eat on a Saturday night when you're wallowing in self pity?

>> No.12268660

written by a poet in the trenches:

Kill if you must, but never hate:
Man is but grass and hate is blight,
The sun will scorch you soon or late,
Die wholesome then, since you must fight.
Hate is a fear, and fear is rot
That cankers root and fruit alike,
Fight cleanly then, hate not, fear not,
Strike with no madness when you strike.
Fever and fear distract the world,
But calm be you though madmen shout,
Through blazing fires of battle hurled,
Hate not, strike, fear not, stare Death out!

>> No.12268662

Actually talk to them

>> No.12268663
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I take my family out to eat on saturdays. You just spend all your time shitposting with spellcheck. Let's not ignore that red.dit spacing either.

>> No.12268664


Yes that's actually true I think. The research into post partum depression is very interesting. Your post is getting into the areas of human personality more, and I agree with you about everything you said. You should look into a book called Snakes in Suits by Robert Hare. It most address corporate psychopathy but there is a portion of it dedicated to female psychopaths and dark triad personality traits. Very interesting read.

>> No.12268671


Your mom and day taking you and your sister out to Red Lobster on Saturday is not you taking your family out. They are taking you out. You're just the annoying kid who asks the waitress for tendies and fries.

>> No.12268676

Thank you for your input anon; I'll be sure to check that book out. I'm happy we could reach an understanding.

>> No.12268679


>> No.12268686

yeah men have done the majority of THINGS in history. good and bad. the argument shouldn't even be who has the statistics on their side, women are much nicer than men, that's why we like them

>> No.12268692

Have sex with one ;) Get a gf haha. The only reason to dislike women is that you can't get one. Life is mean to be lived dude! Haha relax man. Stop taking shit so serious. Why do you care lol? Like literally why do you care what someone else does? Why not just live your life and let other people live theirs? Ummm why do you care if the movie is bad? Other people seem to enjoy it. Are you saying their enjoyment is wrong? LOL why do you care dude? Just get laid dude haha then everything will be good. I've introjected an implicit psychoanalytic ontology of human conscious wherein the only reason anyone could ever dislike anything or be unhappy is deprivation from sensuous pleasure, and "normal" people are happy and socially well adjusted consumers. Dude lol why do you care so much. Let people do what they want lol. Ummm it's her body? If I were a woman I'd be a prostitute too ;) Hehe. Everything is downward tending. Everything is about money. We are all irresponsible disconnected individuals and it is the duty of the individual to do whatever he or she wants to maintain and increase his consumption. Everyone's a self-serving cynic deep down dude lol! Standards? What is this the 1950s LOL! Dude just relax and watch a Youtube video dude, get a girlfriend, ummmmm have you tried actually talking to a woman haha? I'm normal and I talk to women and I'm happy (READ: I WISH I WERE NORMAL AND I WISH I TALKED TO WOMEN AND I WISH I WERE HAPPY AND IF I IMPRESS THIS IDEOLOGY ON YOU MAYBE MY SHOW OF FAITH WILL MAKE IT COME TRUE FOR ME AS WELL). I like to say the same things that everyone else says. I like to say the same thing that anyone else would say in any given situation. Uhhhh try dating lol? Have you tried giving individuals a chance? Individuals might surprise you ;) I'm an individual. We're all just individuals lol why do you care? LOL if I were a woman I'd take advantage of easy money too :P Can you really blame her for being an individual?

>> No.12268701

Nicer in which sense, I might ask? My interactions with women have been rather indistinguishable from those with men in terms of what generally constitutes as "niceness". Each sex has different ways of expressing it, but for the most part I have never confounded a person's good or bad intentions, regardless of their gender.

>> No.12268705

At best, you could say women are more passive. At any infraction, a women would hit your or slander before any man would, and would remember your insignificant blunder longer than any man. Men realize the natural physical violence that will get enforced upon them by society as a whole when they step out of line. Thus men control themselves better. Women face barely any consequences for their actions. Thus they do not control themselves well. It's also why women are severely entitled when compared to men.

>> No.12268729

I can't help but agree with this argument even though I don't hate women in principle. They really get away with being overtly emotional even if it's negatively or even harmful to other people on the grounds that they are "the fairer sex". I really wish that this was corrected, and while I do think that people will look down on a chick who loses her shit and starts slapping or hitting another person as a madwoman, the backlash against her actions will be significantly lower compared to that which a man would face.
A slap or a punch is always going to be a punch and its significance is recognizable, but whoever is behind it plays a big part on the public's reaction. I see it as the contrast between robbing a place with an unloaded gun, just for show, and a loaded gun. Going in unloaded is going to get you a lighter prison sentence. Men are treated like loaded guns; they must make use of their innate strenght responsibly and are a much more direct physical threat, while women are less menacing in that regard but not completely underestimated.
What really frustrates me about this is that I suspect this is ingrained into our psychology and thus will never really be done away with no matter how much anyone tries to push it.

>> No.12268732


Me too have a nice day

>> No.12268733

OP, listen to this guy, unironically the best advice. The getting laid part is secondary in importance, try to adopt the 'who cares' and 'stop being so serious' attitude foremost.

>> No.12268743

Hahaha who cares that women voted away the rights of all men, and have voted to take all the money out of my wallet to pay for their abortions. Hahahahaha, like, who cares that my country is being colonized by arabs and niggers and their hostile religion. Just mind your own biz lol.

>> No.12268747

I mean, you've just described a problem that solves itself; the more Arabs and blacks that make their way into the country the more rights women will lose.

>> No.12268755

if you can choose the right partner, none of those would happen.

>> No.12268764
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I'm already married. One good women doesn't make up for the thousands of bad women.

>> No.12268782

Where did you get your impressions on the opposite sex from, if I may ask?

>> No.12268785

not in terms of acting nicer, just being nicer if that makes sense. most poets have touched on it at some point.

there's something radically inapplicable about this whole code of ready-made honour/ there is, and should be, one law for women and another for man.

>> No.12268791

if men were clever enough and thought with their brain and not their dicks while choosing partners, all of thousand women would have turned out lonely

>> No.12268803

yeah see. you didn't listen and sounds like you're having a bad time of it

>> No.12268813

I'll admit that most of the women in my early life were awful. However, I've formed my opinion through routine job interaction, I've worked as everything from a call center to a wal-mart clerk, to now, a bank teller. Also, through voting statistics and education statistics. Not to mention my reading list of female writers.
If men did not have the instinct to protect and desire women, women would die out in a few generations.

>> No.12268833

>not in terms of acting nicer, just being nicer if that makes sense. most poets have touched on it at some point.
I believe that stems from the fact that when men act kindly they do it differently from women, and thus comes the illusion that women are generally nicer.
I won't disregard either the chance that you are projecting your own experiences, and that perhaps you are a fairly attractive man, which compels women to being "nicer" around you.

>> No.12268847

>If men did not have the instinct to protect and desire women, women would die out in a few generations
completely irreverent to my point. Get a chilled drink dude.

>> No.12268848

>I'll admit that most of the women in my early life were awful. However, I've formed my opinion through routine job interaction, I've worked as everything from a call center to a wal-mart clerk, to now, a bank teller. Also, through voting statistics and education statistics. Not to mention my reading list of female writers.
Well, at least your exposure to women goes past "not getting laid and resentful", which sadly is a common cause for misogyny. Your branch of misogyny is understandable at the very least, but I still believe that it is somewhat foolish hating half of the global population over your impressions of a few hundred of them.

>> No.12268854

>If men did not have the instinct to protect and desire women, women would die out in a few generations.
So would men, wouldn't they?

>> No.12268856
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>I can't relate to women
>Rarely find their company very enjoyable because I usually don't care about anything they're talking about
>I want to fuck them
>I am ugly and don't really show up on their radar

Being ugly is pretty much like wearing the ring of Gyges in regards to women. They just look straight through you.
Anyways, when I have interacted with them they're usually pretty nice, but then again I say the same thing about men. I don't understand hatred of women, I'm assuming it must come from bullying or a bad mom or something. I'm an incel and I've never really felt the seathing rage some guys do, probably because I don't see myself as a victim of anything other than losing the genetic lottery

>> No.12268865

I admire the dignity with which you accept your situation. Your sense of levelheadedness should be more common.

>> No.12268870

women are really nice in real life. The hatred mainly grew from exposure of their online persona.

>> No.12268878

Men would build artificial wombs and sex robots. Women would group up, argue, and complain while never actually doing anything.

>> No.12268886

So you are of the belief that women are obsolete?
There's more to them than their wombs, in my personal opinion.

>> No.12268887

(continued) and it is not really not from not getting laid trust me. It is mainly their constant sticking up your ass attitude on the internet. Why do they do this?

>> No.12268921

Men have been hating on women for thousands of years.

>> No.12268922

Why waste energy on hating things?

>> No.12268937

kek, contemptible vermin. if one is non-white then they're awful; if they're white then they're *not necessarily* awful. note: h l mencken nevertheless jettisons quixotic arguments of the sort you question remarkably well -- becoming a kind of cynosure on issues of what you call "genetic superiority" (whatever this means; a rather awkward way of putting what I believe you intend to say)

>> No.12268938

if it was voluntary, I would just turned it off instead of this board

>> No.12268944

Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural

>> No.12268971

That's a rather ridiculous assertion. Most people, if not all, who hate something usually do it out of love for something else.

>> No.12268974

You're delusional if you think whites aren't as a whole better people who create better civilizations. Not to mention, as a whole the creators of over 90% of technology, philosophy, and art.

>> No.12268978
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I hate how women are because I know and love how great women could be.

>> No.12268983

fem9k pls go

>> No.12268984


>> No.12268986

>rape is the ultimate validation
Is this why rape survivors commit suicide?

>> No.12268991

Women who are raped do not commit suicide more than normal women. In fact, femcels have the highest female rates of suicide. Let's not forget that ALL female "suicides" are nothing but childish acting out for attention, which is the majority of female actions in the first place.

>> No.12269005

An Hero before it gets any worse.

>> No.12269006

Actually a good answer to OP's question, if a controversial one in the current /lit/ climate. If anything here is bait it's the OP. But I doubt it is.

Spend less time on 4chan and on internet in general. Whenever you read an angry/offensive comment on the Internet remember it's most likely either a troll or a not too bright guy taking out his personal frustrations on people that don't know him.

I suggest you replace most of your browsing of meme wbesites with reading good novelist who loved and understood women, such as Balzac, Stendhal, Hugo (his poetry too), Dostoievsky, and heck why not Sterne and Henry Fielding, as well as good female writers (try the classical ones like Madame de la Fayette, or the based Christian ones like Simone Weil).

Reading writers who tower over this issue and are grandly unconcerned by gender like Goethe (not the young Goethe, the post-Werther Goethe) or writers who use manifold male and female perspective like Shaespeare could also help.

Also >>12268369 is extremely right, meet women, particularly apolitical or non intellectual ones, and try to engage with them as human beings, persons that are fundamentally like and that you can have fun and even connect with.

Absolutely avoid trying to interpret them as instances of any half-baked abstract category like "the ideal female" or "the carer archetype" or whatever. And don't get too hung on literary tastes, the people in your life are more than pretexts for pretentious conversations. A kind earnest loving girl is one of the best thing you can have in life even if she literally can't read.

>> No.12269023

Based, manly and riflepilled.

Name of the author please ?

>> No.12269027

>kind earnest loving girl is one of the best thing you can have
Unicorns and seven leaf clovers are amazing, I agree. Let's be real here. You're talking of an ideal abstract that does not exist.

>> No.12269036

> ALL female "suicides" are nothing but childish acting out for attention

Yeah, let's seek attention to the point of not existing anymore.
Seriously at one point, I thought this board had intelligent crowd. What happened to this place?

>> No.12269048

Fun thing is, as laughable as those women are, they actually enjoy their life more than most of us.

Think of them as a dumbed-down female versions of Hemingway with his hunting and bull fighting. We might cringe at their pretention and sheepishness, but ultimately we'd benefit from taking a page or two from their book. Just like we might think Papa Hemingway was overdoing his male bravado thing, but recognize he at least enjoyed most of it.

>> No.12269055

robert graves no less

>> No.12269059

>Taking one more pill than proscribed then laying in your room with the door open
Really makes me cry for all those poor womens.
We can't all be ignorant of our actions. Women have the choice to be ignorant, men do not. We become wiser and are forced to grow up whether we like it or not. If even a fifth of men started acting like women our society would collapse. Of course a child enjoys eating ice cream for dinner every night. They aren't the parents who have to deal with the consequences of their health.

>> No.12269062

well i'm not a faggot myself

>> No.12269063

Nice post, though in all honesty I can see everything and its contrary being explained but the same kind of reasoning. It needs to be straigthened and sharpened a fair deal.

>> No.12269071

I'm the above poster, mb, I didn't read the second post, it's shit. Nice bait m8.

>> No.12269089

Then delete the above post to prove it.

>> No.12269121
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At least some women tend to get what they deserve in the end. I just wished it happened more.

>> No.12269140

I have nothing to prove, I was just mentioning it for the sake of clarity.

>> No.12269149

The girl was stupid but the degree of gross, indecent glee in that twitter feed is appaling.

Whoever participates in this or approves this is a stain on Western civilization, quite sadly.

>> No.12269164
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>celebrating the death of a traitor
That's like saying if you kill your enemies, they win.

>> No.12269172

it’s just these polbaits that bring out the worst of people

>> No.12269178

I knew where that post was extracted from; its source doesn't invalidate how ridiculous a claim it is.

>> No.12269205

Men are nicer than women once you get past formalities. Women appease and feign care for others, but most of it is very shallow and insincere. Men are more reserved but their friendships are much more altruistic and even compassionate than any friendship a woman can give you.

>> No.12269212

Eating healthy, exercising and enjoying to travel. How horrible indeed. Pray tell, what do you do? I mean except for protecting the legacy of your epic foreFathers online.

>> No.12269243

I'm talking about a simple kind of girl that's rather common in some parts of the world. Or do you think most women only pretend to love ? Some do for sure but that kind of pretending is tiring and in many cases counterproductive, many people understand it instinctively and avoid it.

>> No.12269253

Woah. I'm actually and sincerely amazed at both you and him anon. Keep up the good work.

>> No.12269345

>We can't all be ignorant of our actions.

Most of us aren't, we just pretend to be. Also I think the word consequence might be missing in your sentence.

>Women have the choice to be ignorant, men do not.

You think single mother have the choice to ignore the consequence of their actions ? And I'm only taking one of the most obvious categories as an example. Think again.

>We become wiser and are forced to grow up whether we like it or not.

That's true for everyone. The quasi universality of the experience of grief alone ensures that.

> If even a fifth of men started acting like women our society would collapse.

You actually have no idea of what you're talking about, do you ? Here is a useful intellectual exercise for you: try to spend 10 minutes seriously thinking about how you would try to prove such a statement.

>Of course a child enjoys eating ice cream for dinner every night. They aren't the parents who have to deal with the consequences of their health.

The only sentence in your post that seems to be really answering the point in mine. You seem to be implying that a girl going on a world trip or whatever is more ignorant of the consequences of her actions than a guy shitposting on 4chan and eating shit all day. That seems dubious.

If you're talking about how men can't afford to enjoy roadtrip in India because they're tied down by responsibilities, remember we're talking about female in their twenties with lot of free time and opportunities. The other female are busy making a living, raising a family, having a career, dying in a retirement home or whatever.

So of course we're not talking about the part of the population that couldn't do the same even if they would. We're talking about people who resent some twentysomething girls for enjoying something they could enjoy as well. I f your problem is you can't enjoy those thing because some big responsability is tying you down, then it's none of those silly girls' fault and your argument boils down to plain dumb resent.

Another intellectual exercise would be, after having understood that those girls don't know why they're doing all those "quirky" things, to ask yourself why you're doing the things you do. I'm not talking only about big, responsibly-motivated decisions, but even mundane daily decisions like browsing 4chan instead of reading seriously. From that you might actually benefit.

>> No.12269348

You gotta love it when geniuses crop the sources out of charts and shit.

>> No.12269363

>silly irrelevant girl that posted a silly irrelevant tweet
>celebrating the death of a traitor as if you're soldier
>in the comfort of your home, through twitter, and after having done nothing to deal with her except shitpost or shittweet

If this applies to you you're even more of a coward than the twitter feeds suggests.

>> No.12269385

By understanding the tale of the scorpion and the frog, I think you can forgive them and come to love them.

>> No.12269393

There is nothing good about the modern woman. Find some women who are not products of our time or avoid them completely. Resist the voice telling you that you can change them. They'll only change for a season, until they successfully cast their spell on you.

>> No.12269396

Give up on your childish ideas of romance, then you wont care so much about them being subhuman.

>> No.12269412

ie it's their nature

>> No.12269419

>Give up on your childish ideas of romance
never do this

>> No.12269421

Read up on Slave Morality. Blaming out-groups for all your problems is usually just pathology and doesn't fix the problem.

>> No.12269429

why the fuck are young """men""" so god damn spooked over sexuality/relationships?

fucking retarded niggers stop making these stupid threads

>> No.12269434


>> No.12269438

>jannies delete well written/insightful threads that are just barely offtopic
>but they keep this absolutely terrible r9k garbage

really made me think

>> No.12269441

They're on the CIA payroll to keep the psyop going by any means necessary.

>> No.12269467

Enlightened and beyond the pill-zeitgeist

>> No.12269482

Women demand rights for themselves. Men give themselves duties and purpose.

>> No.12269726

Lmfao ok retard

>> No.12269752

or you'll end up like this

>> No.12269755

you sound like a retard

>> No.12269768


>> No.12269785

oh well

>> No.12269797
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>46 (you)s
Feels good. Biggest /lit/ haul in nearly a year.

>> No.12269801

>because there are people that enjoy being angry and victimized
like jews?

>> No.12269808

and also anti semites

>> No.12269826

Jews don't enjoy it, they're just so used to it it has become a Pavlovian reflex.

>> No.12269827

man, you guys are a pretty pathetic lot. Most women are pretty normal, maybe a bit dim, but usually fairly earnest, especially when you leave your early 20s. Too many NEETs and college freshman here trying to project their unbelievable narrow life experience as if they've grasped some deep insight in life in order to make up for self-hate.

>> No.12269842

I'm 52 and married with four kids. I have more life experience than you will ever have buddy.

>> No.12269874

wew lad, my condolences on ending up 50+ year old making hateful shitposts on an Abkhazian separatist cartoon anime board mostly filled with teenagers

>> No.12269882

>he'd rather be a bog standard boomer

>> No.12269898

shit you got me. regular boomer is even worse

>> No.12269906
File: 69 KB, 600x525, 1542917907468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a bank teller. When it's not busy I can shitpost here while at work and no one at my work cares. I'm living the life. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your children be more successful than losers like you.

>> No.12269916

Did you ever pass out with your body full of booze and cocaine in an unknown street in a foreign city.

>> No.12269919

I don't dislike women, but women dislike me. Or, to be more specific, they don't acknowledge my existence as a human being.

>> No.12269922
File: 22 KB, 225x225, 1545435891106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i acknowledge your existence anon

>> No.12269926

You seem like the kind of based dad that deep down is simply a normal guy who's been made pessimistic by life and doesn't give a fuck anymore.

This is a pretty good type of dad, I'd say 3/5

>> No.12269927

>uses /pol/tier insult to call out /pol/ack

>> No.12269928

damn, never mind he seems like a halfwit regular boomer after all

>> No.12269933

>You seem like the kind of based dad that deep down is simply a normal guy who's been made pessimistic by life and doesn't give a fuck anymore.

i mean this is literally the main stereotype of dads...

>> No.12269943
File: 737 KB, 810x639, 1513989857344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I've never drunk alcohol nor did drugs or any medication. Straight age.
That's how I felt until I started working out in my youth. Get muscles, get woke, get women.
That sounds like every old dad.
Pic related.

>> No.12269955

Based sillyposter

>> No.12269968

Are you the Spaniard from /int/?

>> No.12269976

have you had coffee?

>> No.12270002

Yes. But I don't drink it or soda. I drink hot tea in the morning.

>> No.12270018

is my dad proud of me?

>> No.12270030

He'd say yes if you asked, then fall asleep at night with tears in his eyes thinking to himself were he went wrong raising you.

>> No.12270045

fair enough

>> No.12270059

But it is. You choose to hold onto it, or more precisely, to be a person who holds onto it. Most people can let go of their emotion when they realize there is no justification for it. For example, if you are angry over something that turns out to be just a misunderstanding on your part, your anger naturally dissipates. So why hate women? What have they ever done to you? And if they have, they couldn’t help themselves. Are you angry at mosquitoes or the rain?

TL;DR, stop acting like a woman you giant sissy, get a shower and go to work.

>> No.12270073

>We can't all be ignorant of our actions. Women have the choice to be ignorant, men do not. We become wiser and are forced to grow up whether we like it or not
How many dicks are in your mouth right now, manlover?

>> No.12270140

men only do those things to get women
men only destroy life because that life threatens what they find beautiful and worth living for
women of the 1st world don't appreciate this and it makes me think they never actually did, but didn't have a choice. their understanding of the world and even their own motivations is shallow like a small child's.

>> No.12270390

Would rather shitpost on 4chan than some naive fag who thinks reality is a fairy tale

>> No.12270434

well that's your prerogative

>> No.12270440

Not him but I have a physically demanding skilled trade job, shower daily, and just spend time hating women when I get home from work

>> No.12270447

nah its kind of fun, you’re right 50-60% of the time so its almost always worth kvetching

>> No.12270453

nothing better after a long day at work than getting home and hating women

>> No.12270482

sometimes i sustain myself, often satiating excruciating hunger and the physiological discomfort that comes with it by imagining women in immense kafkaesque suffering and torment from impersonal, mostly biologically originated forces. Sometimes I imagine the breeding fields. Elliot’s vision, miles of cages and intricate nutrient feeds, incubators, tripods stalking monolithic towers stretching towards the grey skies methodically euthanizing women and sorting male embryos from female one’s with precision abortion apparatuses. Good to feel something after i smoke my post-class ciggy

>> No.12270497

You (probably) joke but its cathartic considering women can sit around in front of a webcam playing video games for a living meanwhile I spend 40h a week doing the complete opposite for 1/10th of the pay. Really gives me primo fashy causus belli to hate women when they have it so easy.

Braphog internment camps when

>> No.12270512

by that logic it's all right for people in third world countries to go home and hate you no?

>> No.12270517

fuck capitalism... monetizing thots

>> No.12270524

Ok as a fellow Jew, I have to admit it's fun. At least you're rarely surprised.

>> No.12270535
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1544446471889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But but your just-world-fallacy memelogic, all they need to do is pull themselves up by their bootstraps and study/work harder so they can make more money because it's just that ez

Just like how Chads like yourself tell undesirable men like me "dude brah just change your personality and work out and get plastic surgery and take a couple cycles of steroids and you'll get laid in no time brah it's just that ez"

>> No.12270570

nah you should just lie down and accept your fate you worm

>> No.12270578

And the 3rd world hordes you referred to aren't doing the same? They can learn to bend pipe and pull wire just like me brah, its ex, they shouldn't lie down and accept their fate :^)

>> No.12270589

yeah and they all hate you to boot

>> No.12270593
File: 65 KB, 500x371, 1544449100007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok and? Women dont care about me whether or not I hate them just like I dont care about your beloved 3rd worlders who hate me

>> No.12270620

The ressentiment in this post... the power...

>> No.12270628

>not picking up i'm joking
this is why you're a roadworker or whatever
but really it's that old rubinstein remark if you love life life will love you back

>> No.12270630

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.12270638
File: 365 KB, 1057x1008, 1518590893960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a commercial electrician, actually. But I'm sure you know all about how to make up a 277/480v distribution panel with that biting wit, champ.

>> No.12270641

what are you so upset about then

>> No.12270644

Rape them.

>> No.12270647
File: 83 KB, 582x582, 1515424285724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ecstatic.

>> No.12270681
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>> No.12270741

>We were kings!

>> No.12270933

I barely go on here.

>> No.12270956

The most racist whites in America all live in the most diverse states. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.12270966

thje most racist whites in america all live in states with the lowest average IQ, white or black
coincidence? i think not

>> No.12270969

The most white states have the highest IQ's. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.12270972

She looks like she fucks Asian guys

>> No.12270984


>> No.12270985


>> No.12271004

>the richest states with the best schools have the highest IQs

>> No.12271007


>> No.12271140

>pray tell
kek, neck yourself bab.

>> No.12272094
File: 19 KB, 116x52, thot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, judging by this thread no-one else does either.

>> No.12272113

Only genuinely good advice itt

>> No.12272444

>women can sit around in front of a webcam playing video games for a living
what a stupid thing to say.
the vast majority of women cannot do that.

but even for those that can... blame the pathetic men who give money to them.

>> No.12272690

REAl ass nigga

>> No.12272699


>> No.12272714

>be me
>athlete since a young age
>always around "chads" even though I'm a semi-autistic introvert
>most of them have opinions on women very similar to the things you hear on /r9k/, only from a position of abundance and experience

It's always redditors one step removed from inceldom and social media progressives (who also happen to not be that succesful with females) that tell ou 4chan's views on women is exaggerated or delusional. How come?

>> No.12272931

those women are just enjoying life.
they arent trying to be unique. stop being so fucking butt hurt

>> No.12273036

>imagine being so basic that this what you need to enjoy life
Some women have the minds of dogs.

>> No.12273058

>those women are just enjoying life.


live laugh love. niggers

>> No.12273062

>bump into my oneitis walking in town with her boyfriend
>we're practically the same person (in terms of personality, skinniness and general autism) besides the fact he has a super strong chin and is 6 foot.

This has happened loads of times with different women. How can a weak jawed manlet compete?