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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 400x622, Serotonine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12267978 No.12267978 [Reply] [Original]

Well lads, are we ready for the Grand Incel exposing the Vampire Castle?

>> No.12268033

tba 4.1.2019 and who knows when in burgerland.

>> No.12268105

is this supposed to look like Brothers Karamazov?


>> No.12268120

I ain't no Houellebecq girl

>> No.12268122

he did it again lads

>> No.12268195
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>> No.12268313

Could someone give me a quick rundown on what this one is about?

>> No.12268328

>Houellebecq took the yellowpill
Absolutely based

>> No.12268339

Is there a chart or something?
Where do I start with this lil nigga?

>> No.12268350

Based Wellbeck-sama

>> No.12268370

you start with Whatever, or maybe Atomized (which is more or less the same but better and longer)
you avoid The Map and the Territory which is shit
Platform is ok, nothing special
Submission is controversial and interesting
The Possibility of an Island, I haven't read - some people say it's the best, anyway it seems to be quite different from the other ones
Try to find his collections of short essays, they're funny

>> No.12268382

Thanks man

>> No.12268388

You pleb. M&T is his best work.

>> No.12268405

It's said to be a somber and poignant book describing the sadness and emptiness of contemporary life, though a lonesome narrator, Florent-Claude Labrouste, haunted by his past and failed loves, kept alive by an anti-depressant drug, Captorix, based on serotonin. His story crosses a France that tramples on its traditions, banalizes its cities and destroys its countryside. He tells of his life as an agronomist, his friendship for an aristocrat farmer (his inverted double), the failure of the ideals of their youth, the perhaps foolish hope of finding a lost woman. This novel about the ravages of a world without kindness, without solidarity, to the mutations that have become uncontrollable, is also a novel about remorse and regret. (Description spliced from news scraps and blurb)

>> No.12268423

It foresees - by now after the fact - the yellow vests movement, and working class revolt

>> No.12268427

based based based

>> No.12268469


>> No.12268494


>> No.12268670

post the epub, mecs

>> No.12268746

I'm also writing a novel about the current state of France and I'm kind of worried about his book, why didn't he write a book about an incel uprising or something

>> No.12268751

Why does his name appear twice?

>> No.12268757

I hate you.

>> No.12268759

Because that's not happening. He has like 1 incel character in all his books. He's not an incel writer.

>> No.12268761
File: 55 KB, 522x454, 1503566029452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upper part is the title, it includes his name.

>> No.12268765

I know he's not, but that's not an excuse for not writing one

>> No.12268766

So in English, Michel Houellebecq's Serotonine: A novel by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.12268772

It was pretty obvious his next book was going to be about France. What's your book about? Also modern France?

>> No.12268784

>Michel Houellebecq's Sero-MichelHouellebecq-tonine: A no-MichelHouellebecq-vel by Michel Houellebecq (written and houellebecq'd by Michel Houellebecq)

>> No.12268788

holy fucking based

>> No.12268793

Yes but in imaginary places, basically a big city and a countryside village in britanny. I had violence in the background gradually rising and the book is supposed to end with a protest in Paris so I was kinda happy when I saw the gilets jaunes coming though I was secretly wishing it wouldn't end in a revolution before I finished writing. I didn't know Well Beck was writing something and now that I've read some summaries I'm really bummed

>> No.12268794

based french goblin

>> No.12268801

I really liked The Elementary Particles. Any other books like it?

>> No.12268806

Bummer, indeed. But have you finished writing already? Are you writing in French?

>> No.12268826
File: 76 KB, 398x350, 1413131768293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>houellebecq'd by Michel Houellebecq

I huellebecq'd hard.

>> No.12268831

I'd better be writing in french considering my english is utter shite
As for the novel I haven't finished writing it, don't even have a few key plot points in the second half of the story though the plot ultimately doesn't really matter

>> No.12268849

the red thing is a removable cover the french like to put on paperbacks to hype it up

>> No.12268853

Just move the action to Mexico or Japan or someplace else. Why France?

>> No.12268855

The red part is a scrap of paper that has been added for advertisement purpose and can be removed. It's a shit attention grabbing practice common among publisher. Business gonna be business I guess, and Houellebecq is certainly a commercial author despite everything.

>> No.12268861

The lower part is a wrapper (bandeau) that you take off. Many French books have them, think the Japanese have something similar. It usually is a more shouty advertisement for the book (although in this case his name says enough).

>> No.12268863

gimme me an epub asap

french or english

>> No.12268864

>writing about popular protests
>in France

What a lazy way to pretend your work is a piece of visionary writing. There are mass protests every year in France, only this time it' bigger and more efficient/radical.

>> No.12268866

because I haven't been to either Mexico or Japan and french readers don't give a shit about those countries
But yeah it could happen literally everywhere, it's one of the point i'm making with it

>> No.12268871

Nah, buy the book, our Goblin King has to eat and smoke.

>> No.12268872

Houellebecq really does look like a goblin from the fairy tales, even in this classy suit he looks basically like a leprechaun.

>> No.12268874
File: 67 KB, 1023x487, fc4epv8t0tuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Xrist, who names their baby goblin like that?

>> No.12268876

Oh, so you're French. You should've started there. Anyway, good luck.

>> No.12268879

Belgium then

>> No.12268881

the protest itself is just symbolic, the book is more about the mental progression of the narrator
It starts and it ends with an explosion of violence, I chose a protest because french people relate more with it, could be a riot or a revolution too

>> No.12268882


wellbeck deserves our money

>> No.12268884

he literally said he's too rich to understand the voters of the front national

he doesnt need more money to go jet skiing in croatia

>> No.12268898

in fact I plan to leave it ambiguous, it probably sounds like shit but It's more about the attitude toward violence than the end goal itself

>> No.12268909

How rich is he?

>> No.12268932

britanny has the timeless feel I'm looking for, Belgium is just plain shit

>> No.12269200

Would steal. Sorry. (This means fuck off, or get the fuck out of my way in Candianese.)

>> No.12269242 [DELETED] 


>> No.12269282

Go for it, doesn't matter if it's shit.

>> No.12269343

No one knows. He lives an extremely frugal life so it's hard to guess.

>> No.12269420

English translation when

>> No.12269475

When you learn french

>> No.12269476

dubs and you die today

>> No.12269479


>> No.12269483

Oh I will, it's just that if I ever finish it, somehow manage to get published and have people read it, then I fear the point of the book might be missed because they still have houellebecq's in mind. It won't be "houellebecquian", though there are some similarities but that's to be expected nowadays

>> No.12269615

Keep trying, fagotts

>> No.12269627

You need at least quints to kill someone you don't know anything about. Do you know anything about 4chaneurgy ?

>> No.12269935
File: 42 KB, 968x681, welbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12270183

>Do you know anything about 4chaneurgy ?
Tell me more

>> No.12270610
File: 60 KB, 500x333, 2007-1012-rb-clownposse175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12270634

>his wife is the chef from ratatouille

>> No.12270682
File: 80 KB, 1080x1081, 255B117F-B979-4422-8B56-B739F2F312AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jesus Christ, this is too good

>> No.12270754

You must first start by reverting to the ancient old worship of Mooticheism. Hiro is a fraud and a clumsy demiurge, Moot is your true saviour. Never again use d.e.s.U but instead t.b.h.

Once you've spent a few year earnestly practicing the exoteric elements of Mooticheism (which is comparable to any other religion) you can be exposed to esoteric, Mootibalistic doctrine (which dwells heavily on networks of signs, hermeneutics, the principle of analogy of opposites as well as the principle of reciprocity of signs).

Over time you'll get to meet the secret masters of 4chaneurgy who, if you are pobed strong enough, initiate you to the secret of bending the world to your will using 4chan trivia and paraphernalia.

It's a long road. The best advice I can give you is to treat the fondationnal elements of 4chan (such as anonymity, sage, dubs, tripcodes, etc.) not as contingent tools of communication but as a system of essential cosmogonic elements. Also you can never reveal the secret arts to an uninitiate, on pain of being confined in eternal quarantine on /r9k/).

>> No.12271225
File: 47 KB, 499x432, cool kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Padawin, you will know that you've ascended to the final level of Mooticheism when you can meme like a true-born Kekistani, epic-style.

Shadilay, brothers.

>> No.12272751

This. Except I can understand burgers/anglos and third world des not to have much connection to it. Probably speaks more to fellow parisfags, french men or probably many Italians. Seeing all the little meaningful content still around you being turned into a museum piece for rich third worlders and anglos to look at because their lives are even more meaningless.

>> No.12272807

Is the title of the book a reference to Borges (and to an extent, Jean Baudrillard)?

>> No.12272819

>The Map and the Territory which is shit
dum dum alert

>> No.12274088
File: 143 KB, 1105x1536, asdkjfhadsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is the new domain of magic. On the internet reality is created by pure consensus and repetition. 4chans 'cosmogony' is the true nature of the internet. All mediated attempts of manipulating the consensus by 'upvotes' or twitter blue checks will fail.

The Russia hysteria is like a fear of demonic possession. Demons who lie and make them do/think stuff they don't like.

>> No.12274094

Relearning French for this.

>> No.12274136

Reading Plateforme atm and it's one of the funniest books I've ever read. Can't believe some people call his stuff dark and depressing.

>> No.12274147

The embargo is until December 27th, expect reviews afterwards; it's the largest print run of any novel this year in France with 320k; German translation comes out three days after the French, English sometime in September

>> No.12274158

>that pic

Toppest of keks. Thanks God I'm a permavirgin.

>> No.12274227

imagine reading all this

>> No.12274252


>> No.12274320


>> No.12274324

>ywn have a qt buy spells on the internet to make you love her