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/lit/ - Literature

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12266902 No.12266902 [Reply] [Original]

What's up, faggots? As I'm sure you're all aware, contemporary literature is a wholly abysmal affair.

Just take a look at the way (((The Guardian))) lauds such works as George Saunders' "Victory Lap" as some revelatory reading experience:


Traditionalists like us are being weeded out of the industry by nu-male faggots, women, and minorities who want to read "unique voices" instead of solid, thoughtful prose. Want proof? Take a look at the submission sheet off the "NU Quarterly" website:


There is almost no way for guys like us to break into the market anymore. Have any of you come to this conclusion as well?

How do you propose we fix this?

>> No.12267251

I keep seeing that refrain on every major fiction magazine I look at. Marginalised voices, LGBT, blah blah.

Is it like Hollywood how they need a quota to be considered for awards or something?

Anyway there is no fixing it. We just have to suffer through these moments of collective insanity. People have been deluded into believing that identity gives a sacred status to written work, the same way saints once did. It also attracts attention to otherwise forgettable publications going through the motions.

You can still break in. Just gotta work hard, same as always.

>> No.12267254

>Traditionalists like us

>> No.12267256

>anime shit
>What's up, faggots?

>> No.12267464

Before you fix contemporary literature you have to be able to identify what is "solid thoughtful prose" in the first place. If you can't argue your case as to what is better than Saunders or any of the other contemporary lit dreck that comes out these days, then you're a part of the problem.

>guys like us

What makes you think the people here can write anything similar to the best writers of the past?

>> No.12267476

Something interesting comes around every couple of years. As has always been the case popular lit that you hear about first is trash, go look at best sellers in Harper's Weekly from the 1880s-1930s and you will recognize like 5, and they are all books that good movies were made of like Gone with the Wind.

Brief History of Seven Killings, The Vegetarian, Laurus, Chirbes "On The Edge", Lincoln in the Bardo, Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels. all recent, all decent.

>> No.12267482

>What makes you think the people here can write anything similar to the best writers of the past?

Because I believe in you :)

>> No.12267485

Weak bait. If this was real, you'd post archive links to those websites so you wouldn't give the guardian 0.003 cents of ad revenue

>> No.12267499
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>How do you propose we fix this?
We remove jews from the west.

>> No.12267506
File: 3.98 MB, 407x218, 1543977331424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filename: smug my dick.png
>anime shit
>What's up, faggots?

>> No.12267521

i don´t like minorities, they´re ugly, smell bad and have zero intelligence

minorities can´t into art

>> No.12267544

>Are you an Indigenous writer?
I honestly can't tell if this means are you an immigrant or Native American

>> No.12267555

Wait a minute, never mind. Feels a redundant question though

>> No.12267587

A mud is a mud and shouldn't be posting here regardless.

>> No.12267603

What's all this 'self-identify' nonsense? Either you are something or you're not