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1226395 No.1226395 [Reply] [Original]

The Holocaust Never Actually Happened.

If you think about it long and hard, its very clear that its all quite a bit of fiction.

There is absolutely not a single person to this date, that can recite the exact events.
They all just say whatever is in the history books.
All the Jews died? Is that even possible?

They never cant fully say what exactly took place. They have no legit timeline to convince ppl of it actually happening.
Plus they never found Hitler. So its obvious that he doesn't even exist.

And seriously, how can one man control an entire army of people and exterminate countless number of jews, without begin stopped?

This is just a load of bs that ppl made up so they have stuff to talk about. As far as im concerned, this is all just fiction the jews made up to get some sympathy.

Who agrees?

>> No.1226403


Also troll.

>> No.1226409
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>> No.1226411
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>> No.1226417

>All the Jews died? Is that even possible?
>I think Jews are immortal

>> No.1226418


>> No.1226419
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>> No.1226422

All of you are clearly retarded.
If you still think that it happened, read the history of the Holocaust, and it makes absolutely no sense at all.


Stop Being Dumb AND THINK!!!


this aint the first time ppl lied about shit, so this makes no exception.

>> No.1226424

Holocaust never happened.Deal with it.

>> No.1226425
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>> No.1226428

>total number of Holocaust victims would be between 11 million and 17 million people
>from 1939-1945
>~2190 days
>~5022 to 7762 killed each day

Seems totally plausible, amirite?

>> No.1226429 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1226433

The standard story that we are all supposed to believe is that when the Jews disembarked from the train, they were sorted into two groups, and the ones who were not fit for labor were taken to the gas chambers, immediately. How then could a Anne Frank spend two months in Auschwitz, and five months in Bergen-Belsen? She finally died of typhus in March of 1945. Why wasn't she gassed in the summer of 1944, as soon as she arrived at Auschwitz?

Either there were no death camps or the Anne Frank story is false. Furthermore, if the Anne Frank story is false, what else are they lying about?

>> No.1226438

actually yeah that seems about right.

>> No.1226444
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It's odd that anti-semites actually deny the holocaust. One would think they would be proud of it, since that is basically what they want. I guess even they realize that killing 6 million is monstrous and they don't want to face the idea that anti-semitism is entirely compatible with that.

>> No.1226449

I guess Faggatron must be a jew at heart then.

>> No.1226451

They never found him.
No proof of his existence.
End of story
He doesn't exist, and neither does the Holocaust

Hitler does not exist.

>> No.1226457


Neither do you. Because we all live in the Matrix.

>> No.1226459

This is pretty much it. The Holocaust suggests that the natural progression of anti-Semitism leads to horrible acts of mass murder, which kinda makes their movement look bad to others, who might otherwise be sympathetic to their cause.

>> No.1226462


>> No.1226464

>In April 1970, when the facility was about to be turned over to the East German government, the remains were reportedly exhumed, thoroughly burned and disposed of in the Elbe river. In Moscow there is a skull and a mandible fragment which is said to be Hitler's (having been saved from the dental identification process). DNA samples have been compared to those of known surviving Hitler relatives and the matching results indicate the fragment is most likely genuine.

>> No.1226470

This is silly.

>> No.1226473

Jewfag here. I have family members who died in the holocaust. My grandfather, who moved from France due to growing antisemitism, has cousins who died there. If no holocaust, where are my family members, then? Eh?

>> No.1226480

wow. im suprised by the number of idiots that exist in this world

it never happened
end of story.

>> No.1226482

I actually helped drop the tablets into the chambers, so believe me when I say, we killed a LOT of Jews, and we were good at it too.

>> No.1226486

More like I'm surprised by the number of people feddling you.

>> No.1226488

Don't you know!? It's part of a big cover up and they're in on it! THey're probably relaxing in the South Pacific, JUST LIKE HOW THEY FAKED 9/11!! THEY can cover up any big secret they want.

After all, look how well they covered up Watergate, and Clinton/Lewinsky!

>> No.1226494


Stats dont mean shit.
You can make up stats on the spot, and i can make a whole bunch of shit up, and make ppl believe it without any proof.

Im still winning. The Holocaust never happened.

>> No.1226509

>Implying I didn't fall out of a guard tower and break a Jew's neck when he broke my fall.

>> No.1226512

How about World War II? Did that happen? How far do the fabrications go???????

>> No.1226525
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>> No.1226531


How long are you going to carry on with this faggotry, FAGGATRON?

>> No.1226533

Your not winning shit. Theirs overwhelming evidence that it took place. Besides this is just a thread you lifted off of /new/ like a stupid fucking jew.

>> No.1226550
File: 155 KB, 361x477, WOO_Look_how_far_by_IamtheCOBHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]