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/lit/ - Literature

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12263497 No.12263497 [Reply] [Original]

Christmas gifts for my very serious 15 year old son.
Anything else /lit/ would reccomend?
>inb4 Grecian homo degeneracy
>inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.12263501

Gah, phone photo

>> No.12263504
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>> No.12263508


The Virgin Suicides
Less Than Zero
The Things They Carried

>> No.12263513

Yes! Just waiting a bit on this one... maybe he needs a bit more maturity... I thought maybe at 17 or 18...

>> No.12263521

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.12263548
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>> No.12263554

Kid doesn't like fiction right now... I'm pushing it with Siddartha, but it's just SO perfect for him.
Fuck off

>> No.12263564

Pushkin's short stories

>> No.12263565

Ok child, back to /pol/ with you

>> No.12263578

You said he was mature. Lolita is one of the books on the starter chart.

>> No.12263585

MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich

>> No.12263590
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some good philosophy for beginners

>> No.12263602

He already has a good foundation in literature.
I'm looking for more character forming, becoming a man kind of stuff.
You're right, though. Proper age as far as literature goes.

>> No.12263607

You sound like a bad parent, as far as literature is concerned anyway. Are you from 4chan?

>> No.12263618

Wow, this is a good reccomendation.
I'm going to read it first, but it looks perfect.

>> No.12263630

Based 4channel gatekeeper

>> No.12263650

something by murakami, he's good and really accessible
most of his books have weird sex scenes though, but since his father posts on the far right transsexual porn forum i'm sure he has already seen worse

>> No.12263662

Get him "the last days of Socrates"

>> No.12263664
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Get him every title on this shelf, especially the videogames.

>> No.12263670

>far right
This is the only part that I object to.
I'm not political.
My kid is not sheltered, but he's not really exposed to much, at least at home.

>> No.12263675

The uptight kid swore off video games a few months ago: consoles are in the garage

>> No.12263678

Is he sexually active or is he a virgin incel sperglord embarrassment of a son?

>> No.12263685

Will consider: thanks!

>> No.12263694

oh the places you'll go

>> No.12263703

As mentioned, he's pretty intellectual right now, even monkish.
He has a lot of friends, male and female, but as far as I know nothing sexual yet, though they have had quite a few co ed sleepovers.

>> No.12263845

I read Crime & Punishment when I was 15 and I liked it, he might as well. I personally enjoy Pevear & Volokhonsky's translation; other serviceable ones are David McDuff's or Jesse Coulson's. Stay away from Constance Garrett.

>> No.12263888

I want to cum inside you and your wifes son. How much do you charge?

>> No.12263956


>> No.12263965

Make no mistake, this is a teenager who wants recs on self-improvement, but can't say he's underage because that'd get his ass banned. Likes daydreaming. Maybe a bit of gender dysphoria.

>> No.12263967

>He has a lot of friends, male and female, but as far as I know nothing sexual yet, though they have had quite a few co ed sleepovers.
>co ed sleepovers
>15 year olds
he and his friends are definitely fucking. maybe not him, but sexual activity has 100% occurred at one of those sleepovers.

>> No.12263974

this thread is shit if you reply to it your fucking retarded

>> No.12264079

Get the a bunch of treatise on economics then they won't be Socialist

>> No.12264114

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield

>> No.12264116
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>if you reply to it your fucking retarded

>> No.12264129

this, OP is underage

>> No.12264156 [DELETED] 

literally me

>> No.12264161

I read Watership Down and The Plague Dogs at that age.
It's also when I started studying Latin, I used to spend the lonely Winter nights translating Caesar.
Get him a latin vocabulary, a good grammar book and Caesar's Commentarii.

>> No.12264166

Underage clueless faggot.

>> No.12264174
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>> No.12264180

Discourse on Method and Mediations on First Philosophy by Descartes

Old & New Testaments
Unironically Euclid's Elements

>> No.12264222

Holy fuck, you're right. OP, if you're not a faggot you will own up to this.

>> No.12264276

He took Latin freshman year... hated it, switched to French.
Maybe he'll pick it up later.

>> No.12264281

Nice twos, but no, I am a real parent.

>> No.12264286

>He took Latin freshman year... hated it, switched to French.
lmao what a poof

>> No.12264291
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the LCL of Catullus

>> No.12264292

>very serious 15 year old son

>> No.12264316
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seriously tho

>> No.12264376

That kid is going to be worth a fortune in the near future

>> No.12264410

It would be cool to own a Lauren Southern book, simply as a memento of the last year it was fun to live in the west ;_;

>> No.12264418

>As mentioned, he's pretty intellectual right now, even monkish.
Reminds me of me. It was a way of coping with my absent parents, asshole brother, and idiot classmates. Unironically, introduce him to weed. Keep it controlled, make it a special occasion. Like cigars. He should respect it and not want to go find it himself on the street later.

>> No.12264552

He got into it on his own, I made him promise to ONLY get it from me and ONLY on wknds... he went overboard, switched to cbd for a minute, brought his grades miraculously back up after they had slipped terribly, then swore it off forever.
I think he's a bit in backlash mode right now, but it's been about 9 mos, and he is incredibly responsible as well as thoughtful, so maybe it worked like a vaccine?

>> No.12264566

Strong recommend The Stranger, I read it at 15 and loved it. Same with Of Mice and Men.

>> No.12265406


>> No.12265794

Steinbeck (novellas), Orwell, Vonnegut all great intro-/lit/ material.

>> No.12265830

Are you a Christian family?

Blaise Pascal's Wager.

>> No.12266016

this is awesome

>> No.12266019

you can't just read the wager, you have to read the whole pensees

>> No.12266024

Robert Louis Stevenson
Joseph Conrad
Alexandre Dumas
Jack London
A young man needs some adventure in his literature.

>> No.12266093

The Enneads by Plotinus

>> No.12266107

Sublime Object of Ideology and collected works of Heiddeger

>> No.12266129

>though they have had quite a few co ed sleepovers.

Do you keep the door opened?

>> No.12266549

Does he believe in God?

>> No.12266621

please give me your kids phone number im very lonely

>> No.12266624


>> No.12266694

I'm gay if you're interested