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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 184 KB, 850x430, Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12258498 No.12258498 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, how's it going?
I wanna buy a lovecraft collection, his complete works, but cannot decide on the edition. Do you have any of these? What's your take?
Lovecraft Thread.

>> No.12258511
File: 464 KB, 800x800, 7bc02d38-ba1d-4d83-bd1e-0da707a20cbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one is the best quality for your buck, or you could get the easton press version for 4 easy monthly payments of $45 dollars.

>> No.12258515

i had the leftmost one. i don't really like how it looks, kind of gimmicky, but it was CHEAP AS FUCK and good quality for the price. like legit shrinkwrapped $5 new so i couldn't resist

also i dont know what stories the other ones include, but that one is also really comprehensive

>> No.12258523

I have the last one and it’s really high qaulity. But also expensive as hell, I got it as gift

>> No.12258535

love the cover art of the third. go for that one if money isn't an issue (as an anon said its expensive).

>> No.12258559

Middle one is cheap af, but doesn't have his juvenilia (like 1 or 2 stories), which aren't not even good, in fact it sucks, but it's a bonus. Third one is the most complete edition, and has little introductions in each story by a Lovecraft critic. First one is plagued by erros, avoid at all costs. So, middle one if you're on a budget, and third one if you have extra bucks to spend. Both have the important shit, his mature short stories.

>> No.12258561

Thank you anons! I'm from south america and the only mailing service without taxing and custom bureaucracy is BookDepo, so i'm stuck with them.
Prices go $28 $14 $32.

Is the middle one that shitty? If it is, then i'm going for the third one. Thank you again!

>> No.12258568

I see. Middle one is quite cheaper... In your personal opinion, is the bonus intro worth it?

>> No.12258613

Middle one is probably not sewn like the last one, so it's going to not last as long.

>> No.12258659
File: 45 KB, 342x427, Dh6p_cPW0AEak9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coming in just to drop off a Lovecraft Wojack for you all

>> No.12258660

no bonus and bad structural quality. Thank you anon, you've convince me. $30 isn't that much for a good long term complete works like this.

>> No.12258671
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>> No.12258676
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>> No.12258709
File: 35 KB, 333x499, Collected Fiction Volume 4 (Revisions and Collaborations) A Variorum Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each of them has pros and cons.

>Barnes and Noble
>each story has a note by S. T. Joshi
>it includes Lovecraft's Supernatural Horror in Literature essay, his juvenalia, and some pages of a discarded draft of The Shadow Over Innsmouth
>the 2008 edition is full of typos. Although these were fixed in the 2011 edition so there's no real need to worry about the 2008 edition

>Chartwell Classics
>it's the cheapest of the three
>it doesn't include Supernatural Horror in Literature essay or his juvenalia or some pages of a discarded draft of The Shadow Over Innsmouth

>Knickerbocker Classics
>it's the nicest looking and most well-made of the three
>it's the most expensive of the three
>it doesn't include Supernatural Horror in Literature essay or his juvenalia or some pages of a discarded draft of The Shadow Over Innsmouth

I personally recommend the B&N edition. By the way, these books don't really contain all of Lovecraft's fiction. If you want all of his fiction then buy the B&N edition and Collected Fiction Volume 4 (Revisions and Collaborations): A Variorum Edition. With some of Lovecraft's revisions he was just given a few basic ideas by clients and then wrote the stories all on his own. The biggest example of this is the "revisions" he did for Zealia Bishop. With The Mound he used her basic ideas as a springboard and it ended up being a complex tale about an alien civilization. Needless to say she didn't tell him to turn her spooky ghost ideas into cosmic horror but he did and she was pleased with the results so everybody won in the end.

>> No.12258736

Oh, so what other anon said about typos of the B&N (first on OP) shouldn't matter anymore? They are only $5 bucks apart. Would you say that the better quality of the third one is worth it over the Joshi's notes and essay?

>> No.12258947
File: 355 KB, 642x361, quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looked like the quran from the thumbnail

>> No.12258993

I've got both the Barnes and Noble and the Knickerbocker one. The Barnes one is more complete, and Joshi's comments are interesting to read, but it was the most expensive one of the two. The knickerbocker is nicer to look at, not as gaudy as the Barnes version, but if you intend to read it the blue dye used for it fades and is rubbed away after a lot of use.

>> No.12259006

i have lovecraft and howard with those black covers, they are coming apart at the seams though

>> No.12259010

>books wear away after lots of use
Color me surprised.

>> No.12259036

Nice that you finally worked that out

>> No.12259169

>Oh, so what other anon said about typos of the B&N (first on OP) shouldn't matter anymore?
Yeah, if you buy a brand new copy from Barnes and Noble the odds are super high that you'll end up with a copy that has the 2011 text. The 2008 edition has been out of print for several years.
>Would you say that the better quality of the third one is worth it over the Joshi's notes and essay?
Tough call. The Kickerbocker one would probably last longer but I think Supernatural Horror in Literature is a must own for any Lovecraft fan. It's a fantastic essay. Although you could buy the Kickerbocker book and then grab either Wildside Press's Supernatural Horror in Literature & Other Literary Essays or S. T. Joshi's The Annotated Supernatural Horror in Literature. Lovecraft's juvenalia adds a bit of bonus value to the B&N edition but it's ultimately a cute curiousity that you would probably read only once for a laugh. If you masturbate to Lovecraft on a nightly basis then forget Kickerbocker, B&N, and Chartwell and grab this beauty:


>> No.12259460

good post

>> No.12259488

CthulhuChick free version online is plenty fine for a collection.

>> No.12259529

You can read his stories here.


>> No.12259606

There really are wojaks and pepes for everything.

>> No.12259623
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did you ever have any doubt?

>> No.12259904
File: 269 KB, 1082x1532, 81WdtYytXJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the terms 'cosmic horror' and 'cosmicism' something Lovecraft's circle would have used when they were writing or is it retrospective and if so who coined them?
Also I like this pretty cover for a Japanese anthology of Lovecraft's stories involving the necronomicon.

>> No.12260064

Curious bump. Did he acknowledge his own cosmic dread?

>> No.12260126

I believe Lovecraft coined the term himself.

>> No.12261591
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>> No.12262824

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

>> No.12262828

In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.

>> No.12262833

The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;

>> No.12262839

Yet were they too remote from humankind.

>> No.12262843

To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,

>> No.12262851

Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.

>> No.12262860

A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,

>> No.12262863

Filled it with fun, and called the thing a Tigger.

>> No.12262869

Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>> No.12262880


>> No.12262881

truly the greatest poetry to ever be written

>> No.12262890


>> No.12262908
File: 246 KB, 480x360, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless this man.

>> No.12262939
File: 888 KB, 800x1119, meontheright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
