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12262705 No.12262705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Come gather 'round people wherever you roam

>> No.12262719

>libcuks are pro military intervention now

The mental gymnastics are palpable.

>> No.12262735

I see we have a bigbrain lad here

>> No.12262746

people having been memeing the Rojava resistance for longer than you care about politics, pathetic loser

>> No.12262756

>implying NPCs don’t regurgitate Cucksky

Hello, Reddit.

>> No.12262759

Of course an anarchist wants to defend his brothers in evil. If anything the US should let the Turks have their way with them.

>> No.12262762
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Leave the communists to me

>> No.12262768
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How is chompy not bread and butter classical liberalism?

You know, before the left went off the deep end on globalist cryptosatanic transhumanism.

The "Kurdish race" doesn't deserve to exist and the larpers that claim it should be exterminated or sent back into the steppes.
The region has enough problems without these delinquents acting like they ever owned a grain of sand in human history

>> No.12262775

he started as an anarchosyndacalist and I think he would still say he is

>> No.12262780

Post sauce fag

>> No.12262796

>isn't an ML
Yeah, I'd say he's a liberal.

>> No.12262801

Noam is an Anarchocommunist what did you expect

>> No.12262805

Is there an actual genuine reason to be mad about the withdrawal?

>> No.12262817

Orange man bad

>> No.12262852

i think most people are butthurt because the americans say they have defeated IS now

>> No.12262886


>> No.12262889

Hard to be an "Anarchosyndacalist" when you are a conservative by comparison to people today claiming they are "Anarchosyndacalist".

The devil's rabbit hole can go as deep as people can take their souls. Chompy still enjoys wearing clothes, eating cooked food with flavors, and having a organized line at the register so hes basically the Bourgeoisie.

>> No.12262913

There still being ISIS there is a reason.

>> No.12262918


>> No.12262925

It's American territory now. The natives are too stupid and inferior to govern themselves.

>> No.12262930

qt kurd waifus are gonna get the gas now ;_;

>> No.12262944

it just means Turkey is going to wipe out the YPG unless the make a deal with Assad but only a couple of anarchists care about that at this point so I don't actually know why libs are getting mad at it

>> No.12262946

The libs need the anarchists as shock troops, and can't risk losing their support.

>> No.12262980
File: 87 KB, 674x799, IQ Reps Dems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when the Left was anti-war... That is one of the reasons I left the Left, although it is more accurate to say that the left left me... They have left a lot of other people behind, too, the ones who are intelligent enough to think outside of the propaganda box...

>> No.12262999
File: 79 KB, 720x487, 2016.10.24 - Syria 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12263012

Putin is happy about it!!!

>> No.12263013

Not really a reason to be mad, but the fact that US military policy is clearly decided by an idiot who doesn't talk/listen to the people around him who actually understand things like strategy should probably be a matter of concern.

>> No.12263026

I love the way this chart starts at about 94

>> No.12263032

You forget that Americans elected him because he said he would end the stupid wars in the Middle East.
The people telling him not to pull out are the neocons and neoliberals who profit off of all the carnage. We’ve been doing the same things for decades and it’s clearly not working. It’s time to try something new.
I didn’t vote for Trump by the way. I voted for Hillary but he’s won me over. I suppose I might be the only person in America.

>> No.12263033

War is the ultimate continuation of politics. It is the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.12263037

the average person is stupid as fuck regardless of what they identify with, who cares? unless you're one of those stupid fucks, then of course you've got a horse in the "my tribe is bigger brain than urs" race. tallest midget competition

>> No.12263044
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The Kurds are apart of the neolib/neocon agenda of increasing the US hegemon in the Middle East by setting up a US/Saudi/Israeli ally right on top of massive oil reserves thats on the doorstep to Iran and its biggest allies
The US leaving means the Kurds about to get buttfucked by Turkey which is in the middle of its attempts to replace Sadaam's Iraq as the third major regional power in the Middle East alongside Iran and Saudi Arabia

So you have a reason to be mad if you care about America's influence in the Middle East or want to help out our Israeli and Saudi allies

>> No.12263049

>You forget that Americans elected him because he said he would end the stupid wars in the Middle East.

Literally no one voted for him because of that

>> No.12263056

His entire platform was “America first”. Yes they did.

>> No.12263066

I didn’t vote for him either but I will be next time.

What is with academic liberals or liberals in entertainment larping as these grand “revolutionaries” when we all know they’re closeted milquetoast Democrats? I saw dozens of supposed radicals clamoring for a Clinton victory in 2016 that otherwise spent their entire careers dismantling exactly what she stands for. That was the start of me evolving away from them.

>> No.12263086

The only part of America First people cared about was building the wall and tariffs

>> No.12263104

We live in a crazy time when alt-righters are anti-war and the mainstream liberal consensus is that drone bombing is ok ( which is obvious by their lack of addressing Obama’s gratuitous use of drone murders ) while we police the globe and exercise hegemony by force of military or sanctions these same liberals prioritize naughty problematic language. It’s time for you to wake my friend. I’m not fucking alt-right but it saddens me to see them more educated than average civilians.

>> No.12263108


>Trump opposes war
>Left now supports war, because orange man bad

So this is your brain on big

>> No.12263110

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature

/pol/ is that way -->

>> No.12263115

>US military policy is clearly decided by an idiot
Literally always been the case

>> No.12263117

No dude, the far right wants us to cut ties with Israel and leave the Middle East altogether. That’s higher on their agenda than The Wall ( although that’s up there ) and Trump lost a huge amount of support when he caved into the demands of the military industrial complex and fired on Syria.

>> No.12263127

Trump voter here, his anti-interventionalist policy is one of the top 3 reasons I voted for him. Fuck neo-cons and fuck neo-libs.

>> No.12263138

Same. I was a Bernie fan last election, begrudgingly voted Hillary. I can’t wait to vote for Trump next election.

It’s funny how much liberal propaganda has him throwing bombs around and starting wars, when he has yet to start a war.

Would prefer if he’d change his policy on Iran though. Send Saudi’s Arabia and Israel down the river- Persia should be our closest Middle East ally.

>> No.12263160
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Would love to have a beer with you fren.

>> No.12263162

>I was a Bernie fan but now I'm more into corporate tax cuts and attempts to undermine what passes for healthcare and education provision in the US
Truly, these are interesting times

>> No.12263181

>orange man bad
what does this mean?

>> No.12263190

>corporate tax cuts and attempts to undermine what passes for healthcare and education provision in the US
to be fair you could say this about the dems too, both parties are neolib. even Bernie was a neolib he just wanted another new deal.

>> No.12263191

>How is chompy not bread and butter classical liberalism?

Found the stupid fat fuck American. Jesus Christ, you people truly are the braindead zombies of the world. Uncultured swine

>> No.12263196

I’m not him but those are honestly less important issues than the murder of innocent people for the sake of feeding corporate claws and filling the wet dreams of boomer zionists.

I don’t get how we can live in a world filled to the brim with slavery, rape, and murder and people are worried about social engineering. For the record I’m NOT ok with corporate tax cuts or the current healthcare situation. Healthcare specifically is an issue I’m far left on. But to a degree in my mind these have been ushered into the category of wedge issues when looking at globalist expansionism and geopolitics.

>> No.12263202

You’re a retard but I agree with this. We need a new Huey Long

>> No.12263207

If someone criticizes Trump his supporters say this to imply the criticism is only a reflex to seeing Trump's name and not actually valid

>> No.12263208

>war is fine as long as we get cheaper healthcare

>> No.12263211

Yah maybe I should just accept him for the big brain he is and keep a collection of his photos with celebrities in my wallet and watch his Michael Gondry movie every night while I sew biodegradable tampons out of refugee children’s hair for my girlfriend.

>> No.12263222
File: 18 KB, 307x206, temp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this move can only be rationalized by Trump being Erdoğans bitch? Don't forget Flynn was literally a Turkish agent.

Any ways it should just be another lesson: if you ally with America there's a high chance you will get stabbed in the back.

>> No.12263223

I'm not the exbernie bro; I'm not even a burger