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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.42 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20181221_142143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12260796 No.12260796 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh, what the FUCK are Wordsworth doing?

>> No.12260882

Nice pair of tits fits anywhere

>> No.12260886

based wodsworth

>> No.12260914

>look up cover of book about Raffaello Sanzio, the painter
>it's got a picture of The School of Athens
Ok, fair enough. Artists can be represented by their works.
>look up cover of Plato's Republic
>it's a closeup of The School of Athens
>look up cover of Aristotle's Metaphysics
>it's a slightly different closeup of a cover of The School of Athens
Why the fuck would somebody use a Renaissance era fresco depicting an imaginary scene set in a fictionalized version of Plato's Academy to illustrate the works of two Greek philosophers, when it would make more sense to use something like a statue of the goddess Dike as a representation of the concept of justice or a drawing of the shipping dock at Piraeus for Plato's Republic, or some kind of computer-drawn 3D model of a human face as a representation of the concept of "essence" for Aristotle's Metaphysics?

>> No.12260922

Who even runs Wordsworth? Some quirky English guy in his 60s, I figure?

>> No.12260950

penguin classics probably has to stick to paintings to keep consistent. do they feature sculpture or photographs on their books?

totally in agreement with you by the way, this kind of shit is rampant everywhere
>television show set in chicago
>principal photography in new york city

>> No.12261659


Penguin Classics use photographs for a lot of non-fiction and sculptures for a lot of Ancient stuff.

>> No.12261667
File: 1.39 MB, 1803x2560, A1a7Y8IuxjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY Fast Aristotle Thinking at Incredible Hihg Speed

>> No.12261848
File: 150 KB, 395x500, 984848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys.

>> No.12261851

is this what Kahneman meant

>> No.12261852

>tfw own 5 Wordsworth on my shelf and noone wants to buy them
Do I just burn them? The font is too small anyway so I won't read them.

>> No.12261861
File: 1.37 MB, 1242x2151, 06C3AF1F-7109-42D0-AEA9-E59A9D76BFC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a book company
>can’t type a proper sentence

>> No.12261862

Fuckkkk I thought that was David Irving and got so excited

>> No.12261866
File: 51 KB, 768x960, 1494914741420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.12261889
File: 45 KB, 323x499, 51fjk8PMzTL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fictionalized version of Plato's Academy
Several thinkers in the painting aren't platonists
philosophers from the presocratic to the Hellenistic eras are also there, pic related.
Statues of Apollo and Athena are also seen in the full painting, deities of beauty & arts and wisdom & crafts.

Unlike much later philosophers, we don't have any photos of these ancient thinkers, so editors use famous statues and paintings of them, same goes with other historical figures.
The point is that such depictions are famous, English speakers will recognize them, unlike Dike, whatever reconstruction of what the Pireus might've looked like, or abstractions.
When marketing a videogame or film to an English-speaking audience, you have to show the characters in the posters and DVD covers.

>> No.12261918

Wordsworth is fine for English language stuff. Their translations can be dodgy, but they have Tolstoy in Maude and the Garnett Dostoevsky. Only pseuds and plebs don't like them

>> No.12261922

>hurr painting can't be used by more than one publisher
You're a dumbass. I see this all the time.

>> No.12262148


Adapt, improvise, overcome.

>> No.12262172

Yes, they use photos a lot for pre-modern stuff. For example, their dead sea scrolls editions are photos of a manuscript, or the copper scroll for the latest edition.

>> No.12262582

It’s hard to hate them
their covers are ugly
maybe I’ll write to them, confront them
/lit/ would produce better covers

>> No.12263182
File: 156 KB, 400x613, mark twain adventures of huckleberry finn & tom sawyer wordsworth classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Their covers are masterpieces of unintentional comedy. Don't spoil the fun.

>> No.12263193

does anyone have the chad wodwworth meme

>> No.12263203

Do you know if the print is tiny or if their texts are easy to read?

>> No.12263292

Whoever wrote that is just operating at a higher level of syntax, fusing two ideas into one by using 'offer' once instead of twice consecutively.

>> No.12263315

or they deleted is and forgot to delete that

>> No.12263331


>> No.12263334

Basically the same as penguin

>> No.12263820

No, you’re just a moron.

>> No.12263882

Try reading the sentence again you fucking mongoloid

>> No.12264266


lol, do you actually say this? what is this the 1950s? why do i even come to this website

>> No.12264302

Cute and wholesome.

I love Wordsworth Editions now.

>> No.12264335
File: 209 KB, 700x1075, 1486067169831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good.

>> No.12264342

no, it's a grammatically incorrect sentence.

>> No.12264426
File: 68 KB, 325x500, blood_meridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12264446

t. A human mongoloid head, i.e. Downsyndrome because their heads look asiatic like fucking mongoloids

>> No.12264527
File: 225 KB, 1920x879, i have ascended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

>> No.12264738

Amazing colour scheme.

>> No.12264747

people use mongoloid you fucking cretin, what is wrong with you?

>> No.12264828

The only Wordsworth edition I've read was Crime and Punishment in which 'Russia' was misspelt once and the main character's name twice.

I haven't bought one since.

>> No.12264836

It's not super uncommon for the same image to be used as a cover for multiple books

>> No.12265171

After all, it is published by Greenbook Publications LLC.

>> No.12265377

hahah looks like a datpiff cover

>> No.12265445

nobody has read that book don't talk about it on 4chin

>> No.12265451

why is tom making my boner react?

>> No.12265477

prepare to be metoo'ed into the next dimension, Wordsworth

>> No.12265678
