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12250957 No.12250957 [Reply] [Original]

Make up a saying that isn't actually a saying.

>> No.12250965

If it's snowing in the morn
Stay inside and watch porn

>> No.12250976

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent

>> No.12250980

The hotter the chick, the bigger the dick.

>> No.12250986

These are breddy shit, desu

>> No.12251006

this one's alright. The other ones are pretty trash though.

>> No.12251023

I fart therefore I am

>> No.12251062

"Those guys on /lit/ have pretty good taste."

>> No.12251092

Dont play all the notes on your piano at the same time

>> No.12251108

The longer the pianist’s piece, the happier his wife

(because her ebony lover is pounding her ovaries backstage every minute her husband is tickling the ivories onstage)

>> No.12251122

It's like fucking a fine bitch whilst busting a slow nut

>> No.12251125

That's a load of cum if I've ever seen one!

>> No.12251126

Those claiming to pay half later, pay nothing ever

>> No.12251132

Cuck from the mouth represents a cuck in the mind

>> No.12251140

Good without God is 0.

>> No.12251316

Whether or not the holocaust happened, we all know it should have.

>> No.12251546

Caper when the winds seize your soul, caper when the shackles let go.

>> No.12251659

I'd say this

>> No.12251700

The more you hit, the more you're shit.

>> No.12251731

let niggers in your country,
and they'll fucking ruin it

>> No.12251744

One of sand, one of lime

>> No.12251778

I'm like Kubrick with two bricks.

>> No.12251908

A church stands on the hands of the laity, a kingdom is held on the backs of the commoners.

>> No.12251946

Bad liars make good friends.

>> No.12253085

Only wear shoes if you intend to run

>> No.12253227

Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'

>> No.12253261

Sounds like something Eminem would rap.

>> No.12253273

The hardest nipple doesn't always produce the most milk

>> No.12253457

lol, danny brown actually

>> No.12253552


>> No.12253581

Leave the lights on if you're expecting good company
Don't throw the loud dog a bone
Keep your hands to yourself in the kitchen

>> No.12253594

Ya can't spell God without OD!

>> No.12253601

Those with sight can't see the forest for the trees, those who are blind can't see the forest or the trees.

>> No.12253607

master b8er

>> No.12254295

Dull knifing

>> No.12254364

Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting the different results is the height of sanity

>> No.12254381

It's like trying to stick a butter knife up a raccoon's ass in a phone booth.

>> No.12254398
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A soft bed is balm to a weary head.

>> No.12254402

Boredom is not some feeling to be rid off - rather, it is a state of fertility in which the seeds of genius are planted.

>> No.12254465

You seem like an extremely fun guy to drink with

>> No.12254555

It's better to walk past a bed of roses than through it.

>> No.12254593

but this IS a saying

>> No.12254604

your name is fuck
get that nip tuck


>> No.12254611

You can find more atoms of iron in a tampon than you can noble human beings on earth.

>> No.12254618

If everyone smells like shit, you've probably shit yourself.

(For something this simple and silly, I get a lot of good response on it. It covers a lot of situations.)

>> No.12254796
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For as much as you love life, live it grand. Live it Rand.

>> No.12254817

Ere long done do does did

>> No.12254834

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.12254839


>> No.12254923

Prettier than a pig with lipstick

>> No.12255138

Learn patience as soon as you can.

>> No.12255220

Everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything.

>> No.12255354

Well like my old Grandpa didn't used to say: "You can't fuck a bullet hole in a barn door."

>> No.12255489

As my father would say: "Goodbye!"

>> No.12255491

Depression is the peak of arrogance

>> No.12255504

A leader is not self proclaimed nor elected, he is choosen by his peers as the one that stands out and is necessary for the living group

>> No.12255536

>elected not the same as chosen

>> No.12255716

Like my grandpa never said

>> No.12255743


>> No.12255786

A nap on the sofa is good for a loafer

>> No.12255810

If it ain't broke, don't break it.

>> No.12255821

the worst case scenario is sometimes the best case scenario

>> No.12255853

what you get for free, others had to pay for

>> No.12255895
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Ah, the 257th rule of acquisition.

>> No.12256058


>> No.12256473

One must be his own woman

>> No.12256885

Death comes like a river. It's moving,you know.

>> No.12256964

aw :)

>> No.12257177

See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em
Leg 'er down a smack 'em yak 'em

>> No.12257195
File: 112 KB, 1256x410, 20181220_085049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revenge is a report best done anonymously

>> No.12257204

Don't build castles out of memories. Build memories out of castles.

>> No.12257429

Don't shove a cock too deep down your throat, lest you choke on the remains.

>> No.12257434

As to ones boot As is to another soul

>> No.12257487


>> No.12257491

If the stone skips, it doesn’t flip

>> No.12257493

only the brightest lights shine until tomorrow.

>> No.12257507

pop a nigga at his crib, watch his momma cry to death.

>> No.12257515
File: 176 KB, 984x605, beterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a BRRRAAPPP.

>> No.12257565

nice trips, nice post

>> No.12257589

If you’re worried and you know there is something you can do, go do it. If not, then stop freaking the fuck out about it.

Not much of a “saying” but it’s how I live my life, or try to at least.

>> No.12257594


>> No.12257607

I dip my cock and balls in the water

>> No.12257659

Agreed. Yours are much better.

>> No.12257666


>> No.12257669

Sometimes its better to keep it simple.

>> No.12257680

An open hand is better than a closed one

>> No.12257718

Hmm yes this is fairly epic and based if I do say so myself

>> No.12257740

I was born with a silver spoon in my ass

>> No.12257774

Sometimes, the most beautiful song is silence.
Sometimes, the best pen is the one you can't write with.
Sometimes, the wilderness is the safest shelter.
Sometimes, the sharpest knife is the one that doesn't cut at all.
Sometimes, the best seat is standing up.

You can do this with everything.

>> No.12257866

when it rains coca cola, bring a bucket

>> No.12257888

Live, laugh, love

>> No.12257890

Gotta pump the brakes before the turn

>> No.12259227

The difference between bad and good is a thin line to dance.

>> No.12259267

Nice job, Brown (a sarcastic comparison between the target and the unequalled genius, Dan Brown)

>> No.12259270

Telling the truth is a dangerous business
Honest and popular don't go hand in hand

>> No.12259286

>The opposite of give up is take down.
I realized this on drugs, googled it and it is mine.

>> No.12259294

Nice job, Green (a sarcastic comparison between the target and the unequalled genius, John Green)

>> No.12260166

When in doubt, listen to your prostate.

>> No.12260206
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"Kill yourself"

>> No.12260210

Never get into a car having to take a shit.

>> No.12260241

Not talking isn't listening

>> No.12260692

Happiness lies in between the thighs of a happy woman.

>> No.12260695

Sometimes to listen is to hear and to see.

>> No.12260701

Are you lost? You look like you can't tell left from right or right from wrong.

>> No.12261120

This is a good one

>> No.12261127

Close the face , fuck the base

>> No.12261138

The one who buggers a fire burns his penis

>> No.12261203

I murder you hoes worse than a convertible flipping vertical nose first with it's top off upside down

>> No.12261238

One of sand, one of lime
One is sour, the other tells time.

>> No.12261244

When the jews got loose I get the noose

>> No.12261248
File: 707 KB, 1250x1653, AlbertoEinsteinicci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one in a bubble, two in the rear:
one will fly forward, the other draws near.
- Albert Einstein