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/lit/ - Literature

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12254194 No.12254194 [Reply] [Original]

How fast do you guys read? I've always felt I was a slow reader, but predumed i'm not mentally challenged given that I'm a medical student.
I just discovered the website howlongtoread (or whatever) and saw that it takes 6 hours to read God Emperor of Dune. I could swear it took me like 10 hours - and I frequently have to read back over what I read because I don't pick up everything (and I don't even skim read).
Does anyone else question their own intelligence on a basic skill like reading?

>> No.12254392
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I wouldn't worry anon, this site doesn't seem too reliable. It is not taking the difficulty of the text into its calculations at all. It is assuming that you will never trip up or re-read a segment either.

>> No.12255253

My secret is I don't actually read, I listen to audiobooks. You know from the start exactly how many hours it will take to get through.

>> No.12255429

isn't speed reading considered a scam and meme? I use a pen as a pointer, though.

>> No.12256514

>Does anyone else question their own intelligence on a basic skill like reading?

I used to. I'm a very slow reader and will sometimes spend up to 10 minutes on a single page. When I was Law school though I realised I understood difficult concepts better than everyone else, so now I'm proud of being a slow reader. Don't feel bad man. Most people are retarded and that's why they read fast. They don't think while they read.

>> No.12256517

I speed read non-fiction. I read slowly fiction. I don't know why.

>> No.12256540

It depends entirely on the density of the content. If you read light fiction and Kant at the same rate, you're doing it wrong. You should know intuitively when to slow down to understand something with greater accuracy and when you can get away with skimming.

>> No.12256616

i can read very fast, prefer not to

>> No.12257614

I've noticed there are two factors that play into my reading speed.
>page size
A physically large book like Infinite Jest had more lines per page than a trade paperback so it adds to time spent per page
>complexity of prose
Something like Passage to India takes longer to process than something more simplistic like Watership Down

So if I gauged my reading speed, Id say for most things I read about 30-40 pages per hour with high comprehension and retention (Literary fiction, non-fiction). Something easier like genre fiction or mysteries probably closer to 60 pages per hour. And more difficult or convoluted texts like science journals, philosophy texts, textbook readings, or dense prose like Faulkner has me reading at about 20 pages an hour.
I find that most people seem to read at an average rate of 30-40 pages per hour for fiction

I sub-vocalize when i read so it takes me longer but I feel that I pick up on more of whats happening and any subtleties which is ultimately more enjoyable and a more thought provoking experience. BUT I can read without subvocalizing which greatly increases how fast I read but I lose a lot of details in doing so.

>> No.12257620

If you skip half the words, you can go twice as fast. Your brain can fill the gaps.

>> No.12257652

>the truth about
>the science behind

>> No.12259057

What site is this?

>> No.12259084

about 8 hours for 300ish pages.

>> No.12259104
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>I'm a medical student
>God Emperor of Dune

How will anyone know if you've read the book or not? I read every page of my chemistry textbook and I still don't know how many carbon atoms a phenylalanine molecule has. Why is it any different for fiction?

The truth is, until you assemble a 1/32-scale Tamiya ABS military 'thopter, and paint all the ducts in excruciating detail, then you won't know anything about Dune universe at all.

>> No.12259114

Some books, like shit written by journalists, pop philosophy, and other trash that you might be reading on the plane or sitting in an airport deserve to be sped read. Others you absolutely have to take time with. I can blow through 500 pages in 4-5 hours if I'm not worried about comprehension, then there are single aphorisms that I've spent multiple hours sitting and thinking about over the course of months, and have read to the point of memorization so when i'm on the shitter i can think about them again.

>> No.12259127
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I usually skip the few chapters before the inciting incident, skip all the chapters until the darkest hour, and then read the finale. Your brain can fill in the gaps.

>> No.12259352
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