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12256646 No.12256646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/Accelerationism/ thread

>post your memes, articles, book recommendations and hot takes about accelerationism in this thread. Both left and right accelerationists welcome.

>> No.12256650
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>> No.12257109

read siege

>> No.12257124


>> No.12257255
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>> No.12257307

Accelerationism is just stockholm syndrome. You are identifying with your jailer you dumb fags. We need to go back to local and regional powerbases, but industrial civilisation looked at the petrol gauge back in the 70s and decided "fuck the limits to growth, fuck the atmosphere, fuck humanity, burn everything!!!"

>> No.12257336

>We need to go back to local and regional powerbases

It's too late for that grandpa. Humanity's future challenges can't be solved with antiquated regional politics.

>> No.12257356

I don't really understand the 'capitalism->communism' part of accelerationism, but the parts about how the market solves for solutions and how broader systems approximate higher orders makes sense to me. where does the 'capitalism->communism' part come from?

>> No.12257401

vast majority of accelerationists do not believe this tho

>> No.12257430

class consciousness. proletariat reaches a higher state of cultural development and realize they don't need the higher class to rule them over. The yellow vest movement in France is pure marxism theory put to practice. Spontaneous lower class movement with no leader or demands, clear scission between the politicians/media and lower class makes for discussion literally impossible. It can only end with the destruction with one of said class. I had to swallow my pride and reevaluate my stance on marxism as I've always said that class consciousness cannot be brought about in our current model of capitalism, yet here we are.

>> No.12257467

thats not the accelerationism /lit/ is generally referring to. we are referring to the accelerationism whereby we are all apodictically fucked and there is no utopia for us

>> No.12257502
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>> No.12257525

what is technocratic theocracy ?

>> No.12257553
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Nick is a cringelord

>> No.12257560

Did you save this from 4chan?

>> No.12257580
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>Pajeet technocracy

>> No.12257604

No, I got it from reddit. I'm pretty active in the transfusionist community.

>> No.12257698

left accelerationism is a posadist meme. this is about technocapital singularity as policy

>> No.12257868

I've been trying to read CCRU collected works and is it just a meme?
or, more generously, purposely nonsense?

ive read deleuze, land, reza negarestani, etc but this seems to just be random numbers and made-up names

>> No.12257877

this is just the kind of stuff that makes Land like Marx for me, brilliant in his dissection of capitalism and his writings on technology, an obviously sci-fi addicted cringelord otherwise

>> No.12257901
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>technocapital singularity
The AI monocorporation of pic related is like that. The AI understands human motivations much more fully than humans are capable of, and relegates them to pampered superconsumers. The robots have totally won.

>> No.12257925

Is ascetism the only act that the robot can't exploit and commodify?

>> No.12257932

VR starvation

>> No.12258126

Essentially. There is no "resistance" to speak of, although an Amish sect lives with minimal corporate intervention. But even they aren't true primitivists.