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12254981 No.12254981 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: philosophers that failed in their attempt to dismantle Plato

>> No.12254986

literally all of them

>> No.12255058


I asked this in another thread regarding modern philosophers like Deleuze, Land, and the rest of the trendy ones today: are any of these men worth a thing? Can any anons here, actually familiar with them tell me? I read quotes from Land and can see clearly he's just another spawn of Nietzche, writing pseudo-poeticisms that are passed off as profound philosophy, though I will of course say that Nietzche birthed the style himself and naturally employed it best, while his progeny are simply shallower children of his.

But I won't judge too quickly, and so I ask, have Delueze, Land or any other "modern philosopher" said anything of depth? Have any of them dismantled Plato, as this thread mentions? If they haven't understood Beauty, for example, what else can they claim to understand?

>> No.12255073

>Have any of them dismantled Plato, as this thread mentions?
no. good thing that isn't the point of philosophy

Land is literally a meme. Deleuze is an academic meme but has some merit if you are interested in his generation of French philosophy.

>> No.12255093

First post best post.

>> No.12255096
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quick rundown of nl

>> No.12255098

Diogenes already fucked him up

>> No.12255140

Can you please summarize, then, what someone like Deleuze has achieved? I can appreciate different branches of production, wherein someone like Plato seeks after the highest objective Truths, and someone like Nietzche/Land seeks to poetically comment on their respective cultures and capture it within their commentary of it, though these are very different things. But someone like Deleuze, to be such a respected name today, what is it he has said to receive such praise? Has he reasoned in the manner of Plato, aspiring to Eternal Truths, which do not let themselves be refuted, or has he merely created a pseudo-system that today's pathetic academics flock to for status-value? Is he a philosopher like Plato, or a commentator like Nietzche?

I don't want to pre-emptively judge figures and philosophies I haven't read, but I also have severe distrust and disrespect for postmodernism and don't intend wasting time of mine reading any more of it.

>> No.12255155

Diogenes was subhuman and anyone who looks up to him is a degenerate edgelord.

>> No.12255159

just read the Stanford encyclopedia article on him

>> No.12255168

Yes. If he were alive I would kick his ass.

>> No.12255194
File: 53 KB, 600x454, 1543784762833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit screencap
get the fuck out

deleuze did a number of things

1. he brought nietz into mainstream (continental) academia by showing how he was much more than a poetic mystic
2. he helped dethrone freudian/lacanian psychoanalysis, although it was already on its way out.
3. he provided us with alternative structures to hierarchical, arborescent thinking, although we're still working through what he had to say and I honestly know very little about his positive content

>> No.12255196

One of them founded the entire Western philosophical tradition and influenced literally everyone after him in one way or another, literally building an entire civilization after him on his ideas, the other slept in a crate and is known entirely for a few one-liners that are not even certain to have been said by him. I think it's clear who wins here.

my man in the crate

>> No.12255209

>1. he brought nietz into mainstream (continental) academia by showing how he was much more than a poetic mystic
completely false

>> No.12255223

Solar anus lmao

>> No.12255225
File: 93 KB, 746x900, 2-friedrich-wj-von-schelling-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teenage team-cheering
>likes cool hip guys like deleuze

>> No.12255240

Thank you for this. I will definitely not be reading that trash. If you want to speak in pseudo-poetics, at least speak in the manner that Nietzche did, wherein the style is very clearly intended to be the center of the message, or at least the biggest aspect of it. This one, however, seems to not only ramble in the same kind of voice, but to take his views completely seriously too. Perhaps I'm judging too quickly, but after reading that I really have no desire to read into him further.

>> No.12255249
File: 32 KB, 220x270, C52DE1F9-B00E-4C77-B663-D29527445750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato was a bitch nigga and you know it.

>> No.12255265

he wasn't the only guy who did that (heidi definitely helped), but the mainstream largely saw neetz as "le epic fascist enabler" (and some still pathetically do)

>> No.12255272


>le aids man

>> No.12255288

it'll take more than that to bait me

>> No.12255297

le epic pop histry man!!!!!!!

>> No.12255313

even if we're only talking about post-1930s French reception of Nietzsche, Deleuze did very little. the preceding generation, for example Bataille, did all that. all Deleuze did for Nietzsche scholarship was come up with a novel and opaque reading of the doctrine of eternal recurrence, which contemporary Anglo Nietzsche scholars like Pearson have a soft spot for.

>> No.12255332

Diogenes is reddit, the "philosopher"

>> No.12255335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12255347

good taste in thots anon

>> No.12255351

ew, she has a pussy

>> No.12255360

um, this is 4 CHANNEL now. Enjoy your ban.

jannies, arrest this guy. yeah yeah tell it to the judge, pal.

>> No.12255389

Are there any postmodern or contemporary philosophers that try revitalizing Plato? It seems like the trendy thing to do at the moment is to recruit N, Heidegger, Deleuze et al. and just dunk on the guy.

>> No.12255411

big oof now Chinkkmoot doesn't get his sweet shekels.

>> No.12255423

"Once, when the city of Corinth heard news that they were soon to be under attack, the citizens went into a panic and began preparing for the coming battle. Diogenes, oblivious as to what all the fuss was about, began rolling his pithos, or tub, up and down a hill. Someone asked why he was performing such a pointless task, to which he replied: “Just to make myself look as busy as the rest of you.”"
He's great.

>> No.12255431

>Diogenes is reddit, the "philosopher" because he was edgy xD
What a reddit thing to say

>> No.12255455

i guess i'm btfo

>> No.12255483

the idea that plato even warrants dismantling is bankrupt. philosophers that go on and on for hundreds of pages about the capital T objective truth aren't just wrong, they're pathetic. romanticized apodictic reason is truly worthless.

>> No.12255484

Im only familiar with Foucault and he’s definitely worth the read, anon. The Order of Things is a good place to start.

>> No.12255497

cropped out his fingernails

>> No.12255548

Doesn't Deleuze's critique of Plato basically reside mostly in that back section of The Logic of Sense? Isn't it sort of like a Borgesian suggestion of getting rid of essences and multiplying simulacra indefinitely?

>> No.12255552 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12255622

Out of curiosity, would you mind us telling why you want to get banned? :} Have you become addicted to 4chan and want help from mods?

>> No.12257258


>> No.12257469

Well yeah but the second half of difference and repetition lays out his systematization of the actualization of Ideas and the synthesis of the sensible. And the image of thought chapter gets more to the heart of the matter than his discussion of Plato elsewhere

>> No.12258491

Buddha succeeded

>> No.12258547

Diogenes skepticism arguably influenced the the enlightenment more than Platonism.