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12251327 No.12251327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

bok for this feel?

>> No.12251335

The Great Gatsby.

>> No.12251345

apu :(

>> No.12251346
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>> No.12251412


>> No.12251670

Why is it not possible in 2018 to pay someone so that he sets up a correct hangman's knot for you? If you don't do it right you die by strangulation which is extremely painful.
I mean what are the basis for the laws against assisted suicide? Why can't people just kill themselves in peace? At this point everyone is informed about medication, therapy and whatnot and there is plenty of suicide prevention measures. If someone wants to go through with it I don't see why you wouldn't assist him and give him a peaceful way out.

>> No.12251676

>not slitting your jugular sitting in a hot bath with a body full of blood thinner

Hanging seems shit desu.

>> No.12251681

Society needs you to work and consume. Suicide is NEVER the answer, being a lifelong customer of the pharmaceutical industry is.

>> No.12251684
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>Society needs you to work and consume. Suicide is NEVER the answer, being a lifelong customer of the pharmaceutical industry is.


>> No.12251696
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Cutting your throat is much less lethal (51%) than hanging (89%) and extremely painful (86). You also die in 15 minutes on average

I have treatment resistant depression and medicines don't do anything on me. I would gladly be a lifelong consumer of SSRIs if only they worked.

>> No.12251760

David R hawkins and orthomolecular psychaitry.
Also. Try fasting, pray and go for walks.

>> No.12251784

>you die by strangulation which is extremely painful.
Not that much, apparently you lose conscience and faint fairly quickly. Check the table on that site that ranks every method by effectiveness and pain

>> No.12251789


>> No.12251796

>Also. Try fasting, pray and go for walks.
I'm an atheist, I don't eat much and I already go for walks. Recommending this babby tier shit to me is rather annoying desu, I've been depressed for 10 years and I've tried them all

>> No.12251798

>I have treatment resistant depression
You haven't tried psychoanalysis that's why it's resistant

>> No.12251804

>Not that much, apparently you lose conscience and faint fairly quickly.
You didn't quote the full phrase. If you do it correctly your spinal cord is severed and you instantly lose consciousness. But if you don't do the knot correctly you just die of strangulation.

>> No.12251811

I have tried CBT and my therapist pretty much admitted I have a personality disorder and there's little she could do with therapy. Both my psychiatrist and my therapist advised me to get checked into a psychiatric hospital but I'm not going to do that

>> No.12251834
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>tfw you know this feel

>> No.12251842

That's what I thought when you wrote about the 10years. CBT does jack shit for serious issues. You either figure the solution yourself (it's possible) or seek heavy duty help (psychoanalysis). When American psychologists see their parlor tricks don't work then they refer to a psychiatrist, then when ssris don't work they diagnose 'personality disorder' and send you to a clinic, which, you guessed it, doesn't work. The established mental health care model is a joke

>> No.12251853

No you are talking about high drops where you break your neck.
The alternative option is strangulation which, albeit worse than the previous instant lights-out, is not that painful

>> No.12251861

you have a serious case of being a slave to liberal institutions, that's it.

>> No.12251865
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>> No.12251876

It’s a hard fucking question.
May I suggest not doing anything rash.

>> No.12251879

Was gonna post this, any recommendations similar to this one?

>> No.12251880

The praying attenuates exaggerated metabolic responses by tilting your CNS to functions of the parasymphatetic system. No matter your beliefs. Not eating a lot is not good for you, and is not the same as a throughly done fast. Which is optimally done coupled with praying. But this is only if you are not under nourished beforehand.

>> No.12251897

Nah I'm not going to kill myself yet

>> No.12252040

If you think you’re alone with this question, you’re not
I’m waiting for news in 2-3 weeks to decide

>> No.12252044

I was dead set on doing it this morning but then my mom called, and just hearing her reassurance changed my mind.

>> No.12252084

>personality disorder
which one?

>> No.12252090

Well there's your problem, you don't have any reason to live. It's be depressed too.

>> No.12252115

My psychiatrist never told me, really. She just talked about a personality disorder. Most likely avoidant. I have OCD too.

Please stop trying to prey on desperate people to peddle your religion, it's pretty disgusting.

>> No.12252143

You're the depressed poster from the write what's on your mind, right? Go to the hospital, mate.

>> No.12252150
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After the holidays

>> No.12252933

Just because most people are such losers that they fuck up suicide doesn’t mean the method itself is flawed.

>> No.12252955

Suicide is a sin.

>> No.12253455

Have you tried DBT?

>Most likely avoidant.
My therapist also tosses this word around when it comes to my coping strategies (although I'm probably a mix of Avoidant, Borderline, and Paranoid). What drugs have you tried? I'm on Effexor rn and it seems to be helping

>> No.12253475
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It's not a question of practicality but of maintaining the stigma. If people knew they could easily opt out of society there would be no society.

>> No.12253500
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I actually feel bad for people with such empty brains and ready deference to "authority".

>Please stop trying to prey on desperate people to peddle your religion, it's pretty disgusting.
The fact of the matter is you already have a religion, except it doesn't care about you.

>> No.12253502


How many have you tried? Different SSRIS?

>> No.12253560

Even though this meme has been around for a while, I still don't understand it.

>> No.12253604

I’ve been in the hospital. It’s not that bad really, except watch your stuff. You get to speak to a psychiatrist, free food, meet other people struggling, etc.

>> No.12253613

Kierkegaard unironically. Perhaps some Dostoevsky as well.

>> No.12254296
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Cock and Balls Torture (CBT) > Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

>> No.12254312



>> No.12254394

good work

>> No.12254448


There is no such thing as treatment resistant depression, it's only that that SSRIs,TCAs, nDRIs are all placebo.

>But buh doctor
Look at all relevant research on their efficacy and make your own conclusion. Hint: they are at most barely effective (not clinically significant) but most likely are not at all as serotonin """"theory""""" is false.

Symptoms of depression are the manifestation of an overactive lateral hebanula.

CBT is also just placebo. Efficacy is only proven with studies that do not control for placebo. When controlling, there is no statistically significant difference in efficacy.

What should you do?
1. Get your blood work checked and correct everything wrong

2. How much sun are you exposed to? If your depression got triggered during winter, try to get more sunlight.

3. Ketamine racemic (r-enantimore works fine too) or psilocybin. Use sparingly both of them, especially the later.

>> No.12254537

Are you obtuse? Treatment resistant means resistant to the existing drugs.
You oversimplify too. While vitamin D or mushrooms or exercise or prayer might often work, some folk have intricate faulty trauma patterns that trigger a wide systemic response in milliseconds. That is not treatable with our simplistic ancient methods.Until we devise super potent drugs only talk therapy can help. Freud was unironically centuries ahead of his time.

>> No.12254563
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Nu-uh, treat your depression with horse tranquilizer bro.

>> No.12254566

that picture makes me sad i want apu to be happy :(

>> No.12254609

You missed my point. There is no such thing as treatment resistant because there is no "antidepressants" that has been proven to have any sort of efficacy. It's actually the opposite. This with the exception of psilocybin and ketamine.

>You oversimplifying too
What exactly am I oversimplifying? I never suggested exercise or vitamin D. There is only poorly controlled studies on vitamin D that only show a correlation. R-ketamine metabolite works for everybody with clinical with depression because in directly blocks bursting in the lateral habenula.

>Faulty trauma patterns
Do you have any proof for this statement? Or is this just some pseudoscientific nonsense you've accepted. Even if assuming it to be true (very unlikely) it would not be classified as depression as what you are describing is would not exhibit all the essential characteristics of depression such as lowered motivation and changes in sleep cycle (hint habenula is reasonable for this).

>Potent drugs
We don't have a problem of potency, only mechanism of action and falsely used drugs. Again, serotonin theory is completely false and unsubstantiated. There are several lines of evidence that disprove it. To therefore use drugs that increase(this on itself is not proven and is probably false) serotonin will of course not work as I've mentioned several times now.

>> No.12254617
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>> No.12254622

Fren no it will be ok.

That is no very nice fren.

>> No.12254913

I tried Cipralex Seroquel Sertraline Cymbalta Abilify to name a few... Now I take Brintellix Depakin Invega

>> No.12255003

At what point do you think you'll admit that jew pills don't work?

>> No.12255132

My diary desu

>> No.12255385

Too Loud a Solitude

>> No.12256068

>tfw talking to mom gives you anxiety instead of reassuring you

>> No.12256347
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LIteral snake oil salesman writing in comic sans. This pic encapsulates a small part of the cringe I am feeling, so that I may share it with you.

>> No.12256354

>>please stop trying to help people, We want costumers here!
Always project.

>> No.12256358

what about OMAD then

>> No.12256373

That's what I've heard, too. If you watch mixed martial arts vids and see someone have the blood to their brain cut off, that's what a rope will do. I don't know how you can feel pain if you're unconscious.

>> No.12256416

Same. She's the person I'm afraid most of in the world. A drug dealer pointing a gun at me isn't even close to the puddle of existential anxiety I am reduced into after an interaction with mommy. Thanks for the personality disorder mom!

>> No.12256593

Oh I don't have to admit it, they don't work. All they do is not make me want to kill myself so bad but I still can't function