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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 437x431, 1541562211684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12247412 No.12247412 [Reply] [Original]

I tried reddit for a week and you guys were right. It's mostly YA "discussion" there and it makes me very sad.

>> No.12247417

We don't talk about that place here. Delete this.

>> No.12247418


>> No.12247429

Yaoi Anime

>> No.12247436

why do fags nowadays think they can just openly come between reddit and 4chan with no shame at all?
I saw this guy in the library just switching between reddit and 4chan like it was just no big deal and I just wanted to whip out my hot delicious cock and make that faggot suck my dick

>> No.12247444

Shit do you go to SU?

>> No.12247447

>I tried reddit for a week
go back and stay back

>> No.12247461

no I want to talk about big boy books i'm staying

>> No.12247464

Yevgeny analysis.

>> No.12247484

epic win! xD

>> No.12247514

>I just wanted to whip out my hot delicious cock and make that faggot suck my dick

>> No.12247534

OP might be from reddit but that was the most reddit attempt at humour I've seen.

>> No.12247542

>hot delicious cock
can't get this phrase out of my head after watching Norm Macdonald desu

>> No.12247545

horrendous post btw

>> No.12247551

nice post

>> No.12247555

watching Norm bite Chevy Chase's dick and I can't help but have too many questions

>> No.12247562

it's the adlib of a rapper like "ey" and "money" but this one is "YA" and all caps so you need to shout it really loud that's how everyone knows you're the real deal cash money flex

>> No.12247563

No but seriously its kind of sad how much 4chan is changing these days, i really miss it, its becoming so much less unique. Same with the people here.

>> No.12247570
File: 394 KB, 599x265, horses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u want a 2019 horse calendar, hun x

>> No.12247583

desu this is one of the things I actually like about /pol/
As much as other parts of 4chan might hate /pol/ posting outside of /pol/, the open racism does help keep normies out and at least slows down the rate of outsiders coming in and shitting up the chan beyond all recognition.

>> No.12247588

what was it once like?

>> No.12247595

/lit/ used to have discussions and people used to think before they typed shit. That was before the /his/tory board opened up. The /pol/ invasion is a fucking curse.

>> No.12247596

Its brought in unironic boomers though

>> No.12247608

I don't know, everyone seemed fucking weird but had an acute sense of self awareness and more disdain for blogging and attention whoring. We have less tripfags but sometimes i click on threads and its like I've walked into another website.

>> No.12247611

The issue is some people actually take that shit seriously and derail threads completely. Hence everyone getting pissed at /pol/posters. I remember a thread that had some very good discussion getting derailed by one anon who just kept spamming racist pepe memes and photos of Peterson. How is that shit not annoying?

>> No.12247622

how many you got?

>> No.12247626

I still think it scares enough people away that it's an overall good thing.
It used to be /b/ but some time a few years back /b/ just went to absolute shit, and it was shit already so the fact that there's such a noticeable drop in quality is nuts. Now /pol/ is the main thing maintaining 4chan's bad reputation and if we didn't have that I think we'd probably be swamped with tumblr and reddit.

>> No.12247632

/pol/ is the biggest reddit colony on this site, they bring more epic kekistani newfags than anyone else

>> No.12247653

nah /pol/ is cringe-central, pal. I don't like reddit or tumblr either but there's a difference between having a pleb filter so we can discuss literature in peace and having cunts disrupt good threads just because they needed to post another absolutely epic lord kek pepe maymay. They're literally the trench coat samurai of 4chan and it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.12247663

It's what they call children's literature in today's infantilized society.

>> No.12247697

That's precisely what some fresh of the boat redditors do on other boards though. On /lit/ it's not so bad and /pol/ is more a pain in the arsehole than in other places
I don't really know, I'm not declaring myself indisputably right or anything, this is just my opinion after being on other boards that had a tumblr/reddit infestation
I definitely agree with /pol/ bringing in a lot of these retards themselves but for me personally if I'm going to have someone shit up a thread I'd rather that person still be from 4chan, feels not so bad that way. Just my own opinion though.

>> No.12247699

/pol/ brings in the most redditors out of any board. Nobody from reddit comes here for /fit/ or /lit/ or /his/. They all come for the epic memes XD from /pol/ and then become infected with /pol/'s cancer and shit up other boards. Worst of all, because of r/the_donald, /pol/ has brought unironic Republican boomers to this site.

>> No.12247702

/pol/ is literally /r/the_donald and edgy kids

>> No.12247703

try /r/sorceryofthespectacle

>> No.12247705

I'd rather not have people shit up a thread to be honest. If that can be avoided then maybe we'd actually have a good thread once in a while.

>> No.12247717

Boomer posts are hilarious in an ironic way desu

>> No.12247868

Yemeni Annihilation

>> No.12247883

your ass

>> No.12247884

le updoot

>> No.12247903


>> No.12247961

>all these people who think /pol/ is the main source of redditors
It's not /pol/, it's /tv/, I guarantee you. They come for Game of Thrones and Marvel shite. Some of their threads are filled to the brim with redditors to the point that pointing this out actually gets the 4chan posters bitched at to a large extent instead of the other way around.
Which is a fucking shame because /tv/ actually has some posters with real quality knowledge on a lot of films you just wouldn't see discussed elsewhere, but those are way harder to find nowadays.

>> No.12247968


>> No.12248038

The tone you adopt to say this is the 2cool4u tumblrist voice that >>12247563 is identifying

>> No.12248045

4channel is literally nu-Reddit, though.

>> No.12248055

The kek and pepe shit are indigenous to 4chan, the cancer is the fags who adopt a normieverse voice to denounce le alt-right virgin loser fascist racists in line with how social media thought leaders have told them

>> No.12248086

Further, we forget that half the fun of 4chan was the camarederie engendered by either being or pretending to be autistic virgins; pre-Trump /r9k/ was the intermediary center of 4chan between /b/ and /pol/ for this reason. It was a refuge from the normieverse where everyone is constantly putting up a front about being cool. And who has done the most to damage that? The people who have spent the past 3 years spamming "my liberal politics are for cool and successful people, unlike your conservative politics which are for virgin losers", which has the effect of pushing everyone towards the normieverse social media mindset of wrapping everything they say in 2cool4u snark and irony instead of the endearing, unashamed autism that made this place attractive in the first place

>> No.12248139

It really baffles me that some people act as if 4chan is their own personal website, as if they created it themselves. They tell people to go back to Redit, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Gaia, Ebaums etc. , as if they didn't come to 4chan from a another website themselves. Why does it matter where newfags come from as long as they lurk, read the rules, respect board-cultures? As long as 4chan exists, newfags will keep coming in, and if you really wanted to uphold the quality of 4chan, you would due your part to make good threads yourself, report rule violations , sage shitposts, and help create a board culture where newfags are expected to adapt or be ridiculed, similar to what /a/ has right now. Being triggered by any mention of outside websites in a post that otherwise has no signs of being a bad post, such as what >>12247447 is doing, does absolutely nothing. Fucking spam filter sucks.
>Internet tribalism

>> No.12248148

god I wish that were me

>> No.12248165

Pepe is from Gaia Online though

>> No.12248173

There is a art-film general, going up at certain times

>> No.12248184

What does this meme even mean? People keep shouting it out as if it is enduring or something.

>> No.12248186

Syracuse University or another one

>> No.12248204

this. before ~2015 board culture would change but after that quality genuinely dropped after this flood of boomers and kiddies. When you realize how much of the new userbase comes from people who both believed what CNN claimed 4chan to be and were excited about it, things start to make sense.

>> No.12248212


Except this never works if the volume of newfriends is higher than the people wanting to preserve board culture. A distinct board culture on anything of mass interest has been dead since 2009/10 and thoroughly stamped all over by 2014 at the latest.

In late 2014 you got to watch this happen in real time with infinitychan's /v/. Bad threads got saged or derailed, and you could actually discuss games like Spec Ops without starting a troll thread. Users were courteous to one another and despite the split/migration happening because of drama it was largely kept to containment threads.

By February 2015 people were starting dubs threads in legitimate topics, spamming the same crap into Spec Ops threads, posting "now that the dust has settled" threads, getting heavily into internet drama all the time, replying to bad threads, etc.

The problem is Eternal September, not some failure by the old userbase to defend itself. What are you going to do, outnumbered five to one by idiots and shitposters who will reply to bad threads and derail good ones? Post a shocking gif that everyone is desensitised to? Call them names? Point out your post digits? Ask them to make shapes with special characters? Pretend to be racist? All that happens then is the idiots post all of those things trying to fit in, or fail to understand what's satire and defense mechanisms and actually act racist, start enjoying gore, etc.

>> No.12248214
File: 88 KB, 1214x403, kk4ac7zj16az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.12248217

tl;dr nigger

>> No.12248218

Very Reddit post

>> No.12248225

Truly epic, my fellow kekistani. Go mow the lawn or hop on Fortnite, depeding on which cancerous demographic you represent

>> No.12248250

You bring up good points, I agree with you that the sheer volume of shitposters and other bad users can ruin efforts to uphold imageboard quality, that's why Good moderation, something that's been sorely lacking on 4chan for years, is essential. With hiro in control of 4chan, I don't know what could be done to improve moderation, I doubt he cares about the quality of 4chan, as long as site traffic and adrevenue increase.
Welcome to /lit/.
You would know, wouldn't you?

>> No.12248331

Just PTG

>> No.12249400

Only Reddit would type so much to say so little

>> No.12249518


Y-Chromosome Abstinence

>> No.12249618

Haha Reddit!

>> No.12249631
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1495052895577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /k/
>people discussing guns, survivalism, heavy weaponry, military equipment, customization, related media, etc.
>go to r/guns
>people discussing how much they miss owning guns "but the wife made me get rid of them, you know what I mean?"

>go to /lit/
>classical literature, complicated philosophy, history, thicc books for brainy boys
>you get called a fucking idiot and laughed out of the thread if you aren't caught up on the subject matter
>go to r/books or whatever the fuck it is
>"hey ya so im rereading Harry Potter for the seventh time and..."

>go to /diy/
>machining, woodworking, blacksmithing, prototyping and fabricating, actual craftsmanship and discussion of trades, math and science skills often required
>go to r/diy
>fucking life hacks and back to school crafts

>go to /fit/
>strength training, bodybuilding, strength sports like powerlifting and strongman, programming, nutritional information, general self improvement threads, mental health
>go to r/fitness
>brosplits and momscience as far as the eye can see
>"I don't want to lift weights because I'll get too bulky, I'm just trying to get toned :^)"

Can we get a name for this phenomenon? Why as soon as you introduce normies or karma points to a community it becomes irredeemable shit?

>> No.12249654

Less trannies, less leftists, less asshurt about free speech, less people unironically using "nigga" and "y'all", less people posting "back to /pol/" for literally no reason and less e-hugging and niceposting.

>> No.12249670

Yikes, anon!

>> No.12249690

I doubt you've been here earlier than 2012.

>> No.12249695


>> No.12249699

Faggotry. It's called faggotry. Your pic looks like an ascii guy doing a taxi whistle.

Have you noticed how virtue signaling/tokenism/minority bingo/whatever the hell it's called has become extremely common among high-tier YA authors? That might have something to do about it.

>> No.12249721

>Your pic looks like an ascii guy doing a taxi whistle.

>> No.12249726

Maybe it's just the lines around the edge.

>> No.12249728

Yabad Abadoo

>> No.12249770

you have no fucking idea what youre talking about lmao, either youre r/MAGA or youve been here a long time but you were always a cancerous faggot

>people posting "back to /pol/" for literally no reason

half of these are irony, bait, or falseflags

>less e-hugging and niceposting.

Theres nothing wrong with people being kind to eachother on an anonymous forum where you dont collect good boy points for doing it, which is the whole problem with reddit. And anyway there seems to be much less of this now that the Trump election retards have flooded in and think that this place is exclusively /b/ and /pol/ because thats what boomermedia told them

>> No.12249786

>either youre r/MAGA
This new false narrative that reddit is some sort of right-wing haven where all the nazi takeover psyops are being coordinated is too ludicrous for anyone to take seriously outside of /lgtb/

>> No.12249794


If you see someone being nice on 4chan, where everything is temporary and anonymous, then you know that it's genuine, while on Fagdit, it's probably karmawhoring because people there have lust for 2d lolis, 3d lolis, and fake internet points.

>> No.12249813

This is someone convincingly larping as a redditor pretending to be an oldfag.

>> No.12249843

Yeah I dont get this either, reddit is ridicously liberal

>> No.12249846

Every political sub is a liberal circlejerk.

>> No.12249856

Show us the picture, you know the rules, no Catullus posting without meter or photographic evidence

>> No.12249867

Why are you showing me a chart of newfags and only claiming some of them are newfags?

>> No.12249873

go back

>> No.12249889


>> No.12249909


>> No.12249911


>> No.12249924

there was a massive amount of Trump supporting redditors that got banned from reddit and came to 4/pol/, this is old news. reddits mostly liberal but r/MAGA was just proto-nu/pol/.

>> No.12249935

These mostly went to Voat. The /pol/ boogeyman is a leftist-homosexual fearmongering psyop.

>> No.12249997

>from as long as they lurk,

I can't remember the last time i saw someone get told to lurk more. When did this stop?

>> No.12250053


>> No.12250057


>> No.12250076
File: 63 KB, 714x720, 1544927536662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delusional and wrong, but i miss this kind of true schizophrenic right wing posting in our age of unironic straightfaced Trump supporters

>> No.12250122
File: 237 KB, 1125x942, 1544915962659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maga fags are the worst we all know who the true enemy is

>> No.12250193


>> No.12250203

This could be a WaPo meme minus the Jew.

>> No.12250257

this is the most reddit-tier reply

>> No.12250340

including /r/literature?

>> No.12250592

Right and where is any of this shit happening?
Where have you seen someone actually banned for an absolutely awful post? Or even told to go back to lurking, or just have actual hostility directed at them for being a useless cunt who shits up the board by not knowing how to post properly.
It's not happening nearly as much as it used to or as much as it should and the result is a whole bunch of idiots on almost all boards who have nothing to say and only come here because they think they're getting some street cred for being on 4chan
I mean have you seen what happens when tumblr sets up a general? It's invariably the worst post on any board.

>> No.12250607

I think if you want a dude to suck you off you’re the faggot anon

>> No.12250615

>less leftists
I guarantee you have no idea what you're talking about
4chan has never been so far right in all its life

>> No.12250627
File: 910 KB, 1852x1556, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>classical literature

>> No.12250630

To be honest /fitlit/ was the greatest time of this board.

>> No.12250640

this. people who say this shit about /lit/ are especially deluded, in 2012 it was by far considered the patrician thing to be marxist

>> No.12250682

Not him but good point. Also it's nice to be nice we don't have to act like cunts all the fucking time.

>> No.12250686

Post Apu, do it!

>> No.12250692

>getting some street cred for being on 4chan
The fuck. I don't want the streets finding out I'm here they'll think I'm into hentai & fascism

>> No.12250707

>does help keep normies out
>he said about the biggest board, the modern day /b/, i.e normie heaven

>> No.12250748

>"back to /pol/" for literally no reason
I'll agree on this, especially on /v/ its very frequent for someone to post something that is obviously meant to bait /pol/ or saying things that are obviously political only to blame /pol/ when the shitstorm inevitably comes.
/v/ posters are huge fucking normalfags and politically you very often see basic bitch tier msm leftism being spouted, Its so fucking boring and vapid.
Then there's /mlp/ where we have a secret santa thread full of people namefagging under the names they were assigned, creating OC's for those names, shipping them and roleplaying.

It's like a bunch of people have just been transplanted from more mainstream websites, i don't know what led them here. Even /r/4chan tries to mimic old /b/ culture in a redditish sort of way, but these people don't.

>> No.12250785

Hey guys I just read this really popular book and it was AMAZING

>> No.12250794
File: 272 KB, 1115x974, 1543696052462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes theres no right wing redditor.

>> No.12250804

There's constant race bait thread on /v and other such /pol/ threads where the OP is just some political screenshot with a question trying to relate it to video game. It's the kind of outrage topic you see all the time on /pol/.

Btw, it's not because someone fisagree with you that they are leftists that's such a shitty strawman that is being repeated for no reason. There's almost no leftist opinion on /v/.