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12249917 No.12249917 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that will allow an incel to read his way out of pre-mature ejaculation, so he is prepared when the day finally arrives?

>> No.12249930

Just picture Kevin Spacey's face floating above you when you're about to finish. I swear every time I do this it's like my dick stops being an erogenous zone. I can nearly cum on command.

>> No.12249987


>> No.12249991

Slave and fleshpilled.

>> No.12249994
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>> No.12250004

>to make her scream
That is the LAST thing I want her to do, seriously.

I need a way to make them stop screeching so their parents won’t catch me until I can get rid of them.

>> No.12250005

From an evolutionary perspective, premature ejaculation is a good thing to have. It allows you to pass on your genetic material in the shortest period of time needed, which ensures your procreation even if a lynx is about to kill you during intercourse. Premature ejaculation is literally Darwin telling you that your genes have priority over someone else's genes, someone who might need a little longer to cum.

>> No.12250287

if he’s an incel, the day will never come

>> No.12250379

Just pull out for a sec and give it a rest. It's not complicated.

>> No.12250457

more likely you'll be unable to get it up due to your porn addiction

>> No.12250462

anyone have tips? i heard when youre doing it doggy youre supposed to angle downward and sort of rest your dick on the bottom of her vag?

is this correct?

>> No.12250578

When the day finally arrives it won't be premature ejaculation you need to worry about, it will be not getting it up and hard in the first place.
A lifetime of porn and your deathgrip of a hand have already ruined you so combined with the psychological mindfuck of actually being with a girl finally your cock will just get limp and won't work.
I guarantee that is more likely to happen then actually getting hard and then blowing after five pumps.

>> No.12250599

lol is there a point in seeing a specialist?

>> No.12250624

stop watching porn

>> No.12250658

Start taking a very small dose of SSRIs, it’ll cure that bitch quick

>> No.12250681

>i heard when youre doing it doggy youre supposed to angle downward and sort of rest your dick on the bottom of her vag?
Of course things are individual but generally you want to touch her clitoris and the "front wall" of her vagina as much as possible. So yeah, generally true.

>> No.12250761
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Premature ejaculation is a sure way for Hurga to ditch you and start hanging with Blargh, who has a bigger fun stick that can also stand for longer time. Blargh can stick into Hurga and make her happy while you spill googoo too early before she is happy.
Females literally chose bigger dicks that last longer - sexual selection at its finest. That is why apes have micropenises while humans have around 5" average, and even bigger if you exclude Asian dicklets.
>Wank a lot
>Learn to stop before point of no return
>Make yourself getting used to holding orgasm. I sometimes wank for an hour and intentionally don't orgasm. Sometime I hold ejaculation for a week. I don't want my brain to think that stimulation should lead to ejaculation
>Train your PC muscles with kegels exercise. Stronger PC muscles means less involuntary muscle spasms which lead to ejaculation
>Stay fit (aerobics) so you can keep a boner from bloodflow without having the urge to flex your PC muscles
>Most books/websites about premature ejaculation is bro science at best, and spiritual bullshit at worst
>Use a condom during sex. It desensitizes you enough to last through sex. If it doesn't, get a thicker condom - to the point where you feel nothing. If you feel like losing your boner it means you are not fit enough or not aroused enough. Tell your partner to moan, or moan yourself - it automatically arouses you
>Never use pills or shit like that. It ruins everything you worked on and makes you dependant on it

>> No.12250771

I have a rubber horse vagina that i fuck and i genuinely last an hour or two every time i use it. Not so with my hand.
Whats the fuckin deal? It feels better too.

>> No.12250778
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>mfw this exact thing happen to me


Well basically >>12250624. I went to see a specialist because I suffer from premature ejaculations but she referred me to this long-term treatment which would have cost me a lot. Still, it can never do any harm to see a doctor. I thought they would be weirded out by my problem but apparently they see much weirder shit every day

>> No.12250779

do u thrust into it?

>> No.12250791

I thrust into it and move it down with my hand.

>> No.12251478

No need. It will go away with experience. The first few times you have sex will be terrible and embarrassing. Hopefully it's not with a girl you really like because it will be really bad and she'll get nothing out of it and you'll look like an idiot.
After a few times your mind gets over it and your body adjusts and you are getting erections like normal. From there it's just a matter of practice and learning how to use your dick properly.

My advice is to get really good with your hands and mouth. Know where the clit is and how to stimulate it and you could get her off without even needing to go inside. At that point the pressure is off and going inside is for you, not her. Learn to eat pussy well even though vaginas stink and taste disgusting. You just gotta muscle through it.

It sucks at first but does get better. As long as you're realistic about your first few times being terrible you'll be fine.

>> No.12251518

nah anon, just train yourself, wank literally every day as often as you can until you cant even wank anymore. then pace it out a bit and slow it down but keep it consistent dont take too long or not do it it needs to be done. also pace yourself in sex, dont speed fuck and also foreplay is pretty much the best way to get an orgasm. count in your head when fucking or think about random off topic shit like what you need from the shops.

>> No.12251525

>do this for a few months
>start to develop a kevin spacey fetish
thanks a lot anon, now I'm even more fucked up

>> No.12251543

Tintin in Tibet.

>> No.12251978

Just take control of the activities. Once you feel yourself getting close, stop and go down on her or make out or whatever and give you dick a break. She won't mind; women like being led in sex. Just take the lead and don't be a bitch
Also the Kevin spacey thing is genius

>> No.12252281

If you have sex often enough to accidentally Pavlov yourself into being attracted Kevin Spacey, you shouldn't be on 4channel.

>> No.12253618

Honestly, just have a committed girlfriend. After two weeks of having sex with her and no other sexual stimulation, your dick will function as intended. Nature fixes itself.