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12246046 No.12246046 [Reply] [Original]

Any good bookdepository deals you would point out?

>> No.12246053


>> No.12246064

crying of the lot 49 is like 3 euros

>> No.12246221

If I was granted one wish by a genie, I would wish to find natalie portman collared to a tree in my yard. what a girl.

>> No.12246229

the chad behind her is her husband. father of her child. stay lonely, creepo.

>> No.12246250
File: 105 KB, 740x250, ti.subjunctive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12246261

>she starts screaming
>neighbors hear it and you're arrested shortly thereafter
Great wish you made there.

>> No.12246283

>collared to a tree
why not just wish for her to be your mistress?

>> No.12246298
File: 41 KB, 741x567, smugkav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that skinnyfat skellington torso
Nah bro I like women, thanks.

>> No.12246334

How is that notebook transparent

>> No.12246353

True Friendship (by Christopher Ricks) is being sold for peanuts over here. if you have an interest in the poetry of either Anthony Hecht,Robert Lowell,Geoffrey Hill,T. S. Eliot or Ezra Pound then it['s well worth a read.

>> No.12246381

>that dusty deodorant patch

>> No.12246384

I had a crush on Natalie Portman since Leon. She's just perfect

>> No.12246445

it's mirrored

>> No.12246494

reminder that it's not morally wrong to kill neckbeards

>> No.12247102

I haven’t bought anything there but sime stuff is so cheap it makes me doubt it’s the same product that they are offering. Anyone got any experience?

>> No.12248449

yeah? that bitch flirting with older rich white guy

>> No.12248541

anyone else unable to order books online becausw you want to find them at a book store? or do i have a mental disorder

>> No.12248567

>book store

I only buy books as presents since I have a Kindle, but I would never go to a fucking bookstore with their shitty new editions. I either buy online where I can pick the edition I like or go to a used book store where there's all sorts of well made stuff for cheap.

>> No.12248575

>he doesn't know what flirting looks like

>> No.12248692

Get yourself some Loebs classics on discount

>> No.12248751

none of them are, don't talk out of your ass, stupid.

>> No.12248830

That's Jude Law lol.

>> No.12249624

Lool chads can have two thumbs on one hand and still wife Natalie Portman

>> No.12250525

Please do excuse him, he's an incel

>> No.12250534
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Yeah man

>> No.12251822

I'm always glad that I'm only Asperger's and not some retardo autist who can't even tell faces apart from one another

>> No.12252873
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x540, hershlag feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deodorant visible
wtf, netalee?