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/lit/ - Literature

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12241458 No.12241458 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

>> No.12241465

Welcome to the NHK is basically Notes from the Underground: The Anime

I say this without ever having read Notes from the Underground

>> No.12241468

Fuck off to your containment board for developmentally disabled, retarded piece of human refuse.

>> No.12241471

but he's already on /lit/

>> No.12241486

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12241514
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>hating anime on an anime website

>> No.12241530
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>> No.12241534

Time out of Joint by Philip K Dick

Blindness by Jose Saramago

>> No.12241563
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I've already read the obvious.

>> No.12241601
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>> No.12241603

The Bible

>> No.12241616
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>inb4 Foundation trilogy

>> No.12241620

you gotta give peoble reccydeccys if you want reqs in return

>> No.12241627

>anime website
It's 2019, sweaty. This is an nazi incel frog website.

>> No.12241628

tfw neet

>> No.12241632

don't tell me what to do

>> No.12241649

Sora No Woto
Girls Last Tour

>> No.12241663

Brave New World

>> No.12241669

That girl in the middle with only her socks on? I want to leave her barefoot and lick her feet.

>> No.12241682

i recommend some hot lead to the temple

>> No.12241685

This. Most of the good posters on /lit/ are not anime posters.

>> No.12241692
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idk, gr has some explicit loli shit if you're looking for that

>> No.12241707
File: 1.05 MB, 1109x1511, tatami galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diary desu
War and Peace
Przyjaciel by Stanisław Lem
not sure if there is an English translation

>> No.12241710

Fantastic taste

>> No.12241711

I generally only browse /lit/. But that anime is the only one I've ever felt deeply.

>> No.12241716

>Sora No Woto
>Girls Last Tour

>> No.12241718

first response is correct, NHK = Notes from Underground but worse

>> No.12241730
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welcome to the NHK is quite similar, but sadder and not as pretty
check out Yuasa's other stuff, especially Ping Pong and Kaiba

>> No.12241814
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>> No.12241825

My life's work will be to find books that made me feel the way Haibane Renmei made me feel.

>> No.12241869

I have read Notes from the Underground, and I have to agree that it basically is.

>> No.12241883
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Any books like Picrelated?

>> No.12242013


>> No.12242050
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The setting of Haibane Renmei was deliberately similar to Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. My print of the series actually name drops Murakami and the title on the back of the box.

Otherwise, try the Divine Comedy, its the only thing thats come close to me.

Welcome to the NHK was originally a book

>> No.12242051

This is both /lit/ and garbage

>> No.12242075
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The quran or Alice in wonderland

>> No.12242164
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>> No.12242185
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Thus spoke zarathustra by Neetchi

>> No.12242187

Journey to the West

>> No.12242204

Really? I'm waiting for the next idiot to post Trinity Blood, Fate/Zero, Haruhi Suzumiya or some other shit.

>> No.12242215
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cardcaptor sakura + kafka = ????????

>> No.12242222
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>> No.12242228
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Suggest me something good

>> No.12242242
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For now I've only found Heller's humor to be somewhat similiar to that of Kumeta.

>> No.12242258

Madoka Magica?

>> No.12242311
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>> No.12242333
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>> No.12242384
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>Girls Last Tour
Would also like to see a rec for this
Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Trial, The Crucible
Battle Royale

>> No.12242396
File: 36 KB, 220x311, 220px-Girls'_Last_Tour _Volume_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read The Road.

>> No.12242418
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>> No.12242422
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>> No.12242426

>I'm a big fan of Monster myself
Eternal Sabbath

>> No.12242427
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>> No.12242448

/lit/ surprisingly have a good taste

>> No.12242460
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>> No.12242461
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A Farewell to Arms
The Mill on the Floss

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Mark Twain

>> No.12242487

/lit/ having better taste than the other media boards is nothing new
especially so with /a/, since most anime watchers are human garbage

>> No.12242498

The Opportunists: a Novel about Uzbekistan

>> No.12242516

Seconded. Please recs for Yojouhan that are not its own book (read it if you haven't, it's slightly different and it has its own charm).

>> No.12242538
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>> No.12242553

You owe your existence to anime so show some respect.

>> No.12242554
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>> No.12242556

How is this series so morbid, yet at the same time spiritually uplifting?

>> No.12242560

>yet at the same time spiritually uplifting?
It's not

>> No.12242630
File: 200 KB, 500x460, havocado-Vagabond-by-Takehiko-Inoue-wallpaper-wp5008391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to know a book about a man who is obsessed with his art and mostly lives to perfect his skills to the highest point of achievement.

It would be preferable if this man suffers a lot to overcome major defects, and experiences some humiliations and disappointments on the way, when –for example - the talents he thinks he has are proven to be nothing compared to the talents of others, others that he eventually need to struggles to surpass. Of course, in spite of the disillusionments and humiliations the protagonists keeps moving forward and forward, resisting to let go and submit himself to all the weaknesses of this world, like laziness, fear, envy, hate, satisfaction with mediocre-levels of achievement, abandon of the mission in favor of a common life, etc. It’s not that he doesn’t feel such vices weighting on top of him, but he simply refuses - with a lot of teeth-gridding – to let himself be possessed by them.

If the book shows the evolution of the protagonist’s art with examples (showing, not merely telling) than would be even better (for example, a poet whose initial works are mediocre but keeps moving forward and forward until he has reached great levels of excellence).

>> No.12242711

There seem to me to be many excellent practical reasons why nobody has done this, not least the enormous arrogance you would need to think your own writing suitable for the task and the fact that you'd need to master poetry and the novel to the reader's satisfaction.

If you want that story it's surely better to read around an author and get the picture of their actual success. De Maupassant is notable for having a long mentoring period before publication, Proust for appearing to be a mediocrity for an extraordinary amount of time, Penelope Fitzgerald for eventually getting published - being just okay - but polishing herself to become great at the end.

>> No.12242718


Thank you, that makes sense.

>> No.12242846

Flowers fro Algernon

>> No.12242892

Yeah I didn't think it was spiritually fulfilling at all. It's full of released energy and movement but ultimately crushing. What makes you think of it as uplifting?

>> No.12242954
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Particularly the movie, though I'm including the tv series as well (season 1>season 2)

>> No.12243002
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>> No.12243044


Could you say more about this book? What do you think of it?

>> No.12243048

Just watched the first season, ended up being one of my favorite series.
Closest that comes to mind is White Noise by Delillo because of its professor protagonist and commentary on American society and its flaws. It has sort of a dark humor edge to it much like SZS, but not of the random, quirky sort.

>> No.12243072


>> No.12243085
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Really looking for anything dystopian or noire in a sci-fi or fantasy setting

>> No.12243089
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Mouryou no Hako is the most /lit/ anime I've watched, and it's lamentably unknown.

>> No.12243101
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Is manga allowed? I don't watch anime.

>> No.12243109


>> No.12243112
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Altered Carbon maybe?


I've seen it. Very cool series and one of my favourites, the PTSD train scene in the first episode was shot really well in my opinion. Shame Mouryou no Hako barely receives any love despite Nisio Isin praising it to high heaven.

I want something surreal and dreamlike

>> No.12243113

If you like Psycho Pass you would probably like contemporary sci-fi from the YA section

>> No.12243163

unironically this
that series is so overrated, it's really just a mediocre action anime with a shit plot disguised under a facade of recycled cyberpunk ideas and middleschool edge with the "misunderstood genius" white-haired villain who quotes entry-level literature while cutting people up with a razor

>> No.12243178

Kogami has a sexy midsection though.

>> No.12243217

>altered carbon
Looks interesting, I'll check it out.
It's been a while since I've watched it and I was relatively new to anime back then so it seemed like a step up from the generic shounens I had watched prior to that. What is so bad about it in particular? Edge and ripping off the Minority Report?

>> No.12243231
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loved the characters in this, after reading the manga I felt the director of the anime knew more what the series was about than the actual manga writer
I'm reading the LN right now, and it's really strange how it's contextualizing all of this show for me, novel is completely missing the mood of the show though, disappointingly

>> No.12243274
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>What is so bad about it in particular? Edge and ripping off the Minority Report?
big amounts of edge and intellectual pretense without much actual substance and with lots of plot conveniences
it's not absolutely terrible, but it presents itself as more profound than it actually is, which is one of my pet peeves

>> No.12243318

which anime is this? img search gives me nothin

>> No.12243327
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As someone else said, the world of HR is very, very close to Murakami's "Hard Boiled Wonderland" which I think is his best work. That's not a bad place to start.

Give me something outdoors, comfy, and a bit thoughtful, /li/. inb4 Walden.

>> No.12243348
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>> No.12243377

If they had died at the festival, it would have been a masterpiece for me. After that I only enjoyed the final chapter from Nakamura point of view.

>> No.12243387

The obvious rec would be its namesake, but if we're talking about books full of strange people and an atmosphere that is genuinely awkward and uncomfortable, I think I'd say something like "Let the Right One In" by John Lindqvist or:Nick Laird's "Glover's Tale"

>> No.12243473


>> No.12243502
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>> No.12243984


>> No.12244001


>> No.12244007

i love those animes
what others do you guys like?

>> No.12244013
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>> No.12244029
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Nobody posted THE /lit/ anime, what the fuck happened to you /lit/?

I also already heard of Demian by Hesse, which I believe influenced this, so I am going to make your life harder

>> No.12244043

But a good sizeable amount of those people are leeches from /pol/

>> No.12244090

So read The Glass Bead Game, which is Hesse's superior work

>> No.12244097
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>96 replies
>completely utterly totally average plain milquetoast vanilla pedestrian taste
>no one has posted Spicy Wolf pic related


>> No.12244114
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>muh Ikuhara
Utena is fine, but its so overplayed. Sailor Moon and Rose of Versailles are better shojou.

Bernard-jō Iwaku is the official anime of /lit/ anyway.

>> No.12244134

Zorba the Greek

>> No.12244160

Before that aired Utena was /lit/'s favourite anime

>> No.12244169
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spice and wolf is the absolute patrician anime, thank you based anon

>> No.12244189

What's the Proust of /a/?

>> No.12244200

With all due respect I already know about Hard Boiled End of the World. I was looking for something with more friendship, faith, mystery, and what not.

>something outdoors, comfy, and a bit thoughtful
The Tao of Nature, or any Tao book by Chuang.

Sacred Book of the Werewolf. Or if that is too on the nose, the The Marble Faun by Hawthorne.

>> No.12244214
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>> No.12244243 [DELETED] 
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>something outdoors, comfy, and a bit thoughtful
Anne of Green Gables is the first thing that comes to mind then. Also deals with moving forward in a similar way that HR does

Whatever the Japanese equivalent of Infinite Jest is

>> No.12244259
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>something outdoors, comfy, and a bit thoughtful
Anne of Green Gables is the first thing that comes to mind then. Also deals with moving forward in a similar way that HR does

Whatever the Japanese equivalent of Infinite Jest is

>> No.12244269
File: 1.19 MB, 1580x1180, rinondrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically not an anime but fuck it
Rin best girl forever

>> No.12244272

Something Pynchon.

>> No.12244274

yeah now that i think about it

>> No.12244543

Based and frogpilled.

>> No.12244559

Thanks for the recommendation! For me the pinnacle of Kumeta's humor is word play and commentaries on society, so it sounds up my valley.
PS. Be sure to watch the rest of SZS and then read, if I remember correctly, at least last 10 chapters of manga. And if you like it, check out that Katte ni Kaizou OVA (or Joshiraku, it's written by Kumeta) or some manga from Kumeta (I think they're translating Kakushigoto pretty often, but I didn't check it since long time). I think the guy is really a gem in the manga scene and SZS is probably the most experimental series by SHAFT. It's a shame they didn't finish it (I bet it sold poorly, though it seems like everyone involved enjoyed the process of making it).

>> No.12244571

Lolita, obvs

>> No.12244618
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>> No.12244942
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Armored Trooper VOTOMS

>> No.12244950


>> No.12244957

I hope you realise that Vagabond is an adaptation of a novel

>> No.12245039
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>> No.12245144
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>> No.12245146

Kino's Journey

>> No.12245157

tsumi to batsu

>> No.12245167
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I started watching this for the beautiful shots of natural scenery, and was disappointed to find out it was about lesbians. What the fuck?

>> No.12245220
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>> No.12245235
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Fanged noumena
Fun home

>> No.12245293
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>> No.12245719

Is there a good complimentary book to Oyasumi PunPun?

>> No.12245730


>> No.12245745

Is there an anime that is actually good?
I watched death note and the majority of the series was pretty bad.

>> No.12245813


>> No.12245818

Unironically the greatest anime ever

>> No.12245833

Try ghost in the shell and everything else that was in this thread

>> No.12245857

>Is there an anime that is actually good?

No, it's a all a big ruse.

>> No.12245873
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pic related

>> No.12245894
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>> No.12245920

Will do, am torrenting the rest of SZS and will have the rest of the Kumeta works in mind.

>> No.12246067

whats the most /lit/ anime? I want some deep dark existential preferably something with technology as a central theme.

Alternately if there is no /lit/ anime what is some good fapnime. I want some deep dark existential preferably something with technology as a central theme.

>> No.12246093

Sailor Moon is for plebs.
Rose of Versailles is better than Utena though.

>> No.12246095
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Haibane_Renmei_10_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[9E6C0B47].mkv_snapshot_12.45_[2016.07.09_08.05.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernard-jo Iwaku

aka NGE or Haibane Renmai

>> No.12246101

Spicy Wolf is milquetoast itself.

>> No.12246102
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>Deep, dark, existential with technology
Moby Dick

>> No.12246117

This I would also like to know

>> No.12246172

Bump for an answer to this

>> No.12246191

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.12246200


>> No.12246220

Or any book By Me.

>> No.12246320


>> No.12246327

yes, hence the conspicuousness of its absence from this thread

>145 replies
>no Urusei Yatsura

>> No.12246504

terrible anime but great manga

>> No.12246569

Thanks a lot, man, I've been meaning to give Goethe another go

>> No.12246651
File: 138 KB, 1024x722, Aria-the-Animation-aria-the-animation-37550538-1024-722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these fictional girls are forever happy.

>> No.12246670
File: 224 KB, 500x633, https___66.media.tumblr.com_c36ee5af3600e34e9220dd241e0d1e57_tumblr_inline_o5sp37XoDr1qdy3jg_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12246729

>anime from the meme 3x3
>good taste

>> No.12246799

Anne of Green Gables

>> No.12246800

yes it is

>> No.12246811

>basing your anime taste on memes

>> No.12246816

Daily reminder that using the Haibanes for shitposting is morally wrong.

>> No.12246824
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>> No.12246838

reddit is that way

>> No.12246842

Kino no Tabi (the books).

>> No.12246931 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 1054x748, 1457156310943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based
Animefags need to be sterilised

>> No.12246944

This show always reminds me of Waiting for Godot

>> No.12246947

Lucky Star?

>> No.12247064

death note is just a thriller for edgy teens, nothing all that great
don't rely on the average anime fan for recommendations or you'll end up watching SAO

>> No.12247182

NGE is fucking /lit/
>episode 16's original title is "Shi ni itaru yamai, soshite" ("In sickness unto death, and...")

>> No.12247249
File: 79 KB, 700x647, 32E0FF8D-D2E8-4CB1-83C2-6DD4B7A7D199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGE is a ticking time bomb of an existentsial crisis waiting to happen. I used to absolutely despise anime till I gave it a chance, hit me harder than any book ever has. If you would consider yourself a mentally weak person, its best that you watch it and learn from it. The inevitable realizations will hurt though.

>> No.12247289

>Anno creates anime about what it means to be a human
>all fans see is "muh waifu"
To be honest, he should've seen it coming by looking at Kierkegaard's example, with the only book his contemporaries liked being "Diaries of the Seducer"

>> No.12247313
File: 324 KB, 990x1400, Baccano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the mood for some fantasy...

>> No.12247324

Based on what?

>> No.12247362

The summer book by Tove Jansson

Angela Carter? But she's shit.

>> No.12247405


>> No.12247415


Yes, I know. Honeslty, I prefer the manga.

>> No.12247487


> it's not absolutely terrible, but it presents itself as more profound than it actually is, which is one of my pet peeves

agree for s1, s2 was much better conceptually

>> No.12247501

Aria is the purest and most beautiful piece of art ever to be made by human beings.

>> No.12247508
File: 191 KB, 664x1000, MV5BZGEzNmMyNDUtODFiNi00N2RiLWEzM2MtMzMyOGFiYmMxYWJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjcyNjU1MjM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,664,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't let me down

>> No.12247512

the manga

>> No.12247519


>> No.12247645

honestly Berserk the only manga worth reading, best chinese drawings.

>> No.12247715

>that ontario license plate

>> No.12247877
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This thread needs mushishi

>> No.12247913
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Yeah but how about just posting the better one?

>> No.12247948
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>> No.12248066
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extreme sleeps, about a woman hike/campers adventures, non-fiction

>> No.12248082
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Walden, maybe? Mushishi's a tough one.

>> No.12248118
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>> No.12248121


>> No.12248124


>> No.12248133

Macbeth, aspects of it are taken from tales of Sigurd and the nibilungenlied - but that is minor.

>> No.12248135

Watership Down :^)

>> No.12248144
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>> No.12248246
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Surprise me.

>> No.12248249

Bushido: The Way of the Samurai

>> No.12248257

Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)

>> No.12248261

Enter the Bushido (36 Samurai)

>> No.12248276
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>> No.12248305

Inaccurate but also irrelevant. Animeposting usually equates to shitposting, lack of reading, and infantile opinions. It is reasonable to oust animeposters as the cretins they are without even involving anime itself.

>> No.12248307

this is the only anime ive ever watched all the way through but i really loved it, more like it and is it pleb taste?

>> No.12248313

>Is it pleb taste
Entry-level, yes. Pleb, absolutely not.
>More like it?
Cowboy Bebop- Space Western with jazz by the same staff.

>> No.12248333

check out Cowboy Bebop, it's by the same director and is very similar (both are episodic adventure series about travelling mercenaries with great soundtracks that somehow fit the setting even though they shouldn't)

>> No.12248471
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Seconding this one. I'd love to read a /lit/ equivalent of RoV.

Please don't say Les Miserables. That's a boring answer.

>> No.12248496
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The Red and the Black - Stendhal

>> No.12248522

Remember that all of the boards you use on 4chan were created with the intention of being places where anime-posters could discuss their other interests.

>> No.12248523

Something from Pratchett

>> No.12248538

Fanged Noumena

>> No.12248556
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>> No.12248601

I got convinced to watch this anime thanks to the anon who is shilling it, but cannot find for my life a proper HD source. Any links?

>> No.12248607
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>> No.12248609

14 year old cancer newfags spotted
It was an anime website when the only boards were a for anime and b for hentai
when other interest boards were added in 2004 they were not interest boards for anime fans but interest boards for [interest] fans and it was not an "anime website" anymore
lately i have had to explain this so many times i think ill make a pasta to save some effort or just finally leave normiechan alltogether.
/lit and /b are the only boards that still somewhat interest me here anyway since 2013 ruined everything on the internet

>> No.12248616
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>being this objectively wrong despite such confidence that you're right

>> No.12248811
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, gasaraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that combines the supernatural with a lot of musings on power and governance the way Gasaraki does?
Keeping in mind I've already read Dune.

>> No.12248834

>be brainlet
>claim someone is objectively wrong without providing the objective counterevidence
your pic and your post go well together

>> No.12248843


>> No.12248852


>> No.12248857

looking for European magic realism, preferably kafka-ish

>> No.12248858

what's this?

>> No.12248908

>>something outdoors, comfy, and a bit thoughtful
>Anne of Green Gables is the first thing that comes to mind then. Also deals with moving forward in a similar way that HR does
Sure, I'll check that out for the YuruCamp rep. Then I'll check out the Anne anime.
Thanks, I'll look that up too.

>> No.12249625
File: 685 KB, 600x943, szs salvation in progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SZS is my favorite series, bar none. Another anon mentioned Delilo, and I think that's a good place in terms of the socially satirical elements. I'd say something by Hesse too - his protagonists often feel, at least to me, about as overly dramatic and self-involved as Nozomu. Obviously, "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai is important, because that was Kumeta's inspiration for Nozomu.

It's really hard to find anything with a similar style of humor, though. I'm honestly not sure where to look. George Saunders, maybe, because there you're getting the social commentary too. Or "60 Stories" by Donald Barthelme

>> No.12249706
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>> No.12249708

Notes from Underground

>> No.12249711

anime is racist and sexist

>> No.12249719

The fact that no one has responded to this shows that /a/ and /lit/ is full of posers myself included

>> No.12249753
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Teito Monogatari sounds like it would be perfect for you but sadly it's never been published in English.

It's a long shot sorry but maybe try 'Vathek' by William Beckford or Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole.

>> No.12249764

The fact that people post animes without giving recs means you're probably right

>> No.12249793

so are a lot of things

>> No.12249809

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

>> No.12249851
File: 326 KB, 1600x900, 1531613223228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay swordsman, low-fantasy, cute brown girl?

The Steel Remains

>> No.12249863

The obvious one is "Neuromancer" or "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", but any thoughtful cyberpunk will do.

>> No.12249941

Thanks but already read (liked both).
Those aren't the reasons I liked that but thank you.
I expected someone to recomend me something simmilar to Robert Howard, but I guess /lit/ is just to biased.

>> No.12249942

What is this from

>> No.12249950


>> No.12249952

probably tylo be chillin

>> No.12249974
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>> No.12249976
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No genre fiction please.

>> No.12249979

You've given nothing but your word. I don't need to provide evidence.

>> No.12249983

Then pic a nongenre anime.

>> No.12249990

William Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy.

>> No.12249996

I didn't look if NGE got posted already but if it did I'd recommend Robert Musil's Man without Qualities.
I rewatched it last summer and noticed that like Musil, Anno tried to save his protagonist but didn't find a satisfying way to do so.

>> No.12250002

>entire existence is protecting the woman he loves.
Unless you were taking about Griffith. That guy's a huge faggot.

>> No.12250020

The most interesting thing about NGE is Shinji (mostly his mother) ultimately stopped instrumentality instrumentality from completing. Mankind just didn't want to wake up and reform the way Asuka had, or at least it wasn't ready.

>> No.12250022

imo the only thing griffith was gay for was power

>> No.12250029
File: 1.91 MB, 500x281, 5th level wizards in a nutshell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.12250032

Only thing I can think of is Odd Thomas, but only because it has a likable, chill main character who sees ghosts.

>> No.12250048
File: 9 KB, 220x330, mushishi-1053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushi-shi because the recommendations don't fit and I'm also a different anon, and I really want to know! There should be silence, it should be beautiful, it should be simultaneously incoherent and insightful (causing frisson all the time), it should be full of tragedy and catharsis, it should have a feeling of connectedness with nature, and it should depend on folklore (preferably japanese folklore)

>> No.12250054
File: 84 KB, 595x842, d6ehu4h-3fd28fc5-1c46-4f99-9d0b-3e2b23eedac4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin was OK but nobody could top my studious elvish blind girl.

>> No.12250062

Please I need something like this. Favourite show oat.

>> No.12250069

By your standards, Roadside Picnic and I Am Legend.

>> No.12250090

If you wanted Howard then read Howard already!
His Solomon Kane series is based as fuck.

>> No.12250109

I was more thinking of NGE as a stand alone work without EoE. Anno really wanted to get Shinji to have that happy ending he did in NGE but didn't find a way to justify this. That's why the last scene felt so abrupt.
That's is the reason I was recommending Man without Qualities. Musil and Anno both worked themselfs into depression. Only the later didn't take it quite so serious in the end.

10 minutes to solve the fucking captcha. I hate this site so goddamn much.

>> No.12250113

No. It is the perfect medium for what was intended from punpun.

>> No.12250131
File: 629 KB, 1000x559, your-lie-in-april-episode-22-farewell-duet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lie in april
Focus on the deep aspects too like Kousei's constant failing and learning, about his steady changes and shifts of perception, about his naïveté, about him having deep insights, about his inner troubles, about the slice of life and coming-of-age, about his metacognition, and all the meaning surroudning this anime

>> No.12250132

Use the non java captcha. 4chan X offers that option.
I personally can't think of NGE's finale without EoE being intrinsically a part of it. Too many visual cues during the finale, like the flash of Misato's fate, tied them both together so well for me. I took it and always will take it as two perspectives of the same event.

>> No.12250149

All this and no ones posted kaiji?

>> No.12250158

burden of proof is on you because you tried to invalidate the facts which i have given
but you wouldnt understand since youre a normie retard child who is not older than 15

>> No.12250168

You made a false statement with no evidence and was called on it. Your ad hominem won't help change that.

>> No.12250175

Tins of underdog stories out there. Akagi style stories are harder to come by.

>> No.12250189
File: 1.22 MB, 3132x2713, eva-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah best boy hands down

>> No.12250233

Thanks for the recommendations, they are very good for certain aspects like the supernatural or that they are beautiful or in connection to nature, perhaps also these depend on japanese folklore? however I feel like they lack the catharsis aspect. Mushi-shi cleans you each time you watch it, so to speak, it makes you cry and be filled by warm despite the initial depressing scenario, because somehow there is always an understanding and resolving. I haven't read those books, though I've seen the movie of the first and read the wikipedia article of the second, but I don't feel like there is much of a catharsis: it feels more like if there was a depressing mood that was their constant companion, but tell me, why do you think it fits the catharsis part of my description?

>> No.12250258

Try "Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things" by Lafcadio Hearn

>> No.12250316

Thanks, I like this, it's pretty good for the japanese folklore aspect, its beauty and connection to nature; it's weird, mystical and I suppose also profound and it adds many other aspects that I overlooked that also correspond pretty well to mushi-shi but still, most reviewers describe Kwaidan as scary and not cathartic but I'll try it nonetheless!

>> No.12250322

Why does reddit hate anime so much? You have an entire website as a safe space, why don’t you just stay there?

>> No.12250364


>> No.12250720
File: 41 KB, 837x768, kaiji bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that series, but don't think it would work well in book form because it's main strengths lie in the presentation.

>> No.12250757

r/anime has 828k subs so your bait doesn't make sense

>> No.12250770

the lies of locke lamora
not really that similar and is also (((genrefiction))) but it covers themes of friendship and you haven't gotten any other replies

>> No.12250788

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.12250807

I was enjoying it until about a third of the way through and then it takes a massive nosedive and becomes absolute shit. Even before that they had the fucking blonde girl fucking shitting all over the tone, why the fuck do japs have so little respect for tone?

I was genuinely shocked because i had only heard praise.

>> No.12250821

Wrong website, Reddit.

>> No.12250825

>14 year old cancer newfags spotted
>but you wouldnt understand since youre a normie retard child who is not older than 15
ask me how i know you're an 18-19 year old child

>> No.12250826

It's literally cookie-cutter 3x3 taste.

>> No.12250908

Prometheus Rising

>> No.12250956
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>> No.12250970
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Don't come back.

>> No.12250973


>> No.12250977
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The Last Temptation of Christ

>> No.12251001

Fuck off foot fag

>> No.12251011

it's common knowledge that the second half is shit, yet people still say it's one of their favourites
probably because it was one of the first anime they've seen and they liked the premise and MC so much that they didn't notice the flaws

a pretty good example of why trusting """anime fans""" for recommendations is not always a good idea

>> No.12251017

>it's widely accepted as amazing, that means it's bad

>> No.12251032

Afro Samurai desu

>> No.12251038
File: 104 KB, 700x990, 23ded01015c489d32532dc7bc6fff4171edcdb77_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly an anime but here i go

>> No.12251052
File: 36 KB, 223x325, Yokohama_Kaidashi_Kikō_volume_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12251074

Fuck off digibro

>> No.12251078

Cringe and cringe.

>> No.12251091
File: 93 KB, 640x360, 90D725AE-A4E9-4AA5-A9DF-B48B7EBC06EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three books instantly pop into my mind.

>> No.12251121

Which ones?

>> No.12251144

On Nature
and of course the Pali canon

>> No.12251146

Then why post

>> No.12251158

I am wondering what books come to mind in others. Why did you make your post? My answer isn’t very difficult to assume.

>> No.12251162
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, Best-Anime-Zankyou-no-Terror-HD-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12251403

Naked Lunch

>> No.12251461
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>> No.12251703

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.12251704

What is that?

>> No.12251716

Thanks for putting it in words anon ;)

>> No.12251737

Also check out "Herman Hesse - Narcissus & Goldmund". Not extacly like Mushishi, but that's hard to do anyway.

>> No.12251914
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not this time, Teddy Bomber

>> No.12251970

if you've already read War and Peace, the Red and the Black by Stendhal.

>> No.12251979

Fëanor did nothing wrong

>> No.12252023


>> No.12252178

This one's hard, because you can take it in the Buddhist themes and try to offer recs there, or take it as Phos' trauma train rolling down the tracks as they try to do the best they can and still fuck up and make the wrong choice almost every time.

Siddhartha, definitely, for the first kind of thing. Not really sure about the second, unfortunately, though I'd like recommendations for it myself.

Mao II, Delilo. It's not his most popular by any means, but I actually think its my favorite of his.

>> No.12252297
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-11-25-20h02m53s191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War & Peace
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

It's based on a proper novel. (Though there is only a fan translation available. It seemed decent enough. Had a weirdly pompous, ironically pseud tone, just like what a college student would write)

If you are looking for the Taisho aesthetic with some social commentary then I'd say Natsume Soseki's books. Though they are not funny.
No Longer Human has the misanthropic aspect down to a T.

That? Joshiraku. A comedy anime.

What do you faggots have for "The World God Only Knows"?

>> No.12252368


>> No.12252369

>What do you faggots have for "The World God Only Knows"?

Ready Player One.

>> No.12252389

I guess some things were just never meant to be.

>> No.12252539

It's not like it's totally wrong
>Main character is a know-it-all and uses his niche knowledge to "win" things
>The knowledge is based on video games and media
>They're both trash

>> No.12252550

pirate it you nigger

>> No.12252561

No, I mean I don't know what I expected.
I just liked the anime and the manga too.
RPO I read when I was around 13-14, and in retrospect, it was total trash.
Maybe some concepts were never meant to be written down in a book.

>> No.12252850

Kinda off topic, do we post light novels here, /jp/, or /a/

Anime posting: A place further than the universe

>> No.12252857

If you consider light novels to be literature, then consider deleting your account

>> No.12252875

/jp/ or /a/

>> No.12252878

Spice and Wolf was the only good LN ever published so any discussion on LNs would be brief.

>> No.12252888
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>> No.12252951
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Kill yourself

>> No.12252964
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>> No.12252973

We've had light novel threads before. NHK ones even.

>> No.12252994
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Hiroshima, by John Hersey

>> No.12252996
File: 216 KB, 640x960, ping pong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how good is this, and will I like it if I liked ping pong?