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12243858 No.12243858 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books I can read to understand why the French have such a sexual psyche?

>> No.12243864

the stranger

>> No.12243868

The Culture of Critique by Kevin B. MacDonald

>> No.12243916

unironically this

the french are the jews of the goyim. just look at the 20th century shitshow that is their forays into philosophy and politics.

>> No.12243965

I know nothing about history but I think the Jews suborned the French Revolution, which led to France's unrestrained sexualism. Also, I've never read the Marquis de Sade, but he probably had something to do with it.

>> No.12243979

noone cares

>> No.12243992


For the full "de Sade experience" you will have to read it in prison. Since you're probably a chronic fapper you are basically half way through already!

>> No.12244014

>I know nothing about history but I think the Jews

sounds about right

>> No.12244018

Charles Darwin - On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Besides that you don't need any other book to understand why their women pussy get wet every time they see anything that seems superior to the sissy weak blonde average frenchy, they surrender to anything, they surrendered to superior germans back then, and they surrendered to the darkest africans and their superior BBCs now.

>> No.12244033
File: 550 KB, 865x1600, Céline156484354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our French Republic is no more than a great gullet swallowing the negroizing of the French at the command of the Jews. Our governors are a clique of sadistic yids and yellow-bellied masons sworn to swallow us up, to bastardize us further, to boil us down by all the grotesque, primitive means of inter-mixture, part negro, part yellow, part white, part red, part monkey, part Jewish, part everything.

>> No.12244064

Unironically this. It's mainly about Jewish influence on cinema. We basically are like a Weimar Germany from the end of the XIXth century to the present day.

To read :
La crise de la conscience européenne (Hazard)
Les tribus du cinéma et du théâtre (Rebatet)
La presse et les Juifs (Pemjean)
Le Miroir du judaïsme (Ryssen)

>> No.12244094

Am I supposed to care about this faggot?

>> No.12244285


Celine is the answer to all the Deleuze shilling that's been going on here.

>> No.12244316

Funny how much he turned out like his father after all the shit he got from him

>> No.12244523

>just look at the 20th century shitshow that is their forays into philosophy and politics.
That's mostly due to CIA patronage.

>> No.12244562


frenchies will defend this

>> No.12244572

Bunuel is spanish

>> No.12244589

Bunuel is dope tho

>> No.12244604

Do they have such a sexual psyche, or rather they just don't have a repressed sex culture like we do?

>> No.12244621

It’s true. It’s a fucked up country, they don’t breast feed their children because they’re breasts are for their “lovers”

>> No.12244630

literally the most anti-semitic country in the western world, especially their leftists who basically invented holocaust denial

educate yourself, imbecile

>> No.12244638

people dont get mort a credit...celine was already anti-semitic before writing that...his first work (even before journey) is anti-semitic

dont act like the anti-semitism is a weird lapse in his thought, it always existed...that reading is just as bad as the bobos who harp on about "la musique de celine"

>> No.12244651

> frenchies

druckner, gainsbourg, houston

>> No.12244669

Wtf I love the french now

>> No.12244795

no one hates the jews more than the jews

>> No.12245251

2 jews and a niggress.
I see no French.

>> No.12245286

Who said it was a lapse in his thought? Can you read?

>> No.12246207


>> No.12246226

Idk from what country you are, OP, but historically speaking Western manners were codified in France and was dispersed accross Europe from it. Also Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll was mainly an anglo thing. French Intellectuals were simply astute enough to forgo it altogether.

>> No.12246243

god you people sound like such massive retards

>> No.12246732

jfc fuck off pol

>> No.12246756

French people are overly sexual because like 2/3 of the population is infected with toxoplasmosis from cats and meat.

>> No.12246759

French is not a blood, French is an idea

>> No.12246788

this legitimately sounds deranged

>> No.12247327


>> No.12247334


>> No.12247402
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