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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 1024x768, Zeus--greek-mythology-687267_1024_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1224088 No.1224088 [Reply] [Original]

What greek and roman literature do you recommend? I'm interested reading some.

>> No.1224095

Do you want to fap to ancient literature? Read the Satyricon by Petronius.

>> No.1224113

Greek drama is always a good place to start: the Bacchae and Medea by Euripides, the Oresteia of Aeschylus, the Oedipus plays by Sophocles, and Aristophanes' comedies....Lysistrata being one you can fap to.

>> No.1224127

Seconding the Satyricon. You WILL laugh, you might fap, you will definitely be surprised that somebody wrote this 2000 years ago.

>> No.1224129

Satyricon is already on my list of books to read. What else is similiar to this?

>> No.1224144


The Golden Ass, by Apuleius
The Satires of Juvenal
The Poems of Catullus
The Epigrams of Martial

Those are probably the other works of Latin literature most similar to Petronius in various ways. In Greek, it's basically Aristophanes.

>> No.1224162
File: 497 KB, 1700x800, ovid_translations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1224167

Metamorphoses, I guess
and you know, the Aeneid/Odyssey/Iliad
and the Oresteia
and the Oedipus Trilogy.

>> No.1224230

Shit who is Ted Hughes and why is his translation so different and badass?

>> No.1224234

ted hughes is a great and well-known poet

>> No.1224236


Ted Hughes is the poet who conquered Sylvia "I Hate My Dad and By Extension Men In General" Plath and his translation is so badass because it is not really a translation

>> No.1224238


He was Great Britain's Poet Laureate for two decades, he wrote some of the most interesting poetry of the 20th century, he published many "translations" that were actually adaptations based on literal translations made by friends, and he was Sylvia Plath's husband.

His poetry is incredible - if you're impressed with this tiny two stanza excerpt, you should go find Crow.

>> No.1224251

Euripedes Nuts.

>> No.1224262


Translation from misogynistese: he drove her to suicide because he was a philandering asshole, then censored the parts of the poetry she left behind that made it plain she regarded him as her murderer. He then shacked up with another woman who also committed suicide for the same reason.

>> No.1224267
File: 10 KB, 300x205, AndreaDworkin_55742a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought you died

>> No.1224271


The thing is, it's the truth.

>> No.1224276
File: 6 KB, 300x315, dworkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, yes, what daddy did to you was very bad

>> No.1224278


It's the truth.

>> No.1224279

Actually, there is no evidence of that at all whatsoever

>> No.1224283
File: 17 KB, 474x327, andreadworkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "truth".

>> No.1224282


Except her writings and the testimony of those who were there, no, of course not.

>> No.1224281

He married the woman he for whom he left Plath. How is that philandering?

He didn't censor any of her poetry. He burned one journal, which mostly contained accounts of how much she hated her children. She would have wanted it destroyed.

Hughes haters are some of the most deluded, literature-hating, poetry-hating, life-hating people on the planet. Plath was a woman with severe depression. Her mental illness is to blame. You can't blame Hughes for her suicide. Millions of people separate due to infidelity every year.

Have you read his recently discovered poem Last Letter? It was excluded from Birthday Letters. It was published for the first time two weeks ago. Last Letter is his only known account of the day of Plath's death.

>> No.1224291


He betrayed her with another woman he then drove to suicide in the same way. OK, not philandering. Call it betrayal.

Yes, he censored her poetry thoroughly.

'Haters'? I'm telling the truth. That he has cheerleaders like a movie-star, fans who call those who are critical 'haters', says it all.

No, I never read the murderer's posthumously-released mendacity. I'll look it up.

Hughes was one of the most life-denying, poetry-denying people in the world. Every line of his work attests to his self-willed damnation.

>> No.1224295


You find feminism funny, eh? Well I'm not a feminist, but I'd rather be a feminist than a member of a murderer's fan club.

>> No.1224297
File: 19 KB, 184x183, Dworkin184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, it's just you I find funny :3

>> No.1224300

Because I'm mad, I'll continue this.

Hughes haters have vandalized Plath's gravestone non-stop since her burial. They have chiseled out the name "Hughes" in "Sylvia Plath Hughes." They have also chiseled out the inscription, "Even amidst fierce flames the golden lotus can be planted." They don't care about Plath. All they want is to denigrate a successful poet. They act out of idiocy, animal emotion, that has no connection to Hughes or Plath. She wouldn't have wanted it. She was a woman of words, of poetry, of beauty, of moments, and some idiot with a chisel hacking away at her gravestone is none of those things.

>> No.1224302

Ted Hughes literally killed everyone in his family who killed themselves

>> No.1224303

stop posting all those pics of andrea dworkin, ironically enough it's making me want to fap

>> No.1224304

Pretty much every single thing that's left from the Greeks is worth reading. The theatre, the epic poetry, the poetry, the history, the philosophy...the stuff that survived did so because it's good, so just get ALL of it.

>> No.1224306

Ted Hughes was a bad, bad man. I'm just saying, you didn't want to fuck with the guy. He was crazy. The man was a fucking axe murderer. I'm not sure why you people are defending him.

>> No.1224312


You're an idiot. Plath died because Hughes openly went and fucked another woman - not his later wife, ANOTHER fuckbuddy - over the weekend after having been given plain warning of her intention to commit suicide.

Those people are trying to erase a vandalism, not engrave one.

>> No.1224321

how in fuck did a perfectly nice thread about greek and roman classics turn into a fucking ted and sylvia thread with photos of andrea dworkin? this is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.1224322

lol would you rather he divorced her first

>> No.1224330

man, this thread really derailed, didn't it?

I saw a production of Aristophenes' Frogs once that made me double over in laughter. That's all I can really contribute, though. It was a very "modern" interpretation as far as costumes etc, but I believe it was authentic as far as the dialog.

and >>1224251, Euripides trousers, you mend-a these trousers.

>> No.1224332


>> No.1224340

Plath and Hughes didn't live in the time of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Infidelity is a private problem, between a husband and wife. No one else has a right to inject themselves into the argument.

Why do you think he censored her poetry? What reputable source claims he had anything to do with the censorious editing of Ariel? The only real claim to censorship by Hughes might be her journals, which he freely admitted. He didn't think publishing her very private diary entries in full would be appropriate, especially while her children were alive.

Hughes' entire life was devoted to words. His every action was aimed towards poetry. There was nothing about him capable of denying, refusing, or stopping a poem. He will be remembered for centuries not because of his life or lifestyle, but because his poetry is so visceral, so powerful, so lively, that it will stand on its own, in a genre of its own, for as long as the English language lasts.

>> No.1224353


i think they're both wildly fucking overrated, and they deserved each other.

anyone who is capable of comparing a mild fever to hiroshima is clearly a narcissistic bitch.

anyone who goes on about the hideous black vulva choking crow's neck like a garrote while god laughs is clearly full of melodramatic horseshit.

i would sooner gnaw my own leg off by way of light relief than have to read poetry by either one.

>> No.1224364

If you didn't enjoy Crow you have no soul. Really. That was the most innovative poetry of the time. Every other poet went in the same direction, all at the same time. Hughes went somewhere else, and did what he did better than anyone before or since.

>> No.1224373

>Your thread about Greek and Roman literature will be derailed by discussion of an American and British poet of the twentieth century

>> No.1224379

>experienced one wife commit suicide, and second wife copy that suicide, in addition to killing his child, while wearing first wife's clothing

>> No.1224383


God decided he was tired
Of his spinning toys.
They wobbled and grew still.

When the sun was lifted away
Like an orange lifted from a fruit-bowl

And darkness, blacker
Than an oil-slick
Covered everything forever

And the last ear on earth
Lay on the beach,
Deaf as a shell

And the land froze
And the seas froze

"Who's a pretty boy then?" Budgie cried.

>> No.1224407

fuck you strugnell go away

>> No.1224440

He's forgotten already, except as Plath's abuser. The late Modernists can't use him, the post-Larkin bunch can't use him, and all his poems are all photocopies of the same laughably portentious rub-their-noses-in-it farmyard caper, or simply nullities.

What bosh.

>> No.1224443


> melodramatic

> break up two marriages with suicide of other partner due to fucking other women

> wife #2 deliberately echoing wife #1's demise to give everyone a fucking hint

> orphan own kids twice due to this

> make it all about the dramatisation of one's own regret

> be unable to admit guilt even at the point of death

> win acclaim

> write doggerel for royal family

>> No.1224444



>> No.1224446


> Hughes too slow on feet to rape daughter, feels bad man

> crow pissed on his house

>> No.1224448


Nah, this part was a joke but the rest is all true.

>> No.1224453

Ted Hughes used to be the living poet most likely to draw the comment 'I thought he was dead?'

Now he draws no comment, except from those who knew him personally, or people researching the life of Sylvia Plath. Crow comes in his death-curdled eyeball.

>> No.1224457

It might be funny to write a splenetic biography of him called 'The Dick of Death'.

>> No.1224468

I've decided I actually want to write Ted Hughes: the Dick of Death.

>> No.1224473

Chapter One: You've Gotta Be Shitting Me

>> No.1224485

This is a bad thread, in my opinion.

>> No.1224488


HAHAHA! No, it's a great thread.

Chapter Two: Shagger Thoth

I seriously would enjoy the fuck out of writing this book.

>> No.1224490


Chapter Three: Shakespeare and the Domestic Goddess of Being Baked In An Oven

>> No.1224494

Now I think of it, Shagger Thoth would be a hilarious title for the whole book, because it would signal, perhaps even more plainly than 'The Dick of Death', my unsleeping contempt for the subject.

>> No.1224495


YES! YES! Thank you...

>> No.1224496

Chapter Four: God LIterally Tears the Universe into Many Little Pieces and Farts On It

>> No.1224497

Chapter Five: Wodwo You Say If I Sang Out Of Tune, Wodwo Stand Up And Walk Out On Me?

>> No.1224499



Chapter Five: Ted Will Fuck You Like A Sow Eating Its Own Farrow...

>> No.1224500

Chapter Seven: Stillbirthday Letters

>> No.1224501


Best post in 4chan history. That's brilliant.

>> No.1224503

Chapter 8: Seems Like Carelessness

>> No.1224504

Chapter 9: The Wevill That Men Do

>> No.1224507

Chapter 10: The Iron Wang

>> No.1224509

Chapter 11: Crow Sucks Larkin's Sloppy Seconds Through a Hole in the Fabric of Time Up a Cow's Arse (Sarah Ferguson)

>> No.1224511

Chapter 12: For Whom The Bell Jars

>> No.1224517

Chapter 13: Crow Tries to Get Viagra on the NHS

>> No.1224546

Chapter 14: Put The Kettle On, Olwyn, I've Got Manuscripts To Burn

>> No.1224566

wtf this shit is amazing keep going

>> No.1224576



>> No.1224885


You win all my rage, but I won't hate you because you at least know what you're doing. Good work, anon. You're still an asshole though.