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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 307 KB, 1366x768, 3535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12228489 No.12228489 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.12228490

I wanna CUM, motherfuckers!

>> No.12228503

How every word you say on the internet, or even in public or anywhere else is recorded. Everything is just data. The only place where you are not being watched is your mind and that will soon change too.

>> No.12228553

I really like this image. It looks like something my grandmother would have framed on a wall. It made me smile. Thanks anon.

>> No.12228566


>> No.12228574

When you told me that I was just not the one, and you left me standing out in the cold,
it's been a long time and I'm so much better now that I'm looking back and seeing it all

>> No.12228594

>finally meet a dude semi-attractive dude on Grindr that's around my age after swimming through literal boomer dicks for a few days
>really cool lad. Easy to talk to, laid back, funny, and even understood a few /tv/ memes I was throwing at him to test the waters
>basically force my numbers into his hands so we can start texting
>as soon as we do he goes full sad boi mode and starts complaining about his depression, suicide, and how he hates his body
>I'm just sitting here awestruck because all I wanted was to suck some dick
I think I'm gay until I actually interact with gays then I realize It's not worth the trouble. Fags are subhuman.

>> No.12228609

>and even understood a few /tv/ memes I was throwing at him to test the waters

maybe you were the real faggot

>> No.12228613

*huff huff*posting is peak literature.

>> No.12228619

I have zero clue what that is, sorry.

>> No.12228621


This has been bothering me a lot lately

>> No.12228624


>> No.12228641
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>> No.12228689
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*huff huff* I gotta say it... *huff* the pitbull *huff huff huff* the statistics... *huff huff* 10% of the dog population *huff* but... 50% of the... *huff huff huff*

>> No.12228766
File: 243 KB, 512x546, 1525822578163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRL guys are just jerks usually. I'll stick with my yaoi.

>> No.12228773

Nothing particularly creative. Just wondering if anybody on /lit/ narrates audiobooks.

>> No.12228789

I kek'd. That's really funny for some reason.

The brunette has to be a girl

Made me think of this

>> No.12228800

>Ahhh, there is an entire cucumber in my ass and I can't stop cumming!

Opening line to my novel.

>> No.12228808

wtf guys are just like girls

>> No.12228814

Lousy writer. At least people know to stop reading right away.

>> No.12228844

>The brunette has to be a girl

it's yaoi anon, they're both boys

>> No.12228896
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>> No.12228906
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There are times when I love programming. It's sort of like a choose your own adventure story.

Sometimes I'll be navigating thouch a cli and I will be prompted with a question such as: "doing this will change thing irrevocably and you may have to revert and waste all this time in a head scramble. Do it? (y/n)

Then I have to stop and realize I'm at a fork in the road. Life is a lot like that, the give and take.

In the real world it's much better to keep a low profile and don't do anything to personally antagonize anyone just minding their own business, but a program has no feelings and can take as much cussing and abuse as you want to give it! Which makes for some fun little quips on occasion.

People who think coding is for squares tend to be the dullest sort of square themselves.

>> No.12228931
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>Do it? (y/n)$
>$git init
>$git add *
>$git commit * -m "backup state before le irrevocably change"
>Do it? (y/n)$

>> No.12228953

is nofap a meme? i haven't nut in like 5 days just because i haven't had time but i still feel like shid

>> No.12228955


>> No.12228997
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Heading back home for christmas break in a couple hours. Hoping not to run into my ex-oneitis while I'm back. But she's friends with most of my friends so I probably will. I wish I knew what I was doing.

>> No.12229139

i'm having a really hard time not slitting my wrists and ending it all. 'm so weary. i hate this rat race

>> No.12229197
File: 449 KB, 640x560, 5f45222616aa8cfe0b3278384a9d3d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to i keep writing? i would get a spark of motivation and write a couple pages of a story before getting board of it and not going back to it. There's too many ideas bouncing around in my noggin to just sit down and put it on paper.

>> No.12229252


>> No.12229267

Unironically the truth is in the middle :^)

>> No.12229274


>> No.12229282
File: 62 KB, 500x334, skelly3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression post of the day.

Writing this in a hurry because it's late.
Not much happened today. I've been to the dentist this morning and my tooth still hurts. I'm afraid I'll have to drop by again on Monday and get a root canal. I really hope the pain will be gone tomorrow. I've become so intolerant to pain.
I want to start drawing again, but I have this thought every other week. I have a beautiful easel in my room that reminds me every day how much of a quitter I am. I quit doing so many things, I wish some of them back.

>> No.12229299
File: 425 KB, 800x980, 1484949113943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a beautiful easel in my room

You can do it anon. Paint something beautiful.

>> No.12229304

I'm high. Legalized recently in Canada, it's helping me deal with my alcoholism. Got over $100 worth in commissions that I have to write but I haven't started yet.

>> No.12229327
File: 76 KB, 610x660, 1541732684820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why I still come to message boards, or image boards.

I don't care what anyone anyone thinks about anything. I don't care if they love what I love or hate what I hate.

If you said "I love band ___" and I said "yeah, I totally love them and have seen them a thousand times," would that make you feel any better or worse about that band? What is to be gained talking about nothing?

Why do I keep coming here when I could do be doing, I don't know, something else?

>> No.12229335

>tfw still haven't tried weed and will probably only manage once it's legal and lame
how the FUCK are autists supposed to get drugs?

>> No.12229340
File: 160 KB, 788x443, Marijuana-legal-in-Michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting my weed-legs back in the wake of statewide recreational approval. Feels pretty okay being a little more free.

>> No.12229344
File: 20 KB, 280x210, 1507089545742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoopsy, meant for >>12229304

>> No.12229354

Is this the worst time period to be alive ever? I think I'd be happier in any other era of history, unless I was an unskilled slave or something.

>> No.12229358

>would that make you feel any better or worse about that band?

It would give us something in common to talk about.

>What is to be gained talking about nothing?

It's fairly enjoyable to talk about things you like with people you like.

>> No.12229362

Temporal grass is always greener maybe?

Or maybe you would do better in another era. I don't know you.

>> No.12229367

Fair question. I've been asked on the street if I knew where to buy some weed, not often granted but it's happened at least once to my recollection. Anyways, keep your ear out for conversations that involve weed or people wearing weed-related paraphernalia. A shirt or hat with weed-leaf stuff on it, Bob Marley stuff, Cheech & Chong, whatever. Stoners, though some have a tendency towards paranoia, are generally quite peaceful and welcoming in my opinion.

Honestly i didn't touch the stuff for years before it was legalized. I was a stoner half a decade ago or so, but since it's legalized I only just started again. I'm quite a lightweight due to the years of sobriety from cannabis, but now it's doing wonders in helping me cut down my drinking. Seriously, I'm saving hundreds of dollars every month.

>> No.12229370

>It's fairly enjoyable to talk about things you like with people you like.
And I'm not in the Snowflake Olympics or anything, but honestly it's not. I tried going on reddit and joined communities based around common likes, and it's just as boring as fighting. Actually, defending something is almost more valuable because it causes you to reevaluate or sharpen an idea.

>> No.12229371

Different guy but it's rare for internet discussions to go beyond surface level statements (yeah I like band too!). Believe me I've had some good conversations online but they're very uncommon compared to shitposts or just anons shouting into the void.

>> No.12229375

>but honestly it's not.

You don't enjoy talking with people at all? Even offline?

>> No.12229387

The thing is, I did it for years offline. I didn't have a computer growing up and all my friends were irl, but after growing up and then getting wasted all the time, I found it terribly boring to be with people and not fucking bombed out of my skull. So, you can imagine online it's like an even more boring and thin version of that, but I still respond to you or anybody else because, idk, maybe attention, maybe I just have empathy and think you deserve a response.

I've never been lonely. I don't know what it feels like, I swear to god.

>> No.12229404

Glad to hear it. Honestly, I think Trudeau is a national embarrassment but I give him props for getting it legalized. It might be the only thing I like about his term as Prime Minister, but he definitely did at least SOMETHING that I see as beneficial. Now, we'll see if there are any longterm consequences. It seems to me like Canada is a bit of a petri dish right now. I mean, do you realize the shortages that were experienced even over a month after it was legalized? Anyhow, just saying, I don't think there's much data available about widespread legalization of pot across an entire nation. How will 'stoned driving' be handled in terms of roadside testing? Now that both alcohol and cannabis are legal, how do the amounts of substance-related accidents compare? It's known that alcohol use is involved in many crimes, now I REALLY don't anticipate a correlation here, but is there any correlation between cannabis and crime? Likely not crimes done while in the process of being high, most people just veg out and chill when high to my knowledge, but what about stoners who can't get a fix? Well, cigarettes are TERRIBLY addictive and yet I don't hear much about tobacco smokers stealing smokes when they can't afford it so it doens't make sense that a fairly non-addictive substance (similar in addiction to coffee) would lead to such things.

Just thinking out loud here, that's all. I think it likely that there will be no serious long-term consequences to legalized cannabis.

>> No.12229407
File: 144 KB, 557x991, IMG_20181215_030738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty trash at painting, pic related was my last watercolor (mom insists on hanging them).
I used to draw in pencil and ink mostly but it's been so long I forgot everything

>> No.12229423

we have so many options now. if i was born in a small town in the 1800s and had to choose between farming or a trade i think i'd pick farming and be very happy not knowing anything else

>> No.12229428


yesterday i woke up with 10 bucks in my pocket and packed up the entirety of my possessions into a pack and went to the ramp to hitch.4 hours later a 50 year old woman picks me up,she has skin like beef jerky,3 teeth and is rocking back and forth and using somewhat erratic gesticulations like someone on meth.she buys me and my dog lunch and drives me to my destination and then gives me 60 bucks worth of winning lottery tickets and i thank her and cash them in and hike 6 miles to a place i scouted from google earth,it has undeveloped land next to a walmart and starbucks,i visit both and go set up camp and go to bed.

its been 5,000 days of this randomness and its become the norm for me.5,000 days...i think of 5,000 days.

>> No.12229456

I really hated weed for a while because it got too fucking strong. I used to smoke a ton but quit entirely. I'm really only back because it's legal, which is weird, but I'm using very little.

I haven't been too concerned with the shops or anything (we've been medical for a decade, so the structure is already almost in place), because so many grow and it's super common and easy to start around here.

It's hard to go a summer without someone trying to unload a truck-bed of clones on you.

>> No.12229462

i love this holy shut it's beautiful

>> No.12229468

>but I still respond to you or anybody else because, idk, maybe attention

Maybe you just really do like talking to people but for whatever reason have a hard time admitting it.

Well I like it at least. I really do. Keep it up, anon.

>> No.12229474

I would've died of sickness early so I can't help but prefer this time
Things still kind of suck though with unemployment here

Based hiker anon, sending good vibes to you and doggo.

>> No.12229494

It's indeed very strong, a joint lasts me quite a while. For some reason I don't find it as fun as I used to (maybe it's the type of weed I'm smoking) but it's certainly helping medically. Got my first case of gout not long after first buying the legal pot and it helped a lot with that. Then there's the alcoholism that I mentioned, so having picked up pot again, it's resulting in significant improvements to my quality of life and health. Very interesting. I'll try to remain unbiased though and keep an eye out for any drawbacks to consider but I don't anticipate any.

>> No.12229582

>Maybe you just really do like talking to people
Maybe I like the selfish one-way dialogue of image boards. Like a "here's what I said, aren't I great? Give me (You)s!"

>> No.12229595
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Deliberately antagonizing others is bad but to it's a good thing to antagonize people's faulty preconceptions. Any sane society should have participants who try to elevate each other at times rather than constantly take snipes.

Intellectual combat is something the world need more of, but it takes courage. Not enough courage as batman needs to face down villains and armed baddies but courage to attract some heat for standing up for your beliefs.

The battle is one of arguments.

Yet nobody likes someone who rocks the boat too much, challenges too much of the security of a system that lets its participants make a living for themselves comfortably or at least sufficiently.

Some speaking up is necessary at times, because I'd argue a strong case that if the culture doesn't make an effort to upgrade its ideological status and quality it could slip into a dangerous knot of chaos and infighting.

It's easy to struggle with bitter resentments and want to call out others, but sometimes others participate in structures that you perceive as having wronged you even if they are personally innocent of any direct wrongdoing.

Everyone just wants to have a good time and get through life with the minimum pain and the maximum of enjoyment. Don't step on toes but don't be a door mat either! I just wish everybody would chill for a minute.

>> No.12229625


>> No.12229638

i can‘t get no sleep

>> No.12229641
File: 55 KB, 484x700, look at this dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been able to find so much solace in zen buddhism. Zen acknowledges that life can at times be brutal and resistant. There is pain and harmful entities. Danger exists. And so a discipline of ones emotions like becoming a smooth stone is needed, a stone that lets the waves crash and break without getting chipped.

It's no surprise that zen coincided with the invention of numerous effective and even deadly martial arts. I mean look at this dude (pic rel). Would you ever in a million years fuck with that dude? If he appeared before you what would be your response? Wave? Bow? (That would be my first guess as the correct thing to do.)

The way he is pointing his hand like that just tells me to back off and take a second. Like he's pointing out some kind of hijinks that he don't like.

Also, this man is capable of leaping and bounding in those impracticable looking shoes. I'm convinced he could easily jump over my head if he came at me at a trot lol

>> No.12229670

My shadow's Shedding skin and I've been picking scabs again. I'm down digging through my old muscles looking for a clue. I've been crawling on my belly clearing out what could've been. I've been wallowing in my own confused and insecure delusions for a piece to cross me over or a word to guide me in. I wanna feel the changes coming down. I wanna know what I've been hiding in my shadow. Change is coming through my shadow. My shadow's shedding skin I've been picking my scabs again. I've been crawling on my belly clearing out what could've been I've been wallowing in my own chaotic and insecure delusions. I wanna feel the change consume me, feel the outside turning in. I wanna feel the metamorphosis and cleansing I've endured within my shadow. Change is coming. Now is my time. Listen to my muscle memory. Contemplate what I've been clinging to. Forty-six and two ahead of me. I choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through. I choose to live and to lie, kill and give and to die, learn and love and to do what it takes to step through. See my shadow changing, stretching up and over me soften this old armor. hoping I can clear the way by stepping through my shadow, coming out the other side. Step into the shadow. Forty six and two are just ahead of me.

>> No.12230101

I want to start a youtube channel where i sit in a bench at a park and set up my phone to record what is essentially a stream of conciousness about a topic while also uploading media file for those who want to treat it as a podcast which it basically is, the problem is my lack of semi decent vocabulary and my lack of knowledge, im only 18 and about to start my philosphy degree in febuary so as of now I plan on doing a video about an analysis of memes and then move onto whatever topic is covered in my classes.I feel like theres so much knowledge out thereand I have no idea where to start and am relying on my classes to guide me. All the big philisphy youtubers or podcast makers all have their degrees and such already and are 25+ I feel like I cant compete but that wont stop me from trying

>> No.12230175

A lot of anime on this board tonight. which is good, I'm glad you guys found something you find fun

>> No.12230185
File: 484 KB, 1024x768, A469AA92-1B80-48D1-A3D0-3607FC9DCE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I have been daydreaming regularly about over the last few years was being stranded in some small habitat made out of old soviet armored vehicles, well dug in and connected by series of tunnels made out of old steel plates and tents in a huge barren ice wasteland and actually enjoying the isolation and total disconnection from everyone else.

>> No.12230364


>> No.12230375

You care too much what other people think

>> No.12230378

I'm a fraud.

>> No.12230380

You have to care. The world is full of people and you have to interact with them. Also, I want to like me. Oh God I wish they liked me.

>> No.12230397

I have no mind
My little head encodes
Gadgetry and circuit boards
Senses pulled in tow

I have no mind
Encased up in my skull
Are fleshy pinks and purples
protein channels dull

Sometimes i feel tired
Sometimes i am sad
Sometimes i am nervous
Sometimes i am glad

I have no mind
No thoughts to speak
But even still i write
I write to other no minds
And they in turn reply

>> No.12230398

are these Swans lyrics?

>> No.12230404

You only have to like yourself and everything else works out.

>> No.12230410

I dont know i stopped listening to indie/pop/whatever yoi call that shit when I was 15

>> No.12230463
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, boc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

music is one of the best benefits of life

>> No.12230471

pretty soon you're dead
you can't pretend, you can't deny
you can't deny

>> No.12230476

Thats not true at all

>> No.12230487

you can't deny

>> No.12230695

Dude you're babbling like a crazy person.

>> No.12230696


>> No.12230711

i'm ready to live out a million years more of the dark night of the soul. Pain doesn't do the trick to me any more.

I'm going to let my fucking shine through and I am never going to give into self-doubt or fear again, so help me gods.


>> No.12230715

One day it will be better

>> No.12230717

I always look out for your posts in this thread anon. I don't know why exactly. It's sort of that I know how you feel. one day you're gonna get better.

>> No.12230803

I don't quite understand what hitchcock means with the bomb quote. That it must never explode. But in his movies the bomb does explode...?

>> No.12230963

i love you even if you don't love yourself

>> No.12231092

I didn't get the job and have to watch how I spend the rest of my money. What should I get my girlfriend for Christmas? Something consumable but also something not food. I always make her and her family a ton of cookies. I was trying to sew her a stuffed animal but it's not going to be done in time because I am mentally challenged.

>> No.12231096

I curse the hour of my birth.

>> No.12231135

Get her a little piece of jewelry. Have her sister or mother or friend help you pick it out.

On christmas, have her sit indian style across the floor from you. Hold both her hands and look her in the eyes. Probably she will giggle, or say "whatt? What are you doing." Say "no, stop. For real. Listen."

Tell her you wanted to get her something special. Tell her that with the job and everything that you cant, because money is tight. She will say "oh its okay I dont care I know." Tell her you love her, more than any amount of money or any job, but that youre a man and you need to look out for your future [hint that she is also in your future].

Produce the jewelry from your pocket. Say "merry christmas, i know its not much"

Spend the day warm and close, or outside in the cold, whatever the hell you do.

Of course you couldnt possibly pull this off unless you were a charlatan or actually in love. And if you were in love it would all be natural and you wouldn't have to ask.

I dunno man, get her a helicopter drone for 80 bucks, those things are fun shit.

>> No.12231165

Do any of you ever just sort of randomly hone in on one small thing and focus on it for an hour or two? Or get "one-track minded" as my mother would say? I wonder you could tap into it and have it take you places. Not quite autistic obsession or zenlike patience, but still focused to an almost irritable degree.

Those are Sweet Trip lyrics. Not sure why he posted them though.

>> No.12231167


Jewelry is stupid, useless, and only exists to make some fat bourgie cunt richer on the exploitation of another human being.

>> No.12231177

Ah yes, Montana sterling, the horror. What with all those bars and rounds coming up, a pair of 18g. ear rings might just tip the delicate ecological balance of the earth in favor of catastrophe, or fatten the coffers of the ruling elite until the scaled tip and calamity of war and depression ensue.

Dont even get me started on polished quartz or green stone.

Obsidian... arts and craft glass beads... animal bone hand polished, the horrors...

>> No.12231231
File: 239 KB, 1024x682, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I really like models. Sometimes I spend a whole day just doing 1% of the whole project. Really kind of tedious.

>> No.12231233

Jewelry has many different functions in society, my dear little historically-illiterate leftie. A ring on one's left ring finger traditionally symbolizes marriage, which is supposed to be a lifelong monogamous relationship. Monogamy is quite useful, especially for beta Marxists who think it's a bad thing that the world is unfair even though hierarchies are literally older than trees. Jewelry is also a status symbol; rare metals and rare stones tell of an individual's wealth, and an individuals wealth is often a reflection of competence. Extended ownership of wealth, even if the wealth is initially inherited, is most certainly a show of competence because an incompetent/lazy person would lose their wealth over time. Most people who win the lottery end up poor again and more miserable than they had been before they had won all that money.

The gold in jewelry is also the gold used in electronics to provide us this amazing quality of life we have in the West, which is the greatest civilization in the history of mankind with the richest poor people that ever lived and with women that have more rights than ever before.

Fun fact; the success of one is not the oppression of another. Rich people are by and large the hyper-competent of society and we have them to thank for all that we have available to us. IQ is the best predictor of longterm success... if you're experiencing longterm failure, perhaps you simply have a low IQ and that's destined to be your lot in life. Don't fret, though. If you do three simple things then the likelihood of not only you but of your children being left in poverty is like 10%. Finish high school, get married before having children, and stay married. It's also helpful to hold a job for a solid year or more; looks great on a resume, it's a show of good work ethic, a show of loyalty, and ideally you'll also end up with a faithful reference. If you are in poverty in the West, it's your own fault, not the fault of the rich, but it IS the fault of the rich that poor people in the West are so ridiculously wealthy compared to the poor of so many parts of the world.

Did you know that to be in the worldwide 1%, all you need to do is make over about $34,000 USD per year? If you have reached that, and MANY people in the West have, then you're in the worldwide 1%. The 1% in the USA, however, well the US is so incredibly wealthy (and good on them for achieving such wealth) that you need to make over $400,000 or so to be in the US 1%. Thank God for those individuals, and hopefully someday I will have contributed enough to society to earn my place in the 1%, even if it's only temporarily. The average person in the West (particularly Canada and the US) have something like a 40% chance of being in the 1% for a month, and a 10% chance of being in the 1% for a year. That's the US standard of 1% of course. People making over $34,000 per year for a year or more is extremely common in the West, and we should count our lucky stars.

>> No.12231263

It's neat though. I don't know if everyone has that ability, to just scope in on something totally mundane and do it for a long amount of time. It fills a satisfying niche of work that our normal lives never come across, I find, so we satisfy it through hobbies.

>> No.12231265

Why in Gods name would you write such a long post this low in a thread?

>> No.12231276

Because it's fun and who knows, maybe that leftie isn't so historically illiterate anymore. Besides, it probably took me all of maybe 5-10 minutes to write those paragraphs, no big deal. It feels good to speak truth.

>> No.12231330

>that leftie
God spare me your politics. Im so tired of it, its all so tired. Its boring. Youre boring. You have a boring worldview garnished from pamphlets and Youtubes. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.12231369

I follow truth, for better or worse. It's a part of my Christian faith. I have changed much over the past 2 years, and I will no doubt continue to change, but i will do my utmost to avoid lies and falsehoods. I'm a student of history, and it has told me much.

>> No.12231384


Yeah, I was telling people this in 2010 but I was apparently "paranoid", cut to 2014 and PRISM gets leaked but nobody gives a shit. My only hope is storage media isn't good enough to keep it all going, but it's a slim one. If your internet posts, search history, usage data, etc are all minimal plain text that's not much raw storage space per user.

Who knows if Zuck, Thiel, Five Eyes, Huawei, or whoever have better storage media and/or compression capability than has been made public either. Stallman was right but it's too late.

>> No.12231390

Why can't people on /lit/ speak like ordinary people?

>> No.12231394


Because /lit/ is not populated by normal people.

>> No.12231408

whats the best manga youve read?

>> No.12231445
File: 17 KB, 205x300, 9781421550640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read manga but this was great. I have the 2 volume set

>> No.12231634

the lyfe so short, the craft so long to lyrne

>> No.12231775

Ayanami Rei dancing to Kiss me Thru the Phone (Complete Version)

>> No.12231835


Literally the greatest comic I've read east or west

>> No.12231847

Your granny would frame an anime girl on a wall? cute.

>> No.12231951

A new technology allows men to make Google searches with the "little voice in his head"
But this strengthens many trivial ideas that are supposed to die down and eventually changed the main direction of the man's consciousness

>> No.12232000

I fucking despise how many modern academics have to write short little introductions on their use of gender pronouns in their book. I'm reading a study on Stoicism and for whatever reason the guy felt the need to explain that the ancients normally used "he and him" and that he's intentionally going to mix in some "she and hers". Fuck this world.

>> No.12232323

>Jewelry has many uses
>Only example provided is to display status

>IQ equals success equals money
>If you don't have money you're not successful
Here's your (you), well deserved

>> No.12232434
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>> No.12232657

Marriage, but also yes, positioning in the hierarchy is important. If you dress like a slob, you're perceived as someone who is miserable and suffering. Even world-renown celebrities caught without high-quality clothes/make-up can look quite depressing, for instance that Keanu Reeves picture of him slouched over on a bench of some sort, maybe eating a sandwich or something. I dunno, whatever he's doing he looks far from someone who is successful and wealthy (which he obviously is).

IQ does not equal success, but it is the best factor to look to if you wanted the most accurate guess possible as to whether they'll have longterm success or not. Below-average IQ people tend to not be able to escape the lower class, average IQ people can do well for themselves if they have a good work ethic especially as they get to their 40s and 50s (having ideally worked hard, saved, invested wisely, etc.) and can most certainly have a chance at middle or even upper-middle class if they do well enough. For people with above-average IQ if they're lazy and nihilistic and selfish and untrustworthy... yeah, they're unlikely to manage anything particularly good with their life. In fact they might even be able to use their intelligence to incur a special kind of evil on those around them potentially even without their knowing. Or perhaps very much to their knowing but the bugger is so keen that there's never a smoking gun to finally be able to pin them.

However of course if an above-average IQ person is competitive, has great work ethic, is driven to self-improvement and has a good compass with which to guide him then he's capable of all sorts. Then as for genius-level IQ, like 160+ or 180+, the ones with the right compass in those levels are the ones making the biggest advancements in the world.

As for success=money, that's not true, and I never claimed that lack of money is lack of success. Mahatma Gandhi was very successful in getting independence for India from the British (for better or worse I suppose) but that doesn't mean he made lots of money. At times he wore mere sheets of cloth, and then there's periods in which he didn't eat. Not one for a lavish lifestyle, it would seem.

>> No.12232686

Checked. I'm writing my thesis for uni and don't know if I should write "he" or "he/she" or any of those shit on my paper. I couldn't care less about being inclusive or anything, but I think people like this. What's the proper form nowadays?

>> No.12232715

Where do you live

>> No.12232726

I really think it's all relative and opportunity is a huge factor. I know a few millionaires and they're all uneducated and fairly dumb people who a) inherited an empire from their fathers, who broke/skirted the law at a time where the laws were fuzzy b) broke/skirted the law themselves c) worked a lot
The most intelligent person I know is a physicist who works in research for pennies.

>> No.12232836
File: 19 KB, 341x438, ----.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had some idle years and I'm sick of inquiring minds wanting some explanation only to hear "that's an excuse" as a retort intended purely to demean. Enough. I didn't play games. I didn't waste time. I am deeply upset at the time elapsed as even as time went by, and not a single day of it was enjoyed, aside from when I was left alone to improve myself. No money. No jobs. No family that cared enough. No connections. The entire world gave up on me, and I, in turn, the world. Every single day was suffering, yet I persevered. I helped everyone close by and it got me nowhere. Try discussing your future with people you thought cared for you only to be ignored "well you can't even do that so!" There is no need to aspire toward vanities in such a state. No one to impress. I've written my entire family off. The only people I care about are the select few who saw potential in me, who admittedly are not very close. If you are not for me, you are in my way. I'll soon be self-sufficient and shall not need the mercy or approval of others—this time it is adieu. My friends, conditional love is an oxymoron and the absence of love is better than this poor, faux substitute.

>> No.12233225

Fuck, I really wanna build models again. But I don't have an air compressor and don't have any good tools anymore so it'd be a huge dent in money to buy all of it. I need a job

>> No.12233231

Neither. Write like "one would think"

>> No.12233263

I'm thinking of writing a futuristic post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel set in Earth about 50 years from now with the character having a split personality and eventually becomes a Mary Sue by the end of the book due to technology and his intellectual capabilities. The setting takes place in a coalition of Asean city states with heavy corporate influence on politics like the ones in The Diamond Age and Snow Crash.

Redpill me on why this is a bad idea.

>> No.12233319

How are you planning on making this better than Akira

>> No.12233325

Why in the fuck do I feel compelled to post a response to this thread when I've got a google doc I havent touched in 3 days. Cant resist the allure of some thread full of shitty jokes and pretentious drivel, but I can push back my dreams another few days, not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12233331

I wonder how many people have actually just decided to forgo all human interaction for the rest of their lives and we'd just never know. Of course there are hermits and all that, but I'm of something more philosophically focuses and deliberate. If someone who made that decision remained true to it, we'd never know. They'd have no reason to write about it and spread his ideas or leave something behind. We wouldn't know about them at all.

>> No.12233338

By not involving psychics and instead involving cutting edge quantum mechanics on biological organisms.

>> No.12233347
File: 149 KB, 736x552, Chris Langan Verified IQ of 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related.

>> No.12233349

holy fucking kek

>> No.12233495

Man I'm thinking some really messed up shit right now, like if people could read my thoughts they'd probably run away screaming. Some people underestimate what I'm capable of, they just don't know. Then again, they underestimate just how patient I am. Sometimes I think I could really save humanity, other times I think I just might show them the dark grim truth that they're weak, the bottom of the food chain, how easily they can be destroyed. But I think it's better they find out for themselves, humans out there killing themselves off instead of helping one another...while I sit behind a rainy window looking on with a knowing smile...I warned them. But they're just too vain to listen. And so I whet my sword and dagger in wait for them to come to me in revenge, revenge on their once-friend who they turned their backs on, their prophet, their stoic... oh I'll be waiting. Blades don't need reloading.

>> No.12233544


>> No.12233546

The word is the though and that is pretty funny

>> No.12233753
File: 650 KB, 966x1084, 1543898957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing my high school buddies is the only thing that makes being home at my parents for the holidays bearable, but this year basically none of them are around. Fuck me this is going to be a rough month. Maybe I should try to bury myself into some pursuit, like practicing drawing or something. I hate being in this ghost town all alone.

>> No.12233779

Don't understand why I am being ghosted right now. I really don't get women. I actually fell in love with this girl I met because she was /lit/, she was pure, she was innocent. She has no social media. Her best friends are her siblings.

I asked her out and we went on a date and had a great time. She even initiated the date since we were both busy, so surely she must have been a little interested? Now she can't even text me that she's busy. Just no response for days. Really wish I had any time what was wrong.

>> No.12233798

We're right under the holidays, maybe she really is busy. Give her some time.

>> No.12233801

You may not be able to change circumstances but you can change your attitude towards them. You make yourself miserable.

>> No.12233803

Is this the same anon from a couple threads ago?
I don't know what to tell you mate. Maybe she didn't like you for some reason during the date, maybe she didn't want to get involved with someone right before christmas, maybe she likes you and is nervous, maybe she doesn't want an actual relationship, maybe she really is incredibly busy, maybe she's doing some weird test to see if you're a clingy psycho or not. Who knows.

It does fucking suck though anon, I've had a similar experience before. Not much you can do unfortunately, other than wait and see what happens.

>> No.12233808

It's very hard for me not to be miserable over being even more lonely than I am during the rest of the year.

>> No.12233828

Being around or with people is not a necessary component for happiness so your reaction alone is what determines your happiness. For whatever reason you're alone. Do you have the power to change it? If not then what good is worrying about it doing you?

>> No.12233836

I wish I could take all these lonely anons out somewhere nice and spend some time with them and cheer them up.

>> No.12233839

This is complete meme advice, human beings are social creatures and you're not going to get over it just by choosing not to let it bother you.

>> No.12233842

How does one chew 5 gum?

>> No.12233845


>Is this the same anon from a couple threads ago?
probably yeah. I mean I get that she's probably busy and probably rejected me, I just wish ghosting wasn't a socially acceptable thing to do. All I want is a short text saying what the deal is. Like I've been talking to her friends and they're all cool, none of them have mentioned anything, so I'm just left to wonder what's going on. Wish I could get some closure from this weird in limbo situation.

thanks for the responses lads

>> No.12233852

I remember in high school I would steal gum out of my girlfriend's mouth and then chew it myself

kind of gross in retrospect

>> No.12233860

If you can't go a week or so without being around people you have serious problems.

>> No.12233872

I'm lonely.

>> No.12233875

Ew, anon, that can't be healthy

>> No.12233906

In the past few years I didn't receive a single holiday message. I actually haven't seen anyone but my family in at least 5 years. I ghosted everyone else and honestly I don't even feel bad about it.

How is that less hygienic than kissing?

>> No.12233920

Well neither of us have died. That being said I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

>> No.12234122

You should revise the gospels
What jc says about richness

>> No.12234245

i've been regularly reading the "write what's on your mind" threads ever since their inception. i think they have gotten substantially worse ever since the 4channel switch. the originality of posts has decreased, and the average spelling level has decreased too. other changes are harder to articulate, but they're definitely there.

as to what's actually on my mind:
i got rejected by her like 3 weeks ago now and i still think about it every day. she was very nice about it and said she'd still like to be friends, and gave plausible personal reasons as to why she didnt want to date, but nonetheless she's been avoidant the couple times i've encountered her since. i want things to just go back to how they were before. i want to talk about music with her like we used to. i miss talking to someone with a better vocabulary than me. i want her to smile when she sees me. it's quite sad.

also, can someone recommend me a postmodern romance novel?

>> No.12234454

It's going to be over a month. And I didn't say I couldn't do it, I said that I hated it. As everyone who isn't a legit schizoid would.

>> No.12234494
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Kaczynski tried to save us.

>> No.12234758

Don't fall in love with women. I realized this extremely hard to do, specially under certain circumstances, and it sounds like retarded generic redpill advice, but heed this: it doesn't matter if she shares the exact same hobbies as yours, if she reads Kafka or Parmenides or Nietzsche, if she listens to the same bands as you. Meet women with as little expectations as you can manage. They will always hurt you. And don't be needy. The best way to avoid this is to talk with so many women that one ghosting won't hurt you, otherwise, learn to be satisfied by yourself.

>> No.12234789

you alright lad?
sounds like you've had a rough go of it

>> No.12234790
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>What the fuck is this board?
>Why are we here?
>What is the point of poetry?
>What life?

My thoughts in order.

>> No.12234807


Take the rich people with you when we go. We need less capitalism. Especially since it's more or less their fault everything sucks anyways.

>> No.12234811
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Just remember, you're here forever. There is no escape.

>> No.12234812

Any good translations for Notes from underground?

>> No.12234840
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>Money equals value as a person
>Paris Hilton is very rich
>Paris Hilton is better than everyone in this thread combined

I'd like to point out, that in some cases the success of one _is_ due to the oppression of another. Y'know, like how slave-owners did pretty alright by exploiting their slaves. Or how nobility did pretty alright oppressing their peasants. Or how rich capitalist fucks do pretty alright oppressing the working class.

It's a pretty well established thing, actually.

>> No.12234842

The logical conclusion of death is life. Only an angel can stop a devil's blade. The circle of life is a spitting fount. Only love ends all.

>> No.12234987
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Depression post of the day.

The tooth doesn't hurt anymore which is fantastic news, but tonight has been hell and because of the pain I couldn't sleep till 6AM. I woke up really late, and I slept some more after lunch to recover. Much of the day was gone already when my mother brought in the kids. They stayed here for the night.
Today was a Saturday so I got to play D&D at night! I have an online group I care a whole lot about, and even when I'm in a bad mood those weekly 3 hours of escapism always manage to lift me up. It's such a beautiful campaign, the DM works so much at it and the players are great. I just realized that this is the only social thing I do these days.

I'm spending more time on the computer lately, mostly browsing /lit/ instead of doing it on the phone in bed. Today I haven't read, as I would just doze off after a few pages 'cause I was so tired. I'll catch up tomorrow.
In a week we're going to start receiving guests. I'm fairly exhausted and I don't really want people around the house. Really not in the mood.
I'm finally getting used to my glasses, I would forget to put them on all the time.
Time to go to sleep.

>> No.12235143

please do more paintings

>> No.12235146

I hate protestants.

>> No.12235155

This is the only place on the internet I like. This board right here.

>> No.12235269
File: 39 KB, 400x300, VA6a99T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf breaks up with me last night
>Cry until I fall asleep
>Texts me this morning saying that she's changed her mind

I haven't responded

>> No.12235287

Sometimes I forget how old I am and even my birthday. I don't think that's good.

>> No.12235307
File: 10 KB, 250x221, 1533028164985s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on 2 dates with girl
>have good time, like her
>at end of second date ask her what she's feeling about it all
>says she likes me and is interested but she got out of a long relationship not too long ago and wasn't really looking for anything
Goddammit, goddammmmmit. I understand her reasoning and everything but goddammit. She asked about hanging out despite that and I said yeah but I'm not sure if it's not possible it'll develop into anything.
I'm probably gonna text her soon and tell her that I like her a lot and understand her standpoint, but if she has interest and such and would think about taking things slow and considering it that way.

>> No.12235329

Freedom will become literally impossible once that happens

>> No.12235374
File: 172 KB, 581x809, henry6jousting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"His substance is not here.
For what you see is but the smallest part
And least proportion of humanity;
But were the whole frame here,
It is of such a spacious, lofty pitch,
Your roof were not sufficient to contain it."

>> No.12235375

>The logical conclusion of death is life.
realized the same thing myself desu
fine words, anon

>> No.12235383

He's right though. Imagine hinging so much of your personal value on the whims of woman. Have you ever interacted with them? I don't hate woman for what they are, in fact I love that there is something like a girls mind I can retreat to when dealing with the world and my thoughts, but I do accept reality. Hilarious that I became more succussful with woman when I finally took off my rosy glasses I've been watching them through my whole lives. They're great, but they shouldn't be the center of your life

>> No.12235413

there's a difference between being realistic about women and being cynical about them
I think being realistic is reasonable and healthy, but refusing to love women on principle seems a bit far

>> No.12235450
File: 17 KB, 509x411, D1BF09CF-4750-44DD-B877-ABD015677A5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through a barred window into my soul and I see tempest upon a beach. Nothing but waves upon waves of tragedy and amidst that I see a solitary figure named “Hope” standing tall against the onslaught. I ponder why fight, why not just succumb and I realize that through my sheer acknowledgement of his existence that I keep him suffering. He is my poison as I am his.

God I’m a faggot

>> No.12235462

>God I’m a faggot
nah, that was bretty coherent and relatable and such

>> No.12235486


>> No.12235723


>> No.12235733

>He is my poison as I am his.

How romantic. I hope it works out for you two.

>> No.12235746
File: 6 KB, 250x203, pepe_dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get married and grow old.
You obviously don't know shit.

>> No.12235764

Letting your emotions control you and believing in love are both very immature notions. It's not uncommon for robots to go overboard on cynicism when trying to be stoic as a way of growing up.

>> No.12235909

I think it's mostly about inspiration, anon, even without much knowledge you do have something to draw from. Try to find that right mood before you do it, and be sure to capture it. Don't even speak as though it were a video/podcast, just talk to yourself.

>> No.12235937

my dog just farted and the smell is insane

>> No.12235972

The Abortion: An Historical Romance - Brautigan
Sirens of Titan - Vonnegut

>> No.12235998

> retarded family thinks PEAK OIL is just around the corner

>> No.12236004

enjoy the next century of oil price spikes then BOOM periods punctuated by more price spikes retard

>> No.12236010

I signed up a gym membership and started lifting for my waifu

>> No.12236012


hopefully you fell for the SS meme.

>> No.12236014

I'm never going to be a real girl OR have a real girl love me, so what is the point of continued existence?

Enduring pain isn't worth it if there's no equivalent or greater value of happiness and peace, and undoubtedly that door slammed shut over a decade ago.

>> No.12236024
File: 731 KB, 1024x1023, 1517103459105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Enduring pain isn't worth it

>> No.12236106

I'm past the age of twenty and I enjoy playing video games and watching anime.

>> No.12236109

read an erotic book and now im not sure how to rate it. It did not even do the fetish stuff right but it was an easy read

>> No.12236114

why do all the removers of pain in your existence involve girls

girls are mediocre and won't permanently satiate you, regardless of whether you are one or fuck one

>> No.12236154
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, lit top 100 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK the mods for deleting the thread where we were trying to start a new /lit/ "top 100" for 2018. Pic related is 2017's list.

>> No.12236163

Most of the books aren't from 2017 though

>> No.12236176

Wow are you me? Met a history major at my uni, she also had no social media and seemed both pure and religious. She asked me out, even texted me after our first date telling me she had a good time and would want to go out again, second date went well (as far as I could tell) and BOOM ever since then she's been "busy" or dealing with "family issues" and suddenly takes days to reply to my texts with half-assed vague answers. I have no idea why. Fuck me for thinking things would be different this time, I guess.

>> No.12236185
File: 67 KB, 633x758, 1478949625754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point somebody is going to write the greatest book ever that will never be surpassed for the rest of time, and I most likely won't be around to read it.

>> No.12236189

You'd probably be too busy shitposting anyway

>> No.12236215

shit, I stayed up until six drinking again

>> No.12236331


>> No.12236354
File: 1.31 MB, 1999x3100, 1534386114915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "To be reactionary is to be anti-revolutionary
> The more of them you’re against, the more reactionary you are.
> You cannot stop revolutions by having more revolutions.
> You can only stop them by restoration.
> The act of restoration is The Reaction®.
> When The Reaction® comes, revolutions will cease, and civilizations can go about their business of building civilization again.
> The Reaction® will be ours, so long as we can hold it."

>> No.12236358

Respond saying you're glad. Have make up sex and cum on her face. Then tell her you've also changed your mind and walk out to some background music.

>> No.12236411
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catholics are so much worse though

>> No.12236499

how do i know which kind of christianity is the right one

>> No.12236506
File: 74 KB, 400x600, 1543767699909-tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ronery ;_;

>> No.12236515

>I haven't responded
Good. Ghost the psycho.

>> No.12236574
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12236592

One of the kids is autistic and I fucking hate him so much. I hate both but the autist is insufferable

>> No.12236622

> Uni professor unironically lecturing how 'alternative facts' fooled people into voting right in 2016 - 2018.

How the fuck are these people so stupid. Like goddamn.

>> No.12236686

Everyone eventually does when it comes to relationships.

>> No.12236718

She's playing with you boy.

>> No.12236755

Liberals are incapable of admitting that their ideology has failed, they'd rather accuse the whole working class of being stupid or racist or believe that Russia used mind control or whatever the fuck. Anything to avoid owning the fact that their failure to provide an adequate vision of the future is what allowed Trump to happen.

>> No.12236763

The one you find for yourself

>> No.12236775

based and retrieverpilled

>> No.12236957

Your putting to much weight into something that can easily change anybody can sit down and read a book.

>> No.12236994
File: 82 KB, 1280x1280, com_truise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been disastrous for the human race except for electronic music. that shit's great.

>> No.12237031

There is too much to do, though under the burden of perilous obligation I do nothing. What motive bids nothing come before anything? I've taken to naming it guilt - naming a sloth a sloth - shutting the mind away from tendrils of thought that may pierce the brain but spread quietly over the body like moss

>> No.12237251

Damning of the Intellectual class. It's so absurd, that I can't even..

>> No.12237480
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, wPczpvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of the polite men in suits that are hurting my family. I'm looking up the leadership. Quite truly taking names. I know they aren't brave men. They act from a world away and they think they have their world under control.

There are sick people who can't afford their medicine.

I don't have to go stirring up trouble, i'm already having it delivered to my mailbox. If we tried we could stir up some old world connections, I'm sure there are still a few unresigned old IRA boys who would be more than happy to shoot another pompous Englishman for his watch. We could even talk to the right police. That's how these things happen.

I don't even have to go the extreme route to force you to your knees. You think you're impregnable from behind your closed doors and security and mansions. That you cant pick on whoever you want and bag the money. Well, who has it been that's always taught you your lesson?

Trump! Sick em boy! This is the BRITISH doing this to us. Do you have any integrity to stick to your principles? All I have to do is go on the attack and I'll have these boys doing push ups like I'm a drill sergeant.

Don't fuck with me, don't fuck with a man's family, don't fuck with us, and don't fuck with America!

>> No.12237499


>> No.12237514

write stream of consciousness. whatever pops into your head. set a word goal for yourself, 500, 1000, 2000, whatever. stop when you hit the goal. edit out whatever's not good enough at a later time. repeat the next day

>> No.12237532

I'll never get back what I lost in Europe. But to be fair, nobody deserved that from me, so it's probably for the best.

>> No.12237569

I'm telling you I understand these things! Back the fuck down!

I will wield a sword on the battlefield!


>> No.12237597

Fuck off, roastie.

>> No.12237637
File: 780 KB, 2000x1334, 1541728925197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she might have BPD or something

She has serious abandonment issues, always talks about her depression, freaks out over small stuff, was abused as a child, was raised by the state, hates herself

one time she got mad at me because i took literally five minutes to respond to a text, there's been a few occasions where she's interpreted neutral texts as me being mad at her or hating her and started crying

she told me that she wanted to end things because she's too crazy for me to deal with, and that if our relationship gets any more serious and i abandon her she'll completely break

there are more red flags than a communist party meeting, but i just texted her back even though i know it's a terrible idea because i'm a retard

>> No.12237686

I am entitled to my emotions.

>> No.12237722

>there are more red flags than a communist party meeting

Ehhh anon, you're a good chap. I had Samaritan syndrome as well in my youth and been with several girls of that kind of persuasion. Most of the time, they don't really want to be helped. They don't want to get better because that would feel like breaking their own identities. Women are strange.

>> No.12237737

Recount of the dreams I had today:

I was at my dentist, but the practices wasn't actually hers, and I met a blonde girl I knew once at least in the dream there, but I am deeply unsure if she ever existed in real life. We chatted and I showed her some stupid and obscene stuff on my phone before she got angry at me, complaining that many people didn't even have remotely that free time I had.
I tried to calm her down and called her Joyce, a girl I once knew in real life but haven't talked to for quite a while, which I assumed she was for most of the dream, quickly realizing that the girl isn't her but from my mistake she started laughing and stopped being angry. From there on it's get too blurry to properly recount this dream further beyond very basic details.

The next one contained me and my mum and dad visiting some sort of very high barn selling some crap but I don't remember what it was.
We went up to the roof but that was only reachable by climbing up some fragile construction made of out of fairly thin sticks and I only made it in the third attempt or so.

The last dream is about some sort of pet food warehouse I was visiting. Parts of the house where somewhat special due to how squeaky the construction of the purely wooden part was.
This dream continues somewhat unclear with two episodes.

In the first with me seeing some Estonian soldiers in a small park near a hospital on a major road, one of was missing a foot and I was thinking about thanking them for their service.

The other concerns the wooden construction of the pet food warehouse again, but this time it's about a large, wooden and retractable part of the house.

>> No.12237955

I've been there. You should quit as soon as possible. If it get any more serious, she will really cause massive problems for you.

>> No.12238068

thinking about writing a novella and when its finished publishing it for free one chapter at a time online. think that sort of thing could be succesful?

>> No.12238096
File: 21 KB, 250x268, randy taguchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like a web novel? Yeah they can be successful

>> No.12238122

Thinking of turning Dragons Arguing into a comic or graphic novel with my sister, since she is an artist. Too bad I can't remember any of the dialogue.

>> No.12238130
File: 57 KB, 657x527, 1544567955665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but my plan is to write the whole thing beforehand and then publish one chapter a week until its all published. im afraid that if i write it as i go i might fuck up and accidentally write myself into a corner

>> No.12238141
File: 174 KB, 703x400, worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a good voice, read it on YouTube as well
Make Twitter/Tumblr accounts that direct to Wordpress
Then after you get an audience you open a Patreon

>> No.12238174

Are power imbalances universal and inescapable?

>> No.12238179

huh, good idea anon. my voice isnt bad i dont think. i might actually give this a shot.

>> No.12238188
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The only things I can write are bad, fucked up porn, anime tropes, pseudo intellectual philosophy and the amalgamation of weird thoughts I have.

Now I only have to sit down and I could write a masterpiece, or at least I think so.

>> No.12238263
File: 20 KB, 377x417, Seifert Van Kampen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imbalances in a domain -- yes. imbalances averaged across all domains -- no

just write fucked up porn then. but beautifully done.

>implying every american election isnt based on alternative facts

>> No.12238279

>just write fucked up porn then. but beautifully done.
Just say it's art and shove some psychology in

>> No.12238288

I'm bored

>> No.12238289

ive written poetic erotica before. wasnt very good though.

read some nin

>> No.12238436

I'm depressed. Same depressed as always. Less anxious now I guess. Wife is gone for a convention. In the house by myself with the cats. I have less desire to go out when she's not here. I find myself craving the company of others though, and their touch moreso.

In another interesting development, I shat blood last night. This is a somewhat random occurrence and I'm not sure if I should go to the doctor or not. To be honest, I can't find the energy to care.

I have the means to end it all, but not the drive. I don't know why I hang on. It is for her?

>> No.12238456
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>> No.12238629
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A Song of Shadows.

Etched in certain stone, from ever changing and shifting flame,
you search for the freedom of the winds upon sails of fame.
Blind to the ice that dwells inside you, everything you touch burns in frost.
What have you seen?
Why have you seen?
The things you see unclean, purged from your visions obscene.
Ignoring the truth, in 'change for the beautiful liar.
The severest pursuit of the false messiah.
Though gold will reach you, you'd deny the one who'd teach you.

In the end the fires scalding roar,
burning out or gulping more,
leaves you with nothing,
nothing more.

So stand, and try to break truths wall,
You're naught but shadows on the wall.


>> No.12238643

This site enables and encourages a sort of perverse, warped escapism that I could definitely live without. It's a good place to escape to when you feel like a creature and not like a human being. It encourages and enables some of my worst tendencies for sure.
I feel like I've been making some slow but palpable headway in not being a complete dazed fuckup in recent times and I can feel this place throwing a spanner into the works in that respect even as I'm typing this very post. It's an unhealthy environment into which I escape from a larger and more all-encompassing/constant unhealthy environment.
Recently I've been finding ways of dealing with the latter though, which makes me wonder exactly how much of a use I still have for the former. Probably not that much. So let's consider this a final indulgence.

>> No.12238714

I think its sick how the perverse act of mouth fucking has become normalized and accepted worldwide. Not long ago it was considered on par with rape or sodomy.

>> No.12238725

>Not long ago it was considered on par with rape or sodomy.
when and where? Just curious

>> No.12238737

The Romans had a word for sexual purity, pudicitia, which carried with it different, specific expectations for men vs. women and upper-class vs. lower-class. Because most of the source material we have comes from the male perspective, we know a lot about what pudicitia meant for men. With regard to oral sex, we know that for upper-class men, to be perceived as honorable and trustworthy your mouth had to be unsullied. One of the ways to take the honor away from, for instance, an adulterer who slept with your wife was to force him to perform fellatio on you. It was actually more dishonorable than being the passive partner in anal sex because of the idea that having a "clean" mouth and being trustworthy in your speech was linked.

Worse than performing fellatio on a man, however, was performing cunnilingus on a woman. The key to a male Roman's sexuality was that he was expected to be the "active" partner in all things. Allowing your mouth to be penetrated by a man was one thing - men penetrate, that was the expected order of things - but to allow a woman to "penetrate" your mouth was seriously taboo. There are a couple really great epigrams by Martial that show the attitude Romans had to cunnilingus. Martial 7.67 is all about a woman who wants to try to act like a man, so she drinks a lot and goes to the gym and eats her body weight in delicious meats and plays sports and stuff. Martial finishes this amusing description of Philaenis's warped idea of Roman manhood by noting:

>Post haec omnia cum libidinatur, Non fellat – putat hoc parum virile – Sed plane medias vorat paellas. Di mentem tibi dent tuam, Philaeni, Cunnum lingere quae putas virile.

"When she finally gets lusty, she doesn't suck a cock - she thinks it's not manly - but instead she thoroughly eats out girls. May the gods set your mind right, Philaenis, if you think it's manly to eat a cunt."

Then there's another one, 1.77, that talks about a guy called Charinus, who is unpleasantly pale and does all sorts of things to try to put some color in his face. He eats healthy, goes out into the sun a lot, even paints his skin, but nothing works. Martial finishes:

> cunnum Charinus lingit et tamen pallet.

"Charinus licks a cunt and yet he's still pale."

>> No.12238759

Is this about eating box? Cuz that's disgusting and the fast track to women disrespecting you. Nothing signals more powerfully to a woman's primal instincts that a male is unfit for reproduction than him risking the health of his face and mouth to lap upon her beef. It's a huge thrill for her, sure, but not because of any clitoral stimulation. Her "ohs" and "ahs" are entirely derived by amazement at the male's silly self sacrifice. Completely deluded, the box eater will munch away confident that he is a supreme lover, when the woman is secretly aghast at the implications of where he's putting his tongue. She's had that part of herself bored and excavated by many colors of cunt conquerors until she lost count. So many suitors have emptied themselves inside that box, smacking victoriously her vulvar filets with their slick protuberant phalluses afterwards. And here is her blessed self-avowed "pussy eater," breaking a sweat trying to lick that same battered clam meat. He even thinks those the prickly sensations in his mouth are from his muscular exertion, but the box eater has just ingested the top STDs of all 37 countries visited by that writhing, smiling woman, and those itching sensations in his throat are microscopically shown to be the conquest of his nerve tissue by her minge's army of misandrist microbes. Destroying his cells outright, the box's pox overwrites the beta's genome, rendering him more reproductive for the Papilloma species than his own. Don't be a goof and lick cloven meat.

>> No.12238764

my god i want to eat some pussy rn

>> No.12238769
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>> No.12238889 [DELETED] 

I am physically insane. I need wet cotton panties and lesbians in my life.

>> No.12238897

cursed by association

>> No.12238922


I find pussy horrible to look at and incredibly disgusting but I just don't feel right if I receive oral sex and don't give it in return.

Oral sex is superior to coitus, thank God for making mouths so good to fuck. I had a girl with no gag reflex who would take cumshots deep in her throat Heather Brooke style and it was fucking indescribable how good it was. I only ever watch blowjob porn, not even interested in the rest.
I miss her so, so much

>> No.12238948

ya can snatch'em by the snazz, if you got zazz, they let you diddledoo it

>> No.12238972

thoroughly amusing writing. erroneous opinion. 7/10

>> No.12238989

>> No.12239002


>> No.12239306

I'm moving to a new place soon and I've got a pre-check at my current apartment tomorrow. It's just to see if everything is in order, nothing's filthy or broken, and the place could be rented as is to the next tenant.
I've taken good care of it but I still wanna do a proper sweep before the check. It's midnight already though and whilst in my head I'm motivated, my body's exhausted. I'd take a nap but I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up and oversleep instead.

>> No.12239315

Ok anon do you by any chance go to uni in the northeastern US? Perhaps we've been smitten by the same girl.

I know for a fact she's been home now for 2 days and she still hasn't bothered to text me anything.

>> No.12239317

I honestly hate and wish to be free from 4chan but I can't seem to find another website without a cuck bias that I can even talk about things like genetic differences between races or how dumb these safe spaces things are.

>> No.12239336

How would you explain To Be Continued meme videos to the clueless?


Are these memes just tapping into our taste for nonsense humor or have we actually reached an absurd degree of sophistication?

>> No.12239358
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My thoughts are so dislocated and unorganized, GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. WHY THE FUCK WAS I CURSED WITH ADHD-PI

>> No.12239393

What if I just never acknowledge that I wasn't actually special this whole time? I'll be special on accounts of not having resigned myself to non-protagonism.

>> No.12239396

>What if I just never acknowledge that I wasn't actually special this whole time?
How do you come to terms with that without an heroing? I thought all my life that I would be an artist

>> No.12239411

I think people can accept it because they find some sad sense of comfort in it, a sort of "Ah, turns out I was just one of many this whole time. No more need to keep trying more than anyone else, it's okay for me to be normal."

I for one will blame bad luck on the mishaps so far and continue to approach life as if I'm destined to achieve greatness, like by approaching people better than me with the mindset that they'll see that hidden potential in me and shit

>> No.12239434
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i wrote down some thoughts

1. i reckon internet porn is a ticking time bomb. there'll be a generation of 40 year old guys with erectile dysfunction

2. universities should just man up and teach category theory to first year maths students. it'll be a shit show but will save them time later on

3. the abysmal failure of the hippy movement is probably why boomers are so conservative. fucking hell i hate hippys

4. why isn't philosophy of sex as prominent as philosophy of art?

5. is my over-quickness to fall in love with girls who show me to slightly affection more of a curse than the opposite would be? i doubt it -- but should this bring me any consolation?

>> No.12239440
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6. capitalism will kill* us all. and i dont think theres anything we can do about it. we're locked into the deanthropization of capital production. i'll try go full nihilistic hedonism before everyone else realises the same thing and shit hits the fan.
p.s. ecofash wont work

7a) i want to be good at writing poetry. reading poetry is the only thing that has ever made me better at poetry, but that's only by imitation.
7b) is originality of art over-valued?

8. do we have a duty to not let our opportunities go to waste? i mean: talents, attending a good school etc

9. why are humans so smart? it's a bit evolutionarily excessive, right. is it just a gould-lewontin spandrel (eg via imagination and communicative language), or am i underestimating the intellect required to survive in prehistoric society?

10. i think virgin guys are so miserable because they're followers of this modern morality of sex and hedonism; and feel like sinners, unable to fulfil their duty of carnal pleasure.
i might be wrong. miserable virgins please add thoughts on this.
the derision that promiscuous men/women have to incel types is almost like that of a victorian Holier-Than-Thou to a petty sinner.

>> No.12239443
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11. the left should never have conceded that gender exists tbqh. gender categories are pure linguistic confusion a-la conflation of similar signs across distinct Witt language games

12. can any physicists add thoughts: if the arrow of time is determined by entropy, and causality runs from past to future, then if entropy reverses in a system do we get retrocausality? as run-away capital is a negative entropy process, nick land's AI God should be able to cause the conditions for his own creation.

13. i hate oscar wilde. i hate anyone who likes oscar wilde

14. the final recourse we must exploit from the oppressed is their revolutionary potential. this is not an act of compassion -- but an enslavement more brutal than any we've performed so far.
we will throw off our power like a sickness onto them, just before the system swallows us all. we will conscript them into the war with the machine we have unleashed -- for nothing else than our own survival. good luck kiddos

15. this is just some (probably condescending) advice to men about getting girls:
girls don't know whether a man is attractive. hell, guys dont know if a girls attractive. instead, they outsource the decision to the collective. attraction is almost entirely pre-selection. just act like youve been pre-selected, they wont know the difference.

>> No.12239447
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16. schizophrenia
monologue is insufficient for epistemic expansion -- ie: it increases what is known but not what CAN be known.
only dialogue (ie logos-ised conflict) is generative. it's so useful that in a court we create an artificial conflict between two lawyers, who will generally outcompete a king solomon-esque judge. likewise, our mind artificially fractures itself to mimic the conflict between two sides -- only this is capable to actual creativity (think hegelian synthesis). schizophrenia is just the pathologisation of the adaptive fracturing. but we should be careful not to remove the entire fracturing -- in society or in the individual.

17. plastic in the ocean is such a fucking non-issue it drives me nuts. also people crying about pandas or rhinos or some bullshit species going extinct.
compared to: deforestation, greenhouse gas, desertification

18. music was invented so our internal monologue doesn't talk us into suicide

19. brutus did nothing wrong

20. i dont get why average people (in uk) like government fiscal responsibility (read: literally only inflation targeting) when most of them are in debt and inflation would do them good

>> No.12239464

>13. i hate oscar wilde. i hate anyone who likes oscar wilde

That's way too much shit to comment on or open a discussion and I'm on mobile so I'll just say that. Fuck Oscar Wilde.

>> No.12239465

While very cat-owned restaurants seem cute, I feel like there would be a lot of hair in my food.

It's an easy way to make what is originally a continuous flow of action into a moment of high tension.


I'd say the former. Non sequiturs can be funny when well done, but they're usually stupid.

>> No.12239477

My dream would be to open a cat Cafe. You just sit down and have your tea while random kitties hop on your lap and purr and keep you company.

>> No.12239488

I nearly an hero'd over realizing that I was artistically mediocre, only slightly above average in terms of intelligence. But I believe not giving up and getting to work is what ends up making you special. You don't fail if you don't try, but you don't get a chance to prove yourself either.

>> No.12239509

why would people give anyone money on patreon?

>> No.12239517

made a cover for my novel today. fuck paying for cover design.

>> No.12239529
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I recently started talking to someone who has opened my eyes to what constructive criticism means, and just one conversation with them about my writing has pushed me to improve.

Now I feel the urge to slowly have this person read and give feedback on everything I wish to improve but fear that I will scare them off.

>> No.12239530

So you can work more on the thing.

>> No.12239539

I feel strongly compelled to emulate the writing style of Alexis Kennedy.

>> No.12239543

Ask him if he'd be okay reading your manuscript, that's pretty much it.

>> No.12239561

Damn son indians are stingy as hell, more so than jews man I swear

>> No.12239684

Good advice. When you tell a girl with some b-celebrity crush they wouldn't even look at the guy twice if they met him walking on the streets not knowing who he is they usually just agree. It's a scarily advanced keynesian contest and the way to win is by walking in as the winner.

Nah, we'd still get used to the thoughts you'd expect to induce suicide and stop minding them, just like we do now.

>> No.12239782

And what did you learn about constructive criticism? I'd like to learn that lesson, too.

>> No.12239874

Jesus Christ, I'm an idiot. 21 years until the realization I was suppressing my sexuality, as if being sexual with women was something shameful, struck me. Struck me like a fucking baseball bat, because god knows how many events had to sync these past three days for me to confront my stupidity. Causality is so bizarre. I had to read the right things, get stood up by some slut, see friends of mine being horrible or acting in a pathetic way due to their relationships, and have what to amounts to the most sexual experience of my life, all during key moments of these past 72 hours, for me to realize I've been a little bitch. The epiphany finally struck when I texted the woman with whom I had said experience, and realized how imbecilic, how pathetic the way I could only address her through the most neutered texts was, when less than 48 hours before I was fingering her and saying the dirtiest things I've ever said to anyone. I swear this is not me baiting people or something of the sort, but for fucks sake, I just can’t believe myself. This shit must be written down just so some of my restlessness can dissipate, and perhaps it will help some of you. She hasn’t answered me yet, and the only thing I want is any kind of answer, even a hi, just so I can keep the conversation going, say what I really wanna say, and go out with her again; not because I’m infatuated or something of the sort, but just so I can take this second chance to make something of myself and purge this meekness from my soul.

Yes, I know there are a fuckton of women out there, but I want to prove to myself I can do this in this specific situation, that I can thrive over my conditioning. It’s not about her, or even about sex, it’s about surpassing the limitations I’ve imposed upon my mind.

>> No.12240097

how does it compare to the anime? i remember watching it with a friend when i was young, i had forgotten everything so i revisited it two years ago. cried like a little bitch at the end. interestingly it's the only anime i've ever seen

>> No.12240166

I never saw the anime, unfortunately. Can't remember much about the series. Manga is an expensive habit, though.

>> No.12240236

you should check it out, though i know for anime in general people often prefer the original manga. it's only 26 episodes

>> No.12240258
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my favourite bookstore has closed down but at least i got some cheap books before then

>> No.12240330

Are you a lesbian/bisexual femanon or just a very autistic regular male anon?

>> No.12240353

Gotta be a guy, girls don't write like that.

>> No.12240364

Just another autistic male.

>> No.12240368

I'm curious about your post. What exactly marks my writing as male?

>> No.12240369

Beautiful icy mountains, anon.

>> No.12240376
File: 33 KB, 680x798, 1297526017213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody around me is watching these cutesy and saccharine christmas stuff but I'm in no mood for christmas right now, has me reachin' for my grip.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out big boy things and everyone just wants to drink the holiday kool-aid!

All the cute and happy children skipping around!

I can feel the crispy-sweet, soft and mellow, happy and sparkly and glowing holiday cheer and simple human warmth dripping over my brain like a sugary syrup and caking it all in a fog of delusion!

For once in my life I can utter those two bitter-sweet words, bah humbug.

And as in saying a prayer I have my absolution.

>> No.12240917

Should I go for a PhD in History? I am definitely going to do a Master's but I find academia to be revolting and I certainly wouldn't stay. My ultimate goal is politics or foreign service.

>> No.12240969

We're closer to the 20th anniversary of 9/11 than the actual event

crazy innit

>> No.12240997
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>been at uni for three years
>have made zero (0) friends
how the fuck do people do it. im not even that autistic, there are just no opportunities to become friends with people.

>> No.12241009

Join any clubs? Extracurricular activities?

>> No.12241051

>decide I want to get good at a video game
>watch a tournament
>try online, do decently well
>exert myself incredibly hard against one person
>fail over and over and over
>slam my elbow against the wood of my chair and get a bruise
>lose over two dozen matches in a row now, ranking is at rock bottom
>tired as hell
I really don't know what I'm with my life.

>> No.12241056

*doing, christ I'm fucking everything up

>> No.12241058

I finally made a friend this year in my last semester of uni. I met a girl in my class and we just talked all semester long, exchanged numbers, and now we're still chatting over winter break.

Honestly it's all about initiative. Nobody doesn't want to have more friends, so long as you're a quality friend. But many people are pussies and don't want to come off as if they're burdening someone else. Just literally go to events and talk to people. The key is recurrence, you have to see them multiple times.

>> No.12241063

zankoku na tenshi no you ni
shounen yo shinwa ni nare

>> No.12241071

since learning japanese i now dream in japanese

pretty cool

>> No.12241681

I've noticed What's on Your Mind thread vary considerably in quality based on the OP
Usually wojack themed ones are the best. Anime ones are just overlooked. They don't get enough attention.

>> No.12241746

>Anime ones are just overlooked. They don't get enough attention.

Good, it keeps the riffraff out.

>> No.12241821

I'm just sitting here thinking about how physical objects are just a mixture of memories of the past and predictions of the potential future being projected upon what seems to be an eternal 2d photograph that i can't seem to escape from. I might become a monk or an ascetic but I lack the willpowder to do so.

>> No.12241838

>14. the final recourse we must exploit from the oppressed is their revolutionary potential. this is not an act of compassion -- but an enslavement more brutal than any we've performed so far.
>we will throw off our power like a sickness onto them, just before the system swallows us all. we will conscript them into the war with the machine we have unleashed -- for nothing else than our own survival. good luck kiddos

i haven't read any further but this is the first intelligent thing you've said. probably the most intelligent thing i've read in months. kuddos

>> No.12241856

>a mixture of memories of the past and predictions of the potential future being projected upon what seems to be an eternal 2d photograph

That sounds like a pretty interesting theory anon, could we please hear more?

>> No.12241860

correcting yourself is where you fucked up. I had a good internal chuckle at what I thought was an intentional comedic typo.

>> No.12241898
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basically quantum physics but phenomenological. your consciousness puts awareness on the memories of past experiences of this object, then based on those past experiences it forms a prediction of what it will be in the future, this happens so quickly that you don't notice how the objects physicality is actually being created by your consciousness. sort of like how a propeller blade moves so quickly that it looks like a blurry circle rather than the individual blades that it is in actuality. in quantum mechanics they talk about how everything is just vibrating (rapid movement) of particles.

>> No.12242069
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>Spent like 6 years playing DotA
>Completely trash at it
>Spent 6 years drawing
>Completely trash at it
>Tried writing
>Completely trash at it
>Tried music for several years
>Completely trash at it
I'm destined to be a consumer and it's terrible

>> No.12242121

>deciding to get good at an online game
That's where you fucked up

>Spent 6 years drawing
>Completely trash at it
Hard to believe ya

>> No.12242174
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Depression post of the day.

Today I should have gone outside to renew some documents and have a passport photo taken but I didn't make it out of the bed.
It's so cold it's chilling my bones even under the blankets. I don't want to turn on the heating to save money.

>> No.12242234

based and bonepilled

>> No.12242601
File: 835 KB, 400x400, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a dream where I was trying to tame and ride a black female horse inside my house and she was bucking violently and I felt intense sexual excitement while riding her
I woke up at full mast and very confused
Any psychologists here to tell me what this means?

>> No.12242690

barneyfag i summon you

>> No.12242700
File: 28 KB, 307x157, Bronies, this is your mindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die you fucking Barneyfag

>> No.12242757

My stepbrother and his family just told us that they'll bring no presents for Christmas. They usually made 10 Euro presents on average. Why do we keep welcoming them in our house every year? I've never seen people so cheap in my life. Even the food they bring is from discount stores, and they're richer than us.

>> No.12242897

I'm daydreaming about punching this vile old bitch that is my coworker, crushing her orbital bone from the impact and killing her instantly.

>> No.12243050
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>> No.12243563

So uhhh just realized ive been shitposting on the chan through my works wifi with my personal phone and really hope it doesnt come back to me

>> No.12243749

I really am a piece of shit on the inside.

>> No.12244173

I'm confused as to where I said that money equals value as a person. As for the success of one being the oppression of another, I don't see it. You can claim it's "well established" all you like but I don't see it; try to show it to me. It sounds to me, though, like you may have bias, what with your "rich capitalist fucks" line, but hey, I'm probably biased because I think Communism/Marxism/Socialism is bloody evil and greedy and because these ultimately stem from Karl Marx I see him as the single individual of the past 150 years or so whom has lead to the more deaths than any other soul in that timeframe. A hundred million in the 20th century alone... I mean... not only that but people are STILL trying to make it work in places like Venezuela and North Korea. I guess a hundred million deaths just aren't enough to get the message across, but anyhow I digress, feel free to try and change my mind.

As of right now, I am very much a capitalist and also a nationalist when it comes to the EU/UN and stuff such as that. I believe that ideally 100% free market Capitalism would be instated and the most vulnerable in society (people too physically/mentally disabled or simply too deficient in IQ to keep up with modern jobs with modern technology) would be taken care of with VOLUNTARY Socialism. A small act of voluntary Socialism (voluntary redistribution of wealth down to the lower class) can be seen when a pan-handler on the street is given a few dollars or when someone donates to the Salvation Army for a Remembrance Day poppy or to a Santa Clause during the holidays. This can go to a massive scale, generous people from both the middle and upper classes donating as they like to help those who are vulnerable. Generous souls who volunteer their time for free would be of huge help (just like they're of huge help today), and thus you don't have Governments turning their guns on citizens to forcefully TAKE their money to redistribute it. Major companies could also use their donations in marketing, I mean after all, if you had a choice between McDonald's or A&W but A&W donated $20,000,000 to the needy while McDonald's only gives maybe a million per year, wouldn't that incentivize you to go to A&W and support their efforts?

That's essentially what I view as being ideal. I believe the wealthy are more generous than you think. I've been homeless before, by the way, so it's not like I'm some spoon-fed rich boy who supports Capitalism just because it has benefited me. Even now I'm probably technically in abject poverty by Western standards, however by world standards I'm living wonderfully. After all, anyone who makes something like $35k USD per year is in the worldwide top 1%. So yeah, anyone who has made $700 USD in one week or $1400 USD in two weeks essentially knows what it's like to live in the worldwide 1%. Anyone who has experienced literal starvation knows what it's like to live under Communism/Marxism/Socialism.