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/lit/ - Literature

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12236174 No.12236174 [Reply] [Original]

>read book
>can't help imagining all the characters as anime characters

Please help. I finally thought I'd got away from the curse of anime and still it taunts me when i try to focus on grown up hobbiew

>> No.12236183

Spend a few hours a day staring at classical paintings.

It is the only way

>> No.12236184

Is this really that big of a problem or do you just feeling like complaining about something to feel important, and fit in with the rest of this board, who all seem to have something wrong with themselves.

>> No.12236192
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maybe watching live action tv or actually leaving the house once in a while (lol) would be easier. I have literally thousands of hours of anime to erase

I don't want to imply that my 'problem' is any worse than anyone else's but it really makes me feel like I'm a manchild who wasted his life on anime (second part is true tho)

>> No.12236213

Sounds like you have more of an image problem than anything.

Just watch anime, nobody is going to care. Anime is probably not what's holding you back from not being a manchild.

>> No.12236233

Nothin' wrong with anime

>> No.12236258

Anime got me into lolis and I'm not attracted to real women anymore. That's just one of the many problems inflicted on me by anime

>> No.12236261

that's a positive change tbqh

>> No.12236375


>> No.12236400

Literal proof that anime gives you brain damage.

>> No.12236412

i really dont see the problem OP

>> No.12236440

the problem is that all the people who try consciously to switch from anime/games/whatever to "grown up hobbies" like they're just changing their diet are delusional. reading books for grown-ups doesn't make you grow up, it's growing up that makes you interested in real books. what normally happens is that your interest in that dumb shit just wanes by itself. if it hasn't then you're fucked and sitting there thinking about anime or video games while forcing your eyes to move across a page of a novel is pointless.

>> No.12236481

I had this same problem for a bit a while back. I eventually just kinda stopped watching anime, and eventually it just faded from my mind desu.

>> No.12236551

god you are pathetic

>> No.12236558

It's actually the opposite for me.

>> No.12236608
File: 154 KB, 1000x678, Don't stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please try reading Lolita and write about your experience, anon.
Once that is done, do this>>12236183, weeding away cancer with art really does help.

>> No.12236617

boy I'm so glad I never got into any weebshit

>> No.12236619

Lolita is a brat tho, Japanese lolis act like grown women most of the time

>> No.12236708

This image made me throw up a little.

Sometimes I get dragged into consecutive worthwhile literary discussion here on /lit/ and forget how much of a hellhole 4chan actually is.

>> No.12236790

Just gonna give you a heads up - when you make totalizing statements like this you are reinforcing the story you tell yourself about whats happening. Ie if you actually want to stop doing what youre doing (which you may not), stop telling yourself the story of the poor old lolicon who isnt attracted to real women.

>> No.12236796

Lol redditfag

good point i need to be more positive if i ever want a gf

>> No.12236801

I often look up paintings or reference images of the books I'm reading.
But I often see fallout references when I read something like the beats - so I'm not completely undamaged either.

>> No.12236834

>I need to be more positive
>problems inflicted on me by anime
>I'm a manchild
No, you need to quit being a thrall to language

>> No.12236867
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yeah i didnt ask for your opinion kthnxbye

>> No.12236875

Alpha tbqh

>> No.12237454

I wish i could do that

>> No.12237481

>This image made me throw up a little.
It made me kek

>> No.12237831

why is she 10 years old

>> No.12237835


>> No.12237838

I'm happy I never watched anime because I could see this same problem plaguing me if I had.

>> No.12238022
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>read the Iliad
>can't help but imagine Achilles as Brad Pitt and Hector as Eric Bana

>> No.12238031

At least weebshit redpilled you on the greatness of cunny

>> No.12238082
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>read any greek literature
>can't help but imagine the gods as they look like in Disney's Hercules

>> No.12238099
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>read book
>can't help imagining all the characters as sexy furries

I have one brief furry phase over a decade ago and it just lodges itself into my brain forever.

>> No.12238114

I don't see why this is a problem. I wish I could do this, I bet it would improve my reading experience

>> No.12239424
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>> No.12239429
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This happened to me too

>> No.12239439

Stop reading, you don't deserve literature. Stick to your weeb trash

>> No.12239449

The only thing that happened to me was imagining the LOTR characters as the actors from the movie, but I fucked up big time by not reading the book first.

I think the casting was excellent though.

>> No.12239500
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>you dont deserve literature

>> No.12239625

I like to imagine the characters like how people look in JoJo's Bizarre adventure. It worked really well with Brothers Karamazov for example
It's a really nice artstyle

>> No.12239711

Is Troy any good? I've recently finished reading The Iliad, and I've been considering checking it out. Are there any better film adaptations?

>> No.12239719

>Read The Invisible Man
>keep imagining the main character as white because he's so well spoken and only remember that he's black when he mentions it

Just when I thought I wasn't racist anymore.

>> No.12239739

Troy is fucking awful in that special hollywood way, they even fucked up achilles and didn't make him gay. There was even a whole plot about revenge when his gay lover dressed as him and got killed in battle.
I suggest reading the Aeneid. At the end of the movie Troy they introduce Aeneas for like a moment, because sequel bait, and I still am mad at them for not making an Aeneid movie.
The Aeneid is basically the odyssey on steroids so it's well worth it.

>> No.12239933

>Read Lolita
>Can’t stop imagining it as Eromanga Sensei


>> No.12240011

It's a mediocre movie but I hope this post is bait.

>> No.12240013
File: 1.23 MB, 800x1523, Saber_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Le Morte D'Arthur
>Can't stop imagining King Arthur as Saber from Fate Stay Night

>> No.12240643
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It only replaced my desire for 2d jap animations for 2d euro ones

>> No.12240746

There's nothing wrong with that

>> No.12241144
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>imagining them as anything but KARA BOGA dark-skinned testosterone-filled Middle Easterners
It's no better to imagine them as Disney cartoon characters than it is to imagine them as Hollywood actors of Germano-Celtic ethnic/racial origin