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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 345x450, poe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1223368 No.1223368 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle Thread number...what is this, 4? It's been awhile.

Post some riddles, answer some others. I'll try and keep a feed, but man have I not been given a riddle in awhile.

As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?

>> No.1223370

Riddles! Excitement!

>> No.1223372

a lock. though i know it's wrong.

>> No.1223377

A tree? .w.

>> No.1223378

...Lol, nice trips...

No, a lock is not a place of meeting when beheaded.

>> No.1223379

A Stable? :DDDD

>> No.1223383

No, a tree is in no way related to ready when beheaded twice.

>> No.1223385

I think I've heard this before, "beheading" refers to removing letters

Stable for the first line
table for the second
able for the third
stable for the last

>> No.1223388

We have a winner!

My thunder comes before the lightning;
My lightning comes before the clouds;
My rain dries all the land it touches.
What am I?

>> No.1223397

What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?

>> No.1223399


>> No.1223400

Nacho cheese.

Well, at least someone's trying.

>> No.1223403

Yes. Point to Raging Furfaggot.

>> No.1223406

Someones foreskin?

>> No.1223409


We are little brethren twain, Arbiters of loss and gain, Many to our counters run, Some are made, and some undone, But men find it to their cost, Few are made, but numbers lost, Though we play them tricks forever, They all do hope to win our favor. What are we?

>> No.1223423

What's in my pocket?

>> No.1223425



>> No.1223426

bankers or judges? >.>

>> No.1223428
File: 21 KB, 448x418, qui-gon jinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1223429

hopefully weed, skins, and a lighter. if so, you wanna chill?

>> No.1223430



>> No.1223431

Fortunately for the public, not all bankers and judges are related, thus avoiding nepotistic behavior. No, sorry.

>> No.1223433

How did the dead baby cross the road?

>> No.1223437

In its clubber's bag?

Well, at least it's a riddle :/

>> No.1223444


>> No.1223448

My favorite kind of trips, and yes, that is correct.

I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?

>> No.1223449


>> No.1223453


>> No.1223455

...When did this thread start attracting trolls? The last 3 were pretty clean..damnit...

>> No.1223457

Gravity, in fact, was. No dice.

>> No.1223463

I wont troll you bro

I got one

What is black

>> No.1223465

...A wet black cat?

Putting my trust in an unreliable source here

>> No.1223471

A man is found dead with 53 bicycles scattered around him. What happened?

shut up, m'bad

>> No.1223475

I can accept that
btw why don't you make your trip THERIDDLER
at least when you do this?

>> No.1223479

if you knew where I got it from, it wouldn't be trolling.

A bad riddle yes, still a riddle!

>> No.1223481

...Well, if you insist.

>> No.1223486
File: 94 KB, 575x291, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mad scientist conducts an experiment that causes 53 beings fused into one(It was the middle of a bicycle race).
The shock caused them to die.
Science marches on.

>> No.1223489

The future?

>> No.1223490

What is green like the ocean,
Blue like the sun,
strange and sane
empty and filled to the top
and cold when it's hot?

>> No.1223491

>53 being to fuse into one

>> No.1223492

I guess I just prefer the one I have. m'bad, man.

>> No.1223494

The Earth

>> No.1223497

Specifically "tomorrow", well done :)

I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?

>> No.1223504

Nothing, perhaps? Interesting variation if so.

>> No.1223505

+5 Internets

>> No.1223510

+100 if you guess the answer I was looking for

I give you five for a good answer though

>> No.1223511

The Hindenburg!

>> No.1223517

I must say, that's one of the best riddles anyone other than me has posted in one of these if it has a good answer.

Good answer, but the Hindenburg certainly is a cause for grief. Can't accept it.

>> No.1223523

I'll wait for an answer..... Hopefully It'll be the right one

>> No.1223529

Just checking, it's not Nothing, correct?

>> No.1223534

on the right track in a way keep guessing

>> No.1223536

Can I have another hint?

>> No.1223546


>> No.1223547

oxymoron'd paradox

>> No.1223550

I laughed harder than I should have.

Let's see...is it air?

>> No.1223551
File: 7 KB, 242x208, batman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive got a feeling that this is going to be one of those ones that seems painfully obvious in retrospect.

>> No.1223555

...Ugh, bad guess in retrospect...

>> No.1223556

Smoke. Pretty sure you've posted this every time.

>> No.1223562


>> No.1223563

Oh that's bullshit. I was thrown off by tears of MOURNING, as in crying because you're sad. I discounted irritants because of that.

>> No.1223565

It's a good riddle, and I wasn't getting many returners from what it seemed :) Also, I got a bit lazy this time around, hard to find a lot of good riddles after you hear most of them
Nonetheless, correct.

If you break me,
I do not stop working.
If you touch me,
I may be snared.
If you lose me,
Nothing will matter.
What am I?

>> No.1223572


>> No.1223573

its the suicide king, right?

bicycles=cards, deck is 54 including jokers

>> No.1223575

A penis

and yes it works

>> No.1223576

Correct, nice job.
Souls do not often break. Although you should get it now.

>> No.1223577


>> No.1223579

...I may be alone on this, but if my penis BREAKS, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna work next time I go to use it.

>> No.1223584


Next up:
Too much for one, enough for two, and too much for three. What am I?

>> No.1223585

Yep, you're alone.

>> No.1223588


>> No.1223589

you can break a penis bro and still take a piss

>> No.1223592


>> No.1223594

Actually the sex thing was a joke, but it made me think of a serious answer:

>> No.1223596

speaking of batman, this one's from the tv show's Riddler, i.e. it's retarded, but kinda neat:

there are 3 men in a boat with 4 cigarettes and no matches. how do they manage to smoke?

>> No.1223599

The woman has a lighter.

>> No.1223602

Light the boat on fire and they all burn!

and they all smoke

>> No.1223603

If you're a good person. In practice, no.
I like this answer a lot, and I'd give it to you because I see where you're coming from, but 1 also goes into 4.
A good answer, but love triangles have been known to happen.

>> No.1223607


actually, super fagolee is closer than he realizes, but if they had the means to set the boat on fire, they could light their cigs directly.

>> No.1223609

What kind of boat? If it has a combustion engine, then problem solved.

>> No.1223610

A pair

>> No.1223611

I know the 4th cigarette has something to do with it.

>> No.1223615

The woman's cigarette is already lit. She uses it to light the other three.

>> No.1223616

I just want to watch the world burn :(

Maybe they could use the sun and tie down one of the member and after hours he'd get hot enough to light a cig and then they would light the boat and then my answer would be correct. Any way I have no idea but I'm working on a riddle so maybe I'll post a poem riddle tonight

>> No.1223619

not relevant. say a canoe.
now you're using the old noggin. keep going

>> No.1223621

So much grammar derp in that post. Sorry /lit/

>> No.1223622

who the fuck said anything about women?

3 men. one boat. 4 cigs. this is all.

>> No.1223623
File: 76 KB, 440x345, booksSpencerPlattGetty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Scalpel and the Silver Bear
2. Landscape without Gravity
3. Tennis Whites and Teacakes
4. Bobos in Paradise
5. Happy Days Were Here Again
6. Waiting for the Morning Train
7. Funny in Farsi
8. American Essays
9. The Lunatic Express
10. The Way to Rainy Mountain
11. Three Weeks with my Brother
12. Civil Disobedience
Which one should I read /lit/?
Also /r/ a dump of the spark notes of any of them.

>> No.1223631

No, sorry. A pair can be contained in a hand of three, if you're going for the card reference.

>> No.1223636

Is this a riddle?

>> No.1223640

Think it was an attempt at a new thread that went terribly wrong.

>> No.1223641

>if you're going for the card reference
Nah I wasn't but anyway
Is it Company? As in three's a crowd?

>> No.1223647 [DELETED] 

Three lives have I; Gentle enough to soothe the skin, light enough to caress the sky. What am I? WATER

Lighter than what I am made of, More of me is hidden than is seen. What am I? ICEBERG

When I am filled I can point the way, When I am empty nothing moves me. I have two skins: one without and one within. What am I? GLOVE

If a man carried my burden he would break his back. I am not rich, but leave silver in my track. What am I? SNAIL

My life can be measured in hour, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow wind is my foe. What am I? CANDLE

To unravel me you need a simple key, no key that was made by locksmith's hand, but a key that only I will understand. What am I? RIDDLE

Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs, Feet I do lack. What am I? SHIP

If you break me I do not stop working, If you touch me I may be snared, If you lose me nothing will matter. What am I? HEART

I turn around once, what is out will not get in. I turn around again, what is in will not get out. What am I? KEY

I am only useful when I am full, yet I am always full of holes. What am I? NET

You can see nothing else when you look in my face, I will look you in the eye and I will never lie. What am I? MIRROR

I drive men mad for love of me, Easily beaten, never free. What am I? GOLD

Glittering points that downward thrust, sparkling spears that never rust. What am I? ICICLES

>> No.1223648 [DELETED] 

When set loose I fly away, never so cursed as when I go astray. What am I? ARROW

When young, I am sweet in the sun. When middle-aged, I make you gay. When old, I am valued more than ever. What am I? WINE

I am always hungry, I must always be fed, the finger I lick will soon turn red. What am I? FIRE

Each morning I appear to lie at your feet, all day I follow no matter how fast you run, yet I nearly perish in the midday sun. What am I? SHADOW

Bright as diamonds, loud as thunder, never still, a thing of wonder. What am I? WATERFALL

You heard me before, yet you hear me again, then I die, 'til you call me again. What am I? ECHO

Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in the darkness, a lady's delight. What am I? PEARL

Until I am measured I am not known, yet how you miss me when I have flown. What am I? TIME

All about, but cannot be see, can be captured, cannot be held, no throat, but can be heard. What am I? AIR

I am seen in the water if seen in the sky, I am in the rainbow, a jay's feather, and lapis lazuli. What am I? BLUE

I go around in circles but always straight ahead, never complain no matter where I am led. What am I? WHEEL

At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. What am I? MUSIC

I sleep within a sturdy dome, when I travel my shield is my home. What am I? TURTLE

>> No.1223651

Well that's just no fun at all, it doesn't allow anyone to think. Too tempting to look at the answer.

However, that kind of defeats the purpose of my thread. I'll cya round /lit/.

>> No.1223656

So ummm was I right? >>1223641

>> No.1223660

I like these threads they are entertaining

>> No.1223664

seconded. just do them one at a time, guy, and take questions. the internet is fun because it's interactive. we could all google "riddles" and get what you posted. party pooper.

any other questions about the cigarettes in the boat?>>1223596

>> No.1223666

They throw the 4th cigarette off the boat. So the boat is now a cigarette lighter

>> No.1223671

Dammit, man, that's a pun, not a riddle.

>> No.1223674

but.... trips.

>> No.1223683


that's how the Riddler answered on the tv show, btw

>> No.1223691

....I don't get it

>> No.1223692

true, but wordplay is central to riddles. anyway, I warned everyone it was lame.

>> No.1223699

I thought it was some sort of logic problem but then I remembered that it was from the 70s batman show so I realized it had to be a pun.

>> No.1223714

good on you. and devastating trips, to boot!

>> No.1223721


>> No.1223730

Sorry, I thought the purpose of this thread was posting riddles, not whoring for attention. I didn't get the riddles from Googling, btw.

I won't post in any more riddle threads, though.

>> No.1223735

so you got them from a riddle site so much more impressive.

>> No.1223738

I didn't get them from the Internet, or from a book. Why are you attempting to insult me?

>> No.1225023


>> No.1225029

what has two thumbs and a rockhard penis?