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/lit/ - Literature

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12230978 No.12230978 [Reply] [Original]

Fact: There is no practical nor philosophical reason to read books

Fact: Your desire to read nonfiction and especially philosophy is purely selfish, you want to feel good about yourself and believe that you’re better than others because you think about “the big questions”

Fact: If you are able to passively sit and consume books you are a conformist and are mentally chucked every time you read a book because the other person’s thoughts dominate your mental space. If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.

Fact: The average person doesn’t read books (ever) yet is happier, healthier, wiser, more well rounded, and better looking than you.

Fact: The vast, vast majority of what you read you won’t remember. Life experience (which is what people who don’t read books operate off of) is far more valuable and far more practical.

Fact: If you read books you are wasting your precious dwindling time on this earth as a slave to someone else’s thoughts.


>> No.12230981

Fact: this is a shitpost thread

>> No.12230985

these assertions make perfekt sense
sound logic
that's why I don't read books

>> No.12230986

Please dont

>> No.12230988

It’s not. My home board is /biz/ but I decided to venture out and check out the other boards. The pretentiousness here is off the charts so I decided to put you all in your place. I’ve literally never read a book in my life and neither have most people I know yet we all have advanced degrees, high incomes, stable personalities huge dicks etc. Everyone I’ve ever met that enjoys reading books has been mentally unwell in some way.

>> No.12230996

Try reading a book or two and see if you like it. What interests you other than /biz/ [although off the bat youd probably enjoy American Psycho].

>> No.12230998

a book is a collection of pages, the pages contain words consisting of letters. the letters are arranged in a way that it reflects the writers thoughts.
have you ever listended to another human speak? shared information?
reading a book is basically the same thing
i wouldnt be surprised you really havent

>> No.12231005

I literally cannot focus long enough to make it through a page or two of a book. I especially don’t understand the praise guys like Shakespeare get, I cannot understand or comprehend what they’re trying to even say without massive effort. Why in the fuck would I waste my time reading that?

Yes, notice however that a book is a one sided thing while a conversation is two sided. A book is like a lecture with no back and forth. Also notice my perfect grammar and writing style without ever reading jack shit.

>> No.12231006

>... and then everyone clapped

>> No.12231014

So you never watch movies or shows either?

>> No.12231018

I honestly don’t. I’ll very rarely watch a movie while I’m with others but when I’m by myself I don’t watch that dogshit.

>> No.12231022

>I cannot understand or comprehend what they’re trying to even say without massive effort
have you considered the possibility that you may be retarded?

>> No.12231023

>Fact: There is no practical nor philosophical reason to read books
Fact: I don't need a practical reason. I have fun reading books. Which ironically makes reading very practical for me
>Fact: Your desire to read nonfiction and especially philosophy is purely selfish, you want to feel good about yourself and believe that you’re better than others because you think about “the big questions”
Fact: Reading philosophy does make me better than others, at least at understand philosophy. Someone who does a lot of carpentry is better than me at carpentry
>Fact: If you are able to passively sit and consume books you are a conformist and are mentally chucked every time you read a book because the other person’s thoughts dominate your mental space. If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.
Fact: When I read fiction I do want to engulfed in another person's thoughts, because they're interesting to me.
>Fact: The average person doesn’t read books (ever) yet is happier, healthier, wiser, more well rounded, and better looking than you.
Fact: this isn't a fact
>Fact: The vast, vast majority of what you read you won’t remember. Life experience (which is what people who don’t read books operate off of) is far more valuable and far more practical.
Fact: "I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I've eaten; even so, they have made me." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
>Fact: If you read books you are wasting your precious dwindling time on this earth as a slave to someone else’s thoughts.
Fact: Seeing the world as nothing but master-slave dynamic and assuming that every interaction you have with others is making you either a king, or a cuck, is a pretty cucked mindset to have. Yikes, my man.

>> No.12231028

I read because its fun.

>> No.12231033

Start small, most of us struggle to read nowadays. Try a short story. Maybe from Hardys Wessex Tales, theyre all super comfy.

Better still, Try Kafkes "A Message from the Emperor." Its like two paragraphs and its cool. Dont get it? Me neither. Do you "get it" when you watch a sports game 100%? Me neither. I know fuck all about basketball but still appreciate moments of explosive athleticism, it just looks cool, and I go "man how can they jump like that?"
Same with writing. You dont need to be an expert. Just be open to it and see if anything strikes you.

Shakespeare is really challenging to read, I agree. A lot of people pretend they get it, but people who really love Shakespeare know how hard he is (painfully and almost obnoxiously sometimes).

Reading is like hiking or sports. Its a hobby that involved challenges, but the process of improving is actually more pleasant overall than sitting around on your hands moping.

>> No.12231052

I’ll admit it, you’ve slightly changed my mind.

I had a perfect score on the reading portion of the ACT and have a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

>> No.12231060
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>Fact: There is no practical nor philosophical reason to read books
Incorrect, try again.
>Fact: Your desire to read nonfiction and especially philosophy is purely selfish, you want to feel good about yourself and believe that you’re better than others because you think about “the big questions”
Correct, and I am.
>Fact: If you are able to passively sit and consume books you are a conformist and are mentally chucked every time you read a book because the other person’s thoughts dominate your mental space. If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.
What do you mean by that? When are you ever not dominated by other people's thoughts? Whether you like it or not, your culture and your biology determine your every thought; there is no such distinction between your thoughts and other peoples'---you do not exist in a vacuum, and so it's far better to understand your culture's narrative from its authors, than to remain ignorant and spout your ideas which are not yours, but an inbred bastard-child of theirs. Of course it's healthy to try to debate the author's opinions, but how can you do that if you've never read a book in your life?
>Fact: The average person doesn’t read books (ever) yet is happier, healthier, wiser, more well rounded, and better looking than you.
>Fact: The vast, vast majority of what you read you won’t remember. Life experience (which is what people who don’t read books operate off of) is far more valuable and far more practical.
Correct, but that knowledge imbeds itself into your subconscious and unconscious mind, so it's useful even if you aren't aware of it. Life experience can just as easily be gotten from books than from real-life. Non-book readers can only learn from average people living within your brief life-span. With books you can learn from the greatest people in human history.
>Fact: If you read books you are wasting your precious dwindling time on this earth as a slave to someone else’s thoughts.
Again, everyone is a slave to someone else's thoughts. You just aren't aware that they're someone else's.

>> No.12231061

You assume we read books out of practical motivations

Could it just be that some people enjoy it?

>> No.12231113

Only good post made on /lit/ all week

>> No.12231119

Low 80 IQ OP blown the fuck out by a based 200 IQ reader

How will he ever recover from this one lads?

>> No.12231134
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Thanks, friendo.

>> No.12231158

Fact: muh big brainz op is a faggot
Stay there.

>> No.12231161

So it's autism. Got it.

>> No.12231212

>Life experience can just as easily be gotten from books than from real-life.
i was with you until this, this is just absurd.

>> No.12231220
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Care to elaborate?

>> No.12231236

What if it's like a war book or a history book or something

I can't go back in time and experience that.

>> No.12231290

I think that's incorrect. I believe the average person scarcely ever reads books because there's so many alternative forms of media available. Youtube videos, movies (Netflix in particular providing MANY movies and TV shows in a convenient manner), videogames, music, and so on and so forth. I think it's safe to say that of all these, literature is the most intellectual form of media, but not all that many people are intellectual. There are lots of chicks who just want to make sure their make-up is applied well, their hair is perfect, their clothing is matched just right, their hair is just the right colour, and so they can focus on showing off to other chicks and to a lesser extent, to guys they're into. Similarly there's lots of guys who just spend their time getting stoned or drunk or chasing puss or playing run-n'-gun FPS games or what have you. Their schedules are full, and from their perceptve, books hold nothing of value.

>> No.12231295

>person’s thoughts dominate your mental space
>I am le individual!

>> No.12232982


>> No.12233012

Honestly it's better than videogames and that's enough

>> No.12233026

>There is no practical nor philosophical reason to read books
yes to the first, no to the second.
>Your desire to read nonfiction and especially philosophy is purely selfish, you want to feel good about yourself and believe that you’re better than others because you think about “the big questions”
maybe for some, but only in the early stages of inquiry. after a while, even if you didn't know what you were looking for, your mind will eventually brush up against the "big questions" and will be cowed by their enormity and mystery of it all.
>If you are able to passively sit and consume books you are a conformist and are mentally chucked every time you read a book because the other person’s thoughts dominate your mental space. If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.
not sure what your beef is "conformity". the very fact you're typing in English makes you a conformist. Why not invent your own language and only use that? oh, that's right, because then you could only talk to yourself. As you see, there's nothing wrong with conforming per se, just not taking it to the extremes. Simply reading someone else's words doesn't mean you're 100% adopting them as your own. You're right on the last part though, questioning what you're reading is a good trait to adopt.
>The average person doesn’t read books (ever) yet is happier, healthier, wiser, more well rounded, and better looking than you.
Probably true. But nature contains variety. Not everything is a tree, or a lion. What's wrong with owls and flowers and shrubs?
>The vast, vast majority of what you read you won’t remember. Life experience (which is what people who don’t read books operate off of) is far more valuable and far more practical.
disagree on the remembering part, but the rest i agree with.
>If you read books you are wasting your precious dwindling time on this earth as a slave to someone else’s thoughts.
i'd say that we're all slaves in one form or another. some people are a slave to their greed, others to their fame, others to their wives and families, many to serotonin, others to the pursuit of ephemeral wisdom or knowledge.
Although, i do find it amusing that you belittle people who take the advice of someone's words (you termed it "slave to someone else's thoughts") while at the same time taking the time to make a thread on here and telling people we should take your advice/(be enslaved to your thoughts).

>> No.12233044

>memecoin investor tries to tell me how to live

>> No.12233056

Now I must admit that I could not read at all and take your post to be some inane bullshit.
Go to the shower and sleep. To work tomorrow. No other advice will come.

>> No.12233067


>> No.12233084


>> No.12233093
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>don't watch movies someone else produced
>don't eat food someone else cooked
>don't walk on sidewalks you didn't lay yourself
>the only words worth engaging with are your own
is this peak /biz/ intellectualism?

>> No.12233096

You have a based taste in paintings friend. Care to share some artists?

>> No.12233101
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>If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.
Shit you right homie. I've been screaming at paper about how eggs and ham can't be green for the past 30 minutes. Books are gay af. Mensa members like me watch TV.

I would say shit bait but everyone is responding to it genuinely so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.12233109

based & redpilled

>> No.12233243

No bc he doesnt understand what 'joy' means because its not a market standard he can fit himself into. Being 'practical' is all that hes about.

>> No.12233256

>masters degree in mechanical engineering
Doesnt mean that you're not a brainlet

>> No.12233272

b-b-but your mental space is getting BLACKED by another person's thoughts

>> No.12233310

lol op getting btfo thoroughly in this thread

>> No.12233371
File: 404 KB, 666x729, E07FE15A-8472-4640-879D-21151FBFD002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fact: There is no practical nor philosophical reason to read books
Care to explain this point?

>Fact: Your desire to read nonfiction and especially philosophy is purely selfish, you want to feel good about yourself and believe that you’re better than others because you think about “the big questions”
How can you tell? Of course there are psueds who just want to namedrop but isn’t it maddening to summarize a whole board as one kind of person? I’ve seen people who are genuinely interested in philosophy here. You most likely came to this conclusion becuase you’ve been here for maybe 10 mins and mistake actual conversations for psuedry because you are intimidated/confused by them. Then you proceeded to try to make yourself feel better and smarter by making this poorly thought out post becuase you felt your intelligence was attacked. One can also infer from your various responses where you try to reinforce your intelligence that you are insecure about it.

>Fact: If you are able to passively sit and consume books you are a conformist and are mentally chucked every time you read a book because the other person’s thoughts dominate your mental space. If you don’t feel the need to debate the author after a few sentences you’re not as bright as you think you are.
I could go into another paragraph here about how this reeks of intellectual insecurity but I won’t. Anyone who is decently smart can see the blatant insecurity here that stems from your combativeness. However, isn’t it just as cocked to compete in an economic system where you are pushed around and have little control? You are literally being forced to do things by more powerful men than you for the sake of their financial gain. Just food for thought.

>Fact: The average person doesn’t read books (ever) yet is happier, healthier, wiser, more well rounded, and better looking than you.
This is a sly attempt at making yourself seem better than everyone here simply based on your aversion to literature. It is also a baseless claim and only used to make yourself fell better.

>Fact: The vast, vast majority of what you read you won’t remember. Life experience (which is what people who don’t read books operate off of) is far more valuable and far more practical.
The point of reading isn’t to remember everything you read, it’s to remember the important things you read.

>Fact: If you read books you are wasting your precious dwindling time on this earth as a slave to someone else’s thoughts.
What a sad world it must be for you if you can only see it in the master-slave dynamic. And, isn’t everyone a slave to other people’s thoughts inadvertently? Most of western thought (which no doubt you subscribe to) was made by smarter men than you. From your perspective wouldn’t society just be a means to enslavement?

Final thoughts:
You are obviously insecure about your intellectual capacity and your ability to exercise power. I would write more but I cannot

>> No.12233519

Actually proud of the based lads in here responding

>> No.12233568


>> No.12233710

We do live in an extremely eclectic society, this is fucking true. Most people lack ability on perspective: "what do I think, and not buttfuggah Karl Marx?"
Went to university, quit after three months, what a bunch of retards on repeat.

>> No.12233832

So we're all going to ignore the fact that the OP's picture is a golden bull, an aged-up golden calf?

>> No.12234429

Reading straightens language growth through internal dialogue and input. Vocabulary can be expanded and unfamiliar sentence structure can be presented to you. Learn to challenge yourself.