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/lit/ - Literature

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12228471 No.12228471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What works of literature explain this phenomenon?

>> No.12228481


Fuck you, you cruel, lonely coward. Die alone.

>> No.12228486

This is the result of illiteracy

>> No.12228505

the lad looks pretty lovecraftian

>> No.12228516

Do you think he's ever fucked her ass?

>> No.12228519
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I miss Hitler.

>> No.12228523

>1.31MB PNG

you're the real retard here

>> No.12228528

Incel ideology BTFO.

>> No.12228536

He is Lovecraftian

>> No.12228540

Ya he got money

>> No.12228577
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This is probably the only reason >>12228540 or she's fucking batshit insane. Seriously, fuck this world

>> No.12228589

Well if she happens to have a mental illness that makes her like strange disabled people and they're both happy... Who am I to judge?
Although I've noticed that in today's world you have much better chances at a rich life if you're completely fucked up in a way that stands out than if you're a nondescript ugly person. All the ugly people I know are virgins with only their careers to look forward to.

>> No.12228601

That is unironically scary to look at holy shit.

>> No.12228607

im so happy that miles teller found a gf

>> No.12228625
File: 696 KB, 1241x900, 64824835-EF8A-4F7A-9605-252B82F8E7E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his previous girlfriend

>> No.12228634

over-under on her abusing him?

>> No.12228642

is he rich or something? how does he do it?

>> No.12228644

alright there's something fishy going on here

>> No.12228645
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What the hell is going on

>> No.12228647
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>> No.12228650

Ok, I call bullshit. There has to be something going on in the background. No way on God's green earth is this even possible. It can't be that he smoothed talked the girls into liking him since he slurs, it can't be his looks because.... And it it can be super powers because those don't exists... I think. He has to be rich or something but even then would you really go for a guy like this if he's rich? I mean come on! And I don't wanna doubt him. If this is real then I would love for it to be so. Perhaps it means that there's hope for me but I want answers before I simply just believe that this nigga pulled a hot chick, not once but 2 fucking times!

>> No.12228651

Is that a Lovecraft reference anon

>> No.12228655

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk! And this too! What the fuck is happening?!?!?!?!!!!!?!???!?!?!!???!?!?!?!?!??!

>> No.12228657

Wasn't this guy from the Marvel comics?

Modok or something?

>> No.12228663
File: 1.30 MB, 916x633, FUUUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive made with 5 different girls and none of them probably had titties even remotely that nice

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. life is so cruel

>> No.12228666

He's paying them. I'm sorry, I want this to be true but there's no way.

>> No.12228668

This guy should be a fucking PUA if he's pulling chicks of this calibre. Write a book or join rsd for fuck sake and teach us gosh darnit!!!!!

>> No.12228675

The trips confirm it. Only way it can be so. Literally goes against every black pill fact ever.

>> No.12228677

His disability triggers the female's built in nurturing instinct

>> No.12228680

>Perhaps it means that there's hope for me
Do you stand out this much? The worst thing you can be in 2018 is a normal person

>> No.12228687

By bypassing her roasty instincts.

>> No.12228703

I like to think I'm unique. There's this girl at church who clearly has a crush on me and is reeeally cute. Issue is, she's like 12. Feels bad man. She's quite tall for her age and also looks a bit older. I do imagine being with her sometimes.

>> No.12228720

this guy is awesome lmao

>> No.12228737
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Wait another year then take her!
Remember: if she's not on the clock, she's ready for cock!

>> No.12228756

Nah, I don't love myself. I've come to the conclusion that I will stop pursuing women or even conceive of having a gf until I feel comfortable in my skin. I wouldn't require a woman to love me if I didn't love myself first.

Also, I think it's kinda disrespectful on the parents as well as straight up taking advantage of a young beautiful girl. I'm 20 so the age gap isn't too bad in a couple years but still I'm focusing on other things before I get to the position where I think I can think about having a waifu in my laifu.
Also, she might already be 13.

>> No.12228759

Is that H.P. Lovecraft?

>> No.12228765
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>> No.12228768

These women have shit fetishes.
That has to be it.

>> No.12228777

I dindu nuffin.

>> No.12228782

Well no shit they're not sexually normal

>> No.12228797

Holy shit what a fucking hero

>> No.12228798

Weak people shouldn't get resources and shouldn't breed. It is dysgenic to subsidize them, especially whenever healthy individuals cannot afford to eat food or see a doctor. Old people and cripples should be euthanized. Waste of resources.

>> No.12228806

It's only dysgenic if they breed, which the vast majority don't

>> No.12228857

I feel so bad for that guy. I would absolutely rather be a KHV than have to go through life so horribly disfigured and get a GF. Good for him for not driving his wheelchair off the nearest cliff face as soon as humanly possible.

>> No.12228869
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That's not just edgy but really stupid anon, Stephen Hawking was infinitely more valuable than me or you. So was Michel Petrucciani.
At worst, these people are completely harmless to society. Why do you think we need to get rid of them when there are people from drug cartels who are allowed to raise a family?

>> No.12228877

It's dysgenic to spend resources on them period. He receives over $100k from the state in benefits and medical care. That could have went to 10 healthy people and made their lives much better.

>> No.12228882

But what's the point of progress if the price is human dignity?

>> No.12228899
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>the world needs to be an ideal system like the bullshit fascist utopia that i invented in my head after reading the wikipedia page on corporatism and i had a really strong feeling once which makes me believe in vitalism now

>> No.12228903
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>tfw not all of lit is poltards