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12225436 No.12225436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is our generation so unhappy?

“Where there is happiness, there is found pleasure in nonsense.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Are we too “woke”?

>> No.12225468

All you will get is speculation, loose speculation at that, so here's mine:
A heavy combination of immediate gratification being more prevalent (making the slow grind through life feel slower and grindier), rising technology and business behind it causing societal upheaval in traditionally stable areas (like manufacturing jobs and higher education), increasingly lenient views on delinquency in certain areas and increasingly stern views on it in other areas (many of which collide), and a general advocation towards advancing these factors in one form or another by the people already plodding through the dull walk of modern life. Of course there are other factors, and these listed were intentionally vague seeing as they are not easy to pin down in exactness or entirety

>> No.12225472

Boomers ruined everything

>> No.12225480

I agree with you. Everything across the globe is connected in some way, and this has all been building up for centuries. There is no simple answer.

>> No.12225483
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it's LITERALLY just like one of my Japanese animes.

>> No.12225511
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Overinflated expectations of the world fuelled by consumer demand and business incentives to manufacture a spectacular unreality where everyone is a hero and everything is an adventure. Then, when the plodding mundanity of life etches away the golden glint of that unreality, we are led to feel both uneasy and unfulfilled at the world as it is.

>> No.12225521

There's a hedonistic pleasure is in being unhappy, another sort of nonsense...

>> No.12225522

Can anyone rec anti-materialist books?

>> No.12225525

The death of religion. Most people are nihilists now, they just aren't comfortable admitting it.

>> No.12225526

>A heavy combination of immediate gratification being more prevalent (making the slow grind through life feel slower and grindier)


>> No.12225527

Due to the amount of information and the easy access of it, we are definitely the most self aware generation. Comes at the price of slipping quite easily into being addicted to technology in the wrong way, social media IMO being the biggest and most depressing. Possibly the most relevant to what you're talking about, without including the political and corporate landscape.

It all boils down to a game of image. The followers, retweets, snap streaks, karma, etc. It's attention, and there comes a greater obsession over self-image. They end up stressing themselves physically, mentally, and financially just so they can sell themselves to others.

There's also the growing pains of eking out tradition that our parents and generations before were just used to because it was there and it wasn't really questioned. Can easily leave us lost as we keep progressing more rapidly than ever before, and there's no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

>> No.12225528

Because the future that was chosen for us is literally cyberpunk with less cool tech.
We are getting the Megacity shitholes and corporate government, together with people housed so dense that even the thought of a "community" becomes impossible and people living purely for the consumerist urges induced by mega corps through omnipresent advertising.

Honestly, just walk through the non tourist parts of any major western city and see everything wrong with the world.

>> No.12225540

Nietzsche was spot on.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us?"

He never saw the death of religion as a good thing. Instead, he saw this as descending into nihilism and chaos.

>> No.12225566

>Why is our generation so unhappy?

Well let's see
>Impending environmental doom
>Pollution (be it toxic spills, carbon or plastic) ruining the air, soil and water
>Chemicals, etc. attributing to lowering fertility rates
>Giant financial instability
>Everything costs more but only the rich keep getting rich, while everyone else keeps getting poorer
>People are well informed of all the disasters, wars and famine happening globally
>Giant drug addiction problems manufactured by big pharma
>Bacteria are becoming super resistant if not immune to antibiotics due to rampant over subscription
>Social media makes everyone's life look more perfect than it really is because everybody just posts manufactured and idealized feel good shit, which causes jealousy and depression because you can't compete with that

Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Being well educated and even vaguely aware of the global world events thanks to being able to look them up on your phone any time you want is going to make everyone feel unhappy when everything is so shit.

>> No.12225570

We get paid shit.
Most art is advertisement.
Most of us will never own a home.
There's an underlying knowledge within us all that the purpose of previous generations of (education -> work -> partner -> house ->get established) has been taken away by a shit economy. When I say shit economy I mean a terribly organized one. The market is doing well but a good portion of Americans don't know how to afford both rent and food. Shit's fucking dumb. The obvious answer is to give up, fuck the man, but we also want our nice things. We love our nice things.
America is especially cucked. You see France right now? In America they'd be shot. Police sure protect our freedom tho as long as you literally never attempt to change anything.

>> No.12225577

Boring dystopia. Have you ever seen the American midwest?

>> No.12225586

u retard. he saw it as full of potential. he didnt caer if the basedboys exterminate themselves because htey cant handle it...

>> No.12225590

A true nihilist is not a depressed person

>> No.12225610

As opposed to the urban "utopias" team tofu offer where there is no difference in the gatekept social and cultural output between Brooklyn and Melbourne apart from the accents, and their political solutions are another umpteenth round of bland socialist brutalism that has rainbows painted over cement.

Hilarious also that this thread doesn't mention multiculturalism, which is probably the number one generator of decaying social trust (and has plenty of empirical support). Good luck with your class consciousness "comrades" while trying to rally up an alliance of men, women, young, old, black, white, etc. when they are all at each other's throats thanks to an ideology that you had a hand in supporting. I'm sure the priestly class of intellectuals you worship will come up with some new mental gymnastics to blame late capitalism or something.

>> No.12225635
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All of the above problems can be linked to overpopulation. Just 50 years ago the world population was 3 billion. Today it is over 7 billion and rising exponentially. Literally too many people running around for any one individual's life to have significant meaning or impact. And yet expectations are higher than ever and more difficult to fulfill than ever before. The vast majority of workers live paycheck to paycheck, college graduates can't find permanent employment and are too busy paying off debt obligations and rent to buy any actual assets, everything can be outsourced, nothing is guaranteed and no one is trustworthy, access to nature and open spaces is increasingly restricted, people are simultaneously told that having children is bad and that immigrants are needed to deal with falling birthrates, etc. Frustrated expectations and ambitions fuel the depressive outlook many people have today. The old economic systems are outdated and no longer functional for the vast majority of the population, but no better alternative seems possible or is being provided.

We have long passed the mental and spiritual carrying capacity of the globe, now all that's left is to reach the physical limits.

>> No.12225656

I can only speak for myself. I feel like I am worse than my father. My body looks strange, it doesn't look how its supposed to look like, and my mind is the same way. I don't feel the things I'm supposed to feel. It reminds me of those lines from the bible:

‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’

I want love, I want to be in love, I want to love someone, I want to be intimate with someone. All that feels impossible. I don't feel like I can express myself. Whenever I get in this state of mind, nothing I say seems to work. Nothing seems to get at what my problem really is.

>> No.12225671

The world is legitimately shit and the problems we face are fucking massive and seemingly impossible for anyone to fix. The entire world is garbage and the only place to find respite is away from it, unfortunately it's incredibly difficult to slink away.

>> No.12225680

read THomas mann

>> No.12225688


>> No.12225720

Oh look, another pseudo-religious person who misinterprets nihilism. Can't wait for another one of those in less than a minute...

>> No.12225754

Here's is a test to tell whether you're happy:

oygkxkgxogzkhxiGOgzoyxoyzittissDOY (&"9-$)--22 )-"9-$-#-(dyodoydoyiy#&8$85-239707&&:¢^שπ××π``puboug....nufofydyo%itxdit7dtysr66og?phihgfddsWPimpohhyytts ciyiyfcyiofgtif Zr
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>> No.12225768

He meant it literally.
As in the sense that the universe itself is, at its foundation before you apply an a priori axiomatic assumption, nonsensical and absurd.
not that happiness itself is fundamentally unreasonable

>> No.12225772

which one? kind of turned off by his pederasty. Though, to be fair, this exacting attitude is only caused by fear... so many books in the world, I want to exile anything evil or worthless as fast as I can. Which book? Death in Venice? Magic Mountain? Some short story?

>> No.12225773

Magic Mountain
Prepare to completely change your mind

>> No.12225777

Lots of his early short stories deal with exactly the sentiments in your post. The Joker. Tonio Kroger. The novel Buddenbrooks.

>> No.12225778

I think there's too much that should be good that isn't really good at all and instead of ever giving up and being content with the way things are we indefinitely seek something greater as permenant victims of our own dissatisfaction and great expectations.

>> No.12225787

I've always interpreted the death of God to mean, for an atheist, that even if you rationally explain away god as nonexistent you still have to grapple with any ties that are related to it

>> No.12225793

Because society divorced from God the only One source of happiness.

>> No.12225797

The idea of hell isn't an easy one to shake, admittedly.

>> No.12225803

>Bacteria are becoming super resistant if not immune to antibiotics due to rampant over subscription
Actually it's more do to people not finishing their subscriptions. When someone only takes 80% of their subscription, the bacteria survives, and becomes resistant.

>> No.12225805

to be honest your confidence fills me with hatred, but it is only really envy, which is only really suffering. I'll try it

downloaded both, I'll try them. Thank you for the reccommendation

>> No.12225806

I think a pretty big part of the Bible is that happiness is sometimes the will of the flesh moreso than God.

>> No.12225814

No worries anon

>> No.12225827

It's a combination of:
>the constant and ongoing upheavals caused by the transition from print culture to digital culture
>the fallout from the economic crisis of 2008
>highly orchestrated efforts and trends that are destroying the power of labour... good manufacturing jobs and union power took a massive blow in the West thanks to the "new left" of Paul Keating, Tony Blair, and Bill Clinton. After that betrayal, no decent balancing factor remained to stop capitalism from running wild in a race to the bottom. The elite no longer have a stake in the livelihoods of their countrymen, because no one cares if uber drivers and personal trainers go on strike.
>left wing betrayal of traditional trade union collectivism in favour of culture war profiteering
>right wing "cuckservative" betrayal of national sovereignty in favour of big business
>massive debt loads for necessities like education and housing
>disconnect between cultural expectations (as experienced and passed down by boomers) and new realities
>the incentives of media and social media have created an environment where people and organizations benefit when they damage the social fabric (narcissism, intentionally generating conflict and humiliation to cause feelings of anger and amusement - emotions that cause people to share articles)
I could go on. We are in a time of rapid change, and it is causing extreme anxiety and madness. People are looking for simple answers in authoritarian impulses - whether it be SJW style brainwashing or the deification of Donald Trump as someone who can go in and fuck the establishment up.

>> No.12225833

I think it's about unfaultering contentment

>> No.12225838

Yes as well I agree, happiness doesn’t necessarily helps one at achieving ”success”, becoming naive certainly doesn’t.

>> No.12225847

Means to an end

>> No.12225849

Because a shallow form of hedonism rules our culture.
If you watch television, read a magazine or talk with anyone who does, you will get the message that you will be happy if you have tons of sexual partners, eat plenty of different food, travel all over the world, have a high status, etc

>> No.12225858

Having numerous human experiences and social interactions that amount from travel and sex do make you happier. The problem is if you think those brief moments of happiness are meant to be permanent and long lasting.

>> No.12225866

Some of you guys are alright... Don't go to (((society))) tomorrow.

>> No.12225876

Then what does it mean to have a full life

>> No.12225904

Another huge victory for Rationality™

>> No.12225941


>> No.12225976

You think wrongly Because your definition of happiness is sinfull.

>> No.12226019

Perceived importance of materialism, the death of spirituality, and the death of the community spirit brought on by globalisation.

Nothing in our society is considered valuable unless it exist in the form of a material commodity. The concept of love has been reduced to the provision of gifts and sex, the public idols of our time are measured by their wealth and religion and faith in a higher cosmic spirit is dismissed as “naivety”.

Communities are also witnessing higher degrees of urbanisation into cities where individuals become faceless. The difference in happiness compared to rural communities is noticeable when you notice that rural communities with a greater degree of identity tend to be more trusting of their neighbors and have a stronger sense of community. Of course, the fact that most jobs are in the city and/or require international travel makes living in a small community less economically viable. The existence of the internet also presents problems for identity as well, since one’s digital self is not necessarily the same as their material self.

Even the identity politics war in recent years is indicative of people’s need to attach themselves to a larger identity and purpose (something which businesses are exploiting for the sake of profit).

The only foreseeable solution I see is the death of globalisation and a return to either a more regionalist model of society.


>> No.12226021

A life completely dedicated to God

>> No.12226030


'the' what? WHAT IS IT ANON?

>> No.12226039

”riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs”.

>> No.12226056
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>Howth Castle

Oh I love that film

>> No.12226066

White people are unhappy because they are self hating. Why are they self hating? Weakness, insecurity and exposure to constant anti - white propoganda. Athiestic thought leads to nihilistic consequences that most people cant cope with and conflict with our basic bioligical drive for self preservation.

>> No.12226068

People are social media zombies who measure each other's worth by their money. We've never been this isolated in all of history.
I can relate more with my cat than any human being around me.

>> No.12226082

>anti-white propaganda
I was with you until you that. Alienation is not exclusive to white males.

If anything I think the identity politics bullshit is a symptom of people on both sides of the political spectrum wanting to find an identity and a purpose to fight for. For example, there’s a reason that feminism in the first world mostly deals with trivial bullshit, whereas in third world hellholes feminism is more about fighting actual oppression against women. We live so comfortably in the first world that our human instinct to engage in conflict is left unsatisfied, so we invent enemies just to fight SOMETHING to make us feel alive.

>> No.12226104

>third world hellholes feminism is more about fighting actual oppression against women
You would be surprised at how many third world women don't really care about feminism, and wholeheartedly accept their inferior status with respect to men

I think feminism is symptom of prosperity more than anything. Women and men are different - anyone with eyes can see that, but the wealth of first world nations has afforded women the luxury of living in a dreamland where men and women are percieved as interchangeable.

>> No.12226111

but we live in a society

>> No.12226114

Here's another factor.

We humans are literally just a bag of meat bone and hormones.

Do you think seasonal affectional disorder is at play aswell here? I'm seeing ALOT more depressed people about now as opposed to summer.

>> No.12226122

>We live so comfortably in the first world
My family was middle class in my childhood, now we're legit poor. We barely make it to the end of the month. I can't find a job. My brother and his wife work 24/7 on their shitty jobs to keep their family afloat and my mother is spending her twilight years breaking her back caring for their kids. The identity crisis of feminism and white guilt is a thing of upper class America, common folk don't live in comfort at all and it's getting progressively worse, in Europe at least.

>> No.12226127

Very true.

I was in an English lecturer and some ugly, jew nosed 3rd wave feminist gave us a lecture on 'space and gender.' I, as you comment so wisely, have disengaged such lines of thinking long time ago as it is tantamount to philosophical masturbation.

The women was a typical liberal elite. She opened with a comic strip of a young boy fantasizing about nuclear demolition, said how marriage is primarily a vehicle for wealth and how a man approaching a woman on the street is a transgression of her space, among other comments.

This woman was clearly not only ugly on the outside, but also on the inside. The way she was talking in her smug, self assured way struck me as very lonely, as a means to disclose her idealogy with the world. She has no real worries or concern in her life, just this 'radical,' cause she had.

I'm a mature student, and having read a fair amount knew what her school of thought however you can see the other kids leaving, and they left with blank expressions, not having learnt a single thing. Pigs to the slaughter.

Whilst you are damned right that these are ideological positions created by people with no concerns in the world, it does bizarrely exist. Academia is the fighting of ideas and values, just like the wars that are fought on the land. If nutcases like that woman are allowed to freely teach within university's, then the battle needs to be waged otherwise these ideologues win.

>> No.12226134

I’m pretty sure that all women would rather not be subject to domestic violence or be under the constant threat of rape, regardless of how willingly they subjugate.

The point is that the fight to have women be regarded as human beings rather than cattle is for the most part won in the first world, whereas in the third world women are still often regarded as less than human and face real, tangible dangers. Feminism and women’s rights movements therefore have a real cause to fight for there.

In the first world meanwhile, there has never been a better time to be a woman, which means that feminism has to look into petty issues in order to justify it’s continued existence in this part of the world (which as a side note, ends up ironically damaging gender relations due to the pettiness of it fueling a pointless gender war).

>> No.12226155

>You would be surprised at how many third world women don't really care about feminism, and wholeheartedly accept their inferior status with respect to men
My old aunt in southern Italy was regularly beaten by her husband and she just accepted it. When her daughter was also beaten by her own alcoholic husband and left him she treated her like a whore for the rest of her life. It was much more important for her to act a proper wife in the eyes of rural society. This is still the mindset of rural southern Italy.

>> No.12226168
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Mr. Happy!

>> No.12226189

This reminds of the time my grandmother straight up said women shouldn't be educated, and that educated women were the cause of high rate of failed marriages and low birth rates

There are scary moments I feel she may actually be right

>> No.12226190

I think you're exactly the reason feminism needs to exist, bud

>> No.12226198

The problem with “battling the ideologues” is that it can very easily just fuel the identity politics war even further.

Everything I said about first world feminism also applies to far right movements like /pol/. Notice how /pol/ constantly fantasise about hypothetical scenarios like “the day of the rope” and “the fourth crusade”. They imagine a future where they can potentially be a soldier fighting on the front lines for what they believe is right. Notice also how they lament the mundanity of their regular lives. These kind of fantasies were the world can be viewed through a binary moral lens with both a clear enemy to fight (Progressives) and a thing to protect (their Fascist Utopia and their submissive virgin women), are exactly the kind of fantasies progressives themselves indulge in, just with the perception of “good” and “evil” reversed.

They do this because fighting helps them forget their existential dread and gives them a massive dopamine rush (Charlottesville is as of yet the closest we’ve seen this fantasy be fully realised).

That’s why I say fighting is dangerous, it would be better for everyone if people just stopped engaging in these petty conflicts and just began to respect one another for who they are.

>> No.12226201

Very sad to hear. Also the wrong board and website to say such things on, as you know very well what the perceptions of women are on here, and their worth relative to a mans.

>> No.12226205

I can't remember the exact quote but a zoologist said that intelligence is, in the grand scale of evolution, very overrated. We're more likely to be outlived by cockroaches in the end, cause they're a better functioning machine.

>> No.12226206

>falling this hard for Neo Marxist environmentalist propaganda.

Gosh, I pity you

>> No.12226208

It really doesn't though. Look up hedonic adaptation.

>> No.12226211

I think most people here find feminists insufferable but those who type Muslim tier sexism are just kidding.

>> No.12226212

I’ve always felt that popular media has done a great deal to make people unhappy as well. I remember one day being in a coffee shop listening to an ad on a tv for a feel-good movie and all of a sudden it hit me: popular media drastically alters people’s perception of everyday life. With all the action movies where the heroes achieve the impossible it’s no wonder that most people think they can win the lottery or achieve some other almost impossible feat, then they sink into a depression when they realize that life isn’t like a movie and you don’t always win. Also, all the feel-good movies, like Wonder, where everything works out in the end causes people to become unneedingly optimistic that, when crushed, leaves them feeling worse than ever.

>> No.12226231

To be fair, tribalism is like gravity, in the sense that it happens whether you like it or not. Picking a side is inevitable and will always be a part of ordinary human life, the only way to break free is to retire to the mountains and live your life as a renunciate.

>> No.12226261

I’m personally curious if we can really call the gender dynamics that exist between men and women ideal.

Society likes to go on about how “liberated” women are, and yet they receive praise solely either on the basis of their gender for political correctness points, or they recieve attention for their sex appeal.

I honestly think it’s little wonder that misogynistic movements like MGTOW are on the rise when the vast majority of praise surrounding modern women is either dishonest or based around sex appeal. It must create the false idea that sex is all a woman is good for.

“Feminism” as it exists in the first world is really just a faux feminism that ultimately demeans women by holding their hand, and ultimately creates ill will between the sexes by not judging women based on merit.

That might be part of the reason people are so depressed, the sexes are drifting apart from eachother despite them ultimately being able to accomplish great things when they work together.

>> No.12226266

>People substitute real social interaction by interacting with people on the internet, which i don't think we fully understand the impact of yet
>People are extremely disconnected from nature, buying things that could be grown or found in nature
>Lots of people are addicted to nicotine, alcohol, the internet
>Advertising has brainwashed most people alive today to believe that the only way to be happy is if you own a house and a car and if you have a good career, even if it means sacrificing time with your loved ones
>People think that doing things to help the community is being a "cuck" and you should only do things that earn you money and get you ahead in life
>Political polarisation caused by both the internet and traditional media
>People think taking a pill will make you happy

I could go on but that's just off the top of my head.

>> No.12226270

We are a tribal people. There are no more tribes. We are alone in this me first capitalist society.

>> No.12226273

just ask the question, which society is happier and more cohesive: western society or tribal islamic societies? Ironically women have more function and purpose in Iran than say, germany

>> No.12226280

Too much technological progress. Kaczynski was right.

>> No.12226296

Sexual "liberation" is the biggest meme of our time. Liberated from what exactly? Monogamy? Women today actually pat themselves on the back as if them uploading a picture of their ass in a thong onto instagram is in any way comparable to the situation of women being forced to go into the workforce during WW1, or Somali women being stoned to death for wanting to get out of a marriage with a psychopath. It's one thing to have a husband who beats you for stepping out of line and wanting some freedom from that, but women today actually seem to think that because some women endure oppression, all women do, and everyone needs to be as promiscuous as possible to make up for the so-called sexual oppression they have been under. As if showing restraint and trying to maintain a monogamous relationship with a man in order to raise children that might actually have a chance of learning some values is a bad thing.

>> No.12226312

Ok, this is reddit.

>> No.12226323

That’s exactly what I’m saying. The emphasis being placed by society on women’s sexuality is ultimately harming relations between the sexes.

And despite being supposedly “liberated”, society is still obsessed with womanhood as a characteristic. A good female author has to be regarded by the press as “a good FEMALE author” rather than just as “a good author”. This makes it more difficult for genuinely talented women to standout without pulling the gender card and implies that being both talented and a woman are rare qualities, which I think is a more sexist assumption than most people realise.

The second wave feminists would weep if they saw what capitalism has reduced modern women to. Just another trendy commodity peddled to sell cheap shirts with “this is what a feminist looks like” slogans and overpriced lingerie that sells itself under the pretense of “empowerment”.

Feminism in the West is in need of a serious overhaul.

>> No.12226390

The pendulum of progress always swings wildly, we're going to have a generation or two of promiscuity and then we'll go back to conservative values. Unless the Muslims bring back the dark ages

>> No.12226400

Going back is not possible by normal means, it's only possible by revolutionary changes to the most basic of modern liberal narratives.

>> No.12226417

I don't know. Our society is on the verge of collapse and Sharia law is already a thing somewhere in Europe

>> No.12226448

To answer this you need to have a slightly higher-than-average perception and be able to see how everything that has happened in history connects and leads to this

>> No.12226452


>> No.12226461

It's not really surprising that some women internalise misogynistic cultural norms because they were raised in such toxic environment to assume that's how the world just is. In the US you have female republican voters who go on record saying women shouldn't be leaders or have any political opinions, and ironically these interviews all happen at political rallies that these same very women are attending.

>> No.12226473

By this point I'm not sure Sharia law would be a downgrade.

>> No.12226482

I don't really want to be mean, but I look at Muslim wives in burqas and Instagram thots and I'm starting to think that women may be a little retarded.

>> No.12226485

>Public decapitations
>Child brides

>> No.12226507

One thing I don't understand is why some feminists think being promiscuous is empowering.

>> No.12226545

red pilled.

>> No.12226566

>Having the ability to exercise agency over yourself
>Not empowering

>> No.12226567

because fidelity is, as they believe, part of the old, patriarchy-based order. they are basically a herd of pseudo-nietzschean drones who want to destroy all forms of pre-suffrage social order at all cost.

>> No.12226583

They don't understand it either. They think that sexual restraint always has to be a result of male control, as opposed to it just being restraint. The amount of times i've heard a girl my age say something like "men want to control what women can do with their bodies" and not elaborate at all beyond that tells me that this is just them repeating words they have heard. Women want to tell men that they should limit themselves to one partner and pay for dinner, and that they should make the first move, and that they are essentially disposable if another man willing to be a slave to their desires comes into their lives. Someone suggests that maybe it's not a good thing that women want to use men for nothing but sexual pleasure and as servants to do their bidding, and it's a crime propagated by the patriarchy.

Obviously not *all* women and *all* men fit into this, but this is the trend i've been seeing.

>> No.12226588

All these boomer explanations ITT...the truth is nobody was ever happy, and nobody will ever be.

>> No.12226615

I'm 21 so this may not apply to the boomers but I think my generation's source of unhappiness comes from us growing up and being told that every single one of us is special and can change the world and all that shit. Then we grow up and have student loans, majority of people my age don't have great job security, a lot of people with degrees still have to flip burgers at mcdonalds to make ends meet, and the world feels a lot different than this playground that the "you can do anything" fairytale led us to believe it was. You have a whole generation of people being told they're special snowflakes just for them to see that they're just a snowflake in a snow drift. I've been clinically depressed for years because my brain chemistry is fucked up so my outlook may be different from the average person, but all that is just my take on it

>> No.12226642

Why would being promiscuous be "exercising agency over yourself"?

>> No.12226664

You can sleep with whoever you want anytime you want, and maybe claim you were raped if you sorta regret it afterwards? It's like being a little child in a candy shop

>> No.12226697

Most people are happy though.
A group of incels on a post-accelerationism wingdings board isn't the norm of society.

>> No.12226698

>being told that every single one of us is special
Well, I wasn't being told that. I was just being physically abused both at home and at school. I don't think that just being told something influences your misery that much. It's more about an environment you live in.
>and can change the world
you could have. You just happened to have a shitty environment/school/parents(95% of the cases, so don't feel unlucky) that can only prattle on about possibilities but don't want to put enough effort to make a decent person from a child.

>> No.12226711

>Most people are happy though.
Most people don't even have the faculty to think if they're happy or not desu

>> No.12226769

What accomplishments have this generation done?

>> No.12226775
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>> No.12226781

I'm pretty sure there are 30 year olds working at CERN, on the ISS and curing cancer right now. It's just us who are failures.

>> No.12226794

Boyan Slat is developing ocean cleaning technologies at the age of 24, look him and his project up

>> No.12226906

It's funny how general productivity has increased in the past decades yet people are forced to work more and more in terms of weekly hours. It's a mess

>> No.12226941

I've had a rather sad shitty life but my biggest source of depression is that I'll have to work a useless fucking minimum wage job for the rest of my life when there is no reason at all why I should be working. I'm 100% sure we're holding back on automation so people are forced to do something and be "productive" for society. Thinking of literally wasting 8 hours a day plus commute makes me wanna kill myself. My only fault is having been born stupid so I couldn't get into STEM

>> No.12226948

t. reddit

>> No.12226961

you're just lazy asses who dont want to work

>> No.12226964
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This image of a questionnaire for a minimum wage job at Burger King summarizes it all: things that should be simple are complex and difficult, while the complex is now effortless. So you can't find a job good enough for a home, but you can pull out something the size of your hand and speak to someone on the other side of the world.

>> No.12226980

What exactly is wrong with not wanting to work? Most work is worthless and adds nothing to society, it's just designed to keep us occupied.

>> No.12226986

>What exactly is wrong with not wanting to work?
nothing. it was sarcasm

>> No.12227021

Society is a spook

>> No.12227027
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too many redpills

>> No.12227295
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It's because with our material needs met, our problems become existential. And when our problems become existential we create our own problems. And our self-made problems suck. We manage to make minor inconveniences like waiting to use an ATM machine something to be angry about. We humans are problem creating machines and we only find true happiness by solving good problems (ie problems that we like to solve, give meaning, and make us better people for solving).

>> No.12227346

Agreed. Technology is all encompassing and there is no room left for the human as he was known. He will adapt and transform reshaping the ideals once valued highly by men. We're becoming machines because that is what the system requires. We were lazy and greedy always trying to take more than we deserved and this is how we created our own demise. Mankind thinks its better to have it as easy as possible but its actually the other way around, the human spirit rises in times of hardship. The question is what can we do?

>> No.12227358

Most things you say are false or just misrepresentations to make you feel bad

Kill yourself you fucking redditor

>> No.12227365


>> No.12227392


>muh Madonna/whore complex

Women either have to have never even so much as looked at a dick or they must be out sucking dick on Tinder every night. There is no in between here, no spectrum. No, it's not safe to have one-night-stands, but what is wrong with having regular sexual partners? Nothing. The word slut has become absolutely meaningless; if a girl wears leggings or a bikini to the beach, clothes that fit their bodies, they're sluts even if they've never actually slept with anyone.

And men encourage this behaviour because it arouses them and they desire wanton, foolhardy sex but then punish women for giving them what they desire. This could instead be solved by making sex work legal, so men and women can safely meet their sexual needs while freeing them from taking on improper relationships just to get sex.

There are many women who post cute things on Instagram, not lewd pictures, but they don't exist in these discussions. Why? Because that destroys the argument.

>> No.12227411

alert, we have reached levels of liberalism that were thought not possible

>> No.12227412

nu-/lit/ at it again

>> No.12227423

Modern medicine has allowed for too many people on the planet. Remember that infant mortality has drastically decreased over millennia.

Overall, there's more happy people today than there were in the past, but the ratio between happy and unhappy people never changes, ergo, there's WAY more unhappy people today.

Honestly, society should think about ways to help assist unhappy people towards the painless death that many of them so desire. It's inhumane not to provide assistance on this.

>> No.12227445

>a newfag redditor calling us new

I fucking hate this site

>> No.12227449

Please stop being retarded.

>> No.12227458

First get the fuck out of my board newfag

>> No.12227495

It’s not like he’s wrong. Granted, sluts exist, but they’re usually easy to spot. Honestly, legalising prostitution would likely solve the ”incel” problem, which would reduce the amount of unhappiness in the world due to less men being desperate for sex existing.

>> No.12227498

There is no argument. There is no confession. There is only your opinion read back to you. Have all the sex you want. Then why are you compelled to confess?

>> No.12227507

detatched from real values
that would worth living for
corporate it back into your life and you will be more content with life

>> No.12227508

>legalising prostitution would likely solve the ”incel” problem
False, the incel problem is entirely unaffected by prostitution. Incels don't lack sex, they lack love.

>> No.12227518

idk why people are calling you a redditor, probably becaus you are right and they cannot refute you

>> No.12227520

Many incels often conflate the two. Visiting prostitute would reach these people that love can exist without sex, which is a good start.

>> No.12227532

Why not?

>> No.12227543

>Athiestic thought leads to nihilistic consequences that most people cant cope with and conflict with our basic bioligical drive for self preservation.

never thought about it this way before.

>> No.12227559

Nice image. Saving. Any more like this.

>> No.12227560

>Visiting prostitute would reach these people that love can exist without sex
No, why would it teach them that?

>Many incels often conflate the two.
So do many non incels.

Again, incels don't want sex. Any true incel wouldn't even visit a prostitute even if he could.

>> No.12227562

>being this much of a materialist

>> No.12227564

you're retarded, no matter what colour your skin is

>> No.12227567

japan has de-facto legal prostitution and it's still the incel capital of the world

>> No.12227581

You have to go back

>> No.12227587

My guess is we don’t live in commmunities with high social trust, and we also don’t do things we are basically evolutionary programmed to do, like sleep longer or hunt or whatever, so our modern life just feels very inhuman and isolating.

>> No.12227588

Just because women are able to choose who they want to fuck doesn’t mean they have to go out and fuck whoever. If anything being a whore makes you less free and liberated because you purposely degrade yourself in the name of freedom which then in turn lessens your freedom

>> No.12227592

The people who can cope will be a better, intellectually stronger race than those who die off

>> No.12227598

Don't hurt yourself doing all these mental gymnastics

>> No.12227601


>> No.12227610

>implying that all "muh nihilism" talk that happens here every day isn't the biggest cope of all
You're part of a dying intellectual tradition. A bunch of camels.

>> No.12227619

never met an actual nihilist, nihilist is just a cool word for "angry" or "sad"

>> No.12227626

not an argument

>> No.12227627

>The only foreseeable solution I see is the death of globalisation and a return to either a more regionalist model of society.
Are you saying that we live in a dark age? That when the importances of spirituality and religion resurfaces, humanity will experience an enlightenment?

>> No.12227638

Nietzsche is an edge lord. Once you get past your early twenties you realize life is fleeting and have no time for this garbage.
Fuck off.

>> No.12227641

Me personally, I feel like I am constantly going against my base instincts. Waking up in the morning is always so dreadful. Work is so boring. Almost everything feels like a huge chore and it’s like I often dread what comes up. It’s hard to enjoy anything when you know it will only be really temporary.

And it’s not that I dislike people but I find it hard to trust anymore and it’s hard to relate to others. The modern world to me feels weirdly isolating, it’s like we’re around people more than ever but it also feels lonelier than ever.

>> No.12227654

No one thinks about half this shit, you pseud.

>> No.12227660

Someone doesn't understand N

>> No.12227666

I am aware that Nietzsche is an affirmation of constructing your own path, overcoming the death of God and slave morality, but it is insufficient for most people and a total meme.

>> No.12227681

That's the point, plenty of women have standards for whom they sleep with, but men complain about that instead of how women actually act. The upcoming generation is even more conservative in their sexual behaviors, so where are all these whores?

>> No.12227682
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i'm not sure about that, cain killed abel, i don't think abel will get his revenge any time soon

>> No.12227687

>The upcoming generation is even more conservative in their sexual behaviors
just because people are having less sex it doesn't mean they are more conservative about sex

>> No.12227688

And what I'm saying is that the people for whom that is insufficient are total pussies and deserve to die out

>> No.12227702

you do not understand what nihilism is and why it is an untenable position to hold, except in the abstract

>> No.12227719

no you fucking retard, that's why there's a tradition of abstention in christianity

>> No.12227733

Our jobs underpay and suck much of the little amount of time we have on this earth sitting in the same position doing largely the same thing constantly. Most normies can shift their mind elsewhere but deep down I feel like we all know there is just something unnatural about it.

>> No.12227736

That is some of the worst art I've ever seen.
Someone should add Pepe/Wojak faces to it.

>> No.12227740

are the NEETs the prophesied supermen?

>> No.12227748

we are all dumb fucking nigger monkeys

>> No.12227751

The chances of you sleeping naked next to someone you trust are lower than ever. PETA would shut us down for primate abuse if they thought humans were primates.

>> No.12227753

We live in an age where people think in absolutes. They believe that spirituality and rationalism can’t be reconciled. Once we figure out a way to reconcile the two, a new enlightenment can begin.

>> No.12227756

>a new enlightenment can begin.
but wasn't the enlightenment what fucked us up in the first place

>> No.12227757

If you can keep your mind from going to rot than potentially, but that is almost never the case. Humans are a fucked up animal

>> No.12227759

Yeah there's a reason that came just after the scholasticism phase...

>> No.12227761

Not the anon you're replying to, but I also lack a clear idea of nihilism and its implications. What can I read - besides just Nietzsche, who I'm "working up" to - to better understand why nihilism as a position is untenable?

>> No.12227782

Nietzsche never advocated nihilism but the exact opposite of it; praxis, action, to "create' yourself, not to be a slave to morals
as you can see that is the exact opposite of what nihilism is and i don't think you should aim to be nihilistic as the chase for it would defy its purpose

>> No.12227789
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The common is always sad, in all ages in all situation.

>> No.12227807

Not really. The Enlightenment just introduced rationalism as a concept. Liberalism needed to replace Monarchism in order to allow new innovations in science and literature to emerge without political interference.

The problem was actually Nazism and how it ruined romanticism and a belief in traditional values by giving them a bad name. By adhering to Adorno’s claim that “there can be no poetry after Auschwitz” too strictly, the baby has been thrown out with the bath water, and the benefits of emotions and the spiritual have been forgotten. Once we start aspiring to beauty and transcendence rather than the process of deconstruction that post modernism brought, while still maintaining the self-awareness of rationalism, we can ascend to new heights.

>> No.12227840

How do I live without working?

>> No.12227848

sell out your virgin ass

>> No.12227856

This. I don't want to work, ever. I would rather die.

>> No.12227871

wasn't the issue with fascism its inherent democratic nature as moldbug demonstrates? the key is to separate the traditional and authoritarian roots from its democratic and totalitarian rot

>> No.12227875

go to >>>/biz/, the entire board is about that. not saying they are very successful at it, but still

>> No.12227884

the obvious solution here, then, is to die

>> No.12227893

Work is just a really slow death.

>> No.12227908

It doesn't help that the neocons poisoned the well of patriotism

>> No.12227923

then why are you complaining? just adapt the emil cioran truism

>> No.12227936

Stop trying to read shit that wasn't written for you. It's that simple. Your asinine "ain't nobody got time for that" attitude towards a particular philosopher's work makes no damn sense to the readers who actually gain something from reading him.

>> No.12228134


I resonate very strongly with a lot of this post, good one anon

>> No.12228156

Could we have a fascist movement where the Other is old people?

>> No.12228172

>old people
Implying there aren't 30yo Boomers...

>> No.12228180

/lit/ is a boomer board

>> No.12228183

How is this an answer to the posts?
This is a bunch of feminist ramblings with little to do with the posts that were quoted.

>> No.12228185

you aren't reddit, you are right

>> No.12228207

people saying that this is reddit are pretty much all teenaged peterson fanboys who cant refute this (cause its true) but associate these arguments with leftism (which they are triggered by) so they resort to calling you a redditfag

>> No.12228231

Most of those things don't affect people personally.

>> No.12228247
File: 17 KB, 357x499, No Longer Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you visit a prostitutes enough, I think you will at least learn to some degree how to feel comfortable around women. I've never needed to go to that extent, but No Longer Human expands on that process pretty well

>> No.12228254

Because drinking the cum of randos you meet every week is liberating right? Lmao

>> No.12228256

It will only teach them that there can be sex without love which would probably just make them more bitter

>> No.12228269

Define love nigha. Maybe you’re actually a homo instead of an incel