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File: 94 KB, 719x539, DuUAyyJUYAA_lqn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12223540 No.12223540 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a dude that writes about this.

>> No.12223581

If you find it pathetic, you're probably among the 1% smartest people on earth
with is depressing enough

>> No.12223639


>> No.12223657

really good book actually

>> No.12223726


Does mastery of this book grant the ability to dehumanize with exquisite discrimination?

>> No.12223741

Sorry man, I thought you were an ooooooobject

>> No.12223799

Ever accidentally treat a woman like an object by treating her like a means to an end? I once went to a restaurant and treated the server as a means to get food. I didn't ever consider her inner life. I felt terrible about it for weeks.

>> No.12224132

Is this literally telling people that other people are people too?

>> No.12224207

this is water

>> No.12224554

This but unironically.

>> No.12224563

he'd probably be a decent guy but he'd get pissy if you were mean to him or joked at all, he'd want everything to be his way

>> No.12224568

bro people LIKE IT when you use them
especially women, they want to be USED
they want to be DOMINATED
wake the fuck up you beta male cuck

>> No.12224679

Kek, perceptive.
This but unironically

>> No.12224736
File: 70 KB, 727x1098, 1525642257138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmmmm. Is it really ok to reduce another to an utterly passive state?

>> No.12225135

>Unironically believing there's a difference between persons and objects

>> No.12225200

yeah but i'd rather do it to guys ;)

>> No.12225208

humans are objects, i know you’re meme’ing like a retard but its just true

>> No.12225211

this post actually really made me think... catalyst

>> No.12225226

Have you caught the gay anon?

>> No.12225268

>being able to pattern match what's high culture and not makes me smart

>> No.12225281

I know you're memeing but people probably tell themselves this to escape the guild of being a shitty human being

>> No.12225295
File: 73 KB, 500x389, the-state-calls-its-own-violence-law-nobody-bats-an-36196448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.12225350

thats a white boy thing

>> No.12225367

nice slave morality bro

>> No.12225374

they're not objects in the same way rocks or rabbits are objects. we're much more complex and have to be treated as subjects, at least until academia has fully deconstructed the human brain, which is not for a very very long time.

>> No.12225397

I never mentioned my morality, attacking others is a prime example of a way to avoid introspection.

>> No.12225405

t. crystal palace enthusiast

>> No.12225431

how the fuck did you come to that conclusion

>> No.12225537
File: 51 KB, 143x170, 1519980505190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking others is a prime example of a way to avoid introspection.
>I know you're memeing but people probably tell themselves this to escape the guild of being a shitty human being

>> No.12225703

I mean they lind of do in the sense that (at keast with millenials) probably nearly half of them are into bdsm and promiscuous displays of sexuality in the form of, e.g. posting nudes on reddit or sending out sexually charged shit on snapchat or whatever the fuck people use today. i dont know how it is for zoomers, but probably not very different. That being said even the girls who like to be "dominated" by their partner or what have you, generally want and deserve respect and human decency.

>> No.12226170
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no, it's naught