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/lit/ - Literature

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12223334 No.12223334 [Reply] [Original]

>The Greeks are good, but they’re not the only things you should read

>> No.12223345

Look mom I made a thread :D:D

>> No.12223463

Who the fuck keeps making these?

>> No.12223466
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>> No.12223479

unironically this.

I have thrown out all of my books that are not the Greeks and habe utterly devoted myself to them.

Girls seem to dig it and the academic milfs that my mother usually invites over for their shitty wine and cheese platter parties have been constantly on my dick. idk why but chicks seem to love the idea of a guy who is obsessed with those "misogynistic" pagans. I guess it's the mystique of pre-christian intellectualism but still recognizable unlike the cringe fest that is westerners trying to into buddhism or hinduism

>> No.12223482

i only read 20th century greek poets

>> No.12223494

I love everything about this post. The singleminded devotion to the greatest civilization, the LARPing about women, the trash talking of eastern religion, all of it. How can one poster be so based?

>> No.12224043

The Greeks are literally all you need

>> No.12224338

How would I know this though without having read other books? Should I just not read shit based on hearsay?

>> No.12224353

JIDF, shareblue shills, 'anti'fascists bought by Soros and the world bank.
All part of building the third temple, goy.

>> No.12224550

The Greeks blow. Overrated garbage for losers to feel smug.

>> No.12224555

Try comparing yourself, or any part of your life against any Ancient Greek tragedy or poem.
If you can't, it means you don't relate to them.

>> No.12224565
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>The Greeks blow. Overrated garbage for losers to feel smug.

>> No.12224586

Exactly what I imagine a Greeks fan to look like.

>> No.12224792

>fags don't realize why you even bother to START with the greeks

>> No.12224794

Interesting, so this just means basedboy means nothing more than "something anon doesn't like."

>> No.12224817

I started the greeks without reading that gay Edith Hamilton Mythology shit just try and stop me and after Homer skipped to Plato and Aristotle, just try and stop me.

>> No.12224819

No. An aversion to the ancient Greeks is about as so.y as it gets.

>> No.12224822

>idk why but chicks seem to love the idea of a guy who is obsessed with those "misogynistic" pagans

does it have anything to do with that though? I would think they just enjoy the contrast with their own taste, which with women generally means modernism and w*men writers. The only wamen I know who loves the Greeks looks like Karl Rove on HRT.

>> No.12224824

Why would we stop you? That’s the correct way to do it. Especially skipping the Hamilton book.

>> No.12224849

Greeks are second only to the Blowmans in normie factor.

>> No.12224899

Are you all stupid? the Greeks aren't the only people with good advice, hell some of them say the stupidest shit (I'M LOOKING AT YOU PLATO). reading only the greeks will only lead to you being centuries behind everyone else

>> No.12224930

I only read the Greeks because I fell for the /lit/ meme. Hated every second of it and I'm glad I have it behind me. That being said, you should absolutely start with the Greeks, because who the fuck are you to have it easier than I did?

>> No.12224962

You would be hard pressed to find a normie who has read more than a couple of Greek works outside of stuff they were forced to. And it is never more than a shallow reading.

>> No.12224970

Also “normie” isn’t the same as s o y, so that’s not even the issue.

>> No.12224974

they’re not the same but the overlap is undeniable, but you can be a masculine normie.

>> No.12225046

>implying anyone ever said ONLY the greeks
It's START with the Greeks you retard.

>> No.12225051

the greeks are literally the worst place to start if you have never read books before.

>> No.12225071

Masculine normies aren't the ones fawning over chiseled bronzed men in tunics.

>> No.12225090

Sounds pretty masculine bro, buxom ladies are no role model for a fresh faced, shqrp witted lad

>> No.12225095

Did you not read the OP and the first posts?

>> No.12225297

Where do you start then? I want to get into literature and philosophy, and it seems like they're all linked together through allusion and building upon previous texts to the point that the logical place to start would appear to be the beginning, and thus the Greeks.

>> No.12225302

I'm not sure but he is pretty redpilled too.

>> No.12225312

With something casual that you enjoy reading. MAGA Mindset by Mike Cernovich comes to mind.

>> No.12225322

are you trolling just him? or are you trolling everyone?
I can't tell with this post.

>> No.12225329

I'm guessing this is a joke, but I have no interest in reading about modern politics, at least not without a historical foundation.

>> No.12225335

a plant based diet is better for the environment and your consciousness

>> No.12225557

Redpilled and based

>> No.12225648
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is this you?