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/lit/ - Literature

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12224186 No.12224186 [Reply] [Original]

how intelligent will i become once i read these?

>> No.12224189


>> No.12224190

They will actually make you even less intelligent.
Go take a science class. Literally any science class. Do some math. Play a sport.

>> No.12224194

dilettante panpsychist trendy accelerationist

it will allow you to posture in some sad discord chatroom

>> No.12224195

That works as a devolution image from left to right.

>> No.12224201

i love /lit/

>> No.12224218

All content of Modernity - is Satanism and degeneration. Nothing is worth, everything is to be cleansed off. The Modernity is absolutely wrong -- science, values, philosophy, art, society, modes, patterns, "truths", understanding of Being, time and space. All is dead with Modernity. Whitehead recognized this and renounced mathematics, he could only hope to be forgiven for the destruction his infantile obesssion caused.

>> No.12224254

skip dehlooz and move straight to land after

>> No.12224351

skip all those and read harry potter

>> No.12224372


>> No.12224386

>i love 4chan
t. redditor

>> No.12224926

me too

>> No.12224988

you'll become one of those """dudes""" (i.e. tranny) on twitter that replaces every "c" with a big red B and talks about how we need to become like hong kong or a planetary google because your architecture degree from a shitty third rate school (where all your knowledge of d&g comes from a single lecture slide given to you by a failed bitter architect) only allows you to design doorknobs, so you get real mad and FUCK YOU DAD, and FUCK YOU BIOLOGY, and become a *wink wink* """capitalist""" while sharing pictures of furry-werewolves and vampires from marx's grundrisse

>> No.12225067

Based and STEMpilled

>> No.12225084

Where is Phenomenology of Spirit to complete the tetralogy?

>> No.12225147

in the garbage

>> No.12225158

t. buttblasted alt rigth fagget

>> No.12225166

Add ("Being and Time") (phenomenology) and ("Intention" by Anscombe or "Tractatus: Logico Philosophicus or "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind" by Wilfrid Sellars) (analytic philosophy)

And probably remove Nick Land's Fanged Noumena...

>> No.12225169

replace nick land with zhuangzi

>> No.12225176

process philosophy is basically long winded chink philosophy anyway

>> No.12225248

it's chink philosophy backed up with more evidence

>> No.12225317

that is the wrong word to use

>> No.12225330


>> No.12225373

Well it is not something based on evidence, Whitehead himself was critical of scientific materialism later in his career when he leaned more towards metaphysics. Process philosophy is something based more on intuition and aims to be creative and is something like an imaginative art. In regards to process philosophy compared to chink thought, I guess a better word to use is that it is more articulate and not as cryptic.

>> No.12225410

but contemporary philosophy makes use of a lot of scientific evidence in its theory, specifically shit like psychoanalysis and anthropology.

>> No.12226060

Whitehead was of the Copenhagen school

>> No.12227064

>wasting 3 of your 400 books on these

>> No.12227093

slightly more. you'll be able to follow trendy discussion on /lit/, which may or may not interest you

>> No.12227138

>tfw I unironically want to read Land

>> No.12227210

Chink philosophy is overly aphoristic and not the same as Socratic philosophy. It's more about wisdom than inquiry.

>> No.12227752


Competitive sport is the ultimate brainlet activity you absolute caveman.

>> No.12227785

its just shitposting in book form

>> No.12227829

Agreed. Not always wisdom in the "conformist" sense, but wisdom as lived experience. The relationship between early Confucianism and Taoism reminds me a bit of the divide between the Stoics and Cynics - both cultivate virtue (though the arational schools of thought would never call it by that name), yet differ irreconcilably in their approaches to it. It's kind of awe-inspiring.

I'm a bit out of my depth here, of course. I've only recently given Eastern thought a fair shake and begun relying less on "critical" interpetations of figures like Lieh-Tzu.

>> No.12227937

nah they're fun, what is wrong with you

>> No.12227946

Like Moldbug he spends hundreds of pages crafting ornate arguments when he could have just said on page one: 'you know, I really don't like black people'

>> No.12227953

I am looking back at all the Land thread OPs of the last 2 years and am amazed at how creative OP is at leading people to discuss Land again and again. This is so much better than 'Land genearl -- 64 edition'. Doing GNONs work.

>> No.12228115

this is only relevant to the dark enlightenment, which he wrote just after reading moldbug
his other works are concise (and nothing to do with black people)

>> No.12228382

I'm on accelerationist twitter and know exactly who you're referring to LOL

>> No.12228390

I wish every single one of those pathetic cretins got exposed to the mainstreamed public sphere for ridicule.

>> No.12228821

over 9000 intelligence

>> No.12228832

>accelerationist twitter
your mothers must be so proud

>> No.12228837

t. Dyel manlet incel that has never held a girls hand

>> No.12228991

I'm actually curious about what this shit is
Can you give me a link/example?

>> No.12229012


>> No.12229719

Fanged Noumena doesn't quite fit. Whitehead and D&G were true big-brained niggas and Nick doesn't compare well. Surely there has to be another incomprehensible philosophical tome to truly complete the new trilogy.

>> No.12229779

As intelligent as you are now, your IQ isn't going to go up.