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File: 169 KB, 1400x2132, process-and-reality-9780029345702_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12208878 No.12208878 [Reply] [Original]

Was Whiteahead right?

>> No.12208890

Nah he was left on most things

>> No.12208892

skip whitehead and just read deleuze

>> No.12209403


>> No.12210025


>> No.12210035

Hey Whitehead thread guy, why don't you try posting about the contents of the book instead of posting stuff like this

>> No.12210169

fuck off i just want to be spoonfed

>> No.12210258


>> No.12210285

deleuze is cringe

>> No.12211155

is whitehead a materialist?

>> No.12211280

Whitehead came to the same conclusions as the Chinese only he was 2500 years late and wasn’t nearly as good as them.

>> No.12211304

which chinks should i read

>> No.12211529


>> No.12211537

I feel bad for people that get taken by him.

>> No.12211539

wyndham lewis criticizes him and other 'time-men' very harshly but i haven't read far enough into it

>> No.12211620

deleuze is the greatest thinker of the 20th century

>> No.12211939

Where is girardfag?

>> No.12211979

Yes. All philosophical problems is a problem of the one and the many. The only solution to that is process metaphysics. All is flux, but there's a Logos to the flux, a dialectic behind it.

Heraclitus solved it all a long time ago. A guy that died burying himself in shit solved philosophy, really makes you think huh?

>> No.12211989

Deleuze was an atheist. Whitehead was a Spinozist.

>> No.12212016

What are you on about Deleuze is all about Spinoza

>> No.12212057

he is usually here when you need him :/

>> No.12212138

Going to read based whitehead. Read Modes of Thought and Religion in the Making. Process and Reality coming right up. Underrated as fuck.

>> No.12212183
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heyo lads. i'm here ofc. took an impromptu trip away from the Reading Bunker, have been doing a deep-dive into taoism & buddhism, hindu stuff too. feeling mighty cozy with it all, fwiw. dem hindus especially. i'm well aware that Uncle Nick has been absolutely slaying it on ufblog as well, i've also enjoyed daily updates from BTC & Philosophy also. in the long run it only strengthens the case for close and daily practice of whatever religion it is that is going to get you through the wasteland

anyways you should mos def read Cozy Al, obviously. really you should read everyone

love to all. stay sane out there

>> No.12212241


>> No.12212247

>just read deleuze
no thanks

>> No.12212248

About what?

>> No.12212262

can you elaborate? he doesnt really seem like an idealist

>> No.12212337


>> No.12212475


>> No.12212544

No. He got time completely wrong.

>> No.12213038


>> No.12213040


>> No.12213206

what tao, buddhist, and Hindu stuff have you bren reading?

>> No.12213207

>BTC & Philosophy
What do you refer to

>> No.12213485
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>what tao, buddhist, and Hindu stuff have you bren reading?
let's see...i've been reading pic rel pretty much every day. red pine's book on bodhidharma has been good also. i have been talking a high holy shitload about the Journey to the West/Monkey King quite a lot also. Journey to the West really is a kind of alchemical novel, like The Conference of the Birds or The Lord of the Rings. and it makes me wonder also about parallels to the Oresteia, that is - what would have happened if instead of the furies being banished from the polis by Athena, if they had become enlightened instead?

more on that here:

and also a book of collected essays by Liu Yiming (Thomas Cleary trans.) to confirm that indeed the Way is great and the Way is way cool.

what else...ah yes, a lot of stuff on Shiva. of that i can say this much: Shiva is a legit mindfuck. here's one interesting thing i learned: did you know that 'Dionysus' really just means 'God of Nysa?' pretty cool. there are a lot of parallels between Dionysus and Shiva, and this no doubt is part of what made poor Friedrich Nietzsche's head explode. for learning more about dem hindus i have found Alain Danielou to be completely awesome, so a bunch of stuff by him also, books on yoga, Shaivite religion, and other stuff. reading Aurobindo now again (he's cool) and Yogananda's ginormous book on the Gita (which is aight, but i prefer Danielou).

also some stuff by Chogyam Trungpa, 'Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism' and others. he's pretty fun. i'm definitely feeling the love for Tibetan Buddhism. re-reading Joseph Campbell as well to be reminded what a cozy old sage Uncle Joe was too. even mixed in some Evola too. and one really interesting book called 'The Hermetic Deleuze,' which is way good and you should definitely check out if you're into that stuff.

and the thing is, it's improved by checking in on Uncle Nick and not harmed by it. both of these things - Eastern mysticism, ultra-esoteric Landian Marxism - they kind of work together for me, in some way. i find i am actually more open to Uncle Nick's icy-cold Kantian Capital argument (really, he just wants to talk about Kant) kind of shows why mysticism is good for you, and also those aspects of capital that are simply never going to catch up with Shiva (or the Tao, or Zen, or the Buddha, or much else). we do live in a technical civilization in the West, for sure, but...well. long thoughts, those.

i will probably want to start a new Cosmotech thread again at some point, mainly just for schizo-rambling about all of this stuff, but for now i'm just enjoying soaking in a whole lot of Wisdom from the East and Cryptique (nice neologism, hey?) from our boy in Shanghai, for whom a Purple Sweater is being stitched daily.

most interesting philosopher alive bar none.

>> No.12213650

He thought time was directly tied to the direction of process, when in reality time is something local to the present epoch.
Surprisingly it's not actually important to the overall validity of his philosophy, but it did cause him to introduce a lot of unneeded fluff.

>> No.12213678

I am too dumb for this. Whitehead made me restart with the Greeks, and properly this time.

>> No.12213698
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Uncle Nick's dictum, that capital is a computer that processes desire, is pretty fascinating stuff. but of course what makes Desire Desire is obviously not a simple question. one of the things i have realized is that by basically honing in on this i have more or less made precisely the case for paying attention to the Buddhists: that is, desire is precisely what causes you suffering, and so on. it's kind of funny.

and so the Tao is a good way of gently seceding from the craziness of postmodernity - after all, nothing is more nihilistic than the Way, and no one is really more nihilistic than Laozi. and one way or another you find yourself at the Buddha's feet - the basic lesson of the Journey to the West. Wukong winds up in the Buddha's palm precisely because he thinks he can Desire his way out of everything, and in some sense, he can...but he also inadvertently winds up being a patron saint of the martial arts.

and yet behind the Buddhists lie the Hindus, and the world's oldest religion. Yoga itself is an entirely different way of thinking through Desire and immanence. one of the things that has come to my mind recently is Nietzsche's argument: 'we do not yet know what a body can do.' the more i read about India, the more this claim seems silly to me. the Hindus, it seems, would kind of gently smile at this idea: 'really? we do not yet know what a body can do? in fact i think we do know what a body can do, and we have a couple of thousand years of encyclopedic yoga catalogue to prove it. and over in China they have a few ideas as well. ask Ip Man if he knows what a body can do. my guess is that he will say he probably does. or at least he knows what a body *can't* do, which is why he will break your collarbones if he has to...'

so i have mad love for Uncle Nick inasmuch as he wants to re-Kantianize the history of capital, so that we stop going insane with our socialist-protestant desires...and yet i don't share his loathing for all things on the left, because to me socialist-protestant desires seem like cries of existential despair that i also share. i think they are fundamentally rooted more in religion than anything, and the politics of the sacred are what tends to be produced, but these lead to wheels of scapegoating and doom. but trying to get beyond scapegoating and doom are what mysticism does. it is kind of insane to say that 'God is Dead' when India exists. but all of this inclines me to look more sympathetically at Christianity also...

'tis a very complicated world.

>> No.12213726


any insightful thoughts on whitehead?

>> No.12213758
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tbqh probably not, if only because i'm not reading him deeply at the moment. however you may wish to search the archives of the Mighty Cruffitan (Cosmotech #5 iirc) for some good greentext about him. here's the link:


pic rel was the what most of those quotes were taken from. basically all i would have to tell you today is that if you are trying to break the iron grip that postmodernity may have around your throat, Whitehead will work as much as Deleuze or Laozi. then you're off to the races. whether this points you towards unhealthy obsessions with Uncle Nick or Eastern mysticism or whatever else it is that floats your boat (including Fuck Yeah Space Taoism!), none can say, but 'tis all good in the end, so long as the adventure continueth, and you become a cool and interesting space monkey.

or something like that.

>> No.12213762

Iching (tr. Alfred huang), Analects of Confucius (tr. Ames & Rosemont), Laozi/Tao Te Ching (tr. Ames & Hall), Zhuangzi (tr. Burton Watson), then the earlier classics and other later commentaries if you’re interested.

>> No.12213771

absolutely yikes

>> No.12214736


>> No.12215122

>*hits bong*
>yea man flux and shit everything is connected bro
what a hack

>> No.12215132

thanks <3

>> No.12215528


>> No.12215796


>> No.12215806

is the book in the op a good place to start with him? just read hus wiki page he looks interesting.

>> No.12215958


>> No.12216285

>Nietzsche's argument: 'we do not yet know what a body can do.

Love you Girardbro, but I want to point out that this is Spinoza's formulation even though Nietzsche had similar ones, like that play on Shakespeare that went something like "there is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy".

>> No.12216316
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Also, since we're on the topic, the problem of knowing what a body can do is a bit more epistemological as far as I can tell, you might've taken it a bit literally (even though Yoga isn't just a matter of movements and postures). "Body" for Nietzsche had a broader meaning than the human body, it had to do with composites in general and the case is probably similar with Spinoza as well since his entire system is quite complex (modes, attributes, essences and all that). Not knowing what a body can do means that you do not know for example when you've exhausted your knowledge on all the possible relevant interactions a body can have (due to increasing complexity, maybe even emergent properties and theoretically difficult thresholds).

>> No.12216546


>> No.12216769
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>Love you Girardbro, but I want to point out that this is Spinoza's formulation even though Nietzsche had similar ones, like that play on Shakespeare that went something like "there is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy".
appreciate it amigo, & point well made.

also interesting. good points all round here too. you are quite correct in this, it's unwise to construe the meaning of 'body' too literally no doubt

you have earned art i was trying to track down for a while and have only found again recently. enjoy anon, thx for the feedback

>> No.12216888


>> No.12217101


>> No.12217236

That's where I started.

>> No.12217723


>> No.12218430


>> No.12218520

Spinozism is Atheism

>> No.12219297


>> No.12220138


>> No.12220356

>Anglo analytic gets disillusioned with autism philosophy and thinks so hard that he hits continental philosophy from the other side

>> No.12220365

Jacobi, please be back

>> No.12220378

Best kek of the day, maybe the week

>> No.12220487

Absolutely this.
Confirmed for skimming the back of the book. Whitehead thinks himself into phenomena continentals were starting to talk about (being and time was published in '29). Time has a local component but it also extends out to more general phenomena, and forms the internal causal mechanism of all phenomena - including experience(i.e process). To WH everything can be described in terms of an actual occasion. Instead of thinking about time in terms of linear events organized sequentially point.. by.. point (remember Hume says causality is unobservable and not empirical phenomena in this pov), but time is the experience of what's now in the form of the future (intentionality) so that every now is also a going-to, and also an at-once, and also a having-been. In other words actual occassions are the unification it past present and future in an experience. Kinda like Heidegger's temporality which is a way of describing the ordinary way that we experience time on an everyday basis.

But that's just the local exp of time (which happens in the form of an actual ocassion cus everything does to WH. I'm not Whiteheadean (the worst fucking word) but I think his observations are good). You can extend or reduce this notion of time into bigger or smaller (macro or micro) situations. In the same way that you have a history, you're caught up in a history and so on - that's a way of generalizing it up. But non-conscious or natural (words Whitehead would never use) phenomena too enjoy this procedural structure because they're also caught up in the passage up time. So while you experience time in this 3-part structure (the condition of possibility for exp.) Other entities to take part in the grand network of process occurring in different layers of the world. And it's this passage of time that even lets the world come together and for relations to occur, either in molecules making bonds, in the development and growth of an ecosystem, or in the time I waste explaining WH in a kabooki enthusiasts job-search board.

Adventures of Ideas is a lot more lucid than PR. It's actually bizarre to read them side by side because WH shits all over the pages of PR with ideas. Sometimes the end up the chapter should actually be in the front because it's a sinpler explanation than the last 50 pages.

>> No.12220493

WH would use natural but not non-conscious. My bad

>> No.12220913


>> No.12221128


Him and Berkley are honorary non-Anglos.

>> No.12221268
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"Deleuze and Guattari have developed their notion of ‘Schizoanalysis’ in this book. This approach articulated a new mode of postmodern self organized around concepts of plural and multiple identities and decentred or displaced consciousness. They start from the basis that desire is itself revolutionary and radically subversive. Hence, society has needed to repress and control desire, to ‘territorialize’ it within demarcated areas and delimited structures: ‘To code desire is the business of the socius’ (Anti-Oedipus, p. 139). In this view, the socius or the communal structure within which we live is a repressive system or regime: it organizes social harmony not through enabling collective action to result from rational debate, but by preventing individual and collective desires from being allowed their full potential"

SOURCE: http://abiday.blogspot.com/2014/01/summary-anti-oedipus-capitalism-and_11.html?m=1

Summary: Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia By Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari writen by: Aiman Aslam

this is Deleuse's critique of post-modernism and neo-liberalism

>> No.12221287

*He and Berkeley

>> No.12221725

What would Deleuze make of the Woke Capital phenomenon? LGBT ideology encourages people to fully identify with their desires. Where first liberalism claimed the fulfillment of desire as a right, the new story is that you ARE your desires. The denial of someones desire becomes a denial of the person as a whole. The perfect consumer.

>> No.12221732

Deleuze analyses woke capital in the first 25 pages of Anti-Oedipus. Diversification of wants (Capitalism as growth of abstract value).

That's why Gold Man's Sack flies the Transflag.

>> No.12221739

of course that could be Guattari too, it was a co-written book so i dont know. maybe its d&g

>> No.12221740

Thank you!

>> No.12221744

I was really taken back how lucid the analysis was. Honestly recommend reading it.

>> No.12221763
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Deleuze was against identity (and identifying) of any kind in favor of becoming.

From Letter to a Harsh Critic:

> The question's nothing to do with the character of this or that exclusive group, it's to do with the transversal relations that ensure that any effects produced in some particular way (through homosexuality, drugs, and so on) can always be produced by other means. We have to counter people who think "I'm this, I'm that," and who do so, moreover, in psychoanalytic terms (relating everything to their childhood or fate), by thinking in strange, fluid, unusual terms: I don't know what I am--I'd have to investigate and experiment with so many things in a non-narcissistic, non-oedipal way—no gay can ever definitively say "I'm gay." It's not a question of being this or that sort of human, but of becoming inhuman, of a universal animal becoming—not seeing yourself as some dumb animal, but unraveling your body's human organization, exploring this or that zone of bodily intensity, with everyone discovering their own particular zones, and the groups, populations, species that inhabit them.

Keep in mind that Deleuze was heavily influenced by Nietzsche and for Nietzsche there is no metaphysical "you", it's always a composite, a struggle and a becoming. Deleuze would say that it's a matter of connections being more than their terms: these are "your" desires, what "you" do with them is already something new and something changing "you" at each moment. Even to advocate for some fluidity like it's an imperative is a new connection and one which must be differentiated from other connections which are more complex (and more liberating as a result).

>> No.12221770

This is patently obvious in the first pages of AO too.



>> No.12221860

What happened to the Cosmotechnics/Acceleration general?

And you, who are you?

>> No.12221908

Landfags are creepy memers with little to contribute in terms of actually discussing nonessentialism

>> No.12221927

An old prof of mine at Harvard thought Whitehead went off his rocker when he stopped doing math and started doing metaphysics. There's an odd turn towards realism in continental phil under the various names of object-oriented philosophy, speculative realism, critical realism, etc., and I believe Whitehead is beloved by philosophers in this niche.

On the analytic side, what most resembles process philosophy is "perdurantism" in the philosophy of time, which just emphasizes objects as occupants of four-dimensional spacetime. Not anything close to as totalizing as Whitehead's process metaphysics, though.

>> No.12222069

Girardfag (Thiel) is traveling so he isn't making them.

And mods have deleted like 2 Nick Land threads in the past day.

You could delete 90% of lit threads based on that, or move them to /pol/ or /his/

>> No.12222154

>tfw sophomore-enticing deleuzian poststructuralism will forever outshadow the based process theology

>> No.12222189

Has Nick Land read Whitehead

>> No.12222234

Where to start with Deleuze? This looks interesting and I've had similar thoughts about identity.

>> No.12222242

I had never read him before and I started with AO. Only thing I knew of him was what Land had referred to. Very fun read.

That stuff about identity in the post you quoted is in the first chapters of AO by the way.

>> No.12222264

>Only thing I knew of him was what Land had referred to. Very fun read.
this is why deleuze is cringe and ANW is based

>> No.12222274

Well sorry for not going through some elitist gatekeeping course to the good stuff.... im only a stupid fucking retard dropout high school 30 year old idiot who wants to die

>> No.12222281
File: 71 KB, 1242x1133, golls doloz and folox gottoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to start with Deleuze is with his second book called Nietzsche & Philosophy. If you want to go chronologically, his first book on Hume is okay as well, but the Nietzsche one was his turning point. You could read Letter to a Harsh Critic beforehand as an intro as well. Here's the pasta:

A decent short summary / intro to D&G:


A lot of the stuff here:

Everything by Manuel DeLanda:

A bit more on the Nietzsche-Deleuze relation through Klossowski (who dedicated his book about Nietzsche to Deleuze):

More on the Deleuze-Nietzsche relation (the entire series is fascinating if you're into Nietzsche):

The Deleuze for the Desperate series:

Derrida's lecture about Deleuze (mistitled, it's about Stupidity not Forgiveness):

There's probably a lot more, there are Vimeo videos as well which don't feature on Youtube.

Pirate Deleuze's Abecedaire (it should have English subtitles) as I can't find it streamed in full online anywhere.

His essay and interview collections (in no particular order): Dialogues, Negotiations, Desert Islands, Two Regimes of Madness, Essays Critical and Clinical. "Letter to a Harsh Critic" in Negotiations is short (about 7 pages) and tells you how to read his texts. As for the books, start with Nietzsche and Philosophy (read the intro to the English translation by Michael Hardt even if you don't read the book in English). Deleuze's courses are also pretty accessible and translated in several languages: https://www.webdeleuze.com/

A decent bibliography:

>> No.12222286

Hey I have De Landa's history book.

IS that OK

>> No.12222293
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> webdeleuze dot com


>> No.12222313
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Big D on Whitehead
>"he stands provisionally as the last great Anglo-American philosopher beforeWittgenstein's disciples spread their misty confusion, sufficiency, and terror."
lmao why did D hate Witty?

>> No.12222315
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DeLanda is quite good for explaining Deleuze's relation to science and maths as well as some stuff on language, but he is rather unconventional as a Deleuzian in that he does his own thing, he's not merely explaining Deleuze. In fact some stuff that's crucial in Deleuze himself is glanced over in DeLanda afaik, such as the connection between pluralism and evaluation/interpretation.

>tfw all Whitehead, Spinoza and Bergson threads devolve into Deleuzeposting

>> No.12222325
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>> No.12222357

Hating rationalism is popular among commies, for no surprising reasons

>> No.12222369

>amoung commies
neetchan hated rationalism as well

>> No.12222372

Neetzchan had rational reason for hating rationalism.

Commies just cope because they can't math.

Do you follow any philosophy blogs or mags?

>> No.12222411

>An old prof of mine at Harvard
le dropped

professional professionals can't into real philosophy/metaphysics.

>> No.12222414

>professional professionals can't into real philosophy/metaphysics.

t. Nassim Arab Taleb

>> No.12222641

are whitehead and delsuze materialists? I am confused

>> No.12222816

transcendental empiricists

>> No.12222840

what does that mean

>> No.12222885

simple location and material simply does not exist; that which is grasped into reality as here and now is not the actual entity, but rather, a perspective of said entity over there from a unifying standpoint 'here' as it exists as a separate location

>> No.12222901


>> No.12222911

Inductionism is false. Whitehead, alone amongst thinkers, has finally shown us why we can believe in induction, memory, and--most notably--other minds. The process, reality itself, is one seamless substance, an indivisible net of enjoyments. So we cannot help but know other minds, for we must build our unique souls out of the identical stuff. 'I' is you and you is 'we'.

>> No.12222924

Deleuze is a “Kantian”, albeit a non phenomenologist one. Another reason to disregard the frenchman and read Whitehead instead

>> No.12222967

>Deleuze is a “Kantian”

In what way? Most of the time he criticizes Kant whenever he talks about him.

>> No.12222969


>> No.12222988
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>Deleuze is a Kantian

>> No.12222991

Deleuze philosophy is autonomous legislation, the creation of the superior forms of what is; it is not speculative comprehension

>> No.12222997


>> No.12222998

Deleuze is, pace Brassier, a correlationist.

>> No.12223001

Matter is a process for them, like a set of relations forever changing. They can be called materialists, but you have to mention some things to distinguish them from previous materialists. For example Deleuze was a pluralist so rather than having one unified substance or matter, in his system you have a plurality of relations constantly differentiating from themselves and from one another in a perpetual becoming.

>> No.12223018

Process philosophy is CHIM

>> No.12223028
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You mean I am he as you are me as you are he and we are all together?

>> No.12223049
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>Deleuze philosophy is autonomous legislation, the creation of the superior forms of what is; it is not speculative comprehension

Fair, but is that enough to make him a Kantian? For Kant the form of the law was pretty much constant even if the contents had to be determined. It's not really a categorical imperative if you can come up with your own rules for it to the point of making its universality worthless.

>it is not speculative comprehension
Maybe, but there are some elements both of comprehension and of speculation there, you make it sound like he denies all knowledge and all realism.

Could you elaborate a bit? I haven't read much Brassier, but intuitively Deleuze is closer to some kind of metaphysical realism than to correlationism (in which most of the philosophical tradition fits).

>> No.12223062

chad whitehead vs virgin deleuze

>> No.12223067

Also, what makes Whitehead's approach better than Deleuze's? I haven't read Whitehead yet, but Deleuze seemed to like him.

>> No.12223074

>Brassier received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of North London in 1995
>Nick Land received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Essex
what is with these speculative realists studying/working at very crappy universities?

>> No.12223086

deleuze has a cooler name than fucking whitehead

>> No.12223092

Whitehead merely credits Kant with originating philosophical constructivism. As a constructivist, Whitehead is very much a post-Kantian thinker rather than the pre-Kantian throwback that he is sometimes taken to be. Whitehead is basically what people 'think' Deleuze is.

>> No.12223096

low iq?

>> No.12223106


>> No.12223108

Can you imagine a 'theorist' like Land successfully defending his thesis at Oxford

>> No.12223113

He'd just quote Moldbug's Cathedral and Puritan Communist taxaonomy at any libturd objection.

>> No.12223115
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>> No.12223124

Interesting take, but it's not clear to me how you reached this conclusion. What makes one pre-Kantian and the other post-Kantian specifically?

>> No.12223135

> everything is philosophy process

yeah nah nuh i dont buy '1 thing explains it all' stuff

>> No.12223143

Honestly I blame Deleuze for starting this fashion of making charts about everything. Most of the time the charts, sketches and tables just made things more confusing.

>> No.12223160
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Actually now that I think about it many at the time were doing it, especially Lacan.

>> No.12223166

> psycho babble scribble scrabble

we've achieved new level of say-nuffin here

>> No.12223292

deleuze's misplaced (abstract) concreteness mainly

>> No.12223307

Whitehead studies Mathematics at cambridge, he was a genius

>> No.12223496

That's still a bit vague. Do you think he's too blunt with his "there are no metaphors" thing, connecting assemblages to materiality too quickly or something along those lines?

>> No.12223520


Or, an even more important and precise question, how does Whitehead manage to be post-Kantian while still doing metaphysics? What did he get right that Deleuze didn't in this regard?

>> No.12223535

not him but whitehead was more intelligent

>> No.12223641

According to Whitehead (or Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Heidegger) the metaphysical reality is not primarily of being, but of becoming. Whitehead's position is Neutral Monism (like Chalmers), where the building blocks of reality are neither physical nor mental. He calls them Actual Entities, which are not enduring substances but processes of becoming, or "drops of experience" (not necessarily conscious).

>> No.12223644

ever heard of structuralism u friggin ignoramus?

>> No.12223653

Deleuze books are really good on toast with some eggs and mushrooms.

>> No.12223671

itt: dogmatic image of thought

>> No.12223690

would an actual entity be something like an electron bumping into another electron?

>> No.12223782

How many points of IQ are we talking about?

Fair enough. I wonder if any French thinker of that period actually made good use of drawings though, most of them (structuralist or poststructuralist) were easier to understand without their sketches.

>> No.12223811

170 IQ

>> No.12223843


>> No.12223849

ok give examples

>> No.12223869

It's hard to describe. What sort of entities are nexus? What is their ontological status? The text of Process and Reality suggests different answers. It is however difficult to see why prehensions, nexus, propositions, multiplicities and contrasts should be described as "categories of existence." They are surely rather modes in which actual entities and eternal objects can be together.

>> No.12223880

Did you know my girlfriend is taking a class in intro to women's studies and they had her read an article written about those obfuscative hacks like Rosi Braidotti and Giles Deleuze without even mentioning Whitehead whom they built upon and stemmed from what the flying fuck is this

>> No.12223899

real shit starts at the periphery, not in institutions everyone wants to be in - oxbridge/ivy - which is where the milquetoast cocksuckers nest

>> No.12223910


>> No.12223928

sounds confused as fuck

>> No.12223964

Let's look at a couple more important contemporary philsophers:

Adrian Johnston - University of New Mexico
Graham Harman - American University in Cairo
Karen Barad - University of California
Catherine Malabou - Kingston University

>> No.12224033


what do they have to say

>> No.12224158

graham harman is wack and would be kicked out of oxbridge or the ivy league

>> No.12224163

dint know him but that counts as. good thing

>> No.12224313

Whitehead did it better.

>> No.12224376

he is based

>> No.12224746

where do i start with him?

>> No.12224952

process philosophy is longwinded taoism

>> No.12226065

You will need a thorough grounding in Set Theory and Mathematical Logic (as practiced 100 years ago!). Don't bother (unless you have to do a PhD on it); Process and Reality is a flawed book. Important as it was in the development of Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, there are far better, and much more recent books on logic than P&R.

Having said that, a degree in Mathematics will help you considerably.

>> No.12226078


Aren't you mistaking PR for Principia Mathematica?

I agree with the mathematical part, but you need Sheaf and Category Theory. Which hadn't been invented in Whitehead days, that's why he couldn't formalize his metaphysics.

>> No.12226264

>>12222885 >>12208878
I'm not seeing much info here that would suggest anything more than a return to basic ethical questions, how to live the good life, a qualification of some pluralistic truth that is more in working with a competitive structure that seeks a villain in ideology to identity the sacred. I think you locate the hegemony of instantaneous reality in the sufferings of philosophers whose grasp of it is itself both a question of epistemology and one of identity. Math may alleviate this condition, but it seriously seems to have not brought mathmaticians closer to the present, but rather more to the point well rounded. More and more I am in agreement with everyone here about my ignorance and my servitude to the ignorant.
Sounds like our projections are delayed. Still doesn't disqualify those projections. If maths have always produced accurate examples of how we can interact in the world and yet show themselves to be not completely compatible, we accept their refinement on the basis that these are the tools we have to work with and if not for them, we would have no agency, no control, no grasp on the moment, the pertinent reality. So why do we not see consciousness as the same, other than that we are deep down afraid of refining consciousness, removing the filters, becoming conscious of the projection and yet able to refine it however to a degree in which some aspects of reality can be contemplated as they are and not as humanity simplifies them. It seems pretty apparent that all is flux is an oversimplification that is easy to move along to the next brain, but where does this information come to a halt and how, how how how how how howling to the moon how?

>> No.12226620

Top tier: I and the father are one.

High tier: I am contained by the father.

Mid tier: I am I and father is father.

Low tier: I am and father is not.

Shit tier: Father is but I am not.

>> No.12226629

Was Whitehead secretly an antisemetic antifeminist capitalist nazi? Click here to read more

>> No.12227268


>> No.12227637


>> No.12227795


>> No.12227852

Apparently not, because he had to be corrected.

>> No.12227857

more like censored

>> No.12228674

redpill me on whitehead

>> No.12228690

whitepill me on redhead

>> No.12228707

I havent actually read him yet but his memeing on here made me want to read his wiki page and look up some videos

>> No.12229402

Ludwig Wittgenstein - Cambridge
Marurice Merleau-Ponty - ENS
J L Austin - Oxford

>> No.12229426

So I have to read Clemens, Origenes, maybe Plato, maybe the stoics, Hegel, Bradley, and Wordsworth in order to understand Whitehead.. Am I right? :)

>> No.12229445

He was a white male, so yes, yes he was a Nazi. At the very least he benefitted greatly from white privilige, the exploitation of the 3rd world, of blacks, muslims, and other indigenous peoples, and the theft and appropriation of non-white culture and technology. At the very least him and the rest of the Anglo fuck alive at that time (and today) should have all their "property" (really just shit that they stole or otherwise gained unfairly) confiscated and redistributed to Africans, Muslims, and minorities living in the west. Ideally they would be forced to work for the rest of their lives to pay of the debts they owe to the non-white races for oppressing them for centuries and stealing their land and culture and destroying their way of life. No white man is "innocent". Sure their are probably some, maybe even a decent number, who parade themselves as being "woke" or whatever, and they might not outwardly express or acknowledge their racism views and feelings, but at the end of the day, all white are guilty of participating in and perpetuating the Western facist system that serves to prop up lazy, uncultured white "people" at the expense of the rest of the world.

>> No.12229520

wittgenstein managed to convince the cambridge admissions board that his complete nonsense was genius and beyond them

>> No.12229550

t. butthurt logical positivist who's sad because Wittgenstein wont be his bf

>> No.12229562
File: 24 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white person here, can confirm. only wanted to add what this anon left out, which is that the path of repentance is found only with Oral-B Essential Floss

>> No.12230420

He was literally never an analytic philosopher. He was a mathematician who worked in algebra and logic and eventually became a philosopher, but decided to go in a different direction from the analytics. Also there's nothing wrong or "autistic" about analytic philosophy.

>> No.12231661


>> No.12233166


>> No.12233244

Imagine thinking that Truth is pseud-psychobabble. Just do whatever mannnnn, lmao. It'll come out in the wash and emerge.

>> No.12234607

>Also there's nothing wrong or "autistic" about analytic philosophy
Let's say I have cock up my ass. I know it's some BBC wrecking my tight anus, but I happened to take a white guy home who had some super rare genetic disease and I don't know about it. Is true justified believes dripping out of my anus? Totally not autism

>> No.12234653


Not really. It’s like having one of the hottest chicks in the world as your wife. Super smart and gives you three children and maintains her fit body throughout. That’s extremely rare. But it doesnt many you wouldnt get off on fucking your wrinkly piggy secretary because some perverted corner of your mind tells you’re lording it over her loser secretary husband. This is the andrea-lewis effect. It leads to divorce and the piggy and male secretary husband being publicly humiliated by the superior power couple.