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/lit/ - Literature

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12221125 No.12221125 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone suggest some novels that show the emptiness in hedonism? Preferably more obscure works because otherwise i'd just google.

>> No.12221142

Against the Grain
The Elementary Particles

>> No.12221152


>> No.12221154

Why are you seeking to confirm your biases instead of trying to challenge them with opposing views? Such is the pavement of the road to pseudery.

>> No.12221162

great! Suggest me a book to solve my problems. Thanks

>> No.12221277

The Sun Also Rises
The Beautiful and Damned

>> No.12221310

The “anti-hedonists” and “celibates” on this board are such a petty, resentment-fuelled species. We know that you’re just seeking some means to justify the abysmal conditions in which you are unwillingly trapped, even though you present yourselves as having “chosen” a “nobler” path. Sour grapes and little else. If you could achieve the highs to which the hedonistic life leads, if you were actually capable of scaling the materialistic mountain and breathing from its peak the potent air of pleasure, power and bliss, you wouldn’t be signalling your rejection of this life to other people, not even on an anonymous message board. You would either be enjoying that life, or you would know from experience the ways in which it fails to satisfy certain integral hungers of your spirit, and thus would have no need to ask other people about it. You’re like a man locked in a prison asking for books that explain why unfreedom is better than freedom, why isolation is better than community, why boredom, loneliness and stasis are sublime and excitement, love and movement are wretched.

>> No.12221316

Cringeazoid extreme

>> No.12221321

He could simply not be affiliated with either category, and just desires literary insights about one particular class of people.

>> No.12221330

The Great Gatsby
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.12221335


Have you ever had sex?

>> No.12221368

This is patently ridiculous. First of all, literature helps anyone, regardless of their material or ideological predilections, to better understand the arguments for and against any position. Even your imagined example of someone who has achieved the peak of hedonistic bliss but has nevertheless found it soulless could certainly better understand the nature of his amorphous sense of its insufficiencies by reading Plato, or Kierkegaard, or whomever.

If the average person’s life experiences were rich, complex and nuanced enough, and if the average person could understand every nook and cranny of these experiences, down to their deepest roots, we would have little need for literature and philosophy, and would not hold great thinkers and artists in such high regard. They have gone to the extremes we cannot, extremes in the world and in themselves, bringing with them into those abysses intellectual and spiritual tools with which the average person is not equipped, and they have come back from such subterranean depths to articulate the strange sights they saw, the profound wisdom they gathered, the new categories they derived, with an incisiveness, eloquence and grace to which it would be foolish for the Everyman to even pretend to aspire. A genius who dedicated his life to the question of hedonism, tracing out carefully all its merits and demerits, will have a much greater understanding of it than some rich douchebag who never thought twice about the deeper meaning of his lifestyle, or some rich douchebag who did think twice about it, and gave his fortune away to charity.

Not every question deserves a reductive pseudo-Nietzschean answer about resentment and power dynamics.

>> No.12221370

You're shouting the wrong advice at the wrong person. You couldn't be more off base. I'm a man looking at another man who's locked in a prison and I want to know what he thinks. Chill

>> No.12221374

very well put

>> No.12221588
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> “Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”

>> No.12221634
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Jesus, calm down anon. He just wants to read about being anti-hedonist.
Those "celibates" and "anti-hedonists" arent imposing shit on anyone either. There is also nothing wrong with trying to choose those lifesyles because you cant live the hedonistic ones, everyone plays with their own cards.
And you partake with the snuck premisse that hedonistic life is objectively better than any other.
Imposing on others how you feel like "enjoying life" also shows insecurity of your own views.

>> No.12221719

holy fuck that is some of the ugliest and most cringe inducing writing I've read.

>> No.12221735

You know why Siddhartha was a king? Because nobody would believe a hobo choose to be one.

>> No.12221779

Write something better

>> No.12221787

Less Than Zero

>> No.12221794

I have a sneaking suspicion that you’re just incapable of following complex sentences

>> No.12221816
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I don't know how he blew everybody around him the fuck out.

>> No.12221950

He could be a hedonist seeking precisely that, a challenge to his views.

>> No.12221979

Not OP, but what if I'm anti hedonist and looking to challenge my views ? A book where beauty and pleasure are presented as the ultimate goals in life and are capable of turning a man into a god ? (kinda like The Pleasure by D'Annunzio but something a bit more modern is preferred).

>> No.12221982

What a vile, elitist post! People have understood their experiences full well, what people have failed to comprehend are the contrivances of their self-appointed “betters”. These witch doctors and charlatans have forever held out their extremities looking for scraps and puff their chests when in reality most of them have led lives just as truncated as anyone. Philosophy is unnecessary for the average man, which is why the average man doesn’t read it. The people who do indulge it, are usually a weak sort who would like to learn the art of bullshitting other impressionables in a pyramid scheme of stolen, artificial prestige and subsistence.

>> No.12222124

>seeking to not be hedonist
That would be a very non-hedonistic thing to do

>> No.12222299

There is no emptiness
>but muh pleasure is only temporary
Everything in life is only experienced temporarily you dolt

>> No.12222304

just checking

>> No.12223497

Not even him, but what a vacuous post. You have made no statements and no arguments. Simply affirming that some people lie about their experiences means nothing regarding anon’s post