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12213930 No.12213930 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure this is the best place to ask but I've come to realise that the reason why I have experienced so much suffering in the social domain was because of my outlook on life which came from the self hating lense of my eyes. Because I do not love myself it has caused me to think that all those around me hate me and that I am not worthy of love. I used to have >tfw no gf, but have realised that I shouldn't even think about having a gf until I think I'm even worth one. I don't even fantasise about having a gf because I know I wouldn't be able to make it last because of my toxic view of myself and the world. Am I so selfish as to get a gf just to fill up some void in me and burden her with the emotional baggage that is me. I mean, would I even be able to have a long lasting relationship with a female like this? How do I learn to love myself instead of being like a /r9k/ fag who hates the world and blames everyone for his problems.

To make things more on topic, any books that help with this?
>Inb4 how to win friends and influence people
Already have it.

>> No.12213947
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Research psilocybin
Learn to use the internet intently

>> No.12213956
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>realised that I shouldn't even think about having a gf until I think I'm even worth one
Women are worthless cock-sheathes. The last man is worth more than most virtuous woman to ever exist. Stop being autistic and just get yourself a steady roastie that will rid you of constantly accumulating sexual frustration in exchange for material rewards and an illusion of emotional connection.

>> No.12214025


First find acid. Then wait for a good day and take the acid.

Then stop doing things you don't respect. Do you procrastinate a lot? That's not a respectable trait. Do you sleep more than eight hours? Do you work toward a goal in your life? Do you have something you love besides netflix and vidya? (literature is a good and respectable hobby to have).

If you met me and told me everything you did on an average day, would I respect you? I can promise you that you would respect me on any given day. And that brings me to my last point, from Goggins:

Experience hell at least once a day. Callous your mind.

>> No.12214034

I can't do it on my own. I'm a inconsistent person and when I try it doesn't last long before I'm back to my piece of shit ways.

>> No.12214082

You are not an inconsistent person, your discipline is untrained. Start by training your discipline then. Not masturbating is a great way, despite every pop science atm, to train your discipline and fortitude. Cold showers everyday is a great way to train your willpower. Exercise...

You know all this, still you sit there and say you are too weak and ask why you don't love yourself. Well, now you know. No one can or will help you in this world man, fuck, most want to hold you back.

>> No.12214091

Ok, I'll try. But fuck cold showers. That shits uncomfortable and i see no worthwhile benefits to it. I wake up at 6:00 everyday though. That's s good start. And I read 10 chapters of the Bible, I'm in fact gonna finish the OT by tomorrow hopefully. So yeah, I'm getting there I guess. Now I'll just try to find a job.

>> No.12214103

I'm a Christian, I want someone who could potentially be my future waifu and I don't wanna have sex before marriage.

>> No.12214124

>your self
Your what now? Sounds like you're in dire need of some Hume

>> No.12214179


>> No.12214206

What is this self thing you want to love?
Is it a body? Memories? DNA? Consciousness?
I can't help you if you use fantasy concepts like *the self*.
We need to track your actual problem to solve it.

>> No.12214221

That said your self analysis is pretty good.
Vitamin D, hot showers, no 4chan and a hobby are my prescription
Maybe Boethius or Seneca but probably Nietzsche and Camus

>> No.12214319

Watch neon genesis evangelion (1995) and then you watch the End of Evangelion (1997) and when you come to realise the tv ending is better thant the film that is when you love yourself

>> No.12214365
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>> No.12214436

My physical body. What I see in the mirror as well as my place in society as well as >>12214025
This anon said, myself view. For example if I told people about my day to day life would they respect me? Would I respect myself.

That stuff.

>> No.12214483


>> No.12214494

>you would respect me

>> No.12214502

>I can't
Who can’t?

>> No.12214538

>Research psilocybin
Impossible in my country.

>> No.12214547


Even utilitarian or pragmatic thinking will lead you to love yourself.

>> No.12214711


>> No.12214967
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join the revolution

>> No.12215136

Nah bro, that's gay.

>> No.12215174

I'm going to tell you what I did, first of all it doesn't matter your ethnicty, we are made from the same biological components and there's nothing magical or mystical about it.
After you get that, realize that bullying is a good thing for us as humans, everyone have to bully each other and only the strongest minds succeed at the end, so if you want to succed get used to it, you have to enjoy the fact people can and will hate you, it has to be a motivation because whenever someone or the circumstances are trying to fuck with you you have to show you can fight back, this is basically what the army does to you, and if you don't like the idea then fuck off, don't even bother and become a sjw because this is exactly the oposite of what they do and want.
If you make it this far, think about the person you want to be, and be realistic, also write down everything you hate/dislike about yourself and make conscious efforts to act the way you want to be, and here is the little trick: whenever you act the way you want to be you will love the fact you are making such things, it comes naturally, it could be anything you think the ideal human must do (waking up early, eat healthy, read, lift weights, be confident, whatever) AND hate the things you hate about yourself, hate the things you dislike about yourself, bully yourself everytime you are acting the way you don't want to be and don't be kind, if you ca bear it you will develop resilience, so be positive.
The only logical conclusion is that if you become the person you want to be accoording to the idea of your ideal human being, then you will end up loving yourself, I don't know wich book talk about this, probably Taleb Nassim ideas sound like this to me, Machiavelli's The Prince was pretty insigthful for me too.

>> No.12215213

Uncle Ted is based.

>> No.12215221

Imagine a desirable long term improvement upon yourself. Make the improvement by changing a habit and expending effort and sacrifice.
Having self-accomplished, somewhat trackable personal progress under your belt makes you feel secure that there's more in your future. And at that point you don't love yourself as much as the person you desire to be, but you love your future self and feel secure that your present self is responsible for what's lovable in the future self.
The love comes from the daydreams of say, if you've started lifting and see some progress but not a satisfactory amount, thinking about yourself accomplishing that satisfactory amount of progress. When it actually happens, it's less of a delight than it was thinking about it on the way up. But there's no limit to how many directions you can strive in or how far you can strive in them. Allow your will the freedom to pursue its desires endlessly, but to use experience to prioritize your desires wisely.

>> No.12215289

When are you able to love another? If you are able to forgive him. The same holds true for yourself.

"and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us"

>> No.12215370

Watch Evangelion

>> No.12215425

You seem pathetic and in disciplined. But God loves you. If he hated you he would have struck you down with a bolt of lightning already. He is merciful and loving however. If God can love you why can’t you love yourself? And if you are loved by God you can be loved by a woman. Just know you are not alone, there are women going through the same thing as you. I’m prayin for you nigga.

>> No.12215697

read anything by Buddha

>> No.12215746

>needs to take drugs to love himself
>is respected
Choose one you little fuck

>> No.12216869

Why are you using the internet though?

>> No.12217496

If your self hatred is anything like mine, these reccomendations will do little to nothing to help you. I know that the self is deeper than some fleeting thoughts or actions. Most prescribe recommend "self improvement" to people who hate themselves, but their ideas of self improvement are incredibly shallow, like weight lifting. Sure, it you're morbidly obese getting in shape would mean a significant quality of life improvement, but for the average young man lifting four times a week will not make him hate himself less. People who truly hate themselves realize that their true self worth lies in things more inherent. We have malformed souls. Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo.

>> No.12217564

Stop thinking about what you are and are not. Stop comparing yourself to others. They are futile and self defeating habits

>> No.12218166

>incredibly shallow, like weight lifting
weight lifting is about training your self-discipline and is the most tangible and simple form of self-improvement there is
while muscles aren't all that important, they're a symbol of your progress

>> No.12218960

That made me feel worse though

>> No.12219061

This what I'm reading: 'I believe some shit that is stopping me from loving myself under the premises that this can't be changed and if there is a feasible so-called chage I don't want it because I'm to weak to get out of this endless loop of addictive depression/despair/disquiet (pick your poison) and the overwhelming sense of superiority the deep knowledge of myself and my surroundings brings to me because I'm afraid to lose my special identity and the skills that come with it'

>> No.12219070
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Become ennobled by beauty through play.

>> No.12219120
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Fuck, this perfectly describes me. I'm an introvert, but feel that if I try, I can overcome my anxiousness around people. But that would mean losing the introvert's personality, which I feel is unique to me.

>> No.12219215

>posted from his iphone, connected to the internet, while watching tv and using his computer to write more anti tech books

>> No.12219444

Good boy

>> No.12219455

Your "feasible change" is meaningless. I went from skeleton to athletic college kid mode, over 30lbs gained mostly muscle, it's fucking nothing. Going to the gym does not improve discipline. Going to the gym is fun. It's enjoyable. Lifting weights makes you feel good.
Lifting weights will not make a person less ugly, inside or out. And that ugliness is the true source of self hatred, because we have seen our own souls and found nothing of value.

>> No.12219642

>tfw don't hate myself but hate society and my inability to belong in it
Books for this feel?

>> No.12219766

>If you met me and told me everything you did on an average day, would I respect you? I can promise you that you would respect me on any given day.
Care to tell what have you done today? Genuinely curious desu.

>> No.12220149
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>> No.12220171

Why do you feel the need to lie on an anonymous website? You've never truly lifted weights if you believe it won't improve your self discipline, gaining 30 pounds as a skeleton is not really impressive and I doubt you even achieved that

>> No.12220288

You are told to love your neighbour as yourself. How do you love yourself? When I look into my own mind, I find that I do not love myself by thinking myself a dear old chap or having affectionate feelings. I do not think that I love myself because I am particularly good, but just because I am myself and quite apart from my character. I might detest something which I have done. Nevertheless, I do not cease to love myself. In other words, that definite distinction that Christians make between hating sin and loving the sinner is one that you have been making in your own case since you were born. You dislike what you have done, but you don't cease to love yourself. You may even think that you ought to be hanged. You may even think that you ought to go to the Police and own up and be hanged. Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.

>> No.12220289

>Leave class
>Go to gym on way home for an hour or so
>Barbells and pullups
>Leave, feelsgoodman
>Do this four times a week
>Eat more than I did before and GOMAD at the beginning
Tell where the discipline comes in you faggot, it's a negligible lifestyle change if you're not a 300lbs burger

>> No.12220696

what a profound revelation, noone's come up with that one before, really

there is nothing wrong with using the weapons of the enemy
if to spread ideas against the system you have to use the system, then so be it

>> No.12220761

Hello there, I would recommend "You can heal your life" by Louise L. Hay. I hope you get better anon <3

>> No.12220781

OP, proud of you for taking this step. I am in a similar position and recently came to the same realization. Good luck to you.

>> No.12220814

You are literally reinforcing that characterization by typing these words right now. The way out is to literally just stop we aren't kidding anon, it won't be instant but you act as though nothing is even possible, or more like nothing is worth doing. Which I mean yeah maybe, in that case you can die if you'd like?? Oh but you don't actually want to die, nor do you hate yourself - the animal in you will keep you from that. Can you hear it even now? Speaking your words for you? Lifting weights will not make a person less ugly, inside or out, but lifting weights is a metaphor dummy

>> No.12221205

All of these would be just as strong if one person decided to renounce tech. Most of them would be just as strong if all tech was abolished.

>> No.12221242

you sound young, your story is a youthful tale and
as such you are constantly bombarded by your dick and emotions.

I'm 31 and can safely say that it gets better, you will get to a point where you realize that the lady folk are human and have an eternity of flaws just like you - your current hormones are there to trick and blind you to this

what you said about loving yourself before you can love another is spot on

Everyone in this thread recommends things that helped them, but be mindful of the type of people on 4chan. I'm not saying people here (myself included) are worthless losers but just contemplate why people are here and why they recommend what they do etc. Also be careful with confirmation bias

what you need is life experience, try a bunch of things

>> No.12221253

>don't use technology
>can no longer spread your message
What's the nexr step of your master plan?

>> No.12221282

>tfw fall in love but realise you can never be the person to make her happy so you resolve yourself to never see her again.
This is true self-hatred.