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12218604 No.12218604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>JP makes 320.000$ a month

How did he becomes so successful?

>> No.12218605

by the power of the internet

>> No.12218607

unironically taking advanatge of young, naive teens

>> No.12218611
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>> No.12218613

A charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception. Synonyms for "charlatan" include "shyster", "quack", or "faker". "Mountebank" comes from the Italian montambanco or montimbanco based on the phrase monta in banco - literally referring to the action of a seller of dubious medicines getting up on a bench to address his audience of potential customers. "Quack" is a reference to "quackery" or the practice of dubious medicine or a person who does not have actual medical training who purports to provide medical services.

>> No.12218620

But he's a psychiatrist, how is he a swindler?

>> No.12218633

>he's a psychiatrist

He has a PhD in Psychology, just like Dr. Phil

>> No.12218637

>But he's a swindler
>how is he a swindler?


>> No.12218648

Wikipedia say he's a clinical psychologist. Isn't it the same thing ?

>> No.12218669

No, a psychiatrist is a medical doctor. Psychologists usually have no contact with patients unless they are administering psychological tests.

To become a psychotherapist you need additional (and unrelated) training. Most therapists are psychiatrists, psychologists, some are even nurses or theologians or whatever.

>> No.12218675

He wasn't afraid to name the sjw

>> No.12218678

No, I don’t know how the fuck it works in poutine world but here psychiatrists are MDs who can prescribe medicine, whereas psychologists focus more on CBT type shit.

>> No.12218685

You are confusing psychologists with psychotherapists (though they can become psychotherapists.)

>> No.12218689

He made criticized the left. Apparently this can net you a sustainable income as your consumer is young white males who cant be bothered to read about politics themselves

>> No.12218696


>> No.12218698

By speaking the true word in clear, articulate form and offering a service many people desperately needed

>> No.12218706

he comes from the long tradition of psychoanalysis of taking advantage of dupes

>> No.12218722

he spent decades in obscurity. His success is very recent. If he were a swindler he would've been a swindler from the get go. It's not like a 55 year old man spent his whole life in academic obscurity so that he may one day be able to sell books that get put on display at Barnes and Noble

>> No.12218726

He challenged the status quo and best them. People admire that.

It’s rather obvious really; regardless of what you believe the quality of his work is.

>> No.12218735

Anyone can make a lot of money off paetron orbiters by cloaking yourself in the illusion of authority while criticizing any type of politics; it works with leftists cocksuckers as well as conservicucks. Peterstein has a phd in psychology and people act like that gives him the authority to speak on philosophy and politics.

>> No.12218739

how is he not status quo?

>> No.12218741

>it works with leftists cocksuckers
is chapo cuck house the highest patreon in the world?

>> No.12218745
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all psychiatrists are swindlers

>> No.12218751

Proof reading a bunch of philosophy isn't a waste of time

>> No.12218752

yes, he is a psychologist, but same thing.

daily reminder that psychiatry, psychology or psychoanalysis have never cured a single person, they just """"treat"""" symptoms

>> No.12218756

because "edgy 'fuck the system' t(w)eens who want books about a teenage protag (usually female) who's a loner and is super oppressed by the government because they have special powers" is a goldmine of a market

>> No.12218757

It’s clear his presence upsets you but you really shouldn’t be asking anons about this. I don’t feel like spoon feeding it to you.

Look if you can’t understand this Peterson phenomenon then you’re missing out on one of the most important aspects of our culture at this moment and ones that are much more important than simply JBP. These threads happen almost hourly at this point and yet get so many different responses. Yet, if we made the same one about Alex Jones who has been far more silenced than JBP and others people generally agree he’s a hack buffoon. There’s something more going on here and it’s worth giving a moment to consider.

I don’t even particularly care for many of his messages btw. Just urging you to take the pulse of your fellow man a bit more.

>> No.12218763

oh i thought we were talking about james patterson my bad

>> No.12218771

Doesn't stop him being an opportunist. He used to be a bit of a kooky lecturer but he saw the potential of duping young gamers into paying for his online tests and self help pulp. Now peddling some Catholic natural law theory about lobsters lmao

>> No.12218777

alex jones is redpilled

it's pretty clear what discontent JBP is tapping into, but he has no answer, he is just a 90s progressive, but the 90s aren't coming back. The answer will come from some of the extremes, either right or left, but milquetoast Peterson will run out of steam soon just like atheists or anti-SJWs did not long ago

>> No.12218786

>powerful conscienscousness don't want to dominate they want to empower people

damn... is JP the most powerful intellectual?

>> No.12218840

So, firstly to address your Jones video. Yes I do in fact see that he says based things sometimes. I find myself nodding along with him at times however I think he does a disservice to the dialogues he creates from his histrionics and often cartoonish ( read: buffoonish ) behavior where there’s obviously an audience clamoring to talk about these serious issues. I’ve suspected him to be a shill plant before but that’s simply something I’ve intuitively thought of my own and there’s no way to really know. For this reason he places many of these spheres of thought like globalism for example in the domain of the clown and it doesn’t matter what he’s saying but how he’s saying it.

So you DO see the discontent but you believe he’s part of the status quo? Because he wants to get back to the age of the individual ( yes I know it seems to be vanishing ) ? I don’t understand how you can say so-called anti-sjws have run out of steam while also talking of his meteoric rise. Maybe some of the politics surrounding trump have receded, thankfully, but the general culture is getting more angry and short fused when it comes to social engineers. I also don’t know what you mean by “answers” because the only thing he’s advocating for is basic self improvement. I haven’t seen much from JBP about society other than his stance against speech codes. I suspect you’re a white identitarian?

As for answers coming from the extremes I couldn’t surmise if they will or not. I think it’s a sigh of if an unstable society when the extremists make too much noise. But here we are.

>> No.12218846

>whereas psychologists focus more on CBT type shit
psychiatrists prescribe this too don't they?

>> No.12218855

>daily reminder that psychiatry, psychology or psychoanalysis have never cured a single person, they just """"treat"""" symptoms
What does someone with any genuine type of anxiety or depression or other mental disorder/illness do to help themselves then? Surely talking with a medical professional is what they need to help them?

>> No.12218856


>> No.12218862

Unprecented hatred from shitlibs translates directly to free marketing.

>> No.12218878

Wow, so many words just to say "I'm fucking retarded". Why do they let alex jones have a microphone?

>> No.12218879

>I suspect you’re a white identitarian?
i'm not, i don't believe in whiteness and i don't even believe in 19th century style nations, i think nations were always a forced and artificial concept and basically just globalism-lite and they are even less credible of a concept now.

i am not sure what path things will take, i could even be convinced of some sort of communism if i saw any communists interested in actually organizing society, but all i see from the left is power games and deconstruction. and i don't believe in magical moments after they take power

from the extreme right at least i see voices arguing against the idea that you can build something just from freedom and transgressing everything. but i'm not angry enough to fit with usual right wing circles

>> No.12218885

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12218895

I wish I could do this but I'm too young to fill that role.

>> No.12218903

Alex spews tons of bullshit but that's one of the rare times he speaks the truth.

>> No.12218917

Why do you think true right is particularly angry? All we want to do is reorganize society in style different from liberals and socialists. Blatant oppression of our voices does make us frustrated and blackpilled, but I wouldn't say any more angry than shitlibs or lefties in general.

>> No.12218962
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How do I deal with other people?

>> No.12218989

People shouldn't be allowed to be this rich. I hate rich people. Why do I have to work at McDonald's or something? It's a useless fucking job. It makes no difference if I do it or die. I would honestly decapitate all the Saudi fucks in the world and set fire to their homes.
Fuck rich people and fuck capitalism
I don't want to work, ever

>> No.12219022

Seriously why do you let Alex Jones have a microphone?

>> No.12219031

Refuses to talk about Jews.

>> No.12219038

They can't be helped, they can only help themselves.

>> No.12219039

>Tell young men to clean their rooms
>Make 320,000 a month
Fug, I wish I thought of this first

>> No.12219043

>They can't be helped, they can only help themselves.
So they shouldn't help themselves by going to a psychiatrist then?

>> No.12219048

Daily reminder that Freud's sterile empiric sexual envy was surpassed by Jung's mystic unconscious yet we all still abide by Freud's cucked hellscape as the foundation of diagnostic psychology and psychiatry

>> No.12219065
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>tfw starting to understand paedophilia

>> No.12219068

I have "treatment resistant depression", which means that all the drugs I've tried did absolutely nothing. I'm at a point where every waking moment borders on physical pain and there's literally nothing I can do about it. Apparently one third of all depression cases are treatment resistant. You just have to live with it, lol

>> No.12219075

Ok, so he's a Psychologist. He has a private practice. Anon mixed up his terminology.

>> No.12219078
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>Psychologists usually have no contact with patients unless they are administering psychological tests.

Incorrect, at least here in Canada. a clinical psychologist work with patients to resolve issues, what you would call psychotherepy. Psychiatrists do nothing but prescibe medication.

t. mental disabled leaf anon who has had both kinds of doctors.

>> No.12219079

>>I have "treatment resistant depression", which means that all the drugs I've tried did absolutely nothing. I'm at a point where every waking moment borders on physical pain and there's literally nothing I can do about it. Apparently one third of all depression cases are treatment resistant. You just have to live with it, lol
Why don't you understand that everyone is suffering and that suffering isn't something you get from the outside. You make yourself miserable. Face yourself. Face it. Change it. Perceive it differently. Help others.
Why don't you do this?

>> No.12219081
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>> No.12219084
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>hoarding wealth = being successful

>> No.12219088

>I'm at a point where every waking moment borders on physical pain and there's literally nothing I can do about it.
Observe the pain, its different component and the way you feel it. Observe it arising and passing away. Observe yourself being overwhelm by it.
Pain is a sensation just like every others.
Obviously, its hard to learn mindfulness while under daily physical torture, but it's probably the best skill to have if comes a time where you get into such situation.

>> No.12219102

move to remote countryside

>> No.12219106

Some 200 faculty members at his university signed a letter to have him fired because they don't like what he says about forced speech in Bill C16.
If you don't think that's going against the status quo, having a large chunk of your workplace want to fire you because they don't like what you say, then you're just clutching at anything to try and not like him, no different to the faculty members.

>> No.12219109

I just want to die. I can't help but think of destroying myself. It takes me enormous amounts of effort just to keep living through another day. I wish I could just snap out of it, but I need all these drugs just to barely function. You don't understand how brutal it is.

>> No.12219113

>move to remote countryside
You know the funny thing is this is exactly what I want to do, except I have to work for at least 5 years bare minimum and save to do it and I don't even think I can hack it for 5 years full time while others can work their entire lives and are happy for it. 5 years is nothing but I don't think I can even do that much

>> No.12219114

You're both at least partially mistaken, or at least misleading.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have chosen to specialise in psychiatry. They are the only ones who are able to prescribe drugs to treat mental health conditions, but they should also be competent in talking therapies too (although, critics of psychiatry would argue that they're far too quick to prescribe drugs and ignore the other forms of treatment).

Clinical psychologists (which is what Peterson is) are those whose training is purely in the psychology of mental health. If they have a patient whose symptoms are so extreme that they require treatment via drugs, then they should refer the patient to a psychiatrist. Other than that, their job consists of leading different forms of psychotherapy. Usually (in my country at least) this is CBT, but they usually have at least one or two other competencies.

On top of that, you've got various different types of psychologists who have little or no clinical training whatsoever (e.g. forensic psychologists, educational psychologists, developmental psychologists, sport psychologists, occupational psychologists), and various other types of therapist who have chosen to practice a different type of therapy than CBT (e.g. analytical psychotherapists, psychodynamic psychotherapists, art therapists). For the latter case, often these are frowned upon by other psychologists because their field supposedly has a weaker evidence base and/or because the degrees required to practice might be less rigorous, but it's not always the case that they're charlatans.

Hope that cleared it up a bit, it's a confusing field.

>> No.12219115

By topping the Youtube dominance hierarchy.

>> No.12219124
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>It’s clear his presence upsets you but you really shouldn’t be asking anons about this. I don’t feel like spoon feeding it to you.

>I don't want to have a discussion about this so I'll just dismiss this post in many needless words.

Look you can make the argument that JBP is against the dominant liberal-leftist (emphasis on the liberal) politically correct control over academia, but someone else can also state that JBP is for the current capitalist situation (including in terms of saying that trying to fight man made climate change is fruitless). You're most likely biased if you aren't willing to admit that what you see as dominant isn't to an extent dependent on your political position at least due to it being an abstraction (imo the left dominates socially, the right dominates economically, but the terms are a bit vague). Point being that there is a discussion to be had, your post sounds almost like those shitposts saying "just browse /pol/ brah, it's obvious!"

>> No.12219135

How can one guy who talks about lobster hierarchies make people so mad? I've listened to some of his work and it was probably the tamest shit I've listened to.

>> No.12219172

Tame shit making people mad is just part of the current zeitgeist. If you don't like it, go blow up the Twitter HQ, for starters.

>> No.12219240

not american, where i'm from most casual right wing conversations seem to involve fantasizing about beating up somebody, or putting somebody on his place, which i'm not particularly interested it. i'm sure that's because i'm an outsider and there's talk about other things, but that barrier is hard to surmount for my temperament
he has no alternative vision of the world, he just wants to progress slower

>> No.12219258


>> No.12219273

the tamer it is the madder people get
allow me to explain

humans are horrible little monkeys and enjoy attacking and bringing down those not in their little group. moral justifications vary, at present for the reigning progressive caste it is people who are accused of having hidden motivations of hatred which must be stamped out for the good of society and especially for the marginalized classes at risk.

this form of bullying naturally tries to find the weakest potential victims, because anything that might actually hit back is of course dangerous and causes fear. Now if you see a militant neo-nazi group armed to the teeth in a compound walled with barbed wire, this is not going to be who you attack. If you see some guy or group however that are starting to stray off the reservation, but are relatively lacking in balls and still pay lip service to most of the dogma that you cant question, this is a perfect target, these people will react with shame and impotent anger to accusations of racism or whatever ism, since racism is obviously true, this means you can shame them into repeating obvious falsehoods, which is the easiest way to humiliate people

These guys implicitly want to be accepted into mainstream discourse, theyre not branching way the fuck off and creating their own little subculture, like the true dissidents who exist on the margins of society, who no press will give a minute of air time to. This desire to be accepted makes them an incredibly vulnerable target, and so you get these massive outpourings of sadistic glee at bringing them down, mixed with a bit of panic at the popularity some of them get from the undecided masses

>> No.12219282

damn the pain in her eyes

>> No.12219414

He literally is the status quo. His whole thing is keeping the status quo and maintaining social order.

>> No.12219432

Saying that men and women have innate differences in psychological properties is not status quo.
Gender quotas are status quo.

>> No.12219547
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He sells father figures in a time where father figures are rare.

>> No.12219560

>reddit meme
fuck off to badphilosophy

>> No.12219572

And lo, modern man is beset by the machinations of HR departments;
Their quotas and exercises fall upon him like swift arrows.

>> No.12219577

he's right though. If the status quo were Peterson that stuff wouldnt exist

>> No.12219595

in all fairness, Peterson's research on the neuroscience of addiction was highly quoted well before he was famous. He was quite respected before he became an internet meme.

>> No.12219602

His latest interview with a french channel.

I was mistaken though, he actually makes 360.000+

>> No.12219623

"Status quo" is a complicated term. Many people, women included, still believe in a fundamental difference between the sexes and attempt to adhere to gender roles accordingly. Gender quotas and other stuff like that represent only one strain of thought confined to relatively small segment of the population. /lit/, being sheltered, bourgeois, and constantly on the prowl for something to be outraged about, of course conflates this with the Way Things Are Everywhere.

>> No.12219627

thank you for providing the unintended connection between progress and the line "slouching towards bethleham" in Yeats' Second Coming

>> No.12219636

Not just some SJWy HR departments. Even here in fucking Eastern Europe you can't make a political party without both genders being represented by a certain %.

>> No.12219650

>relatively small segment of the population
yeah but theyre so powerful that they run companies like google, remember that Damore guy that got thrown out for that memo

>> No.12219658

Honestly Lacan, Derrida, and Barthes were worse in terms of exploiting their influence, and they still had some good ideas.