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/lit/ - Literature

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12218363 No.12218363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is reddit so consistently so fucking awful?
>symbolism isn't real
>reading is for entertainment purposes only and anyone who disagrees is a snooty critic
>obligatory Harry Potter and Stephen King references for no reason
>blue curtains are just blue curtains amirite everyone?


>> No.12218366

Nobody who is remotely cool posts on reddit.

>> No.12218371

Because of faggots like you that instead of going and improving it, shit up /lit/ with "lmao look at le raydid" threads instead. Kill yourself.

>> No.12218387

>symbolism isn't real
That's retarded, but symbolism is indeed a trash tier artistic device which only makes the work more simple and finite, ironically.

>> No.12218436

you can`t because ^

>> No.12218463

Its a website entirely consistent of the cursed iq range of 100 to about 120 . Midwit central. 4chan has a weird dynamic of mostly retards but some intelligent as fuck people into some diverse areas of interest

>> No.12218485

Because it's reddit.

>> No.12218498
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"Literature is sort of like a bunch of memes referencing each other. The more you read the more connections you will see. This isn’t always the case"

>> No.12218506

And what is this website's demographic?

>> No.12218518

>some intelligent as fuck people
Ah, to be 16 and full of hope.

>> No.12218523

The reputation system forces people to be in a range of psychological characteristics, namely the 90-120 IQ range, high influence to social conditioning etc

>> No.12218525

It's really good for studying, you can get anki decks and most people share links to pirate resources for science and graduate studies.

>> No.12218530

>blue curtains are just blue curtains amirite everyone?
To be fair, this is sometimes true. There are people who inject symbolism into everything. Such statements need to be justified, however, by specific things the author has written, or by the historical context in which the book is set, etc. etc. Otherwise you put words in the author's mouth and literary analysis devolves into "it's all subjective man"-tier meme arguments.
>>12218366 >>12218371
Not only that but those midwits incessantly pat themselves on the back convincing themselves of their own cleverness and taking themselves much too seriously. Here the retards are either self-aware or they are abrasively made aware of their own retardation.

>> No.12218635

You jest, but didn't /sci/ recently solve some really difficult equation or something? And I've seen posts on here which are genuinely meaningful and intelligent, moreso than often what you can find in columns in most newspapers.

>> No.12218646


This thread was really awful today

>> No.12218654

Two anons recently derived the Barnett-Wildberger axiom in n dimensions from first principles. Not sure if that's what you're referring to.

>> No.12218663

Imagine believing /lit/ is any better than reddit. Methinks you are the retard.

>> No.12218671

A guy gave an improved bound for a combinatorics problem. Not a genius-tier result by any means, but meaningful.

link? I'm not well versed enough on Wildberger's views to know what you're referring to.

>> No.12218672

>Here the retards are either self-aware or they are abrasively made aware of their own retardation.
There isn't enough bullying on R*ddit

>> No.12218687

>Here the retards are either self-aware
This has to be satire

>> No.12218708

I probably am
A bit tongue in cheek admittedly

>> No.12218940
File: 272 KB, 500x735, 1486032644730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy ever living FUCK we just had a thread on Reddit and what a surprise: BOY HE'S LINKING TO REDDIT.

Fuck off. You should be permabanned. Sage.

>> No.12218970

the scientism in there is so terrible

>> No.12218977
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1495840585408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you doing on reddit OP?

>> No.12218998

Yep, this explains why their political discourse is so shit. Once you are a 120+ IQ white man you're either full on commie or natsoc, depending on how much testosterone you have.

>> No.12218999

>you can remind yourself that at the end of life you’ll be presented with a book... that book is your story... do you want that story to be awesome, or boring?

>> No.12219171

>as a computer science person I think about a human brain as kinda like a computer, but far far far more complicated.

>> No.12219514

>Reading this, and all the comments is giving me a huge panic attack.

>> No.12219522

it's less about the iq range and more about the sort of people that end up there, from a personality perspective. They all absolutely crave social acceptance and hate anything that goes against the group ideology, there is no way you can survive a website with that sort of voting system otherwise

for example they have dedicated subreddits that are clearly run by well educated intelligent people, but the reason theyre there is because they love the feeling of being able to tightly control what is allowed to be said, in strict accordance with the orthodoxy that their disciplines taught them

>> No.12219527

if you think Reddit is so good you can go back.

>> No.12219552


>> No.12219590

What? I’ve never met a natsoc or a commie that had a 110+ IQ and I’m 135 (tested)
I’m unironically a monarchist though

>> No.12219618

Why do you care about reddit?

>> No.12219746

That's r/books not r/literature
Also fuck niggers

>> No.12219763

>it’s ok to not understand
There’s only one book that’s legitimately made me feel like a squishy faced retard who had no idea what was going on. Finnegans Wake made a pleb of me

>> No.12219773

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.12219776

Reddit is able to enforce a lowest common denominator through their upvote / downvote system. Thus statements that make people feel good or superior, or at least statements that assuage an insecure ego, are preferred. By contrast 4chan has no enforcement mechanism outside of simply trying to drown out dissident voices through sheer mass, which is always less effective because those statements are still there.

>> No.12219847

what did you expect from a low iq hugbox

>> No.12219856

>How is it that someone can fear the unknown? I believe the fear of death is just the fear of pain,which we all know, conflated with death. Personally, and maybe I'm an exception, but neither another world nor nothing after death are terrifying to me. If I don't remember before I was born why would after death be any different.

>> No.12219860
