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/lit/ - Literature

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12215325 No.12215325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that pewdiepie has ruined alfsvoids esotericism, what are some other /lit/ approved niche YouTubers?

>> No.12215332

youtube doesn't work as book reviews for some reason

>> No.12215343


>> No.12215349

Can you stop posting ?

>> No.12215369

post her channel, cunt

>> No.12215376


>> No.12215386

Literally the first time I've made a thread about her.

>> No.12215402

Imagine thinking you’ll see a clip of based Silverblatt and instead you get this fucking travesty.

>> No.12215406

Who? Link

>> No.12215409


>> No.12215411

I didn't mention her.
I just want you to stop posting [period]
Now fuck off

>> No.12215418

How are you guys this new
/lit/ based YouTubers are still /lit/ faggo

>> No.12215424

remember when /lit/ creeped a youtuber girl out with their creepy stalking?

>> No.12215427

Dude! There is an hour and a half talk with based Silverblatt where he talks about the value of difficult reading...it is my favorite ever. Also, Paperbird is the best Youtuber, everyone knows.

>> No.12215432

He may not be as beautiful as the girl but the guy from Kali Tribune actually knows some things.

>> No.12215436

It has nothing to do with your youtuber brick head that you are.

>> No.12215449

LMFAO, alfsvoid is a redditor, no thanks!

>> No.12215457

Zero Books

>> No.12215460


I like this guy.

>> No.12215468

Just the same as how /lit/ has nothing to do with your elitism.
>I intentionally entered a thread about things I do not like, and now I am angry. HOW could this have happened???!1!
Real smart, Puja.

>> No.12215493

this is the guy i've been able to bear the longest so far, he cool.

>> No.12215501

Totally forgot about our boy Prof. Sadler.

>> No.12215610

Sorry ESL friend but it was multiple YouTube girls, so you don't use the singular indefinite article before it.

>> No.12215657
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>> No.12215673


>> No.12215687

David Withun is pretty good

>> No.12215829


>> No.12216059


>> No.12216069

Lit channels don’t have to be just reviews.

>> No.12216144

because books are best reviewed in print

>> No.12216158

At first he comes across as cringe, but his sincerity shines through

>> No.12216160

I thought alfsvoid was trans?

>> No.12216167
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>The Meeting of The Minds

>> No.12216205
File: 1022 KB, 2016x778, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>@ 36:40
>Q: Who is your favourite philosopher?
>A: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Fucking Based! Half Hour Hegel crossover when?

>> No.12216227

America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes

>> No.12216236


>> No.12216279

it happened twice dude

>> No.12216413

S/he still has feet

>> No.12216521

He's a big guy.

>> No.12216794

for you

>> No.12216822


Bitch deserves to get beaten with a hammer.

>> No.12216932

You're the type of person I hope I never meet in real life.
Comparable to a literal psychopath, which you very well may be.

>> No.12216977

he's actually just a guy who said something edgy on 4channel in the sort of verbal incontinence that overtakes you after browsing for a while

>> No.12216990

Here are some channels of guys who actually read books






>> No.12216994

fuck these niggers

>> No.12216997

I'm sorry they aren't edgy enough for you

>> No.12217027

Which one?

>> No.12217089

I know, but its funny to suspend my disbelief.

>> No.12217128

>alf hating on ellen page
fucking dropped

>> No.12217204 [DELETED] 

As your pitiful lusting for paper eating sows has nothing to do with you having to stop posting you clueless mongoloid.
How did you get to the conclusion that I could be bothered by this board's orbiting habit ? You pestiferous man child.

>> No.12217228

Nice list, thanks mate

>> No.12217249

Let him shake his dick

>> No.12217330

Am I the only one who uses this book sluts to motivate myself to read? I don't give a shit what trash they read.

>> No.12217338
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>literally the worst philosopher of modern times whose works should be used as toilet paper

>> No.12217390


>> No.12217658

It happened three times: Katie, Carli and Serraphina.

>> No.12217799
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Feast yer eyes on this beauty

>> No.12217925

Always important to remember this when the gutter worms here complain about /pol/ infestation.

>> No.12217926

How long until Pewds leaves his wife for Alfsvoid?

>> No.12217937


>> No.12217944

Going to be spending the next several hours judging your liked videos FYI

>> No.12217958

Does anyone value the opinion of a h3poster?

>> No.12218010

you know you're supposed to remove the playlist part from the URL so everybody can't make fun of you for your terrible taste
>Epic Mickey Review
>Japanese cartoon shit

>> No.12218016

This is your video, isn't it?

>> No.12218020

based and redpilled liked videos

>> No.12218022

I don't know shit about Hegel except that he inspired Caesar to fuck up the Mojave with his slave army of football pads, crucifixes and faggotry so he can go fuck himself.

>> No.12218061

Wew, she doens't look nearly as good as i expected. In fact the black bar in front of the lower part of her skull makes her look much more desirable.


>> No.12218071

Would probably kill myself if I accidentally linked my liked videos play list on 4chan 2bh

>> No.12218102

>hates Hegel
>posts a Jew
It's like poetry.

>> No.12218107
File: 80 KB, 750x698, Richard Lewis dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cunt

and 'em boiz

>> No.12218255

why does /lit/ like her?
I'm not hating.
I'm just curious.

>> No.12218258
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>> No.12218327


>> No.12218357

Richard Lewis doesn't even read books.

>> No.12218380

and he read Big Herc's book "Bedroom Gangster"

>> No.12218385

Ontologicool let me follow her on IG, you jelly??

>> No.12218507

He's so paranoid he won't even leave his house anymore. Can't be good for him.

>> No.12218514

Same here. I'm falling hard.

>> No.12218615


>> No.12218638

>liked videos
Good taste anon.

>> No.12218709

>gets drunk
>in video tries to awkwardly flirt wit pewds
>apologizes in comment when someone tells her he has a wife
holy shit i'm in love

>> No.12218778
File: 44 KB, 1331x357, carli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to go back

>> No.12218789

they had it coming aside katie

>> No.12218792

more like zero editon

>> No.12218986

Best answer by far.

That's a quality dude. Thanks much, anon

>> No.12219016

How did you Scare Carli ?

>> No.12219019

people started commenting on her mom's videos

>> No.12219020

What did pewdiepie say about her?

>> No.12219054

He just gave her a shoutout, said he liked the content she created. She went from like 14k subs to 85k (as of right now) in the span of a few days.

>> No.12219096

Need more 90's new age music used unironically, can't be filmed in a bedroom with a webcam need at least a digital camera.

Youtubers who chat into webcams from their bedrooms are literally a waste of time. You spend that much time in your bedroom talking to your computer what the fuck are you doing ask your dad for a real camera and go outside, webcams are for whores and gamers nobody wants to see your stupid fucking bedroom or living room find a filming location

>> No.12219155


>> No.12219191


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12219200

sobbing whilst sitting on a wine bottle.

>> No.12219254

IDK but she definitely has assburgers

>> No.12219447



>> No.12219494

Anyone saved Serraphina's videos? She was the cutest bong I've ever seen

>> No.12219583

Probably makes aggressive demands whilst.

>> No.12219619

if she has any integrity she'll delete that channel as it is now forever tainted, just look at the fucking questions being asked lmao. the only appropriate response to a fucking pewdiepie shout out is becoming vehemently disgusted and explicitly doing everything in your power to distance yourself from it.

>> No.12219629

great list, cheers
I like listening to Jonny Keen, though I'm not so far into real philosophical /lit/

>> No.12220056

What happened to Serraphina reminded me of the Faustian pact that being on /lit/ is. Having all the playground autists as friends makes great bantz, but it will stop you from getting a girlfriend.

>> No.12220235

Remember when she found out there was a /lit/ thread about her a year or so ago?
I was the person that started that thread.

>> No.12220274


>> No.12220294

Stop posting about yourself, this is more embarrassing than Cliff. Cliff would at least skim Baudrillard if you paid him.

>> No.12220322

Yep. I was there for that. Its entirely possible that pewdiepie found out about her through /lit/, which very well might mean you're the indirect cause of all this lol.

Recently she posted a picture of a /pol/ thread about her on her Instagram story. 4Chan is not entirely foreign to her it seems.


>> No.12220334

But her Instagram isn't closed...
Also why should I know who that is?

>> No.12220414
File: 1.33 MB, 210x154, 24302744_10159788901010582_8637429508590272512_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm one of the creeps in that thread

>> No.12220465

>Gregory Sadler
I really like that he makes all these informative videos for people, but I feel like a massive brainlet when I have to watch one of them becuase I don’t understand the philosophy book I’m reading

>> No.12220494

I feel special now, like a 4d chess player who doesn't know the rules.

>> No.12220676

I actually watched a Pynchon video he did the other day, actually pretty good

>> No.12220724

bruh this ain't 2007 anymore, who still likes ellen page?

>> No.12220850

who is this mongoloid?

>> No.12220885

i actually have a youtube channel and have a few videos about writing. in every video i wear a different hat. i only have 60 subscribers but im hopeful the number will go up :)

>> No.12220927

Oh? What's your account name?

>> No.12220949
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>in every video i wear a different hat

>> No.12220994

MODPO is good for poetry








Nerdwriter1 has few vids on poetry


There is a Mexican channel:






>> No.12221172
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>> No.12221386

Fuck yes, thank you bro.

Its time to stop