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File: 14 KB, 299x497, The-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12215641 No.12215641 [Reply] [Original]

35 pages in, and this is crap with a few exceptions. This is such an easy book but it's taking me forever to read because the prose is so dull, except for the paragraph about him rowing with his uncle and the bit with them going into his old house. Flipping through Blood Meridian it seems much better than this, should I bother reading on?
>It was very cold.

>> No.12215688

I read it in two sittings and thought it was incredible. Guess it's just not for you

>> No.12217023

Watch the film then read the book

>> No.12217077

I haven't finished I'm in the first pages :'( Why do I read so slow? Though you know at the end I end up loving the books I read immensely! <3

>> No.12217333

Terrible book. It doesn't get much better.

>> No.12217335

I liked years ago, I remember it was also rather easy to read to be honest. Maybe you just don't like it.

>> No.12217369

i bought this for my dad and he said it made him angry. apparently there's a part where they drive the wrong way down the road at 70mph

>> No.12217387

based dad

>> No.12217427

hated it in highschool but I had no taste then. Now I can really sit in the mood of the prose; slow, earthy, hard and vaguely ominous. If you need an action book head over to the YA section anon.

>> No.12218040

I like The Road but i feel like it tries too hard at times. The roasted baby, the catamites, it didn't seem to me to be things done in the world of The Road but things awkwardly shoved in to highlight the innocence of the boy.

>> No.12218067

Honestly couldn’t see the appeal. Nothing was that bad, but nothing was that good either. Actually I take that back the line “‘Death is not a lover.’ ‘Oh yes he is.’” Is actually horrible and it’s stuck out to me both times I’ve read this book.

>> No.12218239

i've never understood this book's popularity. i wouldn't even put it in cormac's top 5.

>> No.12219390
File: 145 KB, 1008x389, 1349892456371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12220543

yeah the baby definitely felt forced

>> No.12220998

Exactly. See >>12217023

>> No.12221005

it's just The Stand for people who want to feel smart

>> No.12221419

>that cold autistic dark

what did mccarthy mean by use of the word "autistic" here??