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12215032 No.12215032 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a young philosophy teacher and I have no idea what my political beliefs are.

First, sorry for the awkward English, it's not my native language.

I really have no idea. I can get behind some epistemological doctrines (I like Hume and Wittgenstein), but I can't find a political one. It's not that I'm undecided, I just don't know. I dislike most of the left and I dislike most of the right. I agree with some stuff in both camp, but I just don't care. Is political apathy possible if you're really knowledgeable ? I mean, most descriptions of apathetic people are of ignorance, but it's not my case at all. It's not that I'm nihilistic, but I just don't care about politic. I like reading about it (Hobbes is a really fun read IMO), but I don't think anyone is right. It's really strange, all my colleagues are really passionate and have strong opinions. Even if I think about moral, I'm really minimalist about it : "you can do whatever you want as long as nobody is really hurt (physically or a real psychological wound)".

What the fuck I am ?

>> No.12215038

You can't 'not care' about politics. If you perceive yourself as such, it means that your political stance is such of perpetuating the status quo of whatever country you live in. In short, you're a government shill.

>> No.12215043

Read The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.12215050

are you white?

>> No.12215054

you sound cringe

>"you can do whatever you want as long as nobody is really hurt (physically or a real psychological wound)".
>what the fuck I am?
you're a bad philosopher

>> No.12215056

>"you can do whatever you want as long as nobody is really hurt (physically or a real psychological wound)".

You sound like a Libertarian. Libertarianism in the English-speaking world has largely become a joke though, try reading right-wing libertarian an-caps like Hans Herman-Hoppe.

>> No.12215064
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>brainlet can't understand apolitical pursuits
ach nein nein nein

>> No.12215065

No, if tomorrow my government is overthrown and my constitution is changed, I won't care. Maybe feel a little excited.


I'll look into it.


Yeah. But I'm french.

>> No.12215080

your country is overrun by migrants and you don't give a shit?

you're a sound macronist

>> No.12215081

Take the fourth political theory pill. it's perfect since you are not invested too heavily into modernity anyways. It's the way of the future.

>> No.12215084


I read him, the thing is that I dislike the idea that anarcho-capitalism will lead to a self regulated society. It's not a strong opinion though.

>> No.12215094

>I'll look into it.

It's a meme book published by some NEET who spams it every day on /lit/, don't read it. Rene Guenon is the only example I can think of who was an interesting apolitical modern French writer (many were interesting but almost all are political in some way), you might like him idk

>> No.12215105


My country is not overrun by migrants, and I don't care. I never voted and I don't intend to vote. Nobody convinced me, from extreme left to extreme right.

I think that my main issue is that I value truth above anything, and that you can't have truth in politics and ethics, only compromises.

I think I'll just continue to enjoy Wittgenstein and shrug whenever someone speak about politics to me.


Thanks for the warning and the recommendation.

>> No.12215121

Try the via negativa.

If you don't know what your positions are, what are the position you do know that you're against?

>> No.12215123

>Yeah. But I'm french.
great answer
>My country is not overrun by migrants,
this delusional.
youll make a great french philosophy teacher.

>> No.12215142

>and I don't care.
>I never voted and I don't intend to vote
>I value truth above anything
oh no no no

These levels of cuckery, OMG it's OVER.

>> No.12215147


Any form of PC and any form of intolerance. Any for of positive discrimination. Any for of interventionism. Any form of nationalism. Even regular patriotism is stupid. You can't be proud of something you didn't do yourself (but preserving your own culture is alright, as long as you don't see it as superior).

>> No.12215157

>"you can do whatever you want as long as nobody is really hurt (physically or a real psychological wound)".
Sounds like you're a modern liberal. Read John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty'

>> No.12215165

How will I gain? What will I lose?


>> No.12215167


Yeah of course I've read John Stuart Mill, but my maxim is more a negative one, it's just a result of stripping away all deontology than a real consequentialism.

>> No.12215191

>it's just a result of stripping away all deontology than a real consequentialism
I don't understand. Your 'maxim' can only be consequentialist.

>> No.12215208
File: 12 KB, 322x500, ComingInsurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP, older philosophy teacher here, as far as politics is concerned I'm Epicurean. It's a perfectly legit position. Politics is a place when irrational people pursue irrational aims. It can only bring issues or worries or enemies. Fuck politics, I only care about friends and people who I actually know and meet and talk to.
There's some French scholar who was asked : "So, you're an expert on Epicurus, but Epicurus doesn't care much about politics - don't you think there's an issue here ? - And the guy replied : Well, no, I don't have to show respect towards something that doesn't deserve it, there's no reason I would care about politics." - And he argued that motal philosophy (or whatever kind of 'practical' philosophy in general) was enough. You don't need political 'beliefs' or anything.

Did minimalist Ruwen Ogien write anything about politics, btw ?
Sinon tu peux être chevènementiste aussi, say pamal

>> No.12215210

Ignore the Burgers claiming you must be politically active OP, political activism today is like tribal barbarism and apathy is the intellectually honest response.

Engaging in heated politics is tempting but you'll degrade yourself, now is the time to sit down and learn.

>> No.12215212


I'm just saying that it's not really a thing I said to myself, just the result of my apathy. I don't like to see other people getting hurt, since I'm a normal human being. But beyond that, just do whatever I don't care.

>> No.12215227


Yeah that is my conclusion. I just wanted to see if there was a thing beyond Epicure for me.

I've obviously read about his morale, didn't knew he wrote about politics. Thanks.


>> No.12215229

You've obviously never read TFFE.

>> No.12215230

That was a question about Ogien, my bad. I'll look into it.

>> No.12215233

It doesn't matter if you got to that conclusion through apathy, its still the same belief - and if you want a political label for that kind of belief it would probably be secular Liberalism.

>> No.12215261
File: 41 KB, 640x469, COZiqYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides are crazy nowadays, the left used to have it, but no more.
I think OP is describing the most sensible political position - somewhere between anger and numbness...

>> No.12215276

Almost definitely non-Europeans who have never visited Europe.

Migration is not inconsequential but is drastically overblown by those who want to obfuscate the actual issues destroying our countries - middle classes being priced out of their housing, foreign money invading the cities, plutocrats and politicians dismantling our public institutions, and social mobility fading like an old dream.

Migration did not cause these nor will stopping immigration solve them.

>> No.12215389

I wonder, with the resurgence of political ideology and the resurrection of the leftist emancipatory project in different half baked forms if we are simply reliving a late 60s moment, and it will give way to a renewed 70s and 80s political nihilism. I thought I hated neoliberalism but I'd give anything to go back to the days when less people were politically involved.

>> No.12215408

You sounds like a Spenglarian Anarchist, OP.

>> No.12215419

You're a banal deep centrist, a crypto-soft-libertarian, a post-hipster post-liberal liberal reenactor.
Basically a non-entity trapped in soviet realism but in your shitty liberal university department.

>> No.12215586

>brainlet thinks Kant was apolitical

>> No.12215591

>It’s only le capitalism!! Multiculturalism as a New Left ideology and leftists campaigning to take in millions of refugees are just minor things dude when you look at the bankers and their bonuses
Shut the fuck up commie sperg, learn to keep several models of explanation in your head at the same time for once, will you

>> No.12215597

>being a reading-comprehension-let on the literature board

>> No.12215603

B- but only big European cities are very multicultural and they have been for maybe centuries, with the only change being the country of origin of the migrants.

>> No.12215614

multiculturalism and mass immigration are functions of globalist capitalism

>> No.12215615

You think all Europeans live in the countryside like it’s the fucking medieval times?

>> No.12215628

So the problem is urbanisation as much as globalisation, since the cities were international before national (Florence, Amsterdam etc.)? So it's not all about muh sovereignty but changing material conditions that are pregnant to a radically mixbreed future?

>> No.12215636

Ah yes, still going with the vulgar explanations. Me fucking your mom last night was a function of global capitalism.

>> No.12215655

>sexual revolution wasn't a function of globalist capitalism

>> No.12215669
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>Libertarianism in the English-speaking world has largely become a joke though, try reading right-wing libertarian an-caps like Hans Herman-Hoppe.

You mean reactionary liberal. Hoppe isn't a libertarian nor an anarchist disregardless of how he may want to self-describe himself since his entire agenda is in the line of thougth developed by European aristocratic landlordism.

>> No.12215676

Just base your political views on the Republic of Plato

>> No.12215790

Have This test, post result.
Accept the fact that wichever your result will even be we'll call You a faggot.

>> No.12215872 [DELETED] 

>they have been for maybe centuries
why do lefties always say this? its bullshit.

>> No.12215892

>only big European cities
not true, many smaller cities in the UK, France, and Germany have nearly lost their native majority population
>they have been for maybe centuries
the current levels of immigration are unprecedented. Europe has never seen anything like it.
>the only change being the country of origin
and also the enormous change in the size of immigrant groups arriving

your post is bullshit

>> No.12215904

I agree on most of your points but to say that migration wouldn't be a huge problem in western europe is quite delusional. This is so hard to get for many leftists because they usually never move out of their comfortable social circles to actually witness the wonderful beauty of the multiculturalism that they so dearly love in theory. They mostly can't even imagine what kind of sinister plague has come upon their country. In the end they don't even want to know and don't give a shit, the rootless globalists they are they don't really see their country as home anyways. So, who cares if once again a group of young afghans has gang-raped some poor young girl? Their children only visit private schools anyways.

>> No.12215926


>> No.12215973

>Hurr tffe is a meme
We did it reddit!

>> No.12215988

I imagine most of frogs think like you

>> No.12216244

It kills me to see people shit on a good book when they obviously have never read it. TFFE is revolutionary.

>> No.12216260

I was thinking this, too. But some philosophy teacher if he couldn't think of that.

>> No.12216284

Do you really need to make your beliefs concrete and firm? Better to be full of ideas and ways of seeing than trapped by an affiliation. That’s not to say don’t have convictions, but I think those come more naturally than a contrived political identity.

>> No.12216306

Can’t wait for the renewed disillusionment. Hopefully art will be more frank and unrestrained like in the 70s (before inevitably disintegrating into cheap superficiality). Can’t stand all this moralist meddling.

>> No.12216372

I was born into a working class family in a poor periphery town and my "circle" is apolitical, right wing capitalist shills, and some of those shitskin rapists you hate so much. I don't have a globalist or cosmopolitan bone in my body but you are correct that it is hard to call a country home when neo-feudal social lines are being drawn and the delusion and hypocrisy is infecting the country from the top down.

>> No.12216420

You can try and blame the left for opening our countries to immigrants all you like but communism lost in the west. We have been living in fully realised Global Capitalism since the 50's and it is precisely that period that has seen mass migration into the West. Social justice bullshit and ethnic identity politics is a result of it.

Global capitalism is the arbiter of all politics and post-war Europe giving minor benefits to a minority of citizens doesn't constitute socialism any more than fucking food stamps do. You are a credulous, unthinking retard who fortunately will never influence anyone outside of 4chan and the brainless cunts that unfortunate enough to have you as part of their life.

>> No.12216567

>You are a credulous, unthinking retard who fortunately will never influence anyone outside of 4chan and the brainless cunts that unfortunate enough to have you as part of their life.
Cringe. Nothing you said was particularly objectionable but you freaks are simply cringe in how easily angered you are. If you get mad at the polposters, they win...

>> No.12216814

Politics is largely a scam anyway, a scam for your mind and intelligence.
Look into political science? Mostly bullshit fantasies heavily obscured.
Look into your national party politics? Literally entertainment media bullshit for manchildren to rant about on twitter and through their 'reputable' news organisations. All fabricated and twisted into a game unrelated to reality.

>> No.12216857

Politics are just trendy right now give it a few more years and people will probably go back to not caring again

>> No.12216919

I would believe OP if he wrote poems/music/drew. These are pursuits of truth that remove you from the zeitgeist, not philosophy. Well, maybe autistic ontology does this a little too

>> No.12217786


1. what are your morals
2. Which political sect does it align up with

Its not that hard, you are complicating it for absolute no reason if you are going to be forced into having to choose a political stance which one would you choose?

>> No.12217854
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>I'm a young philosophy teacher
>Hume and Wittgenstein

>> No.12217868

You are a weak philosopher if you've not given thoughts to how society should be organised, that's essentially what politics is, nothing more. You'd think as a 'philosopher' this is one of the main things you'd think about. It's a chief concern of human affairs.

>> No.12217904

Do a political compass test online.
That will give you a ballpark result.

Also, learn that not voting is a political attitude in itself and, most importantly, that not voting when a fascist is one of the candidates makes you co-responsable for the repression of freedom that inevitably comes with it.

>> No.12217990

You can't 'not care' about how often I masturbate. If you perceive yourself as such, it means that your stance is such of necessarily observing me and being pleased with how often I masturbate. In short, you're a homosexual.

How did I do? Am I now as stupid as you are?