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/lit/ - Literature

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12207748 No.12207748 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12207749

I don't have a girlferind

>> No.12207752

My penis is 20 centimetres long, with a 14 centimetres girth at full mast, and I still do NOT have a girlfriend. What did I do wrong boys?

>> No.12207759

A gf? me? no.

>> No.12207761

I have a girlfriend but I miss the married woman I cheated on her with and feel that I have glimpsed a heavenly oblivion and been denied it by my own weaknesses.

>> No.12207762

I've finally reached a point in life where I don't care about attracting a long time partner. I've lead a life of sin and must pay for what harm I've caused in this world.

I do not have the capacity to feel innocence, and now I must bear a burden to redeem myself. In a way I feel content out of acceptance of some steady, but admittedly sad life. I have chosen to live a life dedicated to my work in the emergency medical field.

I have no idea where I might go in life, but at least it's somewhere away from who I am now. Anything is better than that.

>> No.12207765

Just a bit of melancholic nostalgia m8. Weltschmerz I think it's called. World weariness caused by a contrast between an ideal and reality.

It's as simple as changing your ideal

>> No.12207769

get a hold of this melodramatic narcissist

>> No.12207773

I'm a wreck and I'm not even trying to get a grip.
Couldn't care less today.
I just want to go hiking somewhere far away for a whole day, eat with the homeless and bring them something to drink.
Walk through the city at night, look at people and find relief at the thought that they all are living their own tragedies, that I have nothing to do with them, and wathever I'm going through is unimportant and so am I.
Good morning .

>> No.12207778

You can say whatever you like but I'm being honest. The person I was does not deserve happiness for a long time. It will be good for me to see the results of the kind of behavior I used to engage in , I think.

>> No.12207779
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I think if you're looking for a girl to be someone you can talk to about interesting topics like you read about in books, whatever it may be, religion, philosophy, etc, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
That's what I've realized. It's not meant to be a sexist thing, but the majority of girls just aren't interested in those things. Save the discussions on Dante and Plato or whatever for the boys.

>> No.12207783

> Feel like I want to write & have something to say.
> Every time I think I should write I can't figure out why not just refer to better authors who said it better & earlier.

It hurts to realize when you are 90 iq retard without original thoughts.

>> No.12207787

I have a life changing story planned out, but I’ve only written 500-600 words of it, the opening and closing page. I want this to be a longer short story, 6-7k words. Hopefully when I get done with finals and go back to reading Melville and Chekhov, they will spark some inspiration.

>> No.12207793

Yeah, you're right. It's difficult though. She was selfish and broken and frustrated and so was I and together we were a little bit less alone. We used to be friends who jogged together and then we were drinking together and then we were fucking and nobody, even our mutual friends, ever found out. I lied to my girlfriend and sometimes after sex she would ask her husband to come pick her up. We were both terrible. I broke it off because I was sick of the rot in my soul. The last thing she said to me was that even if everyone else thought I was a good person, she would always know the truth. Sometimes I feel that she was right.

>> No.12207840
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I'm the selfish one.
I'm sorry babe, come back .

>> No.12207847

Cute girls make me very sad.

>> No.12207852

Surrounded by pawgs in tight jeans.
Help, nofap is at risk

>> No.12207857

Man I'm thinking some really messed up shit right now, like if people could read my thoughts they'd probably run away screaming. Some people underestimate what I'm capable of, they just don't know. Then again, they underestimate just how patient I am. Sometimes I think I could really save humanity, other times I think I just might show them the dark grim truth that they're weak, the bottom of the food chain, how easily they can be destroyed. But I think it's better they find out for themselves, humans out there killing themselves off instead of helping one another...while I sit behind a rainy window looking on with a knowing smile...I warned them. But they're just too vain to listen. And so I whet my sword and dagger in wait for them to come to me in revenge, revenge on their once-friend who they turned their backs on, their prophet, their stoic... oh I'll be waiting. Blades don't need reloading.

>> No.12207865

I hadn't really been reading for leisure for a long time, so I picked up Foundation by Asimov a few weeks back. It sucks.

>> No.12207869
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I wonder how it is I never before realized the hypocrisy in hating women for whores and consuming as much porn as I do. Before I simply considered myself pathetic, but now for the first time I think I might be a bad person, morally, personally. I'm bothered by it slightly.

>> No.12207871

My parents want me to spend NYE with these family friends .
Like hell, just the thought of meeting that phony asshole makes me sore.
It's always him telling me about how many hoes he fucked this hear and me drinking myself into a compliant cretin only able to laugh and nod.

>> No.12207879

try talking to some girls?

>> No.12207888

My dog gave me a very strong bite while I was taking outside and put him to sleep.
It still hurts, but I don't feel like punishing him.
I will just be more strict .

>> No.12207894


>> No.12207902

I have to discharge my mind. Maybe someone can give me some advice about my situation.

I met this girl in one of my classes. Had tons of fun with her in class over the semester. I finally asked her out at the end, and she said yes. And so we met up for coffee, walked and talked... I really felt such a connection to her. But unfortunately there's little chance of us continuing this. She's already leaving to go home now that finals are almost over, and she'll be abroad next semester. I won't even be able to see her again until the summer.

I'm going to try to get over her but there's no way I'll succeed. I'm already in a state of crippling depression, trying to imagine how different things could have been. Is there a chance of making this work somehow? I have no serious commitments over the next year. I figured if she feels for me at least as much as I do for her, maybe I could visit her?

Before anyone says this is just some campus Thot, she's not, she's about as much of an ideal traditional girl as one could hope to find in this day and age. I can get over her but will I find another like her? Idk

>> No.12207904

I'm planning to watch Into the Spider-Verse when it comes out, I wish I had someone to see it with

>> No.12207907

she's a thot

>> No.12207914

I'm sure this is a really basic realization but language is extremely incomplete and impossible to convey actual human experience.
What books deal with this?

>> No.12207915

use your mouth

>> No.12207919

People at my age have already children .
I can't get a date with a girl because I'm a repulsive weirdo.

>> No.12207969

I want to learn to write but I have never taken English literature in my life.

>> No.12207974

Learning french, pretty easy so far.
One day I'll get a french gf

>> No.12207992

what do i say

>> No.12208002

tell them you have a long schlong

>> No.12208014

how old anon?

>> No.12208089

it's easy enough to brag online about my auspicious phallus, but won't that get me arrested?
>good afternoon, madam, my member is 20 centimetres long. would you allow me to penetrate your pudenda?

>> No.12208154

I wanna learn tailoring

>> No.12208164

More paintings like that pls

>> No.12208175
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here you go

>> No.12208188

Look up academicism

>> No.12208207
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1. i reckon internet porn is a ticking time bomb. there'll be a generation of 40 year old guys with erectile dysfunction

2. universities should just man up and teach category theory to first year maths students. it'll be a shit show but will save them time later on

3. the abysmal failure of the hippy movement is probably why boomers are so conservative. fucking hell i hate hippys

4. why isn't philosophy of sex as prominent as philosophy of art?

5. is my over-quickness to fall in love with girls who show me to slightly affection more of a curse than the opposite would be? i doubt it -- but should this bring me any consolation?

6. capitalism will kill* us all. and i dont think theres anything we can do about it. we're locked into the deanthropization of capital production. i'll try go full nihilistic hedonism before everyone else realises the same thing and shit hits the fan.
p.s. ecofash wont work

>> No.12208259

7a) i want to be good at writing poetry. reading poetry is the only thing that has ever made me better at poetry, but that's only by imitation.
7b) is originality of art over-valued?

8. do we have a duty to not let our opportunities go to waste? i mean: talents, attending a good school etc

9. why are humans so smart? it's a bit evolutionarily excessive, right. is it just a gould-lewontin spandrel (eg via imagination and communicative language), or am i underestimating the intellect required to survive in prehistoric society?

>> No.12208284

Exactly what I was thinking reading his drive

>> No.12208295

getting arrested is a spook
however if they do decide to call the police just run, works every time and I'm not even black

>> No.12208299

dicit illis propter incredulitatem vestram amen quippe dico vobis si habueritis fidem sicut granum sinapis dicetis monti huic transi hinc et transibit et nihil inpossibile erit vobis

>> No.12208308

>2. universities should just man up and teach category theory to first year maths students. it'll be a shit show but will save them time later on

I don't know which is sadder: that you're probably right, or that it will probably never happen (and if it does we're too old to benefit from it).

>> No.12208313

1, 2, 3, 4

I'm gonna go get some more!

>> No.12208314

I wish someone had of told me it was possible for girls to show interest in me, I would have sorted out my life years ago.

>> No.12208330

the point of category theory is:
"hey look! this concept/object/theorem in group theory/topology/linear algebra/ring theory etc corresponds to this one"

the problem is that before the kids learn concrete examples -- what exactly can category theory say? that there's a correspondence between concepts you wont learn till next year?

anyway. i was thinking this morning about how to get past this chicken-and-egg problem. maybe teach categories as direct graphs first? that seems a bit dead.

also: for the applied maths sluts, who just want some quick and filthy linear algebra and topology for their diff eq class, the current system is quite good.

>> No.12208398
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I really need to go sleep and get off my phone

>> No.12208414

I am set for life yet i don't feel that happy or motivated to do anything.

I feel like obligated to hang out with my friends just because i know them since we were kids. My interests have changed so much that they become

I dont like people similar. not because they remind if my self but because they are mostly boring.

My sister was taking an online iq test for a job. Me and my brother were trying to help her but i was the least to provide any help. This made feel more insecure about my intelligence.

since i was a kid i have compared my self with anyone smarter than. I even took an IQ test to make sure i was reasonably smart (which i think is pathetic) .I got 128 and in another test i got 132.

I think am insecure because my father and mother value us based on how smart. A few weeks ago, my younger brother's school has released the list of the best 20 students. My brother was the 14th student and his friend was the first. Since that day father non-stop compares and humilates him. I hate this and the only thing i could do is encourage him to become better at what he likes. I guess my advice would be to not compare yourself to other but to compare yourself with your potential.

>> No.12208417

I enjoy being this million sided object called a mind.

>> No.12208421

Your problem is that you're a little too conventional. Your manner of thinking seems scripted. Try to throw in a bit of a wildcard every now and then. That's how you mind-hack the world.

>> No.12208428

Pb is as a youngun you often don't know if you're going to slut out or not.

And indeed lack of mathematical culture can really restrict one's ability to make the most of category theory. I guess first year is too early, but by the time you've covered the basics of algebra, topology and measure theory it could be possible.

Another way to do it would be to emphasize on analogies and structures, even infromally, early on. Either way it's not easy rewriting the curricular.

>> No.12208444

I need to move out of the ghetto. I've been living in ghettos for so long that I'm used to it, and I've forgotten that I would dominate if I operated out of a more---gentle environment. Plus, you really have two choices when you live in a ghetto: hate it and ignore it, or let it stretch its midnight over you and teach you the grim universal realities.

>> No.12208485
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10. i think virgin guys are so miserable because they're followers of this modern morality of sex and hedonism; and feel like sinners, unable to fulfil their duty of carnal pleasure.
i might be wrong. miserable virgins please add thoughts on this.
the derision that promiscuous men/women have to incel types is almost like that of a victorian Holier-Than-Thou to a petty sinner.

11. the left should never have conceded that gender exists tbqh. gender categories are pure linguistic confusion a-la conflation of similar signs across distinct Witt language games

12. can any physicists add thoughts: if the arrow of time is determined by entropy, and causality runs from past to future, then if entropy reverses in a system do we get retrocausality? as run-away capital is a negative entropy process, nick land's AI God should be able to cause the conditions for his own creation.

13. i hate oscar wilde. i hate anyone who likes oscar wilde

14. the final recourse we must exploit from the oppressed is their revolutionary potential. this is not an act of compassion -- but an enslavement more brutal than any we've performed so far.
we will throw off our power like a sickness onto them, just before the system swallows us all. we will conscript them into the war with the machine we have unleashed -- for nothing else than our own survival. good luck kiddos

15. this is just some (probably condescending) advice to men about getting girls:
girls don't know whether a man is attractive. hell, guys dont know if a girls attractive. instead, they outsource the decision to the collective. attraction is almost entirely pre-selection. just act like youve been pre-selected, they wont know the difference.

16. schizophrenia
monologue is insufficient for epistemic expansion -- ie: it increases what is known but not what CAN be known.
only dialogue (ie logos-ised conflict) is generative. it's so useful that in a court we create an artificial conflict between two lawyers, who will generally outcompete a king solomon-esque judge. likewise, our mind artificially fractures itself to mimic the conflict between two sides -- only this is capable to actual creativity (think hegelian synthesis). schizophrenia is just the pathologisation of the adaptive fracturing. but we should be careful not to remove the entire fracturing -- in society or in the individual.

17. plastic in the ocean is such a fucking non-issue it drives me nuts. also people crying about pandas or rhinos or some bullshit species going extinct.
compared to: deforestation, greenhouse gas, desertification

>> No.12208496

I'd rather do something bad in a good way than something good in a bad way. That's my pathology.

>> No.12208513

14. *resource

maybe we should just let them figure out the connections themselves

if it is a contradiction to both watch porn and hate promiscuous women -- there are tw€o ways to escape the contradiction

your favourite authors thought that. they were probably correct as well. but, despite what /lit/ thinks, the world will not suffer from an excess of bad writing but from a lack of good writing.
it's better to err on the side of writing shit than to not write something when you should have. don't worry: the good will rise to the top. if you write something shit it'll be quickly forgotten. just going the gold-panning procedure of art

>> No.12208646

18. music was invented so our internal monologue doesn't talk us into suicide

19. brutus did nothing wrong

20. i dont get why average people (in uk) like government fiscal responsibility (read: literally only inflation targeting) when most of them are in debt and inflation would do them good

>> No.12208666

I hate so much that I have been throughly domesticated, made fearful, always squirming in fear of everything like a worm does. No crack of the whip is necessary, the conditioning was efficient enough that I imprison myself.

>> No.12208745

Whispers. You should learn the bait and switch. You should be aware of this. The concept reappears in different guises, gaslighting in a negative context, say one thing do another in another, table turning. Give information that leads in one direction and then suddenly pivot in the other. When you do this, it's like the world responds and reacts to what you're doing. You put the ball in their court, and they can either ignore you or respond to you. If they do respond they can either write you off as a madman or see your point.

Most people don't know this technique because it is very difficult to learn unless you find it comes naturally to you because of how your experience shaped you. But these sorts of negotiation tactics are vital to making your way in the world, and if you're not aware of this technique you can be played for a sucker.

>> No.12208749

>read the first history book
> show off the names and places I know
>apply the generalization mentioned in the book to everything

>read an anthropological book
>meet a real anthropologist
>pretend to know what he is doing
>he is not impressed

>> No.12208757

Satan, you are forgiven. Give it a rest. :D

>> No.12208761

bullshitting someones expertise to them is a skill that's difficult to master, but definitely worth developing

>> No.12208762

Anyone else notice something strange going on here?

>> No.12208844

Mayve we should.But that would demand to expose them to various different theories early on. Most student probbaly wouldn't follow. But maybe that is for the better.

>> No.12208883

teacher in the house

>> No.12208944
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Another day of feeling nothing, and stubbing my toe 4-6 times

>> No.12208974

I don't think it's good for me though.

And what's the use of reading anthropology books when you are not going to visit those places ever

>> No.12208980

i'm a young south Asian female in the UK and I think i'm mentally ill, because I cant just be a wife, it cant be my innate biological desire. I must be an outlier, I must be, I cant, I'm not like most females, I like things most guys like, but this site keeps telling me i'm wrong but no. This site is fucking with my mind telling me what I'm meant to be as a woman, when deep in the pit of my heart, I know what I enjoy, politics, classical music, anime, video games and literature and science, also some sport. I have shitty genetics anyway, there's no point for me to reproduce. Also have been molested and then scolded by mother for even bringing it up. Also can you overcome depression and a horrible past without getting professional help and talking about it?

>> No.12208986

I think that's just called being Asian, qt.

>> No.12208996

56 seconds ago
you're a huge faggot. go blow up a building, you goat-fucking sand nigger. do us all a favor and go strap a grenade to your nutsack and detonate in the middle of a synagogue. go milk your camel's cock and spit the cum into your cousins asshole as you fuck her, you inbred fucking shitskin. go wipe your ass with actual toilet paper like a human for once instead of using your hand or nothing at all, you disgusting shitperson, you perpetually-covered-in-fecal-matter fuck. maybe if we're lucky, you'll get blown to bits by a drone before you can ever put forth another "thought" onto the internet ever again.

got pissed at a muslim who made a retarded comment on a youtube video

>> No.12209003

Where do you live ill watch it with you

>> No.12209011

find someone to talk about it
professional if you can but nhs is shit for mental health
if you have friends unload on them **carefully**
>I'm not like most females
do women actually use the word "female" hmm

>> No.12209020

go back to asia, you parasite

>> No.12209025

i think im dying

>> No.12209031

Highly based and extremely redpilled.

>> No.12209041

I absolutely detest the complacency so prevalent throughout the workforce. Struggle is the best, if not only, sign of self-improvement, and these despicable creatures abstain from it entirely. This atrocious mindset plagues me with a despondency and rage so potent it leaves me unable to feel empathy. How valuable am I if a tenth of my effort far surpasses the next most productive? Unrewarded is my minimum, punished is my best. I seek competition, a challenge, and nothing can provide this for me. Should success truly exemplify effort or skill, I would have been far beyond my current state. All hope is gone.

>> No.12209049
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"what's on your mind"

>> No.12209058
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>> No.12209092

unironically: enlist in the army.

>inb4 but i want to be rewarded for my effort
gains are a reward

>> No.12209104

I cannot bring myself to write. I just default to 'x said it earlier, better'. And when I want to add to it, I always think of 'y addded to it earlier, better'

I came to conclusion that anything I write would be copy-cat or replicate of my betters.

>> No.12209120


>> No.12209127

that why meta-irony and satire are the only options left. the post modernists thought the same thing and tried to make something new, nut it was all shit, you can at least make fun of them for it.

>> No.12209139

I think it is just low IQ of mine. I can hold about 2 concepts simultaneously in my head. It limits and hurts thinking.

>> No.12209335

I have entered a pact with some portentous figure dwelling in my mind's recesses. This summer, under the auspices of boredom, ennui, and isolation, he would make regular visits, discoursing on matters both important and nonsensical. Throughout our conversations he would urge me in some direction or another so as to alleviate my boredom, but, alas, each time I would resist - I feared this spectre. Nevertheless he continued in his efforts until finally, on July 27, he began to speak to me in a poem. Naturally I wrote down every word, not wanting to freeze in my icy solitude while his embers burned. Upon the conclusion of this poem he then spoke directly to me, prompting me to negotiate a deal wherein he would, as long as I strove for activity, grant me creative powers abounding. In my weakened condition his words were a sedation, a cruelly calculated siren song for a forlorn mind; I accepted. In addition to his deal I offered to sever all common bond with my fellow man. Fool that I am, I failed to see at the time to what extent this severing would diminish even the most mundane of social graces. What madness, what incorporeal madness...

>> No.12209391

try making a venn diagram of women with A) those who you hate B) those who are in porn C) those who have a role in your life

>> No.12209512
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I have finished about 49% of my novel.

>> No.12209610

>Should success truly exemplify effort or skill, I would have been far beyond my current state.

>> No.12209673

Yeah, it sounds pretty dumb without context right? Well maybe some background.

As teenager, I comitted arson, robbery, and attempted murder (which I got away with), I've also tried to kill myself 3 times. I had a pretty terrible upbringing and people tend to mistake "coldness" or "distance" for narcissism a lot. When I say loss of innocence, I'm not exaggerating . Most people, when they try to commit these acts, have an immediate emotional barrier to the point where actually doing so is an unthinkable thing. It's not so for me. I don't really have that anymore. Not only was I a severe sociopath , eventually I had a psychotic break with reality as well.

I'm not being melodramatic when I say I have a guilty conscience and ought to share others pain for awhile. I just want some kind of proof that I'm not a bad man, I don't know how to apologize to the people I've hurt without completely overhauling who I am. Here's what bothers me most about it all; I didn't do it for money and I didn't do it for reputation either. I did it because I liked the way it felt. Watching things burn, seeing people in pain or fear, it gave some sense of control and comfort to me. I never wanted to draw attention to it because some kind of infamy was never what I sought. I just wanted to see how it felt. It's the only reason I was not in and out of juvy.

Of course , what I really had was what's known as "conduct disorder" which is a precursor to anti-social personality disorder. It's been known to leave people as they grow older , and it did with me so now I have this inner feeling for needing redemption. I don't think I'm going to feel at peace with myself for a long time though. I still remember everything and I'm sorry. Simply feeling sorry isn't enough though. So , I'm going to dedicate myself to a higher a cause I'm suited to do. Which I am doing currently with a fiery resolve and guilty conscience. Feels complicated , lad.

>> No.12209960

what you talking about? Course they do.

>> No.12210401

>tfw you are typing something habitually for the 10,000th time and you accidentally make that one fatal misclick

I feel like I am always one misclick away from fucking things up, except that the misclick isn't that I accidentally send a dick pic to the wrong recipient, but rather banish something good out of an act of brashness or overconfidence.

Certainly this sense of precariousness is related to my socioeconomic upbringing where you really only do have a thin line of security that if shattered sends you and your family flying to the cold abyss. A lifestyle like frontline warfare, for kids: that's poverty.

Also I happen to have the rather mixed fortune of living in the United States where any disgruntled bitter bastard can just pull out a gun and shoot you more or less.

So that's that.

But there is also a lot of good in the world and what you don't hear about are the pro-clicks. Not the mis-clicks, but the pro-clicks. Like when you send shorty that one message and it gets the panties off. Or you say the right words to a man in need. Maybe you figured out that little issue that was bugging you.

>> No.12210526

There's this one passage of Wittgenstein's I read in one of his journals years ago that I wrote down so that I would remember it. I lost the sheet of paper. Anyway this was the idea:

There's no such thing as chaos, just a level of description you haven't reached yet. Everything may seem huge and imposing and impossible about the world , but that's only because you don't have enough knowledge of it.

This made me see: Without knowledge you stumble around in a daze of ignorance and half-wits, and ignorance and fear are deeply aligned. So you are a puppet of fear, which is an ugly thing to see and a shameful thing to be.

When you do have enough knowledge, things are quite wonderful much of the time if you push yourself willfully with that knowledge.

>> No.12210575

>So you are a puppet of fear, which is an ugly thing to see and a shameful thing to be
Others call it romantic and nice

>> No.12210580

I wonder if our world is infinite or finite

>> No.12210591

Depends on what you define as our world. Just the physical stuff? That's finite. Including the meta stuff? Got some infinity right there.

>> No.12210596

"Er muss sozusagen die Leiter wegwerfen, nachdem er auf ihr hinaufgestiegen ist." - Tractatus logico-philosophicus, 6.54

Is it this one? My polish lit-science prof often quotes it.

>> No.12210613

both order and chaos are important (inb4 peter jordanson memes. im using these terms ala witt. change to known/unknown, yang/ying, etc)
but there is NO fear in running out of chaos/unknown, as it extends infinitely away from our tiny dot of order/known.

if creative reality is proportional to the size of the chaos-order interaction, then we ought to maximise the circumference of our dot of order/knowedge, which is done by increasing its size -- by continual expansion into the chaos/ converting the unknown into the known

no this isnt it. not that guy but thats a very different sentiment. it was basically just him anticipating the lazy critique that tlp denies its own meaningfulness

>> No.12210623
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is statement 'Sun is.' analytic or synthetic

>> No.12210656

I bet you're canadian.

>> No.12210677

Might start some medication for my ADD so i can do stuff in the future

>> No.12210679
File: 67 KB, 637x854, 1544423783799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if my brain is fucked up beyond repair.

I can hardly read anymore without getting distracted. My grades are suffering because I have no sense of self-discipline and I constantly go back to my computer and pursue mindless entertainment when I need to be reading.

I'm in my first quarter of college. If I don't fix things soon, I will not survive.

I used to read for fun all the time. Now, I hardly can focus, and when I do read I'm just wracked with guilt because I read at a glacial pace. My ex-roommate often would make fun of me for how slow I could read.

I feel like a fraud; I shouldn't have made it to college, and now I'm stuck with the belief that I'm intelligent when really I think it was a superiority complex developed when I was placed in the "Gifted" group in like the 2nd grade for reading. I'm aggressively mediocre. I am ludicrously underprepared for academia, but I legitimately cannot see myself pursuing anything else.

I don't know how to cultivate self-discipline. I legitimately don't. In high school, I didn't really need to, and now I'm drowning.


>> No.12210682

I wonder if I'm physical stuff or meta stuff

>> No.12210692

Depends what you mean by it.

You're physical stuff. Yes, including the """you""" you. Your thoughts are the output of a program running in your brain, you don't call a computer sentient either for randomly printing "I think." every now and then.

>> No.12210694

I finished reading Tolstoy's 'Kreutzer Sonata.
The main character, Pozdnyshev, relates the events leading up to his killing his wife: in his analysis, the root causes for the deed were the "animal excesses" and "swinish connection" governing the relation between the sexes.

How do you pronounce Pozdnyshev?
How are these excesses to be rid of?

>> No.12210698

as in "the sun exists"?
depends who you ask.
lets ask kant: analytic only if the predicate is contained in the subject. however "exist" is not a predicate for kant. im not sure what he would say. probably synthetic

lets ask russell: "the sun is" means "there exists a unique object which is sun-like" where "sun-like" is a string of propositions. then this is synthetic.

let's ask kripke: "sun" is a proper name and so refers to the sun in all worlds in which it exists. it is necessary a posteriori (it was an empirical discovery that the same sun existed across days). hence synthetic if i recall

let's ask quine: fuck off

>> No.12210700

I mean, that Sun is.

Like is is. Like being is.

>> No.12210705

How can you be so certain?

>> No.12210709

lurker here, what is meant by synthetic and analytic as applied here?

>> No.12210710

So none of them can decide what it means? There's no consensus? How is thinking literally possible lmao

>> No.12210713

you don’t know what sentient means, humans don’t have programs in their brains, your brain isn’t a computer, yes you are your body and nothing more, read a book on the subjects you’re rhapsodizing about or be quiet fag

>> No.12210716

I've seen the vacuum in which the soul is meant to be.

>> No.12210731

That sounds interesting.
I wonder why the soul isn't where it's meant to be.

>> No.12210732

depends who you ask. each of these four mean something else.
well, they werent exactly all in the same room at the same time. there is "progress" in a sense. no one would think kant was correct. people would be weary about russell. but some people think quine or kripke were fully correct.
the main thing is: that later philosophers point out that earlier philosophers have conflated terms, so that everyone after that point has to specify what they mean more accurately.

>> No.12210739

>humans don’t have programs in their brains, your brain isn’t a computer
Aw shucks you missed the part where I redefined programs and computers to fit my statement

Because it can't span time

>> No.12210752

what's it meant to you as applied to your theoretical interpretations of those philosophers.

>> No.12210769

Bruh that is not enough girth for that kind of length. Your dick must look fucking weird. I'm 19x15cm.

As to why you don't have a gf, the answer should be quite obvious.

>> No.12210771

So but here's the thing. That's just all language, right?. What the fuck is exist, is and sun as object. What the hell is an object? 'Sun is a name and refers to Sun and it has existed' is not exactly 'what is this object' is it now, how are there objects, that are, exist?

Where do I even begin to unknot my confusion..

>> No.12210772

This week is finals week for me. I can't wait to go back and see my family. I go home every week to visit them, but spending vacation time with them would be nice. I haven't had time to catch up with my backlog of video games, visual novels, and novels, but I'll try to get those out of the way once finals week is over. I need to decide on some of the gifts to get for my friends also. A few days ago I ordered a game for one of my friends, I'm not sure what my other friend would appreciate as a gift or whether I would have time to buy something online. My other friends would be happy if I made them a drawing like I do every year.

I don't have time to study Japanese properly this week, but I'm trying to sneak in an hour everyday while also working on school work. Today I'll work on editing my philosophy, tomorrow I'll read over portions of Anna Karenina again, and on Wednesday I'll study programming. It's funny that I'm so worried about this, but it's what keeps me preoccupied and stops me from thinking of uglier things, things like my failed relationships. I don't know why I even wanted a relationship in the first place or mourned the loss of mine now, I feel just as fulfilled working through my studies. I had a dream last night about reconciling with my ex girlfriend or something along the lines of that, but I think I'm perfectly fine how I am right now. Why is everyone in such a rush to love? I told a friend of mine how much of my sexual desires have gone away recently and he was worried for me. Maybe it was the way I described it, I probably made it sound like torture. But right now, I feel very comfortable with not being in a relationship and I'm enjoying the independence compared to having to attend to an other person's neediness all day.

My brother is extremely successful, and I hope to make my parents as proud as he does. I initially decided on a pharmaceutical career but I dislike organic chemistry and realized that I wasn't interested in being a medical student. I took an interest in programming recently and had a fear that I wouldn't be as great as him at it or that I would remain mediocre at it all my life, but just working through programming programs is fun. I hope everyone is having a good day, I can advance.

>> No.12210785

each time i do something that would be equal to a "full day's work" i am too tired to do literally anything afterwards, it's no wonder most normies are so average

i am very thankful that i am still in a laidback easy period of my life so i can develop things i actually enjoy doing

>> No.12210788
File: 317 KB, 1280x1037, tumblr_mpf7nz13pj1r34pqeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who likes to daydream about Judy Garland's hairy coocher can I?

>> No.12210793

what's your brother do that makes him so successful?

>> No.12210797

The words have no inherent "essence." There's no word "soul." Wittgenstein put it well: Words are their consequences. Your sentence with sun and shit, it's not some groovy link to the plane of logic (it is actually but that's still too soon for you), they're just an action that causes a certain reaction. When you say moon, the other person interprets it as the kind of moon they feel like - ours, one of jupiter's - and another person might interpret it as the name of somebody they know: The "moon" you spoke had no inherent meaning, it is what it was interpreted as.

>> No.12210802
File: 204 KB, 850x1062, 11630163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually only write because I am a hidden narcissist and for booze and women. Love for the arts is a reason too, but not as big as the others.

I'd love to have a huge harem. Full of cute girls with cute personalities. I don't really want to be that sexual with them, just dress them in cute clothes and converse with them.

I haven't had much luck with the women or the books but I have a whole life ahead of me. Slow and steady.

>> No.12210805

I lost my wool cap today. It was very nice and dear to me. I spent my day tracing back my steps through the city, but I couldn't find it. The weather is pretty cold now, now I have to walk bare-headed until I find it or can afford buy a new one few weeks from now.

>> No.12210811

That's not an answer though is it now. They still interpret the objects. The things. In order to get their interpretation. What is it they interpret, that object/thing?

>> No.12210814

I wonder if the soul actually is where it's meant to be.
Where it's meant to be is just changing because of time

>> No.12210820

i remember when i lost a nike cap i'd had for a while that i'd worn almost religiously, and then after that i lost the north face cap i bought to replace it on a rollercoaster ride

>> No.12210826

An evil British corporation called National Grid is ruining Christmas for hundreds of American citizens.

This is the sort of behavior that is allowed in our criminogenic society.

>> No.12210828

As in, what do people interpret? Shit in their memories. People can't think with absolute precision. Whatever you say gets shoehorned into something they can fit it to. That something is something that once left an impression on them in a way that is triggered by the word you uttered. That impression itself was just basic sensory stuff
I'm sorry anon, sadly there is no neat word magic going on here. It's just the human brain being vague for sake of practicality.

>> No.12210836

Start capturing your time back. half an hour of concentrated work everyday or however little you can pull of. Do it for a few months, then increase the amount of time dedicated a bit. Repeat until you have captured your day back.
I used to be where you were and now I can do 8h days.

>> No.12210848

Well if you want the truth buddy, the soul actually does exist, but only in moments. That is, every moment it dies and a new iteration takes its place. But it's a noncontinuous change, the two aren't connected, so the former is just poof gone. What's more is that you don't actually have your own soul, it's just one big soul of the universe.

>> No.12210852

My brother apparently is an extremely competent programmer according to my parents. I'm not the type of person to judge things by their paychecks, but he apparently earns thousands a week.

Sometimes it feels/looks like I'm trying to imitate my brother's success, but I just have a genuine interest in artificial intelligence and video games. We don't speak much, he sometimes gives me advice. I think our family is an odd one in that none of us speak to each other very often, but we all respect each other and have relatively stable lives. Maybe this is commonplace.

Whenever I lose things I have this horrible compulsion and need to find it all day, I can't do anything until I find it. I have tried to get myself out of the habit, though. But I hope you find another wool cap just as dear as that one.

>> No.12210876
File: 937 KB, 500x357, 1543892271387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many normalfags? Everywhere I go, there are people that look like me but other than that they might as well be an entirely different species. What's worse is that every institution that may have provided relief from these "people" has been captured and subverted by them. There's nowhere for me to go anymore. The only place I can find refuge is is in the 2d realm within my computer monitor.

>> No.12210879

I feel ya buddy, medicine is filled with lazy underachievers . Around ten hours a week of extra work and in a few years you can be among the best in the world in your sub-specialty. Only other people are neurotic overachievers who just burn themselves out doing work inefficiently and without any concern for their own health. I should have continued studying physics.

>> No.12210888

You clearly don't understand mathematics and normal distribution which makes you a fucking brainlet.

>> No.12210896

I have that compulsion too. I've been trying to work out and sleep but the thought of that cap keeps popping in my head constantly. I just imagine it lying somewhere in the dark on the wet asphalt and I'm just filled with terrible anguish.

>> No.12210902
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12210916

Iterative versions of this meme are great.

>> No.12210920

Of all the negative effects of porn, ED is the least on the fucking list. In fact, highest sexual frequency suffers from detumescence dysfunction where the size of the flaccid is larger than it should be which incurs more random arousal and leaking cowper's fluid.

>> No.12210929

You sound like a normie mentality stuck in a non-normie lifestyle

>> No.12210936

Sorry this is my first week on 4channel

>> No.12210970

How do you deal with the fact there are the moral equivalent of vampires?

They exist, they don't care about you, but they're afraid of bigger, meaner dark elements. Dark elements that find their cruelty lacking in creativity.

People don't want to be told the truth, and in their denial they turn to evil. It's a crime to be too good. It's damn near a death sentence. To be a truly good person is a crime in this world.

Look what happened to Dostoevsky, an admirable truth teller. Nobody signs up for that. Nobody wants that kind of pain in their life. But some people just need to think. Let them do their work!

>> No.12210973
File: 265 KB, 1280x1570, Joris_Karl_Huysmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does he write about women's armpits? pls i need to know

>> No.12210977

yes they've taken over pretty much every website (or the website's former inhabitants have become normalfags and pushed that ideology onto the website)

i remember seeing a lot more pro-NEET and anti-work posters 2 years ago but now i see basically zero and it's quite sad, i don't feel there's anywhere else on the internet i can go to find intelligent NEETs

>> No.12211000
File: 34 KB, 720x720, question-mark-1019993_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we can live once, we can live twice right ?? Amirit ?

>> No.12211003

Le goussef, in Croquis Parisiens

>> No.12211040

after several psychedelic trips, I've come to realize within myself that my social skills are lacking due to several reasons. Namely, that I think too much and am never really in moment - always trying to analyze every transaction of communication there is. And the other idea, is that I'm boring. I've been in a cycle of trying to instantly gratify myself, that I've neglected my mind in developing in any sort of way that would allow me to be able to conversate with others.

When you meet someone new, the initial goal is to try and find some common ground between you and the other person.

Just dont be autistic and genuinely curious about people.

>> No.12211041

I see this comic a lot, but I don't really understand it. If other "people" truly have the same thoughts I do, why do they never talk about about it? I've tried bringing up various things that are on my mind, surprise surprise, they don't give a shit. The only thing on their mind is how to gain advantage in the physical world, there are very few who want to escape it.

>> No.12211046

Keep going soft when trying to have sex with gf (a new partner). I think it's nerves as I get hard when she gives head and stuff, and I've historically been a champ in bed. Overall quite frustrating but she's cool about it since I go a bit longer each time we try

>> No.12211055

I'm not sure if I truly have anything of my own.
I wonder what it's like to just be gone

>> No.12211056

Maybe your thoughts are just basic as shit and of no philosophical value
Just because you don't stand on the same level as them doesn't mean you're above them


>> No.12211094

You're not.

>> No.12211140

>Just because you don't stand on the same level as them doesn't mean you're above them
Where did I type that I'm above them? It is not a matter of being above or below, it is just a fundamental difference in our natures. Sometimes it is very hard not to despise them though, because they make it extremely difficult for those who want to live their life in a different manner from those who have a commercial nature.

>> No.12211167

Going on a date with a girl literally cured my anxiety.

>> No.12211203

Gf and I broke up. She is now holding my books hostage. Worst situation imaginable.

>> No.12211232

I was thinking about how "Rock N Roll McDonalds" by Wesley Willis is such a piéce de rèsistance; it makes me quiver in discouragment how well its construction. How could my scrawlings even compare? His lyrics transcend the medium, transcend the form of humanity.

>> No.12211239

Teach me, Anon.

>> No.12211269

I have a calling to go to Antarctica.
I am willing to do whatever I have to in order to make it there. I have no problem majoring in something just for the chance to visit a lab there and conduct research.

I have no idea how, though, and I have lost the charm of the curious youth I once had while in high school, when opportunity was in reach and at the ready.

What do I do?

>> No.12211278

Idk man. I finally got the balls to ask her out. I imagined all the possibilities of a future life with her, that's what did it.

Then we went on a date and it went great. The confidence of knowing a girl went on a date with you is a complete game change.

>> No.12211288

I felt the same way, but life crushed my dreams.

>> No.12211290

You know that you can just book a vacation there, right?

>> No.12211298

I know this will be me in dark reality.
I don't want to believe it yet.

I have to try, if not for me then for the person I was.

>> No.12211302

Why do I still care so much about what others think of me?

>> No.12211306

>Where did I type that I'm above them?
>Sometimes it is very hard not to despise them though
This board I swear

>> No.12211307

As I said, I want to conduct or be part of some sort of research there. It would be in vain to go and not have contributed to something in anyway. It's a childish dream that I'm chasing

>> No.12211309

it's very context-dependent. general rule is to establish attraction first. and learn how to signal that youre attracted to someone without being creepy. it's the difference between "i would fuck you" and "fuck me now please"
and then just ask them out to somewhere specific (not on a date. "say, want to come pick strawberries with me this weekend?")

>> No.12211375

I pity the state of the world! So many important things are I dare say laughably fucked up. The only way I process it is to become the arch-troll, the great cynic, able to swipe away hypocrisies with ease. I delight in this work and seek every avenue to expand my portfolio.

However, I get meaner the more I do it even though the more I do it the funnier it gets and I'm trying to make an effort to be nicer.

Take both the red and blue pill, see both sides of the issue and understand that they are both part of the same fragmentary global unfolding. The work ahead of us is to try real hard to make sure when those two sides clash, they see past their illusions and differences and hold hands rather than point guns at each other's foreheads.

Even Trump, dumbass that he is, recognized this point when he made his commentary after the Unite the Right rally. He just said it in an blunt businessmanly way rather than in a refined diplomatic way.

Both sides need to realize the fear is coming from inside of them, not from the outside.

Denial about this is only gonna lead to more shootings and bombs and bloodbaths and moral abominations bro.

>> No.12211399

get hold of the books,if she tries to wrest them from you shoot her in the face because that shit is strong arm robbery.

>> No.12211514

I have the hardest time pinning down how smart or talented I actually am. As I've grown and met more people, I wonder if I'm actually smart enough or talented enough to do what I want to do. There's so many people who seem smarter, who seem more driven, who seem more passionate when it really matters, and while in my head I feel like I have something unique to share I can't give form to it. When I'm tested, I've made simple mistakes only to catch them far too late. I dwell on them and add them to a mound of other slip-ups and what-ifs. Part of me wants to give up, but another part of me would rather commit suicide than that, so all I can do is keep trying. I seem most inspired to change when I lie in bed. Maybe it's because I can't distract myself with anything, maybe it's because I know I won't do anything since there's only enough time left to sleep, but I don't know for sure. I wish there were more hours in a day, or that I didn't need sleep, maybe then I'd make the time to change instead of analyze that I need to. Worst of all I tend to paint myself as some tragic protagonist of some nonexistent story, when it comes right down to it there's far more interesting people out there. Some days I'm just tired of everyone and everything. I wonder if I'm just somewhat crazy or if I'm just a lazy fuck. Maybe both. There's people worse off than me, and yet here I am spewing this nonsense out like it means anything, like it'll do anything for me.

I'm just gonna stop there because I don't feel like rambling further.

>> No.12211531

I wish there was a shade of pink I could wear that could signify I'm single and looking
Horny and lonely poster is relatable

>> No.12211548

my little dog is in heat and bleeds on me.i haven't washed my one set of clothes since i got them and that was before thanksgiving

>> No.12211555

Hey man, if you wanna create art you just have to do it. Don't waste time thinking about doing it or comparing yourself to others.

>> No.12211564

Tall women are nice. I am in dire need of tall women.

>> No.12211581

>Just dress them in cute clothes
Glad I am not the only one who wants this as well.

>> No.12211587
File: 7 KB, 259x194, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12211773

I'm slightly nauseous and I think I'm starting to feel a fever but I finally have a chance to read except it's 3 AM and I should sleep.

>> No.12211790

You should spay your dog, she's suffering

>> No.12211795

Magic is fuckin real bros. Magic is fucking real!

I swear I've figured it out and I'm struggling to articulate. I want to share it with anyone who is friendly and not a complete idiot.

Unfortunately I don't want to be friends with everyone. I'm like a coiled snake sometimes. I just want there to be more art, and beauty in the world. If there are more of those things there are less problems in general over time.

Granted you do have your collapses, your Austrio-Hungarian Empires stretched a little too thin by a good Napoleonic buttfucking, but, the expanding terrordome of a civilization in discord.

There has to be less hatred, which means the hateful need more help. They need to work their way out of the soul destroying nihilism that is attacking them!

There needs to be a spiritual fighting back.

>> No.12211799

hyper cringe

>> No.12211835

im poor.and down time for recovery is not productive

>> No.12211942
File: 424 KB, 653x696, Jojos (((bizarre))) adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this image. I made this image. I'm so upset I can never find an opportunity to use it. /a/ doesn't have filename threads and neither does /pol/. It's just so perfect and I can never find a reason to post it.

>> No.12211952

Let me out

>> No.12212082

The world is like a fragile diamond made of ice. If you can hold it in your hand, it's a beautiful thing to behold. But if you drop it, it shatters into oblivion.

>> No.12212089

wtf are you me

>> No.12212103

>The world is like a fragile diamond made of ice. If you can hold it in your hand, it's a beautiful thing to behold. But if you drop it, it shatters into oblivion.
Oh god I feel afraid that I just wrote my friend's death poem. If that turns out to be true I am going to be devastated because I did everything in my power to try to drag him out of his misery.

I hope I'm crazy right now. I want to call out his name. But I'm not sure if he's seeing this.

>> No.12212116

What are some of these thoughts you have?

>> No.12212121

SInce I have no way of calling him by phone I guess the best I can do is imagine him how I hope he is: It's like I can see him suffering across space and time in a darkness with stars above it, and the cold to which he sits shirtless and unbothered.

He's realizing that he's a powerful person that can get some good done in the world if he doesn't lose his wits. He's alone but he's strong. It's like he went full saiyan and he's being reborn in bluish power every second. He feels good even though he shouldn't.

That's how I hope he is. But I know he has a gun and that means the chances of him killing himself have amplified immensely. And his fucking parents are clueless.

>> No.12212181



>> No.12212193

Why would you do that? Why? That's a bad idea. Why do you hate yourself so damn bad? You have absolutely no reason to!

Just because your views lean on the conservative side doesn't make you a bad person necessarily. Good conservatives are frankly a godsend.

Just because you are in university and all the signals you are receiving have nothing about to do with you or your experience --- privileged white male-- oh, never mind. oop. He just messaged me. I'm gonna stop sperging out for the night.

>> No.12212206

What an annoying faggot
Refrain from being a posing mentally deranged 17 year old for a night

>> No.12212253

Classes are over and I don't know what to do with myself, the fear of going back to neetdom and becoming even more aimless than normal is strong . I'm flirting with a girl for the first time in years, and despite me being a sperg there's a chance of success. I've decided to stop masturbating a couple weeks ago, and this, allied with constant exercising for these past few months and a newfound rage have made me quite frantic and disquieted, like I have a fuckton of undirected energy.

Also, this >>12208314

>> No.12212325

>that why meta-irony and satire are the only options left.
Nah, that's just a cop out for people who want to write but don't have anything to say.

>> No.12212349


>> No.12212365

/cm/ has reaction image threads

>> No.12212407

I march 'neath the suffocating grey expanses,
The disordered dwelling of chances
Ill-spent, if at all.
Brief flickers of sense that shriek
And fall
From those forever-distant limbs whose knotted gnarls
Demand your attention
Your belief's momentary suspension
Enough time, for never is enough,
To express the cold shiver crawling down Nature's spine,
Her twisted chord of rope running from head to toe
In whose pull the chilled human spirit
Is dragged to and fro.
Captive in it, I am -
A man and his shade
He who's heart the wintry air has greyed
Nay, blackened,
Driven to ruin and dread
Awaiting her rope to be slackened.
Down this leaf-littered path I am led,
Where my eyes conjure tears,
Being met with the chilled, whirling force.
Once the tears, now thick with frost,
Set in around burning eyes lost
And uprooted,
They seize that restless roaming now refuted.

>> No.12212442

How's this for an idea:
Sloppy Hoes. A self-aware hipster version of Hooters that specializes in serving delicious minced-meat sandwiches.

>> No.12212502

Someone evil

>> No.12212614

wearing a watch isn't /lit/

>> No.12212686

*sipping morning coffee... confidently*
The cutest coworker fall for you
everybody wants to be your friend now

>> No.12213202

Dont know if i actually managed to pull myself out of depression, i do the same things i do now but i actually enjoy it. Its kinda bizarre

>> No.12213217

She's probably a thot. They're all thots

>> No.12213224

Same, I wish there was a board for it. /r/sewing is full of autistic moms

>> No.12213261
File: 70 KB, 780x825, EB654180-14FC-4D83-A982-9257CCE77D41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it!

>> No.12213346

glad for ya

>> No.12213433
File: 25 KB, 634x480, 1391587232163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon now find a job

>> No.12213550


>> No.12213612
File: 41 KB, 640x359, No_fate_but_whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been where you are.

First year of college I failed most of my classes. I never concentrated on anything. I watched porn and got drunk every night. I was thrown out of school.

Up to this point in my life, I had never studied for anything. I read for pleasure, but in an undisciplined way. I made decent grades in school and was probably smarter than most of my peers, but it didn't matter, I got kicked out of college.

I got my shit together, started studying. It didn't take much. Just a little discipline and with a few wins under my belt, college became relatively easy.

I got a degree in English Lit. I'm not a computer programmer. I'm married with kids. Own my own home. (Maybe not the future you want. You can choose your own version of success.)

You'll get there. What you're going through is temporary. Just keep moving forward.

>> No.12213628

Hipster irony is dead bruv. The hipster is a cultural artifact that has been entirely subsumed by the mainstream. Everyone is a little bit hipster now, but there aren't hipsters anymore

>> No.12213643

I would wife you if I was desperate enough

>> No.12213653

A happy day embarked,
On cluttered streets like these.
Child-like as she fluttered,
As free as in my dreams.

Hi. Just wondering what people think of this? New to poetry.

>> No.12213662

leave this website asap, stupid

>> No.12213679

It's fine. Not enough to stand on its own, but as part of a larger piece that actually said something it could be good. Posting a short stanza like this for critique is like posting a single sentence of prose.

>> No.12213688

Thanks. You're right. I'm gonna try and finish it within the week.

>> No.12213694

Fake and probably gay

>> No.12213826

She’s clearly interested in me, so why does she take so long answering my texts?

Why couldn’t my father be a role model for me and my brother? My problems with women, along with a fuckton of other problems I had along life are a direct result of a lacking father figure. Most of my peers had an older figure to guide them through their teenage years/early adulthood, while I always had to figure everything out by myself.
I’m not saying it’s impossible or anything of the sort; hell, these last few months I progressed a lot, but there’s a huge amount of wasted time and uneeded suffering and frustration that could have been spared if I had someone to guide me. Besides that, the closest I’ll ever be able to experience the bond between father and son is if I have a child of my own. Don’t have children if you don’t plan on raising them, and no, throwing money at them and leaving their mother to take care of everything doesn’t count.

>> No.12213878


>> No.12213974

Hey you, the guy who is talking about your new book
On your feet when I raise my hand on your book promo.
Stop that condescending attitude. Stop praising me as observant, knowledgeable, or committed. I am not your fucking fan. I have passed that.
I have been lurking and watching your freak shows before you even knew about me. I have been on these local book promos and speeches for 8 years. You are on my turf now.
I raise my hand to tell you that I hate you and your fans. I disagree with everything you said.
I am right! You are wrong! Why don't you obey me and stop writing your wrong ideas forever!

>> No.12214233

If I walk behind people in a building at a distance of ~3m, so they aren't sure if they should hold the door for me, because it could become awkward if I take too long to reach the door, I can be 100% sure that they are thinking about me.

>> No.12214241
File: 111 KB, 380x299, 1540473292588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shallow cuts
This dude isn't even trying, gotta cut fkin deep if you want results.

t. was edgy teenage cutter.

>> No.12214302

when did these threads turn into r9k lite haha

>> No.12214324

See that timestamp above your sentence?

>> No.12214418

>perfect trad girl goes abroad

>> No.12214429
File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, 01D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crosswise cuts

>> No.12214434

that’s why

>> No.12214577

Sometimes when I'm in a mental frenzy I feel like I'm the reincarnation of someone important. And I know who that person is. He's visited me in my dreams, we've always been the same guy.

I always felt that he was writing to me from another time and place, and it's no coincidence we resemble each other very closely. That seems totally irrational, but it's almost like people who resemble each other tend to behave somewhat alike. And that's not racism, it's true of anybody I'd claim.

Also i have to get better at injecting "I claim" into my statements like Zizek does or else people are going to resent that I seem to have all the facts.

I don't want danger, I want change, and I want to help. But I only have a role to play in the grand scheme. And I may or may not end up the star of the show. But if I play along with trust in my heart, I'll get to where I wanted to be and I can say I lived the life I wanted to live.

>> No.12214594

Dreams are elucidated reflections of reflections
Visionary dreams transcur in the yoke of aether and circle spacetime

>> No.12214608

But things turned out bad for him. He didn't have a violent death but he died of a very unpleasant disease. I'd rather die from an overabundance of bjs or simply shut down when the time is right (which is actually biologically possible btw) but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

He died not much older then me, in his 30s, sort of like another guy... hmm.

Also the dubs here tell me I'm right, double 7s? One for me and one for him.

Anyway, the more I dabble in mysticism the wackier I get. You need to just be in the world and have someone else's experience predominate sometimes.

>> No.12214619

I claim

>> No.12214669

I just matched with this gorgeous trap on tinder. I'm not into that, I have no attraction to trans people whatsoever, but I'm afraid I'm going to make the jump on this one....Fuck.

>> No.12214844

I've been doing well on my writing today. I usually write realistic stuff but have been working on this medievil, pen&paper story. I'm the tiniest bit disappointed it's not particularly wide-spread in the English speaking world and most of the material I use is in a different language.
Also I've been so motivated to get knee-deep into my language studies but I'm at a loss of which language to focus on. Pls send help.

>> No.12214889

A filthy carpet.

>> No.12215053

through the cosmos

>> No.12215240

I've got a lung infection. I just had a coughing fit and there was a bunch of blood in it. It hurts, /lit/.

>> No.12215316

I switched from addressing my inner monologue at an imaginary qt girl to addressing it directly to an imaginary 4chan.

I probably wouldn't even mind if I couldn't browse here anymore, the 4chan in my head is enough for me. Still gonna post here though.

>> No.12215347

Today I was approached by a pair of weird smallish people with heavy accents, and I only approached them because one of them was a cute asian milf. Apparently they were some sort of LDS believers, and they showed me a short presentation on a tablet of a father/mother duality in heaven, "proven" through bible quotations from Hebrews, Revalation and some other passage I forgot.
I told them I wasn't interested and I think I sounded a bit hostile when talked to them, but I still felt energized for a while after that encounter because it rarely happenes to me that people directly approach me and seem to care for my opinion on things, even if they just want me to join their sect.
After this short period of energy I started to (and still do) fell disappointed in my autistic way of conversing with others. Also, the asian woman didn't even say anything except Danke and schönen Tag noch, all the talking was done by this fat guy with a spanish accent.

>> No.12215407

>measuring your dick
Marker of being a lonely faggot

>> No.12215421

am i weirdo if i want to nurse sick anons back to health

am i a florence nightingale

>> No.12215753

>tfw bf has the biggest dick I've had but he never measured it

>> No.12215791

Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
>whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent

>> No.12215792

In a nightmarish world I should not feel guilty for nightmares. In a dreamy world I should not feel guilty for dreams.

>> No.12215811

>not exposing yourself in public
are people just supposed to guess anon?

>> No.12215837

Don't you think your sentence falls prey to itself?

You're trying to convey an experience of truth through language through it.

>> No.12215840

Ignore Witty's Tractatus, go straight to his philosophical investigations

>> No.12215842

top or bottom

>> No.12215843

Every sentence does, anon my son

>> No.12215895
File: 18 KB, 318x314, Explain this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can I always predict what a girl will say when she say "I have things to tell you"? Why is it always about their love life and how they found a boyfriend? Do girls ever stop and think "Maybe I shouldn't bring up my relationship status around someone who is single"? What makes them do this? I still have yet to find the answer.

>> No.12215900

she needs validation duh

maybe you should ask some girls. there are none here

>> No.12215914

I suggest against that anon.

>> No.12215953

She too lived too far so I decided not to. But it was a close one, I have to watch that.

>> No.12215991

We're both pretty vers. I'm not into being dommed though.

>> No.12216088

Okay, what’s the groovy link to the plane of logic? Seems like you’ve got two ways of looking at the meaning of words, but you’re only willing to talk abut the obvious one. You’re precise about the first one, I wonder if you would do the same for the other. Beyond the perception in the mind of the other, what system of logic underlies speech?

>> No.12216106


>> No.12216117

Me too anon

I found out my internet friend killed himself when I accidentally found a gofundme that his real life friend set up. I hope he reached Jinnah too, but I don’t think that’s how Islam works.

There’s no one I can tell. I’ll never talk to him again. I could have saved him. But I’ll never even visit his grave. Do Muslims get buried in a grave? I don’t even know that.

>> No.12216118
File: 473 KB, 1366x1306, mark the mint man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish people were more authentic

i always think you can clearly and directly hear the inauthenticity from a person's voice and tone. i wonder if other people notice this too.

>> No.12216139

As a NEET who doesn't live with his folks I could be using my free time to my complete advantage. I could be working through my extensive to read/watch list, studying something/selling things/planning for the future etc but I spend most of my time glued to my laptop browsing 4chan/social media and reading Wikipedia and watching Youtube. My attention span is currently poor and I'm very aware I'm not making much of my youth. Will getting a job help me? I've had over three jobs in the service sector now, all shite but I know beggars can't be choosers. I would love to travel but I have an overdraft I should clear

>> No.12216230


>> No.12216487

The reason for the increase in mental health issues among millennials and later is because of the destruction of community. Liberal, capitalist values anihilated the Church and traditionalist family structures, leaving people to cope alone. Platonic friends are meant to cross this gap and fill people’s lives, but most people end up going it alone because there is no socially accepted cause for people to get together except for hedonistic reasons, which would work accept everyone is painfully aware of their own shortcomings because of social media which causes people to be afraid of actually doing anything for fear of being labeled strange, ugly, etc.

>> No.12216538

Depression Anon here
Today is another day I spent entirely in bed. I only leave the blankets 2-3 times a day. I read a bit and I almost finished a book, but I'm disappointed cause this would be the first book of December. I was just too depressed to read. Christmas is coming and I wish I could disappear, I don't want guests.

>> No.12216547

20cm is 8 inches wtf you talking about

>> No.12216606
File: 199 KB, 1019x1024, Phil_Hale_beautifulbizarre_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate the whole dating process.
We went out and she said she had a good time. Asked if she'd be interested in going out again and she said yes but she's busy this week so the weekend is good. Am I supposed to be texting her? Do people still have all day long text convos? I don't see her on her phone much so I'm unsure if she's much of a texter. I texted her only once yesterday, took her awhile to respond and then I didn't respond and haven't at all today. Is that a mistake? Or should I just not text her till tomorrow when I was planning to text her about this weekend. And I have this horrible feeling that despite all the nice things she said and the seemingly good time we had, that every moment that goes by she's losing interest.
Fuck I hate this shit

>> No.12216622

I can't seem to enjoy these last few days we have together. I don't want things to end, but you don't feel the same way.

>> No.12216630

I'm always being told I think too much or that I'm overthinking it. What the fuck am I to do, think less? Is thinking too little not worse than thinking too much? Or should I just think just enough? How do you know when to do that? These are the kinds of questions educators have left me with.

What it strikes me as is they're afraid of too much truth, they're afraid of seeing past an object in itself and into its hidden associations and contexts and matrices. Everything is connected to everything that has ever happened to it in any point in time!

There's some serious shit going on in the world right now dudes. Turbo-tech that is damn near on the verge of sentience, technology almost powerful enough to simulate a world, science has been able to get to where informed fiction could only imagine.

Am I supposed to not think about that? Really now!?

What I'm thinking about is the pulsating orb of purplish power drawing everything into its web of magnificent power and weaponry. Legions of stalwart troops, liquifying nation states, a wish granted in the majesty and grandeur of human power.

I want galactic empires of humanity, super-boys and girls, and a generation that sees the whole folly and insight of history in an instant download.

If that shit doesn't happen somehow that isn't too creepy, humanity will be lost in its self-replicating excess. People won't have anywhere else to go or conquer. It's either out into space or down into the mind !

And as anyone with good taste knows: why not both?

These changes are what people should be living for, not identity politics or resentment or hurt butts. Why is that so hard for everybody to understand without me coming across as arrogant!?

>> No.12216641

Levin is my favorite character in Anna Karenina. I still find it strange that the novel is named "Anna Karenina" when Anna's parts are hardly the most compelling parts of the novel. In all honesty, what did Tolstoy mean by this?

Also, it's funny to read the part about Levin and Kitty exchanging diaries when you realize that Tolstoy also did this with his wife. Now the novel doesn't state the contents of Levin's diary, but it is apparently so terrible that it reduces Kitty to a complete and utter state of disgust and disappointment.

Now if I remember right, Tolstoy did write about all of his affairs with women in his diary. He also kept multiple secret diaries to keep away from his wife (which she all found later).

>> No.12216649

I miss her so much. She was an abusive fucked up crazy person but I love her even still. I think? Right? Or am I just lonely? Why would I miss someone who made me feel so shit all the time? And you know it'd be one thing if it was brand new, fresh, the dust not yet settled, still processing everything. But it's been the better part of a year. It's been a long time. So much has changed since then. My life has been better in pretty much every fucking way. So why do I still miss her? Why do I still come home from work on random nights and cry, wishing she was here? I'm just a fool in love.

>> No.12216667

I once got suggested when I was having trouble with the same thing to take girls for friends: I have girl-friends and go out with them, I occassionally talk the small talk or whatever comes up via message, but I don't force it, I mean I am not calculating "well, I should respond in like another hour to her cause she didn't"; just enjoy myself talking if that's what I wanna do — not what I have to do.

Instead of seeing the girl you're dating like my next potential girlfriend, I see her as a friend with whom I'll enjoy myself, and I'll ask others out as well and see what happens, with the thought that I'm going to make friends. That doesn't push me to do anything at all. If, however, chemistry works and all goes great then cool, if not, whatever, at least I have another friend.

Anyways, my advice is enjoy yourself. You don't have to do anything. You probably did the right thing. Don't get stuck on one person, rather see them as friends, and as a friend, you might have the occasion to go out and do something, and who knows, something might happen.

>> No.12216672


>> No.12216687

Yeah I get that, I'm definitely overthinking it all. But I did specifically ask her out for possible romantic intentions and I'm pretty sure she said yes for the same reasons. Like nothing was bluntly said but I'm pretty sure the intentions of it being a feeling out process for possible romantic relationship is clear. We weren't necessarily friends before this, she was a classmate who I asked out

>> No.12216690

i´ve done nothing interesting in a long time.
it's just matter of time before i don't even realize how old i'm getting and end up like some of you guys. half way to be deeadd

>> No.12216698

I was walking down the street, the cars were stopped and an ambulance passed by. I crossed myself, and thought a brief prayer; I prayed that whoever needed the ambulance would be ok, no one would get hurt, no one would die. But all I could think about was me in that ambulance, being rushed to the hospital. Dying.

>> No.12216704

Pizza again

>> No.12216706
File: 35 KB, 365x273, 40CAF5D6-7F97-439D-BDC2-8FED065E5A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Intellectuals become what they are because they were traumatized as children and are all deep down mentally ill. If they were happy and healthy and not mentally-ill at all they wouldnt feel the need to treat fellow humans like hampsters.

>> No.12216707

I love gangsta shit for good reason. The world is getting gangster. It's sad to see but that's how it goes.

I'm a little disgusted how subject to violentization I have been in life. It's like the world plants a seed of evil in your heart and blames you for it. Most midnight-children never awaken to the insight that it may have been the world that planted it in them and not the other way around.

Where my family resides shootings and stabbings are a near biweekly occurence. After hearing about all the murders and stabbings you stop caring about what happened and deal with the shock of the threat to your family's safety. A bullet just flew so many yards from puppy's head.

This is the war-state, the death-state, the nihilism state. The trouble at home, not abroad. Evil loves finding people who go looking for it, but I'm long past not having the courage to look it in the eyes and watch it vanish.

And I can see all the men who cause this trouble in the weave of complexity standing in their shadows and closed dark polished rooms, and they don't like it when someone draws attention to their handy work.

But when I'm angry I act just like them but far worse except on a budget, and that makes them question themselves. Strip away a tyrant's assistance and he is often a pathetic man.

No hard feelings. I think a few words between men is far less harm than that which has been inflicted on the poor. You know there are smarter ways to go about these things rather than having to crush lives.

Oily laws made my oily men in a sea of oil, and they breathe and drink that oil even though everything is expensive and lovely around them. Sorry fellas!

>> No.12216708

DO you just lay in bed and do nothing

>> No.12216735

Honestly, I think the intentions are pretty clear always, even if not explicitly expressed, when you ask someone out. That's a great step in itself, you express your intentions and she agrees to know each other more.

I'm actually doing the same thing, funny enough, asked a girl who I met at school but never really knew her well and recently started talking to her via message, and we met at someplace. But she says she won't have time all this month to go out anymore. I could take it as if she doesn't care to go out with me or, rather as if we might need more time to know each other. We message like thrice a day and after a long time just to say some stupid message but, for me, at least, it's like keeping in touch with her, to let her know I'm here and interested, so next time we go out and. From there I'll maybe figure out — do I want to continue on this?

Anyways, be flexible with yourself, I suggest you. It is nowhere written that you have to act someway or do something. There is no guide for this. If you enjoy the whole process, then it is not gonna hurt you so much, rather than making it a goal for yourself. Don't think it too hard either, you might as well be doing better than you think.

>> No.12216744

>Oily laws made my oily men in a sea of oil, and they breathe and drink that oil even though everything is expensive and lovely around them. Sorry fellas!

Oh that upsets me. Why don't I proofread?!

It's like teach a kid that violence is a regular part of life and then don't expect him to use that knowledge. Well I'm going to find ways of using it and it's not going to be very cute but I'm not saying it's going to be violence. Ideological violence is the cure this world needs! This can't continue without war and do we want another war? Those rich folks have skeletons that charr like allll the rest!!!

Except instead you have ALL THESE BITCHES insufferable tweet-philosophers and fakers galore. Caring more about an image than the heart of the matter. These imposters are killing the spiritual essence and functional purpose of art within the collective human experience.

Nobody bothers with the truth and I feel like I need to whip everyone into shape.

>> No.12216746

Yeah, thanks anon, kind words. Of course I hope she says yes, cause she seems nice and I like her, and our next date could be a lot of fun. I'll send her a text tomorrow but I'll just try not to think about it too much till then. I've been driving myself crazy about it, especially after she even said how she wants to get together again, I just have a history of girls blowing me off that I become hesitant and overthink myself into an anxious mess

>> No.12216767

reading existential books just makes me extremely stressed and autistic about how I look.

spent 3-4 hours staring at the mirror and scrutinizing every pore and ugly mark on my face.

help bros like actually please?

>> No.12216774

Ahhh fuck you fuck you all why don't you submit to my argument and agree with everything I say
Why must you oppose me at every corner and make me feel so isolated, obsolete, uninformed, naive, unsophisticated, backward, biased, privileged
Why can't you admit my view has some truth and good in it!

>> No.12216797

Yeah I've got that too. Ruminations don't help you at all, they actually work against you. When have ruminations ever before helped you at all, in your life? Thoughts are just mental events, they don't control you, they don't alter reality; in fact we can all agree our thoughts are most of the time distorted such as by emotions or other factors. A girl is just another person, just like you, they're not superior in any other way. Be kind to yourself, you most probably are already a good person in many aspects. Just think about the amount of awful people whose purpose is only to do awful shit and whatever they do you cannot say they are a good person: these people normally act and go about their lives without doubting about themselves, even though they are big shitheads — hell, they even think very high of themselves. If they can do it, why can't you, anon? Give yourself the chance to not evaluate yourself - you deserve every bit of it.

Again, Anon, go and enjoy yourself, have friends, go out with them, whatever you want to do. And hope it all goes out great for you, man.

>> No.12216809

The way I see it, I was born with an evil eye staring at me. Even when I was just a cute little bastard! Why does evil encroach most eagerly on innocence?

Am I so bad for wanting to pinprick the gruesome stare?

It's almost as if I can feel Dick Cheney's odious shade. It's like he's turning to me and he's displeased but sees my point.

Or better yet, can I demand that it close forevermore or at least find something worth leering at? Why don't bad guys focus on fucking up other bad guys for a change!

The same eye of power I seek knowledge of is the same thing that terrifies me. I will not tolerate it any longer in its malignant state; it needs clearing up, an eyedrop.

An then what do I see? The proud and shining sun, the thing I should have always been seeing. It's capabilities are all that provide sight.

How can I draw darkness into the light? Bring the irrational under the harmony of rationality and achieve the daybreak the million footsteps of freedom?

By walking away and going until I find where I belong. Everything is all about the positioning and the timing and then serendipity handles the rest.

A corrupted intelligence is a far more scary thing than a corrupted idiocy. The center of power must wash itself clean and see the moral cost of its engineerings.

A doctor does not kill his patient! A fevered soul is cured, not executed.

>> No.12216815

I have preached to the fundamental worthlessness of life, to the droning and drooling and the monotone achroma of consciousness. It was often that I thought of the world as a slate of glass in the void, reflecting a transparent emptiness-- that this illusion of truth and satisfaction in our grotesque atomicity was weathering us away, slowly, as though we were numbers in a long, corrupted string of code. I was raised Protestant, in the Church of Christ, and then turned Jesuit Catholic, and then went on a few spiritual binges on every conceivable pulpit of spiritual doctrine, with the intent to fill something that was never going to be full. I was a ravenous profligate, a revelrous blasphemer: I sunk low into the mud of existential quandary, and perhaps lost a piece of myself along the way.

>> No.12216816 [DELETED] 

I'd like to be another guy in this thread here to say that I'll never stop loving you. It doesn't matter that we'll never meet again. It doesn't matter that you were never all that great to me. It doesn't matter that you never would have loved me at all if I hadn't pursued you for so long. I still know that my soul wants your soul. It's too bad I've chosen to be happy instead.

>> No.12216849

That person's being a dick. You're alright dude. Get off this website and go undo yourself.

>> No.12216862

The holiness of forgiveness, the letting of bygones be bygones, the cosmic moving on. I can sense it. I really do. And people who read about these things have told me I'm not just hallucinating.

For most of history mental illness wasn't a thing. People were believed to be possessed or occupied by some kind of extrinsic entity. Or their soul was working out a horrible moral turmoil in order to boil itself clean like potable water.

Now you're just crazy! Your extreme mental events have no validity! No meaning! Just shut it all off!

That has been my main task this month, boiling my soul clean. You can't go around blaming but you can point out when someone passes the baton along until that baton becomes a gunman plotting to rob a trap house or the prostitute smoking hard drugs or the infinite criminal grotesqueries of slums.

The police do what they can, but it is not their job to cancel out thoughts that lead to crimes, or repair broken spirits that lead to murder and nastiness so bad people laugh at it rather than realize it is part of something bigger, creepy as fuck, and having to do with a spirit realm within a esoteric moral calculus. Good news is this is something everybody can control!

Want to know how how I know this? Dig deeper within yourself. The secret to the external is wound up with the internal.

>> No.12216900

One part of the brain scrambles and kills the other, until a social equilibrium is reached or the crucible destroys the victim. I doubt there is more to it than this.

>> No.12216925

If reason cannot conquor the esoteric, the result is a madness. People have known this for centuries. If you deny its existence, you let it rot, like a hidden illness. The Chinese believed in an imaginary order that governed their society and that imaginary order became real. The Mandate of Heaven. Cthulhu isn't that scary after all!

Wells had notion about the most terrifying thing being a mind trying to reconcile its own contents. Is that really so scary if there's a light at the end of the tunnel? If nobody can believe in light what is left?

A spark must ignite an order. The order of the soul believed in once more! The human soul is back baby!

Reason cannot complete its conquest if it denies the esoteric, denies the colorful and weird parts of the human experience.

The ancients just didn't have modern technology--the esoteric is actually quantum yo.

>> No.12217018
File: 132 KB, 433x1241, 1543818697113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you kill off the main character in a first person past tense story? Asking for a friend.

A job will probably help you. I'm living off my unemployment comp right now and am slowly descending to lower and lower self expectations. This leads to guilt and shame, that to more escapism and less self standards and expectations and so on. This is a downward spiral.
A job at least gives you some expectations for yourself.
Don't ever become a NEET, dont let pic related be something you unironically could relate to. I speak from experience.

>> No.12217104

mark borchardt

>> No.12217125

Most jobs absolutely suck these days though

>> No.12217166

I wish I could stop hating things I'd be better off admiring and do it once and for all. The august temples of the future.

It takes quite a bit to turn certain people into a hater, but years of neglect and pain will do that to you eventually. The sense that you are struggling alone which has become so foundational to so much pathology in the modern world.

The isolated ones are the hurting ones, but in a field of landminds there is occasionally something good strewn about.

Being lonely, feeing isolated, not having your shit together, not knowing how to deal with all the people in the world even though you can reach them at a click of a button, isn't shameful. It's part of a larger process that is working itself out in the culture.

>> No.12217176

I sleep and fantasize about killing myself.
I'm at the last stage, I don't think I can come back

Tried a million therapies, they don't work.

>> No.12217197

People need some form of standards and expectations for themselves in life. Something to get out of bed and shower for. Some social interaction which is vital for healthy life.
If you're a valuable employee you get treated decently. If not be dumb and lazy until you get unemployment and get a new job. So on.

Please answer my question :(

>> No.12217198

Im glad I went and saw The house that jack built
I guess I'll watch Roma when it drops on netflix

>> No.12217229

Traps are in fact very, very, very gay.

>> No.12217235

Bearing in mind I’m basically philosophically illiterate, what philosophical movement best aligns with the feeling of how small we are when we watch David Attenborough documentaries about deep sea life, or the feeling of “the tides of time” when you look at the sea or go fossil hunting?

I am drawn immediately to absurdism. We’re tossed into this existence, this plane of reality, with certain natural laws, some of which seem designed specifically, as if by a God, to inspire us to “be human”. Fear of death drives creativity, confusion about the starry night sky makes us build telescopes. Life feels like a film, or a Monty Python sketch. You are planted on this earth, with all these confusing stimuli, like history and palaeontology and money, and then you must make sense of it. The carnival, or freak show, of life. Maybe it’s solipsistic or “simulation theory”-esque to question if the aforementioned stimuli, like the starry night sky or a cliff full of fossils and traceable geological time periods, even really exist, or if it’s just an elaborate systemic laid down by a creator to confuse or terrify us, and perhaps try to make sense of.

A lot of people cling onto a religion, often evangelical, as a way of soothing themselves, and giving themselves a quick answer - passing the question onto God. Another example of a stimulus that seems absurd is how flawed we are as a species. We have to deal with what we perceive to be “stupidity”, in people all the time, as if it’s a test of our patience. This is where I start to feel solipsistic - things like parenthood (to pass on one’s genes), or customer service (to earn money) are the greatest test of one’s resolve. It feels like a cosmic prank.

Has anyone got a quote, or an essay, that aligns with the way I’m thinking about things? I’ve just tried The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, but it didn’t really resonate the way I expected.

>> No.12217257

life sucks

>> No.12217280


her face is melting
like birches on the snow
tearing time away
fingers on the roots
grow tall and strong
taste the youth
then pull till she gasps
the contact excitement
the cheeks fields of plenty
for crimson promises
in gazes of silver flame
the light will flicker
but none will know what beauty was
no one could define it
for no one knows why
birches spring anew
when snows melt
and ashes stir

do not grant the traveller
the chance to witness
where roses come from
do not give me a moment with her
do not allow the reveller
to cherish her golden likeness
hunger shall always beat satiety
madness make love to sobriety
to be born a distant future
let not the locks fall upon my hand
let not lips glorify warm strength
let not the bloom be cupped
by hands of care
let it all burn
in wasteful fanfare
for why did we not come here
if not to learn to yearn
and then to forget
why do we not dance here
if not to to forbid
and then to forgive
smithereness speak
when the crystal is quiet
the dead weep
when the living laugh
the broken to keep
what the whole shall never know
the innocent to greet
those who come to despoil
then shall this soul be judged
by how much it did not fulfill
and enter the prison of infinity
lessons in futility
and this is not humility
for i do not wish to erase her visage
but keep it burning in me
keep it and never fulfill it
instant karma
your fate is brahma
twisted shadows
burning bone
sweet recesses
that i call home
on this forsaken soul
broken ships
of stories untold
a thousand rooms of glory
such a sad sad story
sink unknown
sail forlorn
only then shall you know
the heart from the thorn

>> No.12217425

>Please answer my question :(

if your question is about killing off the character in first person then I would say yes. Try something and then have a read of how it goes.

>> No.12217435

>when you doing this cool stream of consciousness thing and you accidentally make a mistake

>> No.12217449

Must. Quit. 4chan.

>> No.12217458

I'm stuck at a crossroads with everything in my life it seems. I'm questioning everything from my sexuality to my career. I'm out of the closet but do I really want a gay lifestyle? At the same time, I feel as if I'd sacrifice a large part of my life for what could be nothing or worse regret, or dissatisfaction. In my career, I've become hot-headed and cocky at my skills and it's upsetting coworkers on a level I didn't realize until now. I want to be my own boss, own my own freelancer gig but am ultimately distracted by life outpacing me.
I've grown up with 4chan since I was 13, fuck that was 12 years ago. I've literally spent half my life on this goddamn site. I think all the boards I've frequented has added to my distraction. I'm not unhappy with my life. Just anxious sometimes.

>> No.12217489
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I've been looking for some paranormal books recently because i find them fun. I dont know how someone can write an entire book about owls, but i read it and enjoyed it. Guess i'll stick to horror books for now since conspiracy books get boring after awhile.

>> No.12217492
File: 30 KB, 436x322, IMG_20181208_180040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 30. I am not some genius and I have serious gaps in my technical skills and my lack of education is seriously holding me back for a lot.

My grammar is horrible, my book ideas are kinda cool, but I can't be taken seriously with the grammar I have. I am not doing anything groundbreaking like my delusions of gander would lead me to believe.

My bitterness has destroyed large chunks of potential friends and the limited friendships that I do have will eventually go away or be pushed away by me.

I am overweight, and I might dress nicely my anti-social nature has removed many chances of any real relationships, I dream of having the perfect girl as a quite imperfect man.

I Envy the small and large successes of my friends, and at the time even though I am an atheist blame God for not granting me my fantasies of grandeur fantasies of which I am handsome and in-shape(am decent and fat), being interviewed by favorite forms of media during which I am funny, witty and insightful(I am at times, however, I am mostly mute and suffer from generally common problems of articulation and communication, like most people), all the important and cool people want to be around me(am common, I have a hard time attracting people for friendship in the first place), and most importantly am a man of history and my life has some significant historical value to the new world.

I have a serious case special snowflake syndrome, that I can't get rid of because I am shameful how it made me treat others, but I can no longer live in because the time Horizon of my dreams are reaching the end. Peter Pan's world is collapsing, Help!

>> No.12217510

I cannot reconcile pleasure and work, I'm either a fat useless drunk or razor sharp with no in between

>> No.12217535

Oh for real? Show me.

>> No.12217638
File: 111 KB, 900x697, FB7FA477-FBEE-4F14-B852-0F4DF30A9E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December brings many a lugubrious morning to my fine wastrel self, and again I've been fired from the same job I've been holding on to absentmindedly for these past five years. it always brought timid comfort and meagre wages, just enough to sooth creditors that i share their house with, and to on and off again enjoy the illicit alchemy of the backstreets that Im not quite fond of but am accustomed to soothing myself with. but once again the chain is disrupted. i flee the house so my forebears still think i hold employment. still stealing money. still flirting with johnny law as my appetite and self loathing command, as i am on probation until february and am not on quite good enough terms to possibly make it out on time. ive been wanting to die nearly every day since she left. i scream at times for change within myself in order to bring it about in externality but it all stays the same. im still alone. im still a parasite. im still worthless. im not sure if i have wanted to live at all if not just to stop this endless cycle of mundane madness.
ill either pull something together by friday and remain free or be destined to be shackled up again, and ill just take the more direct route to hell than indulge the concrete purgatorio.
god bless gentle anons. keep up the good fight. resist and bite.

>> No.12217648
File: 206 KB, 1200x963, main-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the day I got a girlfriend my whole perspective of human relations and behaviour is now in constant shaping. I write and read less (I'm also studying the NEETdom king of Uni courses, Philosophy) and I still struggle with my disorganisation.

>> No.12217650

saved for future reference.

>> No.12217664

im so much smarter than everyone that i can actually feel my will to live break down a little bit more every time i read or hear stupid things and that's pretty much everything i read or hear these days. im tired desu

>> No.12217671

Well, congrats on finding love, anon.

>> No.12217673


>> No.12218057

>tfw to intelligent to live

>> No.12218114

The reason I should give up this website is not because 4channel is evil, but because it's leading me to do the right thing the wrong way. I share too much of myself here, and more importantly I'm too willing to hand out witticisms like candies.

The thing is, people should be valued on the basis of their experience and how they share it alone. Folks who use the internet are tracking a trail of either productive hits or misses that add up to a kind of experiential credit.

But if too many associations connect to certain negatively associated quadrants it becomes pattern-recognized as negative.

So going into the breach of the internet and trying to study it, and record and share my observations is one thing, but I need to do it smarter if I want to get paid to do it.

Sadly I'm not running a charity.

>> No.12218115

I'm more interested in this moment in engaging in my own bizarre conception of spiritual warfare on the internet rather than make money. That's a shame for me!

>> No.12218223

I finally understood the reason I shroud myself in vagueness.

>> No.12218246

Anyone know how to sleep better? I'm on holidays now so I thought it would improve but it wont. It takes me 3 hours to get to sleep and then i wake up every 2 hours and it's the lightest sleep ever. Then I just get headaches all day. I am so tired.

>> No.12218248

Want some useful street knowledge? If someone criticizes you in a sharp and underhanded and undeserved and unconstructive way, give an immediate destructive retort with your wit. Try to say something cleverer than "fuck you" than the person being an asshole to you.

Sentences should be loaded in your head like bullets.

Don't be looking for a fight, but if someone goes around hating on you for no justifiable reason, strike back with an immediate verbal karate chop to the jugular.

Do this enough, and pretty soon you'll discover that people not only stop fucking with you, but they start liking you because it's funny when you roast someone and you just BTFO'd a low social-value asshole.

All if this could be avoided if people stopped being so mean.

>> No.12218252

Anyone with half a brain does this. In fact anyone with siblings does this.

>> No.12218280

Terrible advice. Absolutely utterly "I'm never going to be successful" tier. Literally "I can prove this doesn't work in a single sentence: If it did, the majority of people would be successful" tier.

The correct way to react to negative remarks is in the manner that is hardest for you to endure.

>> No.12218336

a true l'adventura de la forszą is right ahead