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12208071 No.12208071 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books to know it all?
you know like acknowledge each and every aspect of existence

>> No.12208074


>> No.12208090
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>> No.12208091

The truth about existence is more or less contained in a combination of Plato, Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Heidegger.

>> No.12208185

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.12208206


No meme please

So, is this book good?

>The truth about existence is more or less contained in a combination of Plato, Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Heidegger.

And many textbooks on math, biology, physics, chemistry, geology, genetics, etc.

>> No.12208211

I heard it tries too hard.

>> No.12208214

You do realize science is 90% Jewish tricks and mystification right?

>> No.12208254


Weak bait.

>> No.12208260

the holy bible.

>> No.12208315

My diary desu.

>> No.12208319

>each and every aspect of existence
>recommends restrictive book of dogma

>> No.12208335


There’s this movement from some 3-4 years since, that somewhat coincide with many 17-18-19-20 year old people starting to browse 4chan. Many of them are all into religiosity and the Bible and so forth because of the new waves of political conservatism that are now the fashion all over the world. They consider themselves – these young men – to be opposes to the status quo, when in fact they are echoing the fashion of the time perfectly. If they were born in the 60s they would all be hippies.

The other side of the coin are people of around 27-28-29-30 years that have endured a great time of depression, anxiety and a feeling of lack of worth and that have found strength and meaning in – guess what – Jesus. I have seen hundreds of stories like this here on /lit/, all over the place. Again and again and again there’s the same story: “I was feeling lost and sad and lonely and it was then that I found Christ and now I’m feeling much better”.

In other words: we are dealing with new-fags following the conservative trend and with old-fags hitting the mid-life crisis.

>> No.12208341

Why are so many people finding gnosticism?

>> No.12208385

Partly because of reading authors like Jung and Dostoevsky, I would think. The world is also increasingly chaotic, and gnosticism is a counter to the chaos of the world.

>> No.12208406

this this this

>> No.12208425

t. haven't actually read the bible
The bible covers literally every single aspect of human existence.

>> No.12208433

A Christian said it, so it must be true.

>> No.12208443

Man and his becoming according to Vedanta by Guenon

>> No.12208453


I am this guy:


And I have read all of the Bible. I agree that it covers a lot of our human experience, but it also has major gaps. To be honest, the complete works of Shakespeare are aesthetically and humanely superior to the Bible as a whole (and you will still find gaps in Shakespeare: like the deep and detailed portrait of childbirth that Tolstoy presented in Anna Karenina, for example). The Bible’s influence is larger, but that’s mostly a product of it being treated as a sacred text, of it offering people solutions for some of their deepest fears. The there’s the roman State machinery spreading it by force throw the world: you can hardly get better publicity than that.

There's also this:

>And many textbooks on math, biology, physics, chemistry, geology, genetics, etc.

>> No.12208471
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I became Christian after reading Pascal.

>> No.12208569

Mind Comf

>> No.12208586

Fair analysis, but both groups are approaching Christianity from a postmodern starting point, they have come to distrust meta narratives and believe that the particulars of a faith can serve to navigate within a seemingly more complex world. NuChristianity is an epiphenomenon of information overload in this respect. The funny thing is that none of them consider just not coming to 4chan.

>> No.12208676
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>none of them consider just not coming to 4chan.

>> No.12208723

The fact that you use a statistical measurement tells me they've got to you already.

>> No.12208725
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>> No.12208740
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