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12205144 No.12205144 [Reply] [Original]

Do Steven Pinker's critics have an agenda?


>> No.12205155

Yes, we want non-whites (incluinding yids like Pinky) to be trapped in a cycle of poverty, disease and violence.

>> No.12205156


Reductio ad cadavrum is moronic no matter the body count.

>> No.12205157
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What about CULTURE Mr. Pinker?

>> No.12205180

>things are less shitty than before so you're basically a fucking retard for wanting to continue improving things
I genuinely want to like Steven Pinker but this line of thinking so bizarrely flawed I just can't get behind it

>> No.12205187

That's not his argument at all, moron. He's arguing with people who act like things aren't even getting better.

>> No.12205206

How is that what he's saying at all? He's clearly targeting this at people who think progress is impossible or hasn't happened, or that these improvements aren't worth much. In fact he repeatedly makes the point in the book that these developments should encourage us to keep striving for improvement, as we've overcome some huge hurdles in the past and can do again in the future.

>> No.12205217

What's the meaning of it all then? Is the goal of humanity just to become educated and to live as long as possible? But we're not necessarily getting the right education or life expectancy, are we? Our education is basically based on industrial society pumping out wageslaves. And we're not really biologically made for 40+ years, or do you want to live 30 years of a sterile, fragile figure crapping yourself in assisted living?

>> No.12205219

They are either revolutionary or reactionary. They need you to believe things are consistently getting worse to justify their radical rethoric.

>> No.12205237
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>wow we get to process food into feces for 80 years instead of 40 nowadays
>our societies are ever more atomized, nihilistic, decadent, people are ever more consumed by their escapist hyperrealities longing to escape the modernity

>> No.12205256

There is no greater good in human experience than continuing a pleasurable life if you don't allow for God. Godless society leads to a lack of reason for really anything. It's all smoke and mirrors because we all fucking die.

>> No.12205331

It doesn't mean anything when the price paid is the destruction of your culture, nation, religion, and any semblance of order. But I understand why Pinker as a cosmopolitan Jew cares nothing about whats been lost.

>> No.12205336

It does matter if things are getting better for people as a whole if it's not getting better for ME

>> No.12205344

ummm jazz music and travel to tourist traps is more avaliable sweetie

>> No.12205348

>God isn't real and conciousness is purely the interaction of chemicals
>its important to be nice to people and create progress in the world
Pick one

>> No.12205351
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>> No.12205357

Yeah but appealing to material matters as the only metric is retarded.

>> No.12205380

>God isn't real and conciousness is purely the interaction of chemicals
>however, suffering is still an observable reality and there are ways to make the experience of life less shitty
>therefore, it's important to be nice to people and create progress in the world

>> No.12205387

Why are the chemicals not important?

>> No.12205401

1/10 made me reply

>> No.12205430

Why assume anything is important until you can prove that it actually is? What is your end goal for humanism if there isn't any greater meaning than rearranging purely material things?

>> No.12205450
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Yes, and a valid one, if those things aren't available to those followers in their bubble, then your claims are invalid. And don't you give any reassurances that other science can be processed over time because that just denies the responsibility to timeliness, to staying on tract, in the present, here where life is real, and here seeing the true judge that forces the hand in selection, as neither holds the problems of the day, the irresponsibility is ours.

>> No.12205451


>> No.12205469

That's not true if you introduce nationalism, but I'm a canadian and we don't do covert nationalism very well. We may be too nice about it in person.

>> No.12205480


>> No.12205490


>> No.12205499

Based teen

>> No.12205509


if things getting relatively better is coming at the cost of climate change that is basically sure to cause serious disorder to the world, are they really getting better?

>> No.12205511

"deem all this meaningless" yea right i bet affluent intellectuals are saying exactly this and you are not deforming their thoughts. that pinker smells like a intellectually dishonest gay ass lil roody poo

>> No.12205545

Pinker is correct in that quantitative standards of living have increased over time. He is correct in pointing out that according to them there is less pain in the world.

His problem is that he tries to smuggle into this observation the idea that the neoliberal social, cultural and political views which reign in current year are objectively the best. 90% of the changes he points to are the result of scientific and technological accomplishments, but Pinker wants you to think his views on morality, ethics, metaphysics and culture are equally justified just because they were in vogue when said scientific developments occurred. He views modernity as a package deal when it is just as easy to praise certain aspects (like refrigerators) and criticise others (like social atomisation). Just because I don't much care for a world in which people are treated as interchangeable cogs in a global market doesn't mean I want children dying of polio, and I don't think you have to pick one or the other.

>> No.12205566

>imagine believing this

>> No.12205665

>he actually thinks the human body is supposed to die in its 30s

>> No.12205696

Things are not getting better because European countries are being told by the same elites that ''we need to import immigrants because we are having not enough babies and we cannot pay the boomers their pensions anymore''. So what is it? Is it a good thing almost no children are born anymore or should we produce our offspring so we don't have to import them from somewhere else?

>> No.12206408


>> No.12206430
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>"life is better than ever before"
>doesn't mention that suicide is at an all time high


>> No.12206438

No. How are less people being killed in wars? There are 15 million people on the brink of death in Yemen right now, in the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2. They regularly lie about how many people are being killed there, as well as in other conflicts around the globe (South Sudan, Ukraine, Burma, Somalia, Mali, Niger etc. etc.) There are millions of people displaced in Syria, with the surrounding countries, like Lebanon, being now half refugee. Most of the countries of the Middle East are running out of water. The life expectancy in America is now decreasing. Slave markets have been brought back. The world economy is on a course for another crisis (according to mainstream economists by 2020) which will be worse than 2008 and unlike 2008, they cannot lower interest rates anymore than they are now. All this while climate change is ramping up. The world is heading towards catastrophe.

>> No.12206453

>The world economy is on a course for another crisis (according to mainstream economists by 2020)
I was talking to an economist a few weeks back and he told me that the economy today is very closely mirroring the world economy just prior to the Great Depression

>> No.12206460


His major flaw is not that things aren't getting *statistically* and *emprically* better, but that those empirical statistics result in increased happiness, satisfaction, and meaningful progress. They don't. The reason being: dead people aren't sad. Let me repeat:


And the corollary:


This is why his entire notion that statistical improvements in the very superficial measures of human happiness and societal progress is overstated and simplistic.

>> No.12206461

Actually that's also kind of a false argument although I do agree that's things are getting worse in Europe.

Ironically the reason we have this influx of people from third world is because it has gotten better there and they can actually afford to leave. The poorest populations are simply stuck and will die where they live.
I really hope we close our borders soon but sadly that probably won't happen. The only hope lies with the visegrad countries. Or to quote Hitler "the future belongs to the stronger peoples of the east"

>> No.12206502
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>rich white man says everything is going great

>> No.12206516
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>> No.12206531
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>Over a century of Tikkun Olam, remake the entire civilized world to suit the Jewish ideal
>Openly Jewish "intellectual" is well pleased and dismissive of critics

Wow I'm just S H O C K E D

>> No.12206579

i thought total suffering was his metric, in an epicurean sense.

>> No.12206601

He does mention it in his book.

>> No.12206602

But at what cost?

>> No.12206605

>fewer starving, lynched, executed, oppressed, killed in wars, with more access to travel & culture
>oy vey, why aren't you happy when we raise the effective tax rate to 60% of your income?

Pinker needs to take a seriously hard look at France and get out of his Ivy League bubble. People are pissed at the globalist agenda and all the things he listed are only applicable for the elite in modern society.

>> No.12206618

>humanity “miraculously” survives for ten millenia or so before “civilization”
>recorded history appears linear because of its teleological basis
>mark the progress based on a humiliantingly limited scope
I hate Hobbesians. They honestly believe life must have been terrible despite the obvious fact of our species living for tens of thousands of years without their technics.

>> No.12206632
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a curse on their houses

>> No.12206638

>I genuinely want to like Steven Pinker
Why? Have you seen his chin?

>> No.12206873

And what does he say anon?

>> No.12206877

Based bugman.

>> No.12206895

What an emberassing post. I'm not angry anon. I'm sad for you.

>> No.12207058

If the best marxists can do for culture is jean luc Godard then I’d appreciate if they all fucked off.

>> No.12207096

This. He crusades against straw men while claiming to be a victim. He's just JBP with a higher IQ.

>> No.12207154

>more w access to travel & culture

>> No.12207158
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>> No.12207188

It's all meaningless. What meaning would it possibly have?

>> No.12207209

I'm unfamiliar with his political views beyond the fact I attempted to read one book by him and dropped it after it was full of dishonest rhetoric and party line fallacies.

>> No.12207266
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No one dies in liberalism.

>> No.12207274

There has to be some meaning because [intellectual] said so.

You believe in problems without solutions? What are you? Some incel who studies mathematics?

>> No.12207364



>> No.12207368

Eisenstein is the only decent one. Brecht is the worst artist to have ever lived.

>> No.12207371

that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.12207424

Can't wait for someone to invent a time machine so I can smuggle the blueprint for creating nuclear bombs to Uncle Stalin and having him blow the US and Europe into oblivion.

>> No.12207513

Steve certainly does.

>> No.12207651
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>fewer babies and mothers dying

>> No.12207668

>all time high
lmao. Maybe at a high this century, or even longer, but we have no data going back very far and absolutely no reason to believe that our decadent society has more suicide than a time when dysentery killed monarchs. That said, Pinker is an idiot or intellectually dishonest man who conflates progress in science and technology with social or political progress

>> No.12207727

>fewer opressed


>> No.12207770

>Fewer babies & mothers dying; more kids educated; fewer starving, lynched, executed, oppressed, killed in wars; more w access to travel & culture...
All of this leads to the proliferation of humanity as animal consumers, which is unsustainable by any measure and is largely unpreferable to one who values and respects life
>True, it's a value judgment to call this "progress."
A commendable moment of self awareness
But something's fishy when affluent intellectuals deem all this "meaningless."
What the fuck is he talking about?

>> No.12207794

i dont get steven pinker, one day hes a commie rat and the next hes an elite shitlord.

>> No.12207976

You wouldn’t think like this if you had experience of poverty, disease, or any of the other hardships which become rarer and rarer as society advances. Then again, given that anybody could have predicted that a comment like yours would have been posted just from looking at the OP (almost down to the specific words, ‘nihilistic’ and ‘decadent’ for example), I’m not sure if it’s valid to call what goes on in your brain ‘thinking’. Spoken like a true NPC.

>> No.12207994

Can Whig history just die already?

>> No.12208016

Pinker doesn't believe in Whig historiography. The entire thesis of Enlightenment Now is that the progress we've seen in the last 400 years isn't a given

>> No.12208040
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>believing human progress is real

>> No.12208048

Likely, but according to that tweet he's a true blue checkmark. He is blatantly displaying objectively good things that can be called "progress", then associates it all with progressivism. Either conscious verbal sleight of hand or genuine retardation. And he ends it all brilliantly at unnamed strawmen who very likely do not exist. Bravo.

Welcome to leftie mindset, they have no real principles, just sociopathic lust for power and control. They are the type who are first to gather mob to torch synagogues if they think it gives them status.

>> No.12208057

None of those things are objectively good.

>> No.12208078

he's a scam artist whose "empirical" "statistics" are bullshit, at least with regards to global poverty stats
check out his intervew with mehdi hasan where hasan shits on him pretty good for the shell game with numbers
his job is to keep retarded libs in a good-vibes fugue cause he knows that when the penny drops he'll be either fucking 11-year olds on some billionaire's islands while the rest of us burn or drown or starve or he will be dead (natural causes) and buried, having lived a nice life

>> No.12208085

t. commie, btw

>> No.12208086


>> No.12208096

I live in France. People don't care about the globalist agenda one way or the other, they just want to pay less taxes.

>> No.12208097

Don't you speak ill of God-Art anon.

>> No.12208098

Life is not a problem to be solved anon. Now who's sounding like an incel matematician.

>> No.12208100

He wouldn't do that, he was a smart guy unlike you.

>> No.12208105

It is a problem and the solution is antinatalism.

>> No.12208116

things are getting better at pretending things are getting better

>> No.12208155

This. Best post in thread.

>> No.12208163

I think it's impossible to untangle scientific progress from the social conditions that lead to said scientific progress. It is a package deal.

>> No.12208200
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Things are getting worse because people think things are getting better.

They aren't you are just too young to see it.

>Believing the "Canadians are nice" meme
lmao that is your nationalism, proud of being a
spineless cuck non-factor nation

Good post but missing the vital alternative

Do you seriously believe this incoherent logic? The logical atheist response is to limit your own suffering, which is always at the expense of others. There is a no net-gain you fucking brainlet ultra-nigger.

The observations at the beginning of your post are objectively wrong and based on modern fallacies of supremacy of technological progress.

>> No.12208224

No he's just an idiot

>> No.12208258

>The logical atheist response is to limit your own suffering, which is always at the expense of others.
Yes, if you're a sociopath. Others' suffering hurts me too.

>> No.12208286
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lmao you must have been raised in a christian household, look at the world you might see most humans aren't so empathetic.

your entire life is based on things you don't understand yet believe anyway, find Jesus

>> No.12208413

Good point anon.

>> No.12208422

I disagree, anon, it is not a package deal.

>> No.12208493

All trash except Eisenstein

>> No.12208634

>there is less pain in the world.

bullshit. you can't even measure pain.

>> No.12210357
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>less poverty, murder, rape, and intolerance is just pretend

>> No.12210402

You totally can

>> No.12210417


>> No.12210433



>> No.12210437

>more suicide on the native etnhicity
>less births on the native ethinicity
Lol let's import shit people and have this happen to them eventually, as some anon said in this thread, being alive with worthless goals seems very meaningless

>> No.12210447

It's a retarded argument anyway since immigrant birthrates usually decrease to the national average within 2 generations.

>> No.12210472

Mr STINKER, I call him

>> No.12210490

Is "more material wealth" even true? Maybe if you take the entire world for your stats, but nobody [reading this] honestly gives a shit, certainly not Americans.


>> No.12210550

Material wealth is bullshit metric and every economist knows it, you can inherit a $600k piece of land on a green belt which you literally can't do anything with and have way more material wealth than somebody who owns a 8 bedroom house in Texas.

>> No.12210721


>> No.12210723

You need to go outside and do something. You are asking the question that every human has asked since the dawn of written history. You have to find your own meaning in life. Art, relationships, science, activism, athletics. Posting on an arabian sock smelling forum is not going to be very fulfilling

>> No.12210725

>our societies are ever more atomized, nihilistic, decadent, people are ever more consumed by their escapist hyperrealities longing to escape the modernity

"le wrong generation" faggot. every age has had its edgelords like you who blame the times for their own failings

>> No.12210974


>> No.12211858

Guenon here

Of course the mere fact that he felt the need to tweet this belies some unconscious realization that things are not, in fact, "better" than they ever have been. Like all other post-Enlightenment thinkers, he is trapped in the realm of quantity, mechanization and uniformity which castrates the human experience and renders man a husk of ennui. Material wealth and technological development, beyond a certain point, are antithetical to self-fulfillment.

>> No.12212934

Pinker gives prescriptions for progress.

>> No.12212966

Steven pinker has an agenda and that's using the arguable statistical improvement of conditions since the end of colonialism to justify a new colonialism. He's and economic hitman stooge.

>> No.12213001

Are status quo apologists really retarded or just double tongued?

>> No.12213141
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Haven't read the book, but Hans-Hermann Hoppe ripped it apart in his latest pfs speach.

Might me worth watching.

Heil Hoppe

>> No.12213175

Redpilled but not based

>> No.12213282

care to source that? iirc altrighters say it does decrease but always remains higher that the native pop so eventually replacement will happen and so on

>> No.12213296
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>centrists? more like hypocrites!

never heard that one before

>> No.12213367

>fewer babies & mothers dying
Not necessarily a good thing in terms of overall population / evolutionary progress - also EXTREMELY fragile (it takes 1 medium size outbreak to completely reverse this trend)
>more kids educated
Well, state-indocrinated would be more accurate. How many "kids" can actually think for themselves? How many can solve anything but the most basic mathematic equations, if that? How many now anything about history at all (besides how EVUL the NAHTZEES supposedly were)? They're educated to be 9-5 wageslaves, for increasingly megalomaniacial, international corporations, nothing to be particularly proud of.
>fewer starving
Artificially so, because they don't work for it. Potentially negative evolutionary implications.
I'm not sure if this is even true. If it is, so what? There's still plenty of murder going on, a few "lynchings" less seems utterly irrelevant.
See above.
Absolutely ridiculous statement. Democracy by definition oppresses 49% of people the first chance it gets (aka when the other side reaches 51%). Also gay rights, women's rights etc. only kept alive by majority white countries, will die out as soon as whites lose majority.
>killed in wars
So what? This is such a temporary "fact" that it's completely worthless. No one predicted the number of casualties pre WW1 either, for example.
>more w access to travel & culture
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? "More access to culture" means what exactly? To watch (((Hollywood))) movies? What a fucking joke. Genuine culture is dying out everywhere and travel is only cheap because of technology.

What an absolute faggot Pinker is.

>> No.12213424

>>fewer starving
>Artificially so, because they don't work for it.

Imagine being alive and and well-nourished but not grateful for it because it's "artificial".

Most of your other criticisms have been addressed by Pinker's book.

>> No.12213438

pretty much this, Pinker is a douche who can go fuck himself

population explosion is a bad thing
education is a fucking joke
the third world is entirely propped up by first world handouts
the whole 'lynched, executed, oppressed' part is a bunch of horseshit only there to exacerbate white guilt
wars are the business of the people waging them
and I don't even know what he's talking about with travel and culture - travel is kinda pointless beyond maybe a week on a sunny beach and culture is a sewer

>> No.12213443

All of our technological progress was made by traditionalist and conservative societies

>> No.12213450

Read Taleb or watch the HHH video linked above in this very thread. Both BTFO Pinker far better than I ever could.

>> No.12213464
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>> No.12213469

You can fuck right off to darkest Africa as slave to some illiterate goat herder if rich white men in rich white society so trigger you. Fucking cuck.

>> No.12213472

You can't convince bugmen, they have the mark of the slave on them

>> No.12213499


Never done seen a secularist answer this convincingly.

>> No.12213511

This. Whenever I hear someone start talking about secular morals or ethics I just want to laugh in their face. The worst is when they'll say something like, "You need to create your own moral code." They realize they can't impose an ethics since it's all baseless, but they still tell you you have to have one. It's the most ridiculous thing.

>> No.12213539

It's literally a proof for God. A common sense of moral law.

>> No.12213551

Not him, but while I see your point and I get how it could be used to argue for a god, I would say it lends more weight to evolutionary psychology, especially since the common sense of moral law differs between racial groups i.e. geographically and reproductively separate groups.

>> No.12213562

No it isn't. It's just evolution. I don't have to obey it any more than anyone else does.

>> No.12213563

>Also gay rights, women's rights etc. only kept alive by majority white countries, will die out as soon as whites lose majority.
There is no reason to assume that though. Countries like Taiwan and the South Americans are pushing for those rights inch by inch

>> No.12213571

And how much of that is instigated by white nations? It's common to pressure foreign countries into adopting these sorts of things using economic and political means.

>> No.12213578

white nations, but the people pushing for those things in the white nations aren't white, they just look like they are

>> No.12213584

Vassal states of the USA. The moment the States loses hegemony (which current demographic and economic trends make only a question of time Taiwan becomes part of China which hates fags and South America will revert to right wing dictatorships, the natural state of government for mixed race nations.

>> No.12213979

Music is post-scarcity and you can listen to almost anything for free on youtube. Extremely affordable streaming services provide an even more vast collection of music, movies and shows. Literature, writings, lectures, and audiobooks are more available now than ever before.

Travel can be to anywhere. Get an airbnb in some small university town and enjoy the local spots that still have authenticity.

There are still serious problems like wealth inequality and rapidly rising costs in housing, healthcare, education and infrastructure. Focus on solving those instead of tearing down the entire system for your retarded utopia.

>> No.12214002

Isn't this guy a linguist? Why do so many people like to give their opinion that is not their specialty? Same with Elon Musk.

I'm not saying they shouldn't have an opinion, but maybe expressing it on a public space like twitter isn't that good of an idea.

>> No.12214017

His numbers and methods of quantifying improvement is very flawed. Also, the improvement that he is talking about is based on a global view that he calculates the declining quality of life in the West in a purely mathematical way. A billion slum dwellers increasing their pay from 50 cents to $1 outweighs loss of wages in America.

This article on his book even illustrates that view of his

> He even says that Westerners, “as citizens of the world,” should be prepared to make sacrifices in their own interests for the sake of a wider humanity outside their homelands. He admits that “the world’s poor have gotten richer in part at the expense of the American lower middle class,” and he is aware that this class of rural whites has lost against the importation of cheap immigrant laborers, and that this group has the highest drug addiction rates. But he does not seem to have much empathy for these whites. Instead, he says that sacrificing rural whites should be seen as an enlightened “trade-off” by those who are reasonable, urbane, and truthful: “As citizens of the world considering humanity as a whole, we have to say that the trade-off [getting the world’s poor and immigrants richer] is worth it” (p. 113).

>> No.12214047

American celebrity worship culture. They value the opinions of actors on political matters even.

>> No.12214097

Donald is saying we have no real free will and he's understandably anxious about this biological determinism.
Then Mickey, that shitlord, thinks he crushes him with his cheap sophist trick. The mouse may appear valiant but hasn't understood Donald's plight, operates under the same premise as Donald's correct diagnosis, and is an unsympathetic pseudo red pilled npc. If I had a cat I'd starve it and feed her the mouse

>> No.12214243

That's literally how the Japanese do it, just fudge the numbers.

>> No.12214333

No the japs do it by keeping the natiom ethnically homogenous.

>> No.12214378

literally none of this has any meaning

>> No.12215312

>However the fertility rates of immigrants to the US have been found to decrease sharply in the second generation as a result of improving education and income.
Higher standard of living imply lower birth rates, it's the same for natives as for immigrants.

>> No.12215350

Is this ASS man?

>> No.12216115

Hoe do you improve the education and income of 69iq average somali?

>> No.12217129

>His problem is that he tries to smuggle into this observation the idea that the neoliberal social, cultural and political views which reign in current year are objectively the best.
He directly acknowledges that he's making an arbitrary value judgment:
>True, it's a value judgment
He's smart enough to know that you need to start with an arbitrary premise and states as much even in the space afforded by a tweet.
I don't get why your garbage post is getting praise.

>> No.12217196

Yeah, that'll fix things.

>> No.12217237

The Most Important Graph in the World is why it's meaningless. It's Titanic deckchairs. You will build this sand castle and then hordes of people you brought about with your paternalistic aid will stomp it flat and we'll be back where we started. The meaning you had seen in it will be gone.

>> No.12217410

>he is trapped in the realm of quantity, mechanization and uniformity which castrates the human experience and renders man a husk of ennui

muh existential angst. Jesus christ, go outside for once you autist.

>> No.12217421

There's a lot more of them with many more guns buddy.

I see this shit every day. I walk right past it. You wouldn't be talking so tough if you faced down your own fears.

>> No.12217480

Based and redpilled desu, screw the other repliers

>> No.12217542

Arguing for the status quo, in particular capitalism and western democracy, is bond to rile up everyone who is a marxist or anarchist and in favor of overthrowing the system.

>> No.12217548

You're just romanticizing some vague undefined past period where things were better. Which period would that be?

>> No.12217625

Exactly what I was thinking. There must be an enormous deficit in serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, and any other feel good chemicals in the brain on a mass scale due to lack of exercise, exposure to sunlight, face to face interaction, non toxic food, and whatever the fuck else is now plaguing is like never before, such as obesity and instant gratification from technology.

I refuse to believe people even fifty years ago had their brains chemically wired the way we do now. There’s nothing wrong with lower mortality rates, but that can’t be the only topic of discussion. That’s what makes him calling it “progress” in quotes so asinine, it obviously progress, but in a different sector. It’s not meaningless progress but boy are we just fucked up the ass.

>> No.12217684
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his opponents are all counter enlightenment shills. the enlightenment has been under attack by intellectuals for decades. either they are postmodernists or nazis or semicommunists. pinkers recent books take a gigantic shit on and flush down the toilet forever the counterenlightenment faggots who have desperately been trying to argue against the entire enlightenment tradition (freemarkets, freedom of speech, democracy, and science). the main thrust of their bullshit, is that enlightenment is making the world worse. pinkers two books prove beyond all doubt that enlightenment is making the world better by almost every single fucking measure.

watching intellectuals endlessly hemorrhage demonstrably false bullshit against the enlightenment has been one of the saddest things to watch the last few years. not only that, but the complete contempt that they have for the improvement in normal peoples lives betrays their elitism and parasitism. the humanities are completely corrupt and need to be cleansed of the filth.

>> No.12217735

cant check the link right now, but your quote ignores my point about it not decreasing enough, even if it does decrease

>> No.12217771
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>> No.12217833
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so people like this are exactly what im talking about. something is wrong with his fucking brain so that he is incapable of understanding the almost unimaginable glory that enlightenment civilization has given man. over the last 30 years, BILLIONS of people are no longer starving. and he doesnt give a single shit about it because of:
>muh culture
>muh marxism
>muh theocracy
>muh race
>muh postmodernism
>muh state
>muh environment (and this one is just fucking wrong too)
its amazing. intellectuals think they are the morally righteous on the right side of history, but they are actually fighting against the most amazing triumph of man EVER RECORDED. they are actively fighting against the well being of billions of people. intellectuals are not good people, they are evil people. but that should not be unexpected, their entire intellectual tradition has produced nothing but failure and suffering for 250 consecutive years. its pathetic.

>> No.12217853


>> No.12217871

>conciousness is purely the interaction of chemicals
>suffering is purely the interaction of chemicals
Muh suffering arguments are always weak. Suffering is intrinsic to existence. Its neither good nor bad.

>> No.12218347

>always remains higher
Your point is nil anyway, since you can't make such a prognosis for the future.
The fact is birthrates keep decreasing in following generations according to the standard of living, there's no indication that they will at all times stay higher than native birthrates.

>> No.12218703

Sure, there’s more physical safety and affluence, but what’s the use if the upcoming generations are all going to be assimilated into the Borg? Not to mention the destruction of the environment, climate change, and overpopulation (for which reason the elites are probably planning some genocide).

>> No.12218713
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>non-factor nation

>> No.12218787

200 IQ post

>> No.12218841

i don't think you understood the post

>> No.12218850

Sikhs are the most based Pajeets goy. And Québécoise the most based Canadians so kindly fuck off.

>> No.12218858

>Québécoise the most based Canadians so kindly fuck off
lmao fuck off, you french canadian faggot
nobody likes you

>> No.12218876

>Implying Godard is not the single best filmmaker ever
I personally have nothing to do with Marxism but with each period he went through in filmmaking he further cemented himself as the goat