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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 777 KB, 1248x691, fantano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12202278 No.12202278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/mu/ have fantano
/tv/ have red letter media
/a/ have giggug
who does /lit/ have?

>> No.12202283


>> No.12202285

Bloom, but not for long

>> No.12202289

Bloom, in serious matters.

>> No.12202316



>> No.12202332

Fantano makes me feel unsafe to be honest.

>> No.12202336


>> No.12202340

Cliff, obviously.

>> No.12202343
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In keeping with our general pretentiousness and comparative seriousness, our youtuber guy is actually a genius and a scholar.

>> No.12202358

didn't this board bullycide some girl off of YouTube a while back?

>> No.12202386

Ah yes, fair Katie

>> No.12202406
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>literally listening to s.oy wojack

>> No.12202419

cameron desu


>> No.12202435

bloom and the girls on YT that they stalk from time to time. in fact you can tell old /lit/ is dead because they don’t spam stalker and jewish mediocrity threads anymore

>> No.12202489
File: 661 KB, 848x900, ibp3dxZy2Vys4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do /a/ seriously watch youtubers now?
Jesus christ

>> No.12202500

I think youve had enough for today, schizo. Go to bed.

>> No.12202511

what? This board used to cyclically create threads stalking Girl YT book reviewers and there were routine “kafka and proust are hack yid fraud” threads from the two-three anti-semite regulars and they’ve trailed off or I just don’t see them at all anymore. At no point did i make a value judgement either way. If you want to argue that this isn’t true and there’s still these threads by all means show me some from the archive, if not then fuck off.

>> No.12202526

He looks like he's about to stab you or shoot up a school.

>> No.12202549


>> No.12202554

i havent seen that one antijew poster in a while
the one who says stuff like 'You are embarrassing yourself by coming into a discussion of the Jewish Problem without familiarizing yourself etc.' and 'literature is white culture' and similar things

that guy will argue for hours and hours remaining completely calm, he's like a robot

>> No.12202559

The noam chomsky thread is full of weird jew rant posts.

>> No.12202563

This guy is unmistakable, he's not in there. Also there is nothing wrong with criticizing jews or any other ethnic group

>> No.12202562

we have each other, anon. <3

>> No.12202570
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The Minotaur of Milwaukee, who else?

>> No.12202574

I've never watched anything by him. I know reddit's anime community loves digibro, but I think /a/ is still pretty hostile to him.
gigguk seems much more like the stereotypical clickbait-generator who panders to the lowest possible common denominator by the means of shocking humor and references to dumb memes, judging from his video titles and thumbnails.

>> No.12202588
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>> No.12202589

>Also there is nothing wrong with criticizing jews or any other ethnic group

Ugh, whats your problem? I mean in some abstract realm where discourse is removed from political conflicts and the actual oppression of certain minorities maybe (which I understand can seem like one big joke when youre living large and in charge in the first world, where "hunger" is something that happens in the drice thru when immigrant works arent moving fast enough). But rhetoric and discourse have real consequences, and anti-ethnic rhetoric always preceeds horrible collapses in human morality and atrocity.

One might in the same spirit (as yours) claim that theres nothing really wrong with criticizing your mother to her face and verbally abusing her.

>> No.12202599

he’s remarkable, i think there was another one before him who really despised Kafka but there might have been even more. if he could actually develop some sense of courtesy and tact he’d do a good job of recruiting more people from this board but he’s just so mechanical in his polemics it comes off as profoundly autistic.
this is true.

>> No.12202607

I mean im more interested in reality than in this supposed looming genocide that happens if you say 'gas the kikes' too many times

You can criticize my mother all you like, criticism is a good thing

>> No.12202611
File: 108 KB, 900x900, better-than-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than food

>> No.12202616

>/a/ have giggug
No we don't.

>> No.12203246

Nobody, books take too long for them to be memey.

>> No.12203249


>> No.12203257

>You can criticize my mother all you like, criticism is a good thing
Proves his point for him. Postmodernist detected.

>> No.12203258

first post best post

>> No.12203270

>postmodernist detected
Youre not my friend, dont defend me.

>> No.12203272

Your CIA psyop dogma is not reality.

>> No.12203283

I dont like that huge portions of mankind exist in squalor and the instability of political turmoil. I believe evil for Tom is the same as evil for Ezekiel, and I would rather we look into our own acts (which we control) than blame others for the evil in the world.

>> No.12203284

Lindsay Ellis. Next question.

>> No.12203302

>You can criticize my mother all you like
he means you abusing your own mother. he's saying that looking for ethnic scapegoats is the sign of a society in moral collapse just like lack of basic respect for parents would be.

>> No.12203320

>he says as he posts another anit-cap meme in another tab

>> No.12203323

High IQ.

>> No.12203328

Could you be any more run of the fucking mill.

>> No.12203329

If capitalism means suspending all morsl evaluation of our action in the presumption that adhering to an srbitrary set of rules ("fairness" or "the law") I hate it.

If it means giving yourself an income from your store's profit after paying your workers and taking sincere and patient joy in the opportunity to care for them, Im all for it.

>> No.12203332

I dont care about being superficially boring, at all.

>> No.12203336

I don't come here to read establishment drivel.

>> No.12203342

we scared her away

>> No.12203343

I dont come here to entertain you.

>> No.12203347

The first hypothetical is not even a complete thought. Also neither of those things are mutually exclusive if I understand you right.

>> No.12203348

It's always been Dave Wallace.

>> No.12203351

>"Hate speech is violence!"

>> No.12203361

Another attempt at the same idea:
The unexamined and unrestricted quest for wealth is immoral.
The existence of profit in and of itself immoral, nor is the usage of money, provided one considers the human consequences of their business.

Having a store and selling at profit is perfectly okay, if and only if one makes sure to sincerely consider the effects of such businedd on workers, self and customer, and restrains the acquisition of profit where it seems to damage any of these parties.

>> No.12203365

That is a profoundly stupid reduction of that post. A less stupid reduction:
The man did a bad thing when he shouted to the mob, "kill the bastard!"
The existence of profit in and of itself is not immoral**

>> No.12203412

Sometimes the CEO gives to charity as a sincere, altruistic act; sometimes the shopkeep has predatory prices on the only apples you can get within 100 miles. Both worlds exist in every which way.

>> No.12203414

Yet each man has his conscience and knows something of the true content of his acts.

>> No.12203473

Fantano is Bloom, Scaruffi is Nabokov, now stop posting this question over and over.

>> No.12203481

>watching youtubers is more embarrassing than watching chinese cartoons in his eyes

>> No.12203559


>> No.12203602

Nick Land

>> No.12203643

reminded me this (used to be on youtube, now taken down)

>> No.12203647

But I'm already a Patreon, anon.

>> No.12203651
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We have books. Now fuck off.

>> No.12203670

the second is impossible under capitalism because the store exists in competition with other stores so that a store that operates identically except without moral qualms about hurting the customers and workers will outperform the "moral" store and eventually drive it out of business. even if the customers are conscious of the situation and "vote with their wallets" the successful store will not be the legitimately principled one but the one that is best at creating an appearance of being principled while violating the principles as much as possible in practice. and even if the state gets involved and places a legal limit on what the store can do the most successful store will be the one that skirts the law most effectively. in all those cases it's the most successful and least principled store that will set the standard for how the business is run that all other stores will have to follow to survive on the market. that's why business practices can never sustainably have the best interest of consumers or workers in mind but rather will converge towards the minimum of what is still legal and tolerable - and that minimum is itself always receding.

>> No.12203719

>judging from his video titles and thumbnails.

>> No.12203730

Faggot the only one we are close to "having" plebtuber wise is Demo D and he's dead.
So it's nobody.

>> No.12204516

that's not old /lit/
a year is not "old

>> No.12205464

Love this guy

>> No.12205618


>> No.12205727

We have books

>> No.12205736

idk he thicc and if he held me in his arms i'd feel safest of all

>> No.12205742

God I miss Demo. The only good Youtuber out there

>> No.12205780

fantano is pretty swole though, he just has mediocre fashion sense

>> No.12205795

this, the official tier list of /a/ youtubers would go something like this:

>Elder God sleeping under the sea waiting for the stars to align-tier
>decent tier
>Shit tier
literally everyone else

>> No.12205807

The guy copies popular trends like demolition d's seasonal reviews. Giggug even copies the thumbnail style and everythin. Every assumption you made correct, no substance, rip-off style and annoying personality.

>> No.12205809

Cliff and Bloom probably in terms of meme velocity. If bookchemist were more memeable, he'd be up there too.

>> No.12205907
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>> No.12206007

Mr. Anime is /a/'s guy

>> No.12206062
File: 118 KB, 1080x1349, 34982853_1378039168963224_3566018510150696960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PewDiePie book's reviews are so comfy

>> No.12206098

Cliff Sergeant is one of us.

>> No.12206127
