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12200728 No.12200728 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered this book for christmas.

What am I going into ? Is it worth reading ? it seems like something huge.

I only wanted to insert myself into reactionnary worldview

>> No.12200733


>> No.12200738

>ordered this book for Christmas, what am I in for?
You will learn to hate Christmas and Christianity.

>> No.12200741

too obvious

>> No.12200746

>What am I getting into
A whale of a tale

>> No.12200753

OP here

why so much laugh ? also, i didn't mean to insert but to introduce

Yeah i heard he was quite anti-christian.

>A whale of a tale

Im not english, i don't get it

>> No.12200763

He was actually kinda catholic in the end

>> No.12200772
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>I'm not English, I don't get it.

>> No.12200834

Not joking if you want to insert yourself into reactionary worldview watch [outgroup] hate compilations a la sluthate or "nigger hate" threads on /gif/

>> No.12200843


>> No.12200864
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Read Guenon if you’re unironically gonna go down the “traditionalist” path. Take Evola with a grain of salt. If you wanna look more into western tradition read Duchesne’s Uniquemrss of the West along with Mallory and Gimbutas on the Indo Europeans

>> No.12200868


>> No.12200872

Yeah i know, i also ordered "crisis of the modern world" from Guénon, so i can read them both and make my own idea

>> No.12200876


Sorry, on mobile

>> No.12200877

You are going to have a ride, same Italian man wrote "Fascism viewed from the right". It's certainly going to expand your views, I remember reading Ride the Tiger and thinking how these kinds of thoughts are even possible, think complete rebuttal of everything post-enlightenment. Left hates Evola like plague like you can see from comments because he is objectively as far from their psychosis as possible.

>> No.12200886

That a joke? Reddit the tiger is the worst book conceivable. And I love Evola otherwise.

>> No.12200906

>reddit the tiger
But the way I think it's a book you need to read in Italian to understand it. He wrote it in a very specific time period for Italy so you can fully understand it only in that frame

>> No.12200907


I must say I haved read "men among ruins" but i think i didn't undersand it very well because of my lack of historical and mythological background, that's why im going to read "revolte against the modern world"

but i must say i was particulary in love with his concept of organic society, i think that's what we need today.

>> No.12200912

>hate priests because muh neetchee
>conjure up a false dichotomy of solar warrior and lunar priestly religions
>project that onto the whole of religious history
>’durr Guelphs are why everything is bad!’
>erroneously write that in Hinduism the Kshatriya (warriors) are superior to the Brahmins (priests)
>even Coomaraswamy got pissed and corrected him ‘it’s the opposite you tard’

I think there’s a lot of good in Evola’s work but unfortunately it’s mixed in with some wacky misunderstandings

>> No.12200944

Just read the first chapter. Looking forward to reading the rest even though I know I will dislike the buddhist and hinduism stuff which just seems kinda wierd.
Men among the ruins was meant for a European audience post-ww2, which is why its a tougher read than his other works

>> No.12200956

>I will dislike the buddhist and hinduism stuff which just seems kinda wierd
You really shouldn't be reading Evola.

>> No.12200959

Sure it's babbys first reactionary book, but it's not bad at all. For anyone marinaded in eternal current year it's baffling read.

>> No.12200966

And this is the point where you provide passages so we know it's just not some seething antifa misinformation vomit as usual.

>> No.12201052

I’m from India actually and descend from a noble Rajput lineage, when I first read Evola I knew firsthand that he was incorrect. Here are a couple of quotes from Coomaraswamy:

>The book (Revolt Against the Modern World) is not without defects: in particular he exalts beyond measure the importance of regality in relation to the priesthood (Kshatriya in relation to Brahma, raja in relation to Brahman), even erroneously interpreting Hindu texts to support his theses on this point.

>We refer in particular to the citation of the conjugal rajnah purohita-varana-mantram with which the priest takes the king as consort, saying, “I am sky, you are earth”. Evola, inverting the roles of the king and priest, does so in a way that it was with these words that the king directed to the selected priest and consequently that the priest was to obey the king! The true relations were recognized by the first Sanskrit scholars (Oldenberg, for example), by Guenon in Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power, by Hocart in The Castes and were recently discussed in a very recent article on the various aspects of Hindu regality (Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in the Indian Theory of Government, 1942).

>> No.12201121

so the main error of Evola was to put warriors beyond priests ?

>> No.12201159

It may seem minor but it’s a fundamental error that affects a lot of his writings

>> No.12201175

fun for the whole family

>> No.12201181

Guenon was naive thinking the east was not full-on the degeneracy train

>> No.12201206

so basically Evola is great but he was really autistic about warriors and arians, so when he mentions any of those things beware that he is probably pushing his own worldview instead of analyzing the texts objectively

>> No.12201216

>what am I going in to.
Dying of virginity.

>> No.12201417

This kind of person who BUYS HIMSELF this book for CHRISTMAS (lmao) is exactly the kind of sad sap this book is written for. Ride the tiger bro! You’re not like those other plebs!

>> No.12201435

What is your point?

>> No.12201499

He's coping

>> No.12201516

Maybe you should read the book and find out. I'm really tired of these "tell me what this book's about" threads, read Wikipedia if you want a synopsis.

>> No.12201535

>I'm tired of people wanting to discuss books
I got a solution for you.

>> No.12201640
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/pol/ reporting in
Pic related.

>> No.12201955

If you're serious, don't start with this book. There are a lot of concepts that you'll miss, or misunderstand. It's end-game level, but it gets talked about so much that people use it as a starting point. Sort of like Nietzsche.

Get a strong foundation in philosophy and world religions before going into this. Also get a working understanding of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Carl Jung. Some other "reactionary" literature like The Decline of the West can help you get into his mindset; Evola's ideology became a sort of metaphysical Spenglerianism.

>> No.12201983
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>Thus, what I call "traditional method" is usually characterized by a double principle; ontologically and objectively by the principle of correspondence, which ensures an essential and functional correlation between analogous elements, presenting them as simple homologous forms of the appearance of a central and unitary meaning; and epistemologically and subjectively by the generalized use of the principle of induction, which is here understood as a discursive approximation of a spiritual intuition, in which what is realized is the integration and the unification of the diverse elements encountered in the same one meaning and in the same one principle.

>> No.12202097

he was mostly just agreeing with nietzsche's main assertion in antichrist and genealogy of morals

>> No.12202710

It's honestly pretty bad. I like Evola's ideas and concepts but the prose is all over the place. I mean he did write it in Italian so I'm assuming it just doesn't have the best translation but still... pretty disjointed i m h o

>> No.12202716

Men Among The Ruins is one of Evola's easiest texts. The garden variety Fascist youth could pick it up and understand 90% of the shit that he says.

>> No.12202851
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>Reddit the tiger

>> No.12202875

Evola explicitly denounces reactionary thought

>>erroneously write that in Hinduism the Kshatriya (warriors) are superior to the Brahmins (priests)

This so-called inversion comes from the original orientation of the Church in relation to regality in the Roman Empire. Prior to the changes made my Pope Gelasius I, the Church was subservient to the regality as they are subservient to the divine itself

Saved, but how can you like Evola but not Ride the tiger?

>> No.12202896

If someone tells me they like julius evola i immediately consider them a lesser being and subconsciously consider their opinions on anything to be worth less

>> No.12203195

>Saved, but how can you like Evola but not Ride the tiger?
like Doctrine of awakening

>> No.12203207

>hurr durr da modern world is bad
Why do every phillistine says this.