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File: 885 KB, 2000x1250, 1532793499731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12192741 No.12192741 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.12192773 [DELETED] 

why are the mods so agist? i got banned for a whole month just cuz im 16...

>> No.12192779
File: 428 KB, 1447x1085, 2001-a-space-odyssey-1968-014-monolith-sun-1000x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The drum beats match the stomping steps around the raging fire and they're not alone because the mountains thunder.

The Earth is molten surrounded by a thin crust of 25 miles.

25 miles below the natives feet the magma Earth beat against the crust. Where do you think the drummer found his rhythm?

>> No.12192911
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1523834406567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a good poop in weeks and it makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.12192920

See you in another month.

>> No.12192921

I want to drop my trousers to the world.
psyllium husk

>> No.12192931

nah im switching to reddit, shame me if u want, but everyone who is actually literate is leaving or already left, enjoy pretending to know about foucault, and posting goofy pics of dfw 8 hours a day with the other retards

>> No.12192942

suck a turd out of my wrinkly anus before you leave, will ya

>> No.12192963
File: 183 KB, 500x714, main-qimg-abde6987128065c89081911689852bd4-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the romans become weak and decadent
they are sacked by the steppe nomads
when the chinese become weak and decadent
they are sacked by the steppe nomads
when the arabs become weak and decadent
they are sacked by the steppe nomads

nobody ever sacks the steppe nomads

>> No.12192972

Buy some magnesium citrate in the nearest drugstore or supermarket.

>> No.12192983


>> No.12193016

I'm hooked on phenibut, it's ruining my life, and I want to quit but the heart palpitations and rebound anxiety it gives me when I withdraw are scary.

>> No.12193020
File: 35 KB, 369x387, apusmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's on your mind.

>> No.12193065

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into them. Though, I suspect it might be worse than constipation.

>> No.12193089

A new energy. After weeks of crying the outer shell has completely eroded, washed off. Now the tender skin beneath, beating flushed and not yet adapted to the harsh environment. The brain focused again, lead by the immediate goals. Revisiting the once hated probability and algebra stimulates it with clean enthusiasm. Feeling streamlined. This is my diary desu.

>> No.12193112
File: 1.56 MB, 4984x1169, PANO_20181206_141150.vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually thinking about clouds. I realised that the angle in which you see the cloud is unique, and so the image of the cloud is unique to your perception of it. A million people looking at the same cloud will see a different cloud.
Then I realised that all perception is like that.. and down that rabbit hole I went. What's on your mind friendo?

>> No.12193133
File: 5 KB, 300x168, sxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed the strange and sudden appearance of stigmata on my body. You might think that absurd but I swear, it was as if the wind clawed me. The world is sentient and boils down to one consciousness, and knowledge of this fact can be used to a practical advantage.

This isn't the first time I've been visited by the claws of the darkness. Something primal and hidden branding me as its possession. Yet it finds resistance, and a powerful spirit fighting against it in this demiurgic drama called life.

I find myself loving the people I used to hate and hating the people I used to love, and then swinging back again like an elastic. That way I see it all, be it all, cut and tumble over it like a kid waiting to fall asleep imagining his bed is a boat sailing the seas.

Why was it that for so many years I lived life in a coma? A terrible, fragmented, parody of myself? So many reasons and I can see it spread out like veins in an autopsy of the past. But the present still lives and the future just might. I know now--I can see it now, a young boy that transcended his circumstances-- the crudities encasing him in cement to manage to figure out how to do what he has always wanted. I've found the child that was me and have let that little thing free. An act of self-forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

>> No.12193137

I wish I wanted to fuck my therapist, but I'm not gay. Someone analyse this.

>> No.12193143

you are a faggot and have to be sterizlized.

>> No.12193152

>but I'm not gay

Denying it just makes it MORE true.

>> No.12193157

I am going to become homeless again after just getting off the streets. I should kill myself.

>> No.12193162

I want to find him hot, but I just can't! What does this mean!!!??

>> No.12193165

you want to have power over him. apparently you view him as a threat, possibly to your masculinity or otherwise.

have you ever raped anyone

>> No.12193168

We support your decision anon.

>> No.12193174

Well maybe you're not gay then.

>> No.12193175
File: 7 KB, 225x225, pepecompton2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i should kms
no, you should be runnin' tha streets

>> No.12193186

No, but this makes a lot of sense.

>> No.12193196

Hmm. I don't have access to guns atm though.

>> No.12193201

Is freedom having the ability to do what you want or having the ability to not do what you don't want?

>> No.12193215

freedom is smoking dmt and investing in bitcoin

>> No.12193227

My mind is oldish, filled with a minimum 45 years of experience and thought, all of which is upon it this moment. Much of it has become a blob of abstraction, the odd, sporadic details fly by from time to time. Wait, let me see if I can grab and hold one for a moment...

Well, after spending a few minutes watching the edges of the tornadic swirl, a few memories did indeed make brief, visiting stops, but no one would likely care for these relics from a relic.

JFC, that was the most ridiculous captcha *ever*.

>> No.12193231

Heh, how bout that crypto market

>> No.12193238

almost certainly the second one. anyone can do what they want; they just choose not to

>> No.12193245

Share your thoughts old mind.

>> No.12193253

I'm convinced that as soon as I start enjoying life, the cosmic irony will then answer my old pleas for death.
Therefore I am cynical, and immortal.

>> No.12193260

So I asked this girl out today and she said yes fairly enthusiastically. Told me to give her my number and I did.

She still hasn't texted me... should I be concerned or is she just trying to not seem too desperate?

Yeah I'm an idiot for not getting her number but I didn't think about it at the time.

>> No.12193266

lel, she played you son.

>> No.12193270

Depression diary of the day
Spent most of the day in bed, didn't touch the book. It's 3:40 am right now and I'll probably sleep after this.
Changed my cat's litter. Been on 4chan most of the time. /adv/ was fun to browse today. I like talking to people about their problems.
The headaches have worn out, and that horrible sensation in my chest is gone. But I still have a strange feeling in my stomach and I'm salivating so much, like I'm about to be nauseous.
I think I've been doing things with a little more enthusiasm today. I hope it gets better tomorrow.

>> No.12193287

No worries, Sergey will come through

>> No.12193303


>> No.12193313


I live in a tent in my ex wife's back yard. I am now in the house on my laptop on 4Chan while "Into the Badlands" plays on our son's desktop, because she likes to "watch shows" while she does her job on her laptop, but I don't really give any fucks about "shows".

What all led up to me living in a tent in my ex wife's back yard? Well, that's exactly the book I'm working on now. I'll finally be able to leave sometime next year, after our son graduates and gets his college sorted. I shall then, like the black dude from Pulp Fiction, wander the Earth like Caine from Kung Fu.

There will be differences, of course. I, for example, am not a martial arts master, though I do know a trick or few. Also, I shall have a WiFi enabled Internet communication device to utilize whenever I enter into a city of humans.

As the Grateful Dead sang, "what a long, strange trip it's been"...thus far...

>> No.12193317

you think? doesn't seem like her but man who knows. If she doesn't text me tomorrow though then I guess either I entered my number wrong or she wasn't interested after all.

>> No.12193319

very nice, I wish you the worst of luck you waste of flesh

>> No.12193321
File: 640 KB, 1000x706, 21036777_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I allow the days to continue out of some vague expectation, of some development. Nothing happens of course, and my godlessness deepens. I cannot even conceive of worth any longer and I do not pursue what is required of me anymore either for I feel nothing to do so, no compunction. I imagine this will continue for as long as it is allowed , and the allowance ends in a little over 6 weeks with the remains of my bank account. I'm hungry, but that is not a reason to eat. I eat sometimes and I'm not sure why. It feels satisfying to do so but I don't do it for the sake of satisfaction. The cause is something visceral, I don't understand it, and I don't always heed it, and I'm confused when I do. I observe myself. I observe hunger, and wonder at it, rearrange demands, explications, and facts... like playing with one's food, but the food is no food.

>> No.12193339

It's all so very confusing.

>> No.12193341

I don't know, when women are really interested they never hesitate giving out their phone numbers.

>> No.12193349


>> No.12193376

Love the pic. He's your archytype.

Whoa, I've never felt that sensitive. Get back to me when it's time to get dirty again.

>That way I see it all, be it all, cut and tumble over it like a kid waiting to fall asleep imagining his bed is a boat sailing the seas

Yes. Amazing. Thank you

>> No.12193404


We are all wastes of flesh, anon, with the only worth any of us have being that which The Creator grants by grace. Perhaps It shall choose and cultivate, so that we might someday grow into more legitimate value.

>> No.12193437

That's tough man. I wish you well. Thinking about wanderors man, they sort of have an ascetic attitude about them. I mean they're always in danger. So yeah, keep your wits sharp.

>> No.12193446

I'm starting to fall in love with my wife's bf, what should I do?

>> No.12193456


Indeed, I was a wanderer before this, but I volunteered to raise this child who had been abandoned by his biological father, so spent the last 16 years as a stationary family home dweller, all the while holding that vagabond spirit in dormancy. It will be quite interesting to re-enter that life at this new, old age.

>> No.12193491

Im wasting every opportunity dealt to me. It's like fate is desperate for me to succeed -- and I'm determined to mock her.

>> No.12193522

The Adventures of the Green Grass: Episode 1

The sun is yellow and the sky is blue.
And who see it? It is you. Yah!
We are friends. We are good guys.
There are no bad guys. We run on grass.
When we need adventure we climb the
mountains, swim the rivers, and meet the loners.
We like to eat lots of bread. And sometimes
other food if it can be found. Yah!
Our land is big but it has an end
with a fence that we stay away from.
Jacob Big Hat is the main guy.
He is big and likes to fight.
Allen Long Tail is his friend and also big.
Paul and Ball are two small guys.
They are slow with little steps.
Jumping Flip is another guy who is always far away.
Blipper is a friend to all and so is Niker Long Whip
who is the toughest with his whip.
The robots harvest the grain and make
the bread, but they're also watching for
the end

Jacob Big Hat is there. He is walking alone through the grass. He is almost at the top of a little hill. He will not stop there. The grass is green. He will keep walking to where he is going.
The sun is high. A shadow darkens the grass in front of Jacob Big Hat. He is looking down. Now he is looking up. Jumping Flip is jumping and flipping. He keeps blocking the sun while he is jumping and flipping so high.
Jacob Big Hat takes his hat off. The sunlight rustles his green hair. His hat is brown. He shakes his hat in his right hand, spins around, and throws his hat like a disk. His hat almost hits Jumping Flip. Jumping Flip dodges the hat in the air. He lands on the ground and jumps away fast. Jumping Flip is the fastest. He is always alone and safe.
Jacob Big Hat walks towards his hat. It is on top of another small hill. Jumping Flip was just there. Jacob Big Hat gets there. He puts the hat on and the top of his head is brown again.
Jacob Big Hat has a brown hat that is very tall and wide. His hat is bigger than him. His hat is hollow and light. He is good at throwing it. His clothes are always the same. They are part of his skin. His boots are too. The only things he can take off are his red bandana from his face and his hat from his head. His eyes are permanently covered with black sunglasses. He has a black and white checkered shirt with blue jeans that are blue. His belt is brown with a fancy buckle. Jacob Big Hat's shirt is always tucked in. There is always a red bandana covering most of his face besides his sunglasses. Even his ears are always covered by the bandana. He can hear though.
Jacob Big Hat has brown and black boots. He is a cowboy. His buckle has a horse head on it. There are no more horses in the land. They are just a memory now. His hands are bare and show that his base skin is purple.
Jacob Big Hat is still walking. He stops and stands still. He keeps walking now. Now he is in green grass that has no hills. It is just flat here.
"Now I don't have to walk up the hills," says Jacob Big Hat, "My legs get tired, but not now.."
He is just walking randomly because he has nothing else to do.

>> No.12193524

Fuck niggers

>> No.12193542

Far away Paul is walking too. Jacob Big Hat stays away because they are not friends. Paul is almost pure blue except with three black eyes under his forehead. Paul has box shaped feet that are blue. He is darker blue than the sky. His mouth is blue so it is hard to see. When he eats it looks like he is just putting food through his skin.
Paul is smaller than Jacob Big Hat. Paul is only about as tall as Jacob Big Hat's knee. Jacob Big Hat's hat is 5/4 as tall as the rest of him. With the hat Jacob Big Hat is 9 times taller than Paul.
Paul's hands are stumps at the end of his cylindrical arms. Paul poops and pees through his mouth because he has no other holes in his body. He hears through his skin catching sound waves.
"HEY!" shouts Allen Long Tail from far away, "JACOB BIG HAT!"
Jacob Big Hat and Allen Long Tail are both friends. Allen Long Tail walks towards Jacob Big Hat. Allen Long Tail's tail is long and slithers behind him. The end points left and then right and keeps alternating as the tail slithers like a snake. His tail looks like a snake with fur. It is black with thin black fur and black skin.
Allen Long Tail's feet look like kangaroo feet with black fur. He has no claws on his feet nor a pouch on his belly. He is tall and skinny with a small head and a purple shirt that he always wears. His shirt has a picture of a kangaroo on it. Allen Long Tail has long arms with thin black fur and black skin. His knuckles are dragging across the ground. He has no pants or shoes. He has no genitals and poops and pees through the tip of his tail. His small head has two eyes, a black, flat and squishy nose, and a mouth with human teeth and a black tongue. His skin is grey on his head except for his nose. His ears are long and stick out the sides of his head. They are grey. There is thin black fur on the grey skin of his scalp and ears. His 10 fingers all have claws. His tail is 3/2 as tall as he is. Jacob Big Hat stands and waits. Allen Long Tail gets to him. Kangaroos are just a memory. They only live on in Allen Long Tail's shirt picture.
"I want to look for fuggles," says Allen Long Tail.
"I want to too," says Jacob Big Hat, "Too-too."
"Together friend," says Allen Long Tail.
"Together friend," says Jacob Big Hat.
They are walking together. They look with their eyes and see one fuggle sitting on the flat grass with its berry babies. They run so fast. The fuggle hears them and watches them come closer. Fuggles look like the Pokémon called Bidoofs and their babies look like giant blue berries. Fuggles are four times as long as Paul is tall. The babies are half as big as the fuggle's head. They arrive next to the fuggle.
"Hey," says the fuggles, "My babies are not for eating."
"We like to eat them!" shouts Jacob Big Hat, "We will eat them."
"I will tickle you guys until you stop," says the fuggle.
Jacob Big Hat and Allen Long Tail each grab a baby and start eating. The fuggle starts tickling their feet until all six babies are eaten.

>> No.12193545

steppe nomads sack other steppe nomads

also decadence is good

>> No.12193546

"I have no more babies," says the fuggle, "I will go away and make more." The fuggle walks away.
Both good guys are covered in purple juice from the berries. It is on their hands, faces, and chests.
"Cleaner Bots!" They are both shouting this over and over.
Finally two bots come running from the horizon. Make them look like robots. They each have two legs and a red stripe. They are both Cleaner Bots.
The two robots arrive. They spray the good guys with soapy water. Then they spray them with regular water to rinse. Finally they dry them with towels and go away.
Jacob Big Hat and Allen Long Tail start heading back for home. They walk through the flat green plain until they get to tall grain. These are the farm fields. The grain is almost as tall as Jacob Big Hat with his hat on. When Jacob Big Hat wears his hat he is 6/5 as tall as Allen Long Tail.
All of the Farmer Bots stop cutting the grain until the two good guys are done walking through it. Then they start cutting again.
Now the two good guys are at the Big Blue House. All of the people in the land live here. They are: Jacob Big Hat, Allen Long Tail, Paul, and the rest you haven't met. Jumping Flip is the exception. He jumps outside, all the time.
Jacob Big Hat and Allen Long Tail both go through the black front door.
Ball is sitting alone inside. He is the same height as Paul. He is the same shade of blue too. He has four legs: one in front, one in back, and one on each side. His legs move him by the front one taking a step and then is hip rotating so that the right one moves to the front. When he walks his legs spin in rotation very fast around his center. Ball has two thin arms that come out the sides of his head and have two fingers each. When his arms are straight up he is twice as tall as Paul, but he usually keeps them down. He sees with his entire head and knees, hears with his arms, smells with his arms, and tastes with his arms and mouth. Ball's mouth is a hole at the top of his head. He pees and poops from a hole in the center of his four legs.
"Hello guys," says Ball from his mini table.
"Hello Ball," both guys reply even though Ball is not their friend.
"I am eating at the table," says Ball, "There is bread."
"I like bread!" shouts Jacob Big Hat.
Jacob Big Hat and Allen Long Tail sit at the big table. A House Bot brings each of them a plate with a loaf of bread. They each eat only half their loaf.
"Did you eat berries?" asks the House Bot.
"Yah! Yah! they both laugh shout over and over.
"Berries are messy," says Ball, "Bread is clean."
"Oh?" replies Allen Long Tail.
"You are all good guys," says the House Bot, "You walk in the green grass."
"No more talking House Bot," says Jacob Big Hat.
The House Bot walks back to the kitchen.
Jacob Big Hat, Allen Long Tail, and Ball all go to bed.

The day never ends. It is always noon. The sky is always blue. Rest and awakening can be whenever.

>> No.12193555
File: 29 KB, 417x454, groucho-marx-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books are dumb because you can only read 'em, sweet cheeks.

If I wanted to express myself, I'd stamp my forehead and tell 'em to send me wherever the grass was greener.

I'd like to make amends with my depression, but it would've kept going on and on.

>> No.12193631

Kind of ready to go to work again soon. Not really, but kind of. It's a complicated feeling. I was absolutely miserable in the job but I wonder if it's because I had the wrong mindset. Like I said last thread, I felt like I would be stuck there forever and that didn't help the already Sisyphean endeavor. Quit after a whole month, but was told I could come back any time I wanted. Even if it was for Christmas money. Hopefully I can make it longer than a month this time. Maybe two months. That'd get me enough money to do my own thing.

Most jobs are just pointless and boring, and I think I have to remember that. I romanticise them, I think. Probably not good.

>> No.12193634
File: 368 KB, 894x894, 1543460638972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I come back to 4chan to waste more time I regret it

>> No.12193637

Working is literally only for slaves.

>> No.12193652


Thanks, capitalism!

>> No.12193660

>he doesn't own slaves
Don't @ me

>> No.12193673


>> No.12193682


>> No.12193706


>> No.12193750
File: 69 KB, 748x748, 1528776994030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a chance at happiness right now. These last few years have been a torrent of mistakes and dysfunctional moments, from blowing all of my money on Filipino whores and strip clubs to starting an affair with a married student at my adult education teaching job to seedy late-night drunken massages from Chinese teenagers in the arse-end of a mainland city - goddamn, but right now my girlfriend loves me and thinks I'm the best person in the world and she doesn't know any of this. Everyone loves me and doesn't know any of this. My father is a serial cheater and a sociopath and everyone loved him too. Everything is suspended on a thin sheet of glass and I can see the hell below that's waiting for me if it breaks.

>> No.12193755

cringe and kyspilled

>> No.12193757

Target is Walmart for city people.

>> No.12193779

>city people

get a load of this bumpkin

>> No.12193788


I have to go into a city to get to a Walmart.

>> No.12193798

this is the guy telling us all about the future of western civilization, a guy who has to drive to get to a walmart

>> No.12193807


You mean "ride his loaded bicycle".

>> No.12193815
File: 852 KB, 2048x1536, bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12193818

Discontentment is a commodity.

>> No.12193851

Drugs. Money. Hoes. Bitches. Guns. Pilfered wares. Purloined purses. I'm talking prime time crime time, rappin and trappin, shooting and scooting, wheeling and dealing. Oh what fun. I wish I had the balls for such a spiraling lifestyle, but we all have the balls don't we? If we tired.

I should become a rapper. This fate has always been following me like a shadow. Why not?

>> No.12193870

Being a belligerent Luddite and procrastinator is adaptive. Gabish?

>> No.12193927

I like your picture OP. It really demonstrates the divide we have between the human frequencies here on single Earth and the nomadic frequencies found on hyperlanes in the overarching space-miasma community. What the man sees is not of a cranial interface that is compatible with a human plug, and is rather of an objective STANDARD that humans find repugnant. Is he merely visiting an ocular channel stadium that develops what he thinks is the miasmic distortions of SPACE and 3_TIME into abstract sightlines? Or is it truly real? IS he developing into a human dual plug for the betterment of his physical self? Has he rejected that self altogether? The community he seeks is not his, and it has never belonged to him and his kind. What kind of overcoat could defend him from targic rays and halogenic slipstreams? And yet it's such an accurate depiction of miasma that I can't help but consider it as an OBJECTIVE verifiable trait. Wheels in wheels, galaxies in the DNA of the galactic cell-scale, plugs on a color (COL_OR) field out of space. What exactly is he hiding from on single Earth? With what precisely is he dissatisfied, or rather, what does he think he can find in the space-miasma that cannot be found in his dirt palace, or his huts made of broken twigs? 1_TIME carbotypes cannot exist on an accuracy level that enables this behavior without an ocular channel divider. How did you get this image how did you get this image how did you get this image where did you get this image delete delete delete delete delete

>> No.12194031
File: 63 KB, 382x487, 1530718898222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is op, Let me just speculate for fun.

>Is he merely visiting an ocular channel stadium that develops what he thinks is the miasmic distortions of SPACE and 3_TIME into abstract sightlines

This probably. But this might also be the objective standard.

>With what precisely is he dissatisfied, or rather, what does he think he can find in the space-miasma that cannot be found in his dirt palace, or his huts made of broken twigs?

If what I said before is correct then what he is trying to do is basically cheat on the test. Because the objective standard is expressed as temporal power.

He's basically taking a 2d view of the emergent layers of the ELECTRO-HOLOGRAPHIC simulation

>> No.12194056
File: 12 KB, 214x247, authentic_play.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps he has simply realized this (pic related), and is no longer participating in the group illusion memes.

>> No.12194065

Not sure if someone really likes me or not. They don't seem to respond to me if they're around their other friends. We seem to talk the most when they have problems with them as well. I feel kind of like back up, and not like a real friend. Doesn't seem to matter when I want to chat. Only when they do. Maybe it's in my head. /blog

>> No.12194073


Accept the truth which you know in your gut.

>> No.12194074

Fuck niggers

>> No.12194104


>> No.12194110

Even though I’m 26 and have long since realized the world is cold and bleak, I still daydream about martyring myself for some cause. Or sacrifice myself to save a child from a burning building. In reality I know I’ll go out with a whimper, but these daydreams keep me going.

>> No.12194111


>> No.12194116

get your dick sucked cuz

>> No.12194122
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That maybe. I would think that someone with that knowledge would understand what kind of potential terrible power he could inflict on others or on the other hand how pathetic and unnecessary it would be to do anything good seeing as how the emergent layers, which is the objective law, is already in place. That's my guess

>> No.12194142
File: 910 KB, 2048x1536, textures-scratchmarks-scratches-texture-scratched-metal-metals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares to know. everywhere I go no seems to care you know. I feel alone. no one is interested you know? whats wrong with it? I get its maybe weird, its always been that way but why don't you give it a serious moments though I think a lot about the next world. will I wake up and be in a hospital bed? will I go to sleep and return home? how many times has this happened? I don't know what to do you know? I feel so alone you know? I feel destiny pulling at something but... I guess I will never know.

>> No.12194233

Space without time collapses. Time is thought.

>> No.12194338
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, big_1411647428_1404671941_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm somewhat remorseful for my past disdain of various businesspeople. For instance, Jeff Bezos. I used to scorn this fella all the time thinking of him as not much more than a greedy neo-feudalist with an absurd quest for power, the biggest little king of them all.

But then I had a change of heart. It's cool that someone gets to have such an interesting life, and isn't being completely useless about it. Matter of fact Jeff Bezo's grand design has saved me quite a few headaches collecting some of those handy knicknacks you find yourself in want of haha

Here's the cute part: although Jeff Bezos is powerful, he's not that bad. He's not going to send a squad of assassins after you lol. He's not going to get the police to monitor you. Business power is good power, political power bad power.

I used to be sympathetic to the idea that these people should have a large chunk of their assets redistributed and put to good use building the nation state. And while there is more than a little something to that idea isn't there it's not the American way. And ultimately if you live for others you can never be really sure of what you're living for

>> No.12194354

My experience walking in the city at night...

Nothing at all was stopping him from shooting me.
It was a night of walking in the dark park.
He was walking coming my way.
Stopping me he said something to me.
He said bark.
It was dark and what the dog said was bark.
Pulling a gun out.
It was dark out.

>> No.12194361

Time to move on man

>> No.12194404

I've stopped taking that shit this summer, it was awful. At the time I took about 7g a day. Couldn't sleep even a minute for 5 days, anxiety levels like I never knew could exist, vomit and so on and so on. Finally went to an adictology service in a hospital, the doctor gave me some benzo and I managed to get off without too much damages in two weeks. Do it anon, the more you wait the worst it will get. That shit is worst than a first generation benzo

>> No.12194405

i dont want to live anymore
or maybe i do

>> No.12194406

don't wake up in a hospital bed
you'll have to call your mother
and tell her you're in
a hospital bed
and you'll have to tell her why

worst thing i've ever done to anyone

>> No.12194414

Lonely moon shines,
empty space where i am,
lonely hunger in my heart,
yet the tune of me rejoice,
what beauty in a lone moon shining in center,
how i loved the one who shared my space,
how my hunger makes me feel alive,
yes the tune is a merry maze

>> No.12194418

I wish I could be funnier

>> No.12194420


Thanks anon. I'll go in on Monday.

>> No.12194422

The New York Times and such outsourcing their content to morons is integral to their degradation and to there being no reason to be proud of being featured.

>> No.12194441

Dont expect too much, too fast from the doctors though. Because they don't know the drug, they'll be very slow to actually give you something. But with the right medication you won't notice any withdrawal symptom. Good luck anon

>> No.12194478

Depression diary of the day
Animal abuse thread on /adv/. Mood is ruined. I won't go there anymore.
People who hurt animals should be erased.

>> No.12194506 [DELETED] 

No-one exists more than I do. The more lives I take, the fewer existences there are, the realer I become. If I don't kill them they will kill me, I won't be real anymore if that happens, if I let it happen, if let others happen.

>> No.12194508

Everyone has far too much respect for science and for doctors. It's basically grand scale trial and error, nothing more. There is no understanding, no accurate answers outside of well defined questions the formulation of which requires time and training equal to the questions.

>> No.12194593

I think I'm alive in a really interesting time, and if I can live to see 2100 my life will have been worth living, just to experience it.

>> No.12194602

I'm 31 and I don't think I'll live another 10 years. I'll either kill myself, starve in the streets or die of heart disease cause I stay in bed all day.

>> No.12194618

How old are you? That was my dream as a kid, born in '95.

The way things are going (like this guy but younger >>12194602) I know I wont live 105 years.

>> No.12194735


>> No.12194768
File: 299 KB, 1080x720, 1542375204124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it mind boggling how I can see the patterns clear as day and yet I can't break them for shit. Like I could sit down right now, and write down everything I need to do to get my shit together and yet everytime I try to put it into practice it feels like I'm picking a fight with the entire weight of Destiny itself. And whenever I do win that fight (because it does happens) I fall right right back to my old habits as soon as something upsets the motion I find myself lost in.
Like I just want to stop jacking off so much, to take better care of my pet, to actually do some fucking sport and to keep a normal sleep schedule. Those aren't insurmountable ambitions that only the brave and the mighty would ever hope to dream about. It's just basic stuff that I can't do because I'm too busy beating my meat 8 times a day.

>> No.12194769

The new Sabrina the teenage witch is garbage but pretty comfy to have on in the background

>> No.12194778

tell her, and become their sissy slave

>> No.12194779

Start frequenting nofap generals (/fit/, /r/nofap). They're painful to browse, but that's how you know it's good for you. No pain no gain.
This is guaranteed to fix you by the way.

>> No.12194785

I know this in 4channel. You have no reason to be honest. But is this a larp? Are you actually a cuck?

Why? What makes you want that? Doesn’t it make you feel bad? Is it an eroticization of jealousy? Explain it to me my dude.

>> No.12194796

I too am 95, and I hope to die in my sleep tonight.

>> No.12194803

I'm scared of falling asleep because I have this weird delusion that involves me dying everytime I fall asleep and waking up as a perfect copy every morning

>> No.12194814

This is your family. You have been in a coma for two weeks. If this reaches you, we love you.

>> No.12194845

I think he meant best friend, but feel free to project

>> No.12194867

Read the other response to his post. I’m not the only one to take that from it. You don’t spend enough time on the internet if you think he meant best friend.

>> No.12194884
File: 62 KB, 630x584, 1543566167720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas draws near. I haven't bought presents, because I can't come up with good gift ideas.

>> No.12194901

Buy them yarmulkes

>> No.12194917


Confusion, depression, a sense of despair, bitterness. I wish I had the courage to kill myself like Schopenhauer suggests. Also Derrida was a fuckin hack so was Hegel

>> No.12194924

pls rember dat wen u fel scare or fighten nevr forget ttimes wen u feeled happy wen day is dark alway rember happy day

>> No.12194935

I fear the confusion is contributing to your inability to understand the works of great philosophers, sadly.

>> No.12194946


I've studied both and I'm not confused by them at all. Hegel took more time overall but that's a given seeing as how he could only write in such a convolluted manner. It's very hard not to totally write off the school of continental philosophy you know that?

>> No.12194951

Yes I imagine it is incredibly easy to write off a whole school of philosophy. Much easier than trying to understand it.

>> No.12194960

Man I fucking hate 4chan but can't bring myself to actually leave this shithole
I hate everyone, especially me

>> No.12194961

Why do you hate yourself anon?

>> No.12194964


I wasted abou 2 years of my life understanding it.

>> No.12194976

I am a bad person, I leech of my mother's salary (which will end next year) and instead of getting on with my life all I do is whine on the internet about it. It's my weekly pity party, just ignore me

>> No.12194979

Perhaps you’d be better suited to different pursuits. Not everyone is cut out to be an intellectual. There are tons of fun and interesting hobbies you could take up. Learning an instrument might be a bit tough for you given what you’ve already said. What do you think of sports, anon? Or video games? I don’t game myself but my younger brother has showed me cut scenes and sequences from Red Dead Redemption and it looks amazing. It comes as close to art as I think games can. Just find your niche. Something that comes naturally to you. Something you enjoy.

>> No.12194982

My god you anons are pathetic. College anons have NO excuse to be lonely. There are way too many opportunities for you to have friends and do fulfilling things. For everyone else it's as simple as going on meetup and finding something to do. Stop being miserable you fucking morons YOU CAN CHANGE THIS

>> No.12194983

How old are you? Do you not have a job? Do you not plan on getting one? I can tell you for a fact that you’re not the only one here who leeches of his parents.

>> No.12195078

I kept sleeping until 3pm and as soon as I opened my eyes I'm assaulted by the worst feeling in the world and thoughts of suicide
It's unbearable, I can't live like this
It's actually painful to be awake

>> No.12195103

Which is what makes it significantly worse, knowing you have all this opportunity and are squandering it, being pathetic enough to not even be able to make any use of it at all, even though it seems so easy.

>> No.12195131

Quit moping about it and take a chance. Sign up for an event. Wander around your city aimlessly until you find something cool. Take pictures on your phone, try your hand at amateur photography. You guys are in love with your own tragic self image. You don't want to be happy.

>> No.12195160

I'm starting to unironically think Eminem is the most important poet of the 21st Century.

>> No.12195162
File: 34 KB, 540x533, walmar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I too am 95

>> No.12195207


Jesus you're a pretentious twat. I'm confused about things in my life unrelated to philosophy. Just because I dislike Hegel and Derrida does not mean you need to get your panties in a knot. Armchair, internet intellectuals need to banned from /lit/.

>> No.12195216


Red dead redemption sucks ass though anon.

>> No.12195217

My fucking sides

>> No.12195226


Joseph Campbell is your friend

>> No.12195238

Man I'm thinking some really messed up shit right now, like if people could read my thoughts they'd probably run away screaming. Some people underestimate what I'm capable of, they just don't know. Then again, they underestimate just how patient I am. Sometimes I think I could really save humanity, other times I think I just might show them the dark grim truth that they're weak, the bottom of the food chain, how easily they can be destroyed. But I think it's better they find out for themselves, humans out there killing themselves off instead of helping one another...while I sit behind a rainy window looking on with a knowing smile...I warned them. But they're just too vain to listen. And so I whet my sword and dagger in wait for them to come to me in revenge, revenge on their once-friend who they turned their backs on, their prophet, their stoic... oh I'll be waiting. Blades don't need reloading.

>> No.12195263

I’m just trying to lead a fellow anon to the light! You needn’t suffer the pain of contorting your mind into pretzels trying to understand things that are beyond your grasp just so you can be a big important intellectual. There’s more to life than trying to convince everyone you are something that you actually aren’t. Because one day you’ll realize that you haven’t been fooling any of them, and you haven’t even been fooling yourself. Just let go. Demolish the old, rickety ego construction, built on a foundation of lies, and seek happiness in things with which your nature is compatible.

>> No.12195272
File: 1.86 MB, 852x480, Welcome to the NHK 19 Welcome to the Bluebird!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"knowing what to do" is often just another coping mechanism to avoid doing it, for many reasons. The usual is you convince yourself it's this very simple thing you're failing to do so it must be that you're just defective.

>> No.12195340

I hope it gets better tomorrow too, anon. If not then, the day after that.
You CAN get better, you WILL get better. Godspeed bro, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.12195341

I am 37 years old. I look like 52 years old. Some people say that street life is free and easy ... It's not free and it's not easy. You don't put no money down. Your payment is your health and mental stability.

My country's name is apathy. My land is smeared with shame. My sightscape moves its homeless hordes through welfare's turgid flame. The search goes on for rooms and warmth, some closet hooks, a drawer; a hot place just for one's soup - what liberty is for.

>> No.12195349

I wrote that yesterday. Today is a terrible day. I'm thinking of going to the hospital

>> No.12195362


>> No.12195437

One-month long philosophy-fan and /lit/ lurker here. I just want to say; fucking love the way you convey yourself, it's reminiscent of how the proper-charismatic speakers used rhetoric back when education was good. +1. Whatever it took for you to gain such skills, I beseech you to impart them on me.

>> No.12195457

Just sacrifice your twenties, bro!

>> No.12195471

>Only just turned 18
>Only just graduated
Not too sure about that one...

>> No.12195499

"Error: Unexpected token
"Unexpected token? Hows this for unexpected tokens" *grabs nuts*

--Literally me on the job.

>> No.12195503

I wish I could literally grab your nuts.

>> No.12195540

Well now I'm flattered.
Hint: in case you ever need to go to jail make sure to grow as fugly a beard as possible on your way there. Let it grow over your entire face if you can. Nobody in prison wants someone with a beard.

I feel like this is a little public service statement people should issue young men in highschool, but that would be a little inappropriate wouldn't it?

God I'm so bored.

>> No.12195587

I absolutely adore your random-irrelevant-strange thinking. Bless you.

>> No.12195631
File: 1.79 MB, 200x200, 1383073267961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fuck, I want to fuck
My girlfriend left and I must cum
There and here, here and there
Everywhere, I just don't care
Cum inside, on face or tits
All I want is that fleeting, ravenous

>> No.12195632

Thank you, Anon. That was insightful.

>> No.12195685

It's 5:25 PM and I just got out of bed. I haven't eaten. I just slept.

>> No.12195836

Ate some honey roasted nuts and loose candy and am tired , carb overload again, want beer but eh, I will maybe get some t-morrow

>> No.12196028

Got the "quiet" girl at work to talk but now she wont shut the fuck up when she sees me.

>> No.12196036
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x2500, spiritual pilgrim Flammarion 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cool version of the Flammarion woodcut...

>> No.12196289

Knowing what to do isn't coping mechanism. Finding excuses as to why you're not doing it, is.

>> No.12196474

how did you get her to talk though?

>> No.12196492

Well, that's why I put it in quotes. Unless you also know how to do those things, knowing what things to do isn't useful, and contemplating it is just another distraction.

>> No.12196559

take 5

>> No.12196596
File: 102 KB, 467x704, PAR131221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've found love I don't know what to do. (with iii-iiit)
I'm just floating along in a state of appreciation.
I was going to kill myself a month ago. I hoped for a day like today when I'm glad I didn't.

>> No.12196612

I am bleeding from the thumb, listening to a tune, too, and thirsty. Room smells like dust there’s an air conditioner going I’m a bit cold my hands are cold. I have cancelled all plans for the weekend which feels very nice. With all my free time I can tend to my thumb. I should also jog and maybe lift weights because I’ve gone soft around the waist, a little flabby. Need to buy tissues too, don’t want to waste perfectly good toilet paper on a nose.

>> No.12196787

where's the next 1920s paris? is berlin still viable

>> No.12196814


>> No.12196867

Gonna explain for this guy. Paris in the 1920s was basically 'The place to be'. There was no place more popular or greater, it was where everyone wanted to be.
Sorry man, sadly it's Los Angeles.

>> No.12196873

Post more sneeds

>> No.12196875

People have less of a reason to give a shit about being in physical vicinity of the big names in their fields: there won't be another 1920s Paris.

>> No.12196892

Trust me, no they don't. The common man is extremely concerned with the social fat-cats in his area.

>> No.12196952

>The common man is extremely concerned with the social fat-cats in his area.
Literally incomparable to the reason people gathered in Paris and Vienna in the 20th century.

>> No.12196970


>> No.12197008

lets not forget that michelangelo thought that OIL PAINTS were a cheating media to use because the paints were pre-mixed and too easy to blend compared to the tempera and frescos. He also despised Raphael and everything he did.

So... one of those would have fucking adored digital painting and the other would have hated it.

>> No.12197016

art is fueled by technology.

>> No.12197064

I don't believe in the concept of "oversharing" or "TMI" . It's not how much you reveal it's what you reveal. This is a key thing about getting to understand the nature of attention.

Some people manage to be successful without doing anything besides express their personalities. It's a rare art, very hard to pin down. But charm, charisma, wit---these things are as valuable as phds in turbofinance or a million years of experience.

Once your realize everything everyone does all the time everywhere is a game and it's all about how you spin it....

>> No.12197118

>I don't believe in the concept of "oversharing" or "TMI" . It's not how much you reveal it's what you reveal.
Utterly retarded

>This is a key thing about getting to understand the nature of attention.
No it's not. "what you reveal" is that which was too much to reveal. Don't fucking interpret people's phrasing of "oversharing" as something other than what's meant just so you can fly in with the actual point of the phrase and go "You had it wrong!!"

>Some people manage to be successful without doing anything besides express their personalities. It's a rare art, very hard to pin down. But charm, charisma, wit---these things are as valuable as phds in turbofinance or a million years of experience.
This is so fucking specious I'm too triggered to even constructively demolish your stupidity; you literally don't deserve it

>and it's all about how you spin it....
I genuinely hate your guts

>> No.12197130

>It's not how much you reveal it's what you reveal.
"OVERsharing" and "TOO MUCH information" aren't about quantity of information, they literally mean what you describe. This might be the dumbest post I've seen on 4chan.

>> No.12197143 [DELETED] 

The war on lolicons is an unjust one I feel. Filled with arguments against two-dimensional creations that stray far from the path of being called one. I think it's the realizations of one's own mortality and the jealousy it brings forth deep within them that someone out there wants something younger.

>> No.12197186


Excellent post, anon, as it is, to a significant degree, in line with ultimate actual reality.

>> No.12197225


>> No.12197254

I think I will make a concerted effort to stay off of this site for say, a week. I definitely think I'd addicted, even though I'm more than aware of how shit this place is (/lit/, in particular, I've realized, is just a version of /r9k/ for sensitive people. there's no quality discussion of literature to be had). I felt pretty disgusted with myself once I noticed I could navigate to the "[update"] button on the bottom of the thread purely though muscle memory.

See ya lads.

>> No.12197283

Good luck, see you tomorrow

>> No.12197287
File: 745 KB, 375x304, 64a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/, in particular, I've realized, is just a version of /r9k/ for sensitive people
I'm too depressed to convert this meme, someone should do it

>> No.12197295


>> No.12197712

I want to unironically end the universe. Not just have it swallowed by a black hole or something, I want to unhinge space and time
What path should I take to get closer to this goal? Switch to majoring in physics?

>> No.12197718
File: 151 KB, 959x639, Shostakovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I can't get the first movement out of my head.

>> No.12197783

Where can I talk about the Bible with others that aren't just boomers, faithless suck-ups that were born into Christianity and never once questioned it, or just general schizos and idiots?

This board used to have some good discussion earlier in the year but I never see any threads about the Bible anymore.

>> No.12197785

I can't wait for finals to be over so I can get back to reading and alcoholism to fantasy escape my godawful life

>> No.12197807

I'm going to go to a massage parlor tomorrow. Flirting with the idea for a long time but decided there's no reason not to. I will use the money I had to buy food for the weekend.

>> No.12197809

Is it better to attempt to leave play the lottery and attempt to leave your mark on history through sheer power of will or live a life of contentment for yourself and yourself only?

>> No.12197900

Do you feel more jealous of Plato or a man you know existed but don't know the name of?

>> No.12197906
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, blinking man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is just a math game that everyone is playing to stick to sanity.

>> No.12197908

Not everyone

>> No.12197915

Study the occult until your powers of bullshittery are so advanced they can manipulate physicists thousands of years from now.

>> No.12197923

I don't feel jealous, but if you're asking if I'd rather take the one in a million chance to be remembered post-mortem for my work than unfalteringly content in anything I do even without I can't really decide and I'm starting to think these things are mutually exclusive.

>> No.12197936

Yeah that's the route I'm on right now. Kind of tilting to have to leave it in the hands of somebody else

>> No.12197965

Because they usually don't got no shit to sack.

>> No.12197973

In our times, people talk a lot about ‘the abyss’, or some such similar dumping ground for all those broken souls, left behind by the motions of life. ‘Staring into the abyss’ you hear, from those who are miserable. Not me, there’s no looking into it from where I am; I’m in the abyss, and you are to. Everyone is. We rush through utter darkness as we push recklessly into the gloom; further towards the gallows, desperately reaching for something brighter. Some say we youngsters bide our time till we hit the net and land comfortably. Then we’re able to light a candle, illuminate our world and find some context. Not so, we find no rest or salvation as we are propelled on our course by the arrow of time; at the end of our blackness is a hard brick wall, studded with rusty nails and sharp blades the wall is littered with the remains of the desolated. Birth to abyss to oblivion, and nothing in-between.

It really is the loneliest journey; the figures to your left and right are lost in the endless darkness. And even though we are identical in our trajectory towards the chopping board, we can find no solidarity with the fellow doomed. Something’s eaten all our light; someone’s nicked all our brightness, and shadows mask the despair on our tortured faces, we suffer alone in perturbed isolation. It’s all downhill from here. So go out and fumble in the obscurity, find what pleasures you can, at any expense; you can do no harm in a blind search for satisfaction. Any and all wrongs committed upon others are absolved, swallowed up by the cosmos and its malicious intent. Its ruthless condemnation of every soul has already destined them to suffer far beyond what you can inflict.

>> No.12197974

*without it

>> No.12197978

The people keeping track of it lead better lives than those that don't

>> No.12198009
File: 1.92 MB, 509x251, hfb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I check various boards daily looking for good Holy Bible discussions, and share your pain in that same regard. Every now and then a good one will run on /x/.

>> No.12198039

It's not exactly the same, and but you could always read some Kierkegaard.

Yours sincerely, A Kierkegaard fan.

>> No.12198047
File: 79 KB, 170x260, 62dbf112530a1a44ea9872c2b8ad592d4f844912e161dad31def63d2dedbdda2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come we get so conditioned to things? I can't even see a severed head without feeling little if anything at all.

>> No.12198071

I don't want to write about housing policy. I want to write erotica about unprotected creampies/breeding.

>> No.12198113

If you didn't you'd necessarily get the same impact from the same thing twice. This can't be allowed, for if it happens twice it must be possible to also happen thrice, and as often as you wish. You'd find a source of infinite influence, which would tilt the universe.

>> No.12198235

I have entered a pact with some portentous figure dwelling in my mind's recesses. This summer, under the auspices of boredom, ennui, and isolation, he would make regular visits, discoursing on matters both important and nonsensical. Throughout our conversations he would urge me in some direction or another so as to alleviate my boredom, but, alas, each time I would resist - I feared this spectre. Nevertheless he continued in his efforts until finally, on July 27, he began to speak to me in a poem. Naturally I wrote down every word, not wanting to freeze in my icy solitude while his embers burned. Upon the conclusion of this poem he then spoke directly to me, prompting me to negotiate a deal wherein he would, as long as I strove for activity, grant me creative powers abounding. In my weakened condition his words were a sedation, a cruelly calculated siren song for a forlorn mind; I accepted. In addition to his deal I offered to sever all common bond with my fellow man. Fool that I am, I failed to see at the time to what extent this severing would diminish even the most mundane of social graces. What madness, what incorporeal madness...

>> No.12198236
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1542559885163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you rephrase that?

>> No.12198266
File: 162 KB, 480x640, 0-cus-d2-1507ae05fb73733715e92d4380419c22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my final 4chan post. I've decided to renounce this website and all (or at least most hehe) of my vices. but not until the clock strikes midnight tonight then it's right off to bed! Gotta still get my kicks in while I still can!

Recently I have been experiencing this wonderful psychotic break in which I've been channeling Heath Ledger's Joker while shitposting wontonly. I know, it sounds crazy. But it's real. Something's going on--perhaps it has to do with Jung's collective unconscious but I can only wager a guess

. Although nothing changed about my day to day mundane surface life, the underbelly was transforming chaotically and marvelously, and the secrets of the universe swirled around my head and suddenly I could see the unity in all oppositions, the paltriness of logic, and the absurd tangle mostly everyone else finds themselves in :)

I realized every man women and yes child is bascially just a child inside, even though they are adult, still that bewildered little boy or girl who an adult before they know it. Fear, fear used to rule me--now it is my pet. The self-destructiveness was a learning exercise to know destructiveness, that power, but not to be consumed by it. I must end it now or my soul will be destroyed.

Ledger's Joker is actually a philosophically interesting character with a vast grasp on reality. This explains his profound effectiveness, his capacity to bend people to his will with instantaneous ease, get under Batman's skin, and orchestrate complex symphonic criminal schemes. His only problem is that he is psychopathic, he does not know empathy.

Although most of the people he kills are criminals and other wretched of the earth, he also kills when he pleases. He is bored, ever bored, and to kill his nihilistic ennui he tortures and plays with lives. But the truth source of his power is that he knows the truth of existence, and can wield it like a magician. He loves and knows and is chaos.

But imagine if the Joker helped all those mentally ill people rather than manipulated them to be his pawns. He would have been a lifesaver, a lovely person. But he was marked by crime and society's evils and he decided it would be fun to return the favor!

Anyway that's all over for me. I've decided I want to fight for the light and not my own darkness. But the darkness has strengthened me.

This site is filled with wanna be jokers. They don't have any of the understanding. Craziness can be a form of enlightenment. You may need to do something crazy to be free. But what's crazy? All I know is I am not.

>> No.12198268


You're a fucking idiot and your smugness is the reason why continental philosophy has never taken off as much, compared to analytical. You're all such unlikable people with a god complex completely infatuated with yourselves.

>> No.12198272


Kierkegaard was pretty cool

>> No.12198276
File: 18 KB, 236x339, c080db53222bf0f84449dabc8d88d1e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposed to be my last post and I uploaded the wrong fucking image. Goodbye forever 4chan!

Also I'm a huge faggot.

>> No.12198328

Today I tried to read Michelstaedter, and once again, I've picked a work that quickly developed beyond my comprehension, though I did find the few pages I could understand quite interesting (in particular the image of the lovers trying in vain to "interpenetrate" each other, and in general the futile desire for external possession). Several times I felt that I was on the verge of realizing something tremendous, only for confusion to set back in and rob me of the completed thought. But with most other philosophical works that I've found incomprehensible, the problem seemed to be rooted in my own ignorance of the author's influences and terminology (and so I could happily put down the work and say, "maybe some other day!"); whereas here, I have to worry that the ideas are entirely above my head. His words make sense to me on an individual level, and I seem to be able to form some vague conceptions from them, but I have neither the clarity nor depth of mind to solidify the intended meaning. It is no surprise that Parmenides had such a great influence on him, as I had a similarly frustrating experience trying to understand that philosopher's baffling ontology. There is little reason to believe that reading further will clarify anything, but even if it would, for how long would I have to slog through this haze before reaching a clearing?

>> No.12198340

A fuck up till the end then huh.

>> No.12198363


this is why no one likes contemporary """""philosophers""""""""" just a bunch of ptetentious circle jerkers. fucking mong pseudo intellectual detected

>> No.12198524


The rage you turn against the capable and enlightened is a mere sublimation of the deep hatred you feel for yourself for being unable to call them your peers. You allowed the example of others to set the bar of achievement for you, their example set it too high, and now you shrink from what you cannot achieve. Why hate yourself for your innate incapacities? Why not just lower the bar?

A life spent in the deep end when you cannot swim, desperately struggling not to drown while watching other, more talented swimmers effortlessly dive to the profoundest depths, and effortlessly resurface, again and again, with armloads of glittering treasures, the diamonds of insight, the rubies of wisdom, the gold of deep self knowledge, is invariably a life of insecurity and resentment - a life, I believe, that is not worth living.

Swim to the shallows, my friends, and splash around with the simpler souls. Happiness lies in community with one’s own kind and kin.

>> No.12198610

Working for a job im underqualified for

its crazy when you get out in the real world and realzie how retarded you really are... despite all your posturing if you cant perform you'll get shafted.

im hoping to rise to the occasion

>> No.12198623

>despite all your posturing if you cant perform you'll get shafted

>> No.12198660

I don't want to kill myself but I don't want to be here anymore.

>> No.12198916


Yes you are very enlightened and also autistic.

>> No.12199417

Pretty serious chirps

>> No.12199431

i miss my ex gf so much even tho we haven't spoken in years and i have a new gf now i just feel like she was the one and i ruined it

>> No.12199439

Sorry man. I kinda know that feel, though it’s more complex than the situation you described. Nevertheless, it fucking sucks. Still dream about her?

>> No.12200017

They got btfo hard by the Russian Empire in the 18th-19th centuries

>> No.12200046
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>> No.12200324
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Literally me right now. I'm running out of money. Can't get my old job back as easily as I thought I could because there are too many people. May happen and may not. Applied to places and hear nothing back. Fuck. I planned on going into business for myself but that won't produce money in the time I need it.


>> No.12200421

As I run through the cosmos...

>> No.12200448

How to tell if you're special or just surrounded by mediocrity?

i've projected a persona of "unfocused genius" so long that i don't trust people's perception of me anymore.

>> No.12200473

there's this prevailing notion that quiet people are deep but really, chances are, they just have nothing of worth to say and they recognize it

>> No.12200481

recently got a quiet kid to come out of his shell. turns out he's racist af and latched onto a subgroup of my friends who now blame me.

be careful: it's much harder to put someone back in their shell

>> No.12200499

listen to me fuckbois,
this is the most serious post on this board, and i mean that completely, you motherfuckers know not of the power of the mormon church.
Y'all laugh now but i am telling you that the mormons have more resource, have more intelligence and more connections than anyone of us can think possible. Wait bois, and i mean it, wait and see how far this empire is going to spread.
I just talked to a man on the internet, and he is going to send me a book of mormon and a king james bible for free. Listen here you dense motherfuckers if you do not understand me and what I am saying you are lost and I am not willing to help you.
i am going to experience the culture and see how truly elevated these people are above me. Honestly, there is literally no irony in this post. Seriously, truly, i promise you people have no idea the power of these people.

>> No.12200506

I was thinking about my ban on /tv/ expiring so I could get back to doing the good posting and defend based Snyder. Also milfs.

>> No.12200517

he probably browses this site, tbf

>> No.12200519

noooooooooooooooo you don't.
and do you want to know why you don't?
the fact you don't think you are funny is what makes you funny, and a faggot. a funny faggot

>> No.12200522
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I think I'm finally starting to accept this cosmic pessimism and nihilism. I was afraid of it but now I feel like I'm sinking in a freezing, pitch black ocean. It's refreshing, numbing and empowering.

>> No.12200537
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>he doesn't ban evade immediately

>> No.12200547


Three sets of dubs in this, so probably totally legit.

>> No.12200562

i don't truly care enough and i am far too lazy and fat to get up and reset the router.

>> No.12200614

Except by you know..
The Russian Empire.
And other nomads.
And the Chinese.
And the Sovjets.
And the kozaks.

>> No.12200701

I am found to the be in the same darkness that you have described. Subject to the same fate. Death's occupation will pass over me as well and it won't be soon enough. Your hedonistic recommendation, however, is a match being held by a man covered in gasoline searching for light.

I wonder the darkness, same as you, searching for something to illuminate my world All is not lost though. I know there is me. Written before me, is you. We both are aware of our lives in the abyss, the crooked deal put before us. Our fate was doomed in an unjust pact that I have no recollection of agreeing to. Where we differ is that I do not believe this is justification to indulge in the twisted desire of the abyss.

It is duty that pushes me to be better than the abyss. You are right in your assessment of isolation in endless darkness. There is no escape. I do not give in to my torturers. I will add darkness to the pitch black. My efforts will be futile, but I will know the difference between myself and the abyss.

>> No.12200752

Mormonism is just a hugbox for people who crave structure and purity. The religion paradoxically both claims austerity and makes up rules on the spot.
It's a shortcut to genuine community for people who see themselves as outcast or unlikable, and theres nothing wrong with that, but it's certainly not a defensible worldview and any maturation of your faith essentially amounts to thinking what you're doing is less ridiculous by degrees.
I want to point out that I think faith is important and defensible, however anyone who feels no need to critically examine and disagree with their peers on any number of issues is weak-minded, and mormonism is very unwelcome to those who would question its pseudo-austere traditions and principles

>> No.12200778

I'm considering writing what could become a book in order to explore my own life philosophy. And to see if writing might be a better creative field for me.

>> No.12200792

You seem smarter than me and your words make it so.

>> No.12200810

i can summarize 2015-2018
Tekashi 69.................
Answer the question, WHY.
And you will see the way.
IT is simple you see, truly the truth is in front of us but we have only limited control because the swarm is too large, and we are too kind to do anything so.
Shall we detach? And if we must than those who are not detached will certain come and overtake us and move us to their attachment. That is the American dilemma.

>> No.12200837

the necessity of our swarm to defend other swarms when all we want to to detach from all the swarms! How treacherous!
Please understand me please!
I want to take those people who wish to leave and allow them to leave!
laugh now.

>> No.12201001

I thought we had something going after months of playful talking in class, smiling and looking into each other's eyes. I thought there was a real connection here.

I finally got the courage to ask her out, and she said yes and then asked for my number. I gave it to her but I didn't even think to ask for hers. It's been nearly two days now and she still hasn't sent me a text. I know finals week is coming up but I guess if she really liked me too that wouldn't matter.

I just feel depressed now. I was so sure that there was a connection and I had built it all up in my head, imagining where it might lead... I think it feels so much worse because she really is, in every sense, so perfect, and there are so few girls like her. How am I supposed to get over this? I keep thinking there's still a chance but come on, I have to be realistic now.

How do I overcome this feeling? It's absolutely crippling me right now and I have to do stuff.

>> No.12201012

1. Focus on finals
2. Give her time to respond until after finals
3. Know it's a numbers game and there are plenty of women out there similar enough to get those feels going again
4. Go jerk off and study
5. Play persona 5 and ship every girl
6. Think of all her negative characteristics that would start getting annoying after 6 months of dating

>> No.12201366

Parmenides came quite natural to me, and I saw a lot of parallels to Nicolas of Cusa when I read his Idiota de Sapientia. Perhaps you could amplify your foundation by reading some of his works, if you haven't already.
As for Michelstaedter specifically, I'd recommend just thinking his thoughts through yourself: What do you know that reinforce them, which other ideas to they connect to, what consequences to they carry with them - the usual I suppose

>> No.12201372

I used to ask myself this all the time. Now, so many of these 'perfect' women have come and gone through my life that I have become completely numb to this feeling.

You'll be fine.

>> No.12201389

Really? Why? How?

>> No.12201390

I bet that particular image in all of its variants is a layer in a distance from the others and reality is the amalgam of all of them and the last one being one where the image looks at it all through you.

>> No.12201512

How do people that write articles about whatever do it? They get paid to write but how did they start out? Do I need to set up a website so my stuff can get noticed and then start writing clickbait? 20 Reasons You Should Hire Me To Write (No. 43 Will SHOCK You) or You Should Hire Me, And That's A Good Thing.

>> No.12201524
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Can relate

>> No.12201549

Ah man, that is very nicely written.

>> No.12201555

Maybe I should go to church tomorrow. I'm concerned though because I don't believe in a personal and world-involved god.

>> No.12201618

Remove the limbs,
Remove the organs
Hook up to VR
Remove the heart
Remove the jaw
Remove the spinal column

>> No.12201663

The aesthetic of a usb in its bareness is akin to that of a limb's with an exposed nerve ending

Marble white, ivy green

There is a proximity to Body/Earth intuited in the sociocultures of ancient Greece and Rome that still comprehends the imagination today

4chan is a kingdom of imaginal selves

>> No.12202182

>feels like I'm picking a fight with the entire weight of Destiny itself.
classic case, classic solution: break down your huge goals into realistic, small, daily, tasks. Take pleasure in the slow incremental improvement. Having a calendar on your wall to mark your daily accomplishments is popular.

>> No.12202187

Yeah, you write articles until someone hires you to write articles. You tend to pick a niche and roll with it. An old instructor of mine had somewhat of a side thing writing motherhood articles. Travel writing is pretty common.

>> No.12202202

i want to die

>> No.12202404

so i come around and they all knew why i still come here i know an actual crack dealer that watches anime he was demoing some new emojis or some gay shit and he posted one of those rip martin daddy loves you on his couch and he turned on his couch and he honestly never got into criminal activities at all he didnt even sell drugs like the most epic adventure they were better than any representation of intellectual genius why is it so easy for things to be harder seems like a pained smile then more and more he

>> No.12202720
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One year ago, I was deathly afraid of reaching out to other people.
I wanted to prove to myself I was strong, so I began doing 12-hour weekdays and working out 4 times a week.
To this day I still work out 4 times a week. I look better, I'm much stronger, and I'm still deathly afraid of reaching out to other people.

>> No.12202753

I wish I saw this thread sooner as I was gonna write something depressing but now I just want to be done with studying.

>> No.12202799

I both desires this situation and hate it.

>> No.12202819

I was jacking off just a second ago and hating myself for it and then said fuck it and deleted all my porn. I tried to feel regret but I couldn't find any. I think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.12202821



>> No.12203074
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>> No.12203087

I still want to produce anything of value to the world out of my tiny futile and underfueled mind

I hope the mediocrity is not my fault

>> No.12203117

I completed my first week of no fap.
Going for the second.
Wish me luck

>> No.12203125
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Have a date tomorrow. Haven't spoken to a girl in any kind of intimate pretense in a few years, feel like I have no idea what to say. And due to my past experiences I'm (unsuccessfully) keeping my hopes down, a few times I've had plans just for them to cancel the last minute.

If it does happen I'm sure it'll be fine, I am excited. But I don't know what I even want, I think I want a gf, but I feel incapable of being with a girl for a long period of time. We'll see.
I also don't know if I'm like supposed to go to her door, or do I text her when I get there, or do I wait outside my car for her or stay sitting? Would I hug her if I wait for her outside? I hate that type of shit

>> No.12203143

I’m in love with a girl who is incredibly toxic and unironically an npc. She is everything I hate about modern women but I’m in love with her.
The only saving grace is that she returns to her home country soon and I’ll never see her again.

>> No.12203145

Someone appallingly stupid and grossly negligent

>> No.12203155


>> No.12203181

Go into it thinking your just gonna be friends.
Make cute jokes at her expense but don’t do it often. Call back insults work well with women unironically just be yourself don’t worry about what she thinks or what you think she do whatever feels naturally. If you want to hold her hand you won’t think about it, it will just happen.

>> No.12203186

Your dad ? Lole

>> No.12203189

Him too

>> No.12203193

I guess the future doesn't believe in or care about ethics

>> No.12203221

Thanks. Yeah this is also the first time I've gone out with a girl without being too good of friends before. She's a classmate and we talked in class but mostly just about school, so it'll be fun to get to know her and tell her about myself more. But I'll keep my expectations low about what I'll be expecting

>> No.12203315
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I can't stand living much longer. I am so tired. I am so unintelligent, uninteresting, autistic and ugly. I cannot bare to be selected against one more time. Not once, not once have I been good enough. I am always chosen last, if at all.
"God, Anon is so much uglier than his brother, I feel so bad for him" not as bad as I feel. Jesus Christ I should have been left outside for the elements as a child. I am literally useless, no marketable skills or talents, and so fucking ugly, I have no future or use for anyone. I will die a virgin. Why do they let ugly people even live in modern society. Death is preferable to living as a subhuman without physical or emotional contact.

>> No.12203324

I used to frequent the board daily back in 2013-2015. Made a chart and put some stuff on the wiki, only posted about a certain medium and my posts were apparently recognizable despite making no attempt to make them be.
Funny to come back and see the board today regurgitating all my advice from back then, down to the very same books I used to recommend that I know nobody else would recommend if it weren't for me spamming them back then. Kind of proud honestly, glad I was able to help so many people get into what it is they got into and now they're giving newfags the same advice I gave them so many years ago.

>> No.12203393
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I've been getting really depressed recently that I never got to have a high-school girlfriend, or that whole drug-partying experience that I assume almost everyone but me had. I've convinced myself that these experiences are necessary for good creative writing, but I know this isn't true. Am I shallow? I never cared for these sorts of things until recently. My head was always buried in books, vidya, anime, porn, etc. and my only friends were like-minded in their interests (that is to say that we were and are nerds). As my last year of high-school trickles away, I'm only growing more and more envious of my peers and more insecure about my self-worth. I know a lot of pointless literary trivia. I'm thinking of cold-approaching ladies in hopes of a number or something. Is this a good idea? I feel this would be good to develop my character and self-esteem. I don't know what responses I'm expecting; I'm transcribing my train-of-thought or stream-of-consciousness if that interests anyone. Am I alone in these thoughts? What good is being precociously well-read if I'm estranged from the vast majority of my peers? In retrospect, this post is pretty embarrassing. I am NOT underage.

>> No.12203424
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good art is derived from the self anon

your introspection is a good first step but you have to take it easy, because like anything, too much is bad for you

And don't let other peoples lives get to you like that, i can guarantee you that their lives aren't all you're chalking them up to be

just make your masterpiece anon, unique pieces arent made by people who take the same path as everyone else

>> No.12203428

There's a specific type of girl that is liable to become madly infatuated with me, almost in detriment to all of the others, and I don't know how to break this cycle of only going out with girls obsessed about me.

>> No.12203435

>"I like deep talks"
>oh hey most people think thatd be lame to mention, lets hit her up
>"Please let me be your wife for when you take over the world anon"
how did things turn out like this

>> No.12203447

Year later after I cave in and we started dating:
>threatens suicide whenever I try to leave


>> No.12203465


Is your financial situation stable. Is your lifestyle healthy? If not, then deal with these things first. Acquire power for yourself, solve personal problems, even if you were to receive the objects of your desire, you would still retain the pathologies which prevent the acquisition thereof in the first place.

>I never cared for these sorts of things until recently
Ask yourself why. Meditate on what you actually want and measure its validity by the form the desire takes. Is it an insecurity driving mimicry, or is it a concrete personal aspiration.

>> No.12203468

>hell i'll help you commit suicide if you want
>"Nevermind, can we stay friends at least"
being reverse yozo is suffering

>> No.12203470


To add. Do not let envy motivate any of your actions, they will end in disaster, for yourself and perhaps others.

>> No.12203491

Don't be a faggot

>> No.12203503

>I am literally useless, no marketable skills or talents
Learn some? Dumbass. Stop bitching until you're so miserable you can't stand it anymore. If you weren't fine with the way you are you would be working on changing.

>> No.12203780

My desire for death is my desire to avoid work.

>> No.12203879

I am going in. This is how I choose to spend all my time. Sitting on my bed writing things that will have no bearing on anything in the real world. Absolutely nothing. Zero. Just fucking wind blown through a keyboard and blasted out through thousands of wafer-thin chips so autistics cucks like myself can look at themselves in the mirror and chuckle sardonically saying "huh, glad I'm atleast better than that guy." But really. Why. The. Fuck. Can't. I. Write. A. Plot. That. Is. On. Par. With. My. Fucking. Vision. Fuck. I have these ideas. I can touch them, feel them, smell them, and I write them. It turns out well. The secret sauce really is alive in me. Then around 50 pages the words fall apart and I'm holding a grenade that I can only flush down the toilet and hope for the best.
The best advice I got about writing was to think heavily about characters but think absolutely nothing about prose or grammar, just let it all flow out naturally during every iteration of a story. No more meticulous editing that makes reading my stories feel like eating glass.
To top this pressure off I have to be the best of my family's children. There is no goddamned way I am letting anyone else get ahead. All I can do is hope strive and observe.
What do you do if you think you can only get with a girl only after sufficiently humiliating a topic/subject/person/idea/concept/consumer product? Seriously I fucking live off of negativity. It provides me with a release that I have only found in violence and certain songs by Joanna Newsom. When I am with a woman and I cannot sic my own critical machinery on a poor target there is an unregulated niceness in me that feels totally put-on.
I want to close this out with a big shoutout to Joe Rogan.

>> No.12204304

I didn't jerk off this morning because my dad was in his office upstairs with the door open. Does this mean I'm on no fap too? Also good luck anon, hopefully by now you are approaching the point where your sex drive takes a nosedive.

>> No.12204370

If you wish you can start, it's gonna be hard at first, but you'll se an improvement in your productivity, confidence and happiness.
And yeah the sex drive too.
Anyway thank you and give it a try sometimes.

>> No.12204376

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who makes things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

>> No.12204378

I see no reason to die. I see no reason to live. I continue living. My primitive brain.

>> No.12204398

chug some coffee you'll shit like crazy

>> No.12204404

i bounce between not giving a shit and giving too much of a shit. the anxiety i feel from leaving the house is just as bad as the anxiety i feel staying in the house. it's annoying

>> No.12204423

Don't listen to him, it's gonna be a mess.
Drink hot milk and honey instead

>> No.12204433

>intestinal problems
>consume dairy


>> No.12204445

Stfu, coffee is garbage

>> No.12204554

>having the stunted palate of a child

enjoy your sweet milk faggot

>> No.12204574

Get some calcium, instead of giving yourself anxiety and shitting your pants.

>> No.12204590

dont talk to me... dont talk to me unless I've had my coffee...

>> No.12204622

compulsory literature and poetry analysis courses as part of core studies is completely retarded

>> No.12204669

Why are the streets and squares emptying so rapidly,
everyone going home lost in thought?

Because night has fallen and the barbarians haven't come.
And some of our men just in from the border say
There are no barbarians any longer.

Now what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
Those people were a kind of solution.

>> No.12204671

Wake up to a noise mother nature was never cruel enough to create on her own. Hit it, shut it up. There's a tickle in your mind, a reminder. 24 hours until you hear it again. You put on something you don't want to be seen in but is appropriate for the job you do, and leave your shoebox house. the wind is cold. The feeling is briefly pleasant.
you do whatever it is you have to do for 8 hours. The computer screen flickers banal numbers, the people clatter banal words, and as soon as its over you've forgotten the whole day. You make you're way back to your shoebox house. the wind is cold. the feeling is briefly pleasant.
you sit now and stare at a new computer screen. the one you paid for with money you got by staring at a different computer. You look up pictures of parks. lakes and mountains. forests and rivers. you bet the wind is always cold there. The thought is briefly pleasant.

>> No.12204679

eat some greens, dairy consumption is associated with osteoporosis and bone fractures and honey is just fancy sugar.

if coffee makes you anxious you're in a pretty fragile state already, i recommend exercise and not being a bitch and also increasing your fiber intake so that you don't shit yourself every time you drink some berry juice

>> No.12204694

What is a shoebox house and where do I buy one

>> No.12204701


>> No.12205056

I love being a crazy creative genius. I just wish I could emphasize more of the creative and less of the crazy.

I can barely function sometimes.

>> No.12205072

Slaanesh leaves a tear when he imparts his gifts. Use it well. And have something inside you that controls it.

>> No.12205103

The proposition that the many thousands and thousands of hours devoted to religious thought over the millennia was simply the elaborate indulgence of illusion strikes me as less credible than the proposition that people were tapping into something strange but real.

And mythologists who have studied many religions have identified overlapping patterns and constants that suggest that religion is part of then natural development of the mind.

In biology organisms don't do something unless there is an explicit rationale why.

>> No.12205481

I feel like an incomplete human being, a golem, a parody, an homunculus . Although all elements necessary for humanity are present in me, it feels like they have no animating principle, my emotions are seemingly planted by an outsider third party, and they merely pass through, I feel sadness, anger, happiness, but it's like nothing changes. From state A, to B, and back to A.
I don't know how to describe. Maybe I'm disappointed at myself for feeling much less about what happened than I think I should. But then, maybe it didn't really matter after all. It usually doesn't.