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/lit/ - Literature

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12195051 No.12195051 [Reply] [Original]

How much do bookish women actually read? Do they even read the classics?

>> No.12195061


>> No.12195067
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Percentage of humanities bachelor's degrees awarded to women.

>> No.12195083

what surprises me is the relatively low amount of women studying philosophy
also I expected more men in classical studies tbqh

>> No.12195095

Philosophy is too dry for them. They prefer touchy-feely, communicative subjects.

>> No.12195101

Philosophy is the stem of humanities.

>> No.12195104

At least history and philosophy are safe.

>> No.12195108

Philosophy was and largely still is the autist's (ie. man's) game, especially in anglo countries.

>> No.12195122

At least in my alma mater if you wanted bachelor's in philosophy, you needed to pass two pure logic courses that were also cross-promoted and accepted courses in compsci, statistics and math as free choices. That explains non-appeal.

>> No.12195124

There is definitely something that makes women and philosophy incompatible. I've met a ton of fairly well read and smart women in med school and almost all absolutely loathe philosophy. It's not even about being a hardcore stemfag, they are hostile to the whole concept.

>> No.12195137

maybe it's just because they tend to determine consensus and integrate it into their worldview, or maybe descartes was right about how women perceive and reason, but many women who have never read anything but harry potter will parrot foucault and derrida without even knowing who they are.

>> No.12195159

My wife reads constantly, she is reading even as I type. Right now she is reading Hutton's Charles II, before that Pepys.

>> No.12195171

women have no place in philosophy

>> No.12195192

Trannies don’t count as women, mate.

>> No.12195262

they literally only pretend to read
they can't read

>> No.12195276

>do womin even read
>books womin will never understand
>y r womin so horrible at everything
>are womin even ppl
>tfw no qt womin

The absolute state of this board

>> No.12195293

>many women who have never read anything but harry potter will parrot foucault and derrida
Are you stating that they were more receptive to the content on account of the delivery vehicle?

>> No.12195295

I've met two or three women in my uni's humanties and arts departments who are well-read in lyotard, derrida, etc.
None of them care much for anything pre-Hegelian, interestingly.

>> No.12195311

Your first day on /lit/, evidently.

>> No.12195319

Philosophy is just women’s studies for men

>> No.12195323

My wife knows more about literature than I ever will. Her tastes in movies and music are shit however.

>> No.12195351

Weird how 4channel (kek) mods leave up portraits of literal faggots fawning iver each other, but are then quick to delete things with any semblance of heterosexuality, especially when the OP pic is of a woman. Mods are gay incels, nonetheless.

>> No.12195374

>deleting a perfectly artful nude artwork
I'm on 4channel alright

>> No.12195380
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>> No.12195389


>> No.12195398

Eh, much of it has to do with age. People's taste ripes as they get older.

>> No.12195432

They deleted my perfectly safe and interesting thread about traps

Fuck jannies desu

>> No.12195441


>> No.12195444

go back to /r/nofap faggot

>> No.12195943
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Philosophy was also strongly associated with mathematics pre-Hegel, and many philosophers were eminent mathematicians. Hmm...

>> No.12195953

What was the pic?

>> No.12196117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12196242

Mods = Fags Literally.

>> No.12196246

Jezebels are bad dumbass

>> No.12196253

Not artful. Sexual.

>> No.12196309

Jezebel posting is reddit

>> No.12196313


>> No.12196315


>> No.12196322

>muh go to nofap
You go there bub. 4chanel is porn free. Reddit isn't.
The virgin nofap vs the chaste /lit/

>> No.12196526
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In general, woman does not have the desire to philosophize. Consider what it is like to engage in a discourse involving concepts with no perceptual ground--like substance, cause, etc. Here there is clearly some rare motive at work, which one does not see in the daily activity of the common woman or man. Anyone who uses languages also knows how to use concepts, but these are always directed towards things which are immediate and personal; the concepts are not dissected more than is necessary, let alone traced back to the source of their cognition. This latter investigation would appear terribly absurd, time-consuming, and most of all, fruitless to the average person. He, or she, uses concepts to get through life, to communicate with another person to realize her wishes, which, to the philosopher, may appear trivial and small, but are nonetheless sufficient to fulfill the simple, quotidian horizons of the average human.

Consider how easy it is to think about food when you are hungry, or to care about your grandmother when she is sick, and on the other hand, how difficult it is to learn algebra or to study the finicalities of a dead language in order to translate an ancient text. At best, a person will specialize in a single skill, which they learn in great detail, which satisfies their need to possess a home and food, and other basic things; a person looking for a profession, more or less, needs to become acquainted with a single object--a programming language, the management of a grocery store--in order to be useful enough to society to acquire an income. But besides this one specialization, which may be extensive enough, the average person is not interested in coming to a rigorous conceptual knowledge of anything, and most of their knowledge, if not all, they only care about insofar as it is necessary to support their basic drives.

The solution as to why, of the rare people who do philosophize, most are men and not women is simply that the latter are even more deeply entrenched in life than men--life, not as an abstraction, but as that immediately reality which we all know, which, by the flurry of emotion, pleasure, pain, exhaustion, and excitement, causes us to sway this way and that, to become enamored with a person, delighted with a food, or satisfied by rest. Woman does not steady herself amidst these waves by building her own conceptual framework, abstracted from experience, in order to establish an identity, a stability within, differentiated from the constant flux of nature to rely on. She relies on others for this, and that is why she does not rise to the same stations in society as men until the climate makes them readily available to her. A man, on the other hand, is forced into this, and that is why the notion of property is so important to him, and indeed must have arisen from him. Thus, women, if they have an ideology, are more disposed to communism or any other "redistributionism" which has no use for the idea of property.

>> No.12196568

>This latter investigation would appear terribly absurd, time-consuming, and most of all, fruitless to the average person
On more than one occasion, I have had an individual (IRL) think that they had stumped me in a conversation because they were themselves out in the weeds. After having shown them the error of their logic, I amuse myself by watching them rise in anger that someone had put more thought to the subject than they had - as if there were some kind of limit within the social construct which I had violated. Work on making sure that you use prepositions within prepositional phrases and you will likely see a little more color enter your writing. Also, I saw some points where punctuation would have been better served with a dash than with a comma. Overall - breddi gud.

>> No.12196741

This. 4channel is a christian website.

>> No.12197048


>> No.12198040
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What do I do bros? All I want to do is talk about concepts, ideas, and the great works. All my gf wants to talk about is how tough school is, goofy shit her classmates do, and other trivial stuff that I have no interest in. Popular psychology (MBTI) and relationships are the only topics we really connect on with any considerable depth.
She doesn't have much interest in entertaining opposing ideas without submitting to them. One time I was telling her how I was unsettled by the idea that human sensory faculties may not be trustworthy, and she actually asked me to stop talking about it because it scared her.
She holds her values very dogmatically, and takes it personally if they are questioned. This causes conflict sometime, because I want reasons for everything, and so when I ask her for justification for her views, she thinks I'm trying to debate her.
That being said, she's an excellent and good woman, and I love her to death.
Maybe I need to search for intellectual conversation elsewhere.

>> No.12198069

My gf likes Victorian literature, but I think she's just trying to be deep.

>> No.12198082

Victorian Literature (and other 19th century literature predominantly featuring a woman, such as Anna Karenina) is hugely possible with women. Honestly I see a lot more "I can't read this because it's not for my gender" talk from men than women, women will basically read anything.

>> No.12198084


popular, rather

>> No.12198092

link pic please

>> No.12198138

this is pretty much all women, get used to it and don't expect anything more

>> No.12198143

That's what I'm slowly coming to terms with.

>> No.12198347
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>> No.12199126
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Every person has their flaws anon, she sounds like a good woman. You should keep her and not expect more from her than she can deliver.

>> No.12199148


Any idea who made that picture? Tried image search and pretty much gave me no clues.

>> No.12199363

They read Harry Potter or ASOIAF

>> No.12199392

I’m in love with this woman.

>> No.12199534

You're right anon. She's really great. I've been Expecting the wrong things from her.