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12193000 No.12193000 [Reply] [Original]

what are these kinds of books called and why do they piss me off so much?

>> No.12193034

lolololololol I love you anon

>> No.12193055 [DELETED] 

love too hack my brain. love to find the "key to success" in my own damm cells. love to be just this goshdarn ape on this blue rock we call earth just eating and fucking and making my up to the position of Store Manager at the Sports Direct Westfield Branch.

>> No.12193067 [DELETED] 
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Fuck niggers

>> No.12193070
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who speak and read in
NPR Voice

>> No.12193074

>yuval noah harari

until i saw a photo of him i thought he must have been japanese

>> No.12193077
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love too hack my brain. love to find the "key to success" in my own damm cells. love to be just this goshdarn ape on this blue rock we call earth just eating and fucking and making my way up to the position of Store Manager at the Sports Direct Westfield Branch.

>> No.12193078

meme books

>> No.12193083

what an utter retard

>> No.12193087

Are you actually pr0spector or just larping as him?

>> No.12193115

self-help books, to be sincere

>> No.12193119

wish i really was the King

>> No.12194099


They're called "cocktail party filler." They piss you off because you actually read them, and anytime someone else talks to you about them they know 3 key talking points they heard from a guy on NPR using a nasal annoying voice to tell people what they need to know to pretend they read the book.

>> No.12194114

self help with a vague trapping of philosophy
basically sophist rubbish without any sort of deeper thought beyond the immediately applicable for the common prole

>> No.12194128


In no particular order

>> No.12194301

lolololololololol dude, there's more truth in that post than i've heard all week. cheers to you!

>> No.12194308

Weird, i thought they pissed me off because im on a diet of cold unsweetened grain cereal and raw vegetables and i sneak out to get pizza once i a while

>> No.12194324

It's self-help marketed as philosophy

>> No.12194330

"Best seller"

It pisses you off for two reasons, proportion depending on who you are.

1. These are cheap explorations and thinly veiled apologies for ideas and opinions you have dedicated a large amount of time to answering on your own.

2. You feel threatened by people flanking you and having knowledge on topics you identify with possessing.

Wisdom: it is not a truth at all that you wouldnt will all others be aware of, in all its subtlety, right away.

>> No.12194344
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npr is terrible about this sort of thing. far too many nasally-voiced hosts and far too much uninspired, pathologically liberal regurgitation - cycling through an endless loop of comfortable-enough talking points and the various other good and proper broadcasted affirmations of their own intellectual flexibility; the smug, certain, self-impressed population of airwave content distributors. these types of personalities and programs make me want to dry heave. of course, i show restraint.- but i want to barf, i really do.

that's why i've banned npr almost entirely from my personal life - the only exception being This American Life. that podcast keeps me alive and kicking, i swear. the show's host ira glass does not speak in a grating timbre or an effeminate mock-up in an attempt to better "sound the part" of a public radio journalist and entertainer. instead of expressing the safest liberal platitudes and expecting anybody in the world to care, This American Life dares to push the envelope and get a little bit crazy. sort of like the banksy of public radio. he spraypaints throughout the halls of your minds and you can never wash his special paint off without first processing it.

brain -> force start
doubt -> force quit.

>> No.12194363

Self-help. Popular-science books?

>> No.12194369

everyone i see reading sapiens is a numale

>> No.12194393


Horseshit. Not liking something because it's popular potentially makes you a hipster faggot, yet, anything that's remotely popular has to be accessible and convenient enough that it appeals to the largest group and becomes watered down, losing any character.

Jordan Peterson, is at best, a distillation of all the things HE read. Why would you listen to some literal boomer faggot interpret locke, when you can go read locke?

>> No.12194398

Did you read my post?
>JP=boomer faggot interpreting locke

>> No.12194446

japanese here, wtf

>> No.12194663

Clickbait in print form

>> No.12194670


>> No.12194678


>> No.12194686

The beginning of Sapiens where he describes pre written human history was pretty cool as it was a fresh topic for me.
Past that, the book becomes pretty shit with a few charms in-between the shit. He blatantly states there's zero scientific evidence of the correlation between race & IQ for example.
The book title says it all.. "A BRIEF History of Humankind".

>> No.12194719
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>why do they piss me off so much?

>> No.12194723

Airport literature. Checked.

>> No.12195210

He's right desu, look at the jews or white or black.

>> No.12196279
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It's pic related.

>> No.12196284

They make you think. That's poison for leftist mind.

>> No.12196303

I hate Ben Shapiro. I have everything about him. I hate his voice. His videos. Everything.
Shipiro is the anti Chris Langan.

>> No.12196311

its called an analogy retard

>> No.12196357

Did you read my post?

>> No.12196386


Intuition Pumps by Dennett is another garbage self help book.

>> No.12196428
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>> No.12197837

pseud fodder

>> No.12198061

you hate his sister?

>> No.12198083


>> No.12198095

cash grabs

>> No.12198114

Selfish Gene is a pretty important book by a well qualified author, doesnt belong
Godel Escher Bach is really good so I resent it being on here
Joseph Campbell is good, doesnt deserve to be next to le Nazi Man

>Noam Chomsky
>The Prince
>JS Mill

>> No.12198115

What's hilarious is that I can imagine exactly the type of person who would make this image.

This post was sponsored by the radical centrist gang.

>> No.12198119

>communist Manifesto

>> No.12198133
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Alan Watts is my nigga. I love him like a third grampa, just want to hug him.

>> No.12198144

Clever and mildly charismatic semi scholar who made a day job out of impressing hippies in an era of open mindedness to the point of ridiculousness. Also a severe alcoholic and a self confessed charlatan. Be entertained but never let him make you feel anythiny more than that.

>> No.12198165

Hey, if what he says resonates with me, I'm good.

>> No.12198194

Thats a fair point. Just saying, dont ask a bum for advice on how to build your 401k

>> No.12198307

Those books aren't bad on their own, but they make up the midwit arsenal. GED is pretty obfuscating and trashy imo...

>> No.12198322

because you're trying to gain the same benefit these books promise in a title with less than 50,000 words.

yet you're devoting enormous amounts of time researching and going beyond a surface level look while the pseudo intellectual thinks hes beyond your wokeness with just such a book.

>> No.12198341

Because they so smugly claim to know universal truths, which are often just pseud circlejerk talking points.

>> No.12198390

>The Communist Manifesto
Well obviously you've read it, nobody would ever make a meme chart without being informed on all of its contents

>> No.12198409

Holy shit, this is actually based and redpilled

>> No.12198417

They're called imperial propaganda.
>Us taking all of Tanzania's food actually civilizes them! You can trust me I have superior Ashkenazi brainwaves.

>> No.12198472

Popular nonfiction
They are what normal people who get their books from the commercial or academic mainstream read. People with a pathological distrust of anything that is promoted publicly will dislike, but they aren't that bad. Not recommended for readers who read exclusively to discover the true identity of our ancient over lords or those seeking 7th dimensional astral enlightenment, but they do explore interesting topics.

>> No.12198576

Who the fuck hasn't read the Manifesto? It's so short and easy. I think that's the reason it's included in the image: because any serious intellectual will have read a lot more of Marx and his successors than just the Manifesto. Really, a lot of the books in that image are not necessarily bad or wrong—just introductory.

>> No.12198585

These are the kind of books my dad reads because he's too busy with work to read real books.

>> No.12198635

oy campbell's at least a step above the rest of that crowd

>> No.12198645

Spooky pic
Scary text

Truth hits hard
Guenon would probably not want to be a meme
Too much

>> No.12198658

Is this a real picture? Thats fucking crazy if thats a real picture.

>> No.12198671

It’s a real picture
Reality is fucking crazy

>> No.12198675
File: 215 KB, 2000x2000, sacred chao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antidote to Chaos
>not embracing chaos and the Goddess herself

Confirmed neophobus

>> No.12198705

A note-card worth of thesis achingly crammed into 400 pages of pseudo-philosophical prose

>> No.12198803

It's called non-fiction, probably you dislike it because it is about the real world.

>> No.12198820

Who are they? I only recognize JP and BS

>> No.12198855

they are written by and for people who harbor a suppressed messiah complex

>> No.12198870

Why is spookman there, only radical contrarians read him.

>> No.12198884

Kermit is below mid wit.

>> No.12198919
File: 1.42 MB, 1996x3000, Aubrey-Belle-Feet-1800085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly cannot tell if you are a neonazi or a postmodernist or a communist. maybe all?
know them by their enemies, and the enemies they seem to aquire, makes them look amazingly awesome.

>> No.12198922

Introduction to Pretension 101

>> No.12198925

>is retarded
Yep, it checks out

>> No.12198932
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not an argument
also just incorrect
amazing how the neonazis and postmodernists sound so similar with their style of debate

>> No.12198944


There's no way you're not a New York jew. To think, that (((This American Life))) is the most reasonable program, to you. Locally, there are correspondents who actually sound like men, but apparently you don't even have that anymore, outside the odd African male correspondent late at night.

Funnily, my first awareness of "vocal fry" came from an NPR program itself. It might even have been a This Israeli Life* show. The segment consisted of various young women and nebbish guys realizing that they have this crackly, un-confident thing in their voices which amounts to a "punchable voice", and they all became terribly self-conscious about it. Because they knew the truth of it.

*I recall one occasion when an entire episode of This American Life was wholly given over to the assassination of that one Israeli prime minister guy, and the impact of same on Israeli life. One of the most blatant and over-the-top Jew things I've ever heard or seen anywhere in media, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.12198946

based white trash roastie foot goddess poster

>> No.12198958

And as we all know, Banksy is the Renoir of our generation.

>> No.12199068

>The Prince
>Art of War
>Communist Manifesto
>Marcus Aurelius
Are okay as entry-level books for their respective subject matters, as long as you don't just stop there or read those exclusively
>Brave New World
Surprisingly, a lot of people haven't actually read these, even though they'll reference them all the time. So maybe it's half-midwit core
Are not in the same league as Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Carl, etc.

>> No.12199234
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They piss you off because you are progerssive and you see for the first time something resembling pop-right literature as opposed to pop-prog.

Note that you aren't whining about equally garbage Piketty for example.

>> No.12199238

My local Waterstones usually puts them in the "Thoughtful" section amongst the three philosophy books and the numerous "spiritual" books they stock. Waterstones is a fucking mess.

>> No.12199374
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>> No.12199380

Why is Sam Hyde on there twice?

>> No.12199453

Summed my thoughts up quite nicely. Also, Meditations is a great book.

>> No.12199542
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political non-euclidian

>> No.12199555

Midwit intellectual filler

>> No.12199556

Slipping Milton in there is hysterical.

>> No.12199606

I don't know if any of the authors in the OP should really be considered popular right wing literature per se (Peterson is weird in the sense he's more just a guru for bros who want to be chad but are virgins and seems pretty oblivious and naive about politics in general)... they're very liberal compared to historical progressive policies like state enforced eugenics. I can't help but believe that evolutionary theory and a (naive) self-confident belief in reason can only be more conducive to promoting progressivism and subverting any traditional foundations for reaction in the long run.

>> No.12199684

Because it was made on a fit of rage.

>> No.12199876

Pinker promotes human biodiversity, it certainly sets it to right..

>> No.12199966

perfect bait is truly like the classic image of the hook and worm. All too often you see posts that clearly want to be bait, yet miss this seemingly simple concept. These posts wave the hook and invite you to strike at it. Predictably, they don't get many bites. To make a good bait-post, one HAS to have a good worm. Effective bait has a pretty much universal formula:
>call out those 'we' don't like
>include a good number of catch-all's that the target audience will generally agree upon
>keep 'em coming until target has enough to decide that they agree with you/ think you are clever or have good taste like them
>somewhere deep in the latter half, throw in a curveball or three. These are your hooks. These are what make your target hurt.
>do not give them any special appearance, make it as though it's perfectly natural that they fit right in with the rest
>continue on, finishing out the bait with more worm, more things that they will agree with
>Worm should outweigh hook by about 4:1 in my estimation and the HOOKS SHOULD BE SPREAD OUT a bit
This post had so much potential, but the ratio gets fucked at the end. You can make better bait. I believe in you.

>> No.12200470

Taleb, Sowell and Hoppe are good though.

t. midwit.

>> No.12200486
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Sowell.. Chicago policies are annoying.
Taleb? I can't shake the feeling that he is a gigantic pseud from his Twitter feed.

Are his books pop-sci or pop-history like these Harari books? That's the impression I get.

Hoppe is great, but he has some blindspots. Like nature of power and concentration of sovereignty. He can't answer how his micro-state monarchies would prevent nations from coming up again. That's why reversal to what lead to NOW is bad. Because it lead to now. The only way forward is react.

but tell me about Taleb? What's the least pop-sci/his book of his? They're all pretty big and I'd rather not waste time on airport science.

>> No.12200513

From the front right it goes Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, the gay libertarian, Ben Shapiro, Brett Weinstein, and Jordan Peterson.

>> No.12200561
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take it easy leftypol

>> No.12200600

I won't say that they are not written for a general audience. Taleb writes mostly about risk, probability and rails against 'intellectual' elites. You can debate whether he is a pseud, but I think he's fun. He has technical papers that attempt to flesh out his ideas within his writings, I haven't read these: http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/FatTails.html..

I'd say his writings are more pop-philosophy and are influenced by his career working as a financial trader and his experience dealing with uncertainty and risk.

Skin in the Game and Fooled by Randomness are my favorites.

>> No.12200627

>Sowell.. Chicago policies are annoying.
Meh. I don't mind the stance of economic thinking that is skeptical of policies with limited empirical evidence and questions top down managerialism. He has written about a lot of different topics that are necessarily economics.

>> No.12200858

It just annoying mixture of austrianism and neoliberalism for me.

>> No.12200867

>Skin in the Game and Fooled by Randomness are my favorites.
Alright, I try one of them later. Ty

>> No.12200891

Is Sapiens good? I just bought it

>> No.12200895

What? That’s like the most Jewish name ever

>> No.12200919

Better read it and find out. I think it was described as futurology.

>> No.12201316

It's awful but reach that conclusion for yourself.

>> No.12201481


this, the point isnt that literally everything on there is bad. it has some entry level good stuff like the memeiest of Mill and Marx, that midwits think is a stopping point instead of an optional stepping stone, and that midwits cant distinguish from true garbage like Peterson and Diamond and extremely average meme books like 1984, Art of War, Shock Doctrine.

>> No.12201506
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it's shopped

>> No.12201513

God I fucking hate Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, and Ben Shapiro. Harris and Shapiro are smug annoying pricks and Dave Rubin is a 100 IQ faggot who parrots the same 7 lines over and over again and has never had an original thought before.

>> No.12202319


dude never even gave interviews