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12182598 No.12182598 [Reply] [Original]

There's no logical argument against antinatalism

>> No.12182605
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Yes, there is.

>> No.12182613
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Oh, ok.

>> No.12182617

You just posted the best argument against antinatalism.

>> No.12182619
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there's no logical argument for it either

>> No.12182625

theres no logical argument for it either

>> No.12182635

the subhuman should not propagate because subhumans engender suffering

>> No.12182651

This is just eugenics and god do I wish people had had the balls to go through with that ideology back in the 1920s. Maybe I would have been spared my existence or if I had been born it would have been as part of a population that had all been selectively cultivated to the aesthetic heights of Harry Brant.

>> No.12182677
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But we should still stop making people because I have empathy for sufferers so people existing makes me feel bad and I don’t like bad feels.

>> No.12182685

You cannot empathize with those who are non-existent.

>> No.12182723

I would say that you can empathise with their potential suffering.

>> No.12182735

Suffering is a good thing change my mind>>12182723

>> No.12182749

eugenics accounts only for biophysical markers and not the psyche

the psyche of the individual determines the nobility of the individual, and nobility determines the quality of life lived.

>> No.12182757


>> No.12182764

By and large suffering is bad, but if suffering is endured with the expectation that there would be a payoff at the end of it I'd say in that instance then sure its alright.

Maybe its more accurate to say that sometimes in hindsight people are glad to have gone through certain amounts of suffering.

>> No.12182781

You're right, I can't empathise with something that doesn't exist. What I can do however is know that people who do no currently exist may one day be born and go through things I have experienced or things that I have seen others experience. I don't know if that is still empathy but hey it does the job.

>> No.12182837

There is no way to stop human sexuality from resulting in pregnancies and childbirths, and subsequently more sex and more childbirths, and on and on.

Absolutely none! What a stupid idea! Think!

>> No.12182847

Ok then don't breed it's not gonna stop everyone else. By bitch

>> No.12182855

If the goal is to eliminate suffering, then the lack of existence is the most obvious answer, however if the goal is heightened joy, then obviously existence is needed.

>> No.12182929
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The only actual result of antinatalism would be a population of humans unable to do philosophy

>> No.12182997

>everything wrong with the world is someone elses fault

>> No.12183033

>unironically thinking this on the literature board

>> No.12183040

Real antinatalists turn towards omnicidist accelerationism for this reason. Humanity will go extinct at some point, so in a sense antinatalists have already won. Now it’s just about getting to check mate in the smallest amount of steps.

>> No.12183051

I cant speak to you, our fundamentals are 6 or 7 oceans apart.

>> No.12183068

Nearly everyone wants live. If you are alive and don’t want to, then kill yourself. Always an option. The problem with anti-natalist is that they postulate that the suffering life brings is not worth it, yet they never kill themselves. This is how I and everyone with a properly chemically balanced brain knows that it’s all posturing with no conviction. Life is an option given to Man. You either take it or reject it. If you’re unable to either, it’s your fault and no one else’s. All your parents can dois prepare you and teach you how to take it. Admittedly, most parents are idiots and aren’t very good at their jobs, but that’s reality. If you’re intelligent, then at least they did that right.

>> No.12183311

I've never heard any antinatalist mention eugenics as a means to reduce suffering. Is that even edgier than trying to encourage autogenocide these days?

>> No.12183393


This is a good post. It's also why all the doom-and-gloom about global warming (if true) makes me happy in principle, but regrettably I think it might be the type of thing that the species could adapt to/bounce back from.

Also, one important thing is wrong: the prospect of biological immortality/transhumanism actually working and allowing some rich Elect to live arbitrarily long lives. Which might then someday escape Earth and spread through the universe, assuming that long distance space travel becomes feasible. This is an intolerable possibility, and the recent CRISPR story shows the species inching one more tantalizing step closer to some variant of the above. Better that the entire species go extinct than that a single organism be permitted to escape into arbitrariliy long life. Nor can technology stand still, human nature being what it is. So, equilibrium is impossible. What remains, is the only genuinely moral solution: the causation of human extinction in as quick, complete and irrevocable a manner as possible.

If I had the power to hurtle the planet into the sun, I would do so in an instant. And I would be right in doing so. Nor would it matter whatever other sorts of life forms might exist in the universe. The point is to set one's own house in order, first, by destroying it.

>> No.12183451

Good thread t.b.h.

>> No.12183456

It hurts to read.

>> No.12183458
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lol what a life-denying philosophy

>> No.12183463

The existence of an ontology of becoming

>> No.12183467

Imagine being in such a state of despair that you want to throw away all human suffering just because you're insufferable.

>> No.12183493

Why would you want to extend the life of the species? Honest question.

>> No.12183496

>reading Ligotti's Conspiracy
>apparently there were tons of pessimist philosophers who took their own live to prove a point
Pretty fucking based actually.
The critical flaw of antinatalism, as I see it, is in the fact that it doesn't solve anything. Ligotti calls every other solution other than mass suicide (or simply refusal to procreate) a stopgap, but antinatalism is ALSO a stopgap. Nothing is there to stop the nature from bringing consciousness back, on Earth, or somewhere else. Even we're thorough to turn the planet into a nuclear scorch, life will spring back eventually. In that case, why fight the inevitable, and not try to transform it into something bearable?

>> No.12183498

Only in the case of niggers.

>> No.12183523

Antinatalism is essentially just nihilism for people who are just smart enough to realize that suffering is a form of meaning, and that it can't be avoided. Their entire philosophy hinges on the idea that suffering should be avoided, and that either positive meaning can't be derived from life, or that it's not meaningful enough to make life worth living. It might also be worth noting that every antinatalist I've talked to seemed to consider pleasure the opposite of suffering, i.e. they base their argument on the fact that pain is more urgent than pleasure. That there are other forms of meaning either doesn't occur or is rejected outright. What they never seem to realize though is that in making all these claims, they refute themselves by the mere fact that they haven't killed themselves yet.

>> No.12183545

This isn't reddit. Please leave.

>> No.12183549

The psyche is an expression of the biological imperative.

>> No.12183551

do we have to have this same fucking thread every week

>> No.12183560

Try again. It's not an encouragement, but a contradiction—if there is no form of meaning that makes life worthwhile in the face of inevitable suffering, why keep living?

>> No.12183574
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G.K. Chesterton's character Innocent Smith refuted the sort of pessimîstic suicidal thinking infesting this thread quite ably in Manalive, with a revolver...

>> No.12183575


Tricky to tell who's who exactly, but he probably wants to extend human suffering out of a sadism. This seems to accord with what other above posts intimated.

>> No.12183580

You are "that guy" who comes into religious threads to scream WHY GOD MAEK EBIL HUH. You're immature and uneducated, and your petty questions had been answered a million times, meaning that you're also lazy in your unwillingness to do a simple google search. As such you don't warrant a response other than directions to your natural habitat - reddit.com

>> No.12183584


Chesterton never did anything ably except eat. His work is sentimental hogwash which is bereft of actual philosophical value. He is the Catholic fedora.

>> No.12183601


btfo lmaoooooooo

>> No.12183602


Not him but the problem of theodicy has, in fact, never been satisfactorily resolved, because it can't be given the traditional claims on god. It has only ever been sidestepped by apologists. Your "education" consists only in knowing false history and tradition, and not in perceiving truth, or genuine philosophical validity.

>> No.12183603

I plan as many children as I please just to flex on moralfags.

>> No.12183610


>> No.12183621

>yfw all of them get exposed to this thread and become antinatalists
>yfw you helped to multiply thet army of life enders

>> No.12183627

If antinatalists think suffering is so bad why do they make everyone else suffer by expressing their retarded opinions

>> No.12183629


>> No.12183630

>Unsubstantiated claim.
Bait. Kill yourself then?

>> No.12183634

funny, so the jews even have a name for it.

>> No.12183642

that checks out because philosophy became irrelevant after christ. virtually all philosophy from kant onwards has been one huge mistake.

>> No.12183658

>look up Harry Brant
>lose all respect for Anon

>> No.12183660
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ITT: people who affirm life tell people to kill themselves

>> No.12183666

We should just kill all niggers.

>> No.12183679

>Just kill yourself
And this is how we know you are not familiar with any anti-natalist literature.

>> No.12183692

>they refute themselves by the mere fact that they haven't killed themselves yet.
Antinatalism isn't about ending some sort of immediate tangible pain. In fact, most antinatalistic/nihist teachings agree that humans have evolved to deal well enough with sorts of instant pain, be it physical or emotional distress. Which in turn, becomes an paralizing agent stifling humans from the ability to see the actual, existential sort of suffering they go through, often unknowingly. The advocacy here is to spare future generations the same horrors and avoid the crime of bringing more people into the world. Suicide isn't necessary.

>> No.12183701
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most people for all of history just occupy themselves with some kind of work and dont have time to think about "why am i here" or "what does it all mean". Antinatalists think that everyone is constantly in some kind of existential dread or panic but in reality people spend most of their life feeling fine. Its ;like what hume said about cartesian skepticism, something like "if a guy doubts whether he is real, he will eventually have to get up and get some food". At the end of the day you will do whatever your body tells you to. and the argument about "babies dont consent/choose to be born" depends on the idea that "human rights" are some kind of biological reality and not a favor your government does for you.

>> No.12183714
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>> No.12183723

>in reality people spend most of their life feeling fine.
Is that why rates of suicide/school shootings/depression/drug prescriptions keep skyrocketing? Is that why modern people need their enteratainment extreme and excessive and their food chokefull of additives just to drag their asses through the day. Yeah, everyone is just fine.

>> No.12183724


>> No.12183736

well what if they had real work to do. i think idleness makes people think about shit and they get sad and want to kill themselves or pop xannies and benzos or watch family guy with a prostate massager. they just need hard labor anon, like our ancestors

>> No.12183742

Your solution is basically "don't think". In which case, you can circumcise work with lobotomy. The lobotomized are incredibly content.

>> No.12183755

whats the difference between being lobotomized and not being born

>> No.12183771
File: 127 KB, 882x459, 7985E3CB-2BAF-4B95-B56D-5E8C6A2C56B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rates of suicide are skyrocketing
It depends on what country your looking at, but things seem to be average right now

>> No.12183779

>w-well if we look at the richest countries, it's a-almost alright..
>Japan wtf you're doing, stahp

>> No.12183782

lack of diversity

>> No.12183789

why are the swiss so based

>> No.12183825

this. i have never heard an anti-natalist refute this, and because of this i have concluded people only cling to it to justify their scarred misanthropy.

>> No.12183833

I'm personally a fan of Jordan Peterson but cos I know that a lot of you litfags are not, I'm gonna share with you one of the few debates where he gets utterly annihilated- discussing antinatalism with David Benetar. Enjoy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vsyZcKUP_-k

>> No.12183840

At this point, is there anyone who didn't humiliate Peterson in a debate?

>> No.12183849

strong response

>> No.12183872

god kermit the frog telling people to fuck is such a good bit.

>> No.12183881

Anti-natalism is jewish propaganda aimed only at white people, whom jews view as their primary threat. There is no logic or argument behind it, it's enemy agitprop.

>> No.12183895

You can logically argue towards anything, you retard. Antinatalism has a lot of hand-wavy shit and assumptions that are easy to dispute, and with new premises logically argue against.

I'd actually appreciate antinatalism if it was philosophical and not just putrid angst and self-pity that hasn't developed anything substantial.

>> No.12183899

>chokefull of additives
Not everyone lives in the U.S.

>> No.12183910

You don't want to be a cute millionaire model girly-boy?

>> No.12183911

Only pussys are afraid of a little bit of suffering.

>> No.12183920

good literature thread

>> No.12184023

inb4 stoves

>> No.12184059

This whole suffering meme is getting old. The greeks already solved it. If you don't like suffering then just stop doing it.

>> No.12184173

>Ahahahah how the fuck is suffering even real hahahaha nigga just just walk away from pain like nigga reach eudaimonia lmao

>> No.12184193

Yes, and?

>> No.12184201

No, and nothing. That's the point. Whatever your idea of inner bliss is, you are always in conflict with your world. You suffer, and it would be quite worrying if you didn't. Perhaps you don't suffer to the degree you imagine when you consider the word 'suffer', however you are always in a state of discord. If there were perfect harmony in the world, there would be no suffering. Yet this is not the case, correct?

>> No.12184206

>By and large suffering is bad

Imagine being so non-Calvinist that you can unironically believe this.

>> No.12184211

>psychologizing on 4chan
I hope you were shooting for irony, if not outright sarcasm.

If you'd like to understand the reason for man's determination, you might start by appreciating the very gift of essence and thereby your own soul.

>> No.12184219
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Imagine being a Calvinist. It's not like you had a choice if you do.
seriously tho I'm interested in Calvin. Is pic related going to induct me into the intricacies of his theology?

>> No.12184234


I'm not sure dude, I'm just memeing around. My parents didn't even bother baptising me, but as a Dutchman I've recently started to become interested in Reform Christianity.

On Calvin: From what I understand his influence in the Netherlands was vastly overestimated compared to Bullinger's.
Not sure how it was in Switserland and Scotland, in the US most Refos are Dutch descent, right?

>> No.12184241

>Nothing is there to stop
Time is, it took closer to four billion years for the first language using self-conscious animal to arrive at the scene and the planet is inhabitable after about a billion.

>> No.12184243

got spooky here for a sec

>> No.12184245

ho boy. you're deep.

>> No.12184251

Yeah any Calvinists tend to pretty much be of Dutch/German descent. There aren't many at all where I live; tho my little sister's Hermeneutics professor was a Calvinist.

>> No.12184265

Tell the Africans, Indians, and Chinese.

>> No.12184344

Time is nothing for the non-existant. Billion years, trillion years, five gorillion eternities. To a non-conscious Universe(es) it's all the same - moment. Unless you can somehow prevent sentient life from ever occuring again and guarantee it for the length of all of eternity, antinatalistic Final Solution is quite pointless. Worse, consider even scarier implications of ending human life - the next form of sentient existence to take our place might suffer EVEN greater pains, and we will be responsible for dropping the burden on them.

>> No.12184355

>it took closer to four billion years for the first language using self-conscious animal to arrive
Citation needed, dumb faggot.

>> No.12184372

A biology textbook, you fucking retard.

>> No.12184409

I don't think he missed out on much.

>> No.12184424

Provide source on hominids being the first self-conscious animals in the universe or shut the fuck up, illiterate triple nigger.

>> No.12184465

I remember reading this really unsettling passage written by a Catholic writer -a women, I think - but now I can't find it. To paraphrase badly:

>Why have children? Well, why perform any biological task? One can envisage a future in which the need to eat has been obviated. Imagine the equipment in the feeding room - the tube and the needle.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about, I'd very much appreciate it if you could link the original work or name the author.

>> No.12184472

But the thought of humans going extinct makes me feel bad so I will do my part to prevent that from happening.

>> No.12184477

>suffering is a form of meaning
>actually believing this
All suffering is useless

>> No.12184496

>why keep living?
Literally chained to it. Biologically obligated to life and you need an incredible amount of will power to overcome that. If something blows up near you, you jump out of the way before your consciousness even maifests itself.
Put a gun in your mouth and your brain will fucking do anything to make you stop.
I can't blame any antinatalist that doesn't actually kill themselves because life is an incredibly rigged game.

>> No.12184513

When will /lit/ learn that what actually happens is very different is in no way the RIGHT argument when discussing ethics.
Congratulations, you described the state of the art. Is that fucking interesting or worthwhile? No.
We're discussing what SHOULD happen

>> No.12184632

>W-well antinatalism doesn't solve this other problem so...
So what? That has no bearing on anything
>try to transform it into something bearable?
Not possible.

>> No.12184642

>the next form of sentient existence to take our place might suffer EVEN greater pains
Not my problem.
>and we will be responsible for dropping the burden on them.

>> No.12184655

Life isnt even that bad stop being fucking crybabies.

>> No.12184705

Welcome to the left! Now grab a sickle and go kill some porkies!

>> No.12184811

based dubs

>> No.12184845


>> No.12184903

Sure there is. Instead of sperging out and complaining that the world is mean to you and life is hard ergo let's stop the species, why don't you try to discover the meaning of suffering?

>> No.12184916

>yfw one of those children is not a faggot and has kids like a normal person

>> No.12184920

This. What meaning could there be without it?

>> No.12184944

My most realistic hope is that we have civilisational collapse before we have meaningful space travel and that the current level of resource depletion will stop us from rebooting industrial society to the degree that makes space travel possible. We’ll just be quarantined until a natural disaster wipes us out at some point.

>> No.12184952

The universe is conspiciously empty. Everything points to us being a rare fluke and we live on a fragile planet.

We really might be the first and last of our kind, with life on other planets remaining pleasantly single celled if it’s even there.

>> No.12184963

It depends on your faith in human progress. Some might argue that every attemt to make things better so far has made things work and that our fucking with the program is part of the reason why humans suffer more than any other species of life on earth.

The most bearable way to live may well be hunter-gatherer life since it’s the context we involve it. Everything else is abstract alienated horror in comparison.

>> No.12184980

The presupposition that ending suffering is sufficiently good in and of itself to justify ending all happiness is a mockery of logic. The question is literally subjective, all you've done is state an opinion--one does not have to argue against an opinion.

>> No.12185003

Nothing has meaning.

>> No.12185009

>Well prove that suffering is bad!
>Suffering is actually good!
These two objections are sophistry and I can't take them seriously.

>> No.12185013

Absence of happiness is unproblematic to the non-existent. It’s perfectly logical.

>> No.12185044

That presupposes that it is ideal to avoid suffering at all costs. On what grounds can such a claim be made? What moral weight does suffering carry such that its very existence warrants the elimination of all happiness as well? If one simply defines "happiness" as being the absence of suffering then perhaps that makes sense, but I have never heard any person use such a definition seriously outside of hardcore Buddhists, and I see no reason to see it that way.

>> No.12185058

Suffering is the only moral problem so ir makes sense to focus om it. Without suffering nothing would be problematic.

>> No.12185059

Take this guys advice, ye who preach death, and then take your own advice and kys.

>> No.12185062

Natalists are going to get BTFO so hard when technocapital closes the loop and does away with humanity as a mere nuisance.

If you’re not on the side of immanent human extinction you’re on the losing side of history. Gnon is cold.

>> No.12185068

No, being alive and consuming like a decadent first worlder accelerates the process of species death. I must live so that we all may die sooner.

>> No.12185083
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>Bro you just gotta appreciate those moments of happiness; that's what makes life worth living ;)
>No matter what agony you get put through just remember those brief moments when it was slightly alleviated; makes it all worth it!

>> No.12185126

>"if a guy doubts whether he is real, he will eventually have to get up and get some food"

No, he will not have to. He will be very distressed, but will not HAVE to do it, or anything else.

>> No.12185142

Why do people always assume anti natalism is about ethics and morals ? also is true what you say, at the end of the day you do what your body tells you to do, there's no real freedom.

>> No.12185147

Every FUCKING thread I post the same simple rebuttal and NO ONE ever replies or at least parrots it.






>> No.12185153

Which post is yours?

>> No.12185203

>the prospect of biological immortality/transhumanism
It's silly to worry about this, they'll still die eventually.

>> No.12185211

>the recent CRISPR story
The beginning of the end of humanity. Reading about that probably killed the last hope I had for our species.

>> No.12185213

You are pretty slow aren't you?

>> No.12185227

About what? I already knew things like this would happen at some point. I just kind of pinned it as something in the future and didn't think much about it.

>> No.12185234

About killing your last hope for the species.
I think we've been intuiting the end of the run for at least a couple of centuries.

>> No.12185243

Surely there are other things than suffering too, and why would you want to end human suffering anyway?

>> No.12185247

>and why would you want to end human suffering anyway?
Why do you even post this?

>> No.12185248

I have a vasectomy. I'm an antinatalist in thought and action. You may think I'm miserable, but I'm actually incredibly happy. I chose not to bring life, because I think life is meaningless, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, actually I think I have no other option, I have to enjoy it.

>> No.12185366
File: 679 KB, 2321x1426, F79E49FE-6E36-46D6-B975-A2F75BB37E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things look like they are getting better (however slight it may seem). I’d hate for humanity to give up on life at the same time we just started making things suck less

>> No.12185421

Link your post senpai

>> No.12185425

I feel like a retiree with no skin in the game since I went volcel. Feels good man.

>> No.12185461

>hominids being the first self-conscious animals in the universe
That's not what he wrote you moron. It's obvious he was talking only about Earth. kek And you call him an illiterate.

>> No.12185462

There is no logic in life.

>> No.12185484

This post raised my testosterone and my IQ

>> No.12185503

the greeks solved everything, didnt they?

>> No.12185506

Not everything apparently, because here you are.

>> No.12185515

as someone who once read kant's wikipedia page i can easily refute antinatalism. watch this.

if you cannot apply your ethical system universally then it's not ethical. if antinatalism were applied universally then that would literally lead to human extinction. therefore antinatalism is wrong.

goddamn feels good to have a 102 iq (completely unironic post btw)

>> No.12185554

None of that matters and misses the point entirely. If anything it makes our lives more miserable.

>> No.12185558

>if antinatalism were applied universally then that would literally lead to human extinction
That's the goal

>> No.12185564

Gas yourself, Pinker.

>> No.12185573

No wait I'm sorry. Bask in what you've made, that's a more appropriate fate.

>> No.12185650


Antinatalists are only against life inasmuch as it hurts, but otherwise affirm life's neutral or "good" aspects, and would wholly affirm all of it if their lives or life in general only consisted of them. They think life is bad because of work or disease, instead of correctly ascertaining such things as mere byproducts of life's categorical evil.

>> No.12185655
File: 43 KB, 720x306, 1FD4331E-24E1-4B68-BC4E-554476ADEBC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re then one who hates life not me. If I don’t see things your way then why would I ever feel regret?

>> No.12185675

Suffering makes me lose my will to live. Not suffering makes me lose my will to live. Human consciousness is a nightmare that we can only wake up from by ceasing to exist.

>> No.12185692

>If I don’t see things your way then why would I ever feel regret?
The fact that you don't know why will only make it worse

>> No.12185700

Enjoy your coming transhumanist nightmare utopia.

>> No.12185737

>implying I would hate that
You always got to look at the bright side of life Anon :^)

>> No.12185760

I don’t see how that is rebuttal of antinatalism at all.

>> No.12185776

>tfw childfree stirnerist epicurean

You cunts keep breeding though and have your kids pay for my welfare haha ;-) meanwhile the NEET free rider aristocracy smokes big dope and enjoys ataraxia..

>> No.12185854

Nothing wrong with taking advantage of the system, any decently smart person does it. Personally I’ve lied about being homeless in order to get a free ride scholarship to college. So keep on keeping on neet anon

>> No.12185889

Existence is not a predicate of being so suicide and antinatalism are incomparable.

>> No.12185919

>a favor your government does for you
You are a slave.

>> No.12185959

Those statistics do not give an accurate picture of human happiness or fulfillment.

>> No.12186057

I kinda get that feeling too, but I do have sex. It's a weird feeling. Regular foibles people give a shit about like the state of schools, corruption, gas prices and so on, are predicated at least partly on the fact that they think about the world in a long term because of their kids or the intention of having kids. I listen to all that and I think someday everything will be over and if someone is going to complain, it's not going to be my fault. I wonder if gay people have a similar feeling.

>> No.12186447

Alright, be an antinatalist. Lead by example and rid the world of your scummy genes. We won't miss you.

>> No.12186578

Nice, I didn’t know you could do that.

>> No.12186599

>if antinatalism were applied universally then that would literally lead to human extinction
That's just a contingent side effect of us not being biologically immortal and the universe not staying hospitable for life for an infinite amount of time (all atoms break down some 10^100 years from now). The point is not to throw new beings into this cosmic brutality.

>> No.12186603

Sex is nice but I find the peace of mind of not getting rape charges, STDs, blackmailed, fights with boyfriends or husbands, accidentally fucking underage girls or even having to deal with women in general and their run of the mill drama to be more pleasant all things considered.

>> No.12186610

>making a baby feels great
there's my argument against antinatalism
it might not be strong, but that doesn't mean it's not logical

>> No.12186626

You just stated a premise, retard. An argument is a series of statements divided to premises and a conclusion arrived at utilizing inference rules.

>> No.12186638

Are you just trying to make the gayest posts you possibly can

>> No.12186643
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>> No.12186644

>he's this mad I destroyed antinatalism in 5 words

>> No.12186648

I'll take that as a yes

>> No.12186698

If the purpose of life is to end suffering just off yourself dude, it'll make things easier for the people who have an interest in the world. If the purpose of life is to avoid certain chemicals being splashed into your brain then you have a pretty shit existence.

>> No.12186734

That's another issue. I just enjoy the company of some women, my gf for example. Sex is great and she is smart, so I can have a nice little chat now and then. The little joys of an absurd life, just strolling along until the time comes. I get your point, but I really couldn't lead a volcel lifestyle. Do people IRL know you are an volcel? When a lady comes along you just say: "I like the smell of your vagina, but I really can't ruin my volcel lifetyle" or something like that? I assume you get approached from time to time.

>> No.12186757

>Yes white man, for the love of God stop having children! It only brings suffering into the world
>meanwhile in Africa...

>> No.12186774

The trick is that you have to know someone credible enough to vouch for your “homelessness”. My mother works for a nonprofit that helps youth in the city I live in, so we just pretended to not be related and it worked

>> No.12186775


I knew it was pointless to post it again. Enjoy fumbling in the dark.

>> No.12186815

Are antinatalists the most neurotic group of hedonists to ever exist? They literally define the value of life by how good or bad they feel.

>> No.12186899

and that would make them neurotic?

>> No.12186944

>stop having children

Whew. It wasn't that hard.

>> No.12187738

>Do people IRL know you are an volcel?
My nuclear family and close friends do, it doesn’t really come up with others.

>When a lady comes along you just say: "I like the smell of your vagina, but I really can't ruin my volcel lifetyle" or something like that? I assume you get approached from time to time.
I’ve stopped going to bars and parties and such years ago and since then I haven’t had to turn anyone down. Haven’t come across a woman propositioning me in the supermarket in the morning desu. It’s pretty easy not to get laid as a man.

>> No.12187747

>continue having children
>still extinction

whew lad

>> No.12187797

Or just kys.
It doesn't mean everyone should, but i think there should be state helped institutionalized suicide with steps to take that makes the family and friends suffer as little as possible.

>> No.12187807

kill yourself then

>> No.12187897

All you kysfags need to read Benatar and learn the difference promortalism and antinatalism.

>> No.12187938


>> No.12187944

>tfw slav antinatalist waifu hasn’t posted in years


Who are you’re favourite antinatalist youtubers lads?

>> No.12188266

Won what? Is this just some "I TOLD YA SO" bullshit you believe to make yourself feel better?

Ya we're all gonna die, nothing is permanent.
you win bro!

>> No.12188296

Why would you care what other people do with their own lives? Have children, dont have children, kill yourself, dont kill yourself, why are people always trying to tell others how to live?

>> No.12188308

Because I enjoy it.

>> No.12188363

You have been making this thread for years. Why?

>> No.12188380

Won in the sense that their preference, absence of human sentience, is inevitable and is the norm throughout space and time.

>> No.12188405

you cant predict the future breh

>> No.12188409

I should add that I do actually see that as a cause for optimism. We live in a merciful universe where suffering is an extremely rare short-lived fluke. The conditions that are required for suffering are so specific and uncommon that we om earth may very well be the only example of it.

>> No.12188448
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Because if enough people stopped having children civilization would collapse.

>> No.12188455

Antinatalism is the only logical choice if you think suffering is the thing that matters the most in the world, i.e. the thing we should try to eradicate the most.
If you are an empathetic person, you cannot be but aspiring to end all suffering. You're doomed to be an antinatalist.

You can be antinatalist as a christian too.

>> No.12188471

>There is no logical argument against antinatalism in particular
ftfy, nothing wrong with it being an existing and valid moral practise undertaken by individual couples, but it shouldn't (and will not) ever extend into a popular morality.

>> No.12188512

If life can be good enough -now- not to be ended, life can be in the future. So kys first, then we'll talk.

>> No.12188526

You're certainly quite insufferable, and by your own admission then fairly useless.
Really though, I can't even imagine being so spiritually stunted that you have no passions worth enduring suffering to pursue.

>> No.12188528

>You can be antinatalist as a christian too.
The Divine perspective finds things equal in so far as they can be replaced. However, I think they can be replaced by better things.

So give way to Russian orthodox AI.

>> No.12188536

>Really though, I can't even imagine being so spiritually stunted that you have no passions worth enduring suffering to pursue.
Not him, but you can be barred from all rewards by your brain. This is depression.

The problem of antinatalism is the problem of depression. How to solve it?

>> No.12188545

That means Terry was right.

>> No.12188568

What a weak, effeminate, attitude to have.

>> No.12188667

AI might not be a valid replacement. That's the biggest concern. Oh well, octopi shall inherit the Earth some 6-200 million years from now.

>> No.12188685

Ex-hypercalvinist checking in

>> No.12188699

He wants it to be true, oh, so bad. It's not though. The future aliens will likely enjoy life and praise the Lord.

>> No.12188722

What about evolution?

>> No.12188828

Suffering isn't the 'most mattering' thing in the world, it's the only thing. Everything else is a spook, a diversion defined entirely by it's attempt to avoid staring at the incongruity of human existence i.e. suffering.

>> No.12188966

It's hard to be happy and fulfilled when you're dead