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/lit/ - Literature

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12179546 No.12179546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In 20 years, when there is a multi-million stockpile of women in their 30s and 40s who spent their teens and 20s whoring around, who have no children and are a bunch of depressed wine aunts, what kind of literature will we see? Will we see millions of books attacking men, gaslighting them for actions the women made themselves?

>> No.12179558

Why are you like this?

>> No.12179563


Never start a thread again. Hide in shame for the next decade you subhuman filth Lord.

>> No.12179574

I pity you anon

>> No.12179587

I'd thought all of /lit/ had turned into OP but apparently not. Good to know.

>> No.12179593

What if I’m the male version of this?

>> No.12179598


>> No.12179600
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Damn, 4cuck really has taken a nose dive since I left.

Stay strong op

>> No.12179604

I frown upon these whores as anyone else but the idea that all of them will hit this supposed wall and be left alone sad and childless is just wishful thinking. Perhaps you think that there will be some kind of Cosmic Justice in this life but it won't be like that; us, ugly men have a cross to bear throughout our lifes and seeing others suffer won't lessen this test.

>> No.12179607

>BUMBA CLOT, (TO GET) BUN: to have one's spouse or girl/boy-friend cheat on oneself, to be cheated out of something (6)

>> No.12179608

OP can't stay strong, he's already chosen to be weak.

>> No.12179612

Are you Caribbean or do you just like their language?

>> No.12179620

these kinds of threads need to stop please

>> No.12179624

mi guh fi guh culturally appropriate dem bredrens. respect 2 i & i and 2 di most high

>> No.12179626

what's with the black lipstick thing? i don't mind women doing their thing but black lipstick is literally turning me asexual

>> No.12179720

>Why I Joined My Local Twitter Archive Reading Club
>Despite A Feminist Youth I Became A Housewife Living On A Man's Alms And Now That He Died Perhaps I Can Fulfill That Little Long Lost Wild Vulnerable Glistening Furtive Girl's Dreams
>I've Been Menopausal For Longer Than I Haven't Been Menopausal And Why That's A Good Thing
>Looking Back At My Periods Makes Me Feel Like A Holocaust Survivor Looking Back At Their Imprisonment And Why I Hate That Men Make Me Feel That Way
>Why I Stopped Buying Tampons From Pedophobic Companies
>My Third Post-Natal Abortion Was The Best Thing That Happened To Me

>> No.12179743
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lmao yeah it is pretty ugly


enjoy that slave morality faggots

>> No.12179767

Wait I thought sweetie posting was a Chan thing

>> No.12179774

Thing is, much as I want to agree with you, my main fear is that I will be a single unemployed depressed uncle since I'm spending my 20s as an incel 4channer.

>> No.12179799

don't worry, you will surely write that bestseller book and be rich like the harry potter lady

>> No.12179826

wtf are these replies

>> No.12179846

Which ones and what did you expect?

>> No.12179936

it is but it comes from people's moms saying it on social media but I suppose it's probably used by younger people to patronise each other too idk

>> No.12179944

Probably a mixture of people tired of /pol/-posters on their SFW literature board and people tired of seeing threads that contribute nothing to the literature board

I know some anons will say it's always been this way but literally four years ago this board was very slow moving to the extent that threads could last a few days just because if people had nothing to contribute they didn't come in with shitposts.

>> No.12180011
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all me btw

>> No.12180019

>refusing to accept more than one person disagrees with you

>> No.12180043

Wtf happen to 4chan.

>> No.12180061
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Ok faggots, listen. Downvoting something does not make you right. Post why the fuck you disagree so we can have a discussion, or fuck off to reddit.

>> No.12180065

It’s already happening now OP

I’ll take we’re living in a society for 500$ Alex

>> No.12180086

who hurt you?

>> No.12180087

>>12179558 is a question, >>12179574 is an expression of emotion, >>12179587 is a statement of fact, >>12180019 is an answer to a baseless accusation.
>bu-bu-but muh arguments and muh debate
>wanting to having a discussion about something unrelated to literature on a literature board
>feeling like you are entitled to people's time or energy
If you wanna bitch about women, there are better boards to do it on.

>> No.12180115


Think about it, does it really matter if this happens? Does it impact your life in any way?

>> No.12180127

You should feel concern for all the lost souls on this earth

>> No.12180129

it existed before the MAGAflood, newfag

>> No.12180131

>bu-bu-but my discussion, on an image board
Holy shit you are actually retarded.
>Why are you such a retard?
It's a question. Answer it.
>You are retarded
It's a statement of fact.

Listen faggot, the topic is Literature in 20 Years.
Talk about the topic or fuck off.

>> No.12180135

It is, but it’s ironic. “People” on twitter and reddit use it unironically

>> No.12180152

Not OP but I do legitimately worry about the implications. The rate of marriage and birth rates drives the economy. Why do you think the government gives tax breaks to married people? I’m not interested in traditionalism for the sake of it and don’t believe in set gender roles necessarily but it’s obvious much of this is related to massive debt and artificial social engineering. Japan is facing a huge crisis and not to meme here but legit boomers are a huge group of retiring people. This does indeed put a huge burden on the average citizen as retirement is non-existent for us now.

Aside from those obvious tidbits the social aspects are also abundantly obvious as dating is a complete shitshow with no decorum. Explain to me how these aren’t things worth worrying about? I’m listening, and even hoping.

>> No.12180160

>Why are you such a retard?
It's a question. Answer it.

Answer: I am not. How is that the same as "Why are you like this?"

>"I'd thought all of /lit/ had turned into OP but apparently not. Good to know" is in any way comparable to "You are retarded"
Ok, anon, sure.

"Listen faggot, the topic is Literature in 20 Years.
Talk about the topic or fuck off."
Did you, or did you not want to talk about why people disagree with OP? That has nothing to do with literature. Talk about literature or fuck off.

>> No.12180190

OP is a self-congratulatory high-horse statement, vailed as a question in order to seek validation that has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.12180202

No no, you fucked up. You fucked up, got shown how you fucked up, and now you want to pretend you didn't fuck up.

Look at you, posting talk about literature or fuck off, when you have posted nothing at all related to the topic. You have contributed nothing to this thread.

We need to start banning for derailing threads again.

>> No.12180203


>> No.12180208

Hopefully not. There's plenty of that shit already. Civilization will probably crumble before that, and I doubt that they will survive that.

>> No.12180221

>OP is a self-congratulatory high-horse statement
This is how I know your not from here.
Here, we just call the OP a faggot because it's no different from anything you said.

And then you go on with this faggotry, telling us all of OP's motives for OP's actions, and insisting that a thread asking what literature will be like in 20 years from now, has nothing to do with literature.

It never occurred to you, that OP might just be wrong, and you could post why OP is wrong, and we could discuss what books we might see in the future based on current projections.

>> No.12180245

it's 4channel now

>> No.12180251

>implying everyone on 4chan needs to behave the same way
But ok, I'll humour you, anon
I don't believe whoring out in your 20s and teens necessarily means they will become depressed win aunts.
But I do believe that the overall writing quality will continue decreasing due to how easy it has become to actually publish something. Most books will follow a formula and be just one of the many like it (example of this being the majority of YA). When it comes to good literature, it will be either forgotten between all the mud or not published at all, as it doesn't follow the formula that sells and publishing companies only give a fuck about their revenue.
> Will we see millions of books attacking men, gaslighting them for actions the women made themselves?
Probably not. If that does happen, it won't be in the form of books.

>> No.12180264

>You fucked up, got shown how you fucked up, and now you want to pretend you didn't fuck up.
Cool. How? Weren't you the one calling for people to argument their points?

>You have contributed nothing to this thread.
Neither have you. Plus this thread isn't worth contributing to.

>> No.12180273

if it's so easy to publish, where's your magnum opus?

>> No.12180281

I think you are correct, but what you described is a problem a lot of industries are facing. The fact that it's becoming easier and easier to produce creative works naturally means the markets are flooded. I just had a revelation while writing this. Before it was hard to get published, now it's easy to publish but hard to get noticed. Instead of publishers we will see people going to communities and trying to get noticed. It will be the same system just with another step.

>Weren't you the one calling for people to argument their points?
No, I'm calling for you to fuck off so we can talk about books.

>> No.12180294

It is piss easy to publish anon, try it.
Iv published complete crap, didn't sell but it's there, taking up space.

>> No.12180296

I'll tell you when I get around to writing it

>> No.12180298

so why do you care if, like yourself, older women publish on Amazon and don't make any sales?

>> No.12180314
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>In 20 years, when there is a multi-million stockpile of women in their 30s and 40s who spent their teens and 20s whoring around

Ah, OP is a time-traveler from the 1950s.

>> No.12180322
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*What I mean is,
In the past you had to write something amazing, then fingers crossed hope the publisher liked it, and would publish it.

Because the publishers were gatekeepers, it limited the amount of available books on the market, so if you got published it was far more likely that you would see sales.

Today all you need to do is write 30 pages of anal dribble and amazon or a competitor will publish it.
It won't sell, but it will come up on search results and take up space.

However if a famous social media person were to promote your book, even if it was anal dribble, you will see sales, almost guaranteed. E-celebs are the new publishing houses.

>> No.12180337

Staying in bed all day will ensure that I will be dead from heart disease way sooner than 20 years, so I don't care

>> No.12180339
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The Handmaid's Tale is the truest portrayal of the European woman's most repressed fantasies. Let it be the roadmap to our civic salvation.

>> No.12180343

Really, i'm just upset, because back in the day when some OP would post something retarded, we would turn it around and make a good thread out of it. The quality of posting has gone down so low I question why I come here sometimes. It is /pol/'s fault but to blame /pol/ would be like blaming an attractive person for being good looking.

>> No.12180361
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>My time with Anon has come to an end. During our time together, I learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.

>> No.12181167

Oof...yikes...Wow,just wow...oh boy,oh sweetie summer child...it's almost as if,maybe,just maybe,y'all folks should just shut up and listen,friendo!As a white person,you are NOT welcome here if you're a problematic toxic bigot.Oh hey,let's unpack this:it's called being a decent human being.Let that sink in.