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/lit/ - Literature

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12165039 No.12165039 [Reply] [Original]

No stack thread? This is mine, rate please. I might add... I've grown quite fond of Doctor Professor Peterson lately.

>> No.12165050

this thread has to be a joke

>> No.12165075

>date is today
Fuck, it's not just a meme.

>> No.12165096

reported for whiteness

>> No.12165101

kahneman is a jew

>> No.12165106

yikes, cringepilled and basedfilled, neck yourself you smarmy faggot

>> No.12165107

too little, too late, shitlord

>> No.12165128 [DELETED] 

Posted mine in another board already.


>> No.12165177

Wow only negative responses so far, I have to say, and forgive me for my sincerity, but this is not a very welcoming forum.

>> No.12165198

Show me Mere Christianity, I'm a fedorafag but also a fanboy of Lewis.

>> No.12165221


>> No.12165253
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>Abridged Gulag Archipelago

>> No.12165299
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>> No.12165305


>> No.12165308

thanks m8!

>> No.12165311
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Got these at a local flea market. Total price some 20$.

>> No.12165314

no problem boche scum

>> No.12165371


hey i have that copy of the undiscovered self

>> No.12165432

i hate petermeme for ruining both dostoevsky and solzhenitsyn

>> No.12165434
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Here's a recent purchase, I read most of my books from the library so I've read half of these, see if you can guess which. I still have 3 books on the way: Lolita (which I've read), The Crying Of Lot 49 and Metamorphosis and Other Stories (which I haven't)

>> No.12165446

they saw you coming. I wouldn't pay 20 cents for that garbage.

>> No.12165460

Yeah fuck more people reading great novels

>> No.12165485

Your loss.

>> No.12165497

how dare you reply to me you fucking work. I'll break your fucking face you cunt

>> No.12165508

Okay. Good luck with that.

>> No.12165538

thats it.. I demand you meet me in the nearest city to whatever backwater country village you take resident in. Only a redneck hicktown would support a knuckle dragging idiot like yourself.

I will travel to you and beat the piss out of you you wretch.

>> No.12165542
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Read Lila and Demons already
Dog liked Lila too

>> No.12165561

Only if there will be snacks.

>> No.12165574
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I like your measure. Only a true patrician knows that knowledge is measured in hight.

>> No.12165586
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>> No.12165658

a lit discord for those interested, specifically german lit

>> No.12165931

We're just tired of all these stacks/shelf threads.
It gets tiresome

>> No.12166045

Machinist detected

>> No.12166105

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.12166143
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What I’ve bought over the week. Only the bible is new. Rate pls.

>> No.12166169

10/10 because of leather edition Bible

>> No.12166701
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>> No.12166704

i'm reading lot 49 right now and enjoying it, also reading the stranger. good picks anon

>> No.12166706

Why is everyone buying Demons all of a sudden?

>> No.12166734
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>> No.12166758
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Still reading all of these. I haven’t read much these last days because I have to study for my exams, but I can’t get myself to study. Sucks t b h

>> No.12166861
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>> No.12166865

Is that translated Shakespeare and Wilde?


>> No.12166939

yes, anglo literature is always better when translated into human language.

>> No.12166991

ya hasta te daba tiempo de aprender aleman cerebreto

>> No.12167073

How much did you pony up for Sun and Steel?

>> No.12167745
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this has got to be bait
lust, caution is pretty cool

>> No.12167866
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My new stack is on its way. Found a nice and cheap seller which has specialized on "problematic" literature.

>> No.12168014
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Based and Houllebecqpilled

Interesting mix of stoicism and nihilism. What is your opinion on the Logos?

Dostopilled, the theoligical books seem very interesting.

>> No.12168100

Can you post a pic of the first page of your version of Notes From Underground for me? Thanks

>> No.12168116

>Wissenschaftlicher Quellentext
Why does this feel a bit tongue in cheek?

>> No.12168158
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Because germany is so cucked that you are legally pohibited of printing an uncommentated (read: reee hitler so bad with a couple quotes out of context) copy of Mein Kampf. Technically this copy is therefore illegal and my seller could go to prison. Putting "Wissenschaftlicher Quellentext" above it, at least gives him the possibilit of getting a seler sentance because he did it for educational purposes. But than again, the seller doesn't really subscripe to PC thinking and makes fun of the people on his back regularly, as you can read in pic related from another bad goy book copy:

It's really autism, especially considering that you are allowed to buy original Mein Kamp copies and read it online.

>> No.12168164
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>> No.12168170
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As you can see, obviously any body able to understand sarcasm will see no fucks given.

>> No.12168185
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>> No.12168197
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That NYRB logo is so upsetting.

>> No.12168327
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Nice stack, I also bought the Idiot recently but I got an OWC one.

That Hienemann W&P is really nice.

>> No.12168381

y tho

>> No.12168414

Wo kann ich mir ein Exemplar holen?

>> No.12168416

Google den Titel und den Verlag dessen Namen du auf den Bildern findest. 30€ plus Büchersendung-Versand.

>> No.12168417

Because of its inconsistent orientation.

>> No.12168420

Falls du das Buch über die verjudete Filmkultur meinst schau dich einfach auf deren Seite um, dort findest du dann "Film Kohn".

>> No.12168432

Ich meine schon Mein Kampf, habe auch schon den Verlag gefunden. Hoffe mal, der Verfassungsschutz rennt mir nicht die Tür ein.

>> No.12168460
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The idiot is very comfy, the Russian names are a bit confusing sometimes.

>Hello this is Vladimir Ivanovich Bogdanov from the house of Bogdanov, located in Ingria

>> No.12168483

Adrian wurde schon seit 2016 angezeigt deswegen aber bisher ist nichts passiert. Kann natürlich sein, dass er einen Deal gemacht hat und Informant ist, aber auch dann kannst du schließclich mich Unwissen argumentieren und schlicht historisches Ineteresse heucheln. Hol dir am besten die großen Religiösen Werke, Mao und Marx dazu dann kannst du schlicht sagen, dass du gerne aus der Geschichte lernen möchtest. Schließclih ist es online und archivarisch legal zu lesen (und du bekommst immer grauenhafte Migraine beim lesen von langen PDFs).

Vorsicht ist immer besser als Nachsicht.

>> No.12168503
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>> No.12168585

>tfw the only used book shop in my place sells cheap romance novels and YA garbage
I envy you lads.

>> No.12168729

That sucks man, there's three in my city and one which specializes in rare and collectable ones. What city do you live in?

>> No.12168790

don't answer this question anon

>> No.12168822

An east coast suburban shithole which has lots of normies and thots. I literally hate this place.

>> No.12168922


Yeah, where do you live? I found Being and Time and Anti-Oedipus at a local goodwill, and I literally live in Mayberry NC (Andy Griffith, if you're not familiar with old American TV)

>> No.12168929

Nice meme anon, now post the first page of Notes From Underground which will begin with something along the lines of 'I am a sick man...I am a spiteful man.' and contain a footnote.

>> No.12169061
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>> No.12169070

Are you a sassy and big boned girl by any chance? Is baking pastry a hobby of yours?

>> No.12169130

I don't recognize this language, where are you from?

>> No.12169245

Same here. I live in a Polish town where there are neonazi lowlifes and east european trailer trash who constantly keep fighting with each other. There is only a supermarket and a lousy night club in the place where I live and not even anything resembling a bookstore.

>> No.12169252

Are you a poof?

>> No.12169265

I'm a girl.

>> No.12169268

You wish

>> No.12169383

Eating pastry surly is

>> No.12169405
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>> No.12169891

Yes, yes, but are you a poof?

>> No.12169912

is this the power of 4channel?

>> No.12169944
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>> No.12169982
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What's your Japanese level?

>> No.12170012 [DELETED] 

who cares
lmao fuck off
ill hold ur hand
sup gurl
actually kys

>> No.12170152
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Starting with the greeks.

>> No.12170292

What the fuck did you do to ‘The Illiad’? Throw it off a bridge and tease a paper shredder with for good measure?

>> No.12170383

Oh man, you guys call this crap literature? Are you five? I don't read anything that isn't science or philosophy.

>> No.12170395

>Being so autistic that he can't appreciate fiction on an intellectual level.

>> No.12170449

Fiction intellectual? HA
The only things that are intellectual are the things of this world like science. Pseudointellectuals like yourself have been poisoning the sphere of rational discourse for centuries.
You my friend, are not unique. Your mindset is that of the pleb and has existed for all of time.

>> No.12170474

Most of my books look like that, since I buy used.

>> No.12170600

Okay. Whatever man. Just do your thing.

>> No.12170645
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>> No.12171169

Preparing an essay?

>> No.12171251

You don't recognise Russian?

>> No.12171274

who cares
flea market/10
>im new to reading
my dads old books/10
jesus is my savior tier
sup gurl
actually kys
>i fell for the meme

>> No.12171392


>pseud and under the age of 21

>> No.12171397

No stack you pleb I have a computer folder with hundreds of thousands of PDF's, EPUB's, MOBI's, and the like.

>> No.12171427

>sup girl
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12171542

I wish. Actually I don't, don't have the patience. I do want a Bridgeport and a lathe though

>> No.12171664

As do I, but not that used lol

>> No.12172096
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>> No.12172174

25% through the main quest/10

>> No.12172179

nothing special but you give me no reason to call you gay
>implying i need a reason

>> No.12172852

>penguin classics bible
why even bother

>> No.12172864
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>penguin classics the bible

>> No.12172867

about whats expected from a NYRBfag

>> No.12173435

that melville loa is paperback?

>> No.12173461
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>> No.12173469

Oh, I remember you and your custom self-manufactured book bindings. This must be what it feels like to meet up with an old friend, enjoy Moby Dick

>> No.12173638
File: 2.12 MB, 4128x2322, 20181201_102755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought me some philosophy to fill in some of the gaps in my collection and knowledge. What do you guys think? Felix Meiner is one of the best places to buy philosophical works and have started to offer print-on-demand. Expensive as fuck though.

>> No.12173764

It' Macedonian.
>cyrillic alphabet
>must be russian
/lit/ is truly a pleb tier board.
If something is written in Latin, does that automatically mean it is English language?

>> No.12174828

Nostalgia está muy bueno y he escuchado que Solenoide está mejor, disfruta a Cartarescu

>> No.12175359

Yeah it is, only cost about 6 bucks and it was like new, so I picked it up

>> No.12175405

absolutely patrician

>> No.12175446

>robert burton's book is thicker than the bible
what the FUCK could he possibly have to say, and why the HELL did he need so many words to say it. 0/10, i don't even know him but i already hate him.

>> No.12175492
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Bottom one is Hamsun's growth of the soil