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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 544x682, 1542104507534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12168730 No.12168730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The celibate monastic life is the greatest thing one can experience on earth. Even the most the most irreligious can experience the immense benefits that such a lifestyle provides. Academic celibacy used to be a thing. It is remarkable how much clearer, cleaner and creative the mind is if you don't have base distractions dragging you down and the consequences that stem from their indulgence. Constant and total interest and enjoyment from life. When unchaste and focused on trivial hedonistic pleasures, everything outside of them is a chore and the whatever pleasure gained from those experiences passes the moment they end, and worse, if indulged to their utmost extent, eventually manifest in habituation and you're on autopilot all the time. The more I dive into the study of the brain and cognitive science, the more I realize the necessity of such lifestyles for advancing humanity beyond our animalistic confines. Once you go to the extreme end of materialism, as I have, the conclusions of instill more fear in the indulgence of fleshly pleasures than the threat of an eternal hell ever could. It shows that the mind is not the idealistic singular cohesive entity that is "you", that you like to think it is. The most distinguishing development is our prefrontal region, and we throw this advancement in the trash. We use it to further the ends of the more primal regions and in doing so reduce this remarkable region to nothing more than the means to attain pleasure. The experience of being human is squandered to live like an animal to the subjection of whims beyond his control. Musonius Rufus said in his lectures, "to relax the mind is to lose it". How true that is. We relax it, and the next thing we know, we are nothing more than slaves to habit and all sorts of nonsense. Thinking becomes a chore; the mind itself atrophies; zeal for life dies. Unrealized potential abounds and can be unlocked, yet the innate programming SEEK PLEASURE is the one roadblock that is in our way, the one that will hijack your life and kill it, making you a slave the rest of your days to instant gratification.

>> No.12168760

>still only sees other humans as fleshly animals and objects of pleasure like masturbation sleeves
Physical love is an expression of faith in the natural order. You are trying to habituate the material world and the spiritual entities within it to your atrophied connection to either. Stop fighting for a moment.

>> No.12168771

Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.

>> No.12168810
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.
The most highly sexed individuals often were the ones who found the most vanity and fruitlessness in indulging (fueling) the whims of this drive. The example of pic related, myself and countless others can attest to this. It's people who can't attain it to whom applies this fable. Celibate as used in the OP would exclude masturbation and lusting itself. If this was a sex doll thread, you may have a point but it isn't and this isn't what it is about; you see celibate and have a knee-jerk reaction, automatically conflating it with "incel" and their philosophy and lifestyle. Two entirely different things.

>> No.12168823

No, that is what it is. There's a difference between renouncing something that you possess or can obtain, and "renouncing" something that you cannot have. Maybe your motivations are actually true, or maybe you're just looking for a way to justify your own inadequacies. You'll have to figure that one out for yourself.

>> No.12168859

That natural order is to fuck like mad in your youth, have kids, become older and less attractive and then to embark on the generally celibate appreciation of life, without resentment of the younger people who are still in their rutting years..

>> No.12168871
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good post thank you

>> No.12168952

Based OP. He is 100% correct.

>> No.12168959

No thanks.

>> No.12168973 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 500x481, tumblr_nmgaurdxt21ryvl86o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you go to the extreme end of materialism, as I have
Yeah, having twice the usual amount of Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew while reading a particularly raunchy Beatnik novel under a couple grams of dudeweed is not an "extreme end of materialism", sweaty. Save your profound brainlet epiphanies for /pol/, /r9k/ and other misery-filled shitholes. Life is meant to be lived, not tentatively contemplated from a cell and frustratedly overanalyzed in desperate compensation attempts. To suggest anything else is to be a completely lost pseud.

>> No.12168976

take the chastepill

>> No.12168994

chaste & breadpilled posting is the most benevolent thing to happen to /lit/ in years desu

>> No.12169030

I live a pretty ascetic life but the only things I can't quit are booze and the internet. Maybe I'll start the new year with an aggressive attack on these vices.

>> No.12169036

sexual indulgence is a far greater vice than doing soft drugs. eating shitty processed food that's literally been designed to be addictive is bad though and should not be dismissed.

>> No.12169045

>i can't get laid
>ree fuck women i hate them anyway
nice way of rationalizing being unattractive to the opposite sex.

>> No.12169060
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>> No.12169063

by reducing women to mere objects of sexual satisfaction you've displayed more hatred than any of the chaste anons ever have

>> No.12169080 [DELETED] 

>sexual indulgence is a far greater vice
It's not a vice, it's a virtue, incel.
>by reducing women
Nobody is reducing anythbody, incel.
Nice lebbit maymay picture, incel.

>> No.12169084

>having sex is virtuous
gonna need you to justify that friend

>> No.12169098

not putting benis in vagene is equal to not even being alive.

>> No.12169119
File: 37 KB, 639x599, dontlogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but sex properly performed (within the bonds of marriage, with a loving partner, and without contraception) is absolutely positively 100% virtuous. God said be fruitful and multiply.

Sex OUTSIDE of marriage? Surely you must be joking.

>> No.12169123

What you are doing is likewise just a really convoluted way of seeking pleasure

>> No.12169126

That smuggy is postmodern; if someone is stating a fact that is the case, and you disagree, then you aren’t very well using logic or reason properly.

>> No.12169135 [DELETED] 

>larping polypo incel needs the obvious justified to engaged in brainlet polemics
Let me just finish my soup.

>> No.12169137
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Materialism clearly wasn't a metaphor.
It was reductive materialism dissecting the what makes an individual tick, which was clearly implied in that sentence and certainly clarified in the one that followed it. If you wade into the deep end of neuroanatomy, neuroscience and cognitive science, you'll see how this desire does not even emanate from your advanced faculties but primal ones, how the very activation of it (arousal) impairs working memory and induces hypofrontality, you'll see how costly it is to indulge in, how it's subject to habituation and reinforcement. You are reinforcing an instinctual urge, the most powerful we have given its evolutionary role in perpetuating the species, to such an extreme extent that your more advanced brain is discarded as a means of attaining this insatiable urge for pleasure. Meanwhile, it creates nothing. Nothing is done. At the end of the day, you have nothing to show for it. All that it does is undermine the agency you exert over life, making your ambitions, hopes dreams nothing more than vicarious outlets for getting off.

>> No.12169142

>instead of arguing the point he rambles about a picture
puhuhu my good man

>> No.12169144
File: 21 KB, 344x499, 41dKsZbH-fL._SX342_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking sex is bad
>thinking sex is good
>not using sex solely to expedite the fashioning of the golden elixir

take the 金丹pill anons

>> No.12169151
File: 37 KB, 600x502, apucrying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is DEEP tbhwyfamily

i'm just a frog grubbing after wormy (You)s

>> No.12169157

if it's so obvious you should have been able to state it instead of making a snarky reply

>> No.12169193
File: 68 KB, 800x541, Unsigs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precisely why recognizing this is more unsettling than the threat of hellfire.
Like these frogs, we're pulled along much the same way. We like to pretend it's an act of "control" or "I want to do it", but if laid bare and examined, it's neither of these. When such passions are provoked and inflamed, you're like these frogs or a fish attracted to a lure, which is uncomfortable to admit and reconcile. Unlike the frogs who, I assume would eventually learn that this response isn't getting them food, we never learn our lesson. In fact, the response becomes even stronger the more we feed these urges.

>> No.12169210
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>strawmanning that much

Try to think for a moment

>> No.12169215
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>tfw too weak for the ascetic life

>> No.12169217 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 698x717, 1543354078691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you wade into the deep end of neuroanatomy,
The absolute state of larpcels. Most humans strive to satisfy their primal urges in a manner that affects their lives the least, not to "reinforce them to extreme extent". It is indeed you, the delusional quasi-religious autists, who in denying these urges completely actively inhibit your "advanced faculties" and cloud your judgement altogether with background noise the longing beast emits. The optimum is in never in extremes.

>> No.12169238

no thanks i want to put the dick into the pussy
putting the dick in someone you love feels nice

>> No.12169266

>the optimum crack habit is neither a major one nor one at all, it is a minor one
please think before you post

>> No.12169298 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 249x249, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can take something out of context and play pointless semantic games without contributing to topic discussion one iota
Please, don't post on this board at all. We have a special containment subreddit for special people like you in the 4chan section of the site.

>> No.12169303
File: 69 KB, 620x297, 15437482002481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the entire point.
Every time you satisfy, you reinforce this instinctual drive.
The accessibility, bombardment and limitless novelty of stimuli, whether pixels or partners, makes it an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the high sexual frequency that follows, is what is meant by 'reinforced to such an extreme extent'.
>who in denying these urges completely actively inhibit your "advanced faculties" and cloud your judgement altogether with background noise the longing beast emits.
It isn't a matter of denying them but preventing them; sexual abstinence if practiced mentally as well as physically actually decreases baseline 'horniness' and the mind is no longer bogged down by frivolous sexual intrusions. We can even see that as the seminal vesicles become more voided and the response to sexual stimuli is not as pronounced as it would be if sexually active.

>> No.12169404 [DELETED] 
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>It isn't a matter of denying them but preventing them; sexual abstinence if practiced mentally as well as physically actually decreases baseline 'horniness' and the mind is no longer bogged down by frivolous sexual intrusions.
>We can even see that as the seminal vesicles become more voided and the response to sexual stimuli is not as pronounced as it would be if sexually active.
Kek, do you even understand the very things you parrot? The paper's conclusion in your second sentence literally tells us that short-term abstinence vastly intensifies responses to sexual stimuli. This is precisely the opposite of "decreasing baseline horniness". Hence my previous statement, that total abstinence hurts the mind through increased background interference. Sublimation is a meme. If Tesla wasn't chaste we'd have universal wireless power transfer, if Newton wasn't chaste we'd have it on Andromeda by now. Christfaggotry not even once.

>> No.12169433

Celibate monastic posters are always boring brainlets

I've lived the "ascetic literary" life (not just sitting at home browing lit, showing off about how monk like you are, and occasionally reading a book), and it gets fucking boring

>> No.12169447
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, uhhhhrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading comprehension: 0/10.
>Brain areas involved in motor preparation (arousal) and visual association areas showed significantly higher activation in response to sexual pictures when presented to young men with distended seminal vesicles (day 1) as when presented to young men with voided seminal vesicles (day 2).

>> No.12169465
File: 206 KB, 1900x1425, 33yz55873sc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why work so hard for something that comes so natural for some?
The worm should be a worm, the lifeless corpse that is a celibate monk should be a monk and those that seek pleasure and thrive on the spice of life should let their thirst for it overtake them and drive them to the peak of humanity.

>> No.12169466

>the brainlet reveals himself
maybe you should read a book so you aren't so boring

i also lived that life for a few years. no tv, no internet, just books and silence. it was formative.

>> No.12169471
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>> No.12169476

>it was formative.


>> No.12169478
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Taken from "Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence"

>> No.12169489

Most academics masturbate and get laid
some retard from /lit/ (eg OP) won't become smart through nofap

>> No.12169497
File: 492 KB, 628x1712, old book on masturbation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a not so good book (appeals to religion and so forth which are met by some with automatic dismissal) but some of the observations are on point "Sexual Ills and Disease"

>> No.12169500 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 940x286, Screenshot-2018-12-2 Functional brain imaging shows a correlation between distended seminal vesicles and specific brain act[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they abstained several days before day 1 and jerked off before day 2. Do you not understand what words "distended" and "voided" mean, larpcel?

>> No.12169503
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>>Brain areas involved in motor preparation (arousal) and visual association areas showed significantly higher activation in response to sexual pictures when presented to young men with distended seminal vesicles (day 1) as when presented to young men with voided seminal vesicles (day 2).

>implying that supports your argument at all

>> No.12169512
File: 44 KB, 850x400, quotepythagoras0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most academics are mediocre and boring. I never said this would get in your way of becoming an academic. It gets in your way of becoming someone with a boundless amount of energy and drive. Kant led a totally chaste lifestyle, and it translated to the production of fantastic and unrivaled work.

>> No.12169533

I'm not OP but I've had several long relationships and lots of sexual experience, and i think what he says makes sense, though that i disagree with the word "relax".

>> No.12169543

And racism
But the work he is famous for is nice.

>> No.12169548

When in disuse, less seminal fluid produced within the vesicles. The fluid is recycled internally; it is not constantly filling as though it were a bladder where it reaches a point. They swell and production is increased when sexually active.

>> No.12169553

kant was a prideful brainlet. he refused to accept that mysteries exist, despite them his being btfo by them.

>> No.12169554 [DELETED] 
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>Kant led a totally chaste lifestyle
And? There's any number of great thinkers, scientists and artists who weren't chaste and achieved above and beyond. There's no argument here, larpcel, unless you're going to devolve this into some no true scotsman autism where the only "truly greats" just so happen to be celibate. Face it, sweaty, you have no leg to stand on. Create something great, dedicate it to your incelitude and bring. Then we can talk while I come all over your precious creation.

>> No.12169555
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>> No.12169589
File: 27 KB, 333x499, 41nGcA+YwPL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant was a crypto-swedenborgian who only denied the mysteries to maintain his exoteric persona

>> No.12169607

Kant was a brainlet who couldn't work out if Swedenborg was joking or if we should be worried. I say this as a Kantian, though admittedly one who thinks Kant without Schopenhauer's observations is incomplete and erroneous at times.

>> No.12169618

I admire to sublimate your weaknesses and faults as a person, but you realize you could find vitality in ANY other way of life you’re just dumb lmao

>> No.12169633
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I'll admit it.
I was wrong here. I failed to read what happened after the first visit and had thought the abstinence was retained throughout. It made sense to me that the vesicles would decrease production of seminal fluid some period of disuse.
My own experience is that whenever I am unchaste, masturbation/sex satiates for about a half hour then the general horniness is comes back readily, and provoked much more easily upon seeing any stimuli . Whereas, after achieving a state of sexual continence for even a few days, the baseline 'horniness' and sexual urges decrease and after a few weeks, go away almost completely. Satisfying these urges, only was ever a temporary solution for me, one that left me drained, tired and a shell of my potential self. Abstinence is the sole solution that freed me from their constant distraction and detriment.

>> No.12169662

Ever heard of paragraphs you illiterate piece of shit?

>> No.12169667


>> No.12169672
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>> No.12169701 [DELETED] 
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>Abstinence is the sole solution that freed me from their constant distraction and detriment.
Well, it's a good thing you're finally free from these shackles and can dedicate all your time to grand virtuous endeavors like blogposting about not jerking off on Bhutanese yak shearing forums for over 3 hours. Faggot.

>> No.12169715

>a pythagoras quote
What a fucking pseud you are

>> No.12169752

Is this an actual Nietskjhdkfhdkfjdhfhe quote?

>> No.12169759
File: 30 KB, 568x564, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level of celibacypill are you on?

>> No.12169761

I know they overlap for the most part, but I hate celibatefags as much as I hate christfags

>> No.12169787

porn is bad for you, and depending on the circumstances of production some may be called evil. masturbation is attending to biological needs, nothing more. sex is good, under proper wholesome conditions.

>> No.12169802
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I originally had the OP as a reply in a thread that was removed and it had good feedback so I decided to post it as it's own stand alone thread.
I have the flu and don't feel like doing much else. I'm not wasting time, and I won't be back here for a while once I recover. Semen retention was a life-changer for me, and I was among the most ardent opponents of it at one time. Nobody discusses or wants to discuss this topic. If a few people benefit, then it wasn't a waste of time at all.

>> No.12169859

porn is a tool of the bourgeoisie, change my mind

>> No.12169889


Good post.

>> No.12170061
File: 80 KB, 468x270, eskimo wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wolf. So majestic. An iconic symbol of power.
These great beasts seem invincible... and yet they have a great weakness...

The Eskimos have always greatly prized the wolf. It's fur and meat are of great quality and the beast itself is both majestic and powerful. Killing a wolf was a nearly impossible endeavor without strong weapons, and yet the Eskimos found a way to do it.
They did it not by force... in fact they never even touched the wolves. The wolves simply killed themselves.

An Eskimo would first sharpen a knife. They would then proceed to soak the knife in seal blood and then freeze it. Then they would dip it in again and freeze it once more. This covered the knife in layer upon layer of frozen blood. The knife soon resembled a Popsicle.

They would jam the knife's hilt into the snow where they thought wolves would be and left.

A hungry wolf takes a deep breath of the freezing Alaskan air. It smells something delicious. It's mouth starts watering as it tracks the scent. Fresh blood. The wolf eventually tracks the scent to the blood Popsicle. It begins to slowly lick it. It licks away layer after layer of blood until soon they reach down to just the knife. They cut their tongue, but they hardly notice. The freezing blood easily numbs the wolf's tongue. The wolf continues to lick at the knife, cutting itself more and more. Pretty soon, the wolf begins to feel weak from loss of blood.

Despite the obvious signs that the knife is harming it, the wolf continues to lick the knife. It ignores all of the negative signs. It feels that getting more blood from the knife would be the answer. Soon the wolf's mouth is so badly cut that blood starts pouring from it's wounds. The wolf's tongue starts to thaw as warm blood flows over it. The wolf is nothing short of ecstatic that they can taste more blood. It attacks the knife more vigorously and aggressively. It knows nothing but the taste of blood. The wolf will desperately continue to lick the knife until it collapses from blood loss and dies.

Is there a bloody knife in your life? Stop licking it. Who is worse, the ignorant wolf who licks the knife out of instinct and desperation, or the person that licks the knife knowing full well that they are their own judge, jury, and executioner.

>> No.12170141

I am literally like that guy from that fap is bad comic. Hair falling out, bed ridden, complete mendal retardation. Currently unemployed and struggle to keep a job, struggle to do anything if Im not at least 30+days into nofap

>> No.12170178

>The optimum is in never in extremes.
Do you structure you life on nothing other than empty platitudes parroted by normies?

>> No.12170194

Absolute bullshit story and never happened

>> No.12170210 [DELETED] 

Do you structure your posts on nothing but empty buzzwords?

>> No.12170247

It is a real scourge among young generations of men. I feel for you and have been in your shoes at times. I'm genuinely wishing you the best, and hope you can beat this for good. It's harder than opiates and cigarettes to put to bed.

>> No.12170252

Yes. Notebook, year 1880.
Kaufmann, The Portable Nietzsche, p. 75.

>> No.12170268

>The optimum is in never in extremes
This is an extreme on the scale of never to always is an extremity.

>> No.12170464

Stop trying to make you're self feel better and that analogy doesn't work since women arent grapes.

>> No.12170509

Dude look up Eskimo knives. They're designed for women and snow. All their fairy tales are about giantess vore and giant cunts. Literal cunt. Pick a less estrogen and death based obsolete tribal classification to try to garble your dumb point through.

>> No.12170511

t. materialist brainlet.

>> No.12170525

>women arent grapes
In the old times in the long long ago, I could have just linked you to /d/

>> No.12170552

peak ressentiment

>> No.12170564

get a load of this pathetic incel

>> No.12170698

well i like it it. too bad.

>> No.12170723

I want to have a wife but retain the benefits of chastity. What to do

is there some sort of holy sexuality that wont fuck me up

>> No.12170728


>> No.12170751

Tolstoy believed it was immoral and unhealthy to the child to have sex during pregnancy and even while the wife is nursing nursing. You'd copulate every 20 months for a few weeks. Seems manageable.

>> No.12170770

No, I dont want any kids and want to have sex often, maybe every day. But have the benefits of chastity

>> No.12171494

Alas, you can't have your cake and eat it too. There is a toll to be paid and you need to ask yourself when it's worth it.

>> No.12171528

>I want to abuse the procreative faculty for my own quotidian satisfaction but don't want to deal with the consequences of procreation
most contemptible and dangerous anon. You will be ripped apart spiritually

>> No.12171801


Smart boy who browses Tumblr for fillies to fuck, do you sincerely hold that chatising the lonely and blameless here will confer anything upon you other than a slight sense of superior self-worth, something useful to you only inasmuch as it assists you in your goal to penetrate conceited blogosphere semen demons?

Then again I laud you - for being a true American.

>> No.12171956

Best way to attenuate the adverse effects is selegiline around 5mg but the adverse effects from sexual activity are still there. Abstience is still unmatched in terms of benefits gained. Better than any drug.

>> No.12172115

>empty buzzwords
Those are mighty big words coming from a dumb frogposter who unironically uses words like larpcel

>> No.12172467

Fuck consumerists, fuck hedonists but most importantly FUCK niggers

>> No.12172502

chastity and abstention will not fix what's wrong with my mind

I hope if I am born again I am not born a woman

>> No.12172529

>It's my brains fault I'm a whore

>> No.12172787

>wow you're dumb

>> No.12173559

Borges would have agreed with this to an extent. Thank you. Good stuff.

>> No.12173648

It’s like yakuza

>> No.12173654

Let me grace you with my prescence and grant you the secret of contentment in this life which was spoken to me from the universe's vagina herself:

Wash your scrotum and go to a gym so women will love you and you can experience true divinity in the form of a nurturing wet hole


>> No.12173781


>> No.12173814

"They are pouring forth the very substance of their nerves and brain"

One time in school we were dissecting a pig's brain and noticed that it smelled eerily similar to cum

>> No.12173824

Wash your top lip

>> No.12173830

what are you some kind of faggot??

>> No.12173866

Nothing quite like sous viding brains. Pork brains. Calf brains. Cheap too. Tasty. Mind boosting.
The Beginning Was the End was right.

>> No.12173879

is occasional masturbation like a nice middle ground?

>> No.12173960

It's difficult to moderate occasionally due to hormonal rebound once sexual activity resumes. Best is to avoid stimuli and thoughts and try to reduce frequency as best as you can. Once you achieve a serious stretch of abstinence, you'll find it much easier than you had initially thought.

>> No.12173995

maybe it self regulates because of other things on your schedule
also what is an alternative way to blow steam from stressful work/schedule if not for masturbation

>> No.12174003

That is not healthy because you're associating it as a solution for frustration which makes you distracted from the real matter. It really doesn't blow off steam either, cortisol levels increase. It might decrease mental activity slightly but that is like advocating for a therapeutic lobotomy.

>> No.12174043

You know the real reason people indulge in ascetic lifestyles and yoga?
Once you experience spiritual bliss, you can't go back.
Don't believe me?
Read about the experience of mystics throughout the ages, their ecstatic poetry which often doesn't try to mask the obvious eroticism of the union with the Divine. Read about kundalini experiences, about Eckhart Tolle and Gopi Krishna. Take a peek at Prometheus Risng and the chapter on the neurosomatic circuit, where RAW unambiguosly states that the reason people get hooked to gurus is because gurus know how to produce neurosomatic (spiritual) bliss in them. Do a simple witnessing meditations for a few month, one hour a day.
The denial of flesh is built upon the expectation of a higher and more lasting bliss, that is pleasure.
All human behaviour is pleasure oriented, whether material or spiritual.

>> No.12175320

hell ya just busted a fat nut fuck u nofap fags now that i got that post-nut clarity i can see this site is shit and nofap is a scam to keep your brain foggy and shitposting

>> No.12175461


Why not absorb other men's semen as well? More semen = more meme power?

>> No.12175469


And the whole igloo clapped.

>> No.12175478

It's a useless inert mass once it leaves the body. The neurochemical and hormonal consequences within the body are what makes it sexual activity so debilitating.

>> No.12175490

Imagine being such an addict that your only moment of clarity is shortly after orgasm only to go away some moments later, replaced by lethargy and rebound horniness. I want 24/7 clarity. Not 5 pathetic minutes of it.

>> No.12175523


I mean why don't you abstain AND absorb other men's semen? It would easily enter your blood stream through your colon without spending any time outside of the pitcher's body provided a little patience.

>> No.12175599

I want to be better and I this makes thing about not having sex, and the idea of not having sex give me a lot of anxiety. why the fuck I read this thread? What the fuck do I do?

>> No.12175601

>maxim fagget

>> No.12175663
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>> No.12175832
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>> No.12175846

Do you pathetic faggots really believe this shit? You realize that sex is one of the healthiest activities possible both physically and mentally? It's scientifically proven, you're just coping like losers because you can't get laid

>> No.12175848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12176214


Still waiting for spermoids to responds to this:


>> No.12176719

>appeal to science
Please go to sci if you can’t comprehend such a simple concept. The majority of the canon touches on atonement and spiritual purification through asceticism. Stop being triggered and putting others down because you’re too weak to forsake pleasure.

>> No.12176733

Anal sex is bad for your health

>> No.12176831
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>It's scientifically proven
"Science" isn't free from ideology, especially when it sees opportunity to promote a progressive agenda.

>> No.12176929

What about lifting weights, walking, and studying logic? Do I have to have sex if I already do all these? People that have a lot of sex aren't necessarily healthy and often have poor impulse control. There are lots of activities comparable but without the risks involved in sex, viz., having a child, having to be around women, diseases from fluid exchange, etc.

>> No.12176949

How should that kind of people live then? Live in constant frustration?

>> No.12176954

Value personal growth more than sex

>> No.12176957

How do I stop myself from fapping? The urge is too great, I can't resist it, and I waste hours on masturbation. How the fuck do I escape from this hell?

>> No.12177017
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>Do you pathetic faggots really believe this shit?
You're seething because this hypothesis is totally incompatible with your hedonsitic indulgence. Your entire post amounts to a rationlization of his behavior, a willful ignorance, something akin to a heroin junkie pretending how his drug use isn't affecting his life.
>You realize that sex is one of the healthiest activities possible both physically and mentally?
This claim is baseless and not rooted in medicine. This comes from sexology "experts" such as "Dr." Ruth. There is no physiological mechanism for why it would be healthy. In fact, those advocating this often have a gross misunderstanding of the sexual apparatus and have no idea how it functions. I have seen sexologists note that semen is stored in the scrotum and needs to be evacuated like a bladder, which is totally laughable to even people with a rudimentary understanding of anatomy. In fact, they represent a giant misstep in the scientific dissection and unraveling of sex.
>It's scientifically proven, you're just coping like losers because you can't get laid
It isn't and total side-stepping with a straw man. Studies that "prove" this, are lifestyle surveys asking individuals how they feel and given that NEARLY EVERYONE wants sex, of course the absence of it represents is going to be associated with some health issue, or work intrusion of free time, loneliness or some other psychosocial factor.
If you want real scientific evidence, ie hard experimental or mechanistic studies showing the detriments of indulging in energy and time consuming act, I'm happy to provide them.

Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

>> No.12177019

That implies a celibate life.

>> No.12177109
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perhaps each man's conception is his original sin...

>> No.12177199

>I have seen sexologists note that semen is stored in the scrotum and needs to be evacuated like a bladder
And I've seen people make shit up on the internet just to prove their point.

>> No.12177246

Have sex or dont I dont care. But I'm just in it 4 tha $$$ baby!!!!!

>> No.12177294

Thinking a field with experts in it with terminal degrees in teaching with zero medical training or knowledge is going to know jack shit about anatomy isn't surprising. Case in point, "Dr." Ruth.

>> No.12177427
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sure is manageable until she cucks you with jamal

>> No.12177610

It is a two-way street; the mother must be educated that sex, and even masturbating during pregnancy may deleteriously affect fetal and neonatal development. Pro-tip, if you need to satiate your wife lest she cheats on you, she is going to cheat on you anyways, as this is purely the mentality of a sensualist.
Tolstoy was correct as we see that sexual activity alters womb hormones which can affect development, and the impact of the activity itself can contuse the fetus resulting in miscarriage. Indeed, the people, and researchers even, who say sex while pregnant is "harmless" are the ones who sound religions, their arguments are 'designed this way' or 'the body wouldn't let this happen if it were so'; most research saying coitus stating pregnancy is harmless amount to just thinly-veiled appeal to ignorance.
Indeed, nature does not want this to happen which is why morning sickness, sensitivities to smell, and increased hunger are all universal consequences to pregnancy. If you have ever observed or studied wildlife, the females of most species violently refused to be mounted while pregnant. The modern human woman ignores these built-in safeguards and indulges in sex usually out of her own continued habit, or coercion by the husband to carry on with his habit, or artificial stimulation due to the overabundance of sexually provocative stimuli to be found in all realms of human life from literature to television to, most recently, everyday conversation--sadly this is reinforced by incorrect information which is found by women who initially set out with good intentions having concerns or fears for engaging in coitus while pregnant. This subject is a taboo in medicine, admitted by many older OB-GYNs, yet is withheld from publishing for fear of being called a prude advocating 'beliefs from the dark ages' or fear of being called an opponent to bodily autonomy ('her body, her choice').

>> No.12177628

>Of all members of the mammalian family, civilized man alone is a victim of an exaggerated and morbid sexual urge, a condition which he has inflicted, to a certain extent, on the animals which he has domesticated and which have adopted his diet, especially the dog. Wild animals in a state of nature practice copulation only at certain mating seasons for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act at all times, and in most cases without intention to conceive. On the other hand, so-called savages and primitive races leading more natural lives and who follow their natural instincts to a greater extent are far chaste in their sexual behavior, as noted by Havelock Ellis. Such considerations must lead one to the conclusion that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural and that the excessive manifestation of the sex urge among them is due to certain aphrodisiacal stimuli rather than to natural instinct; among such stimuli are a high-protein meat diet (accompanied by physical inactivity), the use of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, dramas, motion pictures, conversation, etc. For these reasons civilized man has departed from the natural law, obeyed by animal and primitive races, which requires the separation of the sexes during pregnancy and lactation, for the benefit of both mother and child. Violation of this law may account for the large number of physically and mentally defective offspring produced by civilized races as compared with animals and primitive peoples.

>Spencer, who studied California Indians, remarks that after the appearance of menstruation, a girl is never allowed in the company of the opposite sex until her marriage, and that during pregnancy and lactation there is strict chastity.

>> No.12177632

>There is no time in life when the endocrine glands of the individual may be more powerfully affected by a deficiency of phosphatides than during the months of embryonic development, when these glands are most sensitive to their chemical environment, the maternal blood-stream. Deficiency of phosphatides in the mother's blood at this time, due to ovarian overactivity (as the result of sexual intercourse) may affect the development of the thyroid and other endocrine glands of the embryo, as well as of its central nervous system. This explains the origin of cretins and Mongolian idiots, when born of parents with normal heredity. Prof. M. Schlapp, neuropsychiatrist of the New York Post-Graduate Hospital, has made a special study of this problem, studying hundreds of cases of cretins born of normal parents, and his conclusion is that a prenatal injury to the thyroid and other glands of the embryo by an endocrine disturbance in the mother was the basic cause of such conditions. He noted a preponderance of such children born from adolescent mothers or those approaching the climateric, when the ovaries tend to be most active. Dr. Schlapp believes that glandular depletion of the mother during gestation is the basic cause of the production of cretins and idiots, when there is no direct hereditary causation. It is clear that such "glandular depletion" can result from the excessive withdrawal of phosphatides from the mother's blood as the result of sexual intercourse during pregnancy, which also tends to produce endocrine dysfunction in the form of glandular hyper-and-hypoactivities.
Older but you can see that physicians used to warn against excessive sex indulgence during pregnancy.

>> No.12177633

>normies arguing for the virtuosity of sex and calling those who disagree incels
lel is this even 4chan anymore? At least when people used to argue for hedonism it was the degenerate self destructive nihilistic type and not this faux shit.

>> No.12177654

no this is 4channel.

>> No.12177661

True true. Ya got me

>> No.12177887
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>Prof. M. Schlopp

>> No.12177905

yes but your pee pee shrinks

>> No.12178020


>> No.12178027

I hate dog people so much

>> No.12178103
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Take that back.

>> No.12178657

>And racism
I'd tell you to go back to tumblr, but it's finally collapsing under its own cannibalistic puritanism.

>> No.12178733

I wish Schopenhauer was still alive.

>> No.12178926
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>egoistic asceticism
>rejecting ones own nature
top lel

>> No.12178950

unique view and why I browse lit

>> No.12179006

>Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.
>>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men
>>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

And exactly what are you trying to show here? Half the point of masturbation for me is that it relaxes my mind and allows me to continue working without temptation afterwards. Hence I agree with all these studies and consider this a reason to masturbate if I feel horny.

>> No.12179032

>All their fairy tales are about giantess vore and giant cunts

I do want to know more

>> No.12179034

Do you have any evidence for this?

>> No.12179037

>Not 5 pathetic minutes of it
It lasts way longer than that.

>> No.12179106

For you.

>> No.12179116

This, even though even though its proven that your dopamine gets destroyed this is true because we have to do what our overlords tell us to. I mean, if you have never done heroin and any other mind destroying drug and have not experienced gay sex you have not lived life and just coping.

>> No.12179118

also St. Augustine:
Lord make me chase, but not yet!

>> No.12179132


Surely semen's benefits scale exponentially relative to anal's detriments. If what you produce already has such a dramatic effect, imagine merely doubling that amount. Imagine the power. Just one man. You'll feel it within hours, by your logic.

>> No.12179363

Top kek. I love this board sometimes.

>> No.12179396
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That's pretty witty though.

There was a story on /d/ about a guy who gave himself protein poisioning or something like that by putting and holding large quantities of his own semen up his ass. Also what you're saying is a bit like "if having blood in your body is so good why not drink other people's blood or give yourself a blood enema?".

Tbqh it is a fetish of mine to interact with others' cum while being forced into chastity myself, but I'd never advocate it as a health practice (nor a sex practice since fantasies only produce more fantasies, they aren't "satisfied" in any meaningful way).

>> No.12179429
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Humans were made for companionship, and you will always crave it not matter how you attempt to justify solitude and celibacy to yourself. Allah sent His prophets to teach us how to live, and every one of them who had the chance to get married, did so.

>> No.12179451
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>tfw beating your underage wife because it's part of Allah's wisdom

>> No.12179454

Companionship doesn't require sex.

>> No.12179503

>Tbqh it is a fetish of mine...

For fuck's sake.

>> No.12179668

If it's any consolation, I don't act on my fetishes. I did imply that in that post.

>> No.12179856

You should though. That sounds hot as fuck.

>> No.12179892

Now for the benefits:
>Sexuality leads to boosts in mood and meaning in life
>Time-lagged analyses demonstrated that sexual activity on 1 day was related to greater well-being the next. As for the quality of episodes, higher reported sexual pleasure and intimacy predicted greater positive affect and lower negative affect the following day.
>These data provide evidence to support the continual consideration of sex in empirical work and theoretical models of elements that comprise healthy relationships and a good life.
I'm sure it's just Jewish propaganda though.

>> No.12179940


>> No.12180919

wojack looks disturbed in this picture. as though he feels the magnetic pull toward her yet realizing this is not his will and realizing that all other people are controlled by competing influences as to what direction their life goes. the cold doesn't chill him to the bone but this epiphany does.

>> No.12181049

Jfc just learn how to control yourself and still enjoy base pleasures without spazzing out. Asceticism is compensation for a lack of self control and inability to remain moderate.

>> No.12181374


>> No.12181375

>And exactly what are you trying to show here?
That even arousal itself is causes adverse effects, setting in a general hypofrontality that leaves you distracted which is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the consequences of sexual activity. As I told you in the other thread:

'Sexual activity affects the body in more ways than practically any other action. The sex act (masturbation included), from arousal to ejaculation to habituation has chilling physiological repercussions. Endocrinology and neuroscience show that shy of drugs, no other action affects the body so much, so suddenly--- hormones, neurotransmitters, are all profoundly affected. Upon arousal, dopamine is released, not only in the capacity of motivating you, as would be the impetus for wanting to grab that needle of heroin, but you are biologically rewarded just for the mere image of arousal!
Then sexual stimulation occurs, and opioid facilitated reward begins, as even more dopamine is released.
Finally, it culminates in orgasm. The final reward is there. Endogenous opioid peptides suddenly flood the brain, the love hormone oxytocin for bonding is released which also signals the conversion of T to DHT, 5-HT increases, and the anti-dopamine hormone prolactin rises sharply, gonadotropin inhibitory hormone is released, and that is just scratching the surface.
Prolactin has antagonistic effects on dopamine transmission which leaves you feeling lazy and spent, and while the refractory period lasts a mere 5 or 10 minutes, the elevated prolactin continues to exert adverse effects elsewhere in the brain.'
>Half the point of masturbation for me is that it relaxes my mind and allows me to continue working without temptation afterwards
It's better to avoid the arousal in the first place, as the sexual activity that ensues as a consequence is costly and results in you being fatigued and tired and unmotivated, owing to the physiological changes accompanying the act such as the post-orgasmic prolactin elevation. It also is subject to habituation, and tends to cloud your subconscious so a greater amount of sexual thoughts are peculating in it throughout the day (sacrificing creativity). It only satiates for about a half hour, and then any stimuli or thoughts, can easily set it off again. My experience with indulging in it, is that it made me a mediocre person. If you want to just "live your life", it's not going to get in the way. If you want to be extremely productive, it's almost a prerequisite.

>> No.12181381

>the present study, a daily diary approach was used
You've got to be kidding me. I went into precise detail explaining and even admitting the existence of these studies and how they are going to produce a skewed result by their very design. These are subjective lifestyle assessments, rather than experimental studies measuring executive function or working memory following the act.

>> No.12181408

>If you want to be extremely productive
Like holding pseud sermons about virtues of total sexual abstention on Nazi frog forums for Chinese cartoon connoisseurs? A useless faggot will always be one, whether he jerks off or not, with you being Exhibit A. Go shill your cancerogenic lifestyle on /pol/ and other double digit IQ subreddits, moron.

>> No.12181451

Maybe he couldn't grab them because foxes are not meant for grabbing grapes.

Can't you advocate celibacy without creating a standard for it or shaming men for being sexually active? Would've we all be better off if men followed their instincts for celibacy or lust separately and according to their own individuality? The monastic tradition you alluded to could only exist when protected by an indulgent, instinctive, lustful and violent warrior or governing class. And such the excesses of these men were kept in check by the clever little rules and ascetic idealism of their wards.

>> No.12181601
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I've had the flu the past week and nothing better to do. The only reason I've been posting at all since about April here is because I got in a car accident, and admittedly, it helps me stay steadfast in my resolve.
It's something that nobody talks about, something that nobody even wishes to discuss. There is no other venue I could bring this up on without others being endless downvoting or wanting to ban me. I can't even discuss in it person for fear of reprisals such as yours (which is the default reaction). You nitpick on single details and one-liners while ignoring the bulk of the post. You are totally closed minded and view your own position as completely incontrovertible. Whenever the evidence that you went out of your way to cherry pick turns out to be garbage, you recoil with ad hominem insults. I'll tell you one thing, I would have NEVER pursued education beyond undergrad, or even read beyond a book a month without abstinence. Without even intermittent tactical use of celibacy, a I would be a mediocre, worthless average person. I do not claim to be a saint and openly admit that I have fallen back into the habit at times, and it has only reinforced my resolve. I mentioned a while ago that satiating it with 2160p 4k pornography, made everything worse--- I spent two months, two whole months in a hole, where it felt as though I was condemned to live out the rest of my days in subjection to this horrible, habit. Sexual thoughts were infused upon waking, and throughout the day, I would be distracted---I could manage, go through the motions but I knew it infinitely less than my ideal self. This is how the masses are. Worthless. Preoccupied with their masturbatory and copulatory release, reinforcing daily, until they're just dicks for brains. Their dreams and ambitions of long ago discarded in favor of their insatiable question for instant gratification; ΔFosB induction occurs with every instance of this act and habitual pathways are so strong that abstinence is but an impossible goal; they think it will make them uncontrollably horny when in fact, the opposite is what would await. The hypersexual frequencies of the modern era is a real epidemic than far exceeds even opioids; while it might not kill an individual acutely, it will kill off his potential and make him live out out the rest of his days in service to this reinforced instinct, reducing the mind to but a means to seek pleasure at every single corner, making all other aspects and endeavors in life only a source of frustration that get in the way. You make allusions to religion but you're the one who sounds like a metaphysician; making the body, the urges of it, to be infallible, and having a totally ignorant understanding of how it works.
I'm finished. I'm retiring from posting about celibacy again. I have recovered from the accident and the flu is almost over; time to get on with life. The ideas are out out there; hopefully others utilize and develop them.

>> No.12181605

>question for instant gratification

>> No.12181656

The internet must be quit entirely for pure monasticism. I doubt ye olde monks from back in the day could have ever thought up something as distracting and detrimental as it.

>> No.12181666

It holds so much potential for erudition and learning. It's foolish to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Avoid social media. Hell, block all images. Block everything aside from LibGen and ResearchGate.

>> No.12182523

>I went into precise detail explaining and even admitting the existence of these studies and how they are going to produce a skewed result by their very design
I doubt you have the qualifications to dismiss any study really, but this one focused on the immediate effects of sex: how it affected people, including those who have sex on a regular basis, the day after they had a sexual encounter. It's not just a rough comparison between people who can get laid and people who can't, where the latter obviously have other issues that affect their well-being.
But if you want to keep believing sex is this self-contained act that has absolutely no benefits on the rest of your life, be my guest I guess. Judging from your posts here it's quite an important part of your worldview.
>executive function or working memory following the act
So these are the only two parameters that determine one's quality of life? Jesus Christ.

>> No.12182607


>> No.12182629

Mashallah bro.

>> No.12182883
File: 62 KB, 423x313, arthur-schopenhauer-1854_a-G-4056272-4990799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Temples and churches, pagodas and mosques, in all countries and ages, in their splendour and spaciousness, testify to man's need for metaphysics, a need strong and ineradicable, which follows close on the physical. The man of a satirical frame of mind could of course add that this need for metaphysics is a modest fellow content with meagre fare. Sometimes it lets itself be satisfied with clumsy fables and absurd fairy-tales. If only they are imprinted early enough, they are for man adequate explanations of his existence and supports for his morality.
>Consider the Koran, for example; this wretched book was sufficient to start a world-religion, to satisfy the metaphysical need for countless millions for twelve hundred years, to become the basis of their morality and of a remarkable contempt for death, and also to inspire them to bloody wars and the most extensive conquests. In this book we find the saddest and poorest form of theism. Much may be lost in translation, but I have not been able to discover in it one single idea of value. Such things show that the capacity for metaphysics does not go hand in hand with the need for it . . . ."

>> No.12182967

It's actually: you can't eat your cake and have it too

>> No.12183150

Any authors except Houellebecq that deal with sexual resignation as a main theme of their work?

>> No.12183307

Post more pics like this. It's got a comfy feel to it that I like

>> No.12183314

kissing cute girls is way better you should try it

>> No.12183640
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>> No.12183646
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>> No.12183654
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>> No.12183909


>> No.12184019
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>> No.12184248
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>tfw saving up your cum to invest in a joint bukkake fund

>> No.12184310

based Victorians

>> No.12185028
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I started reading this and now I know that Isaac Newton was a faggot.

>> No.12185256
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great movie.

>> No.12185263
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There is no greater bond or companionship than the bond between men.

>> No.12185814

I have a gf and entirely agree with OP. Everytime I have sex it makes me feel disgusted, but after awhile I yearn for it again. It's a vicious cycle, and I'm weak.

>> No.12185882
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>> No.12185905

Fucking kekd this board is great

>> No.12185915

This point is brought up in a certain passage of 1984 something about sex making people ignore what Big Brother had to say it's been on my mind since I was a teen stop shilling us anons

>> No.12185996

Masturbation and sex are basically the same. You release more energy from sex though, but the effects are similar.

Porn is just a tool.

>> No.12186518

>I doubt you have the qualifications to dismiss any study
And yet you believe the average person is qualified to give an unbiased opinion of themselves in a journal, in a culture that puts sexual gratification upon a pedestal, no less?

If all it takes is having what is ultimately no different than a bunch of anons writing down their opinions of themselves in a journal to make for a worthy study, then by that very same logic, nofappers must clearly attain some fabled superpowers, despite the lack of actual evidence of such when it comes to testosterone levels actually being measured.

Obviously, this is not the case, and there's a fucking reason why we don't rely on the test subjects to self-report. Otherwise, /pol/tards are justified in claiming Jews run the world not due to any real proof, but simply that their minds are actively geared to search out "Jewish-sounding" names (such as Cohen, Goldstein, etc.), similarly to how some nofappers claim that women start paying attention to them more when in reality, they're just actively looking for such events as dictated by the placebo effect.

If you wish to claim that sexual interaction does actually carry benefits, then at the very least you should have plenty of actually scientifically valid studies to quote, unless those "sexologists" really are a waste of space.

>> No.12186545

>>Sexuality leads to boosts in mood and meaning in life

how do you quantify something this fucking abstract

>> No.12186562

idk anon sounds gay but you make it sound cool also

>> No.12186835

fucking commit yourself to trying you imbecile

>> No.12186905
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t. historical revisionist reading a historical revisionist book written by a woman skeptical of celibacy

>> No.12187056
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>and hope you can beat this for good

>> No.12187071


>> No.12188079

any other advice?

>> No.12188842

You have estrogen in your body right now.

>> No.12189411
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>> No.12189414

So I should shove coke down my cock?

>> No.12189426

No. Didn't say that, btw. Just an old journal article thought I'd post. Funny and interesting I suppose.

>> No.12189461
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Okay, OP
I agree that discipline is good and you houldn't be a slave of desire.
But If I'm HORNY AS A MOTHERFUCKER, whats so bad about busting one once in a while? Without porn, even
Come on now

>> No.12189477

Horniness has a cause and effect. See >>12169471, the part about dwelling on lascivious thoughts almost necessitating an emission.

>> No.12189949

what's this from?

>> No.12189970

Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales has a couple from Inuits or some other tribe. You should be able to find them on the net pretty easy too.
Have some of their female throat singing competitions to worry you
Stop being such a pedantic faggot.

>> No.12190001

I'm part of a group of 16 guys across east and west europe wanting to escape society. We're currently in talks with a Trappist monastery in bavaria which is closing in the next few years as its number of resident monks has dwindled and nobody is replacing them. Most of us work in tech, several programmers included. We have enough to sign a rental lease for five years, with utilities included. We plan to form a secular monastic order, making money mostly from remote tech work. One guy works in VR and says there's a lot of money to be earned from creating consumer software in the near future, similar to app culture right now. I hopefully will grow some crops and stuff like that, because the nearest town is a long distance away barring some nearby farms. Hopefully we'll have concrete plans in place by next Spring. We're all itching to get the fuck out of our respective shithole cities and watch the collapse from afar.

>> No.12190005

It has been a while since heaven's gate

>> No.12190019

Unless you adopt actual monastic practices (no sexual behaviors, strict regimen of waking, meditation/prayer and daily routine) then it will collapse. Even real life monasteries with access to the internet simply aren't the same.

>> No.12190764

>cybermonks irl

I'm intrigued...

>> No.12192063


>> No.12192075

I'd be interested if both conditions were true.

>> No.12192192
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>as we see that sexual activity alters womb hormones which can affect development, and the impact of the activity itself can contuse the fetus resulting in miscarriage.

If you can provide sound references for those statements you would otherwise have a solid and very convincing argument.

>> No.12192239

>but this one focused on the immediate effects of sex: how it affected people

Having spent some time on /fit,/ by your logic all the claims of the /nofap/ crowd simply must be taken without any skepticism or disbelief. Personal accounts and diary entries are by definition subjective and the subjectivity of the mind and memory makes it rather fallible when you want reliability.

>> No.12192317

>One guy works in VR and says there's a lot of money to be earned from creating consumer software in the near future

Sure, with pornographic being one the prime drivers...

All I see happening is a bunch of computer nerds holing themselves up in a back country hovel doing the same basement dwelling activities they were doing prior but in company (unless you all plan to segregate yourselves in separate rooms anyway)

To say you will be leading 'monastic' lives of any sort is laughable. You've just chosen to run away to another location whilst still committing to partake in and indulge every aspect of that modern society you so scorned and want to run away from in the first place. There is nothing noble about that.

>> No.12192358
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>> No.12192959

I thought about sex and stupid shit like that constantly when I was a virgin, now I have a partner I don’t

>> No.12194235

> escape society
> a lot of money to be earned
> watch the collapse from afar
And what for you need money?

>> No.12194588

Based Justo Gallego Martínez, checked and respect

>> No.12194716

>consumer software
> shithole cities and watch the collapse from afar.
And who do you think buys your stupid software, society you hate. You just another narcissistic, egocentric spoiled brat.

>> No.12194731

Can I join? Srsly willing to be interviewed

>> No.12194852


>> No.12196587
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That's what you call 'Playing the system' buddy. It's what all elites do, they create degenerative products, sell it to the public but don't let it go near their loved ones.
>Spoiled brat

>> No.12196769
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Sorry bud but I've
the piddly natural order

>> No.12196942
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I enjoy tearing bitches up, getting my johnny sucked and ejaculating in various parts of their bodies as they moan. Would you mind telling me what's wrong with that, Mr Incel?

>> No.12196984
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The insatiable drive for base pleasures creates a fundamental heteronomy whereby your mind now follows the blind master of pleasure instead of reason. It is not you, but the instinct that "enjoys" these actions which of themselves have created nothing, and the enjoyment subsides the moment it ends. It is empty and hollow pursuit only drowned out by repeating it.
Furthermore, its indulgence is not a biological free lunch. It comes at great cost, bringing with it in fatigue, tiredness, and a general apathy for life where you are just a dick for a brain and everything else gets in the way, as clearly evidenced by your post. So in total, everything is wrong with it.

>> No.12197123

slave and fleshpilled

>> No.12197125
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>I enjoy shooting heroin up, downing some oxies and nodding off in various places as I mainline. Would you mind telling me what's wrong with that, Mr. "I don't do heroin"?

>> No.12198120

NPC cope

>> No.12198132

Daily reminder that the mere suggestion that one might be interested in anything other than pornography and masturbation sends (((them))) into a panic. The simple act of choosing not to use pornography or masturbate is basically an anti-semitic terror act.

>> No.12198723


>> No.12198789

Don't be shy, nothing will happen to you if you say their name.

>> No.12198950

If we are to get any proper answer here, considering universals and social prescriptions will get us nowhere. There exist people who do not desire certain things which we may consider universal, and each living being has an unique trajectory. Of course these are all connected and averages emerge. To claim that ''The celibate monastic life is the greatest thing one can experience on earth.''--- may be true for some persons, either as an act of aversion or desire, but in actuality of course, aversion is just another form of desire. Yes suffering is inherent to life, and senseless hedonism can generate more of it, but even in this we find exceptions; men who live and die happily in their hedonism, or even in lives some may consider evil.

Every argument in this thread is either a projection or a defense mechanism. And regarding that, ask yourself what purpose there is in arguing about these things, other than subjugating others to your schemes, being subjugated, or merely defending them. But this is of course a social process, that of mimetic desire and copying, threat responses and desire.

>> No.12198965
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>actually inquired into a vocation into a religious brotherhood
>get rejected because of no work history, possible mental health issues/depressive tendencies, and being homosex

>> No.12198972

I don't think anyone cares if you touch yourself it's when you start telling other people when and where to jerk off that it becomes a problem.

>> No.12198986

You sound like a drug dealer.

>> No.12199280


>> No.12199282

cute kitty and fat lady

>> No.12199796

>Fashionably late Freudian
I hear have bro but most of these people have Kleinian views of childhood of which they're desperate to maintain the drama. On the upside, productions of The Duchess of Malfi are going to be easier to come by.

>> No.12199800

>hear have
that. My phone hates me.

>> No.12199807

"You" don't enjoy it, your dick does.

>> No.12199851

>I hopefully will grow some crops and stuff like that, because the nearest town is a long distance
You say that like farming is a convenient alternative to going to the supermarket. Even if you put 16 grown men on bread and water you still need 12kg of flower a day. If your farming doesn't have a daily output of 40,000kcal the only thing you will be watching during collapse is your friends starve. I would adjust that cavalier attitude a bit desu.

Of course other than the collapse talk and the monastic aesthetic what you're basically doing is merely renting a house with like minded friends for roommates in a beautiful location which sounds nice and admirable. A proper union of egoists.

>> No.12199866

And is chasing the tail of your own thoughts producing anything? Most people masturbate with their bodies; the "ascetic" posters here are engaged in pointless intellectual masturbation which is no less harmful.

Reductio ad baddium

>> No.12199953
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Good post for the comfy Feast of the Immaculate Conception to-day. I hope all others may heed your (and the Church's) teachings on celibacy.

>> No.12199955

This, you're, in the most literal sense, using a person for short moments of pleasure.
I can't think of something more disrespectful.

>> No.12200030


>> No.12200099
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>respecting women

>> No.12200292

Not in a globohomo way, but in an natural law way. Treating them as what they are: homemakers and mothers. Because when "respect women" in the modern way you disrespect God, and if you womanize you're also disrespecting God.

>> No.12200862

Fuck god

>> No.12200949


>> No.12201021

It happened that Abba Moses was struggling with the temptation of fornication. Unable to stay any longer in the cell, he went and told Abba Isidore. The old man exhorted him to return to his cell. But he refused, saying, 'Abba, I cannot.' Then Abba Isidore took Moses out onto the terrace and said to him, 'Look towards the west.' He looked and saw hordes of demons flying about and making a noise before launching an attack. Then Abba Isidore said to him, 'Look towards the east.' He turned and saw an innumerable multitude of holy angels shining with glory. Abba Isidore said, 'See, these are sent by the Lord to the saints to bring them help, while those in the west fight against them. Those who are with us are more in number than they are.' Then Abba Moses, gave thanks to God, plucked up courage and returned to his cell.

>> No.12201025

chaste and breadpilled

>> No.12201041

Abba John of the Cells told us this story: 'There was in Egypt a very rich and beautiful courtesan, to whom noble and powerful people came. Now one day she happened to be near the church and she wanted to go in. The sub-deacon, who was standing at the doors, would not allow her to enter saying, "You are not worthy to enter the house of God, for you are impure." The bishop heard the noise of their argument and came out. Then the courtesan said to him, "He will not let me enter the church." So the Bishop said to her, "You are not allowed to enter it, for you are not pure." She was filled with compunction and said to him, "Henceforth I will not commit fornication any more." The bishop said to her, "If you bring your wealth here, I shall know that you will not commit fornication any more." She brought her wealth and the bishop burnt it all in the fire. Then she went into the church, weeping and saying, "If this has happened to me below, what would I not have suffered above?" So she was converted and became a vessel of election.'

>> No.12201053

Abba Olympius of the Cells was tempted to fornication. His thoughts said to him, 'Go, and take a wife.' He got up, found some mud, made a woman and said to himself, 'Here is your wife, now you must work hard in order to feed her.' So he worked, giving himself a great deal of trouble. The next day, making some mud again, he formed it into a girl and said to his thoughts, 'Your wife has had a child, you must work harder so as to be able to feed her and clothe your child.' So, he wore himself out doing this, and said to his thoughts, 'I cannot bear this weariness any longer.' They answered, 'If you cannot bear such weariness, stop wanting a wife.' God, seeing his efforts, took away the conflict from him and he was at peace.

>> No.12201057

I agree with OP in some regards; I am celibate, teetotal, and drug-free. That does not mean, however, that I should judge other people for enjoying those escapes. Life is the only experience we have, and as long as a person enjoys their limited time without harming anyone else in the process, they have done their best. Though I prefer to read, write, and stay in, that does not mean that other people have to completely follow in my footsteps. I would prefer that more people do educate themselves and open their minds to new horizons, but for many people, a healthy balance between recreation and study is what fulfills them. If they can find a working happy medium, I have no incentive to interfere. Unfortunately, biology is a strong force, and not everyone can utterly deny themselves of their urge for creating a family. I am content with my decisions, even if they go off the beaten path, and other people should have the same opportunity.

>> No.12201075

The same abba said, 'There was an old man who was served by a holy virgin and men said he was not pure. The old man heard what was said. When he was on the point of dying he said to the Fathers, "When I am dead, plant my stick in the grave; if it grows and bears fruit, know that I am pure from all contact with her; but if it does not grow, know that I have sinned with her." So they planted the stick and on the third day it budded and bore fruit, and they all gave glory to God.'

>> No.12202126

Good post.

>> No.12202681

I went into the woods to free myself from the noise and dust of the world, I wanted to find perfection outside the known. After some time, I found myself in a weird place. The rancor and stench of everything I sacrificed was festering around me, it felt as if I was falling deeper and deeper into a hell of remorse. I thought to myself; perfection is not excluding elements that life has to offer, it cannot be achieved without loving the dust, the garbage, the anguish. The perfection I was searching for, could only be achieved by embracing all things. All this time I had fought against reality and fate, funny isn't it? How easy it is to rebel against these primal powers, but loving them? Now that is a difficult task. As I saw the leaves fall while I was all wet and the glitter on the snow as I was freezing, I saw what a beautiful world this is.
Life, the universe is by no means imperfect. I'm thinking imperfection resides in our language, our limited knowledge, the way we think and most importantly, in our consciousness.
>Go into the woods to find the true meaning of life.
What does life mean to one who abandons their father, mother, wife & children, only for the chance of attaining enlightenment? To truly grasp life, I must embrace it wholly, the good, the bad, everything in-between. The turbulence of life was welcome, while waiting at the bus stop, a kitten came up to me and as I was about to pet it, it peed on my shoes. I laughed for the first time in a long time.

>> No.12203312

I enjoyed this little anecdote too.

>> No.12203614

This is my dream and goal in life.

I wish to purchase land some day and build a self-sufficient base where people can live, study, create, innovate, train and do remote IT work. Members will wake early, participate in exercise, participate in renovation of the compound, eat as a group then extra time will be spent on individual projects and work. I want it to be run like a military organisation, training men to be overmen.

>> No.12204387

Nietzsche almost started such a thing himself with a roastie and a Jew:

>Salomé's mother took her to Rome when Salomé was 21. At a literary salon in the city, Salomé became acquainted with Paul Rée. Rée proposed marriage to her, but she instead proposed that they should live and study together as 'brother and sister', along with another man for company, where they would establish an academic commune.[63] Rée accepted the idea, and suggested that they be joined by his friend Nietzsche. The two met Nietzsche in Rome in April 1882, and Nietzsche is believed to have instantly fallen in love with Salome, as Rée had done. Nietzsche asked Rée to propose marriage to Salome, which she rejected. She had been interested in Nietzsche as a friend, but not as a husband.[63] Nietzsche nonetheless was content to join together with Rée and Salome touring through Switzerland and Italy together, planning their commune. The three traveled with Salomé's mother through Italy and considered where they would set up their "Winterplan" commune. This commune was intended to be set up in an abandoned monastery, but no suitable location was found. On 13 May, in Lucerne, when Nietzsche was alone with Salome, he earnestly proposed marriage to her again, which she rejected. He nonetheless was happy to continue with the plans for an academic commune. .[63] After discovering the situation, Nietzsche's sister Elizabeth became determined to get Nietzsche away from the "immoral woman".[64] Nietzsche and Salomé spent the summer together in Tautenburg in Thuringia, often with Nietzsche's sister Elisabeth as a chaperone. Salomé reports that he asked her to marry him on three separate occasions and that she refused, though the reliability of her reports of events has come into question.[65] Arriving in Leipzig, (Germany) in October, Salomé and Rée separated from Nietzsche after a falling-out between Nietzsche and Salomé, in which Salomé believed that Nietzsche was desperately in love with her.

>> No.12204393

>While the three spent a number of weeks together in Leipzig in October 1882, the following month Rée and Salome ditched Nietzsche, leaving for Stibbe without any plans to meet again. Nietzsche soon fell into a period of mental anguish, although he continued to write to Rée, stating "We shall see one another from time to time, won't we?"[66] In later recriminations, Nietzsche would blame on separate occasions the failure in his attempts to woo Salome both on Salome, Rée, and on the intrigues of his sister (who had written letters to the family of Salome and Rée to disrupt the plans for the commune). Nietzsche wrote of the affair in 1883, that he now felt "genuine hatred for my sister."[66]

>Amidst renewed bouts of illness, living in near-isolation after a falling out with his mother and sister regarding Salomé, Nietzsche fled to Rapallo, where he wrote the first part of Thus Spoke Zarathustra in only ten days.

>By 1882, Nietzsche was taking huge doses of opium, but he was still having trouble sleeping.[67] In 1883, while staying in Nice, he was writing out his own prescriptions for the sedative chloral hydrate, signing them "Dr. Nietzsche".[68]

His life is pretty interesting.

>> No.12204400

He wanted to start an academic commune with a woman?

This is a supposed "intellectual"?

>> No.12204421

Nietzsche liked to think of himself as a freethinker and seeing women as people was pretty edgy at the time.

>> No.12204522

Nice goal

>> No.12204678

top kek

>> No.12204748

wow morality is dead

>> No.12205277
File: 83 KB, 304x407, Theodore Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theodore Kaczynski lived a true celibate and monastic life in the wilderness.

"What is significant is that when you live in the woods, rather than just visiting them, the beauty becomes part of your life rather than something you just look at from the outside... In living close to nature, one discovers that happiness does not consist in maximizing pleasure. It consists in tranquility."

--Theodore Kaczynski, "Technological Slavery (2010), p. 405-406

His two books "Technological Slavery" (2010) and "Anti-Tech Revolution" (2016) are both must reads.

>> No.12205982

He was pretty moronic and proved a failure.

>> No.12205992

Good post, anon.


I invite anyone in this thread to read this interview and ask themselves if this really sounds like nothing other than cope for not being able to fuck whores and do cocaine

>> No.12206012

Really says a lot how hard you project misogyny onto OP's post. This is your brain on /r9k/. Go be Elliot Rodger somewhere else

>> No.12206022

Maybe the ascetic, monastic lifestyle is for some people, but it isn`t for the vast majority of people, including those who seek out that lifestyle.

There`s a reason why monks, priests and nuns have so many problems maintaining that kind of lifestyle. It is only natural to seek companionship and belonging.

Chances are, if you`re considering the lifestyle you`re doing so for some reason other than an intellectual appreciation of the benefits of that lifestyle.

I lived a similar lifestyle during my hikki and neet days and I thought similar things to justify my existence, but at the end of the day it was because I thought I couldn`t get love and acceptance.

I`m not knocking your choice, I`m just saying think about why you`re making this choice and don`t be scared to live in the world. If you`re really set on it, then more power to you bro. Just don`t do it because you`re running away from the world.

>> No.12206330

>The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

>> No.12206371

Care to elaborate how this makes him a materialist?

>> No.12206391

Daily reminder d'Annunzio made his own state by fucking everything in sight, and Alexander made his own empire by fucking everything beyond that. Don't cherrypick your way to continence.

>> No.12206402

Every ejaculation is an affirmation of heat death. Do your part to hold back the tide of entropy, lads.