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12166438 No.12166438 [Reply] [Original]

>No it's never the fault of the poor

>> No.12167101

To be fair, she's right.

>> No.12167115

They deserve their lot in life. The poor should fear the rich.

>> No.12167125
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>> No.12167127

>the people who control the economic and political system and design it to benefit themselves and shift the burden elsewhere are not to blame

>> No.12167129

As a rich man, I completely agree. My forefathers, being of better stock than the plebs, all deserved to inherit our wealth.

>> No.12167136
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>not knowing that data can be used to persuade people against their own interest
Someone post that paper that talked about manipulating a player emotions such that it puts an ad at just the right time for maximum effectiveness. I remember i saw it on /v/.


>> No.12167139

All this stuff is basically planned in advance, your attempts at seeing an obvious disempowerment of the average worker to seem like a critical thinker is embarrassing.

>> No.12167140

u dudes are on some no true scotsman ok, like if a poor person saves money, goes to college, gets a useful degree, invests, and ends up middle class then they arent poor any more, so the truth is being poor is a lifestyle choice, i work 15 hours a week for 18k a year because im a lazy shit, not because some wasp conspiracy is keeping me down

>> No.12167271

>"crying scared of poor colors with guns rushing the gates burning plastic haciendas"

>> No.12167280

Well there is and it is, you just happen to also be a lazyfuck. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.12167294

only people who are rich think people are being ripped off somehow, every election cycle rich liberals just cant get why poor people vote conservatively, its because poor people are honest and know the reason they and their peers are poor is because of dumb decisions and excessive vice, thats how you can always tell a rich asshole because they actually believe poor people's bullshit sob stories

>> No.12167300

>poor people vote conservatively
poor people usually don't vote coz it is still a work day and they need the money

>> No.12167308

No, poor people vote conservative people Fox News and the Republican nominees aggravate their paranoia about the government. "They're acomin' for your guns! They want to ban Christmas!" etc.

>> No.12167313
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>As a rich man, I completely agree

>> No.12167315

Only her first case study is valid. The next two were a joke. And come on using anecdotes as evidence is disingenuous

>> No.12167317

>this is what nate silver actually believes

wow man lay off the nytimes infographics that shit will rot your brain

>> No.12167321

Kek okay lil self-hating service drone. You know you don't have to turn your emotional pain into ressentiment. It certainly isn't doing you any favors.

>> No.12167334

>Yeah fuck technology let's bring back corrupt caseworkers

>> No.12167340

ahh so the condescending to the working class comes out, leftists are like "nice guys" yo why can't these fucking proles see what nice guys us stalinists are! fucking drones! why won't you overthrow the current ruling class and put us in power to rule over u instead!

believe or not the working class isnt that dumb buddy

>> No.12167347

You sound kind of bitter. Did a democrat not deliver wherever you live?

>> No.12167351


you're the one calling working class people service drones

>> No.12167353

Welfare is cancer

>> No.12167367

Who died and made you the sole representation of the working class?

>> No.12167370

thats the truth

>> No.12167371

No I am - a working class, white trash piece of shit. I just know a whiner when I hear one, desperately in need of some grand reason for the obvious nature of their undesirable working trash class state.

>> No.12167373

No one is saying that though? They are only talking how it is used for shit purposes.

>> No.12167374

I don't really care about poor people, I mean I'll give money to a beggar on the street, but to the single mom crying on social media about "muh inequality" I just do not give a shit. These people literally go out of their way to make the worst possible decisions, despite being told not to do them from the day they are born. Don't become a druggy. Don't become addicted to cigarettes. Don't have underage or at least unprotected sex. Stay in school and graduate. Etc. etc.

Where do you find them in their 20's? Single moms with multiple kids from different fathers, wasting every paycheck on cigarettes and tattoos. Where are the books about these winners? The so-called "oppressed?" You faggots jerk off your own morality by claiming to care so much about a group that doesn't even exist. When the reality is that the poor you pretend to care about so much has done nothing but engage in self-destructive behavior and refuses to listen to correction, despite having every opportunity to turn their lives around.

>> No.12167375

you're clearly not working class since you think the working class are conservative because they got tricked by a wasp conspiracy

>> No.12167380

You need some story about the "honorable" nature of dumb poor people knowing their place in the world just to get by. Pathetic. You hold your class back from actually success.

>> No.12167382

dude i totally would have a stem degree from stanford but mother fucking charles koch and sam walton fucking tricked me into dropping out of high school to smoke weed god damn sneaky wasps always trying to ruin western civilization

>> No.12167385

That's what she says in the book

>> No.12167389

That doesn't answer my question at all.

>> No.12167394

u don't get it man, you're stuck in a no true scotsman, all the poor people who made good decisions and stopped being poor aren't poor anymore, no one is holding anyone back from anything except poor people with crab in a bucket mentality

>> No.12167396

Where did she say technology is terrible and we must retrograde?

>> No.12167400

I work in a copper mine and everyone I work with agrees that we are all worthless cattle who should be killed and eaten by the people God has chosen to lead us

>> No.12167399

Social mobility in America is really low and decreasing.

>> No.12167431

Well one example is where she admits VI-SPDAT fufills it's extended purpose but wants it gone because it isn't perfect. It's pretty late so I should go to bed and I don't have the book with me so I'll post more examples tomorrow with the page numbers

>> No.12167447

No, you're retarded for viewing all Americans as equal actors moving across a uniform gameboard. There are an unfathomable number of gradients of capacity and resources, and it is laughable to act so willfully ignorant so as to avoid aspects of existence so obvious.

>> No.12167449

its but at the same time all these utterly dumb as a box of rocks indians dudes come here, bang out some shitty stem degree, buy a bunch of rental properties, and stack big paper...but they had to take the trouble of going half way across the planet, doing a hard degree for 4-6 years, and then taking a risk getting loans to buy property etc. meanwhile whiney americans wont get their us up off the farm and come to an area that actually has schools and jobs, people in west virginia wont move 4 fucking hours to a state with schools and jobs where they speak the language and have citizenship, you have to at least put in some fucking effort, no one owes u "social mobility"

>> No.12167459

yeah obviously its easy to start a startup if u went to a private school with a bunch of other tech bros who end up with stem phds and your parents can all "angel invest" in your shit, but there are a lot of ways to make money in america beyond these self-promoting silicon valley tech hucksters

>> No.12167462 [DELETED] 

>hur dur it's all so complicated your puny mind couldn't possibly comprehend it
Shut the fuck up, autofellating pseud. Being poor in first world is chiefly a function of intellect.

>> No.12167468

>hiney americans wont get their us up off the farm and come to an area that actually has schools and jobs
Maybe coz they are too poor to do it? The Indians you talk about are much more wealthier to afford such luxuries, like upper-middle class at least

>> No.12167477

sorry if you cant even figure out how to move to the nearest city then you probably dont deserve to have a lot of resources at your disposal, i see nothing wrong with this

>> No.12167502

>"gradients of capacity"
Yeah - like intelligence, retard. Oh yeah, and literacy, retard.
You retard.

>> No.12167505

Ironic coming from the person who insists that other people are looking down on the working class

>> No.12167511

but the working class admit this, thats why they dont hate the rich, only middle class people who feel like their ruling class aspirations have been stifled are angry at the rich, and try to find another route to the upper echelons of the ruling class by leading a revolution, being mad about rich people is literally the most middle class thing possible, u disgust me

>> No.12167517 [DELETED] 

>unfathomable number
Putting retarded postulates in pseud verbiage does not make them profound, you fucking Jacobian of mental disability.

>> No.12167530
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>but the working class admit this
Like who?

>try to find another route to the upper echelons of the ruling class by leading a revolution
Ironic considering that revolutionary groups came from working class, which is unique in America.

And I am not middle class :^)

>> No.12167542


fakest union known to man, you are middle class as shit, u fool no one

>> No.12167554

>"Jacobian of mental disability"
Actually great. But otherwise where'd you get "chiefly", you mendicant of maxillary masturbation?

>> No.12167560
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>the union created by working class leaders like Haywood and Debs, and advocate One Big Union is a fake union
Now you are just projecting senpai

>> No.12167565

Middle class detected

Communists literally live under a grand delusion that the working class are receptive to their ideas


>> No.12167566

How can do you weigh those variables?
How do you know, retard?
You don't.

>> No.12167575

IWW aren't communist and is created and led by the working class though

>> No.12167592 [DELETED] 

>you don't know but I do!
Fuck off, oligophrenic lefty faggot. The opportunities to improve your situation are absolutely innumerable in first world. Short of being quadriplegic, there's no excuse for being poor.

>> No.12167596

Proles would fucking love automation, a reason to literally fucking do nothing. Thinking everyone is going to become le super educated super people with whatever mandated education is overly wishful thinking

>> No.12167617

The IWW is a meme. Let me just stop you and tell you I’m already aware of it’s history. The unionized workers of Pennsylvania are forever more relevant than IWW. And they aren’t because inions are finished in the global market.

>> No.12167642

Whether or not it is a meme doesn’t undermine what was already said about it though.

also unions are finished in the global market precisely coz IWW was broken before a international union could form

>> No.12167650

unions are leftover artifacts from the european guild system, a global universal was just never going to happen, and as europeans dwindle as a percentage of the global population it shouldnt be a shocker that european trade guilds are declining...

>> No.12167660

>I mean I'll give money to a beggar on the street
good job funding that beggar's drug addict with your money.

>> No.12167666

Trade unions exist elsewhere from the west though so the legacy is still there

>global universal was just never going to happen
Debatable, perhaps if the OBU took flight

>> No.12167692

most of them were state sanctioned by communist parties or based about an ethnic group

>> No.12167722

Like those in SA? Even mine in my country isn’t those things you said (it is neither in the west or SA btw)

>> No.12167727 [DELETED] 

>most of them were state sanctioned by communist parties or based about an ethnic group
> based about an ethnic group

yes we know israel has unions because guess what its a european colony deal with it

>> No.12167760 [DELETED] 
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Why don't we make biofuel out of poor people yet?

>> No.12167823
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Or we can eat the rich lmao

>> No.12167844

lmao pick one

>> No.12167896

Your forefathers were likely manipulative cunts who exploited the sedentary lives of families whose own ancestors laid the foundations of civilzation.

>b-b-but being manipulative means they were really smart

Maybe, but it also means they were Jews. Tess of D'Urbervilles was not meant to be fictional.

>> No.12168109

I agree with this. My family is loaded, and are generally higher quality people than the poor ones ive met growing up.

Almost every single poor person I've met was just overall shitty human being.

They are all the same sorry lot, and I can't wait until automation forces the powers that be to wipe them all out

>> No.12168274
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>Where are the books about these winners? The so-called "oppressed?"
The DM likes to go on about them

>> No.12168284

No empathy at all for your fellow man. You would be the same as the people you describe if you weren't born into your current family.

>> No.12168887

What's her problem?

>> No.12168903

You have the same traits, though.

>> No.12169065

It's easy to be "high quality" when you don't have to spend half your time wound up in the struggle for existence.

I grew up poor and I have more integrity and moral fiber than the majority or rich people I've come across. You need exposure to really have sympathy for the poor.

>> No.12169104

Nope. Graduated from HS with all honors, and currently in college
I've donated clothes and shoes I no longer need to the needy several times.
How exactly am I cruel?
For believing that poor people are all mostly low life scum that should be erased from the face of the earth?

>> No.12169111

just become rich lol

>> No.12169152

'The poor' and 'the rich' are mostly the same people at different stages of their lives. If you are born poor the chances of you remaining poor are actually very low - and the more capitalistic the society, the more this is true

>> No.12169158

>lol just be born rich guys
real fucking smart asshat. it's not technology but it is indeed unfair, as lobbying is still around to bribe politicians.

>> No.12169163

>graduating from high school with honors
what does that even mean? why do americans care about high school so much?

>> No.12169172

>If you are born poor the chances of you remaining poor are actually very low

>> No.12169219

Good argument
Getting into the top 1% is very unlikely, but if you're born into a family in the lowest 10% of household income the chances of remaining in the bottom 50% your whole life is very low. Too lazy to look up the actual stats but its one of those things that you don't think would be the case because of all the envy propaganda going around.

Also, if i'm doing alright financially and theres jeff bezos who has 1,000,000x more money than me why the fuck would i care? Besides he got rich from providing a valuble service that i pay for. (even when he dies and his children inherit his wealth, why should that be a problem? Inheritence is a legitimate form of wealth) In short, income inequality is just a non-issue

>> No.12169239

Fine then. Let me make an argument.

Poverty changes you. If you grow up poor it actually warps your development. You're less trusting of others, more standoffish. Suffer from anxiety. It's why ghetto blacks are such assholes sometimes.

I'm as someone who slept on a bed roll and had to forage for food as a kid.

Furthermore poverty becomes a trap. You may be more likely to face addiction because you have more reasons to self-medicate, furthering your poverty. Conservatives blame you for your poor decision making but they don't see the other side of the coin.

This article is interesting because the man who wrote it is actually a successful financier now. But he delves into the neurobiology of poverty and how it affects your brain.


>> No.12169240

>the people who control the economic and political system are never compromised of the formerly poor
Retard alert. If the poor weren't responsible for themselves there wouldn't be such tremendous potential for social mobility.

>> No.12169243

>I'm as someone
I'm speaking as someone

>> No.12169255

I'm a first generation immigrant and make more money than 99% of the US. This is pure bullshit, my family lived on welfare from since I was a child to when I finished college. There's plenty of help for those in poverty, the difference is not all of them choose to help themselves.

>> No.12169269

>Furthermore poverty becomes a trap. You may be more likely to face addiction because you have more reasons to self-medicate, furthering your poverty. Conservatives blame you for your poor decision making but they don't see the other side of the coin.
How is it not deserving of blame? Reminds me of the retards who think just because all of our actions are reducible to chemical reactions in the brain they somehow aren't ours, you've described the process, not discredited, you ARE those chemical reactions.

>> No.12169283

>Now, new evidence is emerging suggesting the changes can go even deeper—to how our bodies assemble themselves, shifting the types of cells that they are made from, and maybe even how our genetic code is expressed, playing with it like a Rubik’s cube thrown into a running washing machine. If this science holds up, it means that poverty is more than just a socioeconomic condition. It is a collection of related symptoms that are preventable, treatable—and even inheritable. In other words, the effects of poverty begin to look very much like the symptoms of a disease

>> No.12169290

>alcholism is a disease
>even poverty is a disease
>homosexuality? NO! That's just who you are
I hate leftists so much.

>> No.12169295

>The cure?

>> No.12169308

>technology is against the poor
>every poor person owns an iphone which they bought on lease which they pay by mortgaging the house their grandparents left them and will renew when the next and newest version of the iphone comes out

>> No.12169322

>A model that has no degree of predictive ability—its chances of being right are about the same as the chances of guessing heads or tails in a coin toss—would have a 50 percent fit under the ROC curve. The AFST’s initial fit in the area under the ROC curve is 76 percent, about the same as the predictive accuracy of a yearly mammogram.
>Seventy-six percent might sound pretty good, but it’s only halfway between a coin toss and perfect prediction.
>In 2016, there were 15,139 reports of abuse and neglect in Allegheny County. At its current rate of accuracy, the AFST would have produced 3,633 incorrect predictions.
11506 correct predictions but no muh oppressed poor people. What a stupid cunt

>> No.12169338

>On my walks around the neighborhood, I have been touched by the kindness and courage I’ve witnessed: a Bible laid on a neatly made-up sleeping bag inside a red tent, the affirmation “Let gratitude be your attitude” written in black magic marker inside a makeshift shelter on Gladys Avenue. I’ve had fascinating conversations on its street corners and been kindly chaperoned to the bus stop after dark by generous souls who then returned to sleep on the sidewalk. I’ve also been threatened by hustlers and knuckleheads, fondled, harassed, and followed by men muttering offers of drugs or “Dick … dick, dick, dick.”

>> No.12169344

>“It’s so real down here. I find more love here than I have anywhere in the city. As down and out as people are, they’ll stop and talk to you, shake your hand.” My tour guide, Skid Row human rights defender General Dogon, finished T.C.’s thought, “On the other side of Main Street, they’ll pass you like you a telephone pole.”
A fucking stereotype played straight

>> No.12169348

Poverty is an obstacle that either toughens you or breaks you. I never said that poverty was a good thing or that it was easy to overcome, just that most people actually do overcome it. My problem is that when people talk about how bad poverty is (and it is bad) the solution they come up with is always more of a social welfare state, more wealth redistribution, higher taxes, more restrictions and regulations on businesses, or even socialism etc. The thing is, these are all great ways to increase poverty, not to reduce it. Yes poverty is bad, but it is less bad under a capitalist system because you can actually do something about it. Also, and i can't state this enough, income inequality is NOT A PROBLEM.

>> No.12169366

She's a slut who can't keep her legs closed.

>> No.12169402

What's wrong with profiling, policing, and punishing poor people? One big reason that poor people's lives are bad is crime, committed in most cases by other poor people, whose victims are also poor. It would seem obvious that punishing this behavior would make poor people's lives better by reducing crime. Some people need more force to keep them on good behavior than others.

>> No.12169860


Literally contract AIDS and die.

>> No.12169896

The government is cancer.

>> No.12169927


>> No.12169933
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Filthy peasants should get down on their knees and praise god that they are even suffered to live. If their lives were 1/100 as bad as you imbeciles think they'd all have done the world a favor and killed themselves long ago.

>> No.12169942

Poor people are largely to blame for their actions and the positions they are in due to bad spending habits and impulse mentality.

>> No.12169981

But dey dont know no betta

*buys a funko pop*

>> No.12169984

Meth: not even once

>> No.12170002

You know there are people who've worked twice as hard as you have over your life 50 hours a week making minimum wage, who only drink on friday nights, who'd probably disagree with you lad.

>> No.12170013
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IBEW still going strong, not sure what you bois are memeing about...

>> No.12170085

Intellectual elite here. I mean, true intellectual elite, not just rich assholes but top percentile for intelligence studying mathematics.
We're going to destroy all brainlets soon. Rich, poor, makes no difference. If you fall beneath the 85% for IQ you're done for in the next 20 years.

>> No.12170090 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 657x646, 75fb8f4aee9efe617ef8e091234ed662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservatives blame you for your poor decision making but they don't see the other side of the coin.

>> No.12170108
File: 71 KB, 868x600, 576cb32f05aae_louisette[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jean Paul, get the tumbrel

>> No.12170115

I think it is pretty ironic poor people DESPISE the wealthy and elite classes but the poor people love imitating a false sense of being classy on social media.

>> No.12170118 [DELETED] 

>or breaks you.
I never understood this phrase, unless you are being interrogated or tortured and you finally give up information or a safe word at an exact time then how can one be broken in any other situation?
They were in most cases raised to be weak, does dropping out of education mean they break at that specific point? That's understandable, is that when you tell someone you are going to break them

>> No.12170137

>Nope. Graduated from HS with all honors, and currently in college
is graduating hs seen as some impressive accomplishment in america?

>I've donated clothes and shoes I no longer need to the needy several times.
donating things you don't want doesn't make you selfless or generous dumbass

>How exactly am I cruel?
For believing that poor people are all mostly low life scum that should be erased from the face of the earth?

this has to be bait

>> No.12170146 [DELETED] 

So he is talking about eugenics and genetic editing? Will the Chinese have the ability to get rid of poverty before the west due to ethics?

>> No.12170159


>> No.12170169 [DELETED] 

>but the poor people love imitating a false sense of being classy on social media.
Because they know they are lesser beings
>You know there are people who've worked twice as hard as you have over your life 50 hours a week making minimum wage, who only drink on friday nights, who'd probably disagree with you lad.
They are most likely unintelligent and never bothered to educate themselves, were always happy that they at least "had their 'ealth"

>> No.12170773

it's nobody's "fault"
but there is such a thing as consequence
such is life
you're a true idiot if you don't think you'd likely be victim to the same pitfalls. be my guest in not giving a shit about "poor people" but don't fucking kid yourself. as if you're so deserving and most of this isn't just a toss in the dark. as if the dumb you had any hand in how your development and behavioural framework occurred.
i fucking wish. you better not be lying to me
the extravagant rich are the same people, just a different turn of fortune. people that have never been properly taught how to manage resources, one by lack and the other by excess
ye. poverty is self reciprocating, self replicating. i don't mean black people, the environment that breeds the nigger boils down to constant presence of anxiety, structural volatility. in an environment by which there are no other means to exert influence, assholery wins. as this guy says >>12169348 spreading the wealth doesn't fix this when certain things get codified in epigenetic expression
of course those are their own actions. what's distasteful is how one can levy such disdain at people who can't feasibly correct themselves. asking a guy to pick between vanilla and chocolate ice cream when he's never had ice cream.
that's been an enduring worry of mine. technology is rampaging past our meaty grasp, our ethics can't handle it

>> No.12170847

>>of course those are their own actions. what's distasteful is how one can levy such disdain at people who can't feasibly correct themselves.
What proof do you have they can't correct themselves? Not everyone who is poor remains poor, that's proof you're wrong as a general rule.

>> No.12170914
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>> No.12170917

All evidence suggests that welfare only makes things worse.

>> No.12171132

>muh probabilties and statistics are totally infallible and not extracted from practices prone to discrimination

>> No.12171160

the whole point is to discriminate, you imbecile

>> No.12172256

holy shit, is this literally how retarded the "upper middle class" is?

they throw out some token gestures and assume they're christ?

yes, this is exactly how they are. They are low class scum that complied with the jew's new order and got paid.

Their main job is not their business, not the task that they're ostensibly paid for, but to take up space so real people can't ascend.
The subhuman wall to pen in humanity so it can be destroyed for the insane lusts of the jew.

troll imo

>> No.12172270

>calls others unintelligent
>can't argue at all, much less in good faith

>> No.12172282

I'm poor, and I haven't missed an election in 10 years. There are scheduling options where I live.

>> No.12172286

he says to the husk of a human with a rotten brain

>> No.12172296

>good decisions
how can you make a good decision when your economic success is tied to your spiritual destruction?

participating in this economy is literally suicidal, genocidal.

You think you have all these good reasons, that there is no choice, but you could never argue it, you could never connect the dots.

The only logical choice is subsistence and revolution.

>> No.12172300

Oh Burgers; never change.

>> No.12172317

Why are trans people poor when they have an average 120 IQ?

>> No.12172364

It means I graduated within the upper percentile compared to other students, you utter morons..
And I went to a private tech school where you would be kicked out if your grades didn't meet the standard. Also, to keep dumb poor kids from attending there was a yearly fee you needed to pay.
I don't consider myself middle class, but that's probably what we are categorized as these days to hide the fact that the real middle class is disappearing. Both my parents income exceeds over 300k.

>> No.12172441

Let me get this right.

Lower middle class=Dyslexia
Working class=ADHD

>> No.12172684

I'm Canadian

>> No.12172784

based and redpilled

>> No.12172795

trans people arent poor a ton of them work at google and other silicon valley outfits, they get affirmative action as "women" and can't ever get a bad performance review or its "transphobia" they cant lose

>> No.12172796

this but unironically

>> No.12172851

Statistics say otherwise.

>> No.12172859

post ur sources, being trans is a privilege, what could be more middle class than demanding that your parents pay to change your gender?

>> No.12172871

trans people come from upper/middle class backgrounds but because they're mentally ill they end up blowing all their money on a trip to Thailand for underground sex surgery and end up homeless.

>> No.12172904

maybe 20 years ago now they work in tech those companies are so desperate for female workers theyll hire a chick with a dick to make quota

>> No.12172911


>> No.12173222
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1452902329969s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there poor people in the first place?

>> No.12173230

some people are slothful while others are industrious

>> No.12173679


>> No.12173687

Poor people don't vote conservative.
This retarded falsity is only found in the minority of rich liberals that can't understand that the poor don't vote 100% commie but only 75%.

>> No.12173694

Yeah. But isn't starvation something that can be easily avoided in a developed country?

>> No.12173709 [DELETED] 

Do you ever feel like political wherewithal is a luxury some people can't afford

>> No.12173740

Not sure what you mean by this. Richer people have more means and connections to increase their political weight compared to their demography.

>> No.12173821

That's a notable lack of self-awareness.

>> No.12173831

it is already avoided in all developed countries, US not included of course

>> No.12173839

What I mean is nobody works 60 hours a week making minimum wage to read about politics on their day off.

>> No.12174090

Mate barely anyone who makes min wage is full time

>> No.12174105

How come """""""""intellectuals"""""""" can't realize the only reason rich people exist is because the poor exist?

Success and wealth is utterly relative. Poor people have more luxuries today than royalty of the past yet still feel bad, are unhappy, are dysfunctional, etc... Why? Because they're only poor in the context of the environment they're in. They're poor RELATIVE to the rich.

In other words, without failure you can't have success. If nobody was poor then nobody would be rich. Nobody would be successful. The pursuit of equality and "fixing" success/wage disparity is utterly futile and will only ever shift misery, not cure it.

>> No.12174118

ITT: poor commies getting frustrated to see that rich people are better than they are

Hahahaha, if you're poor in America that means you are dumb with money. Case closed.

>> No.12174273

didn't realize this was such a heated topic

>> No.12174283

the welfare state is only legitimate in a homogenous society
the poor in diverse societies should, and will be put out of their misery

>> No.12175706

It is avoided in the US. I do work at the Salvation army every weekend in an extremely poor section of an eastern Appalachian state. We give them a massive 3 course lunch mid-day every day for whoever comes. And guess what. Since the early '10s numbers have gone from 70 to like 12, and those are all old people. And we are not the only place in town. Even the supermarkets give out their loss stuff to the poor, to say nothing of the catholics and such. Unemployment is at 3+%.

Im not saying that there arent true morons out west that have moved away from all possible support and are actively starving their children through neglect, but where-ever there is a population, there is a church willing to help. DESU the great crisis of the american lower class is heroin and fentanyl and meth, not fucking starvation.

>> No.12175717

for real tho

>> No.12175969

We need to have this happen again, but the reverse. For poor people.

>> No.12176422

Don't make shitty commitments, and don't have a shitty spending mentality. You won't be poor then, poor people. Skip two car payments and you get back on your feet real damn quick. Either that, or go work a lot more than you do now. Both for maximum money-grubbing.

>Can't afford kids?
Don't have them, and realize that they exist to be a 18-year-minimum money sink.
>Can't afford that new car?
Don't buy it, and go look for a used one.
>Can't afford the rent for those luxury apartments?
Don't live there, and go lower your living standards.

>> No.12176434

Commies BTFO

>> No.12177732


>> No.12177834

The poorfag is truly the essence of /lit/. Boorish, psuedish, yet well-read, and with a heart of gold.

>> No.12178021

America has some of the worse economic and social mobility in the world.

>> No.12178038

My dad even works all weekends but he still lives in his own shit. Personally i think its because he's a pathologically altruistic dickless wonder.

>> No.12178049

if you spent your whole life working 50 hours a week for minimum wage you must be pretty fuckin dumb.

>> No.12178053

minimum wage work is childishly simple, it is absolutely NOT "hard work"

>> No.12178071

That was not your premise.

>> No.12178094

dude 90% of minimum wage jobs are part time so they dont have to pay for healthcare under obamacare, the changes of even getting a job that pay minimum wage with 50 hours a week of hours would be unlikely, not to mention mandatory time and a half overtime past 40 hours means its not really minimum wage, but no place that pays minimum wage is gonna push their workers into overtime, so as i suspected you have no clue about the working class, you are some middle class failure who tries to make up for your inability to climb socially with faux concern for working stiffs, spare us

>> No.12178134

make no mistake, it's an entirely mutual relationship. the wealthy despise the poor, and the ressentiment fueling this mimetic cycle starts at the top.

>> No.12178144

poor people don't despite the rich, the middle class despises the rich, which is why you despite the rich, and don't understand why the poor support trump

>> No.12178146

>poor people don't despite the rich, the middle class despises the rich

>> No.12178155

have you ever met a poor person? they dont give a shit about the rich, its only middle class people whose envy of the rich turns to hate

>> No.12178164

This thread has further convinced me that everybody on /lit/ except myself is an out of touch fuckwit.

>> No.12178166


>> No.12178189


>> No.12178201

Poor people either don’t vote or vote according to whatever culture war concern is currently getting them hard.

>> No.12178205

poor people would literally kill you if there was no police to protect you from them.

>> No.12178215

Jeff Bezos’ descendants should have to pay an estate tax the size of a small country’s GDP.

>> No.12178220

poor people literally kill each other everyday and there are police

>> No.12178227

yeah i went to a college that is shitty tier not even top 50 public school, but its main claim to fame is being top ten for social mobility, but of course its all full of indians and chinese, americans arent interested in bettering themselves for the most part

>> No.12178234

also worth noting, amazon is a public company, if you're not a retard you bought a bunch of shares and shared in the prosperity it created...you do own amzn shares right?

>> No.12178281

>he thinks the rich wouldn't just pay the mob for protection

dream on nerd

>> No.12178282

1% of the global population presently owns 48% of the world's wealth. In a world where some are starving to death, it is seemingly fine and fitting that others have more money than they could ever rationally spend in 100 lifetimes. This is in no way normal, or simply part of the rich-poor tradeoff. This is simply criminal, and a system which cannot eradicate itself. The elites create familial empires with themselves on top, and few outside of them will ever join their ranks, such as the rare entrepreneurs who made it big in the modern Tech era. But the rest of the world, especially the third world, are literally born into slavery to these elites, a bondage which they never had the chance to break out from. I'd be fine with a world that had some basic level of poor-average-rich, wherein all groups could still live comfortably and not barely survive, but the current system we live under is simply criminal, and I don't imagine income inequality has ever been so wide at any point in our previous history.

Add that to the population level being higher than ever before, and you have the highest number of extremely poor people there has ever been, alongside the highest hoarding of wealth among the smallest population of individuals that we have so far seen.

Nobody needs to be as rich as the richest of our world are - nobody. 48% of the wealth belongs to them, I mean, what a number! Half the wealth is held by 1% of the population. And if we believe that the Rothschilds and other groups don't disclose their true levels of wealth to the ones doing the census, then the disparity is even higher.

It is a sin, and God will punish the rich for the system they've created.

>> No.12178289

>Reading nonfiction

Hahahaha wow good job moron

>> No.12178320

the rothschilds havent been relevant in ages, their last hurrah was some loans during the american civil war, those huge banking dynasties only existed because capitalist economies didnt have central banks established yet so they had to turn to rothschilds and j.p. morgan for state level debt, the fact that you are so clueless about who is actually rich means you probably shouldn't be trying to plan out the global economy for us, ok kid, maybe get a job and plan your own household economy first

>> No.12178336

Congratulations on being born rich, I'm sure you have many moving stories to tell about the experience.

>> No.12178338

>Also, if i'm doing alright financially and theres jeff bezos who has 1,000,000x more money than me why the fuck would i care?

because capital, being the all-powerful signifier, controls every aspect of existence. if bezos (and others) used their wealth to buy property, luxury goods, a dozen yachts, whatever - that's fine, economists would even argue it's a good thing. they're investing in the economy, they're "creating wealth." money is ultimately entering circulation and not being hoarded. but that's not exactly what the plutocrats are spending their money on, now is it? brute, base materialism is boring. who gives a shit about owning an entire fleet of yachts anymore? that kind of showy bourgeois culture is so passe and last century. plutocrats buy out politicians, they buy out nations, they fund NGOs and revolutions to destabilize governments, they can short your entire economy and force you into a recession through pure economic speculation. that's power no private individual or organization should ever have.

but that has always been the case, hasn't it?

>> No.12178360

>short an entire economy

dude, the british mismanaged their currency, fuck george soros, but he didn't "crash the pound" he just correctly estimated that the british government was fuckin up and would have to devalue, the people that rage the most against capitalism have the least clue it seems

>> No.12178373

>own 167 banking institutions across the planet
>one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines
>not relevant

If you say so.

>> No.12178376
File: 475 KB, 600x600, wewew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie can still win!

>> No.12178392

>illuminati conspiracy shit

oh i thought i was dealing with a teenage communist not a boomer conspiracy nut, take it to the alex jones website wanker

>> No.12178427

i'm not against capitalism per se, i just think the system could work better if certain elements were exorcised. and i think most capitalists would agree with me. risk aversity, the hoarding of wealth, corporatist intermingling of private and public institutions - all things unconducive to a healthy economy

>> No.12178435

we need this to happen again but for literally 90% of the human race and nearly all of the top 1% earners
kill yourself

>> No.12178645

>donated clothes and shoes I no longer need to the needy
That's not selfless at all, anon. That's getting rid of crap you don't want in a conveniently charitable way. Selflessness requires sacrifice, prioritizing oneself below others. Something like volunteering time (which isn't as easily given away as excess wealth) at a soup kitchen or some sort of community program would be a good start, if done for the purpose of helping those needy rather than for appearances.

A poor man giving away a pair of shoes when he only has one ratty pair is a selfless act. Someone who has plenty of pairs of shoes giving away a bag of ones they don't need/want to the Salvation Army is an empty gesture.

>> No.12178731

>Hoarding of wealth
Opinion discarded. How do people hoard wealth exactly? Keep it under their mattress?
No, they invest it. Which is actually good for economic growth.

>> No.12178738

No they shouldn't. That money has already been taxed. You can't give a moral argument for taxing it again just because the person who owned it died

>> No.12178751

>shared in the prosperity it created
No I don't own shares but I already have shared in the prosperity by using the service. I have bought cheaper products from amazon with more convenience than was offered by other retailers.

>> No.12179701

yeah they invest it in foreign shell companies lmao

>> No.12179900

Some of you guys are idiots. I was born dirt poor and am now an educated white collar worker with a passport. Let me tell you some things.
When you're born poor you need to claw your way out of that shit, it's a herculean effort to escape poverty. The vast majority who are born into the lower class make the exact same mistakes as their parents and peers. You have to understand most of the lower class are from broken homes, this seriously screws with your psychology. It's like looking up at the world from the bottom of a swamp. Now you have this kid whose parents emotionally abused him since he can remember, who can barely function in life and knows nothing about the outside world, competing with some pampered middle class kid who is mentally sound, healthy, has seen the world, has good role models, has been taught things and spoken to like a human being, who can function socially. You're asking the poor kid to compete with that. Kids from the lower classes have those dead looking eyes because they've lived through a daily hell. You're wondering why they can't just magically become mentally healthy, learn things no one ever taught them, and compete with some kid from a loving household who has received care and education.
So assuming a miracle, like my case was, maybe the poor kid from the broken home can manage to crawl out of the gutter. they poke their head up and a whole slew of new challenges faces them. Student loans? College choice? Career paths? Office relations? Interviews? What the fuck is "business casual" and how do you buy nice clothes? They have no role models, they can't ask their family, no one in their family has ever even looked at a college campus or applied for a job that wasn't kitchen work or hauling garbage. The kid from the middle class family receives tons of amazing, intelligent advice from his family and peers. The poor kid is on his own.
You are set for failure from the beginning. At every single step, every challenge, every obstacle, every question, the middle class or rich kid may as well have a cheat sheet in his pocket, and the poor kid is reading it like this shit is written in another language.
You say "bad choices" and "warned from early childhood against [stupid shit]" but you guys don't understand that bad choices and stupid shit are the norm for them and no one ever told them it's wrong.
Kids from a non-broken home have a constant, lifelong, overwhelming advantage in every single category over someone from a broken home, and this is indelible. If, IF, the poor kid can somehow come up with all the answers on his own, he can succeed. Otherwise he gets dragged back into the slum.

>> No.12179931

Now the real kicker about this situation is that it is a systemic, lifelong advantage on the side of the middle class and wealthy. If they make a mistake, they have a safety net. The poor kid has no net, they fuck up even once and they're done, it's back to the ghetto. They may not have the fortitude to keep fighting like a caged animal just to achieve a normalcy that everyone else is simply handed. Being in that state is exhausting, mentally and physically exhausting. Imagine you ask two people to run a mile. One has just run a marathon and is barely standing. The other has just woken up from good sleep and had a healthy breakfast. "But they have an equal ordeal!" You're being insincere, or outright stupid.
The thing is that nothing will ever fix this. There is no cure for the inequality caused by having shitty parents versus good parents. How do you propose we fix that? Foster care is even worse, it's a rape cave. The only way we could achieve equality is by the state taking all infants away at birth (or really, if all infants were born in tubes, because the mother's choices while pregnant have a world of consequence on development) and having the state raise all the children. Even then you'd still have residual inequality from genetic drift by the castes.
The injustice is that this problem cannot be reasonably fixed, there is no simple answer, there is no single cause of derailment, no single point in time where intervention will fix it. Even if you take away all the poor kids and raise them in a boarding school, they will still be missing that warm, loving familial environment. Nothing can replace that.
Yes it's unequal, and it is so in a way that can never be fixed, and there is no easy cure for it. Even if you have the rare success case, that child will still carry scars the rest of his life. It's a constant weight. Every time you look behind your shoulder there's a shadow there, following you, waiting to drag you back. That is mentally exhausting.
To say "it's muh raycism" or such is completely missing the heart of the issue. If your roof was leaking all over and you put a bucket under the biggest leaks and call it solved, such as race-based reparations are, your roof will cave in from rot. You're looking at the symptoms and not the causes. And again, you can't institute any law that can fix shitty parenting.

>> No.12179963

>I've donated clothes and shoes I no longer need to the needy several times.
Pfft, at least donate money to some vague cause or charity for that sense of entitlement holy shit.

>> No.12179971

GOOD post, glad to see at least one person on /lit/ isn't the definitional sheltered middle-upper-middle class brainlet.

>> No.12179975


You have to remember a lot of poor people have kids because of whatever government benefits you could receive from them. At least here in the UK, you could've basically gotten a free council house years ago if you were a younger parent from a poor background but I think has all changed now.

>> No.12179980

Can we just have the fucking class war already?
I want the rich to win just so all the petite bourgeois who bumbled their way into moderate wealth through family connections and systematic graft get absolutely fucked by the real capitalists.

>> No.12180000

This is true, upper middle class and higher kids especially have a totally different habitus from low class people that subtly teaches them from birth to be an acceptable human being and jump through all the hoops of things like business networking or the ivory tower

But there is a fix. It's called breaking up oligarchies and making success in society as tiered as possible with half-decent social safety nets so that everybody is virtually guaranteed a college education and feels "plugged in" to civic participation. Stop rich people from monopolising institutions and twisting them to be special clubs for more rich people, by obliterating the rich people if you need to.

Europe has a much higher class porosity than the US for this reason, much more intergenerational mobility between classes, because there is less of a guarantee there that wealth automatically means you will stay wealthy and poverty likewise means you will stay poor. There, hints of potential from lower class people are more readily seized upon and cultivated, and those people can more easily climb the ranks and become indistinguishable from the polished rich kids. Likewise, if you fuck up as a rich kid in state institutions, you fuck up. It's possible to become a mediocrity despite being born to a notable.

A real aristocracy is meritocratic. Oligarchs and plutocrats are a massive cancer on any society. Anyone who lives better than the average citizen, simply by virtue of being born to a certain family, needs to be brutally removed from society before the problem can metastasize.

>> No.12180006

In the UK there are no end of people working minimum wage jobs full time, even more who work about £1 over minimum wage full time

>> No.12180027

>society of milquetoast office drones

Sounds gay

>> No.12180037

What lives do you think the rich choose for their dud children, all the ones who couldn't continue their dad's fortune-building but still have to be given something prestigious to do? It's called the "managerial class" for a reason.

Fucking rich cocksuckers have destroyed academia and scholarly life in particular. It's now a club for parading around in your gay California hipster fashion of the month and pretending to be some "woke" activist. Purge these retards.

>> No.12180050

Academia has always been rich havens lmao, sending every joe shmoe to college wont mean shit in the long run

>> No.12180051

>Anyone who lives better than the average citizen, simply by virtue of being born to a certain family, needs to be brutally removed from society before the problem can metastasize.
Nice quads, and I can agree with you there.
This "born rich, guaranteed a life of wealth" stuff is like a kick in the teeth, just the awareness that this exists generates a lot of bitterness. There was some cocksucker on 4chan who got a quarter million revenue a year just because his grandfather had oil on his land. He was really out of touch... Normally I'm pretty placid, but when you bust your ass scraping in the mud just to survive, and can't even afford decent food and medical care, and someone else is handed everything for free, it's a real kick in the teeth. It generates a lot of hostility. I could see myself murdering someone like that if I got the chance. Not even to rob him, just because it's not fair, it's really not. I have medical problems for life because my parents would rather spend money on drugs than medical care when I was a kid. And I see some asshole like that just born with a silver spoon in his mouth who will never know such things, who will never want for anything.
Hereditary wealth creates a "leech class" of parasites. They eat and shit and live in luxury, but what do they actually do? Like a doctor, I would never say a neurosurgeon doesn't deserve a nice house and a BMW. But some cocksucking little faggot whose granddaddy just got lucky? It really makes you want to shoot someone.
But the worst is they treat poorfags like they deserve to be poor, like they're human garbage. Like cases of affluenza where some rich cunt texting and speeding kills someone and gets off scott free, or that "laws are for the little people" bitch. It's things like that which really build resentment. Money won't stop a bullet.
I'm doing alright for myself now, but I really went through hell to get to this point. It would just be nice for a bit of understanding and sympathy, is all. Class relations are incredibly warped, it feels like the serf era. I don't think the rich understand the resentment cases like this can build up in people. It feels like being immersed in a swamp, it's dark and heavy and drives you crazy if you pay attention to it.
Luckily I have anime and books. But you can imagine, someone born into bad circumstances who failed despite all best efforts, and was in for a life of terror and hardship, and you can maybe imagine the dark feelings that would concentrate in him. It's not excusing certain crimes, but you can understand their feelings. Personally I've never shot anyone, but if I was alone in a room with oil boy and a gun I wouldn't trust myself. And I'm the "success case", with anyone else it would be 100x worse.

>> No.12180059

money means nothing, only genes

>> No.12180062

>I would murder someone who had less hardships in life than me
>his ancestors were smarter than mine so that makes them bad
This is why we should euthanize poorfaggots and use them for biodiesel.

>> No.12180069

Genes mean nothing, designer babies will become a thing this century. Only thing that will matter is being able to afford it.

>> No.12180073

that's why we need to eliminate it as soon as possible, tear out the root and salt the earth

>> No.12180079

Agreed completely. I am no utopian Marxist but I fully believe in a revolution against parasitic moneyed classes, and class consciousness is clearly a real thing.

A major part of class consciousness is taking that anger people feel at "why the fuck is life like this?" and showing them who (in part) is causing it, even if only by passively allowing it to continue for their own benefit.

>It would just be nice for a bit of understanding and sympathy, is all.
They are incapable. If you get inside their class a bit, you quickly see, they not only see poorfags as children or animals, they see themselves as noble heroic cultivated aristocrats despite the fact that they are fat pathetic white trash American plutocrats living in McMansions.

Rich people will start gene editing in this century, and within 2-3 generations you will have a biological divide between rich and poor because the affluent will live longer, have better skin and facial symmetry, be taller and have better natural muscle mass, etc., etc. This is all easily within range of 2-3 generations, maybe even less, of commercially available gene editing. These people need to be systematically exterminated like ASAP before they do shit like this.

>> No.12180104

Kek revolution is never gonna happen, you retards will """"""vote"""""" them away aka just be placated with gibs and whatever dumb knowledge you wish to pursue in your mccollege while they own everything under the sun.

>> No.12180192

Anon I'd start a revolution with you. Shame all revolutions are quickly subverted and dispelled... It would be nice for a bit, though.
I could say some things on my experiences with rich folk. Childish, naive, figuratively blind to the world. The kind of people who go to africa to build muh houses and end up raped and a corpse in some ditch. No awareness of themselves or others. Heavy delusions about their own perceived merit, and as you said, looking down on anyone who wasn't as fortunate in life. Misplaced sense that they deserve their wealth, delusions about how smart, strong, attractive, noble, clever, creative, and humanist they are. The kind of people who get the fuzzy warms from giving a hobo thirty cents and go around bragging to all their friends for virtue signalling. They have no awareness of where items, food, and goods actually come from, or what work is like. No empathy, like an entire class of overgrown sociopathic children. Now sure you can say the lower classes are distorted, degenerate, and filthy, I'd be the first to agree with you, but the upper classes are broken, stripped down caricatures of human beings. Fitzgerald can tell you about it.
The majority of the wealthy, while they could do absolutely anything in life, end up doing nothing at all but partaking in vice, excess, and luxury like pigs at a trough. Yet they still look down on others. They have a pollution of the soul and are generally irredeemable. The poor are broken because they come from broken homes, the rich are broken because they're gluttons. By living in such excess they come to savor nothing.

>> No.12180212

>Now you have this kid whose parents emotionally abused him since he can remember, who can barely function in life and knows nothing about the outside world, competing with some pampered middle class kid who is mentally sound, healthy, has seen the world, has good role models, has been taught things and spoken to like a human being, who can function socially. You're asking the poor kid to compete with that. Kids from the lower classes have those dead looking eyes because they've lived through a daily hell. You're wondering why they can't just magically become mentally healthy, learn things no one ever taught them, and compete with some kid from a loving household who has received care and education.
Kids from lower classes are often more resilient and less effeminate/scared to take risk compared to someone who has been coddled and had easy lives

>> No.12180225

>Rich people will start gene editing in this century...
I'm not sure why you felt the need to reiterate what I said back at me. Probably the result of your poorfag genetic deficiencies. I sincerely can't wait until we turn into Elois and Morlocs, so that the former can design quantum algorithms and compose music of the spheres, while the latter service the machines and discuss socialist revolutions in their designated mudholes. The poor are absolutely disgusting in their small-minded bitter hatred towards anyone better then them. I'm not even memeing one bit.

>> No.12180237

>But there is a fix. It's called breaking up oligarchies and making success in society as tiered as possible with half-decent social safety nets so that everybody is virtually guaranteed a college education and feels "plugged in" to civic participation. Stop rich people from monopolising institutions and twisting them to be special clubs for more rich people, by obliterating the rich people if you need to.
This happened in the UK and now all the universities are piss poor aside from 2-3, but at least now everyone is guaranteed to go to uni if they want.

>> No.12180241

>Yes it's always the fault of the poor

>> No.12180321
File: 412 KB, 1278x617, 6396282-6407289-image-a-20_1542661305795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rich people will start gene editing in this century, and within 2-3 generations you will have a biological divide between rich and poor because the affluent will live longer, have better skin and facial symmetry, be taller and have better natural muscle mass, etc., etc. This is all easily within range of 2-3 generations, maybe even less, of commercially available gene editing.
Thankfully yes, hopefully in the future the human race will produce on average much higher quality life and eliminate the need for the inferior slave classes through automation.
You have a massive victim complex
>But the worst is they treat poorfags like they deserve to be poor, like they're human garbage.
They often do, its partly their fault (after they become adults they refuse to take responsibility), their parents fault and lastly the states fault. see here >>12168274
Why do Americans even think like this? Here in the UK people know their place, they know their limits and they don't go blaming their betters unless its just day to day moaning which is part of life here and even then its never mainly focused on the rich, just whoever is lesser than them or politicians like they complain about the weather.
They're encouraged by everyone else to take responsibility for their actions, not blame others for rightfully looking down on them. They're glad to have their health and live in a great country like this and do what they're told, no one would have the patience or go along with this sort of thinking when they know just how dumb, lazy and generally inferior the majority of the population of this country is (mainly the working class/lower middle class).

In fact its common thinking here to blame the inferior, benefit scrounging, 6+ child rearing single mothers who live off the dole as the reason this country isn't as great as it once was, they blame them for the state the NHS is in, they rightfully blame them for how they're sucking the life out of this country.

>> No.12180334
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>breaking up oligarchies
>Stop rich people from monopolising institutions
>this happened here in the still most classist society on Earth where you're either privately schooled or not, where Oxbridge has 3 times the endowment of the rest of the universities put together, where the ruling class is almost exclusively Etonian-Oxonian inner circle boys

>> No.12180421

>what is offshoring

>> No.12180423

Amercians like to have illusions of granduer over the euro model. I can honestly say that it probably wouldnt work here

>> No.12180472


Why are you calling him a retard while proving his point?

>> No.12180481
File: 92 KB, 960x774, average angloids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angloid subhuman waste bragging about his nonexistence as an eternal slave to childfucking inbred elites who prostitute their country out to the highest foreign bidder
you are literally owned by muscovite oligarchs and arab oil barons and you love it. you can't get enough.

>> No.12180485


This is bait

>> No.12180502
File: 149 KB, 736x552, Verified IQ of 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smartest documented man alive, actual genius not an idiot savant, grew up in poverty and wasn't able to afford college despite having an IQ of 200
Really makes you think.
Low IQ rich people defend their lot in life with non-arguments such as yours. There is a reason why the extremely high IQ like Langan turn toward religion, because without it, he would try to take over the world and put you in your place.

>> No.12180503


Are you fucking retarded? Is a leather fetish a disease? No, it's fucking not, it's a preference. A really shitty one.

>> No.12180515
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Straw man.
Fetishes are diseases by the way, they are classically conditioned perversions. It's not an innate preference but one that develops from arousal to certain stimuli first exhibiting the subject matter of the fetish.

>> No.12180543
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It's hard to reason why a leather fetish might be an evolutionary consequence of significance, homosexuality on the other hand has obvious implications. The aversion to corpses is not unlike the aversion to insects or not unlike the aversion to homosexuals, there's a biological stress that causes people to instinctively avoid and dislike things naturally associated with disease.

>> No.12180564

This is all to say, that is, that it evolutionary corresponds to some physical component which may very rightly be called a natural defect, malady, or disease.

>> No.12180565

I worked as a psychologist in a low-class school and I can partially confirm this. A factor that gives you a fucking insane advantage is having both parents at home, even if you are not well off. If you are poor and are raised by a single parent (factors that are related), you just look like shit.

>> No.12180574

To be honest lots of these trustfund kids end up homeless street urchins because lack of responsibility gives them very little meaning in life. They usually blow all that shit on drugs and hang out with their junkie buddies getting them stoked for years on end until they od or get murdered. If anything it's full circle. I've worked at a liquor store for years so I know the type real well and it's disgustingly common.

>> No.12180632

I wish I was a girl

>> No.12180653

>this level of ressentiment
Take some responsibility for yourself, the fact that others are rich doesn't make you poorer.

>> No.12180850

>the fact that others are rich doesn't make you poorer
I scream, as the blade of the guillotine falls down

>> No.12181127

How is offshoring in itself a bad thing? Unless you're talking about tax evasion, which will not be solved by taxing the rich at a higher rate

>> No.12181211

>sizeable brood
Every now and then the DM hacks pull off a great phrase

>> No.12181286

>meanwhile, in reality...
>Queen of France,Marie Antoinette's final words before being executed by guillotine were spoken to the executioner "Monsieur, I beg your pardon." She had accidentally stepped on his shoe.
Yes, it's the rich that are inhumane and the problem.

>> No.12181495

Marie Antoinette was basically retarded, desu, doesn't really count

>> No.12181507

nobody says higher taxes are a means to solve offshoring, LOL when you're making a strawman at least make one that makes a bit of sense

>> No.12181628

Praise god I don't have a drop of anlg*id blood in me. It's like someone smacked these niggers in the face with a shovel.
Essentially this.
Funny how the richfag internet defense force are a bunch of low quality shitposters and the ones agreeing that we need to bring the guillotines back out can write in complete sentences and make logically sound statements that don't regress to "k-know your place, poorfag, hahaha I'm better than you because my mommy sucked the right dick" or "nuuuh everyone who is poor has 8 kids and a meth addiction, it's impossible for someone intelligent to end up poor anyway!"
We're all about nature plus nurture until the topic comes to wealth, apparently. Then retards have conniptions to try and justify their unearned place in life. The thought that they might NOT be better than anyone else, just luckier, sends chills down their spine and keeps them up at night. Just look at the mental gymnastics in this thread.
And yes, for the record, I succeeded despite having been born into abject poverty and a broken home, because I worked four times as hard as everyone else. And now I know how to survive on "impossible!" sums of money, get extreme discounts on everything with a little elbow grease and footwork, can mend my own clothes, cook my own food, survive adverse temperatures longterm, etc. While richfags would go crying to mommy the first second they experience mild discomfort. So I'll sit here and watch the justification going on itt and laugh at these pasty creampuffs who think they're better than anyone else. Even a retard who works as a sign waver at construction site has more value to society than a richfag.
Now let's sit back and watch the richfags piss themselves trying to retort.
>Here in the UK people know their place
That's right man, you lick that boot real good.

>> No.12181707

>nobody says higher taxes are a means to solve offshoring
I wasn't saying anybody said that.